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Qyr last won the day on January 15

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  1. Þirenz ob der Mäßl, Wednesday, 3rd of January 1341 1500 Local Time From atop the belfry of the yellowist Temple of Plå, one of the oldest structures in Þirenz, a grey pigeon fed its young. The view from atop the tallest structure in the Qyrene capital must have been most impressive: A view of the colossal Mäßl river and the historic inner city was certainly to behold. Once his chicks had had enough, he spread his wings, flying off to find more. The citizens of the capital had a saying: "Not even the pigeons need hunger in our splendid city", referring to Þirenz's special position as a major commercial hub in southern Nur. Indeed, the pigeons had it good now: the Nuran black kites, predatory birds of prey that usually stalked them in cities such as this one, had migrated northwards, choosing to winter in warmer climates. The pigeon let down his guard, choosing to fly a little higher to get a good view of the city. He hovered in the air for a second, considering where he should fly to. The old bird instinctively turned itself around, coursing a trajectory to Frômann Park, named after the 8th-century Kalmachian explorer that had founded the city all those years ago. He approached, his eyes scanning plenty of tasty seeds and berries ripe for the taking, when suddenly... WHOOSH! The poor pigeon, too caught up in a daydream about the next worm he'd catch, was sent tumbling to the ground after a Model 38 Pöhlsen Plå flew closely by. A boatswain (Bootsmann) called Preiß watched through his rear-seat canopy as the bird swiftly regained its composure, flying off after what must have been a tremendous fright. "Close one." the NCO remarked under his breath. He had seen countless planes go down thanks to collisions with birds, and the fact that the young pilot flying the seaplane was tempting fate started to irritate him. He had been among the few men of his generation to have been impressed into the Imperial Qyrene Navy, and was uncharacteristically driven and hard-working for a pressed man. "What sights, eh Preiß?" a voice boomed over the intercom. Ensign Arthur Cambyses von Kerckerinck zu Hülshoff, the pilot flying the plane, had been most eager to get his wings. After graduating at the Imperial Qyrene Naval Academy at Buxenhoben-upon-Braack, his well-off, patrician family had got him a lofty posting aboard the HIMQS Adler von Þirenz, a stone frigate of the Imperial Qyrene Navy that served as one of the navy's aerodromes. Today, he had finally been called up for his flying examination. If he'd only pass his examination today, he would be awarded a commission as a lieutenant-at-sea. Between the eager pilot and the stone-faced NCO sat Chief Mate (Obermaat) Heinrich Barth, a stubby, short man who served as the aeroplane's radio operator. He had grown up alongside the ensign, and had opted for service with the Imperial Navy over the Merchant Marine, since times were peaceful and the pay was good. The pay was even better for aircrew, and so, at the behest of his old friend, he signed up as a radio operator, and through a combination of luck and nepotism, Von Kerckerinck zu Hülshoff had managed to get his old friend posted with him at the Adler von Þirenz. "I've seen enough. Steer us back to the Adler." the NCO commanded in a tone that made the young patrician fear that he would fail his flying exam. He navigated back to the air base, which was situated only out of bounds of the city and a canal of the mighty Mäßl river, where the floatplane could safely land. Barth requested the right to land via the Plå's airband. The ensign landed his plane magnificently, and as a small brownwater patrol boat towed it to one of the water-side docks, where it could be safely returned to one of the hangars. As the plane's floats gracefully slid over the calm water of the canal, an eerie silence filled the plane as the young ensign awaited Preiß's judgment. After disembarking and waiting for what must have been an enternity, Arthur was approached by his commanding officer, squadron leader major Von Serhuyghs, a man of patrician stock just like himself. Von Serhuyghs had a dour visage, as he seemingly always did, and asked the ensign bluntly: "How do you think you did, Fähnrich?" Von Kerckerinck zu Hülshoff, intimidated by the sternness of his CO and imbued with a sense of Qyrene humility, answered plainly: "I could have done much better, herr Major." The officer inspected him from top to bottom, perhaps taking in the sheer desperation and fear that pulsed throughout the young man's body. The ensign could not help but think that this is what the pigeon must have felt like when he'd flown past it earlier. "Welcome to the navy's officer corps, Leutnant. I shall have Bootsmann Preiß see to it that you're properly informed about your duties. You'll read your name in the Herald Monday. Congratulations on your gazettal." The newly-gazetted lieutenant could not believe his luck. "Thank you sir." he answered, trying to give an appropriately muted response to contain his inner joy. The major gave him a nod and turned around to walk back from whence he came. "Oh, and one more thing, lieutenant: you're being transferred. Off to one of these new 'floating aerodromes', as they call them." OOC INFORMATION ABOUT QYR ON THE EVE OF THE GREAT NURAN WAR:
  2. "There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway Finest Hour: The Great Nuran War The year is 1341, and a great tension can be felt throughout Nur. The Kalmachian Empire, a feared hegemon on the continent, rules its colonial territories with great determination. Its rule extends from the Imperial capital of Easthaven, all the way South to the Qyrene Gulf, and from the rolling Ionian hills in the West to the rocky cliffs of Ostronia in the east. Its power is vast, its people loyal, and yet there is a palpable tension, an air of unease, in the Nuran air. The 1340s stand as a time of revolution and reform, of blood and iron, where young men and women agitate for independence in the city of Astenburg, frigates under the imperial banner conduct drills in the Sideric seas, and factory workers toil in eastern factories, producing as many tanks as their country demands of them. (...) Welcome to Finest Hour: The Great Nuran War! In this RP, we'll simulate the rocky 1340s in Nur, where a period of anti-imperial sentiment and Kalmachian repression plunged the continent into a destructive war that raged for half a decade. In this RP, we'll start in the year 1341, the year in which members of the INLF, the Ionian National Liberation Front, declare unilateral independence from Kalmach. The war will be fought between two opposing camps, those being: The Astenburg Entente: Named after the Ionian capital of Astenburg, the Astenburg entente refers to a loose coalition of anti-Kalmachian powers who are intent on destroying Kalmachian supremacy over Nur. The two leading powers of the coalition are the Grand Republic of Ionia, whose unilateral declaration of independence was intended to be the first domino that would lead to the collapse of the Kalmachian empire, as well as the Kherate of Inseberistan, whose dissatisfaction with the Kalmachian colonial authorities in the neighbouring Ostronia make for some serious border frictions between them. The Imperial Concordat: Refers to the loose confederation of states that are either part of the larger Kalmachian empire, such as its loyal colonies in Qyr and Ostronia, but also to countries that chose to establish deeper ties to Kalmachia because of strategic considerations of rivalries with anti-Kalmachian states and organisations. Navigate your country through the tumultuous 1340s, where technological innovations make the horrors of war more terrible than ever-imagined, totalitarian ideologies consume the public's imagination and bellicose governments come knocking for recognition and support. As with any good roleplay, we'll need some... RULES 1. The TWP RP Guidance on Session Zero is to be observed at all times. 2. To not derail a conflict that is supposed to have been fought primarily in Nur, The right to declare and fight 'open' war is reserved to Nuran countries. Non-Nuran states can freely participate through other means, such as: - Volunteer Forces and Mercenaries - Embargoes and Investments - Humanitarian Missions - Media coverage - Covert Operations Et cetera. 3. This thread is strictly IC-only. Any OOC questions, suggestions or remarks should be made in the TWP Roleplay Server. 4. Players are asked to supply every post with an IC date. 5. Nuran nations are asked to give a broad overview of their country in the 1340s in their first post. 6. Godmodding and metagaming are prohibited. 7. Having fun is a mandatory requirement to playing in this RP. All participants that aren't having fun will be rounded up and summarily executed. TIME PROGRESSION Countries get a lot of discretion about how they'd like to work with our very flexible chronology. We would like to give countries the space and time to write out whatever stories they want to explore, whilst also maintaining a pace that's enjoyable for the rest of the players participating. The only quantifiable rule about pacing is that chronology must be linear: A country cannot suddenly go back in time and change its behaviour or decisions. Other than that, the aim is to come together and create a fun and engaging story for everybody; the leniency specific countries get with their timing isn't supposed to be exploited, and if any troubles do come up further down the road, we'll solve them together. The RP starts in January 1341, and time will slowly go on and on until we reach the end of this RP, which is set to be around 1345 / 1346. The speed of this RP will be decided by the players, and said players are encouraged to make it so that maintain chronological cohesion. Chronological differences between one post and the next may absolutely exist: if one part of the front is quiet and players want to progress to the next month, they shouldn't be held up by players on another front. However, we ask that discrepancies between timelines are kept to a minimum. In this regard, a balance between playability and orderly, cohesive storytelling should be found. MAP A map showcasing the different belligerents in this war is TBD. FAQ Any inquiries about the conflict or its background can be asked in the TWP Roleplay Discord server. All countries in Esforos are free and encouraged to join and contribute to the story at large. Special thanks to Inseberistan, Ostronia, Ionia and Kalmach for helping me with this war. They are my CO-OPs.
  3. Full factbook can be found here: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=qyr/detail=factbook/id=2581287
  4. The Qyrene Football Association (QFA) announces its intention to participate as well.
  5. Resident nation: Qyr Discord name: floydd. Map nation name: Qyr A couple sentences about your nation: The Thalassocracy of Qyr is a confederal constitutional plutocratic republic in southern Nur that is renowned for its rich history, fascinating culture and mercantile power in the Southern Nurian seaboard. It was founded some centuries ago as a colony and trade outpost of Kalmach, who managed to inspire whaling, fur-trapping and agriculture. In more recent times, the people of Qyr declared independence, working with the UNK to finalise their own sovereignty. The Qyrmen were quick to embrace global trade, setting up an adequate merchant fleet that contributed to the rise of mondial trade routes. Their maritime connections made it possible for the Qyrenii to industrialise in the 1200s AF. Much of that historical development can still be seen today, as Qyr retains its maritime and mercantile background. Having largely transitioned from an industrial society to a post-industrial one, Qyr's GDP nowadays mostly consists of the service, information and research sectors, though major contributions from agriculture and industry remain. Politically speaking, the country prioritises individual freedoms, and has an intricate web of constitutional safeguards to minimise the chances of dictatorship and tyranny. This means that whatever political power exists rests in the hands of a clique of wealthy landowners and merchants. However, social mobility is still very possible, and the country has a large middle class and plenty of political safeguards to minimise the risks of a corporate takeover. Qyrene culture is marked by a strong work ethic and no-nonsense attitude. The Qyrmen are hard-nosed, pragmatic people, who are as direct as they are aloof, but tend to warm up around like-minded peers. They're fiscally responsible, and most drink very little or not at all. Map request as an image or plot number: https://imgur.com/lpBirdj 3-Letter Code: QYR 2-Letter Code: QY Capital City: Þirenz ob der Mäßl Government Type: Constitutional Plutocratic Republic The population of my nation is: Average The population density of my nation is: Average The GDP per capita of my nation is: Above Average Government Spending - Which statement best describes your nation? My nation provides moderate social programs, or a small selection of social programs. X My nation has an extensive social safety net, or provides multiple programs like universal healthcare, welfare, and free tuition for its citizens My nation does not provide social programs beyond bare necessities and/or high school educations. My nation does not prioritize social spending, but engages in some large-scale government or public spending projects. My nation’s government spending is a vast majority of our GDP, such as having to coordinate our import-dependent economy. (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval) Military Indicator - Which statement best describes your nation? My nation has made a commitment to security, and maintains a moderately sized modern armed forces within our means. X My nation has little incentive or political drive for military spending, but maintains a small-to-moderate modern armed forces. My nation has prioritized military spending at the expense of other key areas and may have been criticized for lack of freedom or human rights issues. My nation does not prioritize military spending due to other priorities, the belief we are safe, or we don’t have enough money left over to fund it. My nation is heavily embattled and we believe we face an existential threat. (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval) Any other inspirations or concepts you want to share: Largely based off of Scandinavia, the Hanseatic League, northern Germany, the Low Countries, Lower Saxony and Riga when it comes to culture and aesthetics, and the Mississippi, Hudson Bay and Cape Colony when it comes to socio-economic development and history.
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