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Stress and Mockery


Tivarra was in the hotel's elevator, going down as the elevator played some classical music, however he wasn't too calm, rather the opposite, he was stressed, still having in mind his team's apparent inability to score drop goals, and the bad conversion rate.


[Tivarra]: No... No... No... NO! Aghhh...

Whilst crossing words off his list he'd break the pencil he was using, pretty angrily as he waited for the elevator's door to open, as he exited the elevator, visbly frustrated he came across his team's outside centre: 22-year old Rinaco Patochá, wearing a top hat he had bought... somewhere, and using an umbrella as a cane.


[Patochá]: Good evening, boss.

[Tivarra]: Ugh... Rinaco... what are you up to now, can't you see im stre-

[Patochá]: Well, if im going to be honest i thought: since we are going to face the Lions of Saint Mark, it would be rather inapropriate to go out on or normal attire, and instead try for something more, "visually appealing". Said Rinaco in a stereotipically posh mockery of the markan tounge.


At this Tivarra was not amused.

[Tivarra]: Come on, now is not the time for mockery, also where did you even get that top- y-you know what, nevermind, i have to plan out our strategy for this game, you'll be in as usual, im considering hav-

[Patochá]: But boss, if i would be so polite as to point out, we've been "perfecting our art" recently and i say: ive been getting oversaturated by all the back-breaking labor, it would be an appreciated change to try something new. Said Rinaco continuing the "posh" mockery.

[Tivarra]: If you were in my place you would understand how stressful it actually is, you played decently but im still baffled by some of the others, Palmiras had me on edge.


The two entered the hotel's restaurant, where the rest of the team was already eating, passing by the tables before being stopped by the team's captain: Riberto Huilchica.

[Huilchica]: Hey boss!

[Tivarra]: What is it now?

[Huilchica]: I was wondering if you would play Quista over Diavarra today, i mean you still haven't told us the plan...

[Tivarra]: If im going to take someone out of the team its going to be Palmiras, im not in the best mood.

Patochá approaches Huilchica and still using the posh accent would very obviously whisper on his ear:

[Patochá]: I am terribly sorry to have to approach it by this manner, but it seems as if our boss is having a rather awful day if im honest.

[Tivarra]: I heard that...

[Huilchica]: Awh, come on boss, i know you've always suffered from stress, plus we did pretty great against Zoran, who says stuff against Saint Mark wont go as planned?

[Patochá]: Unfortunatley Zoran tis not Saint Mark.

[Tivarra]: Patochá, cut it with the accent already! Ugh, but like he said, Zoran isn't Saint Mark.

[Huilchica]: I think the reason Patochá is acting that way is beacause he is NOTICING, you are stressed. Boss you always take stuff to seriously, yesterday we had to practice for hours, so since we already went through that moment of hard work, how about a bit of rest? I mean as a player i can speak for the team and we're usually not very happy with getting up at 5' to have to go train.

[Patochá]: Tis is correct.

[Tivarra]: And how do you want me to-

[Huilchica]: Just relax!! Like actually take a break man, or be more light hearted like Patochá here, you haven't even ate since in the morning!

[Tivarra]: Ugh, i hate to admit it but ill concede it to you this time, you're right, i could really do with some food.

[Huilchica]: Those things help you keep a better mood! So just order something already and worry AFTER the match, not before, we'll be just fine.

[Tivarra]: Maybe you're right, what's on the menu-


As the two walked while chatting they saw Patochá and a small crowd of the younger players talking.

[Patochá]: Theese hats are actually kinda comfy, what if we don't all go buy some more and wear them at the match?! The markans will be in awe at our level of sophistication!


[Tivarra]: He just can't stop that can he?

[Huilchica]: Maybe earlier he could but now... yeahhhh... he's too deep into that.

The two chuckle before heading to a table.


EXCLUSIVE: Three years later, Readers want the Valley Line Tunnel reopened—for cars


The Valley Line Tunnel, formerly the primary route in and out of the remote town of Read, closed three years ago due to compounding structural and flooding concerns. 

Breanna Mark can see the Valley Line Tunnel from her business on the southern edge of Read.

“It’s hard to ignore,” she said. “You look down the hill and it’s just empty space, a couple farmhouses, and then a train track to nowhere.”

Read, which has a population of just over 6,000, is located on a plateau about 20 miles north-northwest of Zoewey. It’s one of the more remote places in Overthinkers, hemmed in by both natural geography and protected cultural lands. In 1338, the Valley Line—the country’s oldest railway—was extended past Zoewey to connect the community. Suddenly, Read was a crucial hub for the scattered farms for miles around. The town doubled in population.

Cutting off circulation

In the 1360s, the National Transit Authority authorized an expansion of the tunnel to better accommodate its newer, larger trains. That was where things started to go wrong.

“I don’t fully know what happened, but I can only assume it was a consequence of going with the lowest bidder,” explained Dean Virga, a veteran engineer based out of the main NTA office in Aurum. “The end result was that a lot of corners were cut that shouldn’t have been. They tried to keep a lot of the old structure without accounting for the added stress they were putting on it. It’s a miracle it held together as long as it did.”

A miracle indeed—in spite of everything, it was another thirty years before the tunnel required more than regular, standard maintenance. New materials produced in southern Andolia were incorporated into a reinforcing frame, intended to halt any further damage to the original structure. 

But the battle would soon be fought on another front. Heavy rains around the turn of the century shifted the landscape in a very literal sense, not only flooding and damaging the floor of the tunnel, but softening the surrounding earth.

“That was an issue for structures all over,” Virga noted, “but it was especially bad for the Read tunnel.”

Virga was a newly minted engineer at the time and remembers being sent to inspect the damage with his supervisor.

“It looked fine, if you didn’t know what to look for,” he recalled. “Like, it was hard to imagine that solid thing budging a quarter inch. The thing is, a quarter inch can spell disaster for something like that.”

Over the next thirty years, crews made more and more frequent trips to Read, trying to shore up the soil at either end of the tunnel. The pendulum crept lower and lower with every swing. 

In 1421, multiple beams were found to be partially sheared, and the concrete floor severely warped. The NTA closed the tunnel immediately, and suddenly Read was once again an isolated village.


By 11 o’clock on a Tuesday, Breanna’s Buzz-Inn is almost completely empty.

Treading water

On paper, Read’s population is 6,000, but according to the Read Commercial League’s website, closer to 15,000 are dependent on it. The only other major thoroughfare is Highway 407, which leads northeast before looping back south to Joen. Travel time to Zoewey was 15 minutes by rail, but it’s 35 by road. 

“So many people here work in Zoewey,” Mark said. “Now they’re spending twice as long, and three times as much in gas, to get to work every day. There aren’t jobs closer by for them to take. I’ve had to cut back on my staff, and just about everyone I know has said the same.”

Mark is the proprietor of Breanna’s Buzz-Inn, a retro diner of the kind you would expect to find in a tiny rural town. She bought it seven years ago from a family that had owned the place for three generations. When we spoke to her, it was the middle of the breakfast rush, and the space was about half full. Mark said it was the busiest time of day.

“Our breakfast is part of the daily routine for the locals, but even they’ve had to cut back because of financial reasons,” she elaborated. “All the products we get were already coming in on 407, so we’re lucky that that wasn’t impacted super hard. I’ve been able to lower the prices ever so slightly, just to help people out.”

At lunch and dinner, however, Mark has historically depended more on outside traffic, and the decline is more sharply felt. “It’s just me, a waitress, and a cook five days out of the week, and it’s rare to have more than we can handle.”

Mark moved to Read with her family as a child and considers herself “basically a native.” Now in her late 30s, she has no intention of moving on. “I met my husband here, left my husband somewhere in the Sirenas, met my wife here, we’re raising our two children here,” she said. “We’re sticking around until we physically can’t anymore.”

But with little movement to repair and reopen the Valley Line Tunnel, many residents are having to weigh their options—do they commit to the long haul, like Mark, or cut their losses and move closer to where the jobs are?

No matter what, Readers are being forced to adapt. According to the National Social Survey, in 1420, only about 65 percent of households in the Read Statistical District owned a personal vehicle. By 1423, that estimate had jumped to 85 percent. Now, some thinkers are proposing a way to capitalize on this forced lifestyle shift.

Raze it and pave it

The Valley Line Tunnel is critical because there are few ways to easily scale or circumnavigate the ridge separating the Read area from Zoewey. Carving a new path that could safely handle the same amount of general traffic would be nearly as expensive as redoing the tunnel from scratch, according to Virga. He noted that the lack of activity is not necessarily wilful neglect: the NTA board has heard out a number of solutions in that time, but have not been satisfied with any proposals to date. Regardless, locals may be ready to take matters into their own hands.

Five months ago, Burt & Hiram Technical, a Zoewey-based engineering firm with a history of public projects in Read, unveiled preliminary plans for taking the tunnel in a new direction: converting it to automobile traffic.

“We can do this in a way that saves everyone a lot of money and a lot of headache,” a representative told the Read City Commission during a presentation in March. “Roadways aren’t held to the same high scrutiny as the NTA railways, and it could be administered at the district level instead of requiring national appropriations.”

The proposed solution would extend Main Street, which already runs parallel to the railroad, further south until it reached the tunnel. On the other side of the tunnel, it would connect with existing rural roads just beyond. The total of new roadway added would be less than 10 miles, but it would span two districts. Neither the Read nor Zoewey District Commissions have officially considered the proposal yet, as Burt & Hiram says it is focused on building community support first.

“Once we are completely sure that this is move is a good and necessary thing for our community, we will approach the districts with a bid for a full engineering analysis,” CEO James Burt stated. “If that gets approved, we will have to go to the NTA to get the line permanently discontinued, the land sold to the districts, and fund the project from there.”

Breanna’s Buzz-Inn is located on Main Street and would be the first thing travelers see when they drive in on this theoretical road. The potential impact of this is not lost on Mark. “If maintaining the rail line is too much trouble for the feds, which it evidently is, and we have the means and motive to solve the problem locally, then I don’t see why we shouldn’t go for it.”

Of the other residents we talked to, a narrow majority were at least tentatively in favor. Generally, they were employed elsewhere and reluctant to move. However, few could be considered enthusiastic. 

“I’d hate to see the rail gone,” summarized Paul Waeld, who has lived in the area “sixty years and counting.” “The long and short of it is, if we’re not going to be taken care of, at some point we have to take care of ourselves.”

For Tina Pratt, also a small business owner, there are still too many question marks. “We’re in this situation because it wasn’t done right the first time. If we rush it again, we’ll have the same issue in another 30 years.”

If anyone stands to benefit from an automotive shift, it’s Pratt—she runs a mechanic shop with her husband, Kean. However, she made it clear that she was more concerned with the long-term plan than her own short-term success.

“It’s our history, it’s part of our character,” she insisted. “When you start losing that, you don’t get it back half as easy. I don’t want it to be fully forgotten by the time my grandkids are grown.”

Conversely, as far as Mark is concerned, embracing change is preferable to losing momentum.

“We’ve had a good thing going, and we’ve hit a rough patch. We’ve done that plenty of times before, and we’ve come back. The question becomes, how far back are we going to slide before we move forward again?”





"What a game! The Saint Mark Lions win their second match of the tournament with one of the best defensive performances you will ever see in a rugby match. Centerman and Rahl were unstoppable! Nouveauterra pounded the tryline with their big hitters for 10 minutes in the second half and with 13 men the Lions held firm to secure the match with a final try from Celerio. An incredible effort from Sir Rahl's men!"


Hugo Dasher turned off the replay and sighed. He was thrilled that his team had won again ... and this time against a very good team, but he missed being in the middle of it more than he had thought he would. The wedding plans were going well, of course, and the big day was only a month away now, but Emily and Lady Phyllis were handling most of the arrangements anyway. He longed to be on the pitch, making the difficult tries. 

... and Celerio ... sheesh! What a racer! Would he even be able to return to his old spot after the wedding? He didn't want to think about it.




Representative Arno Châtaignier in 1423

Châtaignier Pleads Guilty to Stealing Secret Documents, Cooperates with Prosecutors

AugustinBlanc.png.7f6a27e9d25d7b7aa7e792aad84e7f77.pngAugustin Blanc

Pointe-d’Espoir - Burgess Arno Châtaignier pleaded guilty to theft and secrecy charges, and became a witness for the state in the Tribunal Regnal de Centre today. Burgess Châtaignier was arrested in connection to a January brawl where secret documents spilled onto the ground before he fled the scene. Sports commentator Valentin Laurier pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in a separate local court for the same brawl, and was not charged as an accomplice with Châtaignier.

Prosecutors alleged that Burgess Châtaignier copied and removed classified documents during his time as a co-chair of the Lower Assembly Committee on National Intelligence. The charge of theft of secret information doesn’t require a direct motive or end-goal, only the unauthorized removal of secret documents from their designated area(s).

Burgess Châtaignier became a witness for the state as part of his plea agreement. “There’s a lot of espionage activity in the world today, especially with world rugby in full swing,” said Phd. Roger Feros. He is a doctor of constitutional law, and a national security legal scholar of Lacoqueville University. “Any number of foreign actors could be attempting to develop sources and assets for their own causes.” Châtaignier’s cooperation could bolster any effort to root out spies and their networks.


Special Prosecutor Patrice Valus

“Mister Châtaignier and our team came to a mutual agreement,” said Special Prosecutor Patrice Valus. “We’re hoping that his cooperation will aid us in discovering the end-users of these stolen documents, and encourage witnesses to come forward.” Burgess Châtaignier nor his legal team had no comment when questioned by Le Crieur.


A photo of Representative Tibus Iferos outside the Tribunal Regnal de Centre, 1363

The conviction of a sitting member of government for breaking secrecy is new territory. Councilor Tibus Iferos, in 1363, was the closest any representative has ever been to being prosecuted for secrecy crimes while in office. Iferos however was released, as the prosecution could not produce evidence sufficient for a trial at the time. “Most disclosures are found out after the fact,” said Mari Flondeur, a constitutional law scholar and lecturer at Felix Hautlieu University. “And people get a fine and a slap on the wrist. Actual conviction is very rare, and convictions like this are usually used to tie down career criminals in order to charge them for worse crimes later.”

Juge Regnal Guy Guyon has scheduled sentencing for late next month. The sentences for the pleaded to crimes range from 5000 mark fines for every instance of unauthorized use, to 2 years in prison.


TGPD Tank : TankPorn

The R-34 Magyariv that proved the winner in the race from Lake Stour to Cangham. This is the trio's tank. The motto on the logo says 'Ambitious But Rubbish' in Hertmerian.

[Hammond arrives at the H&J base in Cangham in his howitzer, having won the race.]

Richard.jpg.05bfe7820c181e7af4c09e42e52b713f.jpg Richard H.: Yes, I win! It's me! Thank you... oh yeah.

[Hammond stops celebrating long enough to see the entire rest of the team glaring at him.]

Richard.jpg.05bfe7820c181e7af4c09e42e52b713f.jpg Richard H.: ...Ah.

[Shortly after, Clarkson arrives in his tractor.]

Jeremy.jpg.3e51b3005e3feeeeea3e6bbc62e36c1a.jpg Jeremy C.: Oh, damn and blast! It's Hammond! Oh hang on... it looks like he's in a spot of bother right now.

image.png.8d51bf7589ab55c8db697eeaf4f251fa.png Gwyn R.: Where have you been?

Jeremy.jpg.3e51b3005e3feeeeea3e6bbc62e36c1a.jpg Jeremy C.: Well, about that, we had a race to see whether using the Motorway of Death between Overthinkers and Hertfordshire-Jammbo was worth it. Hammond won annoyingly, I came second while using it. The others haven't finished yet.

Richard.jpg.05bfe7820c181e7af4c09e42e52b713f.jpg Richard H.: I don't think it is, considering I won. 

image.png.610b30b518483c8acd074ed92d72e491.png Karaina C.: You know you're two matches late, right?

image.png.e995514e0868ed16ad30df5eadd74388.png Ayumu K.: Two matches we've been pummelled in!

image.png.cfd3744f8332b65dbc62c99b5bc76d98.png Pri F.: Me and Pax have been trying to get a hold of you. No answer.

Jeremy.jpg.3e51b3005e3feeeeea3e6bbc62e36c1a.jpg Jeremy C.: You have?

image.png.504fbb2f3e3da66df8c374d9c9a0a788.png Promestein P.: This is hard to believe.

image.png.572352a946f893a20818faf5c446a731.png Tess D.: Listen, Jeremy. Me, Shizune and Tala have had to completely redo the entire team plan and positioning because you, Hammond and May were trying to one-up each other. Are you aware of how stressful that can be?

image.png.553e3ebd5eadea43de13f8ec9383df3f.png Nia H.: It's not exactly a quick process.

image.png.db3286f57e13f2ec83386dca38ef09a8.png Lain V.: Not to mention, where's Furu?

[Lain glares in Hammond's general direction. Harry, Lain's pet hedgehog, hisses.]

Richard.jpg.05bfe7820c181e7af4c09e42e52b713f.jpg Richard H.: Erm...

image.png.572352a946f893a20818faf5c446a731.png Tess D.: Good point, Lain. If something's happened to them while with you then so help me...!

image.png.db3286f57e13f2ec83386dca38ef09a8.png Lain V.Don't make me break you.

image.png.ad5694792d519eac41bc8c84a7d9a714.png Reimu H.: Would that be them?

[Furu and Galatea arrive in their tank. Galatea steps out carrying a sleeping Furu.]

image.png.572352a946f893a20818faf5c446a731.png Tess D.: Oh thank god!

[Lain smiles, then notices Harry is out of his neck fur coat and strokes him.]

image.png.ae577f500836507430490fb38d2c8df2.png Nagisa I.: Hi, Galatea!

image.png.896cf3dbfe9aa35f8b4b06b4dd8ba2b7.png Galatea F.: Quiet down. Clarkov's completely nodded off.

image.png.ae577f500836507430490fb38d2c8df2.png Nagisa I.: Sorry.

image.png.09f7dcd9a2abc2a10b9adceb9cc89fee.png Kirumi S.: I hope it's just one of their sleep attacks. I'm not about to lose the colour in my world.

image.png.896cf3dbfe9aa35f8b4b06b4dd8ba2b7.png Galatea F.: Yeah, it's one of those. Nothing to worry about, Kirumi.

image.png.ad5694792d519eac41bc8c84a7d9a714.png Reimu H.: I can carry them if you want. I'll take them inside.

image.png.896cf3dbfe9aa35f8b4b06b4dd8ba2b7.png Galatea F.: No, it's alright.

image.png.70b0c00fe22279cb0b932cec16d8f76d.png Hisao N.: You're clearly struggling. I wouldn't over-exert yourself. If anyone knows not to do that, it's me.

image.png.896cf3dbfe9aa35f8b4b06b4dd8ba2b7.png Galatea F.: Well, okay. Be careful with my son.

[Galatea hands Furu over to Reimu, Reimu and Hisao take Furu inside the base to a bed.]

image.png.3c810c92841daa0d1cc89130ac07db09.png Brooklyn M.: You know, Furu looks adorable when they're asleep.

image.png.b213af27d8c652a7d621e404175e999f.png Ozen I.: I have to agree.

image.png.eac2fb4a636bf0c312a65107e30739ca.png Pax F.: Reimu not being lazy? ...Besides the point. Now that they're here, we finally have the full first team. Their absence forced me to throw all my strategies out the window. I'm far from pleased.

image.png.610b30b518483c8acd074ed92d72e491.png Karaina C.: Not only that, all my rituals and spells failed to help anything at all. If either a researcher or a witch are missing even one ingredient, the whole thing falls apart.

image.png.b213af27d8c652a7d621e404175e999f.png Ozen I.: You say that like your witchcraft had any chance to work.

image.png.e995514e0868ed16ad30df5eadd74388.png Ayumu K.: You never know, it could have worked.

image.png.ae577f500836507430490fb38d2c8df2.png Nagisa I.: It clearly didn't.

image.png.b213af27d8c652a7d621e404175e999f.png Ozen I.: Things never seem to go your way here. It's always the same.

image.png.662ac6564d1b0b4d12b01ec88046b191.png Hanako I.: H-hey, Ozen. It m-might not seem like it, but I'm sure things will get better.

image.png.eac2fb4a636bf0c312a65107e30739ca.png Pax F.: Yes, Hanako's right. It can only go up from here.

image.png.09f7dcd9a2abc2a10b9adceb9cc89fee.png Kirumi S.: Is that Bureaucracy Stig?

[Bureaucracy Stig and The Stig arrive in their coach, Bureaucracy Stig steps out while The Stig drives off elsewhere.]

image.png.7be91293a6038db937f5a10657372eac.png Free de la H.: So, how was your trip...?

image.png.45b6aef512dd85c2146113e025e38142.png Bureaucracy Stig: ...

[Bureaucracy Stig simply walks past everyone to the nearest sitting place and breaks out Excel to do files. Free is unbothered.]

image.png.17a4501354c82c0ef36a4c7f9c02e877.png Tala V.: Does he ever stop being a bureaucrat?

image.png.7be91293a6038db937f5a10657372eac.png Free de la H.: I mean, we are in bureaucracy country.

image.png.a60d0419f405cfa70f0cc6e17dc99246.png Shizune H.: ... [Sign Language -> Translation: Alright everyone, we need to get a roll call in. This is serious, in fact you can never take anything too seriously. Get to it!]

[Shizune waves her hands in a grandiose way to get her instruction across. Everyone present gets into a line to be accounted for.]

image.png.6aa268731507fdc245ea0127773e72ef.png Julian K.: If anyone asks, I've been translating our conversation to signage for her.

image.png.be54562c62bf6dbf80e21196a3a0adc9.png Shu K.: ... [Sign Language -> Translation: Reimu and Hisao are inside, just so you know.]

image.png.a60d0419f405cfa70f0cc6e17dc99246.png Shizune H.: ... [Sign Language -> Translation: Thanks for letting me know. Other than them, we have myself, Julian, Free, Mizore, Lichova, Nagisa, Promestein, Damian, Rin, Furu, Naho, Pax, Faust, Richard, Jeremy, Kirumi, Tess, Nia, Brooklyn, Pri, Lain, Hanako, Karaina, Shu, Gwyn, Tala, Ozen, Ayumu. ...Wait a minute. That's only 30!]

image.png.cef5420b6e3d8337a27ebeb0fb3255a8.png Mizore S.: ... [Sign Language -> Translation: Where are the other two?]

image.png.51a6c67fd2b57891cdafe9eeef1f32d7.png ???: Everyone.

[Everyone turns towards the origin of the voice.]


A man who none bar a couple of the members has seen before. Pretty much the whole Youkai fanbase adores him.

image.png.40ad463c96dfd7d08c8a6427670dda8f.png Lichova F.: Who is...?

image.png.c24dfb5630ac4fd2e495e9c8b78166f2.png Damian H.: A local legend.

image.png.cf9ec809e90b75ef70ab226e3db6cad3.png Rin T.: The focus of that one question seen on H&J-related social media forums - 'Who wouldn't want him as their husband or dad?'.

[Galatea slowly steps forward, recognising the man.]

image.png.896cf3dbfe9aa35f8b4b06b4dd8ba2b7.png Galatea F.: Is that... you?

image.png.753b0210992252def70c716098ef3ff3.png Tarrick J.: Please... call me Tarrick.

[Galatea can hardly believe her closest friend since childhood has made it.]

image.png.753b0210992252def70c716098ef3ff3.png Tarrick J.: There's so much to tell you.

Jeremy.jpg.3e51b3005e3feeeeea3e6bbc62e36c1a.jpg Jeremy C.: Um, chaps!

image.png.d5706ef636a005c1fe6aa3f6511ee8b9.png Naho S.: Oh? You have something to say, Jeremy? Does it relate to where James is because I've been wondering why he isn't here yet.

Jeremy.jpg.3e51b3005e3feeeeea3e6bbc62e36c1a.jpg Jeremy C.: You know how me, Hammond and the rest of us in the race were really late?

image.png.3b36b3158be616adc400c2b1815e6d1f.png Faust H.: How could we forget?

Jeremy.jpg.3e51b3005e3feeeeea3e6bbc62e36c1a.jpg Jeremy C.: Well, it could be worse.

[As Clarkson explains what the worse thing is, somewhere along the shore of Overthinkers, May is barrelling along in his hovervan as fast as he can.]

James.thumb.jpg.15f9cf545654b1c917b5b1dd725295e6.jpg James M.: Cock! This is a massive oh cock!

The Most Famous Pirate of All - Blackbeard - Pirate Ship Johns Pass ...

Earlier on, one of many Hertfordshire-Jammbo pirate ships known as the Morituros raided May. The pirates made off with all his rum and nearly all of his dignity. They would have captured him if not for his threat of making them listen to James explaining things. Many an 'Aaarrr!' were heard. This is what Clarkson meant when he said 'well, it could be worse'.


The Zygotian Seer

Zygotia, Varanius


Prime Minister Fim has seemingly embroiled herself in the first controversy of the term with her very first decision. As is customary, Fim’s first item on the agenda was the announcement of executive staffing. What few predicted was the extent to which Fim restaffed the executive, and her decision to not stop at the executive. Included in the sweeping staffing changes is the complete removal of many of the closest military advisors, most diplomats, and a multitude of judicial removals.

Many of Fim’s appointments have come as intense surprises to the preexisting political establishment. Councillor of Zygotia Jude Dubois has notably gone on record lambasting the appointees as “partisan hacks”, and accusing the Prime Minister of “feeding the country to the shark circus”. Despite the harsh critique by Dubois and others, ultimately there’s nothing that Fim’s opponents can actually do to prevent these appointments, seeing as the PM has complete authority over executive appointments. The exception, of course, being the aforementioned judicial changes.

Judicial removals and appointments, while requiring the Prime Minister’s nomination, must first be approved by the Core. While many hoped the body would serve as something of a moderating influence, those same people have been quite frustrated with the Core’s repeated approval of Fim’s judicial changes, with 3 of 4 Core members voting Aye on the so-far judicial appointments to the 14th, 17th, and 23rd Major Courts. The sole dissenting member, Second Iris Garth West, echoed Dubois’ concerns regarding the alleged partisanship of the appointees.

The consequences of these drastic appointments remain to be seen. While many have observed the fiery political stances of what are typically apolitical positions, many of Fim’s appointments seem standard fare lifelong bureaucrats. The Seer watches on. 






His Serene Highness, Marcarius, Prince of the Holy Principality of Saint Mark


Prince Marcarius looked in the mirror as Clarkson, his valet brushed his shoulders. The Prince always enjoyed these trips to Giovanniland. Not only were they close allies, but he had developed a strong friendship with their king through the years. The Giovanniland State Dinner was to begin in thirty minutes, capping what had been another delightful visit. He didn't have far to travel, as both his apartments and the dinner were located in The Palatio Smaraldo (Emerald Palace), King Giovanni VI's official residence. It was a beautifully constructed structure, and its furnishings were at once elegant and comfortable.

Four days ago, his entourage had arrived in Porto Violeto. The next day, he and Lord Admiral Bellarmie toured the naval base, while Lady Arlene, Sir Aston, Lady Phyllis, and the Dashers took in a sail around the harbour. Later, they all met at a delightful restaurant housed in a seaside villa where they were treated to an amazing Abretan pizza followed by a sublime seafood risotto. On the following day, he had been occupied by several very productive trade and defense meetings. Yesterday, everyone enjoyed a private tour of The Museo Nationale, Giovanniland's exquisite display of its treasures, history, and culture.

Tonight, the visit culminated in the State Dinner, and tomorrow he would leave for the rugby tournament. He hoped his Lions would continue their streak and that he could relax and cheer on some exciting play.



Anders, Overthinkers — After an unexpected defeat to newcomers Nalibia in the first matchday of the 5th Rugby World Cup, Giovanniland has now bounced back with an exciting win against defending champions Dalimbar. The game had a fair share of action from both teams, as Giovanniland scored 27 points in comparison to Dalimbar's 13, and each team held the lead at different times during the match. The coach, manager and players were very happy with this result, which saved the team from further trouble and gave a dose of motivation for the upcoming matches.

The teams' respective captains Marko Telliano Ulpio and Luka Ivica both scored in the first minutes—Marko scored a drop goal three minutes in, and Luka made the first successful try of the game two minutes later but failed to convert, so Dalimbar stayed ahead with a score of 5-3. Samanta Alba Nima then turned the tide at 22' with another try and the first successful conversion of the game, but the score was tied by Dalimbari left wing Peter Srecko scored near the end of the first half, 10-10 at half time. The game had been relatively even during these first 40 minutes, and the Giovannilandian team was performing much better than in the first match, however the coach Galzena Vatinio-Messalla decided to make some changes to hopefully achieve the first win.

The changes proved effective, with right wing Benditta Kastrigio and full back Renato Velita-Amanda entering in place of Zerina Altanese and Lukio Tenzino Vittori respectively. Aulo came to score a try and successfully converted it ten minutes into the second half (50'), shifting the momentum towards Giovanniland and allowing Petro Numeriani to score another try at minute 54, making the score Giovanniland 22-10 Dalimbar. Although a scrum infringement by Demetro Ferenni the referee to award a penalty to Dalimbar, which their side scored, a late try by Nikolo Hortense-Zerdano sealed the fate of the match, earning Giovanniland its first win in the tournament.

Karlopole, Giovanniland and Asahi, Minsu — In significant news for the Gaoist communities in both Minsu and Giovanniland, the religious icon of Fujimo-no-Mikoto, the deity of death, has undergone a benediction ritual at the Toyoda Grand Shrine in the city of Asahi. It was transported from its home at the Ukeda Shrine of Karlopole, the largest Gaoist shrine in Giovanniland, to the Minsunese capital city where this important event happened. The icon stayed in the Celestial Hall for three days, where it was enshrined, while prayers and offerings were made by pilgrims from Minsu and even some from Giovanniland. Furthermore, the closing ceremonies involved traditional dances, a great purification rite, and the formal turnover of the icon to the Giovannese priests from Ukeda Shrine.

Now the icon is on a journey back to Giovanniland, where it will pass through several cities in the eastern part of the Abrenosto region, where the largest Gaoist community in the country is located. This journey starts in the border city of Aquavioleta and passes through other cities such as Verderia, Kerulli, Baiabrenti and at last Karlopole, which has a sizable minority of Gaoists among its total population of 347,106 inhabitants. Gaoism is recognized as a regional religion in Giovanniland, followed not only by most Minsunese living in the country but also by some ethnic Giovannese, mostly in the eastern regions near the border with Minsu.



Results of the 3rd Match Day of the Group Stage of RWC 5

Group A
Hertfordshire and Jammbo 17–10 Overthinkers
Rivalfiume 13–12 Avadonialis
Varanius 10–16 Larxia

  Group A                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Rivalfiume                    3   2  0  1   26  17  +9   1    9
2 Larxia                        3   2  0  1   34  23 +11   0    8
3 Avadonialis                   3   1  0  2   41  32  +9   3    7
4 Overthinkers                  2   1  0  1   30  29  +1   2    6
5 Varanius                      2   1  0  1   15  16  −1   1    5
6 Cambria                       2   1  0  1   25  26  −1   0    4
7 Hertfordshire and Jammbo      3   1  0  2   23  51 −28   0    4

Group B
Nieubasria 0–22 United Adaikes
Fujai 20–0 Zhiznovsk
Sekiya 25–13 New Velka (NPC)

  Group B                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Fujai                         3   3  0  0   52  13 +39   2   14
2 Teralyon                      2   2  0  0   37  21 +16   1    9
3 United Adaikes                2   1  0  1   33  17 +16   2    6
4 Sekiya                        2   1  0  1   38  35  +3   1    5
5 Nieubasria                    3   1  0  2   29  48 −19   1    5
6 Zhiznovsk                     3   1  0  2   28  53 −25   0    4
7 New Velka (NPC)               3   0  0  3   21  51 −30   0    0

Group C
Saint Mark 10–14 Ryxtylopia
Peourouin 7–0 Nouveauterra
Arifiyyah 18–3 Einherfell (NPC)

  Group C                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Peourouin                     3   3  0  0   55  12 +43   1   13
2 Saint Mark                    3   2  0  1   34  17 +17   1    9
3 Ryxtylopia                    2   2  0  0   26  18  +8   0    8
4 Nouveauterra                  3   1  0  2   25  27  −2   2    6
5 Arifiyyah                     2   1  0  1   25  20  +5   0    4
6 Zoran                         2   0  0  2   14  34 −20   1    1
7 Einherfell (NPC)              3   0  0  3    8  59 −51   0    0

Group D
Min-Su 20–36 Dalimbar
Ostronia 41–9 Nalibia
Denieria (NPC) 0–19 Mygrdiyah

  Group D                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  BP  Pts 
1 Mygrdiyah                     3   3  0  0   56   3 +53   1   13
2 Ostronia                      3   2  0  1   63  32 +31   1    9
3 Nalibia                       3   2  0  1   22  44 −22   0    8
4 Giovanniland                  2   1  0  1   30  23  +7   2    6
5 Dalimbar                      2   1  0  1   49  47  +2   1    5
6 Min-Su                        3   0  0  3   20  60 −40   2    2
7 Denieria (NPC)                2   0  0  2    7  38 −31   0    0

< Previous: The Beremean Golden Age | Next: The Ardala Khanate >
Late Classical & Early Medieval Era -
the Ulerge Khanate

The later Classical Age was important for the Ardala and Ulerge, since both made massive territorial expansion and development of new cities during this period. The Ardalans expanded to the east of their initial lands in the mouth of the Ikh-usu River, notably founding the magnificent Altan-qota or the Golden City, which would then serve as the capital of the Ardala Confederation founded in 453 BF. Meanwhile, the Ulerge civilization expanded in various directions in relation to their core territory in the upper Irto River valley, leading to the formation of the Western and Eastern Leagues in 429 BF that would soon fight for control of the Ulergean lands.

After a few decades, the Western League won the conflict in 361 BF and set to expand the Ulerge civilization's territory even more. By the end of the 3rd century BF the Ulerge reestablished contact with the Ardala, which had recently expanded up to the right bank of the eastern Nia River during the golden years of the Ardala Confederation. No longer separated by the Boriorto Mountains, the two peoples started to more closely trade with each other, although given their common origin, leaders of both civilizations wished to one day see the two unified once more. This came to fruition when Bilgüün Khan of the Ulerge founded the Ulerge Khanate in 187 BF and began to conquer the Ardalan cities, finishing his campaign and unifying the two peoples in 125 BF after capturing Altan-qota, a happening that marks the start of the Middle Ages in the region.

The next two centuries saw the zenith of power for the Ulerge Khanate, especially after the conquest of the Bereme and Inte in 42 AF during the reign of Abargha Khan, overthrowing the native twenty-fourth dynasty (25 BF-42 AF). Although the Bereme had enjoyed a brief recovery after the fall of their empire, natural disasters such as severe droughts caused further unrest between different dynasties aiming for power, and this made the conquest by the Ulerge easier. 

The height of Ulerge power was reached under Abargha (reigned 29-60 AF) and his two sons, Buyan (reigned 60-75 AF) and Oktai (reigned 75-98 AF), a time during which the khanate enjoyed prosperity. Their control of the mountain passes to the south allowed trade with the Emüne, which were in their golden age at the time, since they earned a lot of wealth from trade to the north with the Ulergeans and south with the Golbans.

However, the Ulerge khans were also known for their brutality as rulers, and other ethnic groups such as the Ardala and Bereme were oppressed by them. Aided by a succession crisis in 130 AF, the Bereme rebelled and restored native rule for the next two hundred years. The failure by the Ulerge Khanate to successfully reestablish control over the Beremean lands, coupled with weaker rulers, resulted in an Ardalan revolt in 241 AF, starting the Boreandolian Civil War.

The Ardala and Ulerge then fought for control of the eastern lands, while in the west, the Bereme divided themselves over whether to support the Ardalans or to remain independent. The former faction prevailed, and an alliance was forged between the Ardala and Bereme peoples, winning the war in 283 AF to found the Ardala Khanate. In return for their support, the alliance's leader and first khan Erdene granted the Beremeans a higher level of autonomy within the new state, whereas the Ulerge royal family and their allies were executed.


Seventy years had passed since the Demon King's invasion of Nurvus. The Great Northern Kingdom of Malkach fell within a few years, and the Northern Demon Army steadily advanced southward until a stalemate was reached. The Southern Coalition of Nurvus managed to halt their progress at the Nurvus Wastes, a desolate and dangerous area where even the mighty Demon King struggled to proceed.

The Southern Coalition comprised the four remaining powers in Nurvus. The Kingdom of Ostriao, protected by the great dividing mountain range, managed to retain much of its northern territory. The Dual Monarchy of Peo-Ruin, situated on the frontier of the Nurvus Wastes, faced the Demon King's army directly. The Empire of Yekisekiyase, a theocratic state, used its powerful paladins to delay the demon forces. Lastly, the Kingdom of Rivalioni, although fortunate to avoid much combat, provided substantial material support to the rest of the coalition.


The map of Eferios in the year 213428, 21204 years after the great collapse, and 3423 years since the founding of magic.

Despite Nurvus's pleas for help against the demons, the rest of the world remained silent, unwilling or perhaps too afraid to confront the formidable demon threat. The demon catastrophe in Nurvus, however, attracted a huge influx of adventurers from around the globe, many seeking the fame and fortune that came with being an adventurer. Some of the most powerful fighters arrived from the Kingdoms of Camembert and Foogeye in Polaria, while renowned clerics and mages from Maint Sark and the Purple Empire also came to aid in the battle against the demon menace.

The war against the demons was fierce and relentless. The Coalition forces, reinforced by the Adventurer guilds, fought valiantly, using their unique strengths to their advantage. The Kingdom of Ostriao's natural fortifications provided a strategic advantage, allowing them to launch surprise attacks against the demon forces. The Dual Monarchy of Peo-Ruin's brave soldiers defended the frontier with unwavering resolve, often engaging in brutal hand-to-hand combat with the demonic invaders. The Empire of Yekisekiyase's paladins, blessed with divine power, became legendary for their ability to turn the tide of battle with their holy magic. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Rivalioni's logistical support ensured that the coalition armies were well-supplied and ready for the next confrontation.

Despite the Coalition's efforts, the demon threat remained a constant pressure on Nurvus. The Demon King, though contained, was far from defeated. As the years passed, the people of Nurvus held onto hope, drawing strength from the unity and bravery of their defenders. The war against the demons became a story of resilience and defiance, a testament to the enduring spirit of Nurvus and its allies. The battle for Nurvus was far from over, but the determination to reclaim their land and vanquish the Demon King burned brighter than ever in the hearts of its people.

As the war began to settle down, many of the adventurers that had arrived began to settle in Nurvus. Drawn by the land's raw beauty and the sense of purpose they found in defending it, they established new lives amid the chaos. Some founded families and built homes, integrating into local communities and sharing their diverse cultures and knowledge. Others set up guilds and training schools, passing on their skills to the next generation of warriors and mages. Their presence brought new vitality to Nurvus, fostering a spirit of resilience and hope among the beleaguered populace.

Among the many adventurers who arrived in Nurvus was a great mage named Sylvie from the Central Continent. Known for her unparalleled mastery of elemental magic, Sylvie quickly became a key figure in the resistance against the demons. During her time in Nurvus, she met Kang, a noble paladin from the Empire of Yekisekiyase. Their bond grew strong amidst the trials of war, and they fell deeply in love. Together, they envisioned a future beyond the conflict, where they could retire and raise a family in peace.

However, fate had other plans. On one final, perilous quest to turn the tide against the demon forces, Kang met his end, sacrificing himself to protect his comrades and buy crucial time for the coalition's forces. Sylvie was left heartbroken, her dreams of a peaceful life shattered. She found solace in their two children, a son named Tang and a younger daughter named Mei. Determined to honour Kang's legacy, Sylvie dedicated herself to raising Tang and Mei, instilling in them the same values of bravery and selflessness that defined their father, hoping that one day they too could live in a peaceful world.


Did you like this story? Then you'll love Cellars and Fellas, The world's most popular TTRPG! Create stories just like this, and fight battles against evil monsters with your friends! Play the new "Demon invasion of Nurvus" scenario and help turn the tide against the Demon Army and help save Nurvus, and the world!







Peourouin National Rugby Team Coach Predicts A Strong Contender in Upcoming Matchday
by 于李蟒 Yu Limang, Andolian Sports Correspondent


Hello Kaimang! How have you been doing? Is the team well? Any new upcomings since leaving for the tournament?


Hello Limang, it’s great to see you and thank you for having me. I am feeling ecstatic for the next match, Ryxtylopia, which is the group leader in our grouping. I’ve been extremely proud of our proud ladies and boys on and off the field. Definitely a shock to newer members of the team, but everyone is getting along, and it’s grown into this massive family that I don’t think words can express how amazing the team is.


I’m so glad you’re just as excited as some of the fans here at home. I bet your work has paid off?


Immensely! Our first match against Ariffiyah resulted in a 17-7 win for Peourouin, some close calls but not even light fatigue was shown in the post-game routines. Second match against Einherfell, a quick sweep 31-5 win. And not to mention the game yesterday against Nouveauterra. A new team but also very seasoned, only a 7-0 win. They’re quite the defensive team, so there were some heated fumbles and only one minor sprain to Lín () but he’s still being his unwavering self even sitting out. No major injuries or players forced to leave—just so grateful.


Yes, very glad he’s being himself and tell him to rest up. Up next is the match with Ryxtylopia—which you mentioned earlier—many rugby afficionados have said RXY plays much more balanced and with the team’s current strategy, could cause for a possibility for the first loss for the team. What do you say to those speculations?


We as a team collective acknowledge our more offensive playstyle, but we’re not afraid to set up and dig in if RXY decides to play more aggressively. But we’re optimistic that whatever happens will happen and we gave the play our best and fair chance.






Saint Mark vs Ryxtylopia - The  Highlights


After the usual ads the transmission began, as both teams lined up for their national anthems, Ryxtylopia dressing the green and blue shirt this time, whilst the stands were filled by a overwhealmingly markan crowd, as both teams shook hands and prepared for the match.


Once again for this match, Pablo Virriscayda would be comentating.

As preparations for the match finalized, the game got underway; in the end Tivarra had decided not to make any changes to the roster.


"Annnd... Ryxtylopia won the coin toss, apparently- yep they're starting by kicking off. Ladies and gentlemen we currently have SAINT MARK! vs RYXTYLOPIA! Live from Overthinkers, on TVNC."


Ryxtylopia would start by kicking off, commencing the match.



Ryxtylopia starts off by probing the markans with advances forward before passes back, certainly more agressivley than in the game against Zoran, but the first 5 minutes prove uneventful.



6 Minutes in... (0-0)

Ryxtylopian Loosehead prop: Pailo Darrias spots a good opening in the markan defense and attempts to go in for a try, but the markans were quick on their heels, as left-wing Celerio Blitzen turned around and tackled Darrias before regaining possetion and passing the ball safeley away.

"Its Darrias, Darrias, Darrias, Darrias, DARRIAS, DARRIAS! DARRIAAAAAAAAAAAAS! ANNNNND TACKLEEE!!!! Amaizing maneuver by Celerio Blitzen leaves Darrias on the floor! Saint Mark Regains possetion!"


18 Minutes in... (0-0)

The first big chance for the Lions came in the 18th minute after a ruck ending in their favor lead to the ball being in possetion of markan blindside flanker: Marcarius Hightower who began a counterpush from the markan side, then passing to markan 2nd row player: Donovan Elkhart who before being able to pass or run through any gaps was quickly tackled by ryxtylopian inside centre: Guilbirto Tivaña, who was able to pass the ball away clearing Ryxtylopia from any trouble.

"Marcarius for the markans, they are moving up on the lines, Marcarius to Donovan, Donovan, they are pushing they are pushing; Its close! Annnnd Tackle! A Tackle by Tivaña, Ryxtylopia regains possetion!"


25 Minutes in... (0-0)

Another big chance for Ryxtylopia happens in the 25th, as after a good pass from openside flanker Marco Xilta the ball ends in the hands of Guivina Divarra, who carries the ball nearly to victory before being tackled by markan outside centre: Colin Rahl, however after the tackle the markans fail to cover ryxtylopian hooker: Andreís Guilbirto, who was behind Divarra, and opportunistically grabbed the ball before the markans did, nearly scoring a try. Only the quick reaction from markan fullback: Blaze Emberfell saved the markans from conceding, as they tackled Guilbirto and got the ball safeley away.

"Xilta... Xilta to Divarra, Divarra is through, Divarra is running, she's taking the train straight for the markan side of the field, Divarra... Tackle! It- WAIT ITS GUILBIRTO, GUILBIRTOOOOOOOO- TACKLE!! The Markans have once again saved themselves, this time by the hand of Blaze Emberfell!"


31 Minutes in (0-7)

But as time on the first half of the game started to run low, the ryxtylopians opened the score after a maul that favored them, leading to the ball being passed to ryxtylopian number 8: Quista Farris who started a good series of passes with Huilchica, before Huilchica passed to Darrias near the edge of the field, from there Darrias passed next to markan right wing: Christopher Dancer who was positioned to anticipate a try by Huilchica, leading to Darrias scoring the try. In the following conversion kick, Huilchica scored, giving ryxtylopia a 7-0 lead.

"The ball for Quista Farris! Farris to Huilchica, Huilchica to Farris, Farris to Huilchica, Huilchica can score! Annnd... BALL TO DARRIAS, DARRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS, SCOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Ryxtylopia has scored, Amaizing maneuver by Huilchica, Farris and Darrias!"

"Its now Huilchica to score the conversion, Huilchica... Kick annnnnd... SCORE! Huilchica scored the conversion kick! Its now Saint Mark 0, Ryxtylopia 7!"



The rest of the first half was just a mix of ryxtylopian pushes, and markan counter attacks, both being unable to get any other major chances to score throught the rest of the first 40 minutes. With the ref's whistle being blown, both teams went to cool off and re-organize.

"Its Palmiras annnd, Half time! Ladies and Gentlemen Ryxtylopia winning against Saint Mark in this intense match that currently stands 0-7 in favor of the Pirates! We'll be back soon after the ad break."


59 Minutes in... (7-7)

After the break the markans had more luck with their counter attacks, which bore fruit in the 59th minute of the game, when following a ruck, markan lock: Donovan Elkhart spotted a gap left by ryxtylopian outside centre: Rinaco Patochá, and passed to markan hooker Welhelo Saylor who took advantage of the gap, with Ernysto Rivas the fullback for Ryxtylopia being unable to tackle him, leading to the markans scoring, with Baxtor Goldwash, Saint Mark's loosehead prop; converting.

"We have Donovan for the markans, he is through the line through, Donovan in to Welhelo, passing Rivas! Annnnd... SCORE! Saint Mark Scores! Thanks to Donovan and Welhelo!"

"And now it will be Baxtor to score the conversion, its here Baxtoooooooooooooor, SCORE! Saint Mark has scored the conversion and the match is now level 7-7!"


63 Minutes in... (7-7)

The ryxtylopians didn't give up however and in the 63rd minute a chance to slip between markan fly half: Nelson Saint Mark and inside centre: Rudolph Centerman was taken by Guivina Divarra, but after being surrounded by the rest of the markan defense she opted to attempt a drop goal, which straved off the left post.

"Divarra, OH! DIVARRA IS THROUGH! But she may get tackled soon as sh- SHE TRIES THE DROP GOAL ANNNND- MISS! Divarra has nearly missed! The game will remain tied for the time being!"


67 Minutes in... (7-14)

After Divarra's miss it didn't take too long for Ryxtylopia to score once again, as after a good pass from blindside flanker: Armando Mataña, Huilchica got possetion, before passing to Guilbirto, ran straight at the markan side before turning around to pass to ryxtylopian tighthead prop: Mirta Palmiras who scored the try, after avoiding Emberfell. Following this Divarra scored the conversion bringing the game 7-14 in the Pirate's favor.

"Mataña! Mataña to Huilchica, Huilchica's in the markan's side its now to Guilbirto! Guilbirto is through! Guilbirto has hit the gas! Its Guilbirtoooooo- PALMIAR ITS PALMIRAS AND SCOOOOOOOOOORE!!! Ryxtylopia has scored thanks to Guilbirto and Palmira's coordination!"

"Now Divarra to convert, ladies and gentlemen, Divarraaaaaaaa- SCORE! Divarra has scored the conversion! This brings up the game 7-14 in favor for the Pirate!"


72 Minutes in... (7-14)

After a pass forward ryxtylopian scrum half: Ferrán Lisquerva, Saint Mark were awarded a scrum, which they took advantage of to counter push the ryxtylopians, with good passes between Donovan Elkhart and John Evermore, that nearly ended in a try, however Right-Wing Avilita Mataña tackled Evermore as he approached the line, allowing Rivas to take possetion and carry the ball away.

"Its a scrum... Saint Mark regain possetion! its now to Donovan, Donovan to John, John to Donovan, Donovan to John, John to Donovan, and again to John the markans are close annnd- Tackle by Mataña! And Rivas takes possetion for the pirates!"


78 Minutes in... (10-14)

As the match neared its end the markans got one final chance to close the score in the 78th, when following a ruck on their side, markan blindside flanker: Marcarius Hightower was able to run past the first 2 ryxtylopian lines nearing the defense before passing to a surrounded Baxtor Goldwash who in that quick succession of passes achieved a beautiful drop goal, stunning the ryxtylopian backline, and closing the gap between the score in the dying minutes of the match.

"Ryxtylopia is nearing victory ladies and gentlemen! Its now Marcarius Hightower for Saint Mark, the markans are on the counter now, they've passed both Xilta and Farris! its Marcarius, attention Marcariuuuuuuus to Bruno! Drop- n' SCORE! Saint Mark has scored a beautifully executed drop kick by the hand of Marcarius Hightower and Bruno Goldwash!"


FULL TIME (10-14)

However that drop goal in the 78th would be the last scored in the game as the Lions fell to the Pirates with the final score remaining 10-14, as the match ended both sides shook hands and the rytxylopians went back to the dressers as the heavily markan crowd left the stadium.

"Annnd- FULL TIME! RYXTYLOPIA HAS WON! Ryxtylopia has achieved its first victory against Saint Mark in a Rugby World Cup! In a match we all anxiously waited for."


"This match has seen a lot of hits by ryxtylopia at the markan side only to be counter attacked by the markans, it has been intense but in the end the pirates were able to prevail, once again big thanks to Overthinkers for allowing TVNC to host this signal to you the viewers!"

"But this marks the end of todays match, thanks for watching, and we hope you tune in soon for: RYXTYLOPIA VS PEOUROUIN!"


The Transmission ends.





Obyke- The Lightbringers suffered our first lose of the season in a 41–9 defeat against Ostronia. Live from Liegen Star Stadium, Anders of Overthinkers, we have coach Henoke Simi Afolabi... Are you there coach, what do you think happened last night?

Henoke- Well our team fought hard, but the Ostronia team fought harder. This happens sometimes, but it only means we get up and get ready to take it to them next time.

Tariku- 41 to 9, what went wrong and what can we expect next game?

Henoke- It is not what we did wrong, but what the Ostronia team did right. They adjusted well on the field and we simply could not catch the momentum. Believe me this team is a group of fighters. We watched the tapes this morning and pinned down our mistakes and areas of improvement. Next game will be nothing short of a brawl.

Obyke- Speaking of, how is the team taking the lose coach. As a former athlete, I know that loses come hard.

Henoke- As I said we are a team of fighters. Life gives you Ls, but it is only truly a lose if we don't learn. The team and staff are anxious to get back on the field to show what we have learned.   

Tariku- I know that's right. Well the next match is against Denieria and they are hungry for their first win of the season, lets go and teach them how the game is played.

Obyke- Live from Liegen Star Stadium, it was a pleasure talking to you coach Afolabi. We look forward to seeing you on the sideline tomorrow.

Henoke- Thank you.

Tariku- Back to you Iruka.



Iruka- Thank you Tariku, In other news; music artist Amaka is rumored to be portraying Queen Folami Zewdi of house Hagos in the upcoming film Ruby Crown. The film is based off the recently discovered diary of the late Queen whom served under her husband during the Age of Discovery in the 9th century AF. The Priesthood have stated they will be involved in overseeing the historical accuracy of the film, to make sure the scandalous nature of the events of her life do not over shadow the contributions the queen made to the empire we have today.




FUSO, MINSU - In a landmark decision aimed at fostering spiritual and moral growth among the youth, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology announced today that Gaoist principles will be formally integrated into Minsu's national education curriculum. The initiative, set to begin in the upcoming academic year, seeks to instill values of harmony, reverence, and enlightenment in students across the Empire.

A Holistic Approach to Education
The integration of Gaoist principles marks a significant shift towards a more holistic approach to education. The Ministry of Education emphasized that this initiative aims to balance academic rigor with spiritual and moral development, creating well-rounded individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also spiritually grounded.

Key Gaoist Principles in Education
Harmony with Nature: Lessons will emphasize the importance of living in harmony with nature, encouraging students to engage in environmental stewardship and sustainable practices. This includes activities like school gardening projects, nature excursions, and lessons on the interconnectedness of all living things.

Reverence for Ancestors: Students will learn the significance of honoring their ancestors, understanding their roots, and the value of family heritage. Activities such as storytelling sessions, family history projects, and visits to ancestral shrines will be incorporated.

Pursuit of Spiritual Enlightenment: Schools will introduce meditation practices such as zazen, inspired by Keikozen, to help students cultivate mindfulness, inner peace, and self-awareness. Meditation sessions will be part of the daily routine, fostering a calm and focused learning environment.

Curriculum Development and Teacher Training
To ensure the effective integration of Gaoist principles, a special committee comprising educators, Gaoist scholars, and members of the Celestial Hall has been established. This committee is responsible for developing the curriculum and training teachers to convey these principles in an engaging and meaningful way.

"We are committed to providing our educators with the necessary resources and training to effectively teach these principles," said Education Minister Haruto Nakamura. "This initiative is about nurturing the spirit and character of our students, preparing them to be compassionate and responsible citizens."

Reactions from the Gaoist Community
The Celestial Hall, the highest organ of the Gaoist faith, has expressed its full support for the initiative. "Integrating Gaoist principles into education aligns with our mission to guide the spiritual growth of our people," said Paragon Hiroshi, a senior member of the Celestial Hall. "We believe this will help cultivate a generation that respects nature, honors their ancestors, and seeks spiritual enlightenment."

Impact on Students and Society
Many parents and community leaders have welcomed the initiative, seeing it as a way to reinforce cultural and spiritual values in the younger generation. "Incorporating Gaoist principles into education will help our children develop a strong moral foundation and a sense of connection to their heritage," said Aiko Tanaka, a parent from Fuso.

Schools across Minsu are preparing to implement the new curriculum, with pilot programs already underway in select institutions. The first results and feedback from these pilot programs are expected by the end of the year.

Looking Ahead
As Minsu embarks on this innovative educational journey, the integration of Gaoist principles is poised to enrich the lives of students and strengthen the cultural fabric of the nation. This initiative reflects a deep commitment to preserving the spiritual heritage of Gaoism while equipping future generations with the wisdom and values to navigate the complexities of the modern world.


September 12, 1282
My Dearest Ana,

The lighthouse at Suukuna stands, a lonely sentinel against the crashing waves of the Keigan Sea. The air is thick with the scent of salt and seaweed, a constant, almost cloying, perfume. It was a sight that thrilled me to the bone at first, a testament to the responsibility entrusted upon me as keeper. But even the wildest landscapes lose their charm when viewed alone for too long.

The nights are the worst, Ana. The wind howls like a banshee, a keening that chills me to the very marrow. Sometimes, I hear voices on it, soft whispers in an unknown tongue, urging me to join them in the churning sea below. The long, solitary hours play tricks on the mind. Shadows dance on the walls, grotesque figures born of flickering candlelight and a heart that aches for your touch.

Last night, I could have sworn I heard the mournful tolling of bells, a ghostly echo that wrapped around the lighthouse like a spectral shroud. Perhaps it's the loneliness, or maybe this place holds secrets deeper and older than the stones it's built upon. All I know is that thoughts of our walks along the sun-drenched beach and the laughter that echoed in the marketplace feel like a distant dream.

Oh, Ana, how I long for the day I can return to you, a weathered warrior from a solitary battle against the elements. How I dream of holding you close, the warmth of your body a shield against the creeping chill that seems to have settled here. But duty calls, and honor demands I remain.

Know this, my love: Every night, as I climb the winding stairs to ignite the lamp, it is your face I see in the beam's reflection, a beacon guiding weary sailors home. You are my anchor in this storm-tossed sea of isolation.

Hold fast, my dearest Ana. Soon, I will return, and together we will face whatever life may bring.

With all my love,


11:00 Over Time
29 June 1424
New Zoradia, Zoran

“...and based upon our reports, the Co-op Transition Program has seen huge successes in many industries in our country with productivity increasing along with the worker’s purchasing power as a result over the past three years.” said Minister of Labour A’uweyvi,

“Thank you for your report, let me know by our next meeting about how well the co-ops are doing in comparison to other business models in the country.” said Atsila,

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“Now,” Atsila began, “Minister Agaluysdi, do you have any foreign affairs updates for me today?”

“Well, Your Majesty, the situation in Varanius seems to be progressing for the worst.” he answered gravely,

“How so?”

“Prime Minister Finn has made some serious changes in regards to executive staffing and judicial appointments. She has essentially purged major organs of the government and replaced them with loyalists. We are talking diplomats, military advisors, judges-”

“Judges too?” interrupted Atsila, “Wouldn’t her opponents have voted against such removals and appointments?”
“They’re isn’t much they can do, the Core voted 3 to 4 in favor of Finn’s appointments.” he said dismayed. The ministers in the room whispered in worried tones amongst themselves.

“Why would they vote in favor? Are those members supporters of hers?” she asked, her tone heavy with suspicion,

“No, this is sort of to be expected. The Core is a group of religious figures and considering Finn’s background it makes sense for them to back her.”

“I see.” grumbled Atsila,

“While we are on the topic of Finn,” interrupted Soyohata, “She is a tech entrepreneur or whatever, right? We know that the Corporates used to monitor conversations and use it to feed their algorithm for targeted advertising. We also have documents we seized from their former offices that contained their plans to use this to collect blackmail. I think she could be collecting blackmail on potential opponents to her rule.”

“It could be possible,” commented Agaluysdi, “but without evidence this is simply a conspiracy theory. And even then, her opposition has very limited ways to oppose her decisions in terms of appointments.”

“Whatever the case may be, it is clear that Varanius is on its way to becoming a dictatorship and considering her campaign promises this could mean trouble is brewing in the Darkesian.” said Atsila,

“If it is any reassurance,” began General Adahihi, “usually a purge of the military like we believe to be happening in Varanius can cause some disorganization within the ranks for a period of time. I do not think that Varanius will try to strike anywhere in the Darkesian in the immediate future.”

“You’re probably right about that. Let’s just continue to monitor the situation for now. While we are at it, let’s investigate the possibility of data collection and investigate C-Tech products and see if we need to issue a ban against the sale of those devices in Zoran for violating our privacy laws.”

“Agreed, Your Majesty,” said Minister Agaluysdi, “now as we move on from Varanius, it seems that Dalimbar continues its efforts of showboating around Aura and Andolia with General Frank currying favor with the Overthinking government.”

“Containing Dalimbar is Cambria’s job, not ours. Just have our ambassadors continue to express our disappointment in Saint Mark, Giovanniland, and Overthinkers for doing business with Dalimbar.” ordered Atsila dismissively,

“As your wish, Your Majesty.”

The meeting with her ministers continued as each minister spoke their piece about the affairs going on in the country and abroad, but all of them in the room grew worried about the growing situation in Varanius.



Congresswoman Stephanie Could gently lowered herself back into her recliner, after ascertaining that her phone, eyePad, diet soda, and remote were all within arm’s reach. 
    Since the surgery, her pain was no longer as acute, but a dull soreness still made it difficult to get around. Now pushing seventy, she still insisted on taking care of herself. Jacob called it “old Koard stubbornness”. She was adamant that he was wrong.
    Circumstances notwithstanding, Stephanie couldn’t help but appreciate the break from her civic duties. It was nice to wake up in the morning and only have to worry about her problems, instead of 30 million other people’s. Maybe she would pass on running for re-election. The petty committee appointment was probably the apex of her legislative career anyhow. NUP had the big-ticket appointees fully planned out for the next 10 years.
    As she reached for the TV remote, her other phone started ringing. Her “business” phone, the number she had given out to her constituents and claimed was a personal cell. Which, it was, but it was also a burner phone she was doing her best to ignore during her leave.
    Something told her that this call was important, but she knew that if she tried to go fetch that phone from the other room, it would go to voicemail before she got halfway there. Besides, she told herself, if it was truly important, Karissa had her personal—
    Now her personal phone rang, and it was, in fact, Karissa, her chief aide. Stephanie sighed, but picked up. “Yes?”
    “Ma’am.” There was an awkwardly long pause. Stephanie had never had an aide without anxiety, but she had been working with Karissa six years, and she was on a whole other level. “It’s…well, I…you see…”
    “Important part first, hon, context later.”
    “They’re trying to get the Peculiar Modes Committee together, and there’s only four of you, so…”
    Stephanie couldn’t believe her ears. “Why the hell do they need us to meet now?”
    “Well, you see, that’s why I had to, uh, well…”
    “You’re outside my house, aren’t you?”
    There was no response. Stephanie craned her neck to look out the front picture window. Karissa was there, waving sheepishly.
    Stephanie sighed deeply. “Come in. The door’s unlocked.”
    A few moments later, Karissa was significantly more settled. “So, the EV bill bounced.”
    “Bounced how?”
    “Congressman Jeffers tried to amend it very badly and everyone got so fed up they sent it back to committee.”
    Stephanie rubbed the bridge of her nose. This had been the only vaguely important bill to ever come out of the Committee on Peculiar Modes of Transport, and she did not like the implications of it not even making it to vote. And of course, things would go awry when she was in no position to do anything about it.
    “So what now?” she asked, to buy time to think as much as anything. She knew what now.
    “Well, the committee has until the end of general session to reconvene and produce a new draft of the bill…it should really be a couple weeks before though, so that there’s actually time to get it on the agenda…but it’ll take two weeks probably to get the meeting scheduled…”
    “Is it really so urgent,” Stephanie interjected, “that you had to pull me in while I’m laid up?”
    “I think so, ma’am. The other Congresspeople couldn’t care less, but your office phone’s been ringing nonstop. I think one of the quote-unquote ‘watchdog’ outlets name dropped you? But people from all over are mad about this.”
    All of a sudden, a new thought entered Congresswoman Stephanie Could’s mind. In a way, it was funny how her intentionally irrelevant position was suddenly at the center of the session’s hot-button issue. Maybe her legislative career hadn’t peaked yet after all. Very few people could say that they got a bill out of bureaucratic purgatory.
    “Karissa? How much time is left in the session?”
    “Forty-one days.”
    “I’ll be back in two weeks. That gives us nearly a month to get this through.”
    “So we’re making it happen?” Excitement briefly eclipsed Karissa’s nervous energy. She had been in the Dome long enough to know the significance of pulling this off.
    “Absolutely we are,” Stephanie said, daring to crack a smug grin. “You have my calendar. Get a committee meeting scheduled for three weeks from now. Then, get ahold of that amendment, and transcripts of the floor debate. We’ll have the new draft half written before I set foot back in Aurum.”
    Karissa stood at attention and bowed. “I swear it shall be done.” She promptly saw herself out the door.
    Moments later, Jacob entered. He glanced back out the window at Karissa power-walking to the nearest bus station. “Don’t tell me you’ve been working, now,” he teased.
    “Such is the burden of public service,” Stephanie shrugged. “Now, can you go find my work phone and chuck it into the pool, or something?”




FSTV4 - History of the Pathseekers

Episode 4: Meeting the Choden

Narrator - A pleasant land was Choden.

From the banks of the big river, the forests marched in unbroken ranks. They stretched across the lowlands; they climbed the mountain slopes. Thousands of feet above the valley floor they gave way to tundra, and rocky crests.

High over all, the peaks glistened with the eternal glaciers that, in the hot months, fed their waters to the river's flow.

In the land of Choden food abounded.

Each year, with the fullness of the late springtime, the salmon came up the river. They came in a silver horde, millions of fish; running against the swift waters to reach their ancestral spawning grounds.

From this migration the People of Choden took their toll.

With great traps they caught such fish as they needed. They dried them, and smoked them; preserving them against the winter's need of food.

In the forests wild creatures lived. Caribou, deer, and rabbits, and groundhogs.

On the mountain slopes the hoary marmots had their homes. In the high peaks the mountain goats fed on the alpine meadows.

Grouse flew in the lowlands; ducks and geese had their homes on the lakes. Big grouse - the blue ones, and the ptarmigan whose coat is white in winter - dwelt in the lands of the high peaks.

And in the creeks the trout swarmed.

Truly a pleasant land where food abounded. Each summer, when the seasons came, the wild berries ripened. Of their abundance the People took for their winter stores.

Roots grew in the forests. On the low lands wild carrots could be gathered.

Other roots provided medicine to cleanse the body; to heal diseases.

Still others furnished long supple threads which with the people sewed their baskets.

The skins of the wild animals provided clothing and blankets.

From the skins of deer, and caribou, carefully dressed, they made fine buckskin for leggings and coats and robes.

Fishers and martens, mink and weasels gave their glossy furs against the winter need. So warm clothing and soft blankets were made under which the People enjoyed their sleep.

It was a good land, and a pleasant land: and land where the Sun God gave lavishly to his People of Choden. 

The Pathseekers, the Dalimbari, reached this land and began to learn the land. We explored deeper and deeper into the lands, trading with the sun-worshipers. Finding knowledge abound, and safety from the harsh sea.


James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Hello. Since we're alone viewers I'd like to reassure you, I'm okay. I'm currently going through Overthinkers to Cangham in my hovervan. It's the largest settlement here I think? Before I and the others left, I compiled a list of all the tournament nations in the 3 main languages of Hertfordshire-Jammbo. This is for no reason other than, well, I found it fascinating. I hope some of you and the world do too. Enjoy.

May's Hertfordshire-Jammbo Language Nation Guide

Nation - Common

𐑯𐑧𐑦𐑕 - 𐑱𐑙𐑤𐑰𐑨𐑯/𐑱𐑙𐑤𐑰

Neis - Anglian/Angli

Натсийе - Жаммбониан/Жамбевски

Natsiye - Jammbonian/Zhambevski

ᚳᛟᚾᛟᛞ - ᚻᚪᚱᛏᛗᚸᚱᛇᚾ/ᚻᛠᛏᛗᚸᚱᛖᛁ

Cened - Hertmerian/Hertmerei

























































Hertfordshire and Jammbo



Кятфедсуз и Жамбею

Kartfedsuw y Zhambeyu































New Velka



Неуве Велка

Neuve Velka




















































Saint Mark



Вети Мака

Veti Maka

















United Adaikes



Абединени Адаикес

Abedineni Adaikis
























James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. Here's a fact you probably caught onto, 'Veti' is Jammbonian for 'Saint'. It looks like I'm not far from Cangham now, so it's back to dealing with Pinky and Perky. Joy. 

[May's phone rings.]

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Speak of the devil.

[May answers the call.]

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Hello, James speaking.

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Hi, it's Jeremy and Richard. Just wanted to let you know, me and Hammond have been selected ahead of Shizune and Julian for the match against Cambria.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Right...?

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: Now because Shizune's the captain of the team, which I think is an ingenious play-

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: You're right, I have to hand it to Hisao, he and Ayumu had a good idea going. No one's going to figure out The Youkai's strategies and adaptations unless they have a full comprehension of Hertfordian Sign Language.

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: Exactly. Anyway, shut up. I was talking.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Oooooo!

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Because Shizune has been placed on the bench for this match, Tala has been made captain. He can be quite scary.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Who's playing against Cambria anyway?

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Okay, so... hold on, let me get my reading glasses.

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: Ah, an old ape trying to read a team sheet.

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: Not the time, Hammond.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: You got it?

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: ...Yep, I got it. Hisao and Ayumu have selected Richard, myself, you, Kirumi, Tess, Tarrick, Lichova, Nagisa, Lain, Damian, Karaina, Shu, Gwyn, Tala and Faust.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Hold on, Tarrick?

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: Yep! He scored 2 tries in our 17-10 win over the hosts.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: I never thought I'd see the day. Also, we beat Overthinkers?

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: We did. The other try and conversion were scored by Mizore and Naho respectively.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: ...I was almost hoping we didn't. So if I've got this straight, that means Julian, Shizune, Reimu, Free, Mizore, Nia, Brooklyn, Pri, Hanako, Rin, Clarkov, Naho, Pax and Ozen are on the bench.

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: Yeah.

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: This is no time to be dallying, James.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: I'll be there as quick as I can.

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: See you soon, goodbye. Hammond says bye.

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Goodbye.

[Clarkson ends the call. Over in Cangham...]

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: I'm not filled with much hope.

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: Well, the others seem to trust that James will make it.

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: I guess we have to cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: Are we at the Grand Merchen or the Len Condor?

Jeremy.jpg.898b0e399311d18c51f1a7abaca61535.jpg Jeremy Clarkson: You know, I'm not sure.

Richard.jpg.e5ffa47a5fe5d9bd5e61b885c1191982.jpg Richard Hammond: ...He's gonna get lost, isn't he?

[Over with the hovervan...]

James.thumb.jpg.8025f0ab32c0d7eb15d3b91b1c4ff0f1.jpg James May: Now I've got some driving to do. This is no time to be Captain Slow. Come on, Captain National Speed Limit!



Sir Even had been squeaking away at his whiteboard for over an hour going over the good and the bad of the last match against Ryxtylopia. The team had been attentive, but looked even more worried than when the session had begun. They had played well against a good team, but their next opponent was Zoran! They were excellent! 

The coach pushed the whiteboard to the side, looked at his team and smiled. "Gentlemen, you look like you're about to visit the dentist. We are a strong team and we can win this next match. At this point it's all about getting your heads in the right place. Let's discuss several points about decision making under pressure.
First, the role of intuition in strategy ...
In rugby, decision making under pressure is a crucial aspect of the game. Players are often required to make split-second decisions, which can have a significant impact on the outcome of the match. While some may argue that this is purely a matter of instinct, the role of intuition in strategy should not be underestimated.

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. In rugby, this can manifest in a player’s ability to anticipate the movements of their opponents, or to recognize an opportunity for a strategic move. Remember your sessions with The Sisters. You have been trained to use your intuition.

For example, Nelson may have an intuitive sense of when to make a break and pass to a supporting player, or Napoli may have a gut feeling about when to tackle an opponent. While these decisions may seem spontaneous, they are often the result of a player’s accumulated experience and knowledge of the game.

Next, the importance of adaptability ...
Adaptability is another key component of decision-making under pressure in rugby. The game is constantly changing, with players and teams adapting to changing circumstances on the field.

For example, a team may have a well-rehearsed game plan, but if the opposition takes an unexpected tactical approach, the team must be able to adapt and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Players who are able to think on their feet and make rapid adjustments to their tactics are often the ones who come out on top in high-pressure situations.

Finally, we need to review about managing stress and staying focused.
These are essential for decision- making under pressure in rugby. The game can be incredibly intense, with players under a great deal of pressure to perform at their best.

Players who are able to manage their stress levels and stay focused on the task at hand are more likely to make good decisions, even when under intense pressure.

This may involve techniques such as visualization, deep breathing, or mindfulness meditation, which can help players to stay calm and focused during the game. Again, remember the mindfulness training The Sisters helped us with.

Overall, decision making under pressure is a crucial aspect of rugby strategy. Players who are able to rely on their intuition, adapt to changing circumstances, and manage their stress levels are well-equipped to make good decisions on the field, even in the most high-pressure situations.

You will be your best. I know it! Let's practice some of those techniques now ..."

At the session's conclusion, those looks of fear had changed. The Lions still had a deep respect for the Zoranians, but were confident that they could win.



From the Times of Gida, 26 June 1424 evening edition:


ANDERS, OVERTHINKERS - A record 7 tries, one penalty kick, and one drop goal in the final minutes of the game led the Ostronia Stars to victory 41 to 9 over Nalibia in the group stage of the Fifth Rugby World Cup.

This is the second year that an Ostronian team has played in the Rugby World Cup, and last year's team captain, Erik Tafa, has returned after his recent retirement from Ostronian rugby as head coach for the team. Many doubted the team's chances before the cup began. Tafa assumed his position only a month before the Stars left for Overthinkers and half of the team has not played internationally nor even played with each other. But despite coming together on a high school pitch in Gida just weeks before their first match on the world stage, this team has beaten the odds and won two of its three matches in the group stage so far.

Their upcoming match, however, will prove to be the Stars' greatest challenge yet. While so far they have played debut teams from Mygrdiyah and Nalibia, their next match is against Dalimbar's veteran rugby team, which traveled by battleship to Overthinkers with the Dalimbari navy, practicing by playing (and winning) many exhibition matches against teams from all across Esferos. The Dalimbari, last year's world cup hosts and champions, are favored to win against the Stars, but fans in Gida hope that Ostronia's aggressive offense this cup, especially given their exceptional performance in the match against Nalibia, will outpace the Dalimbaris' well-seasoned defenders and their famed captain, Luka Ivika. They point to Dalimbar losing its first match in the group stage this year to Giovanniland, 13-27, although after a rest day Dalimbar won its second match against Min-Su 36-20.

An additional worry for the Stars is injury. Coach Tafa told the press that he worries about injuries so much that it keeps him up every night. He is not sure what the Stars will do if any of the team are too injured to play. The Ostronian Rugby Federation released a statement prior to the cup that due to its budgetary constraints it was unable to send any more than fifteen players to this year's cup, much like last year, meaning the team will be unable to play if any player becomes injured. So far the Stars have suffered the usual minor bruises, sprains, and jams, but fears mount that a relentless six match schedule before their scheduled rest day will lead to more serious injuries. The Times reached out to the Ostronian Rugby Federation, which recently signed on Olje Ostronien as official sponsor of the Ostronia Stars, on why they did not bring any additional players to Overthinkers but received reply.

No matter all these difficulties, the team are reported to be in great spirits after their record-breaking victory in the previous match. They have already achieved what no one could have expected from them, and this writer personally hopes they will continue to surprise the whole world through the rest of this cup.




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