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[Having gone through Aurum and recently entered Anders, the trio are in the middle of sending a support message to The Youkai and the fans.]

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Hello, it's Jeremy. Here's Richard.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: Hello.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: And here's James.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Hello there.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Now you might be wondering why we've suddenly put the camera on now.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: I don't think anyone's wondering that.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Oh.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Yeah, the Hertfordians.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: And the Jammbonians.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: And Hertmerians.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Everyone who watches us sees what we do on these trips all the time. Like when Jeremy ran over Quiyakaso in that car.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: That you and Richard sabotaged.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: It's strange though, it feels like we'd be using a script for all of these and yet we don't.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: No, that is true.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpgJames May: It surprises me sometimes.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: So anyway, shall we get back on topic?

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Ooo yes.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Well then, to continue on what I asked before, we're showing this on camera now not only to you at home and whoever's watching us in this country, but also to the Hertfordshire-Jammbo rugby team.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: We thought it would be a good idea to send a video of support to The Youkai heading into the match with Varanius. 

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: We also thought at the same time to ask all you fans at home and here in Overthinkers to offer your support too. We aren't heartless.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: As you may know, the Hertfordshire-Jammbo rugby team is a slightly confusing and incomprehensible thing. Much like Hertfordshire-Jammbo itself and pretty much every national sporting team we have.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: No, he's right. I mean there are both teenagers and middle-aged people in the team. Take myself for instance, I'm 54. James is 50 despite seeming 500 at times. Richard here is in his early 40s.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: He'll probably remain 40 eternally.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: That doesn't sound too bad.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: The point is, Star Breaker have a very large age range. It seems archaic, and it shouldn't by any logical measure be able to compete at the level it does. Yet somehow, a bleak yet at the same time scenic land of ice and dandelions with less than 4,000,000 people has not only cemented itself as one of Esferos' top sporting nations, but has also won multiple titles over the years.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: There was the T20 World Cup, and we can't forget the original Rugby World Cup.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Even in the Esferiad, Hertfordshire-Jammbo is consistently one of the best nations present. If there was ever a Winter Olympics, we'd probably be right at home.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Before recently when the Tsar and previous Prime Minister finally succeeded in putting through that law that prevented anyone too young from entering office, said previous Prime Minister - Furu, who was forced to sit in office from 10-14 years old due to political issues I won't cover here.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: The candidate who won the election in 1419 was found guilty of a lot of corruption and as it turned out the deputy, Arthur Perebiynis, pretty much tried forcing Furu to break themselves in office and in their hobby as an artist so he could secretly rule. When Furu accepted themselves and left office when the absolute monarchy was formed, Arthur's plan failed and he tried to assassinate the Tsar directly. That failed and he's now on death row.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: Ouch!

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: ...Thank you Jeremy. Anyway, said previous Prime Minister somehow won gold and silver in Javelin.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: Makes you wonder how we can keep up with nigh-on everyone else really.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Let's be honest, growing up in Hertfordshire-Jammbo would make anyone at least a little resilient. War notwithstanding.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: I knew you'd mention the war!

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: That was terrible. We should know, we all lived through it.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: For those from other nations who don't know, the Anglian War was a decade long civil war that started over a succession crisis, economic depression and ethnic conflict between the Hertfordians, Jammbonians and Hertmerians that sort of mirrored what happened when the Jammbonians first migrated to this area from northern Andolia in the 400s. Though that migration and conflict lasted over 100 years.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: Even though it pales in comparison to a century, a decade of war that destroyed the former continental powerhouse of Anglia-Jammbo originally known as Greater Anglia is still really tragic.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: I know. The Hertmerians arguably had it worst. They were almost driven to extinction! Some say there were Hertmerians who fled for Hestmere here in Overthinkers. Some suggest Hestmere was founded by Hertmerians.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: To think that we're the last members of an extinct Hertmerian tribe that have been around where we live for over 2,600 years.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Well, technically the Merthyrni tribe still exists today if we're around.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: True, but you get my point.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: We all went through that prolonged atrocity, and less than 20 years later had not only fully rebuilt an all but decimated country, but also exceeded every hope and expectation we had as a people. So if we can recover from something like that...

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Then we can recover from something like this. This, of course, refers to the group stage.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: Our start to Rugby World Cup 5 was nothing short of terrible. We were smashed twice in a row by Larxia and Avadonialis. Two teams who we ought to be winning against. Admittedly, we were too busy racing to prove the usefulness of the Motorway of Death... and kind of dragged Galatea and Clarkov along for the ride.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Beyond that, though, I think The Youkai's turn-around has been one of the stories of the tournament. We went from being routed to beating the hosts against all odds, restricted Cambria to a 7-3 win which is really impressive if you look at their record, and swatted Rivalfiume without so much as a reply.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Not an attempt at a reply. Which brings us to tonight. Hertfordshire-Jammbo is facing off with Varanius. Larxia is up against Cambria. Avadonialis plays Overthinkers. To qualify, we have to win and then hope one or both of Cambria and Overthinkers does us a favour.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: It may seem daunting, but considering the match-ups, it's not an impossibility.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: The greatest strength of The Youkai is their variety. They're an all-round powerhouse in general.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: There's attack-type members such as Shizune, Reimu, myself, Karaina and Ozen.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: We have defence-type members including Julian, Naho, Faust, me, Kirumi and Gwyn.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: There's also stamina-type members like Free, Lichova, Promestein, me, Tess, Brooklyn, Hanako and Tala.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: We are slightly geared towards stamina, but the balance-types make up the majority. We have Mizore, Tarrick, Nagisa, Rin, Clarkov, Pax, Nia, Pri and Shu.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: On the topic of stamina, the resilience of this team is its other greatest strength. It has to be, considering where we come from.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: Take for instance Mizore, Tarrick, Damian, Clarkov, Pax, Hanako and even the manager Hisao. They've all been through more than a fair bit, which we won't describe for privacy reasons, and they're still here.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: As are the rest of us. The entire nation even. Then there's legends.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Each nation has their own legends and rising stars. Larxia, one of the teams we're battling for a place in the knockout rounds, has a young phenomenon called Eli Thorne. Now we may be biased, but no one has more sheer determination in this tournament than Tarrick.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: He may be on the older side, early to mid 30s I believe, but he spent the best part of 17 years looking for a cure for his comatose wife after a war-related incident in 1407, and then trying to help her amnesia when she went on a roaring rampage of revenge over her thought-to-be-deceased child, while having to handle the believed loss of said child all that time. That can not have been easy mentally. It all ended happily for him and his family, even his daughter turned out to have survived that incident. I don't see how anyone could be more determined. That's why he's become a legend in Hertfordshire-Jammbo.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: Just like said legend and everyone else in the team, we'd like to give everything and then some into this next match, and all matches.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: So, Night Paraders.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: That's the nickname for the rugby fans of Hertfordshire-Jammbo in case you were confused.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: if you're watching this, whether you're at home or here with us, do everything you can to support The Youkai.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: As for you guys back in Cangham, we'll try to make it for our game. We'll leave Anders for Cangham as soon as we turn off the camera.

Richard.jpg.110777e3733418280210e3b7b88b5812.jpg Richard Hammond: Win. Tear the Eye Cult asunder.

James.thumb.jpg.1e2d32fcafe86b9179463f6d258a2186.jpg James May: We'll see you then.

Jeremy.jpg.9132f921e1f9102d8f6937a9183551a4.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Take care, goodnight!

[The trio turned off the camera and began the final leg of their trip through the host settlements, back to Cangham.]



Results of Match Day 7 of the Group Stage of RWC 5

Group A
Varanius 12–14 Hertfordshire and Jammbo
Larxia 6–13 Cambria
Avadonialis 15–39 Overthinkers

  Group A                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Overthinkers                  6   5  0  1  134  67 +67   4   24
2 Cambria                       6   5  0  1  104  42 +62   2   22
3 Larxia                        6   3  0  3   61  64  −3   1   13^
4 Hertfordshire and Jammbo      6   3  0  3   56  70 −14   1   13^
5 Avadonialis                   6   2  0  4   81  89  −8   4   12
6 Rivalfiume                    6   2  0  4   43  74 −31   2   10
7 Varanius                      6   1  0  5   37 110 −73   2    6
^tie broken by virtue of (a) Head-to-head record: Larxia 1-0 Hertfordshire and Jammbo

Group B
Sekiya 17–6 Nieubasria
New Velka (NPC) 0–7 Teralyon
Zhiznovsk 7–22 United Adaikes

  Group B                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Teralyon                      6   6  0  0   89  34 +55   2   26
2 United Adaikes                6   5  0  1   98  34 +64   4   24
3 Fujai                         6   4  0  2   81  41 +40   4   20
4 Sekiya                        6   3  0  3   97 112 −15   2   14
5 Zhiznovsk                     6   2  0  4   82 110 −28   1    9
6 Nieubasria                    6   1  0  5   52  99 −47   2    6
7 New Velka (NPC)               6   0  0  6   34 103 −69   1    1

Group C
Arifiyyah 19–10 Saint Mark
Einherfell (NPC) 7–31 Zoran
Nouveauterra 10–7 Ryxtylopia

  Group C                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Ryxtylopia                    6   5  0  1   87  65 +22   2   22
2 Zoran                         6   4  0  2  105  65 +40   3   19
3 Nouveauterra                  6   3  1  2   53  42 +11   2   16
4 Saint Mark                    6   3  0  3   67  63  +4   2   14^
5 Peourouin                     6   3  0  3   90  81  +9   2   14^
6 Arifiyyah                     6   2  1  3   69  66  +3   2   12
7 Einherfell (NPC)              6   0  0  6   32 121 −89   1    1
^tie broken by virtue of (a) Head-to-head record: Saint Mark 1-0 Peourouin

Group D
Denieria (NPC) 0–15 Min-Su
Mygrdiyah 13–25 Giovanniland
Nalibia 0–0 Dalimbar

  Group D                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Dalimbar                      6   4  1  1  109  76 +33   3   21
2 Giovanniland                  6   4  0  2   78  70  +8   3   19
3 Ostronia                      6   4  0  2  106  55 +51   2   18
4 Mygrdiyah                     6   4  0  2   98  56 +42   1   17
5 Nalibia                       6   3  1  2   44  71 −27   0   14
6 Min-Su                        6   1  0  5   38  77 −39   3    7
7 Denieria (NPC)                6   0  0  6   39 107 −68   2    2


Bracketing for the Knockouts Round of RWC 5


Round of 16

Overthinkers v Myrgdiyah
Grand Merchen Stadium, Cangham

United Adaikes v Nouveauterra
Valley Dome Arena, Cargan

Ryxtylopia v Sekiya
Glace Field, Occida

Giovanniland v Larxia
Welker Stadium, Anders

Teralyon v Saint Mark
Roller Field, Hestmere

Cambria v Ostronia
Len Condor Stadium, Cangham

Dalimbar v Hertfordshire and Jammbo
Liegen Star Stadium, Anders

Zoran v Fujai
Garner Swoop Stadium, Aurum


July 5, 1424
2:16 PM Polaris Eastern Time (IAT-2)
At the entrance of the Millenium Hall
Red Palace, Adaikes Central, Adaikes

Luke Salazar just finished accepting the credentials of the honorable ambassadors from Greiya, Candelu, and Nalibia in the Reception Hall of the Red Palace. When one of the agents of the Presidential Security Service opened the door for the Millenium Hall, he was not surprised by the presence of Foreign Affairs Secretary Anne Duncan, who reached for his hand upon entering and shaking her hand, and the Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretaries for Aura, Andolia, Doll Guldur and Nur.

While Salazar was less surprised by the presence of Justice Secretary Jeffrey Searle, the President needed clarification as to why Education Secretary Zeeshan Cannon was present at the event.

"Why are you here?" Salazar pointed to Cannon before taking his hand and shaking it, smiling.

"We have a meeting with Anne and Jeffrey after this, Mr. President. They just invited me to join them here," Cannon scratched his head.

"Is it about that International Education Summit you proposed?" Salazar asked. Cannon nodded.

Salazar tapped Cannon's arm and replied, "Hey, no problem, glad you could join us."

Duncan then ushered the President and the Secretaries to their seats, shaking hands with everyone they passed in the Hall.

The Secretaries found their way to their seats, still standing, but when the President saw the ambassadors he just received a while ago on the opposite side of the room, Salazar went to them and shook their hands. It was only when Salazar returned to where the Secretaries were and sat down in his assigned seat that everyone in the room followed to take their seats.

An officer of the Presidential Management Staff (PMS) went to Duncan and asked if the Foreign Affairs Secretary could introduce the guest of honor and speaker of the event. Duncan nodded and stood up, with the PMS officer ushering her to the unmarked podium on the right side of the rostrum in front of them.

Duncan briefly read the clean paper on the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce you to the President of the Federal Republic of the United Adaikes, President Luke Wilfrid Salazar."

Everyone stood up and clapped. Salazar rolled his eyes at the Secretaries in jest before standing up and proceeding to the left side of the rostrum where his Podium was, the podium with the Seal of the Office of the President.

"You may sit down," Salazar asked the guests of the event, "well, not really 'may', but I implore you to see reason to sit down, when I see everyone standing up and I look at my right, we have Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary for Auran Affairs Ariel Gladwin still standing." Everyone chuckled.

"He's already a dual citizen, at that," Salazar continued, shaking his head while smiling. Everyone knew the President would like to start talking casually at events. "He's an Adaikesian citizen, and he just became a senior citizen last week, reached the age of 60, so he's a dual citizen now!" Everyone chortled again.

"But on a serious note, I'd like to thank everyone for your presence this afternoon. A while ago, I just received the credentials of Ambassador Mitake Ryoma of Greiya, Ambassador Lucchetto Parin of Candelu, and Lord Dimnah Nkechi of the Chinelo Family from Nalibia. While we wait for their own embassies to be put up, they will be holding office at our International Assembly Office we have always provided to all our ambassadors in the absence of their embassies in the country and world leaders when they are in our country for official matters. I may have to invite everyone here again next week, after I received confirmation from [House] Speaker [Kramnit-Ram] Patneg this morning that our ambassadors to be assigned to Larxia and Min-Su have been confirmed by the Commission of Appointments.

"But for now, may I ask Ambassador Socorro Rowland, to be assigned in Greiya, Ambassador Thomas Sutton, to be assigned in Candelu, and Ambassador Rosalie Beck, to be assigned in Nalibia, to join me here so that I can administer your oath of office," asked Salazar, as he asked the ambassadors to stand rank in file while facing the crowd.

Secretary Duncan also stood up and took the microphone another PMS officer gave her. She stood next to the President, holding the microphone near Salazar's mouth, with Salazar holding a copy of the Oath of Office.

"Please repeat after me," Salazar started. "I, state your name," the President waited until the ambassadors finished speaking.

"Of the Department of Foreign Affairs,"

"Having been appointed to the position of Ambassador of, state the country where you will be stationed,"

"Hereby solemnly swear,"

"That I will faithfully discharge to the best of my ability,"

"The duties of my present position and of all others,"

"That I may hereafter hold under the Federal Republic of the United Adaikes,"

"That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same,"

"That I will obey the laws, legal orders, and degrees promulgated,"

"By the duly constituted authorities of the Federal Republic of the United Adaikes,"

"And that I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily,"

"Without mental reservation or purpose of evasion,"

"So help me God," Salazar ended, congratulating the ambassadors.

Everyone is then asked to proceed to the adjoining Banquet Hall for refreshments.


Echoes in the Hall of Unrequited Love

By Ivar Taul

In halls of twilight, where shadows reside,
A specter I wander, by love denied.
My form, a wisp in this manor of gloom,
Yet once I dreamt of a brighter room.

She walks these halls, a vision divine,
Her eyes like sapphires, a beauty that's mine
To gaze upon, a goddess reborn,
Fairest of Bathsheba, surpassing Helen's morn.

Her laughter rings, a melody so sweet,
Her every virtue, a perfect feat.
A flawless wife, a bride beyond compare,
A crown of roses in her golden hair.

With whispered sonnets, and gifts I beseech,
My spectral presence, a love out of reach.
My words they fade, unheard in the air,
My phantom touch met with an empty chair.

She turns away, a stranger's cold disdain,
No recognition, no whisper of my pain.
Is this my fate, to haunt this earthly hold,
A lovelorn ghost, forever left untold?

Ah, if this heart, though silent, still could beat,
If mortal breath allowed these lips to speak,
Perhaps then, love, your judgement might relent,
And grant this ghost a moment, heaven-sent.

But death's cold hand holds tight, a cruel decree,
This spectral form, all that's left of me.
A choice remains, beneath the moonlit sky,
To seek the solace where the spirits lie.

The beckoning light, a pathway to peace,
But oh, the thought of love's sweet, sweet release!
One final look upon your face so fair,
A phantom's love, a burden I must bear.

Farewell, dear heart, though hope has flown away,
Better a ghost in love, than dust in endless day.
In spectral halls, I'll linger, ever near,
A constant echo, a love that's ever clear.





Nouveauterra vs Ryxtylopia - Match Highlights


For this match, Ryxtylopia would play with the green and blue kit, and inmediatley some major names were absent from the fifteen players on the pitch, as since the game with Arifiyyah, Tivarra had switched to give the bench and reserve players more chances to play.

The same players as in the Arifiyyah and Einherfell games would be present but with some other changes done as well that included:


Rinaco Patochá (Outside centre, No. 13)     for     Davina Fliores (No. 25)

Marco Xilta (Openside flanker, No. 7)     for     Riberto Ca'aña (No. 22)

Rinaco Zicha (Fly half, No. 10)     for     Zincho Ampardia (No. 17)

Julio Disquerravía (Scrum half, No. 32)     for     Cheviz Quistra (No. 31)


With both teams now lining up, Pablo Virriscayda would be comentating for TVNC, this was the last group stage match, and having already qualified as top of the group, there was a sense of relaxation amongst the ryxtylopian side, but soon both sides got ready for the coinflip.


"It will be the coinflip, and... RYXTYLOPIA WINS IT! The Pirates have- yes they've elected to start by kicking off. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! NOUVEAUTERRA VS RYXTYLOPIA! Now live from Overthinkers on TVNC. The last match of the group stage! Nevermind the result Ryxtylopia will qualify as C1 to the next round!"



With the Pirates kicking off, the match commenced, Ryxtylopia inmediatley going on the offense while the nouveauterrans played their usual defensive playstyle that lead them to victory in against stronger opponents in the previous matches.

"Kick off! Lets go Ryxtylopia! Its Nouveauterra vs Ryxtylopia from Ovethinkers in this 5th edition of the Rugby World Cup!"


4 Minutes in... (0-0)

Playing agressivley it was the Pirate that threatened to open the scoreboard first with a good attempt by Andreís Guilbirto, the team's hooker to get past the Nouvaterran defense after a pass from loosehead prop: Xavio Hui'itá however after successfully avoiding nouvaterran halfback: Tedus Pisca and their inside centre: Raulf Zouteland, Guilbirto got tackled by their outside centre: Guillaume Amonines who was able to predict a turn made by Guilbirto to try avoiding him, as the Pirates loss possetion.

"Its Guilbirtooooooooooo, Guilbirto with possetion, turn he passes Pisca on the left, attention, now its Zouteland for Nou- And Guilbirto passes him on the right! Its close Now to face Amonies, attention! Guilbir- AMONIES! AMONIES! AMONIES! TACKLE! TACKLE! Guilbirto fails to pass Amonies and gets tackled! The ball is now for Nouveauterra!"


17 Minutes in... (0-0)

Following a ruck in the nouveauterran side possetion would be soon in the hands of Nº4 lock and team captain: Riberto Huichilca who continued the push until running into being cornered by Fly half: Quintin Koenderink and Raulf Zouteland, forcing him to kick the ball for a drop goal, which he missed, the ball going a few meters right of the post.

"Ruck, pass, Huilchica! Huilchica, he's in a tough spot, but he's through, cornered, he might get tackled or try for a drop goal, attention, Huilchica- drop, kick! Annnnd, miss! The team's captain has missed the drop goal after being cornered, its still 0-0!"


37 Minutes in... (0-0)

The game's pattern quickly set in with a big gap between any major chances: Ryxtylopia would successfully carry the ball forwards, only to be stopped by the Nouveauterran defense, which would then result in a short Nouveauterran pushback usually stopped near the midfield. This continued up to the 37th, when openside flanker: Riberto Ca'aña concreted a successful push through the right-wing, next to the line, passing to Guivina Divarra the team's Nº5 lock, who then passed to Guilbirto, who was waiting behind her, however nearing the end of the pitch Guilbirto failed the try getting tackled by one of Nouveauterra's fly-halfs: Lodewijk Berkenbos, with Divarra threatening to take the ball back, starting a ruck, between the ryxtylopians pushing and the nouveauterrans defending, which favored nouveauterra, as they managed to get the ball clear off their side.

"Ca'aña is through on the lines, the ball in the Pirate's possetion... Now to Divarra, Divarra! Divarra... to Guilbirto! Attention its Guilbirto, he's running he's booked a ticket to the nouveauterran side and he does not want to be delayed! Guilbirto, Guilbirto, Guilbirto, Guilbirto TACKLE! TACKLE! BY LODEWIJK, the ball is still in play! Attention its- RUCK! RUCKRUCKRUCKRUCKRUCKRUCK! ANNND CLEAR! A huge chance for the Pirates was shut to them by Nouveauterra's defense! The score remains 0-0!"



Half time arrived after many many tackles, rucks and mauls, it seemed for Tivarra his team wasn't working, or maybe Nouveauterra's defense knew how to handle bigger teams, even in their debut they had been able to lure out zoran's attack, and his agressive tactics weren't paying off.

"And HALF TIME! Ladies and Gentlemen, Nouveauterra currently holding off Ryxtylopia here in Overthinkers in a match filled with blunted attacks and few chances! Do not worry as we'll be back for the second half here on TVNC in a short moment!"


58 Minutes in... (0-0)

Nouveauterra had been playing defesiveley for over half the game, but in the second half, as Ryxtylopia started to pull back from attacking, preferring to attempt to build up their chances, the nouveauterrans had their first chance to score. With their first lock: Jules Tonguey attempting to open to scoreboard by skillfully avoiding Cheviz Quistra and reaching deep into the Ryxtylopian defense with a clear path to score the try, however Tivarra's team reacted at the last second with Avilita Mataña moving forward from her position and tackling Tonguey, allowing Davina Fliores to get the ball away.

"Its Tonguey! Nouveauterra now on the attack! Quistra fails the tackle! Tonguey is through, causing danger, its Tongueyyyyyyyyy- MATAÑA- TACKLE! TACKLE TACKLE TACKLE TACKLE! RYXTYLOPIA SAVES ITSELF!"


65 Minutes in... (7-0)

With the game now turning into a back and forth near and around the midfield, it seemed like it would end in a draw, but it would be Nouveauterra to open the scoreboard, after a scrum, that ended in their favor lead to possetion being handed to their tighthead prop: Sebastian De Wacht, who avoided the first ryxtylopian defensive line going aroung Guilbirto Tivaña and causing Davina Fliores to slip while trying to tackle him, with this the path for a pass cleared up for a pass to hooker: Emeric Voutezac and then another pass to the team's loosehead prop: Theo Buezeville, with ryxtylopian fullback: Ernysto Rivas being caught off his position, leading to Buezeville scoring the try.

Jules Tonguey would take care of the conversion kick, scoring and giving Nouveauterra the edge on the match, and for now bringing them in to the round of 16, potentially leaving Peourouin or Saint Mark out.

"De Wacht! Now going past Tivaña, Attention tackle by Davina annnd- SLIP! She failed the tackle, De Wacht is now in position, Its not for Emeric Voutezac, Voutezac, Buezeville, attention Rivas is off his post and SCORE! Nouveauterra has scored thanks to Theo Buezeville!"

"It will be Tonguey to convert, attention its Tongueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, SCORE! Tonguey has scored the conversion, Ryxtylopia is now loosing to Nouveauterra the game is 7-0!"


71 Minutes in... (7-7)

However despite now leading, this try gave the ryxtylopians a wake up call, resulting in a revived offensive from Xavio Hui'itá and Rinacó Dipartí, after a maul, the ryxtylopian attack revived with the Nº8: Quista Farris turning on her heels around halfback: Pius Horatius, and starting the attack, passing to Huilchica, who nearly got tackled by Zouteland, nevertheless he got through concreting one last pass to Hui'itá, who taking advantage of the disposition of the nouveauterran defense slipped through and scored the try.

Huilchica soon did his part by scoring the conversion, tying the match for the time being.

"Attention its now Hui'itá! Maul- nevermind its Quista Farris! Now avoiding Horatius, Farris to Huilchica, Zoutel- HUILCHICA IS IN! Huilchica to Hui'itá, there's no defender Hui'itáaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! SCOREEEEEEEE!! Hui'itá has scored for Ryxtylopia!"

"Huilchica must score the conversion! Attention! Attention it will be HUILCHICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! SCORE!! Ryxtylopia ties the match!"


74 Minutes in... (7-7)

The intensity of the game was only picking up by the 74th, with a good attempt to pierce Nouveauterra's defense by Farris, ending in a tackle and ruck, where Rinaco Dipartí re-took possetion, before getting cornered by Pisca, Quintin Koenderink and Zouteland, which forced him to attempt a drop goal, which came inches close to the post, with the point of the ball bouncing off, and spinning off to the side.

"Farris Farris, TACKLE! DIPARTÍ its Dipartí Dipartí with possetion! He's off he's in the sides, cornered! Zouteland might go for the tackl- DROP DIPARTÍIIIIIIIIIIII! MISS! IT BOUNCED OFF! THE BALL BOUNCED TO THE SIDE! ITS 74 MINUTES THIS WILL SOON END!"


78 Minutes in... (10-7)

However after a ruck, Quistra Pivala got tackled by lock: Joep Bloem and possetion went for De Wacht, which caused a panic in the ryxtylopian defense leading to Guilbirto Tivaña committing a foul, when he failed to get a grip on De Wacht, quickly reacting Tivaña grabbed him below the knees, causing De Wacht to fall down, luckily being able to land on his right arm, injuring it the process, it wasn't serious but the game got paused for a minute as the medical team checked De Wacht's arm, the infraction nearly got Tivaña sent off, and the referee called a penalty in Nouveauterra's favor.

Jules Tonguey would be the one to kick the penalty, scoring it as the game reached its end.

"Pivala... MISTAKE! PIVALA IS TACKLED, BALL FOR DE WACHT! De Wacht will have to face Tivaña, SLIP! TIVAÑAAAAA, Foul! Tivaña commits a clear Foul, De Wacht is on the floor! We got the medical team on pitch now, the game is halted..."

"Annnd PENALTY! Penalty for Nouveauterra due to Tivaña's tackle!"

"It will be Tonguey to kick, attention, Tonguey... SCORE! Nouveauterra score the penalty in the dying minutes of the match, its now 10-7!"


FULL TIME (10-7)

Soon after the penalty, the referee ended the game as the ARR got their first defeat of the tournament in the last day of the group stages, however they would still hold C1, to face Sekiya in the round of 16. For Nouveauterra, this victory catapulted them to 3rd in group C, meaning qualification to the round of 16, bumping Saint Mark to 4th and meaning the end of the road for Peourouin, as they would end up 5th.

"Annnd, whistle! Ryxtylopia has lost! Nouveauterra are into the round of 16! Even with this result, Ryxtylopia will remain 1st in the group, and will face Sekiya in the Round of 16!"


"Ryxtylopia must learn from this defeat and get ready for the next round, we can expect major changes and we'll probably go back to the main team for the next game, as our next rival will be Sekiya! In the round of 16."

"This marks the end for our Group Stage transmissions! TVNC Sports will now move on to the next stages, we hope you enjoyed the transmissions, and once again we thank Overthinkers the organizers of the tournament. Im Pablo Virriscayda and i will hopefully see you all ladies and gentlemen in the next match: RYXTYLOPIA VS SEKIYA! Have a good day."


The Transmission Ends.



3:00 PM Over Time
8 July 1424
New Zoradia, Zoran

Atsila leaned back in her chair as the phone call with the Minister of Treasury came to an end and checked her schedule to see what she had to attend next. When she read over the appointment she groaned as she saw the names “Junaluska” and “Sasa” on the page. She massaged her temples in preparation for whatever ludicrous idea the two would present to her.

I just passed their joint bill on the Childlessness tax, what more could they possibly want?

That is when a fervent knocking came from the door and with a sigh she asked,

“Who is it?”

“It is I, Junaluska Wesa, commander of the Red Guard of the revolution…” said Junaluska from behind the door. Atsila rolled her eyes as she listened to him drone on about the accomplishments he achieved during the revolution that she was already aware of considering she was the commander of the entire Monarchist Army,

“Yes, Junaluska, I get it. Please come in.” she interrupted after a minute or two. Junaluska opened the door and marched on in with open arms,

“Thank you for allowing me this meeting, comrade Atsila!” Atsila suppressed her desire to cringe as he called her “comrade”,

“Uhuh, now where is Sasa? She is supposed to be in this meeting too.” she asked with a disinterested look,

“What? Sasa? Oh! Yes, Sasa. She is supposed to be here but I think we can continue witho-” he was then interrupted by aggressive knocking from the door,

“JUNALUSKA, YOU COMMIE BASTARD” exclaims Sasa from behind the door before slamming it open, “YOUR CRONIES KEPT BLOCKING ME FROM ENTERING THE BUILDING!!!”

Atsila glared at Junaluska who simply avoided her gaze and gave a faux yawn before he said,

“I have no clue what you are talking about.”

“Why you li-”

“ENOUGH!” yelled Atsila as she rose from her desk, startling the two leaders of the political parties. Atsila sat back down and looked at the two of them before gesturing that they close the door and take a seat.

“Now tell me, what did both of you want to see me about?” asked Atsila sternly,

“Well, Comrade,” began Junaluska, “the party and I have discussed a proposal on what to do with the tax revenue generated by the Childlessness tax. We have a program that will put the money to good use!”

“Uh-huh,” Atsila muttered, unimpressed by the pitch so far, “what about you, Sasa?”

“Well my party and I have a similar proposal for what can be done with the tax revenue. One that will genuinely benefit the Zoranian people.” said Sasa excitedly,

“Right…well you both realize that the only reason why I agreed to the tax was the assumed use of the revenue would be to further fund social security and healthcare, correct?”

“Yes,” responded Junaluska, to the annoyance of Sasa, “but my party’s proposal will be a benefit to us as it can foster allies abroad.”

“...I know I am not going to like this…but go ahead. Give me your pitch.”

“Thank you, comrade! My party proposes that the revenue go towards the creation of a new office in the SIC called the Office of Workers Liberation.”

“...I hate this already.” said Atsila with a frown,

“Don’t be so hasty, comrade! This would be a great boon for the nation and the world! The office’s duties will be educating the ideas and principles of Junaluskanism abroad along with promoting and funding worker revolutions to achieve the goal of eradicating the bourgeoisie and capitalism! This could net us allies and supporters from the future socialist republics all around the world!”

“...That is a terrible idea! Do you understand what ramifications that would have if it were revealed that our government was promoting unrest and funding terrorist groups in the world!?” exclaimed Atsila,

“Ohohoho! They would not be terrorists, comrade, they would be revolutionaries like you and me!” said Junaluska pompously,

“No! They would only be considered revolutionaries if they ended up winning and gaining international recognition! Otherwise, they would be classified as terrorist groups! To support and fund them or even get them started would make Zoran a state sponsor of terrorism!” exclaims Atsila, “Sasa, what does your party propose to do with the tax revenue.”

“I am so glad you asked, Your Majesty!” said Sasa in a sing songy manner, putting emphasis on the “correct” way to address Atsila, “The Brave Talons and I believe that the tax revenue should be put forward towards a program that would establish Zoranian Culture Centers abroad in foreign countries.”

“...Why would you ever suggest that? This sounds like too much of an innocent thing to be good.” asked Atsila in a confused tone,

“Well that’s simple, Your Majesty, the goal of these centers would be to promote Zoranian culture abroad in order to show the xenos of foreign lands the superiority of Zoranian culture in order to make our inevitable domination of the world easier.” said Sasa proudly,

“Aaaaand there it is, I knew it was too innocent to be anything good.” sighed Atsila, “But no! That is another terrible idea! I will not have taxpayer money be sent abroad to promote a message of racial superiority! That is just ludicrous!”

“My proposal doesn’t look so bad now, huh comrade?” asked Junaluska smugly,

“No! Your proposal is equally terrible! Both of you have just wasted my time with these horrendous ideas!” raged Atsila. But Junaluska’s and Sasa’s expressions soured at her words and Junaluska slammed his fist on her desk,

“Now you listen here you bourgeois traitor!” exclaimed Junaluska, “The people of Esferos will not be safe from corporations and other bourgeois monsters if we do not support the fight against them! We will do this with or without your help, Atsila!”

“And so will we!” interjected Sasa, “It is the destiny of the Zoranian people to once again assert their superiority over the other haplogroups and dominate the world! We will fund these centers ourselves if necessary and show the inferiors the inherent superiority of Zoranian culture!”

Atsila’s jaw clenched, her nostrils flared, and she shot daggers at the two political party leaders. She slowly rose from her desk and rested her hands on the desk,

“None of you will do either of those things, do you understand?” she began menacingly, “I have been tolerant of your parties’ existence since the Revolution but you have been pushing the limits of my tolerance. There is a line that you cannot cross and should you go ahead and attempt to go forward with these plans on your own then you will cross that line.” she started walking around her desk and got very close to the two political party leaders who seemed to have lost some of their boldness.

 “And when that line is crossed,” she whispers, “you will finally understand the fear that the Corporate officials and generals held in their throats when they learned they faced me in battle and the hopelessness they experienced in the courtroom as I delivered their sentences.” Atsila proceeded to back away slowly and returned to her seat at her desk. When she looked at the faces of the two politicians, the courage they once had to defy her was broken. Their skin was pale, their eyes widened with shock at the threat they had received.

“C-com-” started Junaluska but Atsila cut him off with a raised hand,

“No, enough. You are both dismissed. Please leave my office before I have the Royal Guard throw you out.”

They both nodded quickly before they scurried out of her office. However, despite having successfully cowed their ambitions she knew that this would only temporarily deter them from pursuing their plans. But she did not wish to dwell on that thought and so she decided to take a few minutes for herself and play some swing jazz vinyls she has in her office to relax.





George and Gracia Dasher, parents of On-Leave Lion, Hugo Dasher, visit with their son and his fiance after the match against Arifiayyah.

"Darling, I don't understand," said Mrs. Dasher, looking puzzled, "how is it that your team lost, but they still advance to the ... what is it ... Sweet Sixteen?"

Mr. Dasher rolled his eyes and started to speak when he was interrupted by his son.

"Mom, it's the Round of Sixteen, and where we stand is a matter of points as well as wins. The team isn't doing quite as well as I'd hoped, but they're not doing too badly either."

"Is it true that you're canceling your honeymoon in Arifiyyah?"

"No," answered Hugo as he glanced at his fiance, "Emily and I discussed it, and well .... sticking with the current plan makes more sense."

"Oh! Good! It's such a beautiful place."

"I'm looking forward to this next match, son," said Mr. Dasher, "it should be very exciting!"

"I hope so, Dad."

"That Celerio can really run, eh?"

"Yeah, Dad. I've noticed."



FSTV1 - Updates from RWC5



Free State Television Interview with Luka Ivika, Captain of the Dalimbari National Rugby Team

Lazar Ignatiyev: Good evening, Dalimbar! This is Lazar Ignatiyev, coming to you live from the Free State Television studio. Tonight, we have a special guest, Luka Ivika, the captain of our National Rugby Team, the Boys in Blue, currently competing in Rugby World Cup 5 in Overthinkers. Luka, welcome to the show!

Luka Ivika: Thank you for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Lazar: Luka, the team’s performance so far has been impressive, with notable victories and a strong presence in the tournament. How are you and the team feeling about your chances as you move into the Round of 16?

Luka: We’re feeling confident and optimistic. The team has been training hard, and we’ve faced some tough competition, but our victories and lessons from each match have only made us stronger. We’re determined to keep pushing forward and give our best in every game.

Lazar: Dalimbar has had an interesting journey in the tournament so far. Let’s recap: Giovanniland won 27 to 13 against Dalimbar; we won 36 to 20 against Min-Su; 17 to 5 against Ostronia; 22 to 12 against Denieria; 21 to 12 against Mygrdiyah; and a 0 to 0 tie against Nalibia. What have been the highlights for you?

Luka: Each match has been memorable in its own way, but our victories against Min-Su and Ostronia stand out. The team really came together in those games, showcasing our strengths and resilience. The tie with Nalibia was also significant, as it demonstrated our defensive capabilities and strategic play.

Lazar: Dalimbar won the previous Rugby World Cup back home last year. How has that victory influenced the team’s approach to this tournament?

Luka: Winning the World Cup last year was a monumental achievement for us. It has set a high standard and given us a lot of confidence. We’re motivated to defend our title and continue our legacy of success. That victory has also taught us valuable lessons about teamwork and perseverance, which we’re applying in this tournament.

Lazar: The support from fans back home has been immense. How has this impacted the team?

Luka: The support has been phenomenal. Knowing that we have the entire nation cheering for us boosts our morale and motivates us to give our all. We’ve received countless messages of encouragement, and it truly makes a difference.

Lazar: Can you tell us about the team’s preparation leading up to the World Cup and how you’re maintaining focus now?

Luka: Our preparation was intense, with rigorous training sessions and strategic planning. We’ve focused on building our physical strength, improving our teamwork, and studying our opponents. Now, as we move into the Round of 16, we’re keeping our focus by staying disciplined and maintaining a positive mindset.

Lazar: As captain, how do you keep the Boys in Blue motivated and united, especially during high-stakes matches?

Luka: Motivation comes from our shared goal of representing Dalimbar with pride. I emphasize the importance of teamwork and supporting each other, both on and off the field. We have a strong sense of camaraderie, and that unity helps us stay motivated and perform well under pressure.

Lazar: Looking ahead, what strategies are you planning to employ for the upcoming matches in the Round of 16?

LukaWe plan to leverage our strengths – strong defense, quick counterattacks, and cohesive teamwork. We’ll adapt our strategies based on our opponents, ensuring we’re prepared for any challenge. Staying focused and playing smart will be key to our success.

Lazar: Finally, what message do you have for the Dalimbari fans watching at home?

Luka: I want to thank all our fans for their unwavering support. Your encouragement means the world to us. Keep cheering, and we’ll keep fighting to make you proud. Go Boys in Blue!

Lazar: Thank you, Luka, for joining us today. We wish you and the team the best of luck in the Round of 16 and beyond.

Luka: Thank you. We’ll do our best!

Lazar: That was Luka Ivika, captain of the Dalimbari National Rugby Team, the Boys in Blue. Stay tuned to Free State Television for more updates on our team’s journey in Rugby World Cup 5. Good night!


Individual corporate entities could lobby or bribe government officials all they wanted, but it required effort, and people stepped on each other’s toes daily. Niels Van Niewhus, together with the gentlemen of the Lacquered Room, discussed if there was a way to shape the ideas of the government before they spoke to officials. Niels Van Niewhus had an idea.

Before the internet, information had to be physically gathered by people, either creating giant tables of information or compiling many interviews, and put into large libraries for access. The Nouveauterran government had archives dug into the mountainsides for some precious artifacts, but it didn’t have a formal system for gathering information except for hearings, which could take a long time and be costly. That is where the industry minded Niels Van Niewhus stepped in. He proposed to a few Burgesses in the Assemblee that the government needed a Ministry of Information to formally gather information to aid decision making, and he knew just the kind of people to man such a ministry.

The Burgesses took up the idea and in quick order established the Ministry of Information in 1310. Niels Van Niewhus recommended that workers have an education in library science, and research. It just so happened that Van Niewhus had funded the creation of a library science school at Université Gué, where he was a prominent member of the board.

Part of a student’s education at Université Gué in 1310 was in “modern economics,” which included ideas like economic security coming from large corporations, and that controlling companies is simply a cost to the consumer and the populace with nothing gained. These ideas were reinforced in multiple classes and at seminars students could attend.

The Ministry of Information quickly grew, especially with the talent pumped out by the Université Gué. It meant that persuadable Université Gué alums were near government officials, and could carry on messages or ideas before anybody met with the officials formally. One such idea came from a study by the MoI which found that fertilizer and pest controlling agents increased crop yields, and that they should be subsidized for the protection of national food stores.

The Ministry of Land Management adopted this idea and drew up a subsidization program for the pest control chemicals in 1311. Martin Août, a friend of Université Gué and Niels Van Niewhus, had invested heavily in pest control agents for the Août Agriculture company, and had met with Niels Van Niewhus days prior to the proposed measure being given to the MLM by the MoI. The chemicals did increase crop yields, but exposed local waterways and people to hazardous chemicals for over 50 years.

_TheBrokers_BookCover.thumb.png.2ae0116c30273b99c79430ea44e01fd9.png- an excerpt from the chapter "Order from Chaos" from the historical book, "The Brokers: The Powerful Families Who Shape Nouveauterra" by Walter Van Zeeman, 1399, Dolphin Press



Lieutenant Zelko Cevinic stood in his office, gazing through the large window at the bustling cityscape of Tarajevo. The sleek, modern furniture of his office and the natural light streaming in created a serene environment, but his thoughts were far from tranquil.

As he looked out, Zelko's mind drifted back to his younger days when he was a star player in the Tarajevo Rugby League. The adrenaline of the game, the roar of the crowd, and the camaraderie with his teammates were memories that had stayed with him through the years. He remembered the thrill of running down the field, the weight of the ball in his hands, and the satisfaction of a well-earned victory.

Back then, Zelko had a promising career in rugby ahead of him. He was a key player, known for his speed. His teammates had been like family, and the bond they shared was unbreakable. They had dreams of leading the Teralyon national team to countless victories.

But life had other plans. The Teralyon Air Force had come calling, and Zelko felt the pull of duty and honour. The decision continue in the military had not been easy, but he had made it with the conviction that he was meant for something greater. He traded his rugby boots for a uniform, and the roar of the crowd for the roar of jet engines.

Years had passed, and Zelko had risen through the ranks to become a Lieutenant. He had seen and done things that most people could only imagine. He had served his country with pride, but there was always a part of him that wondered what might have been.

Today, the Teralyon rugby team was undefeated, and some of his old teammates were still on the field, leading the charge. Zelko imagined himself out there with them, feeling the grass under his feet and the ball in his hands. He wondered if he had made the right choice all those years ago.

His office door opened, and a young private entered, bringing him back to the present. Zelko turned away from the window, pushing his doubts aside. The path he had chosen was different, but it had its own rewards and sacrifices.

As he faced the challenges of his military career, Zelko knew that the spirit of the game and the lessons he had learned on the rugby field were still with him. They had shaped him into the leader he was today. And while he might always wonder about the road not taken, he was proud of the man he had become.

What is it Private, Zelko asked, "Here is the new copy of Novi Vijesti, Sir" the Private responded.







Teralyon continues undefeated streak

Power Overwhelming
Teralyon has once again demonstrated their dominance on the field with a resounding 0-7 victory over New Velka. This latest win not only extends their undefeated streak but also secures their position as a formidable contender in the Fifth annual Rugby World Cup.

In a match characterized by intense physicality and strategic play, Teralyon once again showcased their defensive prowess, shutting out New Velka completely. The lone but decisive try came in the second half, with star player Vukosav Doloruv breaking through New Velka’s defenses to score the match-winning points. Doloruv’s performance, along with the team's cohesive strategy, solidified their reputation as a team to watch.

Settling Dust
As the Rugby World Cup now progresses into the knockout stages, questions are being raised about Teralyon's path to success. Critics have suggested that their group stage opponents may not have presented the toughest challenge, and the true test of their skill and endurance is yet to come.

Threat of Saint Mark
Teralyon’s next match against the nation of Saint Mark is eagerly anticipated. Saint Mark, known for their robust style, promises to be a formidable opponent. This upcoming game will be the ultimate test for Teralyon, proving whether their undefeated streak is the result of genuine prowess or merely a consequence of a less challenging group stage. Team captain Zivko Koci remains confident, stating, “We’ve worked hard to get here, and we’re ready to face any team that comes our way. The knockout stages are where champions are made, and we’re prepared to show the world what Teralyon rugby is all about.”

Bated Breath
We watch as our team prepares for the high-stakes match against Saint Mark. A victory would not only affirm their dominance but also bring them one step closer to the coveted Rugby World Cup title.

Fans are encouraged to support the team as they aim to continue their incredible journey. The match against Saint Mark will be a defining moment in Teralyon’s rugby history, and all eyes will be on the field to see if they can maintain their undefeated record.

Watch the game Live right Here with your Tarajevo+ for free with your account!





Canal 7 Dyportes - The Round of 16 ¿Who'll get through?


There would be a brief introduction, with a heavily autotuned voice:

"In Channel 7 we bring you the best information for your viewing, CHANNEL 7!"


Soon after the brief introduction the transmission would begin with a man sat at a desk.

"Good afternoon everybody, welcome to Channel 7 SPORTS, the best sporting news in the entire northern half of Aura, im Inrique Miravez today's host, and as many of you have been expecting, today we're taking a dive into the Rugby World Cup being hosted in Overthinkers!"


"It has been a wild ride for the ARR, achieving a nearly perfect run in the group stage but loosing yesterday to Nouveauterra in a very intense game, however we still remain first! Meaning we're in to face the 4th placed team in group B: Sekiya."

"Now, this RWC has had several surprises, and intense qualification campaigns, we expect the knockouts to be absolutley WILD! So in this broadcast we're going to take a look and see who'll get through and who's getting knocked out."


"To start this we will start with..."



Overthinkers VS Mygrdiyah


"The hosts will face their first opponent in the knockout rounds tomorrow! It will be one of the debutants: Mygrdiyah."

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  Overthinkers Mygrdiyah
W 5 4
D 0 0
L 1 2
Pts 24 17


"And their match stats are:"


  Overthinkers Mygrdiyah
PF 134 98
PA 67 56
PD +67 +42


"Theese two teams have not met in a RWC before, since this is Mygrdiyah's debut but the hosts are HEAVY favorites to win this match, they have had a more consistant performance, and playing at home does bring its own advantages, they also play more agressivley, while Mygrdiyah has played more defensivley, which has sort of worked out for them but they also finished 4th in their group, whilst Overthinkers finished 1st. An upset for Overthinkers is not impossible, just very unlikley; Mygrdiyah has played very well but as of now, we'll have Overthinkers going through."

"When they face eachother we expect Overthinkers to press their advantage and go out on the attack, forcing Mygrdiyah on an even more defensive playstyle, from there the underdogs could either try to regain possetion and push back which would keep the pressure on them, or try to lure Overthinkers with clever maneuvers into making mistakes, which could help taking some of the physical pressure off them but could also make them concede, when it comes to the counterattack, its going to be on Overthinkers defense if they concede or not, as their attack is going to be busy pressuring Mygrdiyah."



United Adaikes VS Nouveauterra


"As for the sharks, one of our previous... fierce rivals in RWC4 they will be going up against the team we lost to in matchday 7: Nouveauterra! A team that has started to make a name for themselves in this competition."

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  United Adaikes Nouveauterra
W 5 3
D 0 1
L 1 2
Pts 24 17


"And their match stats are:"


  United Adaikes Nouveauterra
PF 98 53
PA 34 42
PD +64 +11


"Nouveauterra is debuting in this world cup, meaning they don't have any past matches under their belt. But United Adaikes do have much more experience than Nouveauterra, however the debutants are starting to make a name for themselves by winning against stronger on paper teams, they have a good team cohesion, and they can soak up attacks, they did against Zoran and against Us after all, the sharks are similar to us in the terms they are a balanced team, and they'll probably avoid going into attacking knowing Nouveauterra has a decent defense, Nouveauterra can still cause an upset, but they've already done it twice, i doubt it will work 3 times."

"As for the match itself, we can probably expect both sides to start off cautiously, i dont think UA will want to fall into the same trap that caught Zoran and the ARR, whilst Nouveauterra will want to keep trying to use the same defensive playstyle that allowed them the pass against stronger rivals. UA may try pressuring Nouveauterra whilst not comitting fully to an attack, to wear their rivals off and leave them uneasy to when they might attack or not, i don't think Nouveauterra will attack, as they risk loosing possetion and leaving holes in their defense, we could see them counterattacking when they get chances, but i do think it will be UA doing most of the attempts to score.



Ryxtylopia VS Sekiya


"And of course, we can't go on here without talking about our own matchday: Ryxtylopia vs Sekiya! A match that promises to be intense and have a lot of stuff going on, but first the team stats:"

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  Ryxtylopia Sekiya
W 5 3
D 0 0
L 1 3
Pts 22 14


"And their match stats are:"


  Ryxtylopia Sekiya
PF 87 97
PA 65 112
PD +22 -15


"Sekiya has had a harder time in the groups and they're the first team on this review with a negative point differential, however, they did bearly edge past Zhiznovsk and Nieubasria. Whilst the ARR only had one loss, both teams have not met in the previous tournament, meaning this will be the first time for both of them! Now, something that sets Sekiya apart from many teams is that they are A-GRES-SIVE! Despite probably knowing the risks of exposing themselves that much when attacking, their team has characterized itself by always going forwards, not taking one step back... Well i overdramatized there but you get the point."

"The match between the ARR and Sekiya will be interesting, Sekiya even when going up against stronger opponents goes in, menaing they like to pressure their rivals, forcing them to be on the defensive the entire time, however this means they do struggle when it comes to defending their own side on occation. What we can expect here is Sekiya trying to pressure, whilst the ARR focuses on possetion, Sekiya wont be able to attack without possetion and this may cause them to overextend or could cost them when trying to regain possetion, allowing for the ARR to counter attack. This match may see a lot of tackles, like a LOT, and a few rucks at the midfield, we'll be reporting on it soon!"



Giovanniland VS Larxia


"We got Giovanniland vs Larxia next, both teams with experience in the RWC."

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  Giovanniland Larxia
W 4 3
D 0 0
L 2 3
Pts 19 13


"And their match stats are:"


  Giovanniland Larxia
PF 78 61
PA 70 64
PD +8 -3


"Unlike all the teams so far they have met in the past, in RWC3 they faced eachother in the groups in a match from which Larxia came out victorious, winning 25 over Giovanniland's 24 a result which was just another brick in Giovanniland's group stage exit in that RWC. However this matchup presents an opportunity for Giovanniland to even out the scales, and make it 1-1, they had a better group stage performance and they seem keen to going back into rugby's best after their exit in the round of 16 in the previous RWC."

"As for the match itself, Giovanniland is a decently agressive team, however not as much as their rivals who have shown willigness to go out on the attack even with the smallest chances, however Larxia might need to switch their strategy considering their opponent. However, going off what happened in the groups, Giovanniland seems the team more used to playing defensivley when the time calls for it, meaning they'll probably wait for Larxia to overextend during any of their attacks, or they'll wait for a chance to carry the ball forwards while Larxia is on the attack, meaning a lot of pushing and counter-pushing. An intense match with two offensivley minded teams going at eachother, we'll be on the lookout for that!"



Teralyon VS Saint Mark


"Teralyon is seeking to keep their unbeaten streak, but to do that they'll need to get through the markans first,"

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  Teralyon Saint Mark
W 6 3
D 0 0
L 0 3
Pts 26 14


"And their match stats are:"


  Teralyon Saint Mark
PF 89 67
PA 34 63
PD +55 +4


"Teralyon favorites to win this match, they are un an unbeaten streak, and could be one of the finalist contenders this year, topping their group over teams like United Adaikes and Fujai. Theese two teams met for the first time in RWC3, where Saint Mark defeated Teralyon 10-0, but since then Teralyon have become a better side than Saint Mark, and this time the results may be different; Teralyon is a balanced side slightly favoring offense while Saint Mark is a balanced side favoring defense."

"For the match we can expect Teralyon to push up, probe the markans, try to get them out of their side to then push, Saint Mark for their part, might try a slower method of play, building up their plays before attacking, Teralyon may try the "make your rival commit a mistake" tactic, like i said, by probing and attacking, making good passes and denying possetion to the markans, if they play it right, they'll win the game. Saint Mark has a good chance as well, but their team's been shaky, bearly achieving the qualification to the round of 16, its unlikley they'll win but its also not impossible for the Lions to cause an upset in this RWC."



Cambria VS Ostronia


"The last RWC 4th placed team is trying to make a comeback, but in their path they have Ostronia!"

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  Cambria Ostronia
W 5 4
D 0 0
L 1 2
Pts 22 18


"And their match stats are:"


  Cambria Ostronia
PF 104 106
PA 42 55
PD +62 +51


"Theese two sides have not met in any previous RWC, but Cambria has the advantage, with a more experienced squad, and a better group stage performance. They are both offensivley-minded teams, so its going to be yet another interesting match with a lot of potential possetion switching, Ostronia may need to hold back if they want a chance at having the ball. The matchup heavily favors Cambria, but with both teams being agressive, anything could happen."

"As for the match itself. Its a hard guess... Cambria may go all into the pressure forcing Ostronia to do something they usually dont: defend, but if Ostronia starts the same could be happening the other way around, however Cambria does have an advantage when it comes to taking and regaining possetion, they've shown it multiple times, and it could be a roadblock for Ostronia to get around, if Cambria succedes, Ostronia's defense might collapse, but if Ostronia can hold off the Cambrians they will have their chances to get back at them in the scoreboard."



Dalimbar VS Hertfordshire and Jammbo


"The bane in the Dalimbari Rugby team's existance is back, let's see if Dalimbar can finally get over them."

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  Dalimbar H&J
W 4 3
D 1 0
L 1 3
Pts 21 13


"And their match stats are:"


  Dalimbar H&J
PF 109 56
PA 76 70
PD +33 -14


"As we all know, Dalimbar and H&J have a history in the RWC... with H&J always being able to beat Dalimbar no matter how good their side is, we'll see if this continues in this Rugby World Cup, or if the Dalimbari will finally get back at their Andolian "Rivals" since this time, if they don't they'll be embarrasingly out, ending their current reign as champions. The stakes are pretty high to say the least, at least for the Dalimbari, while for H&J, this is the perfect opportunity to cause a major upset in this RWC.

"For the game itself: both teams are very balanced sides so the game might see a lot of buildup per play, and passes, rucks, you name it, its going to be a clash between two champions, with both going in for everything, the result hard to predict honestly... And their strategies even harder to predict, i actually cannot think of how each side plans to play... There are just so many possibilities for the two teams, so ill leave it at that, if you have any prediction for this game tag us on social media! And use the hashtag; #DalimbarVSH&J_thepredictions !"



Zoran VS Fujai.


"And finally: The two time RWC champions after some early upsets are back in the game, looking to advance to the quarters, but not so fast, the Fujansk wont let them have it as easy as they would want!"

"Their stats in the group stage are:"


  Zoran Fujai
W 4 4
D 0 0
L 2 2
Pts 19 20


"And their match stats are:"


  Zoran Fujai
PF 105 81
PA 65 41
PD +40 +40


"Incredibly similar! Fujai got more points, but finished 3rd in their group, Zoran finished 2nd, but with that in mind, both teams go in with the victory in mind but their tactics couldn't be more different! With Zoran being about offensive play, and Fujai being about defensive play! So it will be an interesting match to watch, i personally will give it a watch after Ryxtylopia vs Sekiya."

"But lets finalize, the match itself; Zoran, its hard, Fujai will go defensive, they may try to play for possetion as a lack of possetion is usually what hampers most offensively-minded teams... However if the zoranians have that in mind they might try to avoid loosing possetion in the first place, and could settle for a playstyle where they get to slowly build up a play, which would mean not a lot of scoring, but a lot of passing and tackling. Especially since the Fujai wont be making many attacks unless they have a perfect chance, they play more cautiously but that has brung them success, we'll see how it goes."



"And that's it for our program, we looked at each team, their matchup, their possible strategies, and possible game result."

"Its been a pretty good RWC so far, surprises, and old teams making a comeback, Ryxtylopia has had it relativley easy in the group stage barring the last match, but we are soon going to enter the harder rounds, so we'll also keep you updated on our performance in this RWC. Will Tivarra's team achieve their goals? Who knows..."

"But that will be all for today's special. Ive been Inrique Miravez! Today's host, and i thank you for listening, and lending us your time to give you our take on this RWC! Have a good day."


Channel 7! Channel 7! Channel 7! 

A short music theme plays as the camera zooms out, and the transmission ends.


[As ever, Tsar Mecislavs and his personal bodyguards have come to watch their nation.]

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Nice to have a relatively short trip for once.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Svetoslav S.: You're telling me.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Well, as short as it can possibly get coming from Hertfordshire-Jammbo anyway.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Svetoslav S: The fact that the nearest country to ours is over 400 miles away says a lot.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: How isolated must we be if the nearest nation requires a flight?

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: We could have just taken a leaf out of the trio's book and gone in a tank or a tractor or-

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: None of those would have worked. Using a boat means possibly running into pirates, and a tank isn't quick enough to get us here on time.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: Why not the tractor then?

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: Speed, like the tank, and there's another issue.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: The Magyacwel Motorway.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Overthinkers drive on the opposite side to us, and the traffic effectively means that going along that road is a potential death sentence.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: You'd know about potential death sentences. You survived two of them.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: One by Santaura Jansone, who I'd like to meet. The other by Arthur Perebiynis...

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Svetoslav S.: Who is unconscious in the back of the Purgatory.


After 2 assassination attempts in a row, Mecislavs' personal bodyguards advised him to acquire a Panzervente Nurarihyon, an armoured super-heavy tank destroyer affectionately known as the Purgatory. It's Hertfordshire-Jammbo's most defensively sound tank and was built during the Anglian War. It bears the frozen crown symbol of the tsardom.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: You know how we had Arthur tortured beyond recognition for everything they did to Furu, tried to do to you and for trying to take over the country? Are you planning to do the same to Santaura?

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Absolutely no! Why would I come here to do that to her?

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: You forget, Liben, that Santaura had a genuine reason for trying to assassinate the Tsar. Arthur had no such excuse, he just wanted to force survival of the fittest on everyone.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: She was also influenced by the Nativitate. It's a medicinal drug I recently illegalised after the very incident she and the rest of her family were involved in.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: That's true. As for Arthur, if he had succeeded in deposing me, he would have control over Hertfordshire-Jammbo's defence forces. They're a lot tougher than you'd think looking at a nation as lacking in density as ours.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: If there's anything the Hertfordshire-Jammbo armed forces excels in, it's covert operations. We have some of Esferos' best spies.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: When I was supporting Furu when Arthur was forcing them to be Prime Minister, they would often appear out of nowhere without trying. I joked that they'd be a natural assassin.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: If Arthur had gone into power, knowing his skill and lack of restraint, I see no reason why any world leader would be safe from him.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: Good thing Arthur failed then.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Yes. You and the other bodyguards did wonderfully. This is why I chose you.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: The false tsar had no chance in hell against all four of us. I could have taken him alone if I had to.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Girl, are you serious? The Tsar himself had to step in to help us. He was a wretched person, but he wasn't incompetent.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: Are you seriously doubting our capabilities, miss James May? There was no chance of Arthur winning.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Maybe so, but still. It's kind of demeaning to Mecislavs though, don't you think?

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: I didn't mean it like that.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: What do you think, Mecislavs?

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: It's all good. So, shall we get moving? We're here at Anders, I'd like to get there to meet with the team.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Svetoslav S.: If we must. I was enjoying the chat.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: I can't think of anything else to chat about here.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: I can. Larysa, did you just call me Miss James May?

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: Don't think I've forgotten the time in Ryxtylopia when you stole Captain Slow's identity.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: I remember that.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Me as well.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Svetoslav S.: I don't.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Mecislavs allowed me!

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: I did, yes.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: Slightly off topic, but how was Santaura defeated? I wasn't able to be there due to family matters.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Funny you mention that. The same independent group who had been battling Tarrick's hunt for Nativitate also battled Santaura alongside Tarrick. Of them, the mum's roaring rampage of revenge was stopped by her own long lost daughter showing photos of her memories of searching for her parents. It pretty much put her amnesia down for good. We can't explain how.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: Family bonds are a powerful thing.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Wasn't there another mum on a roaring rampage of revenge at the same time?

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Galatea Furutani. She's an ally and childhood friend of Tarrick, Santaura's husband. She was on one due to her child Clarkov suffering a seemingly fatal epileptic seizure. When Furu opened up to me, they told me how they spent over a decade being treated like they shouldn't exist simply for being themselves and for being disabled. It had been going on since they were 4. This continued even while Arthur was manipulating the broken and desensitised Furu into breaking themselves to reach their highest potential, which Furu was willing to do anyway as the relentless bullying as well as torment by Arthur's hand caused them to see themselves as, in their own words, a worthless cripple.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: I'm starting to understand why Galatea snapped.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Being their mum, she knew what they were going through and was distraught over Furu being unable to properly express it. Being autistic, that's little surprise. Their inability to comprehend other people, and the inability of others to comprehend them, was slowly destroying them alongside the other things. All Furu wanted, subconsciously and then consciously, was for someone to understand them. But they didn't think they were worth the effort.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: ...

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: During that time, late into their old Prime Minister role, Furu suffered an epileptic seizure that came this close to killing them. I mentioned it earlier. Galatea, witnessing this in person, pretty much flipped. She designed and had her husband Branimir make a suit that was frankly, rather out there.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Svetoslav S.: She clearly took inspiration from those magical girl anime Hertfordshire-Jammbo creates. Then went about finding torturous ways to murder anyone who had ever had a hand in Furu's suffering.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Here's a picture she sent me after everything involving her and Tarrick and Santaura and Furu happened.


The outfit Galatea used. Don't even ask. She looked like some kind of main antagonist from a Hertfordian anime about mothers as magical girls. She's not the best. Tarrick's own knight-inspired outfit was less ridiculous than this.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: What the...?

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Nothing is too out there for the people of Hertfordshire-Jammbo. Before you ask, she had the same excuse as Santaura, so I personally pardoned her. Tarrick too.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: What's the timeline for how it all ended?

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: So, Furu woke from their seizure-induced nap first, Tarrick defeated Galatea next in a tank battle between his rebuilt Yaagedpanzer and her Panzeryaager and convinced her of the emptiness of revenge. He also promised to help her with Clarkov just like she helped him with Santaura. Then, Clarkov on their own accepted it was alright to be themselves after all, with support from Galatea and the few who wanted to be their friend. After that, Santaura was brought to her senses during her attack on me and Clarkov and she reunited with Tarrick and her daughter Amelia. Finally, after Furu left office, Arthur made his attempt on us. We beat him, he tried to force Clarkov back, but was beaten in battle. Furu's Gohei/paintbrush thing shattered Arthur's sword. Then you guys captured him, led by Larysa.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Svetoslav S.: That brings us to now. With Arthur himself in there.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: Like I said before, let's get back in. The team won't wait. Nor will the Jansone and Furutani families for that matter.

[Mecislavs and his bodyguards get back into the Purgatory and get ready to set off. Arthur sees Mecislavs, who gives him such a brief glare that he can't help but be terrified of what's coming for the would-be usurper.]

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Do you think we have a chance against Dalimbar?

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: Don't worry. Star Breaker can pull it off. Would not be the first time.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: We've faced much worse odds than this in their own home and still came out with a draw. The Boys In Blue have never defeated us. It's no reason to be complacent - none of us will be - but it's a reason to go in there and have no worries, as Liben says.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Liben V.: That's right. They not likely to let their shock comeback end here. The boys and girls can do this.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: ...You're right.

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: You good, Euryn Jakovina? Ready to meet your adopted granddaughter Amelia again?

[The bodyguards all turn to an old man who used to work as a janitor in the Hertmerian prison Tarrick and Santaura had been imprisoned in, the one Tarrick had entrusted his then baby daughter to in 1407 when the whole building was coming down.]

image.png.14de9aa1e7cf7488d744c5cee600420e.png Euryn J.: Of course. I'm more than ready.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Onwards, The Youkai are waiting for us. Panzer Vor!

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: What does Vor mean again?

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: It's short for Vorwed, the Anglian word for forward.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Larysa O.: Ah, I see.

image.png.374dc5753dc4d9dab79f3439993cb6ce.png Vanya P.: Did you know Marcarius has a crush on Adsila?

MeislavsDeben.png.20fce6689d33e59e5f7eef954d0eb42c.png Mecislavs D.: I don't know what he sees in her.

[The Purgatory sets off at high speed to meet the team.]


(This post is the combined RP effort of @Giovanniland and @Saint Mark)

Two weeks prior (27th June 1424) — Palatio Smaraldo, Giovannia Capital City, Giovanniland

Prince Marcarius glanced over his briefing papers and handed the packet to Ethan, his private secretary. Although this would be largely a social visit, one never knows when a discussion of issues could pop up.

Ethan placed the notes on the nearby occasional table and said, "If Your Serene Highness is ready, we'll head over to the Violet Sitting Room, where we'll join your retinue and then all proceed to the Ballroom. They will be announced first, and then you will be, sir. His Majesty will greet you and then everyone will be seated."

"Very well, Ethan. Lead on. I'm very much looking forward to this evening," replied the Prince.

In the Ballroom, King Giovanni VI and Prime Minister Elisa Anario-Silva were both awaiting Prince Marcarius. “Greetings, Your Serene Highness, I'm delighted to see you once more! I hope you are well, and that you've enjoyed your stay in Giovanniland so far,” remarked the King. The Prime Minister greeted Prince Marcarius afterwards.

“Yes, our visit has been both productive and entertaining, Your Majesty,” replied the Prince with a smile and warm handshake, “a perfect combination.” He then turned to the Prime Minister, greeted her and introduced his entourage to them both.

“Certainly! The traditional Abrentan dinner in Porto Violeto and the tour of the Museo Nationale were both awesome,” the King commented.

“I believe you’ve met Lady Arlene, Sir Aston, and Lady Phyllis.” As he introduced them, they curtsied or bowed appropriately. “Lord Admiral Bellarmie has met with the Prime Minister previously, of course, but please allow me to introduce him to Your Majesty.” The Admiral bowed.

King Giovanni then greeted the Lord Admiral. “It's a pleasure to meet you,” he said, while Elisa was glad to see Bellarmie again.

The Prime Minister then turned to the Prince. “Your Serene Highness, what are the latest news from Saint Mark? I hope everything is well,” she asked.

“Yes, Minister. Thank you for asking. All is well in Saint Mark. We continue to expand our trade relationships. That is one reason why we are seeking even closer cooperation between our navy and yours. Domestically, we have plans to open our annual Regatta to foreign competition! I’m delighted we could arrange this visit before we head over to the rugby games.”

“That is great to hear! Indeed, the visit has been great for all of us both on the personal and national levels”, Elisa noted. 

And Giovanni VI added, “Giovanniland would be happy to participate in your annual Regatta! I look forward to a great inauguration of the tournament for foreign competitors, and I’m sure the best Giovannilandian athletes in the sport do too.”

Soon after the King’s comment, when everyone had been seated for a while, the initial part of the state dinner was served, a variety of Giovannese antipasti. 

“Delicious!” Prince Marcarius commented as he finished his first course.

“I agree, Your Majesty,” added Lady Arlene. “... and your palace, including this sumptuous ballroom, is beautifully decorated. Were these your choices or is the decor traditional?”

“Thank you! The decoration is traditional, and these frescoes date back to the time of the Giovannian Empire when Giovannese culture had its first golden age, although they have been renovated over time. After building the new capital city, Emperor Augusto II invited a few of the nation’s most celebrated artists to decorate the new imperial residence, the Palatio Smaraldo that we are currently in”, explained the King.

“I noticed the Della Gratio in the entry hall alcove. There were a couple of famous artisans from Saint Mark that were invited to contribute at that time too, were there not?” noted the Prince.

The King answered affirmatively, and added: “I believe Della Gratio was living in Giovanniland at the time, he is one of my favorite Markan sculptors.” 

“Yes, the story goes that his previous Saint Markan patron, the Duke of Remarchio, was not at all pleased with the realism Della Gratio had employed in his statue and that Della Gratio fled to Giovanniland for a time while things cooled down,” the Prince added with a smile.

“Ah, those are interesting circumstances,” the King remarked. “I'm glad that in the end he could contribute to this great palace. It's truly the work of many excellent minds, including the famous Giorgio Massimiano that led the painting of the frescoes in this room,” he added.

“Ah! Massimiano! Brilliant! What a genius!” gushed Lady Arlene.

“Indeed,” answered the Prince. “Truly one of the greatest.”

“I’m glad many people appreciate his work not only in Giovanniland but also abroad,” Elisa commented.

It was then time for the various courses to be served. Firstly there was the Lasana Tropicale, a dish coming from the central region of Akallia. It builds upon the traditional Abrentan lasagna and ragù, by adding pesto sauce made with tropical nuts, such as macadamia and cashew.

The second course was the Padella Giovannesa, the famous rice colored with saffron and featuring seafood. It includes shrimp, lobster, octopus, squid, mussels, clams, scallops, and fish fillet, and it’s also seasoned with the forest lavender to give a pleasant touch.

For the third course, there were various complements to go with the two main dishes, including salad and cheese. For example, the traditional Insalata Amorante named after a large coastal city features tomatoes, mozzarella from water buffaloes, and a native variant of basil. Fresh tropical fruits were also available, such as mango, avocado, lychee and starfruit.

Finally, all participants in the state dinner enjoyed desserts such as Tiramisù and Gelato Giovannese, the latter offered in a wide range of tropical flavors such as passion fruit, guava, watermelon, dragonfruit, papaya and tamarind. 

As each course was presented, the Markan delegation expressed their delight. Conversation ranged from the classic artists, to leisure-time pursuits, to current events. When the banquet was complete, King Giovanni VI led Prince Marcarius to a private study where the two could meet in private.

The King and Prince then took their seats. “How are you, my dear friend?”, the King asked.

“I’m quite well, Gio. This has been a lovely visit. It’s good to catch up. Thank you so much for your hospitality … and as always, for your friendship. How have you been?”

“I'm also well, and I'm glad that you have enjoyed the visit! Giovanniland is doing fine in the fifth Rugby World Cup, we have now won our first match in the second match day, and it was against defending champions Dalimbar! That was incredible to watch.”

“That was a great match! I was able to see the second half on television between meetings. Your young men played exceptionally well! I just hope my Lions can keep it up. They’ve done well so far, and did much better than expected last year, but we’ll see. I hope to catch the Round of 16 in person, if they make it that far.”

“I wish good luck to the Lions! I think both our teams can make it to the Round of 16, and hopefully even beyond.”

The King then turned to talking about recent happenings in his country. “Here in Giovanniland things are well, Prime Minister Elisa recently reached a year in office and in my opinion she is doing a very good job. Our economy has certainly seen a new boost after the treaty signed with Saint Mark and Dalimbar last year, technological services and industries are thriving with new advancements, and Giovanniland retains its steadfast commitment to environmental protection and nearly full use of renewable energy, to give a few examples.”

“That sounds splendid. I’m glad to hear it. Things are humming along just as well in Saint Mark. A couple of the more militant Great Houses are still seething over the Zoranian land grab and want to retaliate, but I’ve told them in no uncertain terms that doing so would not be in our best interest and no such action will happen. There isn’t much more that they can do than huff, of course. They can’t even threaten to withhold their vote from my heir, as, I’m sure you know, I am the third consecutive Halohin to occupy the throne, so the next can’t be of my House anyway. Speaking of Zoran, have you heard any details about what’s going on there?”

“Yes, I do know about a few recent developments. A new bill called the Childlessness Tax received partial consent from their Queen, and the Zoranian ambassador to Giovanniland expressed disappointment in our trade treaty with Dalimbar, but as you would expect we have a lot to gain from this trade and there are no plans to stop it.”

Giovanni VI continued, “However, the most alarming news that I’ve received recently comes from Varanius. They have elected a new Prime Minister called Sarah Fim that has already caused quite a stir internally by replacing not only executive staffers but also diplomatic, military and judiciary positions, and her campaign included a promise to increase hostilities towards Giovanniland. I think we can both agree that Fim’s goals seek to very clearly destabilize the Darkesian Sea region, and that both Saint Mark and Giovanniland must cooperate against this threat, hence the importance of the recent defense meetings.”

“Absolutely. The news from Zoran is as I had heard it as well. The Sisters also reported that there are some internal conflicts there, but with the post-civil-war factions vying for influence, that isn’t something one needs a psychic to figure out. I’m sure Queen Adsila will be able to keep it all together.”

The Prince continued. “The Varanius situation is far more disturbing. As you know, Giovanniland has the full support of Saint Mark. That is why these planned joint naval exercises between our nations are so important, as you say. Perhaps we can also approach Zoran to see where they would stand?”

“Giovanniland is of course thankful for Markan support! As for Zoran, although that could be a possibility, I don't trust them in this matter, given their stances on the Darkesian that have often stood contrary to Giovanniland's interests. I wouldn't say they are too amused with the election of Prime Minister Fim, given they also launched an investigation on her company's products due to privacy laws, but there isn't much of a reason to think they would support us either.”

The King suggested, “A better alternative would be to secure the fellow Lavender Island nations' support for Darkesian stability, easy to do since Giovanniland enjoys very positive relations with them.”

“Yes, that makes the most sense. Perhaps also Nagaraningrad? They’ve been generally very reasonable in the past.”

“That’s possible indeed. Elsewhere in the Darkesian there’s Santos-Dominius, although I believe they will stick to their usual policy of neutrality; and also Fhaengshia, which has alright relations with us unlike Varanius, despite the tense history between it and Giovanniland.”

“Yes, each of those are worth approaching. Let’s have our Foreign Affairs and Military people start working on this and then you and I can add whatever guidance and personal contacts are needed.”

Afterwards, Prince Marcarius and King Giovanni VI talked about various other topics relevant to both Saint Mark and Giovanniland. In the end, both were glad to meet each other and reaffirm the two nations’ alliance, having greatly enjoyed the Markan state visit to Giovanniland.


The Aurum EAGLE
The freest of presses since 1296

Peculiar Transport Committee set to resurrect EV legislation, will be heard before end of session

From Staff Reports


The Congressional Committee on Peculiar Modes of Transport is scheduled to vote today on a new final draft of Bill 31036, now known as the BRAVO Act, miraculously preventing the controversial legislation from being “cast into oblivion,” as committee member Reynold Coras (POP-Hestmere) said in a statement.

The BRAVO Act would be the first comprehensive legislation in Overthinkers for the regulation of electric vehicles, or EVs. A last-minute amendment proposed by rookie legislator Thad Jeffers (NUP-Worth) derailed what was expected to be an unremarkable ride through the Dome, prompting Congresspeople to return the bill to committee. Typically, a bill returned to committee is effectively dead, but the CPMT considered it enough of a priority to push back through before the end of session.

CPMT chair Stephanie Could (NUP-Cangham) had just taken leave for minor surgery when the incident happened. She was still slightly hobbled as she marched back into the Dome to reconvene the four-person committee three weeks later. With no other agenda items, the re-drafting process was reportedly mostly complete after but two sessions. The committee will meet one last time to formally forward the bill to the Speaker. The Speaker’s office has unofficially stated that “room will be made” for the rewritten bill to be heard on the floor a second time.

Critics of the BRAVO Act claim that it is solving a problem that does not yet exist, and placing unnecessary barriers on the adoption of greener technology. In a press release, ODP leadership insisted that the entire basis of the bill was overreaching and that no amount of amendment would rectify it. The rewritten text of the bill will not be available until it passes the CPMT, but it is expected to more strictly define how the regulations are enforced and how resulting revenue can be spent, a concession to some senior NUP and POP lawmakers.

The BRAVO Act would become only the second bill since 1401 to successfully clear the re-drafting process and, if passed, would be the first “second chance” bill to become law since 1393. The bill will still require the approval of the Council before making it to President Auguste’s desk. Auguste has been typically quiet on the matter, but sources close to him expect him to sign it if given the chance.


[Having tried to go to Cangham... only to turn around again back to Anders... the trio had reunited with the team and were now doing their own thing again.]

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: So we're back in Anders, viewers.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: We ended up missing the win over Varanius, and our next match happened to be just where we'd left off last time you saw us. Against Dalimbar, who have never beaten us.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: It was typical Hertfordshire-Jammbo. Comeback win at the last minute.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Now that that's cleared up, James you said you had something interesting to say. Which obviously means it will be not interesting.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Yes I do.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Go off, your slowness.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Now, have you ever wondered what all that writing on the side of your tires actually means?

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: No.

[May is slightly surprised and incredulous at Hammond's blunt response.]

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Honestly couldn't care less.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Well, don't wonder no longer.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: I don't.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Because... it's all been deciphered in this handy cut-out-and-keep guide to what all the writing on your tyres means. Look at that.


A chart for what the writing on your tyres means. Possibly the most useless information to ever exist.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Who's done that?

[Hammond lightly sniggers.]

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Who's done-?! How boring do you have to be to do that?

[Hammond fake coughs and gestures to May.]

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: The inn tramp here.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: It's very interesting.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Have you done it? Alright then, what does the number seven mean?

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Well I've got the key here.

[May reads through the key for the guide.]

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: ...That's of no relevance to the H&J market.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: There you are, it's completely pointless.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Oh thank god. Now time for more interesting news, and if, uh, well do you know that little Hafa, I love it. I just, seeing it on the teller- telly there, I just want one as it bounces round the track, it's great. BUT. If, maybe for some reason you're like The Onanist...

[Hammond gestures to May, who is wearing a brown leather jacket.]

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: And you don't want one of those...

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Are you wearing that for a bet?

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: ...Yeah he is.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Yeah.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: He is? Okay. So anyway you were saying? Go on.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: If you're like The Onanist, you don't want one of those, there is an alternative sort of super-fast little micro car.

[Hammond shows the Repse Twig on his phone screen.]

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: It's this Repse Twig. 0-60, 8.7 seconds. 125m/h. It's not quite as fast as the Hafa, very nearly. But, more importantly that, even with its clever sort of sports chassis which is a 650 quid option, is still 1,300 quid less than the Hafa. That's Δ12,000

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: That's 12? I know.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: I know.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: That is EXTREMELY good value for money.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: I love it.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: It is. Actually, we've got one of those here over there. I've bee driving it this morning and it's excellent.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: I think honestly having driven both of them and I have, the Hafa is uuuuuh a Δ1,000 more but I think it's worth it. Does that make sense?

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Yep.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: It's worth it, the Δ1,000 more.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: And there's more fast small car news from Repse, with this.

[May shows the Repse Megane R26R on his phone screen.]

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: The Megane R26R and I think that looks really great as well.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Yeah, yeah I saw that and thought of you straight away, mate.

[Clarkson laughs a little bit.]

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: No I thought what, what that James May is gonna want is a hatchback with red wheels, 6 point harnesses, a carbon fibre bonnet, plastic windows. That's- it is.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: And James, it's a track car, which you like to think of as comfort-ruining travesties.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: How does it-?

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: It's perfect for you in every way!

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: How do you arrive at wanting that?

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Because I like it.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Look, James, let me put it to you this way. You would have to have LITERALLY no penis at all...

[May looks at where his gentleman's area is.]

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: ...to buy a car like that.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: How do you work that out?

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Well 'cause we're always being told that the flashness of your car is inversely proportionate to the size- Is this right? Am I talking sense here Richard?

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Er...

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson So the larger the man's car, the flasher it is, the vegetable thing goes on.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Is that right?

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Yeah.

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: And you're saying that to a man with a 1.2l Hafa Hodag.

[Clarkson and Hammond burst out in laughing.]

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: Mr. Swollen Wheel-Arches Metodiev CLA Black.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: He has a point there, he does-

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: You've got a Deben-Martyniuk Valhalla!

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Let's move on!

James.thumb.jpg.17dd87a2b4b05ea5a4d07ce9f3b63685.jpg James May: There's your penis gone.

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Let's move on.

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Can we stop talking about cars?

Richard.jpg.d09cc91640dc07a184ae05d8c3fd5285.jpg Richard Hammond: Well, we weren't talking about cars.

[Hammond slowly descends into more laughing.]

Jeremy.jpg.ef0d17209813e38554bbd0cbd36cb6ad.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: That's true, we weren't actually talking about cars latterly but we were to start with, now let's get back with the team.




"Your Serene Highness!"

The team and others present in the locker room bowed, surprised and delighted that Prince Marcarius had made an unannounced visit to encourage The Lions.

"Lions, you are an excellent team. You have defeated this opponent before and you can do it again!" enthused the Prince.

"Trust in your abilities, your coach, and your hard work. I will be cheering you on from my box. You will win!"

The Prince shook hands and briefly chatted with each player and Coach Rahl, and then hurried to his seat to watch this important match.






TVNC - Familiar Faces Return


The broadcast would start from a studio with a table in the center and 3 people seated around it.


[Railo]: Feels good to be back, finally we'll hopefully helm this ship to victory.

[Eiva]: I wish, the football folks took attention from management to themselves when the league started.

[Railo]: Well sucks for them its now our turn in the spotlight, HA!

[Eiva]: We're live Railo... I was testing you...

[Railo]: Oh crap! Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, you're currently watching TVNC, Ryxtylopia's state owned television program; Im Tivan Railo, and im being joined once again by my co-workers: Nixta Eiva and Marco Tixica!


[Eiva]: We're indoors don't scream!

[Tixica]: Sorry, i got excited...

[Railo]: Its okay Tixica, i understand you, we got sidelined so badly during the football tournament, and then the domestic football league, ugh, but we finally get to be live again.

[Tixica]: Exactly!

[Eiva]: Well hurry up with the broadcast then!

[Railo]: Oh, right... Today Ryxtylopia will be facing Sekiya, down in Overthinkers, the match promises to be interesting considering Sekiya's strategy...

[Tixica]: Agressive agressive and agressive.

[Eiva]: I mean, it sorta worked out for them? They got the qualification.

[Railo]: Its interesting, we'll get to see two styles of play, balanced vs agressive. We hold the upper hand and i heard Tivarra is going back to the main lineup after the loss against Nouveauterra.

[Eiva]: I think they have a good shot at winning, after Sekiya it would be either Giovanniland or Larxia.

[Railo]: Well lets not get ahead of ourselves and instead contact the man on the ground, you know him, you love him...


[Railo]: ... Yes, its Gaíves.

[Eiva]: Establishing connection right now guys, there!


The three start a video-call with Gaíves and the cameracrew in Overthinkers.

[Gaíves]: Feels good to be live' again.

[Tixica]: Ill fly down there if i need to, just like the ol' days!

[Gaíves]: Id be fine with that, just don't act like a manchild...

[Tixica]: No promises!

[Railo]: Tell us Gaíves, its been a while, how's the atmosphere there?

[Gaíves]: Oh Railo, its one of partying, the whole band is here, we got drums, trumpets, trombones you name it! Everybody's excited for the game, hopefully we make a good impression like in last RWC.

[Eiva]: And the players?

[Gaíves]: At the other side of the stadium... But i thought it would be prudent to interview some fans first.

[Railo]: Sounds solid, go ahead.


Railo would walk to a concentration of Ryxtylopian fans and would start interviewing:

[Gaíves]: Excuse me excuse me, what do you think about today's match?


[Gaíves]: Very... informative thanks-

[Fan 2]: Well i think its going to be a good game, an intense one that we can win, i hope we win, otherwise that really expensive flight here wouldn't have been worth it, at least for me.

[Gaíves]: And who do you think will be the key player in this match?

[Fan 2]: I understand Tivarras decision, but i missed starting Darrias, he's one of our best players.

[Gaíves]: Understandable.

[Fan 2]: Im excited, i wanna see them win, if they don't ill be really sad.

[Gaíves]: Alright, thanks for the insight!

[Fan 3]: Excuse me to but im once again asking the team to please win the match otherwise we'll end up being the laughing stock of the world-

[Fan 4]: Chill out, it'll be fine!

[Gaíves]: Anyone else got something to say?

[Fan 4]: I just hope we do well enough and we're able to face whoever we get in the quarter finals.

[Gaíves]: We all do, thanks!

[Railo]: So far everything on the ground looks great!

[Gaíves]: Everybody is pretty excited.

[Eiva]: And what about the team?

[Tixica]: Yeah Gaíves, where's our team?!

[Gaíves]: Give me a minute or two ill find them.

[Railo]: Alright.


The video call cuts momentarily as Gaíves goes to the other side of the stadium, finding the team leaving the bus, and briefly interviewing a few.

[Gaíves]: Excuse me, TVNC, what are your thoughts on this match?

[Mirta Palmiras]: Oh, i hope we do better than in the Nouveauterra game, i didn't play in that one but i think we can still get a victory and our ticket to the quarters.

[Gaíves]: What do you expect from Sekiya?

[Mirta Palmiras]: Uh, a lot of attacking, but we should hold up just fine, our defense is pretty good, we'll go for possetion here, at least that's what Tivarra told us.

[Gaíves]: Alright thanks! You! What are your thoughts on this match?

[Riberto Huichilca]: Oh... being the team's captain is a pretty large responsability, but i talked it out with the coach, we should be fine, we practiced and we know what to do and where to be.

[Gaíves]: What about the opponent.

[Riberto Huichilca]: They aren't the toughest but if we're not careful they'll catch us by surprise, luckily our strategy should be able to avoid just that and hand us over the win.

[Gaíves]: Alright thanks!

[Ferrán Lisquerva]: Mind if i...?

[Gaíves]: Go ahead.

[Ferrán Lisquerva]: Sekiya plays very agressivley, and honestly i think that separates them from many other teams, even other offensive-focused ones, they'll probably try to pressure us a lot, but im not concerned, ive been practicing my tackling, and im sure if we loose the ball we have the capacity to get it back, we want to make a good impression here and not be a one hit wonder.

[Gaíves]: Understandable.

[Ferrán Lisquerva]: We're prepared, this would never be achievable without the support we have.

[Gaíves]: Alright, thank you for your time.


At this points Gaíves spots Tivarra, the team's coach.

[Gaíves]: Oh! Tivarra! Sir! What are your thoughts on the match?

[Tivarra]: We planned, we practice, and we pretend to win the match.

[Gaíves]: That's it?

[Tivarra]: Yes.

[Gaíves]: You heard him, that's all i got for ya'll in the studio, everybody's really excited and hopefully we'll get a good game to watch! Until then ill see you all in the next broadcast.


The video call ends.

[Tixica]: Im so glad to see him again.

[Eiva]: Why wouldn't you be.

[Railo]: Well we got a game ahead of ourselves to watch. Eiva did you get the snacks.

[Eiva]: Sure did.

[Railo]: Tixica, you got the drinks?

[Tixica]: Uhhh...

[Railo]: Well if you didn't then you better get your legs moving...

[Tixica]: Oh come on!

[Railo]: There's a store 3 blocks away, go, GO!

[Tixica]: Ugh, fine.


Tixica would get up and run out of the room.

[Eiva]: Its his fault.

[Railo]: Yeah, anyways; this will be the end of the transmission! Thank you for watching, this has been TVNC's pre-match review, but now me and Eiva here have to get ready to watch the match.

[Eiva]: Yes, i can't wait.

[Railo]: Hope Tixica doesn't take too long.


The camera zooms out as the TVNC music plays, soon after it goes to ads, with a countdown to the time of the match in the corner.

Ryxtylopia vs Sekiya.png



Results of the Round of 16 of RWC 5

Overthinkers 19–18 Mygrdiyah
United Adaikes 14–7 Nouveauterra
Ryxtylopia 18–14 Sekiya
Giovanniland 6–0 Larxia
Teralyon 25–20 Saint Mark
Cambria 20–6 Ostronia
Dalimbar 7–6 Hertfordshire and Jammbo
Zoran 8–6 Fujai


Bracketing of the Knockouts Stage of RWC 5




In the heart of Saint Andreisburg, the capital of the Free State of Dalimbar, the streets were buzzing with anticipation. The city's central square, adorned with blue and white flags, had been transformed into a massive outdoor watch party for the Rugby World Cup match against their long-time rivals, Hertfordshire and Jammbo. Large screens were set up, and thousands of Dalimbari fans, dressed in their team's blue jerseys, had gathered to support the 'Boys in Blue.'

The atmosphere was electric. Vendors sold traditional Dalimbari foods, and the air was filled with the scent of grilled meats and freshly baked bread. Families and friends sat together on picnic blankets and folding chairs, chatting excitedly and waving their flags. The air was filled with the sounds of cheers, vuvuzelas, and patriotic songs, creating a cacophony of support for their team.

As the match began, the tension was palpable. Every tackle, pass, and kick was met with cheers or groans from the crowd. Dalimbar's defense was strong, but Hertfordshire and Jammbo proved to be formidable opponents. The score was tight throughout the game, with each team managing to score only a few points.

In the final minutes of the match, the score was 6 to 6, and the tension in the square reached its peak. Dalimbar was awarded a penalty kick, and the fans held their breath as the kicker lined up the shot. When the ball sailed through the uprights, securing a 7 to 6 victory for Dalimbar, the crowd erupted into deafening cheers. People hugged each other, jumped up and down, and waved their flags with renewed vigor.

Chants of "Dal-im-bar! Dal-im-bar!" echoed through the streets as fans celebrated their hard-fought victory over their rivals. Fireworks lit up the sky, and the party continued long into the night, with fans dancing and singing in the square. The sense of unity and pride among the Dalimbari was unmistakable, as they celebrated another step towards Rugby World Cup glory.

The anticipation in Saint Andreisburg was already building for the next big match. After the thrilling victory against Hertfordshire and Jammbo, fans were gearing up to support Dalimbar in their upcoming Quarter-Finals clash against their long-standing rivals, Zoran. The rivalry between Dalimbar and Zoran was legendary, and the excitement for this match was palpable.

Preparations were already underway for another massive watch party in the central square. Banners and flags bearing the Dalimbari colors were being hung up, and vendors were restocking their supplies to ensure the fans would have plenty of food and drink. The city was ready to come together once again to cheer on the 'Boys in Blue' in what promised to be an epic showdown.





Ryxtylopia vs Sekiya - Match Highlights


With Ryxtylopia in their main kit, both teams started to line up for their national anthems, with a nearly even distribution of Ryxtylopians and Sekiyans filling the stands. For this match, Tivarra had decided to return to using the main 15, instead of playing with the reserve players.

Pablo Virriscayda would be comentating for TVNC, and he started soon after the national anthems as both teams positioned and began the coinflip.


"Ladies and gentlemen! Ryxtylopia vs Sekiya, its time for the coinflip! We'll soon get to see who chooses to start this match... Annnnd... SEKIYA! and yes, they have decided to start by kicking off. RYXTYLOPIA VS SEKIYA now live from Overthinkers in T-V-N-C!"



With Sekiyans having won the coinflip, the game begun Sekiya inmediatley pushing forward from the midfield, as the Ryxtylopian line began to close on the attempted attack.

"KICK OFF! Ladies and Gentlemen, Ryxtylopia vs Sekiya has started! In the round of 16 of RWC5, The knockout rounds commence here, if we loose we're out, Go Ryxtylopia!"


1 Minute in... (0-0)

Inmediatley after kick off the Sekiyan attack starts pressuring the Ryxtylopian defense with their looshead prop and captain: Wáng Wěi leading the attack, following with a pass to their hooker: Lǐ Nà who got within 1/4 of the field from the Ryxtylopian side, then getting tackled by inside centre: Guilbirto Tivaña but with: Zhāng Huá being right behind Wěi, they regained possetion only for Rinaco Patochá and Marco Va'atí to close the distance, starting a ruck that favored the defenders, who went on the counter-attack.

"...do remember to check our social media and comment who you think- And the ball is already on our side, Nà received a good pass from Wěi there, they are close! they could try getting, no! Tackle! But the ball is still in Sekiyan hands thanks to Huá they are getting closer but we got two on the defende Patochá and Va'atí- tackle! Ruck! Ruck! The Sekiyans are all out on the attack, annd... we've regained possetion after an early spook by the Sekiyans!"


3 Minutes in... (0-0)

After the ruck, the ryxtylopian defense was able to clear the ball and build up the move forwards towards the Sekiyan side, with Ferrán Lisquerva in possetion by the time the Pirates reached the midfield, moving diagonally towards the left, then passing to the team's Nº8 Quista Farris who moved up, through the sekiyan defense being able to pass next to fly-half: Wú Mǐn; but before when she tried passing again, the ball collided with Sekiyan inside centre: Sūn Yàn, messing up the buildup the team had been constructing.

"Lisquerva! Moving up through the midfield, Lisquerva to Farris! Farris with the chance to open the scoreboard early, and she's successfully shaken off Wú Mǐn! She has an ope- pass to- OH! The ball hits Yàn!! Ryxtylopia looses possetion and they are now back on defense."


13 Minutes in... (0-0)

The match remained as a back an forth, with Sekiya frequently loosing possetion but Ryxtylopia being shaky and unable to do much with their chances as the Sekiyans frequently pushed back, this continued even up to the 13th, when a good chance for Ryxtylopia opened in the form of Guivina Divarra getting through Sekiya's shaky defense, and avoiding Zhōu Qiáng nearly getting tackled. After this Divarra attempted to get through a gap, to open the score, but Guō Líng was able to tackle her, and get the ball moving again for Sekiya.

"Its now Divarra, she could look to pass to Huilchica, attention, Divarra, Divarra, and PAST QIÁNG! Its now Divarra on Sekiyas side! She is in she is through, and- TACKLE! Tackle by Líng! Divarra looses possetion the game remains 0-0!"


24 Minutes in... (3-0)

The match continued, but the score stayed the same until the 24th, when a good series of passes between Marco Xilta and Divarra, culminated in the team being in a good position to deal the first blow to Sekiya, as the Sekiyan defense concentrated near the back allowing for more passes from Divarra to Huilchica and finally to the hooker: Andreís Guilbirto, who having the opportunity, drop the ball and kicked it, the ball going between the posts scoring the goal, as the Sekiyan defenders tried pushing back.

"We are about to reach the 25 minute-mark! Its now Xilta, Xilta to Divarra, Divarra moves forward, back to Xilta! Xilta, Divarra now Divarra is in could try to get through the line, and to Huilchica! Huilchica moving forward, nobody seems to be covering them at the moment, nwo to Guilbirto, its going to be a hard try to score, he could try a goal, Guilbirto, Guilbirto, GUILBIRTOOOOOOOO, SCOREEEEEE!! Ryxtylopia scores the drop goal in the 24th!"


29 Minutes in... (3-0)

A good attack by Sekiya would come in the 29th minute, as their 1st lock: Liú Yáng lead the charge forward, followed closeley by his temates ready for passes, Yáng passed to Huá who then gave it back again to the 2nd lock: Chén Fāng this lured out the ryxtylopian defenders allowing Fāng to make it through and incredibly close to scoring, however waiting at the end was the ryxtyloian fullback: Ernysto Rivas who had stayed back trying to wait to the last minute before moving, this worked as when Huá was alone in the front Rivas took the opportunity to tackle, followed closley by Avilita Mataña who got the ball away.

"Its now Yáng! Yáng to lead for Sekiya, they're searching for the try, and they're making good progress, they passed Lisquerva, Yáng to Fāng, they might have trouble with the defen- Fāng to Huá, mistake by the defense! Sekiya can score! Its all up to Rivas, attention Huáaaaaaaaaaa- RIVAAAAAAAAAS!! Tackle! And its Mataña, she takes the ball away! Ryxtyloooopia, salvages the situation! Possetion back to the Pirates!"


36 Minutes in... (8-0)

By the 36th as the first half of the game was about to end, following a ruck that handed possetion over to fly half: Rinaco Zicha, with the sekiyans overextended from their attack, Zicha hurried forward, then passing to Farris as the attack picked up, with Farris continuing up until being halfway in the sekiyan side, getting tackled by Sūn Yàn however, with the sekiyans still overextended, in a ruck following the tackle Mirta Palmiras took the ball, passing it then to Guilbirto, who turned on his heel around the sekiyan fullback: Lín Fēng, avoiding them and scoring the try.

Palmiras took the conversion kick, but she kicked too hard as the ball curved around and went next to the post.

"Possetion back to Ryxtylopia! Zicha with the ball, he has an opportunity to make it upwards, Zicha, Zicha, Zicha, Zicha, Zicha passes to Farris, now Farris he moves, tackle by Yàn! Wait, Palmiras takes possetion! Its Palmiras- Palmiras to Guilbirto, Guilbirto has a chance! he needs to get through Fēng! Come on... its GUILBIRTOOOOOOOOOOOO!! SCOREEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Ryxtylopia has scored! By the hand of Andreís Guilbirto!!"

"Now Palmiras for the conversion, attention everybody, Palmiraaaaaaaaaaaaaas- MISS! Palmiras misses the conversion by a few meters! The score is now 8-0!"



After some rucks and tackles, halftime arrives, with both sides going to rest, and regroup, with Ryxtylopia having a slight advantage over Sekiya, still playing agressivley.

"And half time! RYXTYLOPIA winning against Sekiya in the round of 16 in RWC5, live right now from TVNC! We'll be back shortly after an ad break, whilst the teams rest!"


47 Minutes in... (8-3)

Sekiya's first score would be in the 47th, when following not one but two rucks near the midfield leading to Zicha taking possetion but loosing it right after to the Sekiyan push, after a tackle from Yáng Jié, allowing Fāng to make it with the ball into the ryxtylopian side of the field, then passing to Huá who got cornered off by Guilbirto Tivaña and Rinaco Patochá, with little choice, Huá dropped and kicked the ball to the goal, scoring and earning Sekiya a badly needed 3 points.

"Zicha, Zicha looses possetion to Jié, its now Fāng with the ball, Fāng pushing into the Pirate's side, attention we're soon reaching 50 minutes in, Fāng, Fāng, Fāng, Fāng is cornered they might have to try a drop goal, attention, its Fāaaaaaang! SCORE!! Sekiya has scored! Incredibly executed drop goal by Chén Fāng, the game is now 8-3!"


56 Minutes in... (15-3)

With the game trudging on, the Pirates would widen the score 56 minutes in thanks to the Sekiyan attack loosing possetion once again, which lead to blindside flanker: Armando Mataña carrying the ball through the left, passing to Huilchica who got past Sūn Yàn, as after the attack, the sekiyan defenders were overstretched, leading to Huilchica being able to pass to Darrias, right on the left, Darrias passing edgingly close to sekiyan player: Guō Líng, and scoring the try for the pirates.

Following Darrias, Huilchica took the conversion, scoring it, and making the game 15-3.

"Mataña! Mataña, Mataña passssss Huilchica! They've passed the midfield, Sekiya is overstretched, attention! Huilchica, Yàn... Huilchica is through! They can try to score again, its now for Darrias! Darrias is running, he needs to get past Líng! Attention! Darrias, Darrias, DARRRRRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!!! SCOOOOOOOOORE!!! Ryxtylopia scores!! Its 56 in, the Pirates have scored!"

"Now Huilchica for the conversion, hopefully he does better than Palmiras... Huilchicaaaaaaaa! SCORE! The conversion was landed! Its now 15-3!!"


62 Minutes in... (15-8)

The sekiyans would get back at the Pirates on the 62nd, after Guilbirto Tivaña deflected a ball forwads, leading to a scrum, from the scrum the sekiyans got possetion Lǐ Nà handling the ball perfectly and avoiding a tackle by Patochá, before turning back to pass to Wáng Wěi who was caught the ball when Avilita Mataña was off her position, leading to the sekiyans scoring the try.

However in the conversion kick, Nà who was in charge of converting, kicked the ball straight into the post, making it bounce off, not scoring the conversion.

"Scrum, Its now Nà! Nà has possetion for the sekiyan rocks! they have to score to keep their hopes of advancing alive, attention, Patochá- MISS! Patochá misses the tackle, Nà is still in, Nà to Wěi, Wěi has to score for Sekiya, attention Wěiiiiiiiii... SCORE! Sekiya has scored!"

"Now Nà to convert, attention... Nà... Nà... Nàaaaaa- POST! IT HITS THE POST, ITS SHAKING, THE BALL FLIES OFF AFTER THE BOUNCE, SEKIYA FAILS THE CONVERSION! The game is now 15-8!"


69 Minutes in... (15-11)

As the match progressed, Ryxtylopia started playing more defensivley but this allowed the Sekiyans to keep possetion, which was something they had struggled for until then, this lead to Sekiya scoring another, in the 69th when the tight defense forced Yáng Jié to look for a pass to the center, as a try would be unlikley, luckily this came when Liú Yáng got in position, receiving the pass from Jié and drop kicking the ball, scoring the drop goal and closing the difference to 4 points.

"On the left its Jié! Jié is looking to make it through, seems unlikley, they are searching for a way, but Zicha and Va'atí are keeping the gates shut! Its going to be hard for Sekiya to score under theese conditions they could- ATTENTION JIÉ TO YÁNG, YÁNG SHOOTS AND- SCORE! Sekiya scores a drop goal! The game is now 15-11!"


73 Minutes in... (15-14)

In the 73rd minute however Sekiya got really close to evening the match, during one of their attacks as Zhào Lì attempted to push forward near the right side, however he ran into Va'atí, who tried to stop Lì, who unexpectedly turned, as Va'atí attempted the tackle, with Va'atí holding on to Lì's arm, not letting it go and pulling Lì to the floor, with the fould committed Sekiya were handed a penalty.

Zhāng Huá would be in charge of scoring the penalty to give Sekiya another chance at breaking even, and they do just that, leaving Sekiya one point off Ryxtylopia in the scoreboard.

"Lì is in, the sekiyans have 7 minutes more in the match! Lì is making it through, now for Va'atí! Attention Lì... tack- no wait FOUL! FOUL by Va'atí! Lì's arm got pulled down! And... PENALTY! The referee has decided to hand Sekiya the penalty ladies and gentlemen!"

"It will be Huá to score the penalty for Sekiya, they can get closer to breaking even if they score; attention... Huáaaaaaa SCORE! Huá scores the penalty, Sekiya is one point off from the tie!"


78 Minutes in... (18-14)

However Sekiya's hopes would end on the 78th, after another failed attack, which lead to a ruck, with most of the sekian midfield and attack involved, however this didn't go to their favor, when Marco Xilta took possetion for the pirates, quickly running away into the sekiyan side, before passing the ball next to Sūn Yàn with Huichilca's arms, who then passed it to Divarra, who to avoid the sekiyan defense attempted a drop goal, scoring it, and bringing the score to 18-14.

"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck... ITS XILTA, XILTA IS THROUGH! Attentionnnnn Xilta on the lines, Xilta... Yàn... Xiltaaaa- to Huilchica! Huilchica can make a difference here, Huilchica, ball to Divarra, Divarra, DIVARRAAAAAAA DROP- SCOREEEEEE!! Divarra has scored in the dying minutes, settling the scoreboard at 18-14!!"


FULL TIME (18-14)

The game reached full time, with Ryxtylopia comming out victorious, as Sekiya in the dying minutes failed to get a try, with this result Tivarra's team was on to the quarters to face Giovanniland.

"And... ITS OVER! RYXTYLOPIA ADVANCE TO THE QUARTER FINALS! This is it ladies and gentlemen, after a hard fought match with both sides having their chances to attack, Ryxtylopia have proved the stronger side in this engagement!"


"Now, we advance to the next round, where we'll face Giovanniland! In the quarter finals, a match that promises to be as entretaining and intense as this one, as we get to face one of our togher rivals yet in a elimination round."

"But this will be the end for today's transmission, we thank the hosts: Overthinkers for allowing us to set it up, and for hosting this RWC in the first place, ive been Pablo Virriscayda, rugby comentator for TVNC, and i will hopefully see you ladies and gentlemen in RYXTYLOPIA VS GIOVANNILAND! Have a nice day."


The transmission ends.



4:00 PM Over Time
8 July 1424
New Zoradia, Zoran

“This is an outrage!” exclaims Sasa as she slams her fist down on the conference table in front of her fellow Brave Talon lawmakers, “Does this queen have no pride in her heritage? In her culture? No! She is just a puppet of those pinko commies in the Red Throne Party!” The lawmakers yell in agreement with Sasa,

“Our plans for the cultural centers may have hit a roadblock with the queen’s threats but they have not been squashed! From the Polaris to Nur, the inferior xenos will know our superiority! They will learn that every word has its roots in Zoranian!* We will show them!” her fellow lawmakers start rhythmically banging on the table in support of Sasa’s fervor. But the fervor dies down when a knock comes from the conference room door. Everyone turns to watch as a young courier enters the room,

“Which one of you is the leader of the,” the courier checks the letter, “Brave Talon Party?” Sasa walks up to the courier,

“That would be me, who is this letter from?”

“A tall scary man with a big walrus mustache!” says the courier,

“...So you have no idea?” asks Sasa to which the courier nods,

“I can’t answer any more of your questions, lady. I have to go!” the courier runs out of the room and down the hall, leaving Sasa and her lawmakers very confused. Sasa carefully opens the letter and begins to read its contents, her eyes light up in surprise.

“What is it?” asks a lawmaker in the room,

“Well, it appears we have some powerful benefactors of the party. Their only request is that we keep the country on its toes.” Sasa says in a delighted tone,

“Do we know this supporter?” asks another lawmaker,

“I will keep that to myself.” says Sasa before she returns to the front of the conference room. She couldn’t keep the smile on her face as she continued her denouncement of the current Zoranian government and discussing the policies they will push for in the coming days.

The Dalimbari may be from an inferior haplogroup and culture but I won’t say no to any money they will throw our way.

8:00 AM Over Time
9 July 1424
New Zoradia, Zoran
A small conference hall in the city

Junaluska gavels the meeting with his fellow Junaluskanist lawmakers to the iyundai into session.

“Good morning, everyone. Thank you for attending today’s meeting on short notice. First thing on the agenda is a debrief on the results of my meeting with Atsila Ani’-Wah’ yesterday. I proposed to her our idea of the Office of Workers Liberation and was met with rejection!” the room erupted in grumbles and jeering, cursing Atsila’s name, “Yes, I know. I am equally as frustrated as you. This serves as a reminder that this ‘queen’ is not a true ally of the revolution and why the institution of monarchy in Zoran must be destroyed!”

“If this so-called ‘queen’ won’t support our proposal then we must fund the project ourselves!” yells someone from the crowd of lawmakers. Junaluska was about to support them but he turned pale as he recalled the queen’s threat from the day before.

“Soon, but not now. The bourgeois queen will be watching us closely for some time so we must wait. But in the meantime, we must start spreading our message of permanent revolution beyond the borders of Zoran in more…peaceful ways. Does any one of you have any update on getting The Red Star newspaper off the ground?” said Junaluska,

“The first issue should be released in three days, Juna. Our party members have it all written up, they are just getting the website set up.” said Lawmaker Amouskositte Cheasequah,

“Perfect, make sure we spread as much awareness about it when it is published! This will be a first step in spreading our message and getting more supporters within and without the country!” a murmur of agreement spread amongst the lawmakers in the room as Junaluska speaks. But there is one objection in the room,

“What even is our manifesto, Juna?” begins Amouskositte, “You talk a lot about spreading the revolution, the destruction of corporations, and the dismantlement of the capitalist system but these are very broad and basic. What is Junaluskanism? Is it just whatever you feel like at the time?” Junaluska smiles,

“It’s good that you bring that up as I have finally completed the writing of the Junaluskanist Manifesto!” Junaluska pulls out a small red leather bound book from his inner coat pocket and holds it up in the air with one hand, “This book contains what our party is fighting for, the demands of the proletariat, the denouncement of the capitalist system, and the policies we are fighting for! I have brought copies for all of you to have for yourselves and have personally paid the expenses to have copies of our manifesto to be present in all our party offices in the country!” Cheers erupt from the crowd, with the exception of Amouskositte who sat in his seat with a frown. Junaluska notices this and smirks at him as he basks in the praise from his party members, confident in the future of the party and the revolution, even with Atsila’s threat looming over him.



In the grand study of the Tarajevo palace, President Anton Tiber sat infront of a large, ornate desk, his fingers steepled as he listened intently. Across from him, in a plush leather chair, was Marshal Tijo Troz, the figurehead of Teralyon and commander of the Teralyon Armed Forces. The room was adorned with wooden bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and historical records, rich dark furnishings, and a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the two men.

Their conversation had been serious and somber, focusing on national security matters that demanded their utmost attention. The tension in the room was palpable as they discussed strategies, potential threats, and the allocation of resources. Both men knew the gravity of their decisions and the impact they would have on their nation.

As the clock on the mantel chimed, signaling the end of their meeting, Marshal Tijo Troz leaned back in his chair, a rare smile breaking through his stern demeanor. "Well, Anton, I think we've covered everything for today. Now, how about we talk about something a bit more cheerful?" Anton's eyes lit up with a grin. "Ah, I was hoping you'd say that, Marshal. Have you been keeping up with the Rugby World Cup?"

Marshal Troz chuckled, the weight of their earlier conversation lifting slightly. "Of course! How could I not? Our boys have been unstoppable this year. The way they rolled Saint Mark and proved our team didn't just get a lucky grouping was a sight to behold." Tiber nodded "Indeed. The naysayers are finally eating their words. We've been hearing for years how our team was overrated, but this victory should shut them up for good. And now, we have our eyes set on Cambria." The Marshal's smile widened. "Ah, Cambria. Our overconfident dear neighbors to the north. They've been boasting about their chances all year. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when we hand them their defeat. I'll need to send Sabine a bottle of the good Rakija."

The two men laughed, their camaraderie evident as they reminisced about past games and discussed their hopes for the upcoming match. The conversation shifted from tactics and clandestine operations to the athletic prowess of their players, the skillful maneuvers on the field, and the roaring support of their fans. As the conversation flowed, the room filled with the sound of laughter and animated discussion, for a brief moment, their burdens were set aside, replaced by the shared joy of sport and the pride of a nation united behind its team.

In that grand study, surrounded by the symbols of their country's history and power, Marshal Tijo Troz and President Anton Tiber found solace in the lighter side of life. Their shared passion for rugby brought a sense of normalcy and camaraderie, reminding them both of the importance of balance and the enduring spirit of Teralyon.







Teralyon keeps on rollin' past Saint Mark at Roller Field

The Teralyon rugby team continued their impressive streak with a thrilling 25-20 victory over Saint Mark at Roller Field, securing their place in the quarterfinals of the fifth annual Rugby World Cup. Held in the bustling Overthinkers city of Hestmere, the match was a showcase of skill, determination, and sportsmanship. From the kickoff, both teams displayed fierce competition brilliance.

Brass Bonanza
Teralyon took an early lead with a series of well-executed plays, demonstrating their offensive strength. Saint Mark, however, responded with equal fervor, keeping the score tight throughout the game. In the final minutes, Teralyon clinched the victory with a decisive try, leaving the crowd in awe. Team captain Zivko Koci praised his teammates for their resilience and focus. "We knew this match was going to be tough, but we stayed united and pushed through. This win means a lot to us and our fans back home" Koci said.

Don’t Stop Believin’
As Teralyon prepares for their next match against Cambria, they find themselves as underdogs in the eyes of many observers. Cambria, a team known for their robust play and tactical superiority, is favored by most analysts and fans. However, Teralyon's confidence remains unshaken. Coach Maldoc Wenavic addressed the skepticism with optimism. "We respect Cambria, but we believe in our abilities and our strategy. We’ve faced tough opponents before and emerged victorious. This match will be no different" Wenavic stated.

Little Lies
Despite their success, Teralyon has faced unfounded accusations from some quarters, alleging that they have been using slightly deflated balls to gain an advantage. These claims, however, lack any concrete evidence and have been dismissed by the tournament officials. "We play fair and by the rules!" Koci angerly asserted. "These rumors are baseless and only serve to distract from the real competition on the field. Our focus is on playing our best and continuing our journey in this tournament."

Crowd Chant
As the Rugby World Cup moves into its quarterfinal stages, all eyes will be on the Teralyon-Cambria clash. Teralyon's fans are hopeful and supportive, ready to cheer their team to another victory. The match promises to be a defining moment in the tournament, showcasing the spirit and talent of both teams.

The quarterfinal match against Cambria will take place later this week, and Teralyon’s supporters are expected to turn out in full force, both in Overthinkers and back home. With their eyes set on the championship, Teralyon is ready to prove that their success is no fluke and that they belong among rugby's elite.

Watch the game Live right Here with your Tarajevo+ for free with your account!


< Previous: Beyond Lavender Island
The Late Empire Period


The administrative divisions of the Giovannian Empire, shown with their borders during the Empire’s peak in the late 10th century.

11th century: turmoil and initial independence movements

Upon Tommaso II's death in 1039, his daughter Lavinia inherited the throne and soon faced some revolts, which she managed to end by easing some restrictions. Her decisions upset the more conservative members of the imperial court, which took their chance to strike after she died in 1053, and her son Silvio decided to reverse the policies soon after taking the throne. This angered the Glendulan people, starting their ambition of becoming an independent nation once more. Meanwhile, some Minsunese aristocrats had sent their children to pursue education abroad decades before, spurring the formation of the Gaikoku Society during Nima's reign with the goal of writing anti-Giovannian propaganda. Silvio's authoritarianism caused one of the society's members, called Fukito, to begin writing a book called the "Woes of the Masses" denouncing the Empire. This turmoil resulted in Silvio's assassination in 1062, after which his sister Zodena II inherited the throne.

Zodena tried to restore peace, however the quality of life for the Empire's inhabitants was declining. Meanwhile, the imperial government banned the "Woes of the Masses" and other similar works, leading to the arrest of their authors, and subsequent trials where they were found guilty of treason and hanged. These events fueled Minsunese nationalist sentiments, culminating in a large protest in the capital Giovannia suppressed by the empress. After her death in 1073, her son Giovanni IV inherited the throne but died under uncertain circumstances in September 1074, sparking a succession dispute. Independence movements capitalized on the confusion, leading to unrest until Iulio III secured the throne in March 1075. Fhaengshia's monarchy returned from their centuries long exile, a mass movement of Glendulans to modern-day Blue Bubble led to the formation of the Glenpavian Group, Hisamatsu Jin gathered like-minded people to discuss independence for Minsu, and Khan Daichin II launched an Ardalan rebellion. This last insurgency threatened the Lido Flavi and Kordelleria colonies, nearly reaching Andoliavilla before the generals Aetio and Didio turned the tide and quelled the revolt in 1079.

Besides overcoming the rebellion, the young Iulio III enacted policies that successfully reduced the economic downturn. However he only came to rule until 1084, when he was poisoned due to family intrigue and his brother Kassio took the throne. Kassio's stubborn actions raised the unrest to unforeseen levels, starting with the Colony of Fhaengshia's rebellion two years later with encouragement from their native monarchy. Imperial troops unsuccessfully tried to contain the rebellion, and it soon spread to the neighboring Colony of Doruna, where many Fhaengshians had migrated to. Furthermore, the Glendulan and Minsunese were also appalled by the fact many of them had died in combat during this and previous rebellions, adding another reason for their independence demands.

Hisamatsu Jin met with the Glenpavian Group in 1089, and the following year saw both Blue Bubble and Minsu launch their rebellions, which the Giovannian army failed to contain. Kassio wanted to continue trying to defeat the independence movements, but by mid-1091 it became clear that the situation was no longer salvageable. A coup replaced Kassio with Petro I, who recognized the independence of Blue Bubble, Fhaengshia and Minsu, and also signed the Tri-Lavender Treaty with the two other Lavender Island nations in 1094, accepting them as equals and agreeing to pay reparations. During the later years of Petro's reign, border clashes with Minsu led to the formation of the modern-day border.

12th century: consolidation of modern-day Giovanniland and later independence movements

The next empress Hadriana ruled from 1113 to 1132, and has a controversial legacy for enacting policies in favor of ethnic persecution, displacement and forced cultural assimilation in the remaining Andolian colonies, as she feared losing these lands for two main reasons. The first was that, although the indigenous population had decreased since the 8th century due to the wars of conquest and forced labor within the Empire, it was still a significant number that could also rise in new revolts like the previous Ardalan insurgency led by Khan Daichin II. The second is that the remaining areas included fertile farmlands and profitable mining operations important for the imperial economy.

The policies started by Hadriana and continued for almost 200 years until their abandonment in the early 14th century were very harsh to the indigenous populations, becoming known as the Two Centuries of Terror. For example the Bereme, already outnumbered in their native lands, endured further cultural assimilation since traditional temples were replaced with Giovannese-built churches, and many ancient documents about religion and science were burned due to accusations of idolatry and witchcraft.

The Emüne faced a similar situation in the south, their relative remoteness in comparison to the other groups not being enough to stop Giovannese settlers, while the Ardala and Ulerge were punished even more due to Khan Daichin II's revolt, their rich literary traditions heavily persecuted. New towns were built with Giovannese urban planning, including schools, churches and plazas to promote Giovannese cultural norms. They came to be where a majority of these groups were made to live, distant from their traditional cultures and religions as well as forbidden from speaking their native languages, although some instead escaped to remote regions.

In the west, the Varanians were notable for the religious practices of the Mauvist Church. Given the importance of the meat tree species to them, a deforestation campaign happened in the imperial territories, as part of efforts to suppress their culture and clear more land for agriculture. However, the lands of modern-day southern Varanius weren't controlled by the Giovannian Empire, and the northern peoples also resisted, so the attempts in stamping out their culture and religion were eventually unsuccessful and Varanius later became independent. On the other hand, the greater presence of Giovannese settlers in modern-day Giovandolia and the success of cultural assimilation there paved the way for its transformation from colony to an integral part of Giovanniland later, outlasting the Empire.

Hadriana's younger brother Karlo inherited the throne after her death. He reorganized the nation's administrative divisions, introducing the two-tier system of regions and municipalities that is still used today, and led the Karlian Renaissance where the Empire regained cultural and economical strength over several decades without major internal conflicts. Furthermore, he also built upon the work of his two predecessors that had opened relations with Minsu and Blue Bubble, and worked towards the formation of friendly ties, which was achieved towards the end of his reign. The following reigns of Antonia and Nima III continued these principles and also made the first steps for the eventual industrialization of Giovanniland.

Unfortunately, a new period of turmoil started when Nima III was assassinated in 1192. Her younger brother Petro II attempted to decrease tensions but faced a major rebellion in northern Varanius that threatened to spill to the rest of the Colony of Lido Flavi. Petro was unable to quell the revolt, and the situation was left to Emperor Klaudio to solve, who saved the lands of modern-day northern Giovandolia while recognizing the independence of Varanius in 1204.

Over the following years Klaudio also signed decolonization treaties for other territories, such as the Doyan Islands. His daughter Anna II inherited the throne in 1217, and seeing the need for national modernization and stability, Anna relinquished part of her power and the title of Empress in 1225, marking the change between the Giovannian Empire and the modern Kingdom of Giovanniland. She also granted equal administrative status to Auran and Andolian Giovanniland, abolishing the colonies of Lido Flavi and Kordelleria, and replacing them with regular regions administered as in Lavender Island.

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