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  • Birthday January 16

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  1. @Traceral Accepted, welcome! (The other applications are being looked at, it's been a fair few busy days.)
  2. @kokalabg @Amos @Adrian Welcome all! @Dharmpreet Bhullar Do you have a World Assembly nation? Seems you linked the World Assembly's page, not a nation (and your applicant nation isn't in the World Assembly).
  3. Economy of Giovanniland Giovanniland has an advanced mixed economy with a GDP totalling $1,406,647,221,920 and ranked as the fourth largest in Esferos. Due to the Giovannilandian policies of social democracy and welfare state, 48.2% of the national income goes to government spending, a total of $678,003,960,965 or $23,136 per capita. The national economy is highly diversified, featuring services as 71% of the economic output, while industries account for 27%, and the remaining 2% is generated by primary activities, all backed by the national currency called Abrio (𝒜), whose conversion rate is 1 international dollar for each 1.6 Abrios. The labor force is defined as all the population between 18 and 65 years old, and estimated to be 18,734,995 according to the latest national census, with an unemployment index of only 2% due to extensive welfare and social policies. Primary and secondary sectors The logos of Avvento and Ekoprodutti. Avvento is a primary sector company focusing on wind power, while Ekoprodutti is a secondary sector company that manufactures environmentally friendly products. For much of its history, Giovanniland's economy relied on tropical agricultural and manufacturing goods. Both the Abrentan and Lavandulan civilizations regarded trade as very important for their national development, and it was this relation that allowed both cultures to grow closer and form the Giovannian Empire, which brought an economic revolution to Lavender Island. During the imperial era, a period of prosperity came to the island due to the diverse goods brought in by the trading posts and routes established around Esferos, and the agricultural and mining riches earned from the Andolian colonies. The decline of the Giovannian Empire forced the nation to adapt to a new era, and during the late 12th and early 13th centuries, the Industrial Revolution was brought from Saint Mark and was fully complete throughout the country by 1260. Continued economic growth has happened most often since then, allowing for the nation's development in other spheres such as society and infrastructure. Despite the decrease in relative importance for external trade after the Industrial Revolution, agriculture and mining still provide a backbone for the nation's industries and services. Agriculture is currently estimated to contribute around 1% of GDP, generating a variety of tropical crops such as bananas, coconuts, papayas, cassava, cocoa, coffee, rice, sweet potato, and tea. Mining, another major component of the Giovannilandian primary sector, accounts for 0.5% of the national GDP and features an increasing search for rare-earth elements due to their uses in advanced technology, although the sector faces environmental regulations due to the green policies of the notable Partito Soquale-Verde. Meanwhile, the secondary sector is represented by factories and industries such as automobiles, computers and other electronics, food processing, and retail. These industry types are often concentrated in specific regions of the country, for example the Abrenosto region having strong influence in Giovannese cuisine and thus being the center of the national food processing industry. The mountainous regions such as Kordelleria are known for their retail sector, especially due to the low temperatures colder than the national average, while automobiles are often produced in the regions of Akallia and Altana. Finally, the technology industry is present throughout the country, especially in the capital and the coastal regions. Amorante and Flaviopole, in the regions of Primolido and Lido Flavi respectively, are often known as the head cities of this sector. They have the nearby ports of Porto Violeto and Andoliavilla, allowing for Giovannilandian high-tech and nanotechnology products to not only be exported and generate high revenue, but also be transported to the other regions of Giovanniland. Services The logos of Tullerigno and Emeria Lavanda, two service sector companies mentioned below. The tertiary sector is the driving workforce behind the national economy. Technology services account for over 10% of the GDP and are divided into diverse areas such as telecommunications, e-commerce, software development, social media, gaming, data processing, artificial intelligence and much more. Several Giovannilandian companies from this sector have in the last few decades become present in the lives of nearly all Giovannilandians and also a decent international audience, for example Tullerigno through its widely used Osello operating system and Essio browser & search engine; and more recently the Konsortio Intellegentie's development of the generative chatbot Violeta and text-to-image model VisioArti. This subdivision of the tertiary sector is most present in the region of Giovannia Magna, with several enterprises' headquarters in cities next to the capital such as Vinikiano, Raffellara and Mattenia. Nearly all of Giovanniland's population has access to the internet, and most households have electronics ranging from computers, televisions and mobile phones to advanced Internet of Things devices. The finance and trade sector is also notable and has its roots in the Giovannian Empire, since successive emperors sought to reach lands previously unknown to the Giovannese, establishing trading posts in the five continents including Nur, with which the Empire notably pioneered a surge in trade routes across the Viatic. Many institutions of merchants and moneylanders were founded in important ports like Uryde and Porto Violeto during the imperial golden age in the 9th and 10th centuries AF, and developed into modern-day banks such as the famous Emeria Lavanda (Lavender Bank). Presently 7% of the GDP comes from this area, and Giovannilandian banks have earned a reputation of having a very secure and technological system, alongside low taxes for money deposits. Last but not teast, the other major source of services income is tourism. Environmentally friendly tourism is prominent in the northern Lavandulan rainforests and the two branches of the Great Lavender Range in Giovaura, as well as the mountainous valleys of the Irto River and the vast southern savannas in Giovandolia, with several designated national parks and natural reserves for this purpose. Historical tourism offers a wide range of attractions, ranging from ancient ruins of the Lavandulan Empire to the medieval Abrentan castles and the vast diversity of Giovannian Empire architecture, complemented by museums like the National Museums of Giovannia and Andoliavilla. Cultural tourism is also very lively and finds its home in the region of Abrenosto, whose capital Abrentopole regularly hosts several culinary events, since world-famous Giovannese meals like pizza and seafood pasta come from this region, as well as art exhibitions and festivals. Another destination in the region is the Abrentan Cape, known for the vineyards and wine production near the city of Portovini, and the beach resorts visited by many international tourists along the cape's coastline. Transport Lavionda, one of the main airlines of Giovanniland. In the topic of transport, Giovanniland has a strong and well connected network of railroads, highways, waterways, harbors, airports, and more. The highway (autostrada) system is divided into national roads, which receive an abbreviation with the two-letter code GL followed by a number, and regional roads, whose abbreviations are similar but feature the two-letter code of the region instead. In the year of 1318 a very important project in the history of Giovannilandian highways was completed, with north-south highways in both the Auran and Andolian territories. The following decades saw the connection of all urban municipalities to this new system, and at last smaller settlements in rural municipalities. Meanwhile, the railway system is older and dates back to the middle to late imperial period, where it took on the role of transporting vast amounts of agricultural, mining and manufacturing goods. These were originally wooden rails, while newer innovations such as metal rails, steam and now electric power were introduced during or after the Industrial Revolution. The busiest port city in Giovanniland is Porto Violeto, a historic port that has been in existence for nearly two thousand years. Porto Violeto's harbor was greatly expanded during the imperial golden era, since it hosted a majority of the trade between the mainland and the overseas trading posts established by the Giovannian Empire, becoming the most prosperous city in all of the empire. In recent times, Porto Violeto has maintained its significance as the second largest city in Giovanniland and head of a cosmopolitan metropolis, while its port has evolved into a major container terminal for both the Darkesian Sea and the wider world. Meanwhile, other significant port cities include Uryde in the north and Andoliavilla in the south. Furthermore, the country is also well-adapted for aerial transport—the five busiest Giovannilandian airports are the Emperor Giovanni the Great International Airport in Giovannia (22 million passengers per year), the Abreo-Florino International Airport in Porto Violeta (15m), the Flavio International Airport in Andoliavilla (10m), the Respublika International Airport in Abrentopole (7m), and the Lavandula International Airport in Uryde (5m).
  4. SPORTRAVEL Iconic Rugby Stadiums of Giovanniland: Part Six Posted 11/07/1424 Welcome back to SporTravel's series about iconic rugby stadiums in Giovanniland! In honor of the 5th Rugby World Cup, where Giovanniland has seen an improved performance and is now in the quarterfinals, we are bringing back our feature that enjoyed high popularity in the previous Rugby World Cup. Now that Giovanniland has eclipsed the team of Larxia 6-0, with a drop goal from Marko Telliano Ulpio and a penalty converted by Demetro Gianluka, they now face the previous cup's third best team, Ryxtylopia! We wish the Esquadra Nationale Giovanniterrana de Ovalsfera good luck in the upcoming match, and meanwhile, we'll talk about two interesting stadiums for the sixth edition of this series, both located in coastal cities. Arena del Kapo, Portovini, Abrenosto - Capacity: 36,741 One of the southernmost stadiums in Auran Giovanniland, the Arena del Kapo is located on the largest city of the Abrentan Cape, as the name alludes to. This part of the Abrenosto region is a very common vacation destination, featuring some of the country’s most famous beaches as well as many notable resorts. A specific highlight of this host city are the vineyards near the city which lend Portovino its name! A few of them can be seen in the picture above together with the arena, on the northern outskirts of the city. As for the home team of this stadium, it's called Pavoni Portovinesi (Portovini Peacocks), currently playing in the second level of the national rugby league. Stadio Flaviano, Andoliavilla, Lido Flavi - Capacity: 82,224 This stadium's home team is one of the most successful rugby teams of the nation, the Aquile Andoliavillesi (Andoliaville Eagles), which has won the national league several times. The namesake of the stadium is Flavio, a general under Emperor Giovanni II the Great who led the first expedition to Andolia and later incorporated the northern coast, also named after him. Just like the stadium, the city where it's located is also the largest in Giovandolia, with 640,816 inhabitants. Andoliavilla certainly offers many historical tourist attractions, such as a vast museum, and serves as a starting point for tourists who want to explore the rest of the region, besides also having a very busy port just like Porto Violeto. Thank you for reading another part of our series about showcasing rugby stadiums in Giovanniland! Feel free to wish the Giovannilandian national rugby team good luck in the quarterfinals match against Ryxtylopia, or post any suggestions for future rugby-themed articles. Remember, we accept suggestions for rugby stadiums in our official email, sportravel@giovamail.com!
  5. A Look into the Giovannilandian Energy Scene by Amelia Ottaviani Hydropower is the largest contributor, although there are environmental concerns about it despite the renewable character of the energy produced. To discuss the energy scene of Giovanniland, one must first know about the politics of the last eighty years. This was the time when the Partito Soquale-Verde (Green Social Party) rose to power, represented in the prime ministership for the first time by Markello Gile Abrente in 1347. The party continued relevant over the following decades, as the nation came to take a pivotal role in environmental protection internationally, and has also contributed recent prime ministers such as Amore Gile Abrente, Marko Sonserina-Zelya and Lukio Andago Ferrari. Giovanniland transitioned away from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas during the 14th century, and hydropower became the main energy source in the mid-century. The rivers flowing in the mountainous lands of Giovandolia were perfect for energy generation, while in Giovaura, despite the less mountainous topography, frequent rainfall and the construction of powerful dams made this energy transition possible. As Giovanniland and Esferos further saw the need to combat the damage against the environment, more renewable energy alternatives started to rise, most notably solar and wind powers, as well as biomass. Nowadays, although hydropower is still the leading contributor to energy generation in Giovanniland, the Labrista-led government in coalition with the Soquale-Verde also recognizes its disadvantages such as loss of arable land, population displacement, and disruption of ecosystems, and the policies to phase it out as the main contributor are succeeding. Their arguments are valid, especially due to environmental damage caused by the construction of dams and reservoirs, including the displacement of people and animals, habitat destruction, and the alteration of river ecosystems. However, the advantages should also be considered, such as the cost-effectiveness after facilities are built, and functioning around the clock. Currently, the figures stand at 31% hydropower, 30% solar power, 26% wind power, 10% biomass and other renewables, and 3% non-renewable for total energy generation. Solar power is nearly tied with hydropower for energy share, and it's widely used in houses as well as other buildings across Giovanniland's cities. One important aspect to consider is the conversion efficiency, a statistic in which hydropower has the other two squarely beat at the moment. Hydropower facilities can have an efficiency of up to 90%, with wind power averaging a respectable 40 to 50% and solar power trailing at around 15 to 20%. Although wind and solar power deal less damage to the environment, solar panels often take a large amount of space (though domestic use doesn't have this issue), and wind turbines can disturb wildlife. Despite these shortcomings, it would be inappropriate not to mention the current technological progress spent to make wind and solar power more prevalent in Giovanniland. The nation has large amounts of coastline in the Darkesian Sea, both in the Auran and Andolian sides, therefore the government has been partnering with various private enterprises investing in offshore wind farms due to the fact wind speed is often higher at the sea. For solar power, Giovannilandian scientists have teamed up with foreign ones in research to combine multiple materials that each have the capability of absorbing certain parts of the solar spectrum, technologies that are now available in the market. Furthermore, the public engagement with government policies is also a very important point. Net metering has become commonplace in Giovanniland, allowing for customers who install renewable sources such as solar panels at home to send any excess electricity generated back to the grid and receive a credit on their electricity bill. A recent bill seeks to encourage further adoption of solar power in particular by subsidizing panels, recognizing that they often still have fairly high costs. Overall, the environmental policies of the last eight decades have ensured Giovanniland's status a leading nation in terms of renewable energy, and the current efforts promise to continue the path of good environmental protection in both Giovanniland and Esferos at-large, as successive governments have also made green politics an important part of the nation's diplomatic strategy. Wind power is the third largest contributor, with offshore wind farms leading its increase.
  6. < Previous: The Late Empire Period 13th-century Giovanniland The post-imperial borders of Giovanniland and its neighbors. Industrialization Period (1225-1261) Giovanniland officially became a semi-constitutional monarchy in 15th June 1225, after which Abrelio II ruled as King. The Senato was now elected by popular vote under this new system, but the monarch retained the power to appoint any senator as Prime Minister, according to his or her best judgment of who might form the best cabinet. Abrelio II chose Vinikio de Abreo-Florino from the Partito Konservator as the first Prime Minister of Giovanniland, who was an entrepreneur active in the rising industrialization happening in various major cities. The King directed him to place Giovanniland on the path of becoming fully industrialized, and also reworked various government institutions and codified the basic rules of the election process, such as senators being elected by region and serving for at most five years. The major political parties were the Konservator and Violetista to the right, who won the first two elections in 1225 and 1230, while closer to the center there were the Librale and Demokrata parties in the opposition. Flavia Dolkari (Librale) became Prime Minister after the 1235 election, and she was a skilled diplomat that focused on expanding foreign relations and adapting Giovanniland to a new era in the international stage. She was followed in 1239 by Tommaso de Abreo-Florino (Konservator), Vinikio's younger brother, who continued the industrial push and achieved significant nationwide industrialization, as well as updating of the Tri-Lavender Treaty into a stronger version, with more cooperation between the three Lavender Island nations. Although Tommaso remained in power after the 1244 elections, he resigned in 1247. Meanwhile, Abrelio II died in 1250 and was succeeded by his daughter Nyima IV. Klaudia Pelkarma-Valeriani (Librale) was chosen as Prime Minister thereafter, aiming for a more social premiership, so profit from industrialization was used for infrastructure projects to benefit the population, like a new road system. Her second term in 1252 saw a mining boom, but it was interrupted by infighting within the Partito Librale, and Queen Nyima IV replaced her with Paulo Zerino Severi (Violetista) who led a minority government and sought to advance rural landowners' interests. He was succeeded less than two years later by Gioseppe Erdene (Librale), the first prime minister from Giovandolia. Gioseppe had the goal of reducing trans-Darkesian economic disparity, and he was aided by the discovery of new mineral fields in Giovandolia as well as good industrial performance. Right-wing era (1261-1295) Giovannilandian politics were then dominated by the right-wing for the next three decades. Notably, the Partito Librale shifted to the right and joined the Konservator-Violetista coalitions, leaving the center-left Demokrata and later the left-wing Labrista parties in the opposition. The appointment of Zelya Amafinia Gellio (Konservator) as Prime Minister in 1261 inaugurated this era, and her first term was a prosperous time with the modernization of cities at full speed. Nyima IV also supported her goals of starting the a construction of a grand railway network to facilitate commerce, with Giovannia, Porto Violeto and Andoliavilla as the main hubs. Zelya remained prime minister in 1275, continuing in power after two more elections since she also earned the trust of the new monarch, Giovanni V who succeeded his older sister Nyima in 1271. The next two prime ministers appointed by the King were Emilio Neurino-Dazano (Violetista) in 1280 and Tiberio Quorivani (Librale) in 1285, two terms with strong economic growth and the introduction of electricity in Giovanniland. Even greater economic performance happened during the ten years of Tiberio's successor, Quirina Kornelio-Arbone from the Konservator party. Throughout his reign, King Giovanni V ensured that these modernization projects were carried out to their fullest extent, besides guaranteeing the continuity between the prime ministers' policies. The result was a time of economic prosperity, rapid urbanization, infrastructure modernization, and last but not least technological, scientific, and cultural innovations. Giovanniland developed greatly in regards to these aspects during this period, however social movements rose at the turn of the century and the right wing started to lose popular support. This showed the need for a different kind of development that would then shape national politics during the 14th century, together with the reign of a new monarch beginning in 1292, Zodeno III the son of Giovanni V.
  7. < Previous: Beyond Lavender Island The Late Empire Period The administrative divisions of the Giovannian Empire (the regions of Lavender Island, and colonies elsewhere) with their start and end dates. 11th century: turmoil and initial independence movements Upon Tommaso II's death in 1038 AF, his daughter Valeria inherited the throne, marking the end of Pax Giovanniana because a few rebellions started. Unable to improve the situation, she abdicated in 1045 and the throne passed on to Nyima III, who managed to put the rebellions to an end after easing some restrictions. Nyima's decisions upset the more conservative members of the imperial court, which took their chance to strike after she died in 1055, and her son Paldeno decided to reverse the policies soon after taking the throne. This angered the Glendulan people, starting their ambition of becoming an independent nation once more. Meanwhile, some Minsunese aristocrats had sent their children to pursue education abroad decades before, spurring the formation of the Gaikoku Society during Teresa's reign, with the goal of writing anti-Giovannian propaganda. Paldeno's authoritarianism caused one of the society's members, called Fukito, to begin writing a book called the "Woes of the Masses" denouncing the Empire. This turmoil resulted in Paldeno's assassination in 1062, after which his sister Amanda I inherited the throne, although she abdicated due to poor health in 1065 and her younger sister Raffella became the next Empress. Raffella tried to restore the peace amid the imperial decline, however the quality of life for the Empire's inhabitants was declining. Meanwhile, the imperial government banned the "Woes of the Masses" and other similar works, leading to the arrest of their authors, and subsequent trials where they were found guilty of treason and hanged. These events fueled Minsunese nationalist sentiments, culminating in a large protest in the capital Giovannia, which Raffella ordered suppressed. By the end of his reign, it became clear that she was unsuccessful in her attempts to decrease the unrest. After Raffella's death in 1073, her son Vittor II inherited the throne but died under uncertain circumstances in September 1074, sparking a brief family dispute over succession. Independence movements capitalized on the confusion, leading to unrest until Matteo III secured the throne in March 1075. Fhaengshia's monarchy secretly returned from their centuries long exile, a mass movement of Glendulans to modern-day Blue Bubble led to the formation of the Glenpavian Group, Hisamatsu Jin gathered like-minded people to discuss independence for Minsu, and Khan Daichin II launched an Ardalan and Ulergean rebellion. The latter insurgency threatened the Lido Flavi and Terra Violeta colonies, nearly reaching Andoliavilla before imperial troops led by Generals Gigero and Hettor turned the tide and quelled the revolt in 1079. Besides overcoming the rebellion, the young Matteo III enacted policies that successfully reduced the economic downturn. However he only came to rule until 1084, when he was poisoned due to family intrigue and his brother Kassio took the throne. Kassio's stubborn actions raised the unrest to unforeseen levels, starting with the Colony of Fhaengshia rising in rebellion two years later with encouragement from their native monarchy. Imperial troops unsuccessfully tried to contain the rebellion, and it soon spread to the neighboring Colony of Doruna, since many Fhaengshians had also settled there during colonial rule. Furthermore, the Glendulan and Minsunese were also appalled by the fact many of them had died in combat during this and previous rebellions, adding another reason for their independence demands. Hisamatsu Jin met with the Glenpavian Group in 1089, and the following year saw both Blue Bubble and Minsu launch their rebellions, which the Giovannian army failed to contain. Kassio wanted to continue trying to defeat the independence movements, but by mid-1091 it became clear that the situation was no longer salvageable. A coup replaced Kassio with Pietro I, who recognized the independence of Blue Bubble, Fhaengshia and Minsu, and also signed the Tri-Lavender Treaty with the two other Lavender Island nations in 1094, accepting them as equals and agreeing to pay reparations. During the later years of Pietro's reign, border clashes with Minsu happened and led to the formation of the modern-day border. 12th century: consolidation of modern-day Giovanniland The next empress Lodena ruled from 1113 to 1132, and has a controversial legacy for enacting policies in favor of ethnic persecution, displacement and forced cultural assimilation in the remaining Andolian colonies, as she feared losing these lands for two main reasons. The first was that, although the indigenous population had decreased since the 8th centuries due to the wars of conquest and forced labor within the Empire, it was still a significant number that could also rise in new revolts like the previous Ardalan insurgency led by Khan Daichin II. The second is that the remaining areas included fertile farmlands and profitable mining operations important for the imperial economy, most notably in modern-day Giovandolia. The policies started by Lodena and continued for almost 200 years until their abandonment in the early 14th century were very harsh to the indigenous populations, becoming known as the Two Centuries of Terror. For example the Bereme, already outnumbered in their native lands, endured further cultural assimilation since traditional temples were replaced with Giovannese-built churches, and many ancient documents about religion and science were burned due to accusations of idolatry and witchcraft. The Emüne faced a similar situation in the south, their relative remoteness in comparison to the other groups not being enough to stop Giovannese settlers, while the Ardala and Ulerge were punished even more due to Khan Daichin II's revolt, their rich literary traditions heavily persecuted. New towns were built with Giovannese urban planning, including schools, churches and plazas to promote Giovannese cultural norms. They came to be where a majority of these groups were made to live, distant from their traditional cultures and religions as well as forbidden from speaking their native languages, although some instead escaped to remote regions. In the west, the Varanians were notable for the religious practices of the Mauvist Church. Given the importance of the meat tree species to them, a deforestation campaign happened in the imperial territories, as part of efforts to suppress their culture and clear more land for agriculture. However, the lands of modern-day southern Varanius weren't controlled by the Giovannian Empire, and the northern peoples also resisted, so the attempts in stamping out their culture and religion were eventually unsuccessful and Varanius later became independent. On the other hand, the greater presence of Giovannese settlers in modern-day Giovandolia and the success of cultural assimilation there paved the way for its transformation from colony to an integral part of Giovanniland later, outlasting the Empire. Lodena's younger brother Dorzio II ruled for four years after her death, notable for the reorganization of administrative division borders by introducing a system that is still used today—regions continued as first-level divisions although new ones were created, while urban and rural municipalities were formed as second-level divisions. His son Matteo IV then ruled from 1132 to 1169, famous for the Mattenian Renaissance during which the Empire regained cultural and economical strength, and had several decades without major internal conflicts. He also built upon the work of his two predecessors that had opened relations with Minsu and Blue Bubble, and worked towards the formation of friendly ties, which was achieved towards the end of his reign. The following reigns of Giovanni IV (1169-1187) and Amanda II (1187-1192) continued these core principles and also made the first steps for the eventual industrialization of Giovanniland. 13th century: later independence movements and transition to Kingdom Unfortunately, a new period of turmoil started when Amanda II was assassinated in 1192 due to family intrigue. Her younger brother Tassio ruled for four years but abdicated, and things went worse during the rule of Pietro II (1196-1202), who faced a major rebellion in northern Varanius that threatened to spill to the rest of the Colony of Lido Flavi. Pietro's strategies were unable to quell the revolt, and the situation was left to Emperor Tommaso III to solve, who recognized the independence of Varanius in 1204. Over the following years Tommaso also signed decolonization treaties for most of the imperial trading posts, handing them over to native control and stabilizing the Empire. Tommaso's son Abrelio II then inherited the throne in 1217, and given popular pressure as well as the need for national modernization, Abrelio relinquished part of his power to become a semi-constitutional monarch. Equal status was granted by him to Auran and Andolian Giovanniland, abolishing the colonies of Lido Flavi and Terra Violeta and replacing them with regular regions, administered in the same way as the Lavender Island ones. Last but not least, he also changed his own title from Emperor to King, reflecting the change in government structure and marking the transition between the Giovannian Empire and the modern Kingdom of Giovanniland in 1225.
  8. < Previous: The Unification of Lavender Island Beyond Lavender Island The southern Darkesian Sea in the year of 720 AF. Expansion during the Early Giovannian Empire After the unification of Lavender Island in 689 AF, there were three peaceful decades during which the empire made important progress in trade and military affairs. Expansion then happened once more due to economic interests, this time outside of the island. When the Ardala Khanate in northern Andolia fell into a succession war in 721, Giovanni II authorized an imperial fleet to sail off Porto Violeto and Abrentopole soon after. The fleet reached the New Year Islands in the first day of 724, where the important fortress of Forte Giovanni (modern-day Islamagna) was founded, and afterwards it landed in the Ardalan mainland. The city of Andoliavilla was the first major settlement founded by the Giovannians there, in the year of 724, and the coast was named Lido Flavi, in honor of Admiral Flavio that led this fleet. The imperial armies took advantage of the fighting between the khans Naran, Elbeg and Tsaghan, who fought for control of the Ardala Khanate. Naran Khan was the most powerful of them, at the time controlling the Ardalan capital of Altan-qota and also the fertile valleys of the Irto River. From the newly founded base of Andoliavilla, General Ottavio gradually came to conquer the Irto River valleys and surrounding lands over the next few years, allying with some local rulers unhappy with the Ardalan rule. Concurrently, General Gyalseno fought against the troops of Tsaghan Khan in eastern Ardala, capturing their chief settlement of Tenges and killing the khan in 729, and soon the two generals joined their forces near the city of Altan-qota. The siege of the city lasted for three years, until the imperial army entered the city in 734 and Ottavio invaded the royal palace to murder Naran Khan and his family, after which Altan-qota was destroyed. Two colonies were founded soon after—the Kolonia del Lido Flavi in most of the lands formerly controlled by Naran Khan, and the Kolonia de Doruna in the lands formerly controlled by Tsaghan Khan. The final expansion of Giovanni's reign saw General Raffello advance between 739 and 741 into the upper reaches of the Irto River that were controlled by Tamir Khan, Naran's younger brother, which were turned into the newly-established Kolonia della Kordelleria. During the last years of his rule, the emperor signed of the Treaty of Syntilla with Saint Mark in 744, starting a centuries-long collaboration between the two Auran powers that continues to this day. Giovanni's successor was his grandson Dorzio I, and during his reign (745-755) there was an attempt to conquer the last independent Ardalan lands, however it had mixed results and only managed to annex a few cities. Dorzio had more success with conquering lands in modern-day Fhaengshia, ordering a large military expedition to be raised in the Colony of Doruna and then march east. It entered the Kingdom of Ahfeginsi in the 751, soon winning battles in Nuelod and the capital Finsi to annex the entire realm in 752, and then proceeded to conquer the Kingdom of Shihganfe in 754 after the successful siege of the capital Ganfa. Unfortunately, the Giovannian armies' advance was stopped in Ruike when it failed to conquer the city in 755, held by the powerful Kingdom of Fhaengshia. Dorzio died later that year, leaving the throne to his younger brother Matteo II, who ordered the conquest to halt for the time being. He agreed to send reinforcements from Lavender Island a year and a half later, and once they arrived, General Numerio commanded a successful siege of Ruike. Meanwhile, Admiral Kesar won naval battles near the cities of Pirhaen and the capital Fhaendhaw by 760, leading King Soetihn of Fhaengshia to escape to the southern Gheffian region in advance. The imperial forces then pursued him over the two next years, and he eventually agreed to surrender in 762. The Kolonia de Fensia was then established, initially covering only the Fhaengshian lands east of the great Andolian mountain range. Matteo's later years saw further colonial expansion, for example fighting the last Ardalan resistance, led by Elbeg's third son Daichin Khan who commanded a fierce last stand against the Giovannian Empire. It culminated in the siege of the capital Ghal-ghazar that lasted for most of the year of 770, after which Daichin was killed and his lands were annexed to the Colony of Terra Violeta. The emperor also sought to expand the Colony of Doruna eastwards to better connect it with the new Colony of Fhaengshia, adding in 781 the mountainous lands of modern-day central Fhaengshia to it, and then working to consolidate control of the new colonies until his death in 792. His niece Emilia I, who ruled between 792 and 805, then sent expeditions towards islands in the central Darkesian Sea, and the Outer Sirenas archipelago, to increase the Empire's trading influence. Middle Giovannian Empire (Pax Giovanniana) A detailed map of the Giovannian Empire's conquests, including each emperor's reign as well as major happenings such as agreements, battles and the founding of new settlements that came to be notable. (See full quality version here to read the text) The reign of Emilia's son Giulio (805-824) started a period of peace and prosperity for the Giovannian Empire, featuring magnificent economic and trade growth, as well as development of the modern-day national identity. Giulio oversaw a cultural boom during his reign, during which many composers, writers and artists had their works financed by notable merchants. Farther expeditions also started to sail and establish trading posts in other continents, aside from Nur, which the empire would only reach a century later. Giulio's younger sister Anna II reigned from 824 to 853, and she oversaw the annexation of southern lands including the Kingdom of Emüne in 830 to expand the Terra Violeta southwards, as well as an expansion of the Fhaengshian colony into the southern forests. The two following rulers Lodago (ruled 853-879) and Augusto II (ruled 879-888) made preparation for further expeditions by enhancing the military and navy with technological advances, as well as upgrading infrastructure. This ushered in the reign of Augusto's son Abrelio I from 888 to 916. During the middle of his reign, the Varanian War happened, featuring notable naval battles in the cities of Kynfruma, Sutef and Zygotia. The northern tribes of Varanius were thereafter annexed to the Lido Flavi colony in 904, cementing the Giovannian Empire's influence in the Darkesian Sea, although defeats against the southern tribes and their geographical remoteness led Abrelio to table his plans for annexing the rest. His younger brother Vittor I ruled from 916 to 937, and his reign saw the start of a new age of exploration in the Viatic Ocean, starting famous trade routes with western Nuran civilizations. In modern-day Sekiya, Porto Nurano (Tianshi) was founded in an island off the Sekiyan coast in 920, and later in the decade, the trading posts of Divvalle (Qiuxia), Bopeno (Bopeng), Tommasopole (Touma), and Trilaquo (Sanbo) were added to the Empire. The coastal states of Fugo and Fuzhou also fell under Giovannian influence as puppets, but not directly controlled, a model that would also be widely repeated in other areas. Furthermore, Vittor's latter years saw a vast expansion of the Colony of Terra Violeta to the west. Vittor's successors reaped the benefits from the Giovannian fleets' voyages around Esferos, ushering in another century of economic, cultural and military prosperity. His daughter Emilia II (ruled 937-953) and son Giovanni III (ruled 953-965) channeled much of the wealth influx into development of the mainland, with cities such as Porto Violeto, Abrentopole, and Uryde thriving as major commercial hubs. Further overseas voyages took place during the rule of Giovanni's children Antonio (965-987) and Zodeno II (987-996), reaching the peak territorial extent and military strength of the Empire. Zodeno's son Tommaso II then ruled from 996 to 1038, celebrated for a long and peaceful reign that consolidated a new cultural era in the models of the earlier emperor Giulio I. However, his rule is also seen in an ambiguous light since economical and military advances fell behind during this time, causing problems later on. Overall during the Middle Giovannian Empire period, unparalleled economic growth happened due to strategic control over lucrative trade routes and abundant resources. The many voyages and expeditions facilitated trade with all continents and brought in diverse goods, while farming and resource extraction in the colonies provided an important backbone to the imperial economy. These riches fueled urban growth and development, with the construction of marketplaces, universities, palaces, Violetist temples, and other public works showcasing Giovannese affluence. Furthermore, the merchant class gained prestige and spearheaded commercial and financial innovations—for example, the grand expeditions during the time of Vittor I were supported by organizations of merchants and moneylenders, such as the Instituto Kommerki Lavandule (Trading Institute of Lavandula) established at Uryde in 923, evolving a century later into the Emeria Lavanda (Lavender Bank) as a pioneer in the history of modern banking. In turn, social aspects such as culture and religion were also strongly affected by the economic prosperity. The middle imperial period was a time of artistic and intellectual brilliance, featuring famous works such as the Epic of Giovanniland about the national history of several millennia, the majestic frescoes of the imperial Palatio Smaraldo, and the Giovannese style of classical music with world-renowned operas. Meanwhile, the national religion reached new lands and left a lasting legacy, with positive aspects such as the educational role of founding many academies and universities promoting literacy, philosophy, and the sciences; and the prominence of religious events like the Lavender Festival. Negative aspects were present however, since most religious heads did not object to the abuses carried out by colonial administrators against indigenous peoples, and instead benefitted from the spread of the religion. In regards to the ethnic groups during this period, the Giovannese enjoyed the most privilege in the empire. Besides the important economic and cultural roles mentioned above, the imperial government also encouraged them to settle in the colonies, especially areas such as fertile valleys and mining areas, where they came to control vast agriculture and extraction operations. Although several returned once the areas gained independence, their descendants still form ethnic minorities around the world today. The other peoples of Lavender Island, namely the Glenpavian and Minsunese, were also important for the Empire's development, with many of them adhering to Giovannese culture and reaching positions of power. However, movements of expression advocating for valorization of their native cultures surged by the end of the period, eventually developing into the independence of Blue Bubble and Minsu decades later. Meanwhile, the indigenous inhabitants of the colonies suffered greatly at the hands of the Empire. Many perished in the wars of conquest and resistance, while harsh working conditions and forced labor in mines, plantations, and construction projects claimed more lives under colonial rule. Giovannese settlers soon outnumbered natives in strategic regions like the Irto River Valley, leading to traditional ways of life being disrupted while a new society shaped by colonial culture emerged, and any rebellion opposing it was thwarted with force. Furthermore, the native languages and religions were banned and replaced with Giovannese ones in rebellious lands such as those of the former Ardalan Khanate, accelerating the process of cultural assimilation. The Giovannian Empire during its peak in the late 10th century AF (not showing overseas trading posts).
  9. (This post is the combined RP effort of @Giovanniland and @Saint Mark) Two weeks prior (27th June 1424) — Palatio Smaraldo, Giovannia Capital City, Giovanniland Prince Marcarius glanced over his briefing papers and handed the packet to Ethan, his private secretary. Although this would be largely a social visit, one never knows when a discussion of issues could pop up. Ethan placed the notes on the nearby occasional table and said, "If Your Serene Highness is ready, we'll head over to the Violet Sitting Room, where we'll join your retinue and then all proceed to the Ballroom. They will be announced first, and then you will be, sir. His Majesty will greet you and then everyone will be seated." "Very well, Ethan. Lead on. I'm very much looking forward to this evening," replied the Prince. In the Ballroom, King Giovanni VI and Prime Minister Elisa Anario-Silva were both awaiting Prince Marcarius. “Greetings, Your Serene Highness, I'm delighted to see you once more! I hope you are well, and that you've enjoyed your stay in Giovanniland so far,” remarked the King. The Prime Minister greeted Prince Marcarius afterwards. “Yes, our visit has been both productive and entertaining, Your Majesty,” replied the Prince with a smile and warm handshake, “a perfect combination.” He then turned to the Prime Minister, greeted her and introduced his entourage to them both. “Certainly! The traditional Abrentan dinner in Porto Violeto and the tour of the Museo Nationale were both awesome,” the King commented. “I believe you’ve met Lady Arlene, Sir Aston, and Lady Phyllis.” As he introduced them, they curtsied or bowed appropriately. “Lord Admiral Bellarmie has met with the Prime Minister previously, of course, but please allow me to introduce him to Your Majesty.” The Admiral bowed. King Giovanni then greeted the Lord Admiral. “It's a pleasure to meet you,” he said, while Elisa was glad to see Bellarmie again. The Prime Minister then turned to the Prince. “Your Serene Highness, what are the latest news from Saint Mark? I hope everything is well,” she asked. “Yes, Minister. Thank you for asking. All is well in Saint Mark. We continue to expand our trade relationships. That is one reason why we are seeking even closer cooperation between our navy and yours. Domestically, we have plans to open our annual Regatta to foreign competition! I’m delighted we could arrange this visit before we head over to the rugby games.” “That is great to hear! Indeed, the visit has been great for all of us both on the personal and national levels”, Elisa noted. And Giovanni VI added, “Giovanniland would be happy to participate in your annual Regatta! I look forward to a great inauguration of the tournament for foreign competitors, and I’m sure the best Giovannilandian athletes in the sport do too.” Soon after the King’s comment, when everyone had been seated for a while, the initial part of the state dinner was served, a variety of Giovannese antipasti. “Delicious!” Prince Marcarius commented as he finished his first course. “I agree, Your Majesty,” added Lady Arlene. “... and your palace, including this sumptuous ballroom, is beautifully decorated. Were these your choices or is the decor traditional?” “Thank you! The decoration is traditional, and these frescoes date back to the time of the Giovannian Empire when Giovannese culture had its first golden age, although they have been renovated over time. After building the new capital city, Emperor Giovanni II the Great invited a few of the nation’s most celebrated artists to decorate the new imperial residence, the Palatio Smaraldo that we are currently in”, explained the King. “I noticed the Della Gratio in the entry hall alcove. There were a couple of famous artisans from Saint Mark that were invited to contribute at that time too, were there not?” noted the Prince. The King answered affirmatively, and added: “I believe Della Gratio was living in Giovanniland at the time, he is one of my favorite Markan sculptors.” “Yes, the story goes that his previous Saint Markan patron, the Duke of Remarchio, was not at all pleased with the realism Della Gratio had employed in his statue and that Della Gratio fled to Giovanniland for a time while things cooled down,” the Prince added with a smile. “Ah, those are interesting circumstances,” the King remarked. “I'm glad that in the end he could contribute to this great palace. It's truly the work of many excellent minds, including the famous Giorgio Massimiano that led the painting of the frescoes in this room,” he added. “Ah! Massimiano! Brilliant! What a genius!” gushed Lady Arlene. “Indeed,” answered the Prince. “Truly one of the greatest.” “I’m glad many people appreciate his work not only in Giovanniland but also abroad,” Elisa commented. It was then time for the various courses to be served. Firstly there was the Lasana Tropicale, a dish coming from the central region of Akallia. It builds upon the traditional Abrentan lasagna and ragù, by adding pesto sauce made with tropical nuts, such as macadamia and cashew. The second course was the Padella Giovannesa, the famous rice colored with saffron and featuring seafood. It includes shrimp, lobster, octopus, squid, mussels, clams, scallops, and fish fillet, and it’s also seasoned with the forest lavender to give a pleasant touch. For the third course, there were various complements to go with the two main dishes, including salad and cheese. For example, the traditional Insalata Amorante named after a large coastal city features tomatoes, mozzarella from water buffaloes, and a native variant of basil. Fresh tropical fruits were also available, such as mango, avocado, lychee and starfruit. Finally, all participants in the state dinner enjoyed desserts such as Tiramisù and Gelato Giovannese, the latter offered in a wide range of tropical flavors such as passion fruit, guava, watermelon, dragonfruit, papaya and tamarind. As each course was presented, the Markan delegation expressed their delight. Conversation ranged from the classic artists, to leisure-time pursuits, to current events. When the banquet was complete, King Giovanni VI led Prince Marcarius to a private study where the two could meet in private. The King and Prince then took their seats. “How are you, my dear friend?”, the King asked. “I’m quite well, Gio. This has been a lovely visit. It’s good to catch up. Thank you so much for your hospitality … and as always, for your friendship. How have you been?” “I'm also well, and I'm glad that you have enjoyed the visit! Giovanniland is doing fine in the fifth Rugby World Cup, we have now won our first match in the second match day, and it was against defending champions Dalimbar! That was incredible to watch.” “That was a great match! I was able to see the second half on television between meetings. Your young men played exceptionally well! I just hope my Lions can keep it up. They’ve done well so far, and did much better than expected last year, but we’ll see. I hope to catch the Round of 16 in person, if they make it that far.” “I wish good luck to the Lions! I think both our teams can make it to the Round of 16, and hopefully even beyond.” The King then turned to talking about recent happenings in his country. “Here in Giovanniland things are well, Prime Minister Elisa recently reached a year in office and in my opinion she is doing a very good job. Our economy has certainly seen a new boost after the treaty signed with Saint Mark and Dalimbar last year, technological services and industries are thriving with new advancements, and Giovanniland retains its steadfast commitment to environmental protection and nearly full use of renewable energy, to give a few examples.” “That sounds splendid. I’m glad to hear it. Things are humming along just as well in Saint Mark. A couple of the more militant Great Houses are still seething over the Zoranian land grab and want to retaliate, but I’ve told them in no uncertain terms that doing so would not be in our best interest and no such action will happen. There isn’t much more that they can do than huff, of course. They can’t even threaten to withhold their vote from my heir, as, I’m sure you know, I am the third consecutive Halohin to occupy the throne, so the next can’t be of my House anyway. Speaking of Zoran, have you heard any details about what’s going on there?” “Yes, I do know about a few recent developments. A new bill called the Childlessness Tax received partial consent from their Queen, and the Zoranian ambassador to Giovanniland expressed disappointment in our trade treaty with Dalimbar, but as you would expect we have a lot to gain from this trade and there are no plans to stop it.” Giovanni VI continued, “However, the most alarming news that I’ve received recently comes from Varanius. They have elected a new Prime Minister called Sarah Fim that has already caused quite a stir internally by replacing not only executive staffers but also diplomatic, military and judiciary positions, and her campaign included a promise to increase hostilities towards Giovanniland. I think we can both agree that Fim’s goals seek to very clearly destabilize the Darkesian Sea region, and that both Saint Mark and Giovanniland must cooperate against this threat, hence the importance of the recent defense meetings.” “Absolutely. The news from Zoran is as I had heard it as well. The Sisters also reported that there are some internal conflicts there, but with the post-civil-war factions vying for influence, that isn’t something one needs a psychic to figure out. I’m sure Queen Adsila will be able to keep it all together.” The Prince continued. “The Varanius situation is far more disturbing. As you know, Giovanniland has the full support of Saint Mark. That is why these planned joint naval exercises between our nations are so important, as you say. Perhaps we can also approach Zoran to see where they would stand?” “Giovanniland is of course thankful for Markan support! As for Zoran, although that could be a possibility, I don't trust them in this matter, given their stances on the Darkesian that have often stood contrary to Giovanniland's interests. I wouldn't say they are too amused with the election of Prime Minister Fim, given they also launched an investigation on her company's products due to privacy laws, but there isn't much of a reason to think they would support us either.” The King suggested, “A better alternative would be to secure the fellow Lavender Island nations' support for Darkesian stability, easy to do since Giovanniland enjoys very positive relations with them.” “Yes, that makes the most sense. Perhaps also Nagaraningrad? They’ve been generally very reasonable in the past.” “That’s possible indeed. Elsewhere in the Darkesian there’s Santos-Dominius, although I believe they will stick to their usual policy of neutrality; and also Fhaengshia, which has alright relations with us unlike Varanius, despite the tense history between it and Giovanniland.” “Yes, each of those are worth approaching. Let’s have our Foreign Affairs and Military people start working on this and then you and I can add whatever guidance and personal contacts are needed.” Afterwards, Prince Marcarius and King Giovanni VI talked about various other topics relevant to both Saint Mark and Giovanniland. In the end, both were glad to meet each other and reaffirm the two nations’ alliance, having greatly enjoyed the Markan state visit to Giovanniland.
  10. Geography of Giovanniland Giovanniland has a total area of 395,107 km², comprised by one territory in northern Andolia and the other territory in Aura's Lavender Island. Auran Giovanniland shares a land border with Blue Bubble to the west and Min-Su to the east; while Andolian Giovanniland borders Varanius to the west, Tupmonia to the south and Fhaengshia to the east. The nation also borders the Darkesian Sea in three different sections of coast, including the notable Isole Annovi archipelago in Andolia, where Admiral Flavio's expedition first arrived in the new year of 724, as well as the Isola Abrenta off the southern coast of Lavender Island. The country uses the International Atomic Time (IAT+0) for the entire territory, lying between latitudes 12° and 26°S, and longitudes 9°W and 9°E. Giovanniland's border with Blue Bubble is defined by two rivers, the Ameno River in the south and the Purpuro or Muk-lung River in the north, two rivers having their springs near the Abrio Peak of the Great Lavender Range's western branch, a famous mountain also located on the two nations' border. On the other hand, the border with Min-Su has large straight sections, starting near the southern town of Aquaviola, cutting through the eastern branch of the Great Lavender Range, following the Ortano or Shar-lung River for a significant part of the Lavandulan lands in the north, and then ending with another vertical line. As for the Andolian border, the northwestern part bordering Varanius is defined by a few rivers, followed by a large straight section until the southwest. The Gigero River then defines part of the southern border before the Tupmonian border, after which two straight sections define the border with that country, while the eastern border with Fhaengshia roughly follows along the Nia River until its mouth. Topographic and river map of Giovanniland. Giovannilandian topography is diverse and includes several topographical regions. Auran Giovanniland has plains in the southwest, corresponding to the Primolido, Akallia and Abrenosto regions, as well as in the north within the Lavanda Prima region. The capital Giovannia and the surrounding region are located in the central highlands, and to its north is the topographically similar Lavanda Sekunda region. Last but not least, the regions Verdiante and Spandorto are known for having parts of the Great Lavender Range's western and eastern branches respectively. To the south of the mountains, major rivers include the Amore River with large cities such as Porto Violeto and Amorante near its mouth; the Keleste River in whose upper waters the capital Giovannia was notably built; and the southern Festino River that drains into the Darkesian Sea in the city of Abrentopole. In the north, the Dzé-lung or Gratioso River is a very important river for the Lavanda Prima and Lavanda Sekunda regions, featuring their respective capitals Uryde and Kastellavando throughout its course, as well as other relevant cities like Kyene and Lampo. Andolian Giovanniland is far more mountainous, although it also has lowlands and plains where a significant part of the population lives, mainly in the north (the Lido Flavio, Feragia and Altana regions) and the extreme south (the Vallemuni region). Meanwhile, the regions of Terra Violeta, Oltoveno and Doruna in the central part of the territory are known for their great altitude contrast, including valleys of the large Irto River and its tributaries surrounded by large mountain ranges. The region of Kordelleria is very sparsely populated and contains Giovanniland's section of the Great Andolian Range, divided into two parts by the central L'Apertura mountain pass, and it's where most earthquakes in the country happen. As for notable rivers, the aforementioned Irto River crosses the territory from southeast to northwest, and near its waters there are several major cities like Nenofre, Villaflori and Einotta; while the southern Emune River gives its name to the Vallemuni region and is home to cities like Gioseppole and Daurone. Biome map of Giovanniland. Giovanniland has a total of eight different biomes, three of which appear in Aura and seven in Andolia. Auran Giovanniland is covered by a large broadleaf forest, although the northern and western areas receive high rainfall throughout the year and are therefore rainforests, while the other areas have a distinct dry season, leading to the different biome classifications. Meanwhile, a large part of Andolian Giovanniland is covered by tropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands, whereas the rest of the biomes have a more limited distribution—for example the montane grasslands and coniferous forests in the mountainous south, and the semiarid or arid shrublands that cover a significant part of the coast, except in the west where broadleaf forests are the highlight. Giovanniland has a rich biodiversity, especially in the Auran forests and Andolian savannas. Some examples are jaguars, ocelots, capybaras, iguanas, tapirs, sloths, armadillos, piranhas, macaws, flamingoes, and anacondas, some of which are only found in the rainforest regions. All three coastlines that the nation has in the Darkesian Sea are also known to be home to various types of maritime life, including but not limited to dolphins, large whales, shrimps, octopuses, and coral reefs. The country also features a large amount of plant species, such as the many Auran forest trees, while Andolian Giovanniland offers a diverse lineup ranging from pines and araucarias in the mountainous regions to cacti and xeric trees in the arid lands, and of course the ubiquitous savanna trees and shrubs. In order to protect this biodiversity, Giovannilandian state policy has included an extensive environmental protection program for the last century. There are several designated national parks and natural reserves, in which sustainable tourism is allowed but no farming or mining can take place. Laws also regulate industries to prevent deforestation, species endangerment and water pollution among other issues. The hyacinth macaw native to Lavender Island is the national animal.
  11. The Forest Lavender is the namesake of Lavender Island and native to the vast tropical broadleaf forests that cover its territory. It bears some resemblance to the mediterranean lavender found in some other regions of Esferos, but has key differences to fit the tropical climate. Furthermore, it also has a central place in the cultures of Lavender Island's peoples. Biology Forest lavenders feature large, dark green and waxy leaves to capture sunlight, which is limited in the dense forests of Lavender Island. These broad and spread-out leaves are similar to various other plant species in the forest, serving to maximize the intake of light and to store higher levels of chlorophyll, which enhances the photosynthesis. Both the leaves and stems are thick and robust, so that the forest lavender can thrive in the high humidity and rainfall, preventing infections. Furthermore, the species can survive both the wet and dry seasons due to its water management and leaf transpiration. The species' roots are shallow but more expansive, because tropical forests have soils whose top layers are richer in nutrients. It also benefits from several kinds of relationships with other living beings, such as associations with mycorrhizal fungi for better absorption of nutrients, and mutualism with local animals for seed dispersion and pollination. Notably, the lavender-colored flowers are very colorful and have a strong scent to attract pollination from birds, bats and insects found in tropical forests. Culture The forest lavender has been important to the civilizations of Lavender Island since time immemorial. The name of the ancient Lavandulan Empire comes from the plant, because it was prominently featured in the symbols of the initial ruling family that founded the empire, the Kyetsen dynasty. By the end of the empire a millennium later, it came to retroactively identify the civilization throughout its entire history, and the name has persevered. Meanwhile, the island's name comes from the plant's ubiquitousness in the island, perceived both by its inhabitants and foreigners. Today, the forest lavender is widely cultivated across the island and in other tropical regions of Esferos, with many cultivars. Common uses for the plant include lavender essential oil, various culinary recipes, soaps, bath salts, aromatic sachets, and much more. The culinary uses are particularly notable, including but not limited to lavender cupcakes, tea, and lemonade, as well as the famous Giovannese lavender-seasoned pasta. The forest lavender also has an entire event dedicated to it, the Lavender Festival. It originated in the ancient Lavandulan Empire, passed down generation to generation ever since, and was extended to the entirety of what is now Giovanniland during the early Giovannian Empire. It happens during the week before New Year, starting from December 25th, since the forest lavender is considered a symbol of renewal and prosperity. Citizens celebrate the holiday with many activities, such as planting the species at home some time before December so they can be fully grown by the time of the event, decorating houses with lavender bunches and perfumes, and hosting several fairs for the many lavender products.
  12. The Unification of Lavender Island Lavender Island has historically been divided into four major civilizations—the Abrentans, Lavandulans, Glendulans and Minsunese. The Minsunese and Lavandulans called the island their home since time immemorial, whereas the Glendulans arrived around the same time as the Lavandulan Empire's peak in 800 BF, and the Abrentans arrived to the island from Saint Mark starting from 390 BF, as they formerly lived in southern Saint Mark and decided to flee the northern Markans' expansion. The early 6th century AF, where the story of unification starts, was an uncertain time for the island. In the west, the Glendulans had been through a cold war going on for centuries between northern and southern clans. In the south lay the Abrentan Republic, which had enjoyed a golden age between the 3rd and 5th centuries AF, notably establishing friendly relations with the Lavandulans, pioneering great trade between the two and also adopting the Lavandulan religion. However, the republic now endured political strife between its recently formed Triumvirates (which replaced the traditional system of two leaders due to the incorporation of vast new lands) and the Senato Abrenti. In the north, the New Lavandulan Empire had been formed a century before by Emperor Thupten I, overcoming the arduous post-imperial period of the Lavandulan civilization. The new emperors sought to relive the glorious age of ancient Lavandula between the 10th and 7th centuries BF, and had recently brought all the post-imperial realms. However, a religious issue persisted in the eastern Lavandulan provinces, since they had abandoned the traditional Lavandulan religion after the empire's fall due to influence from Gaoist missionaries coming from Minsu. When the New Lavandulan Empire fell into a succession dispute after the death of the heirless Tsewang I, Minsu decided to intervene in order to protect Gaoist interests, causing further turmoil in Lavandula and the loss of the eastern provinces. The situation in Lavandula only started to stabilize in 534 AF with the rise of a new emperor, Lodak IV, who successfully defended the remaining imperial territory. In Abrento, ideas of unification with Lavandula into a single realm started to rise, given their fundamental trading ties as well as significant cultural similarities that developed over the centuries, such as a common religion. These ideas were most notably championed by Triumvir Giovanni who came to power in 540, which was of the opinion that unification would be useful for better defending the two civilizations against internal and external threats, although the other two triumvirs Kornelio and Sabino were opposed. Giovanni formally proposed it in 548 to Lodak's recently crowned successor Thupten V, who supported the idea—furthermore, the triumvir's son Matteo married Thupten's heiress apparent Nyima in the following year to strengthen the alliance. The discovery of this by Kornelio and Sabino caused tensions to rise to a new level in Abrento, and a civil war between the three triumvirs began soon after. Although Kornelio's military mutinied to Giovanni's cause and assassinated their former ruler in 551, Sabino stood on in the south. Giovanni achieved various successes in the campaign and won significant lands from Sabino, but was killed in the First Siege of Abrentopole that failed in 555. His son Matteo changed some military tactics and led a new eastern campaign that captured various cities in the east, encircling Abrentopole and winning the second siege in 559. The unification of Abrento and Lavandula then happened on 16 January 560, and ushered in the founding of the Giovannian Empire, ruled together by Matteo and Nyima. The new state was named after Triumvir Giovanni of Abrento that spearheaded the unification process, who was posthumously declared Emperor Giovanni I. Matteo and Nyima ruled together for twenty-one years, leaving a lasting influence on the building of the nascent empire's institutions. They consolidated the new imperial government as an absolute monarchy and divided the empire into various regions, which have over time developed into the modern-day administrative divisions of Giovanniland. The monarchs also added some frontier mountainous regions to the empire by 567. Matteo ruled alone for three more years after his wife died in 581, and was succeeded by their son Augusto I. Augusto sought to create an unified national culture with elements from the Abrentans and Lavandulans, forming a new cultural and ethnic group called the Giovannese. He expanded the Lavender Festival to the entire country, built more churches of their common religion, introduced Abrentan music and cuisine to the Lavandulans, and created a law code incorporating costumes from both cultures. After Augusto's death, his brother Zodeno I ruled from 621 until 635. Zodeno waged war against the divided Glendora people of modern-day Blue Bubble. After some skirmishes, the northern clan negotiated with General Dezeno and agreed to submit, in the belief that the Empire would help their side win. The southern side resisted for four more years, and a war in two fronts happened—although the Glendorans defeated General Tullio's army coming from the south in the Battle of Atsimo (628), their army was weakened and unable to resist the advance of Dezeno's troops from the north. Dezeno and Tullio got several victories afterwards, such as in Anondi (629), Moyen (630) and at last Atsinanana (631) where the last resistance was crushed. The two next empresses, Zodeno's daughter Nyima II (ruled 635-652) and her cousin Anna I (ruled 652-664) focused on strengthening the empire rather than pursuing more conquests, and both reigns saw the increase of exports and trading posts established by the Empire in the Darkesian Sea. With the death of Anna I, her younger brother Tommaso I inherited the throne, and the goal of reunifying the island returned to prominence. Tommaso's increase in military spending alerted the nobles of Minsu, who decided to declared war against the Giovannian Empire in 670. Tommaso then declared war in return and encouraged the Lavandulan populations in northern Minsu to rebel, after having been under Minsunese domination for a century and a half. This started the northern front of the war, while in the south it was General Artorio who led the southern offensive against Minsu. The two fronts met in the Minsunese capital of Asahi, and after a failed siege, the successful Second Siege of Asahi came to an end in 689, with Emperor Sora of Minsu being placed under house arrest and a Giovannian military junta being established. Although Tommaso I died in 686 before the war ended, his son Giovanni II oversaw the final stages of the war and then became the first emperor to rule over an unified Lavender Island, which would last for the following four centuries. A new city called Giovannia was built to celebrate this achievement, and it became the new capital in 702.
  13. @Vorduria, @Chief Executive Andhra State, @Freehold, @Syrakia, @Sensorland, @Inseberistan all accepted! @Shevet your application is on hold since you didn't post the oath in this thread.
  14. Welcome to the West Pacific! Having the display name be the same as your nation name is nice but not required. If you have any other questions feel free to ask!
  15. < Previous: The Beremean Golden Age | Next: The Ardala Khanate > Late Classical & Early Medieval Era - the Ulerge Khanate The initial history of the Ardala and Ulerge civilizations. The later Classical Age was important for the Ardala and Ulerge, since both made massive territorial expansion and development of new cities during this period. The Ardalans expanded to the east of their initial lands in the mouth of the Ikh-usu River, notably founding the magnificent Altan-qota or the Golden City, which would then serve as the capital of the Ardala Confederation founded in 453 BF. Meanwhile, the Ulerge civilization expanded in various directions in relation to their core territory in the upper Irto River valley, leading to the formation of the Western and Eastern Leagues in 429 BF that would soon fight for control of the Ulergean lands. After a few decades, the Western League won the conflict in 361 BF and set to expand the Ulerge civilization's territory even more. By the end of the 3rd century BF the Ulerge reestablished contact with the Ardala, which had recently expanded up to the right bank of the eastern Nia River during the golden years of the Ardala Confederation. No longer separated by the Boriorto Mountains, the two peoples started to more closely trade with each other, although given their common origin, leaders of both civilizations wished to one day see the two unified once more. This came to fruition when Bilgüün Khan of the Ulerge founded the Ulerge Khanate in 187 BF and began to conquer the Ardalan cities, finishing his campaign and unifying the two peoples in 125 BF after capturing Altan-qota, a happening that marks the start of the Middle Ages in the region. The next two centuries saw the zenith of power for the Ulerge Khanate, especially after the conquest of the Bereme and Inte in 42 AF during the reign of Abargha Khan, overthrowing the native twenty-fourth dynasty (25 BF-42 AF). Although the Bereme had enjoyed a brief recovery after the fall of their empire, natural disasters such as severe droughts caused further unrest between different dynasties aiming for power, and this made the conquest by the Ulerge easier. The height of Ulerge power was reached under Abargha (reigned 29-60 AF) and his two sons, Buyan (reigned 60-75 AF) and Oktai (reigned 75-98 AF), a time during which the khanate enjoyed prosperity. Their control of the mountain passes to the south allowed trade with the Emüne, which were in their golden age at the time, since they earned a lot of wealth from trade to the north with the Ulergeans and south with the Golbans. However, the Ulerge khans were also known for their brutality as rulers, and other ethnic groups such as the Ardala and Bereme were oppressed by them. Aided by a succession crisis in 130 AF, the Bereme rebelled and restored native rule for the next two hundred years. The failure by the Ulerge Khanate to successfully reestablish control over the Beremean lands, coupled with weaker rulers, resulted in an Ardalan revolt in 241 AF, starting the Boreandolian Civil War. The Ardala and Ulerge then fought for control of the eastern lands, while in the west, the Bereme divided themselves over whether to support the Ardalans or to remain independent. The former faction prevailed, and an alliance was forged between the Ardala and Bereme peoples, winning the war in 283 AF to found the Ardala Khanate. In return for their support, the alliance's leader and first khan Erdene granted the Beremeans a higher level of autonomy within the new state, whereas the Ulerge royal family and their allies were executed.
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