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  1. What is it about a redemption story that draws us in? Is it the drama of the fall from grace? Is it the hope of a better tomorrow? Could it be that each of us has a nagging memory of a wrongdoing we hope won't follow us the rest of our IC, OOC, and IRL lives? The author of the White List Campaign telegram is betting on that. NationStates, for the most part, has a good Admin and Moderation team that does indeed protect its players. We've witnessed them warn, correct, suspend, ban, and delete accounts that commit everything from spam to flamebait to harassment. However, as most of us know, the communities and overall nature of gameplay extends to several off-site locations, such as forums, IRC, Skype, and Discord. Does the protection of the Admin and Moderation team extend to those locations? No. Do certain players take advantage of that? Yes. NationStates should be a safe space for people of all ages. A vast majority of communities have admin teams comprised of good, sensible, caring players who diligently extend the umbrella of protection to all facets of gameplay. They have long drawn a line of decency against bad behavior in the sand and proclaimed "Here we stand." The West Pacific has a long memory. We remember the White List author. We remember their actions. You and your kind will never be welcome here. Here we stand.
    16 points
  2. Guide to TWP Roleplay and Esferos Lore Introduction Current map version 1.18, updated 1 April 2024 Esferos Topographic Map | Biome Map | Tectonic Map | Wind & Sea Map TABLE OF CONTENTS: Welcome to the map! Where can I RP? A brief "Session Zero" for TWP Roleplay Esferos lore introduction Welcome to Esferos! The center of roleplay in TWP is the map of our world, Esferos. Our canon is tied to the map and our stories are built by our community—whether you're into nation building, international affairs, or rootin' tootin' cowboys, you'll find something that grips you here. There's no telling how deep you'll go! Citizens of The West Pacific can request a place on the map to develop a history, culture, and people for their nation. While collaborating with others, you will create roleplay like factbooks, news, stories, or sports—essentially, whatever you want to do with your nation within reason. The current RP year is 1422 AF, this translates to modern-day Earth. Most technologies are also roughly equivalent to the modern day. Before we get too into things, if you have any questions, you may address them to one of the Lorekeepers on the TWP Roleplay Discord server. To join the world of Esferos you must be a citizen of TWP, read the rest of this Guide, introduce yourself on the RP Discord server, and submit your Mapplication™ in the Mapplication™ thread. We very strongly encourage you to join RP Discord server before you submit your Mapplication™. Ideally, we want everyone to have the opportunity to get to know the different regions of Esferos (geographically and culturally) and see who is active there so you can decide which area is the right fit for you, as opposed to throwing a dart at the map. Where can I roleplay? TWP's two roleplay locations are the regional forums and the TWP Roleplay discord. However, these two places have different uses. TWP Forums TWP's forums are the official home of TWP's roleplaying—there are four roleplay subforums available for use: Atlas of the Occident - Map and Factbook - Home of the regional map and forum-based factbooks of the nations that reside in it. The Repository - Local & World News - The place to post newswires about the goings on in and around your nation. Roleplay - How the West Was Won - The general RP subforum. If you have an IC roleplay thread to post, it belongs here. OOC Support - Information & Dispute Arbitration - The place where OOC threads belong and where disputes can be resolved. And of course the RP Archive, which is, as you guessed, where really old clutter goes. RP Discord The TWP Roleplay Discord server is the home of OOC discussion and worldbuilding. Its activities include nation building, arts and crafts, regional planning, and all sorts of other things, but it is not the place for in-character (IC) talk. It is also not a gameplay or foreign affairs Discord, nor a substitute for the general chat and spam functions of main TWP server. You can find an overview of the server's rules, roles, and channels and links to helpful resources in the #welcome-info channel. Roleplay Resources Official Resources Big Book of Numbers - This contains the core statistics and basic information for all nations on the map, including capitals, land area, population, languages, and much more. The information you provide in your Mapplication™ will go in the Book, and you can comment on cells to add further information. Session Zero Guidance - This guidance forms the basis of our shared world. No one is allowed to go against the guidelines set in the Guidance. Unofficial Resources Language Table - This spreadsheet contains the names of all Esferosi nations in the different languages of Esferos. Maintained by Giovanniland, based on the spreadsheet begun by Kurabis Legal System Questionnaire / Comparison - Prompts to explore the way your nation's society is constructed through its legal system Nation Building Exercise - A useful exercise for exploring balance in nationbuilding. A brief "Session Zero" for TWP Roleplay The term "Session Zero" comes from tabletop roleplaying games, in which before a campaign starts, the game master sits down with the players to introduce the setting, set boundaries, and clarify expectations for the coming games. For our uses, it refers to the most basic rules and customs you need to know before starting to build your nation on Esferos. When in doubt or in need of help/guidance, ask the Lorekeepers. They are all experienced in subjects related to wordbuilding such as history, military studies, archaeology, anthropology, and political and international studies. They also guide the balance, quality, and realism of our shared world, and may take action to enforce it. Balance An overriding goal of TWP Roleplay is balance—this means everything good comes with drawbacks. No nation can be good at everything, just as no nation can be bad at everything. You cannot “win” the RP spreadsheet Your goal should not be to have the highest number on a sheet. Having a high population, a high GDP per capita, or high military spending each have their own drawbacks. It is a balance. Realism Technological realism: Existing technologies with widespread implementation, such as cell phones or helicopters, are fair play. Advanced technologies with limited or experimental implementation, such as fully autonomous vehicle fleets or advanced laser weapons systems, are guided by balance: if a real-life analogue nation has access to a technology, then you may attempt to justify that access by defining the balance. Historical realism: Real-life religions and languages do not exist on Esferos. Similarly, you cannot use RL religious symbols in your IC religion. You may reference them as inspiration or ‘flavour’ out-of-character. Using similar inspirations to other nations does not mean your nation must be related to them. Your nation didn't always exist in its current form. People probably lived there for thousands of years, but much of it was in a very different form to modern life. It's unlikely that the exact same political entity that exists today existed hundreds of years ago. Ancient developments should follow a timescale with reference or similarity to the real world. If you are interested in exploring the ancient history of your region of Esferos, you should look into real-world societal developments for similar regions and timespans on Earth. Modern developments should also reference the real world. For example, the ‘Industrial Revolution' was a process which unfolded at different scales and speeds around the world from 1760 to today. International relations don't have to be cordial, and your nation can have been friendly and have histories with countries it isn't friendly with today. Miscellaneous realism: Just as RL religions and languages don’t exist here, RL places don’t exist either. Do not name your nation, cities, and other things after prominent RL places like “Shanghai”. Exceptions are common given names like “Georgetown”. If you need help coming up with names, ask in the Discord or check out a random name generator. There is no magic. That doesn’t mean people can’t believe something is miraculous or magical, but you cannot state as an OOC fact that it is. You should make distinctions between historical, semi-legendary, and legendary events and figures. Just because something is not an OOC fact does not mean that it cannot be believed to be fact IC. The laws of physics are the same as we understand them in the real world. They cannot be manipulated or exploited in any extraordinary way. Humans are the only available species to roleplay as. The current year is not the beginning of your nation’s story We recommend avoiding the propensity to make big events happen in the current year; you should roleplay past events or allow them to be a historical fact. Just because you weren’t playing your nation before does not mean it didn’t exist or have relationships. Talk to your neighbours and define your historical relationships with them, it’s all part of the fun! War is difficult, messy, and detailed There is no total victory. You should find some drawback or disadvantage to your activity—there’s no fun in always winning all the time. Just because you have a large army and say military spending is 50% of your GDP doesn’t mean you win. Be tactful and realistic; look to real life examples and ask the Lorekeepers for help if you need it. Yes, North Korea is a “real life example” but their level of expenditure is an extreme outlier and comes at great cost. Border changes will not happen without Loremaster approval. This would be dependent on quality and content of roleplay. Remember that matters of war and military are subject to oversight by the Lorekeepers for balance and realism purposes. You are not a “recently discovered tribe”, and avoiding other common tropes There are no “undiscovered” nations on Esferos, just as there are none on Earth. If your nation is “opening up diplomatic and foreign relationships after a long period of isolationism” you are not going to be up to the modern standard of life or technology. Continents are not “Teams” The Continental Congresses don't have meaning beyond out-of-character (OOC) planning. There is no IC organization called a "Continental Congress". In the Continental Congress channels, we come together to plan histories, geography, and other things that affect our neighbors, but the goal isn't one continent-spanning intergovernmental organization. Avoid treating continents as teams. A few community rules Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Worldbuilding and RP can be daunting, but you’re not alone—we’re a community. Roleplay is multilateral, which means every party has to agree—you only participate in ways you agree to. If any issues arise, please let one of the moderators know. Along with this is zero tolerance for hate imagery or masked clones or iterations of nations like Nazi Germany. This section is adapted from the TWP RP20 Guidance and Rebalancing, which includes a slightly more in-depth version of the Session Zero. Esferos lore introduction Geography Our planet is called Esferos, a medium-sized terrestrial world orbiting a gas giant around a binary star, and is the only astronomical object known to support life. Its surface covered mostly by oceans, with a handful of major continents and numerous smaller island chains. The five continents of Esferos are Andolia, Aura, Doll Guldur, Nur, and Polaris. Andolia is located in the southern hemisphere — a land of broad grasslands and forests in the east, mountainous shores in the west, and deserts and rainforests in between. Andolia also has the most active volcanos of any continent. Aura is regarded by some as the historical center of Esferos — much of the southern part of the continent is tropical, covered in lush rainforests and fertile plains, while the north is much more arid and contains the world's largest desert. Doll Guldur is a rugged land in the northeast of the region — its terrain is made up of great plains and wide forests, with shattered mountain chains along the eastern coasts. Doll Guldur also contains the world's largest endorheic basin. Nur is located far to the east the other continents — its surface is covered by plains and rainforests in the north to mountains, temperate forests, and steppe in the south. Nur is the largest and least densely populated continent of Esferos. Polaris is located in the far north — it is a land of great forests and greater mountains in the west, grasslands and hills in the east, and desert in the center and south. It is also home to the largest freshwater lake in the world. Miscellanea Most of Esferos uses the Markan calendar system, which counts time from the founding of the Holy Principality of Saint Mark. One properly counts time using the BF and AF suffixes, short for "Before Founding" and "After Founding". The current year is 1424 AF. You can easily translate between the Markan and Gregorian calendar by taking the year in the Gregorian calendar and subtracting 600. For instance, 1900 CE in our time is the same as 1300 AF in roleplay time (1900-600=1300). The international language of Esferos is called 'Common'—it originated as a trade pidgin among sailors in the Darkesian Sea and spread from there. Out of character, most players use English to approximate it, but it is not related to English in-character. Esferos is a multipolar world—no single power international power has the strength to dominate the others.
    16 points
  3. Last week I dismissed four Guardians from their posts. The action itself is not what caused issue, but rather the manner in which I handled the dismissals. Each Guardian has served TWP with honor and distinction and I failed to treat them with the respect and dignity their service demanded. Their devotion to TWP is unquestionable and their professional character is beyond reproach. Failure to recognize that - however temporary - constitutes a gross misjudgment on my part. I want to personally apologize to Elegarth, Yy4u, Wickedly Evil People, and Bhang Bhang Duc. Furthermore, I would like to apologize to the rest of the region for the undue stress and anxiety caused by this situation. Going forward, I pledge to earn back the trust in me that has been shaken, and to continue to serve the region and her interests to the best of my abilities.
    14 points
  4. INFO Companies, economic thinkers, and researchers all over Esferos come together in the city of Gué in Nouveauterra to discuss economic matters, as well as show themselves to the world. COMPANY TABLING ITINERARY *Mycelium packaging, vegan leather, etc. SPEAKER SERIES ITINERARY OOC: Rules The event lasts from April 1 to April 5. (Haha yes April 1st) You can post one company per category in the day’s itinerary. (Ex. You can only post one transportation company, one vehicle manufacturer, one infrastructure company, one construction company, and/or one logistics company on April 1st) Here’s a format to make things standard: [Company Logo] [Name] [trade name or name used in advertising] Industry: [insert industry here], [Country of Origin] [Description] Description word count should be between 100 and 350 words (to reduce clutter). Add any pictures and logos you feel would show the company best. If the company was previously featured in an RP event, or a news event, feel free to link it in the post. Community-wide posting rules apply.
    12 points
  5. Courtship of the Kings Seven winters passed since the vanquishing of the Berganisk tribes, and Queen Tamar, her name echoing through the winds like a distant thunderstorm, ruled with sagacity and might. In those days of yore, three royal suitors sought the hand of Queen Tamar, drawn by the luster of her realm. The first, Tonn, bore a regal countenance, yet his gaze was veiled by vanity and nearsightedness. The second, Olev, was piously devoted, but his reverence for the divine eclipsed the needs of his folk. The third, Jumal, harbored ambitions as fierce as the northern winds, heedless of the welfare of his subjects. With grandiosity befitting their stations, the three kings approached Queen Tamar, each seeking favor. Yet, the queen, with discerning eyes akin to the falcon's gaze, perceived the flaws that tainted the brilliance of each. To Tonn, the vain, she spoke words as sharp as the blade at her side. "A king's sight must not be clouded by his own reflection. Beauty is fleeting, but the legacy of a benevolent ruler endures like the northern lights." Olev, the pious, found himself admonished by Tamar's unwavering gaze. "A king's devotion must extend to the realm he governs, not confined to the heavens alone. Your people crave sustenance and justice, not just the solace of prayers." Jumal, the ambitious, faced Tamar's unyielding stare. "Power, if grasped without wisdom and compassion, is but a weapon of tyrants. A king should be a shepherd, not a wolf amidst his flock." Enraged by these lessons in humility, service to the folk, and equality, each king, in the manner of the berserkers of old, drew his weapon. Tonn unsheathed his sword, Olev gripped a mace, and Jumal brandished a spear. They struck at Tamar, blinded by wounded pride and unbridled ambition. Yet, Tamar, like a Valkyrie in the dance of battle, moved with the grace of the northern winds, deflecting their blows with a skill forged in the crucible of conflict. She spared their lives but claimed their crowns, a symbol of the humility and service they failed to grasp. The tale of the thwarted courtship and the dethroned kings spread like the whispering breeze through the ancient fjords. The subjects of each realm began to see Tamar not as a conqueror but as a liberator and rightful queen. The realm expanded, and peace descended like the gentle caress of snow upon an ever-expanding dominion. Thus, the Courtship of the Kings became a chapter in the saga of Tamar, the queen whose wisdom, humility, and martial prowess united realms and brought prosperity to the lands beneath her just and compassionate rule. The people hailed her not merely as a warrior queen but as a sovereign whose heart beat in harmony with the well-being of her folk.
    11 points
  6. In the darkened entrance tunnel, moments before the match... "Nelson, mate, turkey for Thanksgiving? It's like watching paint dry. Bland, dry, and utterly forgettable," Nelson quipped, his words sharp and to the point. His dark eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief as he leaned against the tunnel wall. Christian shot back with a grin, his quick-witted retort hanging in the air like a challenge. "Nelson, you've got it all wrong, sunshine. Thanksgiving is about tradition, and turkey is the undisputed heavyweight champ of the holiday table. Versatility, my friend! You can roast it, fry it, smoke it – it's the triple threat of festive fowl." The banter continued, a rapid-fire exchange echoing the patter and rhythms of a Ray Gitchie film. "Versatility? It's a damn bird, Christian, not a Recuecian Army knife. I'd rather have a tradition of enjoying my meal. How 'bout we spice it up with some chili or throw in some jerk chicken for a real celebration?" Nelson countered. But Christian, leaning in with a conspiratorial air, explained the beauty of a well-cooked turkey like a seasoned football coach detailing a winning strategy. "Nelson, you're missing the point, my man. Thanksgiving is about coming together, sharing a meal that screams 'Braya. Turkey embodies that spirit, and it's like a culinary handshake with history." Nelson chuckled, his grin widening. "'Braya, huh? I'd rather be shaking hands with a plate full of flavor. Our Adaikian brothers got it right with their hearty stews and savory pies. Now, that's a celebration on a plate." "Fair play, Nelson, but when you're savoring your exotic feast, just remember the warm embrace of a perfectly roasted turkey. It's a classic, like a vintage scotch or a well-placed penalty kick," Christian remarked with a knowing grin. Nelson, smirking in response, shot back, "Classic, huh? I'll stick to being a maverick in the culinary arena. Let's just hope our performance on the pitch today is more exciting than this banter." With a nod of mutual respect, the players exchanged a competitive glance before heading towards the pitch, leaving their Thanksgiving meal debate hanging in the air like the prelude to a high-stakes match.
    11 points
  7. Teralyon Suffers Narrow Defeat to Giovanniland in Thrilling World Cup Clash By Anja Suremic, Teralyon Sports Analyst ISTADIO RAQUIVAS, RYXTYLOPIA — In a heart-stopping showdown at Istadio Raquivas, Teralyon's national football team faced a bitter 1-0 defeat against Giovanniland during the 3rd World Cup hosted in Ryxtylopia. The tension in the air was palpable as both teams fought valiantly on the pitch, but ultimately, it was Giovanniland who emerged victorious, leaving Teralyon supporters disheartened but proud of their team's efforts. The lone goal of the match was netted by Giovanniland's star striker in the 67th minute, breaking the deadlock and sealing Teralyon's fate. The resilient defense on both sides and the exceptional goalkeeping made it a nail-biting contest until the final whistle echoed through Istadio Raquivas. Teralyon's coach, Isabella Mirovic, expressed her disappointment but commended the team's performance. "It was a tough match, and we gave it our all. Giovanniland played exceptionally well, and we'll learn from this experience and come back stronger," she stated during the post-match press conference. As Teralyon licks its wounds from the defeat, speculation is rife among sports analysts and passionate fans in Tarajevo regarding the team's upcoming crucial match against Peourouin at Istadio Gral. Tavara Diparti. The anticipation is heightened as Teralyon aims to bounce back and secure a spot in the knockout stages of the World Cup. Renowned sports analyst, Pero Javic, believes that Teralyon has the talent to overcome the setback against Giovanniland. "The team exhibited great skill and coordination despite the loss. With a few adjustments, they can certainly turn the tables in the upcoming match against Peourouin," Rodriguez commented on a popular sports talk show. Regular sports enthusiasts from Tarajevo echoed Javic's sentiments, expressing confidence in the team's ability to regroup and deliver a stellar performance against Peourouin. Social media platforms were abuzz with discussions, with fans sharing their predictions and rallying behind the national team. "Go Teralyon!! Our teams shown resilience before, and I'm confident they'll make us proud against Peourouin," said Sofia Karadzic, a fervent supporter from Tarajevo. The clash against Peourouin at Istadio Gral. Tavara Diparti is now a do-or-die situation for Teralyon. The nation holds its breath as the team prepares to face another formidable opponent in the quest for World Cup glory. Only time will tell if Teralyon can rise above adversity and secure a triumphant comeback on the global stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teralyon's 7th Naval Fleet Reinforces Security Commitment in the Mille-Mer Sea By Davor Dalmatia, Teralyon Defense Correspondent STARI DOMA NAVAL BASE, TERALYON — In a strategic move aimed at reinforcing regional security and fortifying alliances, Teralyon has deployed its formidable 7th Naval Fleet from the Stari Doma Naval Base to the Mille-Mer Sea. The deployment, conducted in collaboration with allied nations Cambria and United Adaikes, underscores Teralyon's unwavering commitment to maintaining stability in the vital maritime region. The Mille-Mer Sea, a key nexus of international trade routes, has witnessed increased geopolitical tensions in recent months. In response to emerging challenges, Teralyon's 7th Naval Fleet, equipped with state-of-the-art naval assets and personnel trained for diverse maritime operations, is poised to contribute significantly to the region's security architecture. Rear Admiral Elena Petrovic, the commander of the 7th Naval Fleet, emphasized the importance of the deployment during a press briefing at Stari Doma Naval Base. "Our mission is clear: to safeguard the maritime interests of Teralyon and our allies, promote stability in the Mille-Mer Sea, and ensure the free flow of commerce through these vital waters," she stated. The Teralyon 7th Naval Fleet's deployment has garnered positive responses from regional leaders and defense analysts. Analyst Sofia Milosevic noted, "The strategic positioning of Teralyon's naval assets, combined with collaborative efforts with allies, enhances the overall maritime security architecture in the Mille-Mer Sea. This proactive approach sends a powerful message of deterrence to potential disruptors in the region." As the 7th Naval Fleet sets sail to patrol the Mille-Mer Sea, the international community will be closely watching the collaborative efforts of Teralyon, Cambria, and United Adaikes to maintain peace and stability in this critical maritime expanse. The joint commitment to security reflects the shared values and determination of these allied nations to safeguard the prosperity and well-being of the region.
    11 points
  8. [OOC Context Note: Broadcast the day before Match Day 1.] Melanie: From SPOT Studios in the heart of Cangham, we bring you the inaugural Football World Cup Preview, presented by Ping AI. I’m Melanie Soft, and I’m joined today by my colleague Weston Hall. Weston: Greetings! Melanie: Over the next two hours, we’re going to be breaking down the minutiae of the third Football World Cup in Ryxtylopia, and how your very own Overthinkers National Team is preparing. But first, let’s start with the basics. Weston, many of our viewers may be new to the World Cup, how would you explain the tournament in simple terms? Weston: It really is quite simple, Melanie. Twenty-four teams of gladiators have entered the arena seeking the title and international glory. These teams are comprised of the mightiest champions of the countries they respectively represent. In the interest of narrative, these teams must prove themselves against each other in a series of matches before entering the yet-more-competitive knockout stage. Weston: To prove themselves thus, teams have been assigned to four groups, each more or less evenly matched in skill to one another, but representing a wide range of skill within each group. Teams shall earn favor with the lords of the tourney by winning matches against their group, or a lesser amount of favor by tying. After each team has tested themselves against every other team in the group, the four teams most favored shall enter into the knockout stage. [Melanie is smiling at the camera, but the pain behind her eyes is obvious.] Weston: In the knockout stage, the stakes become higher. Each of these battles becomes a do-or-die situation for our gladiators. The victors live to fight another day, the losers will board a plane back home. We proceed from sixteen to eight, then to four, then finally to the last two teams remaining, who shall fight to claim the World Cup trophy. Melanie: Great! Now, let’s introduce you to what teams are playing. We start with Group A, which includes Overthinkers. [Graphic of Group A teams appears onscreen.] Melanie: Notably, this group includes the hosts, Ryxtylopia, but also includes Larxia, one of the top 5 ranked teams in international play. Besides Larxia, the teams in this group are all either unranked or within 5 ranks of one another, meaning that at least on paper, anything can happen in this group. Weston: Truly, this field was designed to give all a sporting chance, all the better for Overthinkers to improve upon their showing in the last World Cup. Melanie: For the sake of brevity, I agree. [Melanie runs through the remaining groups, with occasional interjections by Weston. Notably, Weston is thrilled by the uncertainty over whether Sasha of the Dalimbari team is a bear.] Melanie: Now, before we go to break, we’ve asked our “special analyst” some questions in advance and gotten some prognostications. Let’s hear from our sponsor, Ping AI. Hey Ping, given the teams listed, who will win the World Cup? Ping: Saint Mark. Melanie: Interesting! Can you elaborate? Ping: Because I said so. Melanie: Great! We’ll be right back after the break to introduce you fully to your Overthinkers National Team. [ad break] [Coming out of the ad break, a hype video plays. Generic rock song plays as highlights and photos of OT players flash on screen, introducing each member of the starting lineup. It then ends with the Football World Cup graphic.] Melanie: And we’re back with the Football World Cup Preview, presented by Ping AI. We’re taking a look now at our starting lineup. [A graphic of the full team roster appears on screen.] Melanie: Eight of last year’s starting eleven return this year, and two of last year’s reserves are starters this year. Altogether, there’s seven players making their World Cup debut, including Jeri M. Anders, who landed a starting role at forward. Melanie: To truly get to know these players, let’s talk to someone who has been on the world stage with many of them before. We’re joined in the studio by Ian Reid, who is missing this World Cup due to injury. Ian, I know you’d rather be in Ryx with the team, but welcome to the studio. Ian: Pleasure’s all mine, Melanie. Melanie: So you’ve seen our roster for this year. Anything that immediately catches your eye here? Ian: I said after our elimination last year that we had all the ingredients for success, but we weren’t prepared to execute. Seeing so many of the same people here, now with World Cup experience, I can only imagine we’re ready to grind. Ian: I’ll call out Max Hamilton, here, my replacement. He was a reserve last year, got some play time in, but since then he’s really stepped up his game. He would have given me a run for the starting job even if I were healthy. I think he’s every bit as good as Elle and Ryan in the backfield. Ian: Jeri, too. Even younger than Lukas and fully earned that starting job next to him. I spend some time at Highland this year and really liked what I saw from her and from that whole program. We’ve got some great younger players coming out of these smaller clubs that can only go up from here. Weston: The youths also stir the hearts of the nation, displaying some spectacular showmanship on the field that deviates from the team’s normal, reserved strategy. Ian: Yeah, and I’m torn on that, frankly. These younger players try to be flashy, they try to be heroes, and seeing Lukas go off last year only inflated their egos. This is Coach Luigi’s team, he wants you to defend the ball and score safely. Hopefully he can temper some of that recklessness. Melanie: While the starters have a lot of experience, the reserves are majority newcomers to international play. What do you make of that? Ian: They’re new to international play, but they’re not new to football. Petra and Stephen have three rings between them. Joy played for a long time at West and is accustomed to the rise and grind that this team plays. If they can shake off the nerves early, they’ll be just fine. Melanie: Love it. Thanks for joining us today, Ian, and hope you can get back to the pitch soon. Ian: Myself and my doctors have differing opinions on that. Cheers. Melanie: Before we go to break, we have another question for our sponsor, Ping AI. Hey Ping, who will be the Overthinkers team MVP this World Cup? Ping: Chris Peterson. Melanie: Chris isn’t playing this year. Ping: Chris Peterson. Melanie: O-kay, stay tuned. After the break, we got a moment with the Overthinking team after they touched down in Ryxenia. [ad break] Weston: Welcome back, dear viewers, to the Football World Cup Preview, presented by the incomparable Ping AI. We’d lose our jobs if we actually used this product at SPOT, but that’s our problem, not yours. Melanie: Ahem. Yes. Earlier this week, the Overthinkers National Team departed from Cangham International Airport and arrived in Ryxenia, the capital of Ryxtylopia. Once the team got through customs, we caught up with them in transit to their lodgings. Let’s hear now from field correspondent Emily Corral. Emily [voiceover as B-roll plays]: The Overthinkers National Team has arrived in Ryxenia for the third Football World Cup. The city is warm and vibrant, and the streets are lined with football fans, thrilled to have an event of this significance on their home turf. [Half of a protest sign comes into frame before the scene abruptly changes.] Emily [now on-camera]: We’ve gotten exclusive access to the team bus as the team travels to one of Ryxenia’s finest hotels. I’m here standing next to Ray Chang, one of the veterans of this team. Ray, how was your trip? Ray: It was just fine. We all thought the plane ride was shorter than expected, and when we got off, we were surrounded by some of the finest architecture we had ever seen. Like, completely blown away by how beautiful and grandiose everything was. But it turned out we had actually landed in Saint Mark. Our plane had an instrument issue that needed fixing. So by the time we got here to Ryxenia it was… [Ambassador von Edelgard peeks out from the seat back behind Ray.] Ray: ...also pretty great. You can tell there’s a lot of money in this place. [von Edelgard recedes.] Emily: I see. We now have Coach Wendell Luigi right here. Coach, how is the team feeling after the trip? Coach: They’re ready to roll. It was a pretty smooth trip, despite the interruption. We’re all super locked in and ready to get practicing. Emily: Now Coach, we haven’t had a chance to talk to you since Lucille Lyons resigned from the team at the last minute and then dropped off the map. Has there been any impact from that on the team? Coach: I can’t speak from the players, they’re each dealing in their own way. All I have to say on the matter that’s fit for TV is, you picked a fine time to leave us, Lucille. But we were able to get George called up to fill her slot. The kid’s ecstatic—you can tell it’s a dream come true for him. I want to focus on the positivity of that. Emily: Understood. You guys are playing Alchera in the first match. Are there any particular strategies you have for them? Coach: Not particularly. They’re a solid team, we’re about evenly matched from what I saw last year. We will go out there and play our game, and make them play our game too. And we’ll adjust from there. Emily: Larxia is far and away the strongest team in Group A. Do they give you any concern? Coach: We only have to worry about them once before the knockouts. We’ll try our hardest, but we’re giving our all in every game. Emily: Thanks for your time, Coach. [Cut back to studio.] Melanie: Thanks, Emily. Now, one more question for our sponsor, Ping AI. Ping, what World Cup team has the potential to be a dark horse this year? Ping: Kalmach. Melanie: Good call! Why is that? Ping: Because I said so. [ad break]
    11 points
  9. Overthinkers National Football Team Overview The Overthinkers National Football Team returns to the international stage, intent to run it back a second time under veteran coach Wendell Luigi. 7 new faces grace the roster, but the team remains star-studded—bringing back dynamic defender duo Elle Colossus and Ryan Peck, not to mention Lukas Reeves, the kid from Cargan who captured Overthinkers' hearts. Team Information Style Mod: -2.4 Head Coach: Wendell A. Luigi (Brunnes FC) Home Stadium: Gladius World Stadium, Cangham (capacity 59,993) Roster # Player Position Club Hometown Starters 2 Barker, Emmy Goalkeeper Brunnes FC Exvia 5 Chang, Ray Defender Cangham West Aurum 6 Hamilton, Max Defender Aurum Union Hestmere 9 Colossus, Elle Defender Brunnes FC Brunnes 11 Peck, Ryan Defender Brunnes FC Cangham 17 Wilkins, Peter Midfielder Hestmere Brunnes 21 Cobb, Amie Midfielder Cangham West Occida 29 Poole, Cain Midfielder Cangham North Cangham 30 Rollins, Karli Midfielder FC Worth Bellman 42 Anders, Jeri* Forward Highland FC Finnes 49 Reeves, Lukas Forward/Mid Cargan Valley Cargan Reserves 1 Allen, Alan* Goalkeeper Hestmere Aurum 4 Donovan, Jen Goalkeeper FC Worth Occida 8 Tiers, Stephen* Defender Brunnes FC Exvia 11 Bryan, Hamilton* Defender Aurum Union Aurum 15 Miranda, Anika Defender Francoist Aurum Legion Anders 22 Nephropida, Petra* Midfielder Cangham North Cangham 26 Cannon, George* Midfielder FC Worth Worth 41 Gerano, Kyle Forward Cangham West Aurum 46 Bering, Joy* Forward Highland FC Coard *denotes players making their first FWC appearance Kit The special kits for FWC3 have been produced in cooperation with Quentin Code, the official sportswear sponsor of OT Football. RP Permissions Injure my players: Yes Assign my players yellow cards: Yes Assign my players red cards: Yes Godmodding: Consult first
    11 points
  10. Coach: Josep Hernandez RP Permissions: Injure my players: yes (only minor) (max 1 match missed) Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: no Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: yes (but ask we can probably do it together) Godmod other events: yes (but ask we can probably do it together) Style Modifier: +3 The team will deploy a 4-3-3 formation for the 3rd Football World Cup. Jerseys of the Larxian National Team Home Kit: (<<More kits to be release closer to the tournaent>>)
    11 points
  11. Preferred Formation: 3-5-2 Starting Eleven Name Kit Number Position Ohisdi Ugasesdi 8 Goalkeeper Ayeli Igvyiditlvanigisdi 6 Center back Adalagisgv Dagvwalodi 7 Center back Tahlonteeskee Tlogesi 5 Center back Awiinageehi Dinanelohvsgi 30 Defensive Midfielder Unalii Alisoqualvdi 9 Center Midfielder Goyadv Gasohi 19 Center Midfielder Gasohi Dinanelohvsgi 99 Left Wing Back Ahneewakee Uyatsvsv 11 Right Wing Back Ama-Edohi Tsonusv 22 Attacking Midfield Gaduanuwosdi Quamone 2 Centre Forward Reserve Name Kit Number Position Kunokeski Ahoka 28 Goalkeeper Scolaguta Awiakta 13 Goalkeeper Mohe Catawanee 16 Center back Nazshoni Aselu 4 Center back Sallali Dugani 15 Defensive Midfielder Takatoka Gvnhalasidena 43 Defensive Midfielder Tsoi Akanugahli 24 Center Midfielder Wahya Agola 14 Center Midfielder Ya'no Agataya 56 Left Wing Back Wahalanutah Kaluge 31 Left Wing Back Gola Cotegi 39 Right Wing Back Junaluska Nawote 25 Right Wing Back Deyani Tagolv 17 Attacking Midfield Dikayuga Tlanesgi 28 Attacking Midfield Washoe Waneti 21 Centre Forward Yona Kudesgv 54 Centre Forward Kit Injure my players: yes Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: yes Godmod injuries: DM me Godmod scoring: DM me Godmod other events: DM me Style Mod: Yes, all the style +2.5
    11 points
  12. As part of The West Pacific's month-long recognition of Autism Spectrum Disorder, we present three essays from our friends on the spectrum. Wymondham So, I suppose I should start by telling you all about myself. I’m Wymondham, Vizier of CA in Osiris, NSToday PR Director and Court Justice in Lazarus. But, I’m not here to talk about that. I was diagnosed with High Functioning Aspergers at age 13 and that helped explain a lot to me. However, to explain the rest of my story, we need to go back further to when I first started primary school aged 4. I had always found making friends difficult and the same was true at Primary school, I made 2 or 3 friends and was very close to all of them. I quickly found that, although I excelled at the work, I would misinterpret the teachers instructions and was often told off despite not really knowing what I had done wrong. When I got to the older years though I had an excellent teacher who seemed to really understand me and I cannot thank her enough for the ways she helped me. Whether it was from giving me instructions that I could follow and easily understand, to stretching me in terms of work difficulty by moving me up a year, which is an arrangement that I have continued to this day. Moving up to High School was difficult for me. I struggled very much to make friends and was bullied until the summer of last year. Without a diagnosis my teachers refused to make allowances for me. I got into a very heated row with my Head of House when he refused to give me some space to calm down following a fracas with another boy who had been mocking me because of my appearance. I’ve always struggled with expressing my feelings and, as such can often find opening up to people rather difficult. I was diagnosed aged 13 and it helped me understand a lot about myself. Suddenly certain things I didn’t understand why I did suddenly became a lot clearer and it has become a lot easier to develop strategies to control my often explosive anger. Routines are a major part of my day and since getting my diagnosis people have certainly been a lot more accepting off it. For example, when I go on discord, I will always say good morning to servers in a certain order: a friends personal discord server, followed by Osiris, then my two family servers, then Thalassia and finally Karma. Same goes for saying goodnight in PMs, I say goodnight to Rigel first and Altino last. I will have lunch at a certain time every day, go for my walk at precisely 2PM. Therefore, disruptions to my routine such as the Coronavirus can be extremely disorientating, I go to a boarding school which I find extremely useful due to the routine. Going home has required a readjustment to my routine and for the first week I was very very confused until I adjusted to the new normal. The internet and NS have been so useful for me as someone with Aspergers syndrome. It has given me the opportunity to interact with people without having to read facial expressions, which are the bane of my social existence - as a Brit I have grown up around Sarcasm so do not find that as difficult to deal with as other people with Aspergers. It has enabled me to meet people like Altino, Rigel, Halo, Rachael and Sho who have all helped me so much with my other mental health struggles which my tendency to hyperfocus does not exactly aid. So yeah, that’s me and Aspergers. If you’ve got any questions TG me or shoot me a discord PM (Wymondham#3478) Dilber As a kid, I always was a little different. I skipped speaking individual words and went straight to sentences. My teachers told my parents I was far behind on reading, and that I had major learning disorders until all of a sudden, I could read paragraphs and was years ahead of my class. When I was four years old, I was playing with a friend and he teased me mercilessly. Instead of getting angry at the time, I waited a day, and then bit his finger to the bone. My favorite book to read for years was volume A of the encyclopedia. I received my initial diagnosis back when Aspergers was just added to the DSM. My mom had read up about it, and was pretty sure I had it. The psych, however, didn’t believe that it was a real disorder. In the end, I was diagnosed with ADHD, Dysgraphia, and Non-verbal learning disorder. I started therapy at 4 years old. I don’t remember much of my early therapy, but one of the things I do remember was my writing therapist giving up on me. I went to a writing therapist for four years, but by second grade I was using a laptop because the therapist didn’t know how to improve my motor skills. I didn’t have a good experience with therapy until I was 8 years old, and we’d moved to a different city. I got a fresh start with a new therapist that I would end up seeing for the next thirteen years. Through middle school, I went to therapy 2-3 times a week. I lacked very basic social skills and was unable to read people at all. I was very young for my grade (made the cutoff for being in that grade by 2 days), and then skipped 4th grade. My peers were 2-3 years older than me, and I just didn’t know how to interact with them. Therapy was a very important part of my life and helped me learn how to function. I was regularly bullied by some of the kids, and therapy helped me learn coping skills, and how to handle people. I was very lucky to have incredibly supportive parents. Therapy also taught me how to connect with my father. We also conflicted when I was young, because he had issues understanding my actions. I had a tendency to use my “logic” which no one else could understand where I came to the conclusion that something needed to be done. The most common therapy that I did as a kid was “play” therapy. The therapist and I would talk and play games, and he’d indulge all the rules changes I would make to the game. This allowed me to open up more, and really helped me learn how to communicate. Over time, I learned how to read body language better, while also getting really good at the made up version of connect 4 that we used to play. I ended up repeating 8th grade, not for academic reasons but because I would have been going into high school as a 12 year old, and that would have made the bullying worse. When I was 14 or 15, my psych admitted that I most likely had Asperger’s, but it wasn’t worth changing my diagnosis because it would mess with all the educational plans I had at school. I would have been forced into special education classes, and taken out of my honors classes, and it would have really been detrimental to my social life that I’d finally managed to start developing. In middle school and ninth grade, I always had a very small circle of friends but I started blossoming in tenth grade when I joined the school jazz band. Music helped me connect with people, and I was able to form close attachments with friends. I still was the “weird” kid, but all of us were a little bit weird and that taught me it was ok. Making friends was the next important step in development for me. Back in middle school, I thought it was “cool” to sit by myself because it would impress the girls. I wasn’t any smoother in high school, but navigating social groups and bonds helped set me up for the learning how to become a functional adult. This was also around the time I got into Nationstates. Nationstates was great because on the internet you could be anyone, and no one had to know your struggles if you didn’t want them to. Nationstates taught me a lot about online communication at the same time I was really learning how to interact with people in-person. The next step for me was in college when I got into Improvisational Comedy. One of my long running-struggles was a massive need for “structure”. Without structure, I was unable to operate and basically shut down. Improv taught me how to play around with-in the rules, before later learning how to break them. This was a big improvement over me as a kid, where I once tattled on my cousin for buying me ice cream when my mom told her not to get it for me because I knew I broke the rule and it wasn’t right. I’m now a “slightly weird” adult. I had a conversation with a former co-worker that told me that when I was hired, they thought I was going to be incredibly annoying. I had a tendency to want to talk while they were doing work and wouldn’t understand their body language that they wanted me to back off. This was a really important learning for me, and I’ve told my co-workers to straight up tell me “hey, I need to do stuff.” Therapy helped me learn how to read people, but when I get excited I still run into issues. I hyper-focus on this, and I get really excited about stupid things and then explain it to my poor wife. I got really into smart home technology, and now I own three smart ceiling fans. It’s interesting to think of what I would have been like without years of work. When people think of the spectrum, they think of what they’ve seen in movies. Not everyone needs to live in a group home, but if they do that’s ok. We all cope and learn to do things different ways. My business partner was diagnosed with Autism as an adult, and it made a lot of things in his life “click”. We have discussions because sometimes it feels like we’re on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of our preferences to do things, but because our brains are different that “normal” people we can understand each other better. Normal is a relative concept. Most people have no idea that my friend or I are on the spectrum, and many would be surprised to find out. There is a stigma attached to the spectrum that needs to be cleared up. People on the spectrum can be just as unique from each other as they are to neurotypical brains. If you know someone with autism, just talk to them about it. Ask about their preferences or why they said something. Be gentle, be kind, and be understanding. This doesn’t mean be a pushover. Being on the spectrum is not a license to be an asshole, and I thank my parents, friends, and coworkers for giving me boundaries. Awareness of the spectrum is key for the future. There’s a whole gap between the public perception of “group home” or “rain man”. Awareness is really important, and I’m glad that people are starting to learn more. Ithobbit I think a lot has been written by people close to Autism, quite a number of articles, studies, notes and even projects that heralded new insight as to what Autism (and the spectrum) is. Not so much (or at least published in great numbers or popular in nature) has been written by the autistic to tell their part. The new found use for Social media and Social networking has shifted the balance here, everyone can get a platform to shed light on the things close to their hearts and to be able to express themselves somewhat. We know what the DSM says about Autism: "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fifth Edition of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM 5)*, is a complex developmental disorder associated with symptoms that include "persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts" and "restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities." But, from the point of view of someone in the spectrum, what does that really mean? To me, being on what used to be called Asperger’s and now is just a part of the ASD, it means that certain things are FAR more important or worthy of attention than others. That I’ll settle in and be comfortable with certain tasks and situations, while being absolutely unable to cope with others, and for each one of us, these are different. My son, also on the spectrum will tirelessly research, learn and go on to teach if allowed anything and everything he can about video editing, cinema and movies. He’s dedicated dozens of hours to analyzing the differences in DVD (or BluRay) menu options between different versions of a movie, and will gladly share everything he knows about it if you just sit down “for a minute”. Some of us are very prone to bouts of “self isolation”, alone playtime, going into closets, under beds, or dark places. Others are hyper and love moving about and doing all sorts of physical activity, but one major thing we have in common is that social “awkwardness” that prevails over most of our interactions; be it that we miss social cues, we take things at face value, or simply, miss absolutely anything relating to sarcasm or innuendo because we only really register the words, not the nuances. Overall it makes daily things hard. People may take advantage of it (we trust a lot) or be afraid of our aloofness or possibly even they fear that we may become irate “over nothing”; quick hint here, very rarely it’s over nothing. We on the spectrum obsess easily, that’s a great gift for learning, but we also don’t let things go as fast as others. Someone making fun of you stays, sometimes even for years, which lends itself for some really hard times when forgiving a slight. Eating is another “fun” time. Some of us have issues with textures, some foods that are absolutely enjoyable by most, are actually retch producing and we need to work around that daily. It all is variable, and some people seem very far removed from “neurotypical” while others are far more functional, but sometimes none of us get a chance to show how or why. I’ve taken my son out of more schools than I care to admit, we’ve tried different systems, education patterns, teachers and methods, and only some work, and not all the time. We’ve had parents force our kid out of the classroom because they are afraid that their children may miss classes, have a hard time, or, in the worst cases “catch something”. It’s been 11 years of schooling, Jr has moved to seventh grade now, he’s moved out of the city and into a more rural environment, people are somehow more open there, teachers try to explore different ways, and the fact that there is more space and nature, has brought anxiety levels down on all of us. Not everyone is this lucky, we had a choice, we were able to move him to a place where people were willing to not just shy away, but reach out; in times like this, don’t we need a bit more of reaching out, albeit metaphorically if not actually?
    11 points
  13. The Rise of Necrobotics: Unraveling Saint-Josalyn's Eight-Legged Enigma "The Rise of Necrobotics: Unraveling Saint-Josalyn's Eight-Legged Enigma" The city of Saint-Josalyn became a backdrop for the unfolding narrative, as the team grappled with the ethical implications of their work. The once-contained experiment, now a beacon of scientific ambition, raised questions about the responsible advancement of technology and the unforeseen consequences of manipulating nature. "Unraveling Saint-Josalyn's Eight-Legged Enigma" became a compelling tale of ingenuity, ethical dilemmas, and the relentless pursuit of understanding the intricate dance between biology and robotics. As the necrobotic spiders entered the spotlight, Saint-Josalyn found itself at the crossroads of scientific progress, prompting a reevaluation of the delicate balance between innovation and ethical considerations in the quest for knowledge. In the discreet confines of Queen's College, nestled in the heart of Saint-Josalyn, a scientific odyssey unfolded, delving into the intersection of cutting-edge research and the enigmatic world of necrobotic spiders. Driven by the relentless pursuit of knowledge, a team of researchers embarked on a groundbreaking experiment that would redefine the boundaries of bioengineering. At the helm of this venture was Dr. Karl Einarsen, a seasoned entomologist. Guided by his vision, the team, including the formidable Dr. Anu Sildre, a geneticist, and the innovative, Dr. Marek Olsen, set out to unravel the secrets hidden within the realm of necrobotics. Necrobotics, the fusion of robotics and the study of necrotic spiders, became the focal point of the team's endeavors. The researchers sought to harness the unique attributes of these spiders and integrate them seamlessly with cutting-edge robotic technology. Within the state-of-the-art laboratories of Queen's College, Dr. Sildre's expertise in genetic manipulation and Dr. Olsen's mastery of robotics converged. The goal was to create a groundbreaking synergy where the innate capabilities of necrotic spiders could be augmented and controlled through meticulous engineering. As the experiment progressed, the necrobotic spiders, now imbued with enhanced capabilities, underwent rigorous testing. The researchers scrutinized their venomous prowess, adaptability, and intelligence, pushing the boundaries of what was previously thought possible. The laboratory became a crucible of innovation, where the relentless pursuit of knowledge met the tangible realities of arachnid bioengineering.
    10 points
  14. —and the Landslag’s next match comes tomorrow against Hertfordia, ranked 11. Until then, keep it cool! Midday sunlight bathed the small apartment in Eidanger as Ylva switched the radio off. Thankfully their windows faced south to catch what little sun came this time of year. The light glinted off rooftops, the last of the leaves were falling from the trees, flurries blew through the air. It was peaceful. Anyway, back to work it was. Ylva turned back to their desk and sat down, staring at the teleplay in front of them... “Hmm, really some could use work on this scene...” thought Ylva, and pressed on.
    10 points
  15. "Mr. President," National Security Adviser Marian Proudfoot broke the silence when Red Palace Chief of Staff Jed Gill asked if there were no more topics to be discussed after finishing the last item presented in Other Matters as discussed at the start of the meeting. It was the time of the month when Luke Salazar, the President of the Federal Republic, had his Cabinet Cluster Meeting. "Not now, Marian," Gill interjected. Salazar only had to look at the far left of the table where Proudfoot was seated and to Gill at the right of Vice President Mel Gaspar (the VP is sitting next to the President's right side) and back to Proudfoot, which urged the former to speak. She cleared her throat before continuing. "Mr. President, it is the National Security Council's Secretariat's opinion that we should be eagerly monitoring the 'civil unrest' in Ryxtylopia with the Football World Cup happening." Salazar looked to his left, where the Military Affairs Secretary Carlo Charlton was sitting, and started, "Foreign Affairs is under your cluster, right?" "Yes, Mr. President," Charlton replied. Salazar nodded upwards, urging him to talk. "Ah, yes, Mr. President," Charlton continued, "it was discussed in our previous meeting in the Security, Justice, and Peace Cluster early this month, but the members decided not to apprise you yet unless we have an actual action plan that we can present to you. Right now, we're just implementing need-to-act protocols only." "I want the facts on my table in an hour, Carl," Salazar instructed Charlton before facing Proudfoot again, "you should also give me a briefer from your perspective, Marian. Though what do you recommend?" "Our assets in Ryxtylopia will continue monitoring the riots. If something worsens, I call Carlo and initiate the plan depending on where our players are by the time our plan commences. I have already submitted my recommendations on what to do when they are not playing any matches with contingencies when they are in the hotel or if one or two players or staff are not with the team, when they are transiting to or from the game, or when they are currently playing," Proudfoot replied. "Are the recommendations plausible?" Salazar asked Charlton. "We can work around the plans, Sir," Charlton replied. "Very good. Current logistics?" Salazar asked again. "A platoon of inactive graduates of the Executive Protection Course not detailed in the Presidential Security Service is currently in Ryxtylopia providing cover, Mr. President," Charlton replied. "They are equipped with only our military-issue handgun with four extra clips in their presence at all times. Their operational command and control are under the Headquarters and Headquarters Services Battalion, under Major John Read, of the Adaikesian brigade we sent to the Matixarrati Base. Once we receive confirmation from Marian, two platoons will push towards urban Ryxtylopia and implement the necessary action plan." "Mr. President," Gill interrupted, "is the plan more of an overkill? The presence of a foreign military alone, not only in any urban area, but what if they are playing in Ryxenia?" "Well, we hope that the riots do not escalate," Proudfoot raised her voice a little. "I'll talk to Edyuardó [Etsañó, the Ryxtylopian President]," Salazar raised his index finger and massaged his temples, "but the Union needs to know about this." "I'll talk to Anne [Duncan, the Adaikesian Foreign Affairs Secretary], Luke," Gaspar inserted, "We'll let her talk to her counterparts in Teralyon and Cambria."
    10 points
  16. Zona, almost a century prior... Sometimes – times like this perfect dawn, for instance – it amused Frei rem Gofain to play a private game. The game was called "pretend there isn’t a war on." It was relatively easy in some respects. It was quiet, and the night chill was giving way to a still cool as sunrise came up over the city. From where he sat, he could see the wide bay, hazy in the morning mist, and the sea beyond it, blue-grey, glittering. The city of Zona itself – a mix of modern construction, low-rise homes, and ancient steeples – was peaceful and quiet, huddled on the wide headland in a quaint, antiquated manner, as it had done for twenty-nine centuries. Sea birds wheeled overhead, which spoiled it slightly, because he envied them their wings and their freedom, but still, at these times, it was easy to play the game. Zona was not Gofain's birth-town (he’d been delivered, a silent, uncomplaining infant, forty two years earlier in Zhuna Ra on the far side of the Gulf of Golden Fronds), but he had, unilaterally, adopted it. It was smaller than Zhuna Ra, prettier, a littoral town that understood the mechanisms of the sea and, with its universities and its many schools, was famous as a seat of learning. It was older than most others too. The old town quarter had been standing for two hundred years when the first plucky Azten began sinking their sharp teeth into the banks of the sacred river to raise Ior Aria. Zona, dear old Zona, was one of the oldest cities in the infinite empire. Gofain had adopted Zona partly because of its distinguished past, mostly because he’d been stationed there for six years. He’d come to know it well: its eating houses, its coastal pavilions and piers, its libraries and museums. It was the place he’d always longed to return to every time he snapped the canopy shut and waved the fitters away. And it was the place he always had come back to. Even the last time. "You there! Driver!" The voice broke through his thoughts. He sat up in the worn leather seat of the cargo transport and looked out. Lord Silan, the Order of Ordinance dispatcher, was coming over towards him, three aides wobbling along in his wake like novice wingmen. Silan’s long robes fluttered out behind him and his boots were raising dust from the dry earth. His voice was pitched high, like the seabirds’ calls. Gofain didn’t like SIlan much. His game was ruined now. The dispatcher's call had made him drop his eyeline to take in the ground and the airfield. And no one could pretend there wasn’t a war when they saw that. Gofain opened his cab door and climbed down to meet the dispatcher. He’d been up waiting since five, sipping coffee from a flask and munching on a coil of local bread. "Lord," he said, saluting. He didn’t have to. The unctuous man had no military rank, but old habits, like Gofain himself, died hard. Dispatcher Silan had a clipboard in his hands. He looked up and down Gofain, and the grubby transport behind him. "Driver Gofain, F. R.? Vehicle 143?" "As you well know, Lord," said Gofain. Silan made a check in one of the boxes on his sheet. "Fuelled and roadworthy?" Gofain nodded. "As of 05.00. I was issued coupons for forty litres of II-grade, and I filled up at the depot before I came on duty." Silan checked another box. "Do you have the receipt?" Gofain produced the paper slip from his coat pocket, smoothed it flat, and handed it to the dispatcher. Silan studied it. "Forty point zero-three litres, driver?" Gofain shrugged. "The nozzle guns aren’t really accurate, Lord. I stopped it when it wound over forty, but the last few drops–" "You should take care to be more accurate," Silan said flatly. One of his aides nodded. "Have you ever fuelled a vehicle from the depot tanks, Lord?" Gofain said lightly. "Of course not!" "Well, if you had, you might know how tricky it is to get the wind exact." "Don’t you blame me for your inaccuracies, driver!" Silan sputtered. "Essential resources such as fuel must be managed and rationed to the millilitre! That is the task of the Holy Order of Ordinance! There’s a war on, don’t you realise?" "I had heard…" Silan ignored him and looked at the nodding aide. "What’s zero-three of a litre II-grade at base cost?" The aide made a quick calculation in his head. "Rounding down, ten and a half claria, Lord." "Round up. And deduct it from the next paycheck of driver Gofain, F. R." "So recorded, Lord." Silan turned back to Gofain. "Transportation run. Personnel. Pick up within thirty minutes from the Hotel Royale in–" "I know where it is." "Good. Convey them to the dispersal point at MAB South. Do you understand? Fine. Then sign here." As he signed his name, his stiffened fingers struggling with the pencil, Gofain asked: "Are they fliers? Fliers from the East at last?" Silan huffed. "Not for me to say. There’s a war on." "You think I don’t know that, Lord?" Gofain asked. As he took back the clipboard and the pen, Silan looked up at Gofain's face and made eye contact for the first time. What he saw made him shudder. "Carry on, driver," he said, and hurried away. Gofain climbed up into his battered transport and turned the engine over. Blue-black smoke coughed and spurted from the exhaust. Lifting the brake, he rolled the truck down the gentle slope of the hardpan and drove off along the field circuit trackway, following the chain link fence. The game was certainly ruined now. No pretending any more. Here were fuel tankers, smeared with black waste, armoured hangars, repair sheds reverberating with the noise of tools, lines of coils on their trolleys, munitions trains parked and empty on verges of swishing grass. And airstrips. Cracked concrete looking like psoriatic skin in the early light, with four-engine bombers sulking on their hardstands, props like sabre-blades raised in threat, hook-winged dive-bombers under tarps, fitters and armourers working around them. Beyond the strips, facing the sea, lay the long runway and the Firebirds, stretched out and vaguely glinting in the rising sun. Five Firebirds sat idle at the head of the roads. Dark blue with grey undersides, they were tiny, one-man planes with stubby wings and tails, their engine cowling stripped, their nose guns muzzled. They looked squat, leaden. But Gofain knew how they felt to fly. He knew how they ran down those runways, throttles right back, engines farting and popping as they fired to velocity. The bellydropping jink as they cleared the ground and lifted up into the blue, raw and throbbing. The cold smell of the cockpit. The reek of rubber and steel, fuel, nitrous. The feel of being aloft, alive… Gold above, how he missed it. At the gate, beside the staked revets and the heavy fences, he pulled over to let a munitions convoy roll in. He glanced up into the driving mirror and, for a moment, saw himself. More than anything, more than even the airfield full of prepping warplanes, the sight of himself reminded Frei rem Gofain that his cherished game was only pretend. There was, inescapably, a war on.
    10 points
  17. The trio were meant to be flying across the Darkesian Sea in their military plane towards Saint Mark to circumvent it. Problem was, May was flying... R. Hammond: While we could be thundering past Giovanniland, James is making our lives a misery... again. [Clarkson looks down to what's below them.] J. Clarkson: Er... we can't be at Ryxtylopia already, right? R. Hammond: James, why can I see a nation? J. May: Er, because I went in the wrong direction mate. I didn't tell you this, I made a route towards the Andolian Territories of Giovanniland and have had to go along through there a bit and we'll head up toward- R. Hammond: H- I'm sorry? We, on a route towards Saint Mark, have flown into Andoliavilla? J. May: Yeah mate. Sorry. R. Hammond: So you've made us get lost in this farm prop as well as slower. J. Clarkson: That is the face of a Hammond who knows that all the pre-flight checks in the world can't compensate for being stuck in an airborne tumble dryer with Esferos' slowest man at the controls. Also it's Andoliaville. R. Hammond: No, Andoliavilla. J. May: Officially it's called the Andolian Territories of Giovanniland, but they call it Giovandolia so that's what its name is. J. Clarkson: James, we're not from Giovanniland, we're from Hertfordshire-Jammbo. We call it Endeuliyevil or Entestiprazye and that translates to Andoliaville. R. Hammond: I maintain your wrongness on this. J. May: I was being correct. J. Clarkson: Pfft, whatever. R. Hammond: No you weren't. J. May: And anyway, it's a colony. They ought to leave this continent. R. Hammond: Has James been swapped for a Varanian? J. Clarkson: He's not a Varanian, but he is an old lady. J. May: I'm a what? No sorry, I missed that. R. Hammond: I mean... I knew he was from the 10th century, but really? J. Clarkson: He's always been an old lady, he was born an old lady. Congratulations Mrs. May, it's an old lady! [Hammond laughs into the air, May is confused.] J. Clarkson: Anyway, back to the main topic, we're lost. J. May: No we're not. I think. R. Hammond: Whichever way you cut it, this is the wrong way. J. Clarkson: Hang on a second. We're flying in a plane from the Armed Forces. R. Hammond: Yeah. J. Clarkson: I hope the Giovannilandians don't send a welcome party. R. Hammond: How are you doing? J. Clarkson: Yeah, I'm fine. How about you? R. Hammond: We're going the wrong way, we've veered off west into Andoliavilla and are flying over it right now. So that's a no. J. Clarkson: A route imposed by James' inability to use a map. R. Hammond: We have to fly over every town. There's a place called Giovenoria that could be a bit tricky for us. Ugh... [Hammond puts his head in his hands in despair. Clarkson adjusts the camera through which Hertfordians and Jammbonians (and Hertmerians) back home are watching them.] J. Clarkson: So if you've just started watching us, an update on our trip for you. We're behind schedule... by miles. [The plane continues to fly through Giovanniland and out onto the Darkesian Sea where it has to divert heavily to avoid encroaching onto any more countries. It's passing along the coast of Dilber when Hammond pipes up again when he tries to eat his lunch.] R. Hammond: James. I've got no fork. J. May: Yeah, it's not allowed on the flight. R. Hammond: Well it's just as well 'cause if I had any cutlery right now it'd be sticking out your neck! J. Clarkson: Richard. R. Hammond: Yeah? J. Clarkson: I found these sheets. Do you think I should show this to the audience? R. Hammond: I don't see why not. Style: +1.7 RP permissions If my opponent RPs first, they may... Injure my players: yes Assign my players yellow cards: no Assign my players red cards: no Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: no Godmod other events: no A sheet with what was seemingly useful drivel on there. But the trio had figured out that this must have been important otherwise it wouldn't be in the plane with them. It looked like some kind of permission slip. J. Clarkson: Certainly, the roster of The Genesis is more of an engineering triumph than James' plane... R. Hammond: We've got no bloody forks. J. May: Stop whinging about the ruddy in-flight food, man. R. Hammond: Fuck's sake... J. May: And don't jig about, 'cause we're climbing. We're struggling a bit here. R. Hammond: I am not jiggling! J. May: Yeah, but Jeremy is. R. Hammond: How rubbish is this thing if I can't even lift a chocolate bar to my face without us crashing into a mountain of drugs or Quiyakaso?! J. Clarkson: I know what will cheer you up, Richard. Let's talk about a car made back home, the Buralati Chirkov. More specifically, the special "Legends of the Snow" version that was made in honour of the Hertfordshire & Jammbo cricket team that won the T20 World Cup. You know, even though there are these huge cooling guts and the engine has no cover at all, that thing has 11 radiators. 4 to cool the engine itself, 3 for the intercoolers, 1 to do the axle oil, 1 to do the engine oil and 2 to cool the hydraulic fluid used to raise it's rear spoiler. ...It's got more radiators than my house! R. Hammond: ...That was made in Hertfordshire & Jammbo? J. Clarkson: I know it seems absurd but I promise you, it's not as far fetched as it seems. Most of our land is untouched countryside with mountain ranges, lakes, a lot of snow and miles of quiet straight roads. It's the sort of country a hypercar could unleash everything it has in, providing the roads aren't too covered in ice or frost. The Buralati Chirkov that Clarkson was talking about. It has a quad-turbo W16 engine that produces 1,578bhp and goes to a top speed of 305m/h. It's the fastest car that Hertfordshire & Jammbo has managed thus far. It's named after legendary Hertmerian racing driver Lui Chirkov. He is believed to be living at Hestmere in Overthinkers, but this has yet to be proven. R. Hammond: That is just... wow. Incredible. J. Clarkson: You know what else is incredible? R. Hammond: What? J. Clarkson: James looks like he's preparing another lump of disappointment. J. May: Hammond? Clarkson? We have to stop for fuel. R. Hammond: Well, why didn't you put more in? J. May: Well I filled it up. That's as much as it takes. R. Hammond: So we've got to pull over for petrol? J. May: Are you, er, are you familiar with the basic principles of flight? R. Hammond: No. J. May: One of the problems we have is because the plane is heavily loaded is that we need, essentially, more lift so we have to fly with the wings at a slightly higher angle... R. Hammond: Oh god... J. Clarkson: I'm nodding off. [May continues his lecture, which takes so long that by the time he had finished, they were flying over their destination. Not that May was aware of this.] J. Clarkson: Guys? J. May: Yeah? J. Clarkson: We're here. Look. [Hammond and May look out of the windscreen and window respectively to see Ryxenia coming into view.] J. May: Guess we don't need to stop for fuel after all. Just need to re-fill when we land. J. Clarkson: Or whatever it is that flying fridge-freezers run on. R. Hammond: I'm starting to think James' plane plan wasn't as lightning fast as I'd first imagined. J. May: Remind me to tell the person who refuels our planes to stop being such a Fujansk trade unionist and get on with it. J. Clarkson: Oh! Before we go, viewers, I want to show you this. It's the roster of The Mafia, otherwise known as The Genesis. I'd have shown this to you earlier but, well, you know... [Clarkson uses his head to gesture to May.] J. May: "Wait a minute. Why did Petersburg edit her profile to have horns?" | Esmeralda P.: "I don't have to disclose that." | R. Hammond: "The thing about having a deaf-mute captain is that no one besides us lot know what we're planning. Unless you happen to have complete knowledge of sign language." J. Clarkson: Can I just point out that the first match of Hertfordshire & Jammbo has finished already? We drew 0-0 with Saint Mark. J. May: Has it? How's that happened? J. Clarkson: Maybe it has to do with the fact that your pre-flight checks and sense of direction have caused us to be catastrophically late? J. May: Oh cock... The trio and their plane finally landed in a field nearby Ryxenia, from which Clarkson and Hammond got into a Buralati Chirkov that the HAJFF had shipped to Ryxtylopia for them. May meanwhile chose to get on the team coach - named "The Ragnarök" - where he received a verbal hammering from assistant manager Tess on the way to Saltavacha. | 𐑣𐑸'𐑘𐑱 𐑛𐑰 𐑤𐑨𐑛𐑟! (Ha'wei Di Ladz!) | | Ha'way The Lads! | | Придъ'няпредванеи На Младеч! (Pride'napredvanei Na Mladezh!) |
    10 points
  18. Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical Releases Statement on Potential Legal Action Regarding Espionage of GlucovanceX Saint Aiaden, November 18 1423 - Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical, a leading biotech company specializing in medical innovation, issues this statement in response to recent allegations of industrial espionage and the misuse of advanced AI decryption tools affecting our groundbreaking diabetes medication, GlucovanceX. Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical is actively considering legal action against the government for its alleged interference in encrypted communications and unauthorized access to critical trade secrets. The situation raises concerns about the potential compromise of our intellectual property, constituting a breach of trust and infringement upon our rights. Our internal team is diligently assessing the extent of the potential damage to GlucovanceX's proprietary information. The use of AI decryption tools in this alleged espionage adds complexity to the matter, requiring thorough examination by national and possibly international arbitrators. Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical is committed to transparency, ethical practices, and safeguarding our intellectual property rights. Before formalizing any legal action, we will conduct an extensive internal investigation to evaluate the situation comprehensively. Partners in the pharmaceutical industry is closely monitoring these developments, anticipating potential implications for the intersection of technology, government, business, and private entities' rights. Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical has engaged legal representation and is prepared to address the alleged misuse of AI decryption tools in what may become an unprecedented legal proceeding. For media inquiries, please contact: Melanie Gorges Senior Public Relations Specialist Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical publicrelations@wap.nb About Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical is a pioneering biotech company dedicated to breakthroughs in medical science. With a commitment to innovation and improving global health, Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical strives to deliver cutting-edge solutions to address unmet medical needs. Disclaimer This press statement contains forward-looking statements based on current expectations and beliefs. These statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. Woolrey-Arnold Pharmaceutical undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.
    10 points
  19. The Big Day - Fire n’ Fireworks As police cars stood outside and the checkpoints near the Rivalda calmed down from the wave of laser pointers collected, the ceremony finally began at 12:00, with important figures taking place at one of the boxes in the center part of one of the sides of the stadium. The president of the FRF: Hildo Gailavéz stepped up to give a brief speech to a crowd, both Ryxtylopians foreigners and the press. “I welcome everybody to Ryxtylopia, were me and the FRF, in cooperation with the government are proud to announce that after our bid for the III World Cup of Football was accepted we’re happy to receive you all here.” Gailavéz slightly adjusts his tie. “Its of the greatest honors for me the FRF and Ryxtylopia to host this tournament, and the intense work and investments have paid off, we are confident of our nation’s ability to host this tournament and i as well as all the people here hope that this tournament will be remembered as one of the best in the edition for decades to come.” Gailavéz steps down as the crowd start applauding, in time for the president Edyuardo, to step up; a complicated man for sure, wanting to protect the average ryxtylopian whilst selling out the country’s labor, helping big business and allowing foreigners to set up a military presence in Ryxtylopia. Edyuardo started his brief speech to oficially mark the start of the tournament, before the first match between Ryxtylopia and Kalmach would happen in a few hours. The crowd applauds him. “Thank you, thank you, like my fellow compatriot said i'm very proud that my country will get to host this tournament.” Edyuardo pauses for a moment as he read the speech, just as the cameras focused on him to see a green dot, on his face, a laser had gotten through, however this laser was only able to stay focused on his face for less than half a minute as security forces off camera quickly apprehended to perpetrator and took them away. “And now with this, im proud to announce, this 17th of November, of the year 1423 the World Cup of Football in Ryxtylopia, to mark the third edition of the tournament has now officially started!” The crowd applauds and cheers, as bags of balloons are released; the president stays in place as a speaker announces: “Now with accord with the law, we will honor the president of the nation, and all ryxtylopian citizens by playing the national anthem of the Ryxtylopian Federation, followed by the cultural tournament.” The Ryxtylopian national anthem starts playing, most stood respectfully but a group in the crowd whistled and booed during the ordeal, while it wasn’t too loud, it was audible making it sort of an akward moment, for the duration of the anthem. But soon after the anthem stopped, music started playing as the cultural exposition started, with traditional ryxtylopian music playing as dancers went to the pitch to give a brief cultural exposition. This lasted about an hour before it ended, the president gave one final remark: “And I give a cordial welcome to all the foreigners that have decided to travel here to watch the tournament. I and the rest of the ministers hope that you will have a great time here and this will be one of the best tournaments in the history of world football.” The crowds cheered and some booed in the corner as the president stepped down, the fireworks were scheduled after the match with kalmach later in the day, for now he took another route into his limo waiting outside, since with about 4 hours left before the match, he needed to discuss things with Gilchabó, the two parted off from the stadium at 1:14 p.m.
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  20. The players get settled in for a long flight all the way to the Northern Auran nation of Ryxtylopia, where 24 deserving teams will fight it out for the Grand Prize, the Football World Cup trophy. The star-studded team of the Andolian juggernaut, Larxia, ranked 4th in the World of Football, has had quite the history with the trophy. They came so close to winning it all in the 1st World Cup, but narrowly missed out on the greatest honour in the world of football, denied by Nieubasria. The 2nd time-around, Larxia once again made it to the quarterfinals. Another heartbreaking moment for Larxia in the history of Football World Cup. This time the players look prepared to get it all for our nation, they have gone there as a unit stronger than ever before. The bonding and brotherhood of the team has been higher than ever before. The players have quite literally fought for each other, with every team-mate rallying behind the most influential and inspirational captain in the history of Larxian football. He has been one of the greatest ambassadors of Larxian football across Esferos. There was a slight concern regarding the World Cup being hosted by Ryxtylopia, due to the nation's history of the oppression of the poor. Several influential figures cited the mistreatment of citizens as a Human Rights issue. This had the football fans in Larxia divided. Some believed that the Larxian nation must uphold the standards of Human Rights and boycott the tournament being held in the Auran nation, while others believed that this was an internal issue of Ryxtylopia, that must not be interfered with. To clear any speculations of Larxia participating in the tournament, the FFL President, Mr. Nahuel Garcia, made a clear statement that the FFL will be sending a delegation to Ryxtylopia for the upcoming Football World Cup. He also highlighted the importance of separating sport and politics in his public statement.
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  21. As I sit in the bustling Tarajeva international airport, eagerly awaiting my flight to Ryxtylopia, the anticipation for the upcoming Third World Cup is palpable. The vibrant energy of football enthusiasts, draped in jerseys representing nations from across the globe, fills the air. Ryxtylopia, a nation known for its rich cultural tapestry and warm hospitality, is set to host the world's premier football event for the first time. As a local journalist from Teralyon, I find myself on the cusp of a unique and exciting experience, ready to witness the beautiful game unfold in a new and exotic setting. The journey to Ryxtylopia promises more than just the thrill of football. The host country has spared no effort in creating an immersive and unforgettable experience for fans and players alike. From the majestic stadiums nestled against the backdrop of Ryxtylopia's stunning landscapes to the carefully curated cultural events, the Third World Cup is shaping up to be a celebration of unity and diversity. Local Ryxtylopian cuisine, a delightful fusion of flavors, awaits visitors, promising a gastronomic journey that mirrors the diversity of the participating nations. As I prepare for my flight, I can't help but imagine the roar of the crowds, the dramatic goals, and the shared moments of joy that will undoubtedly define this World Cup. The tournament holds great significance for Ryxtylopia, not only as a sporting spectacle but also as an opportunity to showcase its warmth and hospitality to the world. The enthusiasm of the local population is infectious, with communities coming together to celebrate the spirit of football and extend a warm welcome to visitors from every corner of the globe. As the plane taxis down the runway, I carry with me the excitement of a Teralyon journalist fortunate enough to witness history unfold in Ryxtylopia. The Third World Cup is not just about goals and victories; it's a testament to the power of sport to transcend borders and bring people together. Here's to a tournament that promises unforgettable moments and leaves a lasting imprint on the hearts of football fans worldwide.
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  22. FSTV 1 - Saint Andreisburg Morning Natasha, Anchor: "... and turning to the world of sports, while it isn't rugby, the Footblues have landed in Ryxtylopia to compete in the third World Cup of Football. Reporting from the games is our very own Dmitry. Dmitry, can you tell us how the flight was for the team?" Dmitry, Sports Reporter: "Good afternoon, Natasha! It was a long journey for the Dalimbari squad to get here... wherever here is. Oh yes, Ryxenia. As airspace was not granted by the barbaric dwarves to the east of the Free State for a more direct flight to Ryxtylopia, we had to do the long "High Thulian to Tethys" route. No matter, our squad got here in the end. All Ivans and Sasha are getting prepared for their first match against... um... Pedandria? Genuinely don't know where that is, but apparently it is a country! These barbarians are cute, making up new places for us to play against." Natasha: "And how is Sasha in particular doing after such a long flight?" Dmitry: "She may have tried to make a swing at local security shortly after we landed but in the end she calmed down after being presented a tray of salmon and berries. Along with the Ivans she is in good spirits and seems eager to maul the competition." Natasha: "She's becoming a hero of mine. One might say she's becoming my... spirit animal, hah!" Dmitry: "Oh, I think the feed cut out there for a sec, Natasha. What was that?" Natasha: "Nevermind. How are the Ryxtylopians doing with preparing for the games?" Dmitry: "There is certainly a buzz in the air, with stadiums undergoing final preparations and locals getting into arguments over who will win. At least, that is what I assume happened in some of the... what's more barbaric than barbarian living, a slum? Yes, slums. Though, compared to our comrades in the Militsiya, I found that the security forces here were lax when it came to breaking things up. Perhaps they can learn from our great nation once we win a second world cup this year?" Natasha: "Exciting stuff, Dmitry. Keep us up to date. And now, the weather..."
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  23. The Big Day - Trouble Brews It was finally the day when the third edition of the Football World Cup would start; after winning the bid, and preparing the stadiums, the top officials of the FRF, and the Ryxtylopian government felt ready to host the tournament, as fans and the national teams started arriving in the country. However, whilst the preparations for the ceremony finished, and police and security elements prepared to open up the Franco Rivalda, in other parts of Ryxenia trouble was already brewing. In the Itsía and Tivirxas neighborhoods some of the poorer in Ryxenia, protests had already started, with a few hundred people gathering in opposition to the tournament, their arguments being that Ryxtylopia has way bigger issues that need to be solved, and that funds directed towards a Football Tournament would just be wasted on something temporary. However, considering the bid had already been accepted, the government wasn’t going to pull out, and with foreign media and reporters already present, the chief of the Department of Internal Security: Vachas Gilchabó, ordered police elements to start moving out into poorer areas of Ryxenia; protesters were suppressed within minutes of the first instances of unrest being reported. In Tivirxas, on the main road, police in riot gear, and armed with rubber bullets, tear gas, and water cannons began clearing protesters from the main street, and working on dispersing the groups, injuries soon began being reported, with the incident at 6:30 p.m. on Hilitpa-Vyriantia Street involving police elements dispersing a crowd resulting in over 30 people injured. Media were told NOT to report on the situation, the reason given was that the protesters were at fault, for being “opponents of the government using the tournament to further their political agendas and instill violence”. By sundown whilst the worst of the unrest had died out, police continued dispersing crowds up until around 10:30 p.m. with checkpoints being built near the poorer areas of Ryxenia to prevent tourists from heading into potential danger and prevent the press from reporting on the situation. Whilst on the General Ibarraia Bridge; an overpass overlooking much of the southern, poorer part of Ryxenia, concrete barriers were put in place to prevent tourists and press from seeing the slums. This tactic was also employed in other parts of town, and extra police elements were placed near slums and poorer areas to deter people from wandering off into said areas. Ryxtylopian social media erupted in flames by the end of the day, while in the media department, no major ryxtylopian news outlets reported on the unrest, somewhat preventing it from spreading at the national level, whilst government officials impatiently awaited the response from global media outlets. By the end of the day, the list of reported incidents reached Gilchabó’s hands: 9:10 hrs: First reported protest in Itsía, around 50-100 people gathered, Indvía street was blocked by the protesters. 9:33 hrs: Second reported protest in Itsía, roughly 100 people took to the Daxivarra park, no disturbances were caused. 9:41 hrs: Police elements start responding to the Indvía street protest, preventing them from heading further down. 10:24 hrs: The First protests in Tivirxas are reported, more than 150 people, police are able to contain the protesters. 10:56: hrs: The first checkpoints are erected, the amount of active protests is around 10 or 11 spread mostly in Itsía and Tivirxas, with a few others in other parts of Ryxenia. 11:16 hrs: The first barriers go up on highways and bridges, to prevent tourists from seeing the slums. 11:29 hrs: The protests in Tivirxas grow in size, with a reported 400 people, estimates bringing the number up to 600 joining the wave of unrest. 11:34 hrs: Clashes between police and protesters start, fire piles are set up separating both groups in several parts of Ryxenia. 11:45 hrs: Gilchabó orders the dispersing of the protests as soon as possible. 11:47 hrs: After receiving equipment, including water cannons, pepper spray and rubber bullets, police start ordering, then forcefully dispersing the protesters in Itsía. 11:53 hrs: In the Rixavais neighboorhood (the closest one to the venues) Police disperse the few protesters present there by mid-day. 12:10 hrs: The government website with info on the tournament is updated, indicating people to avoid certain areas of Ryxenia. 12:24 hrs: In Tivirxas clashes between police and protesters begin with stones, rocks, and trash being thrown. 12:29 hrs: First reported *serious* injury from Tivirxas. 12:30-22:30 hrs: Police work on dispersing protesters in Tivirxas and Itsía. 14:56 hrs: The protest in Tivirxas is reclassified as a Riot by the Department of Internal Security. 19:44 hrs: Itsía is mostly cleared, most protesters either comply, are dispersed or move to the Tivirxas Riots. 22:12 hrs: The Protesters are forced to disperse into the smaller roads clearing the main road in Tivirxas. 22:36 hrs: The operation concludes, reported injuries are still to be accounted for, expected to be over 100 combining both the Tivirxas riot and the Itsía protests. While some details are yet to be cleared, its clear to the goverment, it must try to manage the situation before and during the world cup to prevent the tournament from turning into a disaster.
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  24. D'forenede Kalmasiske Fodbold Klubber Being established in 1378, the organization is a union of the various different football organizations across the Kalmachian country. Motto: Vji vjinder, om motstanderne vjille det. Roster: Starting eleven Name Position Number State Takner Brichlant CF 10 Hallessekratamia Frimir Udót CF 11 Easthaven Pròtra Schrirna LW 5 Hallessekratamia Tòrben Tjischted RW 9 Norddistaten Òlm Træmand CM 6 Easthaven Tyrc Fezt CM 7 Arnssted Horn Irglat CM 8 Easthaven Farmann Yr CB 2 Henessa Halli Khristus CB 3 Easthaven Proschah Urmaker CB 4 Norddistaten Meikal Schkridt GK 1 Easthaven Reserve Name Position Number State Græt Frjaskud CF 15 Greater Easthaven Pjoskat Træ'sten LW 12 Greater Easthaven Iont Clúder RW 17 Arnssted Atypischkt Trane CM 19 Norddistaten Jonathan Romme CM 16 Easthaven Villiam Aleksan CM 20 Skaien Frimir Itraped CB 13 Norddistaten Ionno Vatorite CB 14 Campa Simpatica (NK) Prordan Schkridt GK 18 Easthaven Jerseys, Home and Away: RP Permissions: Injure my players: Yes Assign my players yellow cards: Yes Assign my players red cards: Yes (Rarely) Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: Yes (But ask) Godmod other events: Yes (But ask) Style Modifier: +3
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  25. Ryxtylopia Fidiraxión Ryxtylopiana di Fiutbol Ryxtylopia, as well as hosting the tournament seeks to conduct a better participation than last year, when the FRF was able to get past the group stage before being knocked out by Cambria in extra time in the round of 16. The lineup has been massivley changed since the first world cup, bringing new players whilst keeping talent from the last world cup within the squad, this lineup sees some familiar faces and many new ones. Nicknames: "Los Biutries" - "The Vultures" "La Bandá Amarailla" - "The Yellow Band" (More commonly just reffered to as "La Banda", its worth noticing that many fans when referring to being a supporter of the national team will indicate that they're part of "the Band" - "Soy di la Bandá!") Style Mod; +2.5 Preffered Style of Play: Counterattack. Preffered Formations: 3-5-2 4-1-3-2 3-1-3-2 4-1-4-1 Home Stadium: The Istadio Franco Rivalda, Ryxenia, Ryxtylopia (Capacity: 81,500) STARTING FORMATION: 3-5-2 STARTING 15 PLAYER NUMBER AGE POSITION HOME CITY Franco Arvaldí 1 27 GK Tilipaca Ernysto Guivéz 5 23 LCB Tilipaca Enrico Vilaña 6 28 CB Ryxenia Emainuel Rivas 10 25 RCB Myvas Tarraiva Milatacha 14 30 CDM Progresso Rauíl Dipartí 7 29 LM Ryxenia Pablo Arvaléz 9 21 RM Tilipaca Marco Larista 8 23 LCM Ryxenia Nalpá Farris [C] 18 30 RCM Pinilaca Andreís Fydó 4 25 LCF Tsalapaní Marco Vilaní 11 26 RCF Progresso BENCH PLAYER NUMBER AGE POSITION HOME CITY Railo Caistella 33 24 GK Kil'nicá Terado Armandí 17 21 ST Pavinas Enrico Jilian 24 26 CM/LCM/RCM Ryxenia Andreís Diavarra 10 23 CM/LCM Myxtapixas Tarraiva Milatacha 15 24 CB/LB/RB Liipicá RESERVES PLAYER NUMBER AGE POSITION HOME CITY Isidro Darrias 22 30 GK Carraizal Ernysto Diviarra 24 23 CB Trichananco Ravaido Hiltica 2 28 CB Vynitiná Emainuel Griva 12 25 LCB/RCB Vynitiná Franco Lividarra 19 30 LCB/RCB Maiiztá Emailio Taracana 21 29 CM Golfo Marco Limas 23 21 CM Ryxenia Andreís Carrascas 25 23 RCM Hertalpás Jiulio Farris 18 30 LCM/RCM Progresso Andreís Lapartí 13 25 ST Saltavachá Enrico Gulives 16 26 ST Parta'ana Coach: Marco Garraves Home Kit Home GK Away Kit Away GK Roleplay Permissions: Injure my players: Yes (DM) Assign my players yellow cards: Yes Assign my players red cards: Yes (DM) Godmod injuries: No Godmod scoring: Yes (DM) Godmod other events: Yes (DM)
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  26. Candeluian National Team Nickname "'I Zanneschi" ----- "The Fangs" Players List Members + Positions No. Name Age Position 1 Leonardo Barbisan 27 GK 7 Giovanni Condotto 21 CB 10 Iodino Seovic 34 CB 15 Partilio Rossilia 20 CB 3 Pippo Campeol 31 CM 59 Nicola Fighera 26 CM 8 Nico Zuini 28 CM 5 Piero Frostio 20 CF 6 Leonardo Ponte 19 CF 11 Lucchetto Peruzzo 29 LW 19 Fausto Sallau 32 RW Reserves GoalKeepers: Nicola Facchin (Age: 25, No° 2) Enrico Zanattia (Age 33, No°20) Centre-Backs: Filippo Mutta (Age: 19, No° 55) Simone Gobbi (Age 30, No° 79) Nicolò Zanini (Age 22, No° 23) Central Midfielder: Gabriel Zanella (Age 21, No° 48) Davide Peruzzetto (Age 29, No°37) Forward players: Davide Ferrara (Age 24, No°88) Stefano Risti (age: 33, No°34) Giuseppe Cavoro (age: 24, No°76) Kits (Home - Field) (Away- Field) (Home - Goalie) (Away - Goalie) Prefeared Formation 3-5-2 Roleplay Permissions: Injure my players: yes Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: yes (obviously not randomly, danke) Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: no Godmod other events: no Style modifier: +1
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  27. The Saint Mark Angels Football Club Roster Coach: Sir Karl Rodenberg Name / Position / Number / Age / (Starting/Reserve) Matthew Westly / Keeper / 3 / 25 / (Starting) Ronald Harper / Keeper / 10 / 24 / (Reserve) Renfrew Trecoup / Defender / 15 / 24 / (Starting) Merlin Dragonhart / Defender / 7 / 29 / (Starting) Corwyn Armsforth / Defender / 9 / 26 / (Starting) Scott Granger / Defender / 11 / 26 / (Starting) Rudolph Quagmire / Defender / 13 / 25 / (Reserve) Liam Newson/Defender / 2 / 19 / (Reserve) Evard Wolfensbach / Midfielder / 6 / 26 / (Starting) Harold Brickhouse / Midfielder / 8 / 29 / (Starting) Lincoln Praiseworthy / Midfielder / 12 / 25 / (Starting) Donald Masters / Midfielder / 17 / 23 / (Reserve) Andrew Lionguard / Forward/ 1 / 30 / (Starting) Hunter Wilcox / Forward / 4 / 27 / (Starting) Cedric Seabroom / Forward / 18 / 28 / (Starting) Roland Croft / Forward / 20 / 27 / (Reserve) Mark Blaze / Forward / 22 / 25 / (Reserve) Injure my players: yes Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: no Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: no Godmod other events: no Style Modifier: -2
    10 points
  28. Teralyon Nacialasnja Futbolska Federatica Starting Eleven Name Position Number Bogdan Sosniok Goalkeeper 69 Vjenceslav Prochaska Right Fullback 07 Rados Bozovic Left Fullback 11 Wieslaw Jindrak Center back 12 Blagun Cihlar Center back 05 Orlin Tadic Center Midfield 04 Sreten Dubinsky Center Midfield 03 Desimir Polonsky Right Midfield/Wing 15 Neven Goncharov Forward 16 Iryna Slowacki Forward 18 Zorana Durnovo Left Midfield/Wing 22 Reserve Name Position Number Zhivka Barthold Goalkeeper 99 Chessa Fontikova Right Fullback 02 Tesla Meyer Right Fullback 23 Stanicka Slavik Left Fullback 32 Stanek Husa Left Fullback 28 Bogdan Borodin Center back 27 Roscislaw Wach Center back 19 Duscha Hnilo Center Midfield 13 Razvigor Kulik Center Midfield 08 Iryna Slowacki Forward 09 Zorana Durnovo Forward 10 Jasna Zeman Forward 17 Stoyanka Vinograd Right Midfield/Wing 26 Zan Marusarz Right Midfield/Wing 24 Milka Wilenski Left Midfield/Wing 35 Snezana Novak Left Midfield/Wing 38 Home and Away Jerseys Goalie Roleplay Permissions: Injure my players: no Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: no Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: yes Godmod other events: no Style modifier: +2.5
    10 points
  29. Fluvian Football Federation | Fluvian National Team Players representing Rivalfiume: Highlighted players were also present in the previous WCF Starting XI No. Name Age Position 1 Astìrio de Monti 32 GK 3 Ligjero Salvjati 22 LB 4 Sereno Vessi 29 CD 5 Posi Kasarte 35 CD 2 Disjato Lusiperto 31 RB 6 Simonpjè Nedda 20 DM 8 Petro Tajudi 19 CM 10 Tjeseo Primetto 20 CM 9 Ǧoseff Mekubano 25 AF 11 Espiso Anečeti 23 LW 7 Mikaele Kambiganu 21 RW Reserves No. Name Age Position 12 Gujo Civilàn 22 GK 50 Tarveo Fini 18 GK 99 Tjul Maši 29 GK 13 Everetto Menčini 26 LB 29 Lunardo Kapulitturi 20 LB 30 Luperto Lenna 23 CD 77 Ǧil Sagri 23 CD 33 Tosko Ellandi 28 RB 96 Alé Rei 24 RB 15 Didi Manfredi 29 DM 68 Leonforte Maridi 26 DM 16 Mimmo Tartàlea 30 CM 18 Kian Čečiljotti 26 CM 40 Adoele Kalè 28 CM 49 Ǧerri Dedos 18 CM 19 Aleseo Parti 21 AF 20 Lume de Pojo 26 AF 21 Petro Malotolo 22 AF 23 Alčeno Usei 19 LW 47 Bešan Čentini 25 LW 70 Toni Verte 20 RW 89 Urdo Lavera 25 RW 91 Dino Mussa 18 RW Team Info Nickname(s): Činni (The Swans), Pikkajoli (The Mountain Boys), Čeruli (The Blues) Head Coach: Jan Košis Captain: Posi Kasarte Home Stadium: Arena Kapitolina, Grankastello (Capacity: 41.000 seats) Preferred Formation: 4-3-3 The Fluvian National Team hopes to fare a little better this time, employing a more orthodox playing style. Ones to Watch: Posi Kasarte: Kasarte is the most experienced and oldest player of the team. His undenying charisma and vision makes him a formidable captain and defender. He is also captain of decorated fluvian club Fortegriso KdF. Petro Tajudi: Youngster Petro Tajudi earned his spot in the starting eleven in the WCF2 at just 18 years of age, surprising coach and fans alike with his skill, and he's back again to prove himself. He is the midfielder of mid-table fluvian club Borgerese, awaiting for a big move elsewhere. Ǧoseff Mekubano: Ǧoseff is a lethal both-footed striker. Although he may not be the best dribbler, his precise and powerful long shots from outside the area are very dangerous. He is the striker of fluvian club Rione Le Fornači. Starting XI Home & Away Kits Roleplay Permissions: Injure my players: yes Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: yes (reasonably) Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: no Godmod other events: no Style modifier: +1
    10 points
  30. ARIFIYYAH FA ARIFIYYAH FA founded in 1321 represent the football of Arifiyyah. Also known as the Orangutan Rangers. Joined the Esferos World Cup since the 1st edition. Best performance in World Cup was in the 2nd edition,achieving the runner-up place as underrated team. ROSTERS MANAGER:MIKEL ARTERY MAIN LINEUP STYLE MODIFIER: +3.0 JERSEYS HOME JERSEY J PLAYERS GOALKEEPER AWAY JERSEYS PLAYERS GOALKEEPER TEAM PREVIEW MIKEL ARTERY:MANAGER A very young successful manager so far,brought the team to the the final in Last Edition and also lead the U23 team in the last year Esferiad. He said that the team have a new "recipe" to win this World Cup. MUHAMMAD NAZHIM:TEAM CAPTAIN A very important person for the country and the team. As a full time royal man and a footballer,he manage to put both people and football on the right path. His influence in the team berings the positive environment in the team. NAJIB RAZAK:WINGER Getting a national call-up at a young age is a dream for every young footballer,including him. Although it just 1st season for him in APL,he already record 8 goals and 15 assists in 6 match. He said,"I will give everything for the team". RP permissions: If my opponent RPs first, they may... Injure my players: no Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: no Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: yes Godmod other events: no STYLE MODIFIER: +3.0 FORMATION(S): 1-4-2-3-1 / 1-4-3-3 ATTACKING #auranpride #arifianpride #esferoswc23 #fighttillwin
    10 points
  31. Dilber

    RE: GORD

    For days I have been ruminating on the legislation sent to me concerning Gord. On this date, 11/25/2021, I've received your mixed-vote petition, and have come to a decision concerning Gord. Gord is hereby pardoned for all crimes in the West Pacific, and shall be set free. Unfortunately, it turns out that we don't have any sort of treaties with the entity known as "Canada", and he has not been pardoned for his crimes of being delicious there. Also, it turns out their petition date was like a month ago and I'm pretty sure his goose has been cooked. Rest assured, your delegate is doing everything in his power to repatriate his delicious remains, preferably by about 4 PM today. Dilber, Platypus Delegate of the West.
    10 points
  32. [list of rulers being reworked]
    10 points
  33. Ambassador Katrina Edelgard ducked through the Ryxenian back streets with surprising swiftness. She looked around to make sure she was alone. Liking what she saw, she pulled out her phone and made a call. “The goods are secured, Chief,” she reported. “Very good, Katrina. Get back here as soon as you are able.” “Of course.” She hung up. The goods in question were tightly wrapped in a large, nondescript bundle under her arm. Edelgard herself was not dressed to her usual standards, but had donned worn street clothes. She didn’t exactly look at home in the slums, and was clearly still a foreigner, but stuck out far less than she would have in her full suit. She had avoided detection to this point, but as she now rounded a corner, she found herself walking directly towards a pair of police officers. She internally cursed her luck, but did not break stride—the last thing she wanted to do was to act more suspicious. “Halt,” one of the officers barked. Edelgard complied. The other officer smiled. “We just have a couple questions, ma’am.” “It is my understanding that this is not a restricted area,” Edelgard challenged. “I assure you I’m not with the press.” “That’s not the issue, ma’am.” The officer gestured to the package in the ambassador’s hands. “I’m going to need to see that.” “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Officer. My client will be upset if this is tampered with at all.” “I’m sure they’ll understand,” said the officer, moving to grab the package. In a single movement Edelgard whisked the package out of reach with one hand, and pulled out her credentials with the other. “I am on diplomatic business for the Republic of Overthinkers. If there is a problem, you are welcome to discuss it with my superior, Ambassador Witz, across town.” The officers backed up, and Edelgard was allowed to pass. Edelgard soon left the slums for the more respectable part of the city. She strolled into a fine hotel and took the elevator up. She knocked on the door of Room 417. Coach Luigi opened the door, then turned to holler back into the room. “Alright guys, the tacos are here!” A resounding cheer came back in response. Edelgard opened her package, and distributed quality Ryxtylopian street tacos to very hungry football players and staff gathered in Coach’s suite. She did not remain long herself, though. Luigi saw her check her phone, see something she didn’t like, and leave the room with her share of the food. Twenty minutes later, Luigi got a text from her. Meet me in my suite. Alone. “Wendell. Come in.” Despite having been here for weeks, Edelgard’s room in the hotel was as impeccably neat as the diplomat herself. Only the single suitcase in the closet, and the laptop sitting on the desk, indicated that the room was occupied at all. She let Luigi into the room and shut the door behind him. “There’s something you may want to see,” she said, as she walked over to the laptop. Her browser was open to the BrownNewsTV video, which had been released earlier that night. Luigi watched in shock as Lucille Lyons finally revealed herself, only to disparage his team and everything he had built over the past few years at the national level. As the video ended, he could only shake his head in disbelief. “I’ll be damned. If anything she said about the team was true, she sure didn’t bring it up to me. And I gave multiple opportuni—“ “It’s not really my concern, Coach,” Edelgard interjected, “it simply seemed fair to make you aware of what was being claimed. As far as my department is concerned, this is a petty domestic dispute, so my hands are tied.” Luigi sighed bitterly. “I imagine you’d tell me that making a statement wouldn’t make matters any better.” “Not necessarily,” Edelgard shrugged, “and the optics of ignoring the allegations may be worse than dismissing them. But you have a PR team for that.” “It just sucks, you know? Yeah, Lucille was pretty disconnected from the team, but I always thought that was by choice. Now she’s acting like we’d hunt her down and shut her up if we knew where she was. Like we’re some Zoranian crime ring.” “You can’t control what people say about you,” Edelgard said. Then, in a lower voice, she added, “but you can control how it’s perceived.” Luigi raised an eyebrow. “What are you suggesting?” “There’s a young man I met while I was traveling with the rugby team last time.” “A Dalimbari?” “Heavens no. An Overthinker. Got himself into trouble there—I actually don’t know how he made it out. But he might have the perfect skill set for this.” “To do what, exactly? To silence her?” “Of course not. But to undermine her credibility.” Luigi didn’t respond, but seemed intrigued. Edelgard took out a notepad and pen, and wrote down a name and phone number. “Up to you if you give him a call. Just remember, I didn’t officially endorse this.” She gave a curt nod as Luigi took the paper and left the room. He stood in the hallway for a moment, studying the note. Conrad Ellen +3 33 204 98 861
    9 points
  34. Going past 16' For the round of 16, Ryxtylopia would be facing off against Dalimbar, a nation that had gone 4th place in group D only winning one match, whilst bearly edging out Libterraria on points, the odds for the Vultures on that regard looked good, since they had gone unbeaten during the groups despite not winning all their matches. As well as this the ambience for the opposing team would be... hostile to say the least, as fans of Ryxtylopia wanted the team to go on to the next round, instead of exiting the tournament in the round of 16 like in the previous year, where after extra time Ryxtylopia lost to eventual 3rd place winner: Cambria. However for the players this would also mean a bit more pressure, as if Ryxtylopia exited on the Round of 16 at home it would be a national embarrasment and attacks towards the team lead by Garravez as well as the Dalimbari players could be expected, incidents withing Ryxtylopian football happened often with some of the more infamous moments being: The "I can't hear you!" Incident: Happened in 1401, during a game between Rio Priava and Bixas, when Bixas defeated Priava at home 5-1, it was then to celebrate the 5th goal that their striker Tarvo Giaxva put both of his hands in his hears, as mockery to the boo's from the crowd, this caused Priava supporters to invade the pitch, which had the match suspended and ended early. The "Upside down U" Incident: Happened in 1399, in a game between rivals Ystiandes di Ryxtylopia and the University of Ryxenia, Ystiandes had recently beat the U. of Ryxenia 3-2 in a very intense game, and for their next match during the season, fans from Ystiandes hung a very big banner with an upside down U under their drawn mascot, this ended with the internal barriers in the Istadio Carrasoco being broken and a huge brawl ensuing leaving over 30 injured, with the game being cancelled. Libre after relegation: In 1401, Club Atletico Libre got relegated, by the time they got back to the first division in the following season they would face rivals Diportiva Tsalapaní, in a game that resulted in pure chaos at the Istadio Lybirtad, where Tsalapaní supporters brought a huge banner reading: "RED! Tell me how did it feel playing in the B?" whilst chanting and mocking the local crowd, which ended in a brawl between both sides, injuring around 50 people. The Brivas Bar Affair: Again involving Bixas and Priava was an affair at a bar in Ryxenia in 1414, where Bixas supporters often gathered to cheer for their team, however after Priava won the game 2-1' their supporters marched to the bar, and started smashing the windows with rocks, attacking Bixas supporters leaving the place, this eventually resulted in police intervention with around 16 injuries. "Bixas you're a ________": In 1415 during a game between Bixas and Priava, striker Ernysto Guivillana scored a late winner for Priava in the 90th +2nd minute, after which while being interviewed by press he shouted a slur directed towards Bixas fans, this inmediatley got him banned for several months, and the next day his house was raided and trashed by Bixas supporters. Ernysto would be forced to move out of Ryxtylopia due to the hate, whilst Priava supporters will continually back his actions. The "B" incident: In 1404, Rio Priava dropped for the first time to the second division of Ryxtylopian football, this caused their fans to riot and set fire to the Istadio Franco Rivalda, probably one of the most iconic moments in sporting in this corner of the continent, the next time they saw Bixas in the first division, Bixas supporters prepared to emulate Tsalapaní's mockery of Libre after their relegation, bringing a giant B to the game in the Istadio Arvaldí N. Guivarra, and singing a chant about Priava's time in the "B". All theese incidents were only made worst by "Bands" (basically ultras for ryxtylopian clubs) who harrassed, attacked and mocked eachother to death, part of the reason why Ryxtylopian supporters reffer to themselves as just "The Band" is cause when the national team plays, most of theese rivalries and differences are set aside as all supporters for once head to the stadium wearing the same color and singing the same chants, which was a problem considering many of theese supporters were also known for arousing crowds and being violent. Due to this, security for the match had already been massivley ramped up, and the players told to expect violence, not only the Ryxtylopians but also this was warned to the Dalimbari players in advance. Meanwhile the team got ready, Garravez decided on the 4-1-3-2 formation, to better handle Dalimbari attacks and hopefully make swift counter-attacks, the players agreed with this for the most part, the lineup could soak up dalimbari pressure on the back and quickly move the ball to the forwards for an attack. However the players arrived early at the stadium, and trained, pressure to win the match would be unbelivably high, and whilst the chanting of the crowds could maybe scare the Dalimbaris, if the game was lost the team expected for all out anger to break out. And as the team arrived to the stadium before the game the hostility in the air was made clear by the crowd outside singing: We have the banners and the drums. We have the the banners and the drums: Aquxi i una guirrxa, aquxi i una guirrxa. Y Ryxtylopia sira primeria. Tynimvos las bandyras, y lo bombxos tambxién. Yl Azuil i Amairillo vai volair otrxa vez. La polixia tonta nai nos vai a detixner. Ryxtylopia si pripara i nai va a ditiner. Por qui in iste campó: Ryxtylopia vai a la guerra con la bandá tambxién. Aquxi i una guirrxa, aquxi i una guirrxa. Y Ryxtylopia sira primeria. Tynimvos las bandyras, y lo bombxos tambxién. Yl Azuil i Amairillo vai volair otrxa vez. La polixia tonta nai nos vai a detixner. Ryxtylopia si pripara i nai va a ditiner. Por qui in iste campó: Ryxtylopia vai a la guerra con la bandá tambxién. Here there’s a war, here there’s a war. And Ryxtylopia will be first. We have the banners and the drums. And the Blue and Yellow will fly again. The dumb police won’t stop us. Ryxtylopia gets ready, and its not going to stop. Because in this field: Ryxtylopia goes to war and the band goes aswell. Here there’s a war, here there’s a war. And Ryxtylopia will be first. We have the banners and the drums. And the Blue and Yellow will fly again. The dumb police won’t stop us. Ryxtylopia gets ready, and its not going to stop. Because in this field: Ryxtylopia goes to war and the band goes aswell.
    9 points
  35. Over the Gulf, 06:35 In the side rush of dawn, the distant peaks glowed pink, like some travesty of a fondant cake. Hard shadows infilled the cavities like ink. Streamers of white cloud strung out in the freezing air, 2000 metres below. Nock Leader was just a cruciform speck in the bright air ahead. He started to turn, ten degrees to the north-west. Òmah tilted the stick, following, rolling. The horizon swung up and the world moved around. Slowly, slowly. He heard the knocking sound and ignored it. At least the inclinometer was still working. As he came around and levelled the column, Òmah reached forward and flicked the brass dial of the fuel gauge again. It still read full, which couldn’t be right. They’d been up for forty-eight minutes. He took off a gauntlet and flicked the gauge once more with his bare fingers. He felt sure the lined mitten had been dulling his blows. The dial remained at full. He saw how pinched and blue his hand had become, and pulled the gauntlet back on quickly. It felt balmy in his insulated flightsuit, but the cabin temp read minus eight. There was no sound, except for the background roar of the engine. Òmah looked up and around, remembering to maintain his visual scanning. Just sky. Sundogs flaring in his visor. Nock Three just abeam of him, a silhouette, trailing vapour. The altimeter read 2800 metres. The radio gurgled. “Nock Leader to Nock Flight. One pass West and we turn for home. Keep formation tight." They made another lazy roll. The landscape rose up in his port vision. Òmah saw brittle flashes of light far below. Artillery fire on the islands. He heard the knocking again. It sounded as if someone was crouching behind the frame of his armoured seat, tapping the spars with a hammer. These engines always made a burbling, flatulent noise, but this didn’t seem right to him. He keyed his radio. "Nock Leader, this is Nock Four. I’ve–" There was a sudden, loud bang. The channel squealed like a stabbed pig. The world turned upside down. "Oh throne! Oh crap! Oh shit!” a voice was shouting. Òmah realised it was his own. G-force pummelled him. His P7E Firebird was tumbling hard. Light and dark, sky and land, up and over, up and over. Òmah choked back nausea and throttled down desperately. The radio was incoherent with frantic chatter. "Nock Four! Nock Four!" Òmah regained control and levelled. He had lost at least a thousand metres. He got the horizon true and looked around in the vain hope of seeing someone friendly. Then he cried out involuntarily as something fell past his nosecone. It was another Firebird, one wing shorn off in a cascade of torn struts and body plate. Flames were sucking back out of its air intakes. It arced down and away like a comet, trailing smoke as it went spinning towards the ground. It became a speck. A smaller speck. A little blink of light. Òmah felt his guts tighten and acid frothed inside him. Fear, like a stink, permeated the little cockpit. Something else flashed past him. Just a glimpse, moving so fast. There and gone. A memory of black wings. "Nock Four! Break! Break and turn! There’s one right on you!" Òmah leaned on the stick and kicked the rudder. The world rolled again. He put his nose up and throttled hard. The Firebird bucked angrily and the knocking came again. Throne of Stars. He’d thought his bird had malfunctioned, but it wasn’t that at all. They’d been stung. He leant forward against the harness and peered out of his cockpit dome. The aluminum skin of his right wing was holed and torn. Night’s teeth, he’d been shot. He pushed the stick forward to grab some speed, then turned out left in a hard climb. The dawn sky was full of smoke: long strings of grey vapour and little black blooms that looked like dirty cotton. Nock Flight’s formation had broken apart and they were scattering across the heavens. Òmah couldn’t even see the bats. No, that wasn’t true. He made one, bending in to chase Nock Five, tracer fire licking from its guns. He rolled towards it, flipping the scope of his reflector sight into position before resting his thumb on the stick-top stud that activated the quad cannons in the nose. The bat danced wildly across the glass reticule of the gunsight. It refused to sit. Òmah cursed and began to utter a prayer to the sun to lift his wings and make his aim true. He waggled the stick, pitching, rolling, trying to correct, but the more he tried, the more the bat slipped wildly off the gunsight to one side or the other. There was a little smoky flash ahead, and suddenly Òmah's Firebird was riding through a horizontal pelt of black rain. No. Not rain. Oil. Then debris. Pieces of glittering metal, buckled machine parts, shreds of aluminum. Òmah cried out in surprise as the oil washed out his forward view. He heard the pattering impact of the debris striking off his nose plate and wing faces. The bat had chalked Nock Five and Òmah was running in through the debris stream. Any large piece of wreckage would hole him and kill him as surely as cannon-fire. And if so much as a screw went down the intake of his engine… Òmah wrenched on the stick and came nose-up. Light returned as he came out of the smoke belt, and slipstream flowed the oil away off his canopy. It ran in quivering lines, slow and sticky, like blood. Almost immediately, he had to roll hard to port to avoid hitting another Firebird head on. He heard a strangled cry over the radio. The little dark interceptor filled his field of view for a second and then was gone back over his shoulder. His violent roll had been too brutal. He inverted for a moment and struggled to right himself as the hills spread out overhead. That knocking again. That damn knocking. He was bleeding speed now, and the experimental engines of the P7E had a nasty habit of flaming out if it struggled too hard. He began to nurse it up and round, gunning the engine as hard as he dared. Two planes rushed by, so fast he didn’t have time to determine their type, then another three went perpendicular across his bow. They were all Firebirds. One was venting blue smoke in a long, chuffing plume. "Nock Leader! Nock Leader!" Òmah called. Two of the Firebirds were already climbing away out of visual. The sun blinded him. The third, the wounded bird, was diving slowly, scribing the sky with its smoke. He saw the bat clearly then. At his two, five hundred metres, dropping in on the Firebird it had most likely already mauled. For the first time in his four weeks of operational flying, Òmah got a good look at the elusive foe. It resembled his plane, superficially, the cockpit set far back above the drive at the point where the bow of the blade-wings met. A jet interceptor, the cream of the enemy air force. In the dispersal room briefs, they’d talked about these killers being dirt brown or green, but this was pearl-white, like ice, like alabaster. The canopy was tinted black, like a dark eye-socket in a polished skull. Òmah had expected to feel fear, but he got a thrill of adrenaline instead. He leaned forward, hunched down in the Firebird’s armoured cockpit, and opened the throttle, sweeping in on the bat’s five. It didn’t appear to have seen him. It was lining up, leisurely, on the wounded plane. He flipped the toggle switch. Guns live. Closing at three hundred metres. Òmah rapidly calculated his angle of deflection, estimated he’d have to lead his shot by about five degrees. Reverent eye, he had it… He thumbed the firing stud. The Firebird shuddered slightly as the cannons lit up. He saw flashflames licking up from under the curve of the nose cone. He heard and felt the thump of the breechblocks. The bat had gone. He came clear, pulling a wide turn at about two hundred and seventy kilometres an hour. The engagement had been over in an instant. Had he killed it? He sat up into the clear blister of the canopy like an animal looking out of its burrow, craning around. If he’d hit it, surely there would be smoke? The only smoke he could see was about a thousand metres above in the pale blue sky where the main portion of the dogfight was still rolling. He turned. First rule of air combat: take a shot and pull off. Never stick with a target, never go back. That made you a target. But still he had to know. He had to. He dipped his starboard wing, searching below for a trace of fire. Nothing. Òmah levelled off. And there it was. Right alongside him. He cried out in astonishment. The bat was less than a wing’s breadth away, riding along in parallel with him. There was not a mark on its burnished white fuselage. It was playing with him. Panic rose inside pilot cadet Zhep det Òmah. He knew his valiant little Firebird could neither outrun nor out-climb the enemy's craft. He throttled back hard, and threw on his speed brakes, hoping the sudden manoeuvre would cause the big machine to overshoot him. For a moment, it vanished. Then it was back, on his other side, copying his brake-dive. Òmah swore.. He was so close to it that he could see the jet nozzles on the belly under the blade-wings. It could out-dance any prop craft, climbing, braking, even slowing to a near-stall. Òmah refused to accept he was out-classed, refused to admit he was about to die. He twisted the stick, kicked the rudder right over and went into the deepest dive he dared execute. Any deeper, and the Firebird's wings would shear off its airframe. The world rushed up, filling his vision. He heard the air screaming. He saw the glory of the land ascending to meet him. His land. His home. The home he had joined up to save. Behind him, the pearl-white enemy machine tucked in effortlessly and followed him down.
    9 points
  36. [The “Special Report” animation gives way to BrownNewsTV’s small news desk. A solitary young man, wearing a tight suit with no tie and with a very short haircut, looking 15 at best, is anchoring. BNTV subscribers know this to be Dean Howell, one of the few faces of the media channel.] Dean: Good evening, comrades. I’m Dean Howell. Thank you for joining us on BrownNewsTV. Dean: The third Football World Cup is underway in Ryxtylopia, and for the second time, the Overthinkers National Team has qualified. Despite public pressure to boycott, due to civil rights concerns in Ryxtylopia, the team has chosen to participate. Dean: How much the players stand to make from this event has not been disclosed, not to mention the millions in corporate sponsorships keeping the national team afloat. The sports team is a glorified billboard—a publicity stunt that makes its money from big business, not from any legitimate work. Dean: The masses of Ryxtylopia are currently engaging in peaceful protest against the World Cup, and are being met with police brutality. The state of Ryxtylopia is keeping a very tight cap on media access and revealing the reality in which the majority of its people live. Mainstream media in Overthinkers itself has been reticent to address the civil rights abuses on which the apparent wealth of Ryxtylopia is secretly built. But what’s new? Dean: Instead, it seems that the only “behind-the-scenes” story that any media outlet is covering concerns former player, Lucille Lyons. After the national team was confirmed to be World Cup-bound, Lyons suddenly resigned from the team. More than that, Lyons seemingly disappeared, going dark on all social media, and family refusing to reveal her whereabouts. Dean: This apparent spectacle has served as a great distraction from the real issues surrounding the tournament, and the mainstream media is eating it up. “What is she hiding?” they want to know. And apparently harassing people and their families over personal choices is okay if you have a camera. But what’s new? Dean: Well, some of those questions are about to be addressed, though they may not get the answers they’re looking for. Joining us virtually this evening, in her first appearance since the beginning of the World Cup—welcome Miss Lucille Lyons. [The screen is split between the studio camera and Lucille’s video. Lucille gives a forced smile. She is clearly using a low-end webcam in a nondescript, poorly lit location.] Dean: Thank you for agreeing to join us, Miss Lyons. Lucille: Please, call me Lucille. Dean: Fair enough. Now, for our viewers, let me make clear that per her request, we will not be revealing Lucille’s location at this time. Lucille: Yes, I do not feel comfortable with that information getting out. But I needed to start setting the record straight on a few things. [Lucille’s delivery is neutral, almost mechanical.] Dean: Precisely. You are afraid of retaliation from the team, right? Lucille: That, but even more so from “fans”. You’ve seen the social media posts. Like, apparently I’m a traitor to the country now or something. What kind of nationalist nonsense is that? Dean: And the negative response to your resignation has only reinforced the reasons for it in the first place. Lucille: Yes! The bastards have never actually cared. One minute you’re the hero, the next minute you’re the zero. I’d call it an absurd standard, if there were even a standard to begin with. Dean: Did you get similar treatment from the actual team? Lucille: Yes. I always felt like I was being treated as a second-class citizen among them. Dean: Was it because you were a reserve? Lucille: No, the other reserves didn’t seem to notice. That’s just it, there wasn’t an explanation! There was absolutely nothing in what I did, on or off the pitch, that deserved being slighted. [Now that she’s gotten warmed up, Lucille now looks appropriately distraught, maybe even too appropriately. Dean, a veteran of numerous online flamewars, expertly continues to tee her up.] Dean: You were also opposed to the selection of Ryxtylopia’s bid, correct? Lucille: Of course! The living conditions there are just ghastly, and here they are trying to put on a show and pretend they’re somebody. That they deserve the attention. Dean: Just not the kind of attention that you and I know they should be getting. Lucille: Yeah, that. [For the first time, Lucille looks like she was thrown a curveball, even by such a seemingly innocuous statement.] Lucille: But yeah, when it was confirmed we were going to Ryxtylopia, that was the last straw for me. Dean: Understandable. Let’s shift gears back to your personal life. Tell us about some of the backlash you’ve received since your resignation. Lucille: Awful. I knew it was going to be bad, so I have been avoiding social media, but my family has shown me some of the posts. Someone was burning posters and magazines with me on the cover! And another person was caught spying on my house in Bellman! Lucille: And when they couldn’t find me, they hunted down my family. Like I was a criminal! My mother is a respectable woman; she served on the Brunnes Administrative Board for many years. And my sister has had to shut herself up inside her house because of the press. Dean: Truly terrible. [Before Dean can proceed, a distant chime is heard through Lucille’s feed. A high-pitched, tinny melody. She scrambles to hit her mute, but unmutes a moment later as the sound fades.] Dean: Lucille, before we let you go, what can our viewers do to support you in this trying time? Lucille: Just keep spreading the truth. The national football team is a toxic organization, and the world federation are greedy bastards who will sell out to the highest bidder. And the people who dare to question it get treated like this. Dean: Heard and understood, Lucille. I won’t keep you any longer. Lucille: Goodbye. Dean: There you have it, comrades. The truth about the Overthinkers National Football Team and how it treats its...lesser celebrities. Tune in on Sunday for our regular weekly broadcast, where we unpack the impact of Dalimbari aggression in Polaris. Dean: From all of us at BrownNewsTV, I’m Dean Howell. Good night.
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  37. Steady and Secure The Ryxtylopia-Overthinkers match was the most intense one yet, probably in all the world cup, while it ended in a draw it saw several intense moments, as the hosts and the leaders of the group clashed, in the end the match ended with a draw. The match started with Ryxtylopia kicking off, and playing rather cautiously at the start, no advances were made as posession was kept in the first 3 minutes before loosing the ball. In the 15th minute Milatacha slide tackled one of the OT players, being too uncautious he earned himself a yellow card conceding a free kick for OT, whoose team was able to take advantage of the free kick and getting the ball into the Box, where an attempt towards goal was made, however, Rivas got and blocked the attempt (An attempt Arvaldí would've probably not been able to block due to the heading) allowing the defense to clear the ball. For the 24th minute Ryxtylopia made their first shot towards goal, after Farris passed to Fydó around 3/4 of the field, Fydó however got stuck in OT's defense allowing more players to advance and once he attempted to cross to Vilaní the ball was intercepted. In the 33rd minute Ryxtylopia managed another attempt at goal, however Overthinkers team was adapted towards playing defensivley making the Ryxtylopian's team strategy of counter-attacking sorta akward to carry out, and in something that became a common occurance in this match OT's defense absorbed the attack. Finally in the first time in the 40th minute Ryxtylopia made a final attempt at goal, this time a cross from Arvaléz that Vilaní actually headed... into the post, the ball bounced off harmlessly and it was cleared, after another fight for possetion in and around the midfield, the ref blew the whilstle with the score still 0-0. During the break, a brief chant battle happened in the stands between the Ryxtylopians and the Overthinkers, both separated into zones by a fence, as both fans chanted about how one or the other was better, some throwing stuff over the fence, having an advantage in numbers the Ryxtylopian chants were more audible however this moment was still something pretty funny that happened during HT. However it was now time for the second time to commence, it was more intense than the first, with the "battle for the midfield" in full swing, both sides gaining and loosing possetion, this continued for some time. Ryxtylopia made a shot on goal on the 67th minute but it was deflected by OT's GK, and the match continued on as normal, however this wouldn't last long. In the 70th minute, Ryxtylopia made another attack, however they lost possetion in the box, and here the Ovethinkers team was able to pull a really successful counter attack, passing the ball all the way into Ryxtylopia's box, were when Vilaña tried clearing it he slipped and Arvaldí's gloves went short of the ball, which landed in the net making the score 1-0 in favor of Overthinkers. With the crowd going silent, OT's team felt much safer with the one nil lead, and began to be slightly less defensive searching for another goal, however in the 74th minute they would miss a chance as it went over the top post. Ryxtylopia would respond not long after, when Farris got into the box, and shot, having his attempt blocked and OT's defense pushed back, however it was here when substitute Terado Armandí, (who had taken Vilanís position) retook possetion and was left alone against OT's GK, successfully sending the ball into the net to a sea of celebration. After this both sides went defensive as the match ended in a 1-1 draw.
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  38. soccer match - Made with PosterMyWall.mp4
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  39. THE WEATHER IS GOOD,INNIT? Good day to all Arifians. Hopefully everyone is having an another good day after the Orangutan Rangers win the 2nd match 2-1 against Dalimbar. What a game last night,even my soul almost left my body. A very fascinating show in the 1st half give Arifiyyah 1 goal by Harry Kane to lead the game. Then at minutes 63,Najib Razak,a sensational 17 years old footballer scoring a banger from outside of the penalty box. In the minutes 77,Dalimbar score a goal through a very wonderful counter play. The match ended with Arifiyyah won by 2-1 to Dalimbar NAJIB RAZAK CELEBRATING HIS 1ST GOAL POST MATCH INTERVIEW Mikel: Hello everyone. Only 3 questions today,we need to hurry to the training field. Reporter: Congrats on your second win,coach. As usual,review your players' performance Mikel: Well, everyone play pretty well today. Hansel, he's very good. No matter what the score is,a win is a win. Reporter: What is your thoughts on Najib Razak? Mikel: Splendid! He just 17 but sometimes i thought he's already 30. Always perform during training and match. We got 25 stars before,and now 26 because he's our new star. reporter: Can you share something for the next game? Mikel: Sure. Next game is big. We need to win,and hopefully we will. I can say that the team is 100% ready. However,may the best team win. NEXT MATCH A must watch match for both Arifiyyah and Zoran fans. The Big game. Who will win the game? Join our score guessing contest at arfsports.com.af to win a national team's jersey plus a limited edition water bottle from Arifiyyah FA.
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  40. OOC Footnotes: - Skrubbe og Skure translates to "Scrub and Scour", and En Upartisk Utfrågning translates to "An Unbiased Interrogation" - Kalsborg is the fourth largest city in Fujai, and a rote is the first subdivision below a kommune. Most kommunes have 2 to 5, but larger cities may have dozens.
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  41. The end of day 1 People packed into the Rivalda, practically filling up to capacity for the game between Ryxtylopia and Kalmach, “the colossus” preparing to see Ryxtylopia’s first match at home. As per usual with matches involving Ryxtylopia, fans of both teams weren’t allowed to sit in the same areas, the stadium was subdivided, and most of these subdivisions went to Ryxtylopia considering they would have most of the guests, with removable metal fences separating both sides and each subdivision to prevent fights from breaking out. After both national anthems played, the locals kicked off, starting off slightly cautiously, but after a gap opened up in the opponent's defense the ryxtylopian players took to attacking, with a pass from M. Larista reaching A. Fydó who was able to send the ball cleanly into the right side of Kalmach’s goal in the 2nd minute, as the Rivalda exploded with the word “GOOOOOOOOOL!” That meant Ryxtylopia was 1 up in the 2nd minute, expectations were high however from here as the kalmachians kicked off the game lost momentum, and it became both sides constantly fighting for the ball, with the ryxtylopians attempting to get the kalmachians to make a mistake to be able to attack, while their opponents put pressure on the midfield without being able to get into the backline. In the 37th minute, Fydó got a pass from R. Dipartí taking the ball all the way into the box, where he attempted to shoot but the ball went over the post. Just before break in the 44th minute, Fydó took the ball and tried finding someone to head it in, he passed it to Larista in the box, but Larista missed the header, the ball heading for M. Vilaní who was unprepared for the ball, expecting a bounce; Vilaní shot with his weak foot, sending the ball on a low angle to be easily catched by Kalmach’s GK, Meikal Schkridt. After 2 minutes of added time, the whistle blew signaling half time as both sides headed to rest, and fans headed for more snacks and replenishments. For the second time it mostly remained the same, however after some changes Kalmach was able to get back on the game, as ryxtylopia made fewer attempts on goal, the last one being a long shot N. Farris on the 54th minute that got easily intercepted by Schkridt. On the 67th minute however after several attempts to get through the midfield Kalmach was able to exploit a missed pass by P. Arvaléz and get through into the backline, where E. Rivas failed a slide tackle and E. Vilaña was too slow to respond, as the ball went and bounced off the post into the net on top of Franco Arvaldí’s Head, at the 67th minute. After that the stadium felt silent as the ball once again kicked off, Kalmach immediately going on the attack and getting past the strong Ryxtylopian midfield, however this time around the 70th minute Vilaña intercepted a ball headed for the box and cleared it away. Ryxtylopia had their last chance of the game around the 81rst minute when Vilaní received a good pass from Farris and passed it to Fydó who had his ball blocked by one of the kalmash defenders. Kalmach continued with the pressure until their last chance in the 90+1rst minute during the 3 minutes of stoppage time, when they received a corner kick, but shot to the net but defender E. Guivéz deflected the ball towards the midfield, where the match ended 1-1. Fans left the stadium, the game was sort of intense but many were disappointed by not winning their first game at home, the game exposed however how loud “The Band” was, with the whole Rivalda singing almost in unisense with several songs, as fans stayed right up until the end of the match. From the best known song; Adilentí Ryxtylopia! to Biutre Ródeado, and insults at the federal police, flags and banners everywhere and the fireworks and singing at the start, the match probably had the best atmosphere during that day. But the players didn’t celebrate, as they got ready to train the next day, as their next match would be against a team that beat them 4-1 in the previous competition, almost condemning the last team to fall in the groups, and previous finalists: Larxia.
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  42. Fujai Folkskommunarna Fujai (fu:'jaɪ, foo-yEYE) is a small coastal nation of just over 7 million residents, located in the north of the Polari continent. While winter sports and rugby are the most popular in the country, Fujai has a long footballing tradition, beginning near the end of the 14th century, when the game was brought north by the Cambrians. The Landslag The Landslag is made up of the finest players in Fujai, though few would be considered of truly international quality. It is sponsored by Fujais Fotbollforbund (FjFF), a member of Fujais Idrottsforbund (FIF - Sports Federation of Fujai). Most Landslag players come from Fujai's top league, Fyrstserien, though a few come from the second division, Annarserien, and one comes from a university team. While Fujansk clubs are more equal in skill than the average league, the four most dominant teams, the Feme Store, are Solbakken IL and Bruland IF from the capital of Keiserholde, Allmein IL from Rønnøn, GIF Tåkstad from Tåkstad, and Trondsnes FF from Strafsund. Recently, the Landslag has, against the odds, managed to stay near the upper tier of international footballing in recent years, including fourth place at the Saint-Josalyn Esferiad, fifth place at the 1st WCF, and fifth at the Quoriv-Kharventhin Esferiad. Will they be able to break their streak and finally make a podium appearance? Only time will tell. Fujais Idrottsforbund Fujais Idrottsforbund (FIF) is the federation of labor unions representing all sports players and workers in sports-associated industries. It is separate from the Fujansk government, but receives accreditation and financial and infrastructural support from it. Its structure includes clubs at the local level (e.g. a local sports club), which are constituents of fylke organizations, which are a part of the larger federation representing specific sports (e.g. Fujais Fotbollforbund for football), which are then members of FIF. Fujais Fotbollforbund Fujais Fotbollforbund (FjFF) is the labor union that governs football in Fujai and represents all players, related workers, and clubs in the country. It governs Fujai's league system, consisting of Fyrstserien, Annarserien, Tredjeserien, and the landsdel leagues. Fylke leagues and lower are organized by the the fylke organizations. Important Notes (!) Editor's note on gender: Fujansk culture does not have individual gender categories. The five common genders were historically recognized, though categories and classifications of gender expression have broken down in the last few centuries, resulting in today's non-categorical perception of gender. Since the Fujansk language does not have gendered pronouns, most Fujar choose choose to use gender-neutral pronouns when interacting in the common tongue, such as they/them. All players on the Landslag use they/them pronouns in the common language. Translator's note: Landslaget translates to "The National Team," while Landslag translates to "National Team." In the common tongue, one would say "the Landslag did well" or "Landslaget did well," not "the Landslaget did well" (the translated equivalent of "the The Landslag did well"). This is because the Fujansk language uses suffixes to create definite nouns instead of articles. See Den Fujanske Ordboken (The Fujansk Dictionary) for more information. Quick Info Trigram: FJA Adjective: Fujansk Demonym: Fujar Plural: Fujar Language: Fujansk Population: 7,294,825 (~RL Paraguay/Washington state) Area: 521,912 km2 (Saisland: 132,718 km2, Hasmark: 389,194 km2) (~RL Nicaragua+Zimbabwe/Alabama+Montana) GDP (PPP) per capita: 1,760,000 kronar, 71,535 international monetary units Capital: Keiserholde, Keiserholde fylke Resources Factbook (moderate WIP) Flag of Fujai: 1000px - 300px - 50px - flagicon (23px) Fujais Idrottsblad | Fujai Sports Newswires One-page travel guide to Fujai (only very slightly outdated) Den Fujanske Ordboken - Fujansk-Common dictionary, pronunciation guide, name generator, and more! Population map of the fylkar of Fujai Population map of the 20 largest kommunes of Fujai Team Info Basic Info: Preferred formation: 4-3-1-2 or 4-3-3 Style mod: +1.2 Home stadium: Nykanalstadion, Keiserholde - cap. 48,300 (34,680 standing; 13,620 seated) Known commonly as Nykanalen, the stadium is located in Nykanalparken, a park built on the former fortifications that surround Keiserholde's city center. Nykanalen is the largest stadium in the nation, and serves as the home stadium for the Landslag. Like most stadiums in Fujai, it includes large standing areas to increase capacity, lower costs, and help people stay warm by standing instead of sitting in the country's famously cold weather. Managers: Systa Hendsal, Iren Sattar Coaches: Eirdis Overby, Lasse Lillegård Players to Watch: Arin Salberg - Captain and star striker of Solbakken IL, one of the winningest teams in recent Fujansk history—has led the team in scores at every competition. Solfrid Hellem - Shadow striker, them and Salberg have made a daring duo the past two years of being together on the national team Erna Höss - A star from Annarserien's Hal Stor IK, until this year they were only starter from the second division, but two high profile relegations meant they were joined by many others. Anton Felland - A master of footwork, they can take the ball even from the most experienced players if given the chance Roster Starting 11 Name Pos. Club City Age League Arin Salberg Striker (ST) Solbakken IL Keiserholde 24 Fyrstserien Solfrid Hellem Shadow Striker (SS) Hafstrand 07 FF Hafstrand 28 Annarserien Xavier Michaud Attacking Midfielder (AM) AS Savigny-Bilten Bertranslaug 31 Fyrstserien Maa'ingan Hoven Central Midfielder (CM) Lindskrona IF Lindskrona 27 Fyrstserien Erna Höss Left Midfielder (LM) Hal Stor IK Halfjord 25 Annarserien Jørgen Solstein Right Midfielder (RM) Karlsøra IF Karlsøra 32 Fyrstserien Chibuzo Jorg Left Back (LB) Jarnfoss IL Jarnfoss 28 Annarserien Rakel Veberg Right Back (RB) Austvik IL Austvik 30 Annarserien Agnes Hammeren Center Back (CB) Bruland IF Keiserholde 29 Fyrstserien Anton Felland Center Back (CB) Trondsnes FF Strafsund 24 Fyrstserien Nahel Parekh Goalkeeper (GK) Almoren IL Almoren 34 Fyrstserien Reserves Name Pos. Club City Age League Min Qian Striker (ST) Trondsnes FF Strafsund 31 Fyrstserien Tosin Dawar Striker (ST) Uni. i Strafsund Strafsund 21 Storuniserien Marte Setter Attacking Midfielder (AM) Ossen BK Kordalant 35 Fyrstserien Peder Kamie Attacking Midfielder (AM) AS Savigny-Bilten Bertranslaug 26 Fyrstserien Stefan Juel Central Midfielder (CM) Almoren IL Almoren 30 Fyrstserien Pernille Slette Central Midfielder (CM) Solbakken IL Keiserholde 28 Fyrstserien Torunn Landet (AC) Left Midfielder (LM) Havnarbetars IL Braskvik 26 Fyrstserien Agnar Boken Right Midfielder (RM) Rønnhavn IL Rønnhavn 27 Fyrstserien Mtuzi Kesane Left Back (LB) FF Skan Fosborg 27 Annarserien Arni Limensgård Left Back (LB) Bruland IF Keiserholde 25 Fyrstserien Hildur Buras Center Back (CB) Bruland IF Keiserholde 24 Fyrstserien Torild Vaness Center Back (CB) Hafstrand 07 FF Hafstrand 30 Annarserien Finn Åbel Goalkeeper (GK) Karlsøra IF Karlsøra 29 Fyrstserien Formation Graphic Kits RP Permissions OOC Disclaimer:
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  43. Giovannilandian National Football Team Esquadra Nationale Giovanniterrana Pedesfere Background: Football, called pedesfera in Giovannese (from 'pede' meaning foot and 'sfera' meaning ball or sphere), is one of the most popular sports in the nation, alongside other common sports such as volleyball, rugby, and chess. Giovanniland has several notable teams competing in the nation's upper leagues that get millions of fans every year, such as the Bellatori Violeti (Warriors), the Quire Quorivane (Spears), the Arare Andoliavillesi (Macaws) and the Gavie Giovanniane (Hawks). These and other teams make up the Prima Liga with a total of 20 participants, the four highest getting the chance to play international tournaments while the four lowest are relegated to the Sekunda Liga, which has a similar system of promotions to the Prima Liga and relegations to the Tertia Liga. Style mod: +2 Stadium: Arena Abrentana, Giovannia Manager: Teresa Albavetta Coach: Hettor Ottavio-Linare Starting XI: Name Age Position Home City Sergio Pradobeno-Turri 26 Goalkeeper Andoliavilla Tiberio Nyima-Zutrino 21 Center Back Uryde Manuella Giakobo 28 Center Back Porto Violeto Onofrio Kalvente-Amafini 24 Left Outside Back Nenofre Vittoria Oriastella 25 Right Outside Back Islamagna Lorentio Santo-Ferrari 29 Defending Midfield Annavilla Gabriella Orfeo 27 Center Midfield Amorante Giustiniano Nottua-Glabrio 21 Attacking Midfield Abrentopole Gustavo Zapata (C) 22 Striker Giovannia Klementina de Abreo-Florino 23 Striker Quorivo Matteo Ventomar 21 Striker Andoliavilla Reserve Players: Name Age Position Home City Mariano Aqualta Voluseno 23 Goalkeeper Lunoddo Amanda Savora 27 Goalkeeper Abrentopole Sandra Persona-Fonti 20 Center Back Karlopole Valentino Rustikellio 25 Center Back Bayabella Margerita Desnia Aristo 23 Center Back Villaflori Teodoro Sonserina 21 Center Back Kastellavando Giuno Linare-Talisio 26 Left Outside Back Flaviopole Gioseppe Offerio-Apustio 27 Left Outside Back Annavilla Tadeo Gyasso 23 Right Outside Back Giovannia Sergio Feragi Faustiano 24 Right Outside Back Porto Violeto Erasmo Vedio-Sabidio 30 Defending Midfield Vinikiana Liana Arboreto Amorante 25 Defending Midfield Dazano Nikolo Veranio 27 Center Midfield Gioseppole Mara Erdene-Aruna 19 Center Midfield Potestana Giovanni-Pietro Lamontana 21 Attacking Midfield Portovini Hortensia Purparbone 24 Attacking Midfield Uryde Mariana Lavandula-Savora 28 Striker Porto Violeto Tarutio Lukulli 19 Striker Giovannia Aurelio Duvina 21 Striker Karlopole Emilia Artena-Lurtone 25 Striker Ferdira Terentio Ugyeno 23 Striker Nova Lavanda Giordana Gavio-Akronio 22 Striker Salvoregno Jerseys: If my opponent RPs first, they may... Injure my players: no Assign my players yellow cards: yes Assign my players red cards: yes Godmod injuries: no Godmod scoring: no Godmod other events: no
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  44. In this strange land, there were no prayer bells. Tai Gofain rose with the morning sun, wrapped in oppressive silence. It was the strangest part of travel, he reasoned. Looking about the lai Irriavada suite, everything else seemed so close to normal: His crimson goalkeeper's kit was neatly folded nearby, as if in eager wait. Songbirds called in the breaking dawn. Far below, even the din of a city in waking was familiar. The sweeping windows across from his bed offered an unparalleled view of the skyline and the sea, and for the sweetest moment he could have believed he was home. The unending eye crested the horizon in all resplendence, calling the children of its sworn deity to exalt in the renewal of vows. But the silence, as every day prior, did not give way. Tai rose and approached the great window. He shivered, in part for the conditioned air of his suite, in main because the quiet never ceased to unnerve him. In Aukera — fair, distant Aukera — the bells would have been clamouring alongside this view. Even in little Afit, they rang from the temples, from the school, from the town hall and from several homes. They rang to exalt the rising sun and to signal the dawn prayer. They rang to call the people together, as one. As he knelt to intone the renewal of oaths, though he knew it to be a symptom of an overactive imagination, he heard those bells and the chorus in his mind. “O Lord of Sacred Gold, sworn to the rising sun, I kneel before your radiance…” The crowd roared. Tai blinked. Blue sky above, green field around. The stadium rose up around him on either side, packed to the brim. He heard chants, jeers, prayers, in languages unrecognisable. He saw hundreds of flags, many his own. He lowered his gaze and saw the team arrayed before him, and the Arifians beyond. He tensed, and waited for the whistle. “I renew my vows to you, as you rise in triumph to banish the night. I pledge my service unending, to mold my soul in worthy rembrance…” Darkness given way to daylight. The call of native birds swelled, the toll of prayer bells ceased. Another power outage in Afit, and the children had been set loose onto the schoolyard in education's stead. They might regret it later, perhaps, but the prospect of play defeated any hesitance in a young goalkeeper's mind. He watched the other children struggle for the ball, patiently. Twelve years hence, a young adult stood in similar position with the presssure of a nation on his shoulders. "I shall cast my name and deeds in amber, to be borne to the end of days, and attain perfection in the new paradise of Your making. I shall speak the Golden Word, and light shall flow from my lips. I shall strike impurity from my soul, and be remembered as an image of Your perfection…” Twelve years… an instant, but almost a lifetime. Some of his seniors — brothers, now — had laughed at that notion. Captain Sòjìc had clapped him on the back. ‘Son,’ he had said, ‘keep those thoughts close. One day you'll blink and it'll be twenty, thirty years gone. Then, if you remember, you can start to call it a lifetime.’ "I shall bear the names and deeds of my brothers and sisters into your arms, and see them born again. I shall uplift their weakness, embolden their weariness, and guide them should they be lost…” The Captain was at the front, as always. As his age advanced, it was less and less a fitting place to be, but becoming the greatest player in the Infinite Empire had left only a taste for more. Despite his reservations, especially facing Arifiyyah so early, Tai held a glimmer of hope. Perhaps he was right, and this might at last be their year. As tense silence descended over the arena, and the game against the world-third team loomed into being… “Your light shines upon me, and I bathe in its brilliance. O Azten Lord, from whom life's waters flow, O God of Seas, which protect our bountiful shores, O Bearer of the Word, which will enlighten all things... O Infinite Emperor, master divine, I exalt in thy names, which shall endure for ever and ever. Aten.” The whistle blew. The crowd's roar rose to a climax. There was a knock on the door. Tai started, jolted from his reverie. He was still knelt before the window. The cold air. The silence. No crowd, no stadium, no locker room conversations, not even an Afit field. The sun had risen yet further, and the world was now truly alight. “Tai!” Called Òbdau's voice. “We're heading out, get a move on!” Tai rose, mouthed a prayer for luck, and moved to the door.
    9 points
  45. Nieubasria Nieubasria is a nation of nearly 28 million residents, located in the northwest heart of Polaris. Though not the most popular professional sport in Nieubasria, football (called soccer in Nieubasria) is enjoying a steadily increasing popularity due to recent high profile victories and celebrity interest. Basric Soccer Association The Basric Soccer Association is a national sport organization whose mission is the organization and promotion of soccer in Nieubasria. To develop talented Nieubasric soccer players to achieve Esferiad and World Championship medal performances, BSA convenes amateur and semi-professional soccer leagues from which it chooses members of the National Team. BSA became a Convenorate in 1387 when the two remaining members under the previous federative structure merged under then Convenor Baron-Esquire Conrad Ellise. A Convenorate is unitary organization structure under a single Convenor, usually the Patron, that serves as the figurehead. Convenorates will most often have a form of Board or Trusteeship which publishes bylaws and manages the hiring for the official posts of the organization, such as Manager of the National Teams. Quick Info Trigram: NIU Adjective: Basric Demonym: Basrian Plural: Basrians Language: Astorian, Common Population: 27,972,687 Area: 609,327 km2 GDP (PPP) per capita: 195,566฿ , $45,800 international monetary units Capital: Clarenton Resources Nieubasria National Sports Organizations Team Info Basic Info: Preferred formation: 4-1-2-3 or 4-3-3 Style mod: +3.6 Home stadium: Nephele National Pitch, Saint Aiaden (cap. 52,800 (36,960 seated, 15,840 standing)) Known commonly as Nephele Pitch, the stadium is located in a recreational hub built atop reclaimed land on the bay, also home to the Basric Ballet Company's headquarters and the Saint Aiaden Symphony Orchestra. Nephele Pitch is the largest stadium in the nation, and serves as the home stadium for the National Team and the Saint Aiaden FC. The pitch features a retractable roof installed in 1409 following the 1408 cancellation of the Basric Cup finals due to unseasonably strong snows. Managers: Quinten de Klerk, Baron-Esquire Máirín Ellisel (ex-officio) As patron to the National Team, Convenor Baron-Esquire Máirín Ellisel is considered an ex-officio manager. Máirín deliberates with the Basric Soccer Association Board of Trustees to hire the full-time manager. The current Manager Quinten de Klerk was hired in 1412 after the retirement of the long serving Vita Anker. Coaches: Eadan Zandbergen (Head), Lisanne Jewele, Bas Rodden Roster Name / Position / Number / Age / (Starting/Reserve) Dalton Fairburne / Keeper / 1 / 31 / (Starting) Maksymilian Grover / Keeper / 12 / 33 / (Reserve) Gustaaf Kampmans / Defender / 2 / 32 / (Starting) Holden Sudworthe / Defender / 3 / 28 / (Starting) Seth Cory / Defender / 4 / 30 / (Starting) Bran Mccracken / Defender / 5 / 27 / (Starting) Camdyn Akermane / Defender / 14 / 35 / (Reserve) Tatum Boatwrighte / Defender / 15 / 26 / (Reserve) Greysen Beverlye / Defender / 16 / 30 / (Reserve) Adriaan Yzaaks / Defender / 17 / 31 / (Reserve) Lowie Schovers / Midfielder / 6 / 33 / (Starting) Huxley Townsende / Midfielder / 7 / 30 / (Starting) Landan Aylmere / Midfielder / 8 / 28 / (Starting) Ard Taai / Midfielder / 18 / 27 / (Reserve) Maxim Ioan / Midfielder / 19 / 27 / (Reserve) Gerrit Slager / Midfielder / 20 / 30 / (Reserve) Camdyn Cartwrighte / Forward/ 9 / 34 / (Starting) Knox Hunte / Forward / 10 / 29 / (Starting) Zedh Coreia / Forward / 14 / 23 (Starting) Morgan Robert / Forward / 27 / 30 / (Reserve) Rikkert Kortier / Forward / 21 / 27 / (Reserve) Machiel Zieleman / Forward / 22 / 28 / (Reserve) Truman Hamptone / Forward / 23 / 30 / (Reserve) Home Kit Away Kit RP Permissions Injure my players: Yes (minor only, DM me) Assign my players yellow cards: Yes Assign my players red cards: Yes (with good reason) Godmod injuries: No Godmod scoring: No Godmod other events: No
    9 points
  46. Group Stage Draw Pots Group Stage Draw Group Stage Mechanics Twenty-four (24) participating nations will be divided into four (4) groups with six (6) nations each. Nations will play with all nations found in their group. A win is given three (3) points, a draw is given one (1) point, and a loss is given zero (0) points. Four (4) nations with the most points in their group will progress in the knockout rounds. When points are tied, goal difference, goals scored, and matchup results between the tied teams are checked to break the tie. Results are given at 9 PM ET, with a cut-off for role play at 8 PM ET two days after. Match Day 1: November 17* Match Day 2: November 19 Match Day 3: November 21 Match Day 4: November 25 (extended cut-off due to Thanksgiving)* Match Day 5: November 28 (delayed) Round of 16: December 1* (moved further) Quarterfinals: December 3 Semi-Finals: December 5 Ranking Matches and Final: December 7* (dates with asterisks, including the Group Draw, shall have a Match Recap show and will be done live in TWP RP Discord Stage) Schedule of Games (Teams on the left are the home teams)
    9 points
  47. The Infinite Empire of Aukera Lòkhà Nha sho Auken Rà Motto: Dhòr zekòl sho khòz, thul ira vohan (I am the vigil of stars, the herald of truth) A Stylised Map of Aukera Culture Government History Other
    9 points
  48. Here today, we usher in a new reign. It’s a bittersweet moment for me, as I have supremely enjoyed my time as Delegate. When I entered the chair, I knew that I had big shoes to try to fill. I came in with detailed plans, but my only goal was this: When I was done, would the region be even better? I’d like to think we’ve hit that goal. We’ve accomplished so much over the past 14 months, from FA changes to launching a radio station to public high minds and cyberbullying a man named Jimmy so much we now own a shawarma shack. We’ve become a force in the Security Council, with multiple passing resolutions even with attempts to stomp them. Our newspaper is the premier newspaper in NS, putting out quality content on-time for multiple years. Our FA position is incredibly strong, with new friendships that have sprung up while old friendships remained solid. Our military is strong and active, and is on an upwards trend. We’ve come together to do so much: We’ve raised hundreds of dollars for charity, won N-Day in the most convincing fashion ever, exterminated all the dang zombies, and have continued to be the strongest community in Nationstates. People in the past have referred to us as a retirement home, but when I look out at the newer players all I see is the future. We have the best young bench of talent in Nationstates, and I don’t see that changing. The last 14 months have been an interesting time for all of us, but I want to thank all of you for growing alongside me. In the last 14 months, I’ve changed jobs, dealt with personal issues, and most importantly sold a child to other regions for Pope Hope cards. While I have not completed my personal goal of owning every single pope hope card, I want to say that I appreciate our community always being there for each other, whether it be voice chats, game streams, or yelling at me about crabs. And now, my time as delegate is over. I slip back into the shadows of the mere Prime Minister-in-Exile-in-Residence, once again a poster child for democracy. Gio is going to do an amazing job, and I hope he does so well people go “who was Dilber?” (but actually not that good because boy would I feel bad about that question). Most importantly, this community will remain strong. We’ve all been here for varying amounts of time, but gosh dangit we’re family. Thank you all for making this a wonderful delegacy for me, and for supporting Gio in whatever the future holds. There are too many of you for me to thank individually, so I’d just like to say this: You all are what made us great. I could not have achieved everything we’ve done on my own. You’ve filled in my weaknesses, and made us brilliant. Keep it up, because it’s what we all deserve as a region. Have no fear, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not even sure I can get off my couch right now anyways Dilber P.S. The real reason I stepped down is so Vara can message OTHER people at 3 AM. (He can still message me I guess though, he’s cool) (Edited because ALON and Tera noticed the spelling error I put in to see who was reading it closely and they got the dilber's choice award for it)
    9 points
  49. Zoran

    The Zoranian Civil War

    July 12, 1420 12:27 PM Polaris Eastern Time Saint-Jocelyn, Cambria Co-authored by @Bran Astor Kunagadoga Quasena is taking a big risk by leaving Zoran and flying to Cambria. He knows that he is leaving a lot in the hands of his subordinates but after much difficulty trying to get in touch with a Cambrian official they finally got a hold of one a week ago. Kunagadoga did some basic research on the person he was about to meet and looked through the file he has on the person he is going to meet. Darrin Oliver, a knight-inspector for the Order of Tamar. Appears he was a grenadier guard before moving to the Office of Justice. His service record is impressive and he appears to be a very accomplished man, it’s no wonder why the Order wanted him to join them. I shouldn’t underestimate him and I should show him my utmost respect if I am to work with him. The car came to a stop and he exited the car and six mercenaries he hired for his protection exited another vehicle to accompany him as he walked up towards the Office of Justice building. The guards stopped him, “State your business.” “I am here to see Knight-Inspector Darrin Oliver.” He said in Cambric, the guards radioed someone in to escort him to Darrin. As they walked through the building, Kunagadoga noticed how little of a threat his mercenaries looked in the presence of the Order members. They certainly do not disappoint, they live up to what I have heard about them so far. He was taken to an office where he was asked to sit and wait for the knight-inspector to arrive. But it was there that he noticed his guards were no longer with him and his eyes began to inspect the office. The knight-inspector's office was spacious, but simply kept. It had a workmanlike look to it and the trappings that existed appeared to be out of design rather than the occupant's choice. A simple table strewn with scattered files sat in the middle of the room, a couch flanked by reading lamps sat opposite the door. A series of landscapes dominated the space above the couch. A built-in set of shelves to the right of the office's window bore testimony to everything Kunagadoga read in Darrin's file. Degrees, decorations, commendations, and trinkets from far-flung battlefields occupied every centimeter of shelf space. In front of the shelf was a hefty mahogany desk, perfectly polished and vibrantly red. What a fine desk, I wonder if I can acquire one of these for myself after the war. But I will say I can’t remember the last time I was asked to wait in an office. It has been quite a few years since I was in a situation like this. He thought to himself as he waited. It took a few minutes before Darrin Oliver came into the room. He had a long white beard and wore a suit with a kilt. Kuna’s eyes met with Darrin’s extremely blue eyes and could see the experience behind them. He stood up and shook his hand, “It is a pleasure to meet you knight-inspector. Might I say you were a difficult man to get a hold of.” "Folks often forget to dial the '9' first. How can I be of service to you, Meistros Quasena?" The inspector smiled warmly and firmly shook Kunagadoga's hand before walking around the desk to his chair. "Please do sit. Why have you come all this way to see me today?" “Now I believe you are aware that I am here to discuss a certain...thief or rather for you a certain terrorist.” Darrin jabbed at his keyboard with two fingers. His brow furrowed, he seemingly split attention between hunting for the right key for the password and recalling the details of Kunagadoga's terrorist. "You will need to be more specific. There are-" Darrin paused mid-sentence then triumphantly hit enter. "There are sadly too many terrorists in the world these days." "What? You know, the terrorist!” He said slightly flabbergasted, he didn’t anticipate that CGZ wasn’t highlighted in any way shape or form for them, “The one that caused all the trouble in Saint-Jocelyn during the Olympics?” "Ah! The infamous CGZ. Yes, it is true we have an interest in this fellow." The inspector reached across his desk and picked a couple red candies from a crystal dish on his desk. The room fell silent except for the sound of the hard candy clacking against Darrin's teeth. “Here’s the deal, I do not know where his hideout is. We have been unsuccessful in locating it whether it be by drone, scouts, or scans. But I know where he is going to make his next appearance.” Kunagadoga said, “But before I get into those details, do you have any questions, requirements, demands, anything you want to mention or request.” The gentle, almost bumbling look in Darrin's eyes hardened as Kunagadoga spoke. Whatever warmth was present a moment ago was replaced with cold resolve. Darrin held the gaze, continued to play with the candy in his mouth, but didn't speak. What is this man playing at? I know I can be an intimidating bastard but this guy is a master at intimidation. I can’t read him whatsoever! He is unlike anyone I have ever dealt with! Beads of sweat forms along Kunadoga’s forehead as those blue eyes unsteady him. He cleared his throat before saying, “Now for where our target is going to be. Knowing Atsil Ani’-Wah’, the daughter of the late President Apenimon Ani’-Wah’, she will leave CGZ to join the monarchists sometime in the next month or two. When she leaves, CGZ will take her to the Monarchist headquarters and will leave her there. Thankfully for us, we recently discovered the location of where the Monarchists headquarters is. So what I propose is we have some of your officers and some of my men hide out nearby and wait until he arrives with her. We both get what we want here, I get Atsil Ani’-Wah’ and you get your terrorist. How does that sound?” Darrin finally broke his stare by leaning forward and pressing a button on his office phone. A moment later Kunadgadoga's Cambric escort stepped into the room, ready to tend to their charge. The warmth returned to Darrin's eyes and he stood with a smile. "I'll be seeing you soon, Meistros Quasena." He walked around the desk and shook Kunagadoa's hand again. "May the Lady watch you." Darrin nodded to the guards and returned to his deskchair. As Kunagadoga was escorted out of the building, his mind was stirring with what Darrin could have meant. Was that a yes? Wha-what did he mean?! I am guessing it is a yes but what in the world was that man! I couldn’t read him at all and I made my living off of reading people! Well, at least I know he is competent and that the execution of this plan will go off without much of an issue. At this point Kuna was standing with his mercenaries outside of the building and he entered the limo that was waiting for him. “How did it go sir?” asked an aid in the limo, “He beat the hell out of me,” Kuna said as he whipped his brow, “he was the most intimidating man I have ever spoken to. He savaged me, mentally, in there.” He then put his head in his hands as the limo drove to the airport for the flight back to Zoran.
    9 points
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