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4th Rugby World Cup [rosters, roleplays, results]

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         Rankampi Kepatanios, the 27 year old captain of Aftokratoria’s national rugby team, sat at the desk in his hotel room in Dalimbar. Earlier that day his team had lost their first international game, playing against Arifiyyah. It was 11:26 P.M, and Rankampi guessed other teams, including the Arifians, were partying, celebrating their win. That could not be more different from how he felt.
Rankampi stared defeatedly at a piece of paper sitting on the desk, a letter. A letter he had just finished writing to his mother back home. It wrote:

          “Dear Mother,

I am worried. I am scared. When I stepped onto the playing field at the beginning of today’s game, I was confident, for Omadiki Ergasia and Filotimos Ekprosopos were really supportive and optimistic, as they always are, and seeing so many fans who came to watch was so uplifting. I know it was just one game, but I can’t help but feel nervous.
When Igetis Foveros got into government and started sending so much funding from taxpayer dollars to every industry, I hoped we would get some of that, but we were essentially forgotten, which is why so much of our training has been done with the football team. So much so that the majority of my skills are football skills that I had to convert to rugby skills by myself! Our defence is the best I have ever seen, and all of them are great, but I am more confident in them than myself. I am probably overthinking it, but I wanted to share my worries with you.

In conclusion, I have more trust in our defensive players than I do in experienced teams like Dalimbar’s, and I know I love every one of my teammates and am confident in their abilities, but being in this new place and situation estranges me. I can always rely on you for support.

          -Your loving son, Rankampi Kepatanios


With a final, long sigh, the Aftokratorian folded it up, put it in an envelope, and after stretching once more, went to the bed that in that moment, felt immensely comfortable.

           "I can only wish for the best in my next game", he thought to himself. No more than 30 seconds later, the captain was asleep.

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Conversation Street - The Scripture Translation

Here you will be able to find the translation of the relevant information of the team known as Star Breaker into the Anglian and Jammbonian languages. There will also be a transliteration into the new Anglian alphabet, which restores an old alphabet used by the Hertfordians in centuries gone by. The Anglian script is unique to the language, meaning Hertfordshire and Jammbo, or more technically one of its predecessors, is the birthplace of a language script. Our peoples may even be the origin of two depending on the origin of the script used by the Jammbonians. The only other ethnicity to supposedly use the same script are the Dalimbari, who are hosting this tournament.

Common Anglian Anglian (Markanization) Jammbonian Jammbonian (Markanization)
General Terms
Hertfordshire and Jammbo Rugby Union 𐑣𐑸𐑮𐑑𐑓𐑫𐑛𐑕𐑦𐑻𐑯𐑛𐑧𐑨𐑥𐑚𐑴 𐑮𐑨𐑜𐑚𐑰 𐑡𐑳𐑯𐑡𐑺𐑯 Hartferdsierndeambeu Ragbi Junjen Катфадсие ае Дзаембеу Рагби Суйуз Katfadsie ae Dzaembeu Ragbi Suyuz
Star Breaker 𐑕𐑑𐑨 𐑚𐑮𐑧𐑦𐑒𐑧 Sta Breike Фезде Разбиватс Fezde Razbivats
The Youkai 𐑛𐑧𐑡𐑴𐑚𐑲 Dejeubai Привидени Privideni
Loose-Head Prop 𐑤𐑫𐑖𐑧𐑛𐑐𐑮𐑨𐑐 Lushedprap Разклан-Главе Опче Razklan-Glave Opche
Hooker 𐑣𐑵𐑒𐑧 Huke Праститйутке Prastitjutke
Tight-Head Prop 𐑑𐑲𐑔𐑧𐑛𐑐𐑮𐑨𐑐 Taithedprap Стегнати-Главе Опче Stegnati-Glave Opche
Lock (Western) 𐑤𐑨𐑒𐑺𐑕𐑑𐑺𐑯 Lakesten Клутсауке (Уестен) Klutsauke (Uesten)
Lock (Eastern) 𐑤𐑨𐑒𐑦𐑕𐑑𐑺𐑯 Lakisten Клутсауке (Изтакен) Klutsauke (Iztaken)
Blind-Side Flanker 𐑚𐑤𐑨𐑦𐑯𐑕𐑨𐑦𐑓𐑤𐑨𐑯𐑒𐑧 Blainsaiflanke Слап-Щане Фланке Slap-Strane Flanke
Open-Side Flanker 𐑧𐑳𐑐𐑕𐑨𐑦𐑓𐑤𐑨𐑯𐑒𐑧 Eupsaiflanke Атвоцин-Щане Фланке Atvochin-Strane Flanke
Number 8 𐑯𐑨𐑥𐑚𐑰𐑦𐑑 Nambeeit Неумеасден Neumeasden
Scrum Half 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑨𐑣𐑨𐑓 Skrahaf Скатке Палавинате Skatke Palavinate
Fly Half 𐑓𐑤𐑨𐑣𐑨𐑓 Flahaf Летйе Палавинате Letye Palavinate
Left Wing 𐑤𐑺𐑓𐑘𐑦𐑯 Lefwin Наулйаве Крилеу Naulyave Krileu
Inside Centre 𐑦𐑯𐑕𐑨𐑦𐑕𐑺𐑯𐑑𐑧 Insaisente Вреи Сенте Vrei Sente
Outside Centre 𐑨𐑳𐑑𐑕𐑨𐑦𐑕𐑺𐑯𐑑𐑧 Autsaisente Нав Сенте Nav Sente
Right Wing 𐑮𐑨𐑦𐑘𐑦𐑯 Raiwin Такнеу Крилеу Takneu Krileu
Full Back 𐑓𐑵𐑚𐑨𐑒 Fubak Пулн Абратна Puln Abratna
Reserve 𐑮𐑦𐑟𐑺𐑝 Rizev Ризев Rizev
Julian Konstantinov 𐑡𐑵𐑤𐑰𐑨𐑯 𐑒𐑪𐑯𐑕𐑑𐑨𐑯𐑑𐑦𐑯𐑪𐑝

Чулиан Константинов

Shizune Hadzhiev 𐑖𐑦𐑟𐑵𐑯𐑺 𐑣𐑨𐑛𐑠𐑰𐑺𐑝 Шизуне Хаджиев
James May 𐑡𐑱𐑥𐑧𐑕 𐑥𐑱 Чамес Май
Free de la Hotopyla 𐑓𐑮𐑰 𐑛𐑧 𐑤𐑨 𐑣𐑧𐑑𐑧𐑐𐑰𐑤𐑨 Фрее де ла Хотопйла
Mizore Shiramais 𐑥𐑦𐑟𐑫𐑝𐑺 𐑖𐑽𐑮𐑨𐑥𐑱𐑕 Мизоре Ширамаис
The Stig 𐑔𐑧 𐑕𐑑𐑦𐑜 Тхе Стиг
Lits Filaktri 𐑤𐑦𐑑𐑕 𐑓𐑦𐑤𐑨𐑒𐑗𐑮𐑰 Литс Филакчри
Seiya Nikolov 𐑕𐑺𐑘𐑨 𐑯𐑰𐑒𐑴𐑤𐑪𐑝 Сеийа Николов
Promestein Prokopiev 𐑐𐑮𐑪𐑥𐑧𐑕𐑑𐑲𐑯 𐑐𐑮𐑪𐑒𐑪𐑐𐑰𐑺𐑝 Проместеин Прокопиев
Gankyou Kurylenko 𐑜𐑱𐑯𐑒𐑘𐑴 𐑒𐑫𐑮𐑰𐑤𐑺𐑯𐑒𐑴 Ганкйоу Курйленко
Hyouka Furon 𐑣𐑢𐑴𐑒𐑨 𐑓𐑫𐑮𐑪𐑯 Хйоука Фурон
Damian Harizanov 𐑛𐑱𐑥𐑰𐑨𐑯 𐑣𐑸𐑮𐑦𐑟𐑨𐑯𐑪𐑝 Дамиан Харизанов
Naho Savickis 𐑯𐑨𐑣𐑴 𐑕𐑨𐑝𐑰𐑒𐑦𐑕 Няхо Савицкис
Faust Hareleudeiem 𐑓𐑬𐑕𐑑 𐑣𐑨𐑮𐑧𐑤𐑧𐑳𐑛𐑺𐑧𐑥 Фауст Харелеудеием
Futo Monova 𐑓𐑵𐑑𐑴 𐑥𐑪𐑯𐑴𐑝𐑨 Футо Монова
Eirin Yakovenko 𐑺𐑮𐑦𐑯 𐑢𐑨𐑒𐑪𐑝𐑺𐑯𐑒𐑴 Еирин Йаковенко
Jeremy Clarkson 𐑡𐑺𐑮𐑧𐑥𐑰 𐑒𐑤𐑸𐑒𐑕𐑫𐑯 Черемй Цляксон
Rococo Urenko 𐑮𐑪𐑒𐑪𐑒𐑴 𐑳𐑮𐑺𐑯𐑒𐑴 Роцоцо Уренко
Arthur Petersons 𐑸𐑔𐑻 𐑐𐑧𐑑𐑻𐑕𐑪𐑯𐑕 Ятхъ Петъсонс
Tess Dileva 𐑑𐑺𐑕𐑕 𐑛𐑦𐑤𐑺𐑝𐑨 Тесс Дилева
Clarkov Sahaidachny 𐑒𐑤𐑸𐑒𐑪𐑝 𐑕𐑨𐑣𐑨𐑦𐑛𐑨𐑗𐑯𐑢 Цляков Сахаидачнй
Kanako Yarema 𐑒𐑨𐑯𐑨𐑒𐑴 𐑢𐑨𐑮𐑺𐑥𐑨 Канако Йарема
Krux Halichenko 𐑒𐑮𐑳𐑒𐑕 𐑣𐑨𐑤𐑰𐑗𐑺𐑯𐑒𐑴 Крукс Халиченко
Lain Vanags 𐑤𐑲𐑯 𐑝𐑨𐑯𐑨𐑜𐑕 Лаин Ванагс
Shu Kuzmanov 𐑖𐑵 𐑒𐑫𐑟𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑪𐑝 Шу Кузманов
Richard Hammond 𐑮𐑦𐑗𐑫𐑛 𐑣𐑨𐑥𐑥𐑫𐑯𐑛 Ричард Хаммонд
Delta Zahara 𐑛𐑧𐑤𐑑𐑨 𐑟𐑨𐑣𐑸𐑮𐑨 Делта Захара
Gwyn Remanyshyn 𐑜𐑘𐑢𐑯 𐑮𐑺𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑢𐑖𐑢𐑯 Гэйн Реманйшйн
Origami Tomenko 𐑹𐑮𐑦𐑜𐑸𐑥𐑰 𐑑𐑪𐑥𐑺𐑯𐑒𐑴 Оригами Томенко
Rago Nenovsky 𐑮𐑨𐑜𐑴 𐑯𐑺𐑯𐑪𐑝𐑕𐑒𐑰 Ряго Неновскй
Sage Romanov 𐑕𐑱𐑜𐑧 𐑮𐑴𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑪𐑝 Саге Романов
Lisa Loboda 𐑤𐑰𐑕𐑨 𐑤𐑪𐑚𐑴𐑛𐑨 Лиса Лобода
Fuusuke Suprunyuk 𐑓𐑵𐑕𐑳𐑒𐑺 𐑕𐑫𐑐𐑝𐑫𐑯𐑢𐑫𐑒 Фуусуке Супрунйук
Nagisa Ichaunieks 𐑯𐑨𐑜𐑦𐑕𐑨 𐑦𐑗𐑨𐑳𐑯𐑰𐑺𐑒𐑕 Нагиса Ичауниекс



HEJ 11-?? ION



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The Lions opened the game on the front foot at the three-minute mark when Hugo Dasher timed an ill-advised Apexiala pass from the ground and raced 50 meters to go ahead 5-0. 
Both teams had scoring opportunities throughout the first half, but play was consistently negated by poor ball handling and momentum-killing penalties.  In a last-ditch effort to score their first try of the match, Apexiala elected to play out of their own end with no time remaining. They managed to put together several phases and were driving deep into Saint Mark territory, but were pinged for holding the ball.  After Blaze Emberfell found touch near midfield, the Lions had a chance to find points at the end of the half. 
Saint Mark won its lineout and scrumhalf Michael Hawk fooled everyone when he faked a pass off the back of the lineout and darted up the middle of the field. After a strong carry, he offloaded to a supporting Paul Reston who finished the job and scored. 

Coming out of the half, both teams struggled to find their footing in wet field conditions. Emberfell continued to pin the Apexiala team back and the defensive effort of Marcarius Hightower, Gregor Napoli, and Rudolph Centerman stopped any forward movement.
With time winding down Alan Stonegate put in one last try on a gutsy inside line for the final 15-0 margin. 

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Why Not? Band Member Hospitalized After Stabbing

Jack Atkins, lead singer of band Why Not?, has been hospitalized after near fatal stabbing and is in critical condition.

Atkins and his band had been hired to play in downtown Sheridan bar Tony's where he had been stabbed, after which the assailant was restrained by bar patrons and the police called.

Reportedly, the Giovanniland vs Saranzio match of the 4th Rugby World Cup was coming to a close on the establishment's television. A patron, 52 year old Rupert Kipling, asked the band to stop playing so he could hear the game. Atkins, who could not hear him, was immediately assaulted by Kipling wielding a knife and stabbed Atkins 4 times before being restrained. 

"I never thought something like this could happen in my bar", says bar owner Anthony Castiglione, "We're in a good part of town. The worst that has ever happened to me or any of the places around here is a break in at 2 am". Anthony has decided to no longer show competitive sports on the television.

Sheridan Police Chief Gordon Sanders has stated that Kipling has been jailed for violent crimes before, including armed robbery and spousal abuse. He is currently awaiting trial in Sheridan County Detention Center.

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Ryxtylopia's rugby debut has opened to a rough start after loosing 6-3 to Fujai

Inrique Guixatí       


The previous day, March 28th 1423, Ryxtylopia started its Rugby World cup debut against Fujai, a nation located in northern Polaris, right next to Dalimbar were the Rugby World Cup is taking place, the A.R.R performed decently enough, but weren't able to secure either a win or a tie, loosing by 3.

The match was while not intense, entretaining according to several fans from both sides, both teams played rather cautiously, in the end Fujansk experience got the better out of the Ryxtylopian team, but the score wasn't that one sided, compared to other results the previous day.


Fans of the A.R.R while not pleased with the results are still hopeful for the team to be able to recover from this first loss. Ryxtylopia's next match is against Dilber who are currently leading group D after their victory over the UNK (Kalmach) 10-6.

When it comes to the team itself, we did interview some of the players and the team's coach, opinions about the defeat are mixed, with some being content with the result, others dissapointed, now we'll present to you our interview with the team's coach: Andreís Tivarra.



[Reporter]: "Good afternoon Ryxtylopia! We are reporting from Dalimbar, currently with Andreís Tivarra, the coach for our Rugby team. Now, the band recently lost to Fujai by 3, what's your opinion about the match your team played yesterday?"

[Andreís]: "Well, if im honest, a bit dissapointed, i was pushing for the draw, but in the end they scored 2 times more than we did, while i have to admit, compared to other results it was pretty good, i think we could've done better."

[Reporter]: "Do you have any changes you would make in the squad?"

[Andreís]: "Some players showed talent, others did not, but its too soon for me to make concrete changes to our team, so for the next game it will remain the same as it is right now, depending on our performance in the upcomming game against Dilber i may or may not make changes"

[Reporter]: "Do you have any other opinions in the other games played in the group or in the tournament as a whole?"

[Andreís]: "In our group id say, all the debutants performed roughly the same, and most matches were pretty close, so that's slightly worrying, we must step up our game if we want to pass on and complete our goals set for this tournament. As for the other groups, there have been some interesting games, and some other that in my opinion were just plain uninteresting to watch; Overthinkers vs Libterraria was just a tryfest, while on the other end of the spectrum, Dilber vs Kalmach had me divided on who to root for, since we'll face off against both of those teams in the near future."

[Reporter]: "All right! And finally, how good would you rate this tournament."

[Andreís]: "So far its been pretty, alright! There have been surprises, unfortunatley our team hasn't been one yet, but overall id say its alright, what isn't alright is the Dalimbari climate, makes me with i had brung more layers with me."

[Reporter]: "It is pretty chilly here, but anyways, thank you for your time Andreís!"

[Andreís]: "No problem, hope to see ya after the Dilber match, in a better mood."



The team, did put an official statement yesterday on social media reading: "The match, while not ideal didn't go badly by any means, we hope our audience remains supportive and soon we'll be delivering results, Adilíenti Ryxtylopia! A Vyncer!"

We will patiently wait for the results from the next match our rugby team has against Dilber, and other match results, this rugby cup has just started!


Adilíenti Ryxtylopia! A Vyncer!


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"Did you see how wonderful my Paul was!" beamed Lady Arlene as her maid poured the tea.

Archbishop Lumendei patiently nodded and smiled in response for the fourth time in this same conversation. 

"Yes, he was quite a show-stopper. You must be so proud. The Lions were very much on their game today. I almost feel sorry for those poor young people from ... where was that? ... Apexia or something like that? They just couldn't catch a break."

"Oh, yes. Quite. The Lions do deserve the win, of course, though. They've worked so hard this past year, trying to improve themselves. I really think they've come quite far."

"Yes, indeed they have, Countess. It is a fine day for Saint Mark."

"Oh, it is! Our horrible trip here is completely washed from my mind!"

"Let us hope, and dare I say maybe pray a little, that they can make a good showing in their next match. The Zoranians are an excellent team."

"Now don't go spoiling my mood! My Paul and his Lions shone forth today. Let's focus on that for now. Cucumber sandwich?"

The two enjoyed their tea and each other's company in the warm glow of the setting sun and the glorious day.

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29 March 1423


Port Kaisah neighborhood, Kaisah, District Seven

Two years I have been stuck in this rather unpleasant country with little to no contact to the outside world except for the occasional interaction I have with a Cambrian operative. There are many things I miss…especially the internet…the intranet here is weird but maybe I could explore the option of corrupting it somehow with misleading or disruptive information at some point.

The man thinks as he walks down the streets of Port Kaisah, he came down here from Saint Andreisburg for one reason and one reason only, to deliver a message. While he is taking a risk in doing this he feels that he should take advantage of the situation he believes is occurring. While it may very well be possible that the Zoranian government has changed the way the SIC operates, he has an itching feeling that the Rugby tournament is something they could get involved in considering it is taking place here in Dalimbar.

The tricky part is finding an operative as our intelligence service is clever with their disguises.The whole “little gray man” concept for their disguises helps them become indistinguishable from your average civilian unless you are carefully scanning a crowd.

He walks into a café in the rugby zone and gazes around the establishment to see if he sees a Zoranian, which to his luck he did. After taking a seat behind the Zoranian so that he was back to back with them. He took out the crossword puzzle he had tucked away in his coat and opened it up before saying in a conspiratorial tone,

“Is the banana bread any good?”

“Clear skies throughout the day.” replied the Zoranian to CGZ’s surprise,

“And I thought there would be rain by five.” CGZ responded. He waited for a few minutes before heading to the bathrooms where he waited for five minutes for the Zoranian to join him.

“Listen man, I thought we were told to avoid contact with each other outside of our co-” CGZ pushed against the wall and put a hand over the man’s mouth,

“We don’t have much time, I am not part of whatever operation you are part of but I have a message for your Queen,” CGZ takes an envelope out of his coat pocket and holds it in front of the man’s eyes, “make sure it gets to her, tell your boss to tell her it is from a friend. Do I make myself clear?” The man’s eyes narrowed but slowly nodded his head. CGZ slowly releases the man who immediately grabs their arm and attempts a reversal only to find themselves thrown over CGZ’s shoulder onto the ground. Before they had time to get up and react, CGZ notices the Blue Card in the man’s pocket, snatches it, and backs up a few paces,

“Attempt that again and I will flush this down the toilet.” the man groans as he gets, keeping their eyes on the card, “I am not your enemy but I sure as hell can ruin the operation you are part of should you attempt that shit. Do you understand me?”

“Crystal clear.” says the man begrudgingly,

“Good, now I am going to hand your card back with my envelope. After that, I will leave the bathroom and you will follow two minutes after me. Got it?” The man nods in response which leads CGZ to hand over the blue card with the envelope. He washes his hands at the sink (for hygiene purposes) and walks out the bathroom back to their seat and just as instructed the man does as well two minutes later. A waitress comes up to CGZ’s table,

“What would you like, sir?” she asks in Dalimbari,

“A double shot of espresso please, oh and a pastry of your recommendation.” He is going to need that double shot because it is going to be a long day when he gets back to Saint Andreisburg as he gets the gears rolling on the final phase of his plan to complete the assignment from Cambria, find out a crucial piece of information directly from Stavka’s inner circle that Cambrian intelligence doesn’t know yet…an assignment which he has been working two whole years to complete with careful planning.

Edited by Zoran
I kept being a dumbass
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All locker rooms stink. But here, in Nadu Naval Stadium’s visiting team locker room, the air reeked of defeat.

Yaya Gagare watched slumped shoulders tear off their jerseys. They didn’t slump with exhaustion, though there was plenty of that. They slumped with disappointment: all their grueling work had just barely earned them a draw against Larxia at 22 to 22, and that only because of a lucky drop goal from Thorsten, the team’s hooker. If the sea wind hadn’t cooperated, if Thorsten’s leg was just a little bit more tired, the Ostronians would have come back to this locker room with a real defeat on their shoulders.

But they acted as if they bore such a load anyway, and nothing pissed off Yaya Gagare more. Across the room, his bitter glare met Erik‘s, who was rubbing his knees like an aching pensioner. The team captain looked grave; he knew not to risk the team’s already injured morale with a locker room speech, and silently his eyes pleaded with Yaya to do the same. But Yaya wasn’t on the edge of retirement with his whole career behind him. He was just twenty-one with a name and sponsorships to make. He wasn’t going to let these sob stories ruin his chances at making history before the whole world.

He stood up. “What the hell are we doing?”

The whole team paused. Alex Uchechukwu even turned off the water and poked his soaked head out from the showers.

“Look, lads, if we go slumping into the match tomorrow like this, we’re gonna be crushed!” he exclaimed, turning round the room full of faces too ashamed to meet his. 

He spat the words in each face he passed. ”We didn’t lose today. We. Didn’t. Lose. Today.

“We’re already an upset, boys. Who expected the nowhere team from the nowhere country Ostronia, in the very first match of this world cup, to even tie Larxia? I bet you those Larxians are punching their lockers right now. I bet you they’re crying to their mothers over the phone. We’ve shown them all how strong we can be! Now we need to show them how long we can last!”

He walked up to Erik, still bent over his knees. “Chin up, cap. You’ll get your rest day on Day 6. But we’ve got four matches between us and then—four more matches to play just a little bit harder than we did today.

”Tomorrow, against Hertfordia, I’m grabbing us another try. And if I don’t, I know one of us will.”

He stopped in front of Vilfred, the other prop, still sporting the black eye Yaya’s right hook had given him last night. He offered him a hand in truce. Vil squinted at it, mulling over Yaya’s words.

He clasped Yaya by the arm and got back on his feet. The two stood side by side. “One of us will,” Vil grinned.



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On the Passing of Felix Mayr

March 29, 1423

Today, we grieve with the people of Rikanhimmel as they mourn the passing of eight-year-old Felix Mayr, who died tragically after falling from the Hauser Cliffs of the country’s Lac Cabot du Nord shoreline last week – despite a heroic rescue operation in hazardous storm conditions. We were awed by the skill and bravery of the rescue team and the solidarity of the Rikan people as they held out hope for Felix’s survival. We offer our deepest condolences to Felix’s family and all Rikans.

Flag Officer Announcements

March 30, 1423

Minister for the Defense August Soots announced today that Her Majesty the Queen has made the following appointments and promotions:

Navy Rear Adm. Oskar Reek is promoted to the grade of vice admiral, and appointed commander, Naval Air Forces; and commander, Naval Air Force, RNF Northern Fleet, Saint-Mattis. Reek is currently serving as chief of staff, North Polaris Aerospace Defense Command.

Navy Rear Adm. Aleksander Lill is promoted to the grade of vice admiral, and appointed commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Saint-Mattis. Lill is currently serving as program executive officer for Aircraft Carriers, Saint-Josalyn.

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Somewhere, within a Rugby Zone...

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: I don't like the Tsar, or the Marshall.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: James, now is not the time for your republican views.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: So anyway, shall we get on? The Tadmartonshire local government leader...

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Yes, now he has the power to lower the speed limit and stop parents eating sandwiches in cars if kids are present. Now what he needs to do is take a leaf out of the Tsar's book.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: What, marry someone from Saint Mark?

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: No!

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: That never happened.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: The Tsar has the constitutional power to declare war on another country, but he never does. Even after a big party, where he's a bit...

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Does he what?

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: ...and all his mates are egging him on, "Go on, Meci, declare war on someone".

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Can he really do that?

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Yeah, he can do that but he never does.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Does he get "Hello, is that Mr. Briand? This is the Tsar, we're at waaaaar!"? I'd do that every week!

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: He can do that! I'd be constant, I'd do it every- "Oh god, what have I done?".

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Yeah. I would love to be a drunk Tsar.

[Clarkson has a look of concern spread on his face, Hammond realises what he's just said.]

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: I didn't mean...

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Shall we move on?

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Yes.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Well it's not just shrines that are built well in Hertfordshire & Jammbo, it's absolutely everything.

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: Except wine.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Yeah, except wine.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Except for wine.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Sorry.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: It is...

[An audible boo from nearby Hertfordians can be heard]

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Well. Come on.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Oh now, come on.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: You drink that stuff?

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: I wouldn't wash my hair in it. ...Erm...

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Are you sure?

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: No, it is literally everything though. I mean, Hertfordian shrines, better than anybody else's shrines. Snow pizza, erm, pirate ships, the Dalimbari language script! That's Jammbonian.

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: No it isn't.

[Hammond shrugs]

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: It is! That's why the Hertfordian/Jammbonian fans feel right at home even though they're a hundred-and-forty-seventeen hours from snow-land.

[Hammond holds back a laugh]

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: Well, that and the temperature.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Good point. It might actually be warmer here than back home.

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: Here, look at this.

[Hammond secretly places an edited picture of Marshall Briand in a coffin on May's desk]

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: I found a Phozuki Cinnara, which is small, sturdy, safe.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Yeah.

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: 1,300 quid.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Yeah.

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: Gives me 1,200 quid.

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: To spend on insurance?

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: On-

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: That won't be enough.

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: It-

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Δ1,200, I guarantee you, won't be enough.

Richard.jpg.c5c718bb70b152189a678eecce9af6f3.jpgRichard Hammond: Some say that a member of the Militsiya predicted his birth, and that he is convinced that psoriasis is a secondary school. All we know is, he's not the Stig, he's the Stig's Military Cousin.

[Clarkson and May spot Stig's Military Cousin, and the team manager next to them]

James.thumb.jpg.6405851fcfc50ee4aed38c82288d9f5a.jpgJames May: Why is he here?

Jeremy.jpg.60f36d7fe8205834e6dd7377db9c0282.jpgJeremy Clarkson: Oh shit! We've got to get back to the others.

Lisa.jpg.0897d9305ce78726f9ffcbf3daccd141.jpgLisa Loboda: I implore that you get a move on.


Military Stig

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Kites soar over Libterraria, 26-0, in international debut

SAINT ANDREISBURG, Dalimbar (NPO)—The Overthinkers national rugby team made a clear statement in its first-ever Rugby World Cup match Tuesday, blowing out Libterraria 26-0 to take an early lead in group play.

Left wing Lee Julius led the team with two tries, starting with a momentum-shifting play. The first 23 minutes of the game were all defense, neither team gaining much ground. Both teams combined for only 6 minutes of possession in opposing territory to that point. 

At the 23-minute mark, a punt from Libterraria was caught by fullback Robert Caseus just in front of the OT 22.  The teams met at midfield and the Kites passed the ball down the line until it reached Julius. They danced around the edge of the Libterrarian defense and ran to the try line nearly uncontested from there. Jason Stella scored the conversion, setting the tone for the rest of the match.

The ball stayed in Libterraria territory for most of the remainder of the first half. A wayward Libterraria pass 15m from their own goal found its way into the hands of Alan Cord, and David Nauta punched it in for a try at the 37-minute mark. Stella missed the conversion.

The Kites denied any hope Libterraria had of a clean slate at the start of


the second half, receiving the kickoff and pushing deep into opponent territory yet again. A maul formed in front of the 5-meter line, and “Mother” Theresa Argent rolled right to score the try. Stella’s conversion was good.

Reserve back Quinn Callum lost control of the ball on the next kick, giving Libterraria their best chance at scoring in a while. But after winning the scrum, no ball  carrier was able to make up any more ground; OT’s defense creating an impenetrable wall. The possession ended with the ball rolling into touch, and the fatigued Libterarria team could do little after that. 

Julius added one last bit of glitter to the match, powering through three opposing forwards and the fullback to score another try with 12 minutes to go. They walked off the field to roaring cheers from the crowd in Marinsky Stadium. Stella made the conversion to close out the game 3 for 4.

The 26-0 rout is the largest margin of victory in the World Cup in two years, when Libterraria fell to Dalimbar by 27. It places the team in excellent position should there be a tiebreak scenario. Overthinkers’ next opponent in group play is perennial competitor Nieubasria, which beat Perourin 10-7 on Match Day 1. 

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Third Meeting of the Eastern Polaris Drug Dialogue (EPDD)

MARCH 30, 1423

Yesterday, Associate Minister of State for International Law Enforcement Affairs Aemilie Vares participated virtually alongside representatives from United Adaikes and Teralyon in the third EPDD meeting to advance trilateral public health and security efforts to address the drug threats facing eastern Polaris, especially the production, trafficking, and use of synthetic drugs.

The three governments reviewed progress since the last EPDD in August 1420 and agreed to more closely cooperate and share information to better understand and address the production and trafficking of illegal drugs, the public health harms associated with drug use, and illicit finances.

Additional information may be found in the joint statement released by Cambria, United Adaikes, and Teralyon, available at https://www.gov.cam/directorate-of-international-law-enforcement-affairs-media/.

Special thanks to Teralyon and United Adaikes for their input.

Haha! You tried to click the link...

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The calm before the game



The members of the Ryxtylopian Rugby team were in training, the defeat against Fujai had lowered but not completley destroyed spirits, but the next game against Dilber seemed tough as they were leading the group, despite this Andreís Tivarra, knew only one game had been played so far, so the results could still vary.

Nontheless even with about 7 hours before the game, he took the boys out to practice, against eachother, with two teams being assembled with players both from the starting 15, the bench and the reserves, and them being told to play against eachother, this would help them to prepare for the game ahead.

After about 2 hours, they left the pitch and went inside, here talks about strategies began as well as talks if they could even make it out of the groups;


"Alright everybody, listen up, beating Dilber like with Fujai won't be easy, but i wanna spice things up a bit, if we wanna spice things up, instead of just staying on our side of the pitch, how about we go all in once even the slightest opportunity comes up?" Says Tivarra to the team.

To this he got a response from Quista Farris: "I dont think the, even  at the slightest opportunity is a good idea, we should try to keep the ball as far away from our side even if it means not trying to score."

"Well that could be viable but if we dont try to score that could end in a tie but a very boring match, not very inspiring for our fans, we need to show everybody we at least tried" Zincho Ampardía added.

"True, we should still be cautious and selective with our attacks." Said Rinaco Zicha.

"Alright, well, if all of you still have the spirits necessary to go through this game, which im sure will be quite rough, then we can perhaps make it through." Answered Tivarra.

Then, someone stood up.

"Come on everybody, we can't just sit and let them score, if we're going to put a good show we must not only try, but we must give it everything we got! Take this not as an impossible task, but as an opportunity to gain experience, while we might not pass the groups, this experience will help better our home league, that has suffered from neglect for years! Toogheter we can't do anything, but like Ampardía said, try our best." Said Angilina Nivas

At first silence, before a man in the group started singing;

"Adilienti Ryxtylopia... Adilienti a vyncér, e diporte la pasion, di noistra naxion quista di pie!"

"Adilienti Ryxtylopia... Adilienti a vyncér, e diporte la pasion, di noistra naxion quista di pie!"

"Adilienti Ryxtylopia" is a song composed relativley recently, when Ryxtylopia first entered into the world of international sporting events, and it had become fairly well known amongst Ryxtylopians, as soon as that voice started, more joined, and soon enough the entire room was singing it, with players cheering and jumping as they sung.

"Die Nyrte a Sur, e diporte triunfirá, por a Ryxtylopia a musica reysonará!"

"Adilienti Ryxtylopia... Adilienti a vyncér, e diporte la pasion, di noistra naxion quista di pie!"

"Adilienti Ryxtylopia... Adilienti a vyncér, e diporte la pasion, di noistra naxion quista di pie!"



As the song ended the team errupted in cheers, as everybody laughed, and re-affirmed their commitment to the sport, before packing up and getting ready to leave for the stadium, determined to if not win at least put on a good show.

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(continuation from here, 1 hour after..)

"Call anyone from the Sports Commission, may it be Pouria's deputy or the parking attendant," the President's personal Red Palace secretary Diego Vernon received the instruction from Jed Gill, the Red Palace Chief of Staff.

Gill has been going in and out of the President's Office, and this has been the fifth instruction Vernon received from Gill.

Inside the President's Office...

"Tell me the National Police has found Pouria," President Luke Salazar asked Gill when he saw him enter the room again.

Gill shook his head.

"When things get better, I am always reminded that there are other problems in the country. I did not think this would happen on top of these cherry problems we're having," the President said.

"I thought Teralyon is accepting 1.5M tons of 'em from us?" the Vice President asked.

"We haven't heard anything from them yet, sir," Gill replied.

The next voice they heard was not the voice they were expecting to hear.

"Mr. President," the National Security Adviser Marian Proudfoot started, with everyone going silent, expecting bad news, "my agents have confirmed that Pouria has left the country."

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New Zoradia, Zoran


30 March 1423

Atsil is looking over more reports that are monitoring the situation in the southern Darkesian Sea between Varanius and Giovanniland when Director Soyohata of the SIC enters her office.

"Your Majesty, an operative send something from Dalimbar...their report is very odd." Atsil sighs before looking up at him,

"Alright, give it here and tell me what happened." As Soyohata approaches her desk she opens a draw and takes out some gloves as well as a letter opener in order to carefully deal with the letter.

"The operative was in a café getting some breakfast..." They began to recount the events to Atsil as he laid the envelope down on the desk. Carefully, Atsil took the envelop and started to open it using the letter opener and surprisingly there was no letter within the envelope, rather a dalimbari coin. "...then they threatened to dro-a coin?"

"Indeed, a simple coin...hmm, get me a razor blade or some sort of small blade."

"You think it is a hollow coin?"

If it is a hollow coin then it has a message, why else would someone want to send a coin in an envelope?" Soyohata nodded and went to retrieve a razor blade and returned with one after a few minutes. Atsil carefully took the blade and slowly cut into the side of the coin until it opened to reveal a piece of paper within a hollow coin. She smiles and looks up to Soyohata,

"Call up some of your guys in cryptography and have them decipher this and don't come back until you crack it."

"Whatever you say bo-" Atsil shoots him a look, "-your Majesty."

20:00 - One hour late

Atsil is about to turn it in for the night, picking up some items from her desk when Soyohata enters the office again,

"Oh wow, just arrived on time. Cryptography boys were pissed because they supposedly just got home when I called them but they managed to crack it. It sounds like utter nonsense to me but it came out to 'Still surrounded by the wolves?' Is this some occult nonsense or a wa-" Soyohata stopped when he noticed how still Atstil had become at those words,

"Repeat that again for me?" Atsil asked in a soft tone,

"'Still surrounded by the wolves.'" Soyohata looked up from the piece of paper to see Atsil...trembling? "Your Majesty?" he asked slightly concerned. He slowly approached her but when he got about five feet from her he saw the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

"Either someone is playing a dangerous prank or..." said Atsil,


"Or he has been alive this whole time."


"You are...dismissed."

"No no no, wha-"

"I SAID DISMISSED!" Soyohata took a step back and thought it best to leave before something likely comes flying at his head. He left the paper on the table and left the office, quietly closing the door behind him. Atsil was left alone in the office, alone with the thought of the friend she had mourned for so long being alive this whole time.

What in the Spirit's name are you doing in Dalimbar?!

She thought to herself before sitting back down in her office chair to take a moment to process this possible revelation.

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Rugby World Cup News
Watch all games live right here


In what promises to be a thrilling encounter, the Teralyon Rugby team and the Ionian Rugby team are set to face off in the upcoming Rugby World Cup match. Both teams are going into the match with 1 win each, which means that the winner of this match will take a significant step forward in their quest for the championship.

Teralyon started their campaign with a dominant victory over the team from Sekiya, tonight's match will show if they can keep that momentum when they take the field. The two teams seem to be evenly matched and it's expected to be a close contest, with both sides possessing a wealth of talent and experience. Teralyon will be looking to build on their impressive attacking display from their opening match, while the Ionian Rugby team will be relying on their strong tactics to counter.

Watch the game Live right here with your Tarajevo+ for free with your account!

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Iconic Rugby Stadiums of Giovanniland: Part Three
Posted 30/03/1423 

SporTravel is at full steam! We're posting once more another part of our series of showcasing interesting rugby stadiums within Giovanniland. Our national rugby team, the Squadra Nationala Giovanniterrana de Ovalsfera, has had its first match in Dalimbar resulting in a scoreless draw against Saranzio, so perhaps we could all give them some well wishes and good luck (feel free to post a comment)! We may also want to look back at our history, the history of the Giovannilandian Rugby Confederation that has earned various notable international results, such as 3rd place in the 1st Rugby World Cup (Rugby Union), and also 3rd place in the 1420 and 1421 editions of the Esferiad (Rugby Sevens). 

Meanwhile, Giovannilandians and sport-loving tourists might want to visit some of the best rugby pitches and stadiums in Giovanniland, even when they're not actively having games, to appreciate these beautiful buildings and the rugby sport itself. Without further ado, let's take a look at the three stadiums we've featured today:


Arena Abreu-Floryn, Porto Violeta Prefecture-Level City - Capacity: 68,042

The Arena Abreu-Floryn is the main stadium of the second largest city in Giovanniland, also known as the busiest seaport with which the nation trades with Esferos. The home team is called the Viperas Violetas, the violet snakes. As for the namesake of the stadium, it is the famous Abreu-Floryn family that includes the Tomás and Joakim brothers that incentivized the country to become an industrial nation while being Prime Ministers. The reason for that is because Aurelio de Abreu-Floryn (father of Kandido de Abreu-Floryn, also a prime minister) funded the construction of the stadium in the mid-14th century, as rugby was his favorite sport.


Stadio Fernando I, Andoliaville Prefecture-Level City - Capacity: 82,224

The largest stadium in the Andolian part of Giovanniland, its home team is one of the most successful rugby teams of the nation, the Aquilas de Andoliaville (eagles), which has won the national league several times. The namesake of the stadium is Fernando I, the successor of the Giovannian Empire’s founder Giovanni I, who led the first expedition to Andolia and later incorporated the northern coast, also named after him. Just like the stadium, the city where it’s located is also the largest in the Andolian Territory (one of the two parts of the country together with the Auran Territory), with 640,816 inhabitants. Andoliaville certainly offers many historical tourist attractions, such as a vast museum, and serves as a starting point for tourists who want to explore the rest of the region, besides also having a very busy port just like Porto Violeta.


Stadio Insularo, Gioville Prefecture-Level City - Capacity: 54,400

The Stadio Insularo, as the name says, is located on the island chain off the northern Andolian coast, called Fernando Islands after the emperor Fernando I—whereas the city itself developed from a fort originally called Forte Giovanni II, named after another emperor, who led the same empire to its maximum extension. After the empire’s fall, the city gained its current name and expanded far beyond the original settlement and currently holds the ranking of 7th largest in the country, recently becoming a prefecture-level city separate from its neighboring prefecture of Virandolia. About the city, it’s unique among other major cities in the country in that several sports facilities for different sports are located just across each other, as seen in the picture. The rugby team that plays here is called Gavias de Gioville (hawks).

And after these three stadiums showcase, we finish another part of our series! Thank you for reading, good and safe travels if you are looking to visit rugby stadiums in Giovanniland, and good luck to our national team! If you've got suggestions of new stadiums to talk about for the next parts, email us at sportravelgiovanniland@giovamail.com.

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Column, row, diagonals. MD1 Score Brief.


The Peouroun crowd in the stands are wild about the game with Nieubasria. Peourouin's first Rubgy World Cup.

The game began with a strong hold for Nieubasria with their first try within a mere 3 minutes. Peouroun offense was evident that they would head for the try, which was accomplished close to the end of the first half with a try by Grenwich.

Second half was heavily contested with constant and missed penalties. However, Nieubasria was able to secure the penalty with seconds to spare.

The loss comes devastatingly for both the fans and players, but sportsmanship was present between the two teams.

Nieubasria 10-7 Peourouin

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While waiting for Lisa to come back with Jeremy, Richard and James, the others decided to have a chat...

Kanako.jpg.b060abad4a6a2351333edaaa05f77ccc.jpgKanako Y.: ...And that is why my shrine is the best in the country.

Stig.jpg.e959ec5d3f380e6ea3d932ed80f2942c.jpgThe Stig: ... [Disapproving gestures]

Promestein2.png.40c6c7747668616f5503446aff9dc5c6.pngPromestein P.: I have no idea what Stig is saying.

Lain.jpg.9ba924d38fe8fcb667e8b90376098f7f.jpgLain V.: No one does. We don't even know if they're communicating at all.

Stig.jpg.e959ec5d3f380e6ea3d932ed80f2942c.jpgThe Stig: ... [Gestures towards the stadium]

Origami.png.680d9192c3bec134b61b62202ca0a656.pngOrigami T.: That's where the next match is.

Tess.jpg.68d7975a24911d4c9b10e0b60e2d079e.jpgTess D.: According to my files, we'll be up against Ostronia.

Gankyou.png.11570dd3a600eb7c724ec12ecf19cf69.pngGankyou K.: I met some of their fans on the way here. They were unnerved.

Arthur.jpg.778f10b04df92aca9fb5519dae146906.jpgArthur P.: Most people would be when someone goes right up to their faces and then points them out.

Kanako.jpg.b060abad4a6a2351333edaaa05f77ccc.jpgKanako Y.: You mention unnerving, yet you of all people are here.

Shizune.png.97738cdadba98934199458789cc6d77f.pngShizune H.: ... (Sign language) -> [Translation: Didn't Arthur try to take over the country once?]

Faust2.png.0eb4b9574b696cec25806d0dba5bac8d.pngFaust H.: Does anyone here understand sign language?

Stig.jpg.e959ec5d3f380e6ea3d932ed80f2942c.jpgThe Stig: ... (Sign language) -> [Translation: Yes, he did.)

Delta.jpg.0cceefabb05fa305ce40f8536fcae922.jpgDelta Z.: So The Stig can communicate in an intelligible way.

Faust2.png.0eb4b9574b696cec25806d0dba5bac8d.pngFaust H.: You know, I've never heard Shizune utter a single word before.

Julian.png.f8638a0ee075b567d9ebe9a718b891b2.pngJulian K.: Have you been living under a rock?

Promestein2.png.40c6c7747668616f5503446aff9dc5c6.pngPromestein P.: Faust was willingly holed up in his house for ages making his spinning top spin, so he may as well have been living under a rock.

Damian.png.4feba305c1f4334d72060c435d05e4bb.pngDamian H.: Those spinning tops are called beys. Get it right.

Tess.jpg.68d7975a24911d4c9b10e0b60e2d079e.jpgTess D.: I concur, use the correct name for the sport.

Seiya.png.1052ad91340f2b85e81462ae0c0e0f08.pngSeiya N.: To respond to Faust, Shizune is both deaf and mute. It means sign language is the only way she can communicate with anyone.

Lain.jpg.9ba924d38fe8fcb667e8b90376098f7f.jpgLain V.: Faust, you are the only person here who didn't know that.

Stig.jpg.e959ec5d3f380e6ea3d932ed80f2942c.jpgThe Stig: ... (sign language) -> [Translation: Maybe if he stopped focusing on Tempo for a moment, he'd know.]

Lain.jpg.9ba924d38fe8fcb667e8b90376098f7f.jpgLain V.: Stig just backed up my assertion.

Gankyou.png.11570dd3a600eb7c724ec12ecf19cf69.pngGankyou K.: Weren't we asking why Arthur was here?

Shu.png.4fd061653cd522c894a099cf6a18ca0e.pngShu K.: Arthur once tried to launch a coup d'etat against the Tsar. He believes that Hertfordshire and Jammbo should be set up as an absolute monarchy.

Sage.jpg.5cb5e15a268ea4510dbaa2c6c1b6ca34.jpgSage R.: It is an absolute monarchy now.

Krux.png.e2f3d785b355510711d62dae586ebd5e.pngKrux H.: The original Anglian script has been restored as well. Good times.

Sage.jpg.5cb5e15a268ea4510dbaa2c6c1b6ca34.jpgSage R. : The boomer saying that correlates with the data I have.

Kanako.jpg.b060abad4a6a2351333edaaa05f77ccc.jpgKanako Y.: Sage, never degrade yourself by making a boomer joke again. Your father would not be proud.

Krux.png.e2f3d785b355510711d62dae586ebd5e.pngKrux H.: It was unfunny when it first surfaced and it's still unfunny to this day.

Arthur.jpg.778f10b04df92aca9fb5519dae146906.jpgArthur P.: Maybe I can use the boomer joke to mentally torture those who oppose my organisation Inferno.

Naho.jpg.f417202b6546baac366a7dac3869ee73.jpgNaho S.: You think you're on to something? Well, you're not.

Shu.png.4fd061653cd522c894a099cf6a18ca0e.pngShu K.: So go fish?

[Naho nods]

Rago.png.6d897d0fb1d7b57c066668a13743e986.pngRago N.: Why you...!

Nagisa.png.b98973d7109e9089188e6cc726075648.pngNagisa I.: Hmm. Oh, this? Yeah, I did it! Well? What do you think? Great, isn't it?

[Nagisa has ended the mini-God of Destruction statue that Rago had been working on]

Naho.jpg.f417202b6546baac366a7dac3869ee73.jpgNaho S.: Well it pissed Rago off so it's good for something.

Mizore.jpg.686dfdc569b6eb4e7648d9558d1754f2.jpgMizore S.: It's almost tragic.

Free.jpg.03154503cb6eb619ff7dcaf464c1d900.jpgFree de la H.: No need for concern Mizore, nothing of value was lost.

Delta.jpg.0cceefabb05fa305ce40f8536fcae922.jpgDelta Z.: That's most likely why she said "almost".

Eirin.jpg.e7779816cbb75d67a4b926f34e66686e.jpgEirin Y.: While normally I warn against assumptions, that sounds plausible.

Nagisa.png.b98973d7109e9089188e6cc726075648.pngNagisa I.: Nemesis, was it? It was kind of annoying, so I made it so that it couldn't function anymore!

Damian.png.4feba305c1f4334d72060c435d05e4bb.pngDamian H.: I for one am all for this.

Origami.png.680d9192c3bec134b61b62202ca0a656.pngOrigami T.: Nemesis is not the Messiah that Rago likes to claim it is.

Gankyou.png.11570dd3a600eb7c724ec12ecf19cf69.pngGankyou K.: Oh, look over here!

[Gankyou points at the arriving people in an extravagant manner, as if making a great discovery. Clarkson, Hammond, May and Lisa are back.]

Richard.jpg.a0ceb92920ee3d4c7468b52c70886f0a.jpgRichard H.: Hello chaps.

Stig.jpg.e959ec5d3f380e6ea3d932ed80f2942c.jpgThe Stig: ...

Julian.png.f8638a0ee075b567d9ebe9a718b891b2.pngJulian K.: This means they met the Stig's Military Cousin.

Arthur.jpg.778f10b04df92aca9fb5519dae146906.jpgArthur P.: How many family members does this guy have?

Mizore.jpg.686dfdc569b6eb4e7648d9558d1754f2.jpgMizore S.: Far more than you've met so far.

Rago.png.6d897d0fb1d7b57c066668a13743e986.pngRago N.: This is just impossible.

Krux.png.e2f3d785b355510711d62dae586ebd5e.pngKrux H.: Living in the present day is impossible.

Mizore.jpg.686dfdc569b6eb4e7648d9558d1754f2.jpgMizore S.: Can a snowstorm localise on Krux now?

Gwyn.png.d20434b681545fbbff735f0e3f4bbc45.pngGwyn R.: That won't be possible, as much as I also wish for a snowstorm to hit Krux specifically.

Rococo.png.29e71b209ed8ad604dad6b50745226d3.pngRococo U.: That wasn't the nicest thing to say.

Arthur.jpg.778f10b04df92aca9fb5519dae146906.jpgArthur P.: Who cares?! He deserves it.

...the now full again team soon found themselves trying to stop Rago from kicking Nagisa's face in.

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Results of the 2nd Match Day of the Group Stage

Group A
Ionia 0–17 Teralyon
Ostronia 27–17 Hertfordshire and Jammbo
Dalimbar 34–8 Larxia

  Group A                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  Pts 
1 Teralyon                      2   2  0  0   44  10 +34    8
2 Ostronia                      2   1  1  0   49  39 +10    6
3 Dalimbar                      1   1  0  0   34   8 +26    4
4 Ionia                         2   1  0  1   23  38 −15    4
5 Larxia                        2   0  1  1   30  56 −26    2
6 Hertfordshire and Jammbo      2   0  0  2   38  50 −12    0
7 Sekiya                        1   0  0  1   10  27 −17    0

Group B
Saranzio 30–24 Varanius
Apexiala 7–13 Giovanniland
Zoran 16–7 Saint Mark

  Group B                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  Pts 
1 Saranzio                      2   1  1  0   30  24  +6    6
2 Giovanniland                  2   1  1  0   13   7  +6    6
3 Zoran                         1   1  0  0   16   7  +9    4
4 Varanius                      2   1  0  1   50  44  +6    4
5 Saint Mark                    2   1  0  1   22  16  +6    4
6 Rivalfiume                    1   0  0  1   14  26 −12    0
7 Apexiala                      2   0  0  2    7  28 −21    0

Group C
Peourouin 11–0 Einherfell (NPC)
Overthinkers 16–3 Nieubasria
Cambria 13–6 Libterraria (NPC)

  Group C                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  Pts 
1 Overthinkers                  2   2  0  0   42   3 +39    8
2 Peourouin                     2   1  0  1   18  10  +8    4
3 Cambria                       1   1  0  0   13   6  +7    4
4 Cyrylic                       1   1  0  0   16  15  +1    4
5 Nieubasria                    2   1  0  1   13  23 −10    4
6 Einherfell (NPC)              2   0  0  2   15  27 −12    0
7 Libterraria (NPC)             2   0  0  2    6  39 −33    0

Group D
Kalmach 21–11 Arifiyyah
Ryxtylopia 21–3 Dilber
United Adaikes 11–10 Fujai

  Group D                     Pld   W  D  L   PF  PA  PD  Pts 
1 Ryxtylopia                    2   1  0  1   24   9 +15    4
2 Kalmach                       2   1  0  1   27  21  +6    4
3 Fujai                         2   1  0  1   16  14  +2    4
4 United Adaikes                1   1  0  0   11  10  +1    4
5 Arifiyyah                     2   1  0  1   25  33  −8    4
6 Dilber                        2   1  0  1   13  27 −14    4
7 Aftokratoria                  1   0  0  1   12  14  −2    0


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A Sekiyan Story - Part 3


Journal Entries 644-648
Kommandant Wilhelm Riker, 6th Battallion 'Airsides'
Fallschirmtruppen Division 'Erzengels'
Luftkorps, Republican Army

29/03/23 - 04:34
We've just had word that Divisioun Norden of the Wachkorps has been put on amber alert, and that my brigade, the 6th Airsides of the Luftkorps, is being being temporarily moved to Camp Iwwer, 13 miles south of Eisenhaustad. 

We haven't had a break. Barely just finishing this year's mandatory natural disaster recovery training, we were previously tied up in a joint airborne exercise in Hallessekratamia for 6 months with our Kalmachian allies. People want to see their wives, their families. Moral is low.

29/03/23 - 12:56
The brigade has begun it's move in coaches to Camp Iwwer, our new temporary home. We're here until Eisenhaustad returns to normal. We missed the match due to the training, but it didn't take long for us to find out about the situation at home. 

Our brigade is primarily Karlan, with only around 40% of the division being a Mittellandian. We've trained together for years, and I couldn't imagine any ethnic violence within our brigade, however I have overheard of a few cases within other parts of the army.

30/03/23 - 19:11
The whole division has settled into Camp Iwwer. I'm not allowed to tell anyone, but we've been joined by the Besonneschloftkommandos from the special forces. We haven't been told anything other than that we need to be on standby to be able to get to the city within a one hour warning. 

I'm concerned about our orders. So far, the only activity in Eisenhaustad are peaceful Karlan protestors unhappy with the ethnic violence, calling for stronger measures. I don't know why a fully equipped, combat-ready battalion like the 6th would be needed this close to a domestic issue.

31/03/23 - 14:27
Just come out of an operational briefing with the other senior officers. The Sekiyan Intelligence Agency has strong reason to believe that there some radicals may be coming to Eisenhaustad to confront the peaceful protestors. Several users on online forums have called for Mittellandians to come to Eisenhaustad, armed.

There have been more reports of ethnic tension in the army, and I found out that the 6th Airsides and the Besonneschloftkommandos have been specially selected due to our high percentage of Karlan troops.

I don't want any fighting. The last thing any of us want is to have to fight our own civilians, and its not something I ever want to put on my troops.

We remain on standby.




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Giovannilandian Rugby Report

Kaisah, Dalimbar — Welcome to the fourth edition of the Giovannilandian Rugby Report! I am Magdalena Vindamir, the main reporter here at Dalimbar to cover the Giovannilandian National Rugby Team's performance at the 4th Rugby World Cup! Some of you may remember me for providing coverage of Kharventhin events during the 2nd Summer Esferiad, and I am happy to announce that I have now been promoted! The former reporter, Carlos, has also earned a promotion and is now the director of our sports coverage. Congratulations to both of us!

I'm here at Kaisah, the city hosting two rugby stadiums that has been holding all matches of Group B for the entirety of the group stage. Together with Giovanniland in the group are three neighboring nations—Saint Mark, Varanius, and current champions Zoran—and three other nations from the distant lands of Nur, namely Rivalfiume, Saranzio and Apexiala. It was against the two latter that our first two game in the Rugby World Cup happened, and it's about these matches we'll talk!

Matchday I: Giovanniland 0–0 Saranzio (Halftime: 0-0)

Matchday II: Giovanniland 13–7 Apexiala (Halftime: 6-0)
Marko Teles (15') 
Drop Goal: 
Samanta Alva-Nyima (32')
Try & Conversion: Kornelio Fabio-Lavro (53')

The first match was played against Saranzio, a newcomer to the tournament that has been doing very well for the first time! Unlike what the scoreless draw might tell, both halfs of the game were fairly exciting! The Saranzio National Rugby Union, a team very focused on offense, and the Giovannilandian National Rugby Team, a more defensive team but still very skilled in scoring, each had their fair share of almost-tries! Giovannilandian frontline players Kornelio Fabio-Lavro, Samanta Alva-Nyima and Lavinia Moraes very active, and our team's captain Marko Teles came the closest to scoring right at the end, but missed the penalty, ending the game with the same score it started.

Then, two days later, the team was in a significantly improved shape, with lessons on how to make better use of opportunities, and decisively won against Apexiala, another nation whose team has entered for the first time. Marko Teles, left wing of the team, avenged his penalty miss in the game against Saranzio by successfully scoring another penalty this time, and hooker Samanta Alva-Nyima contributed another three points to the score with a drop goal. After the first half completely dominated by Giovanniland, loosehead prop Kornelio Fabio-Lavro added the icing on the cake with a try and a conversion! Our team stepped back for the rest of the game after that, saving efforts for the big game against current champions Zoran that will happen in two days—this allowed the Apexialan team to score a try and convert late in the game, but by then the game was solidly decided in favor of our team. 

In other Group B news, Saranzio is currently tied with Giovanniland on points, six for both, but tops the ranking due to their match against Varanius ending in an insanely high score of 30–24. Zoran, the current champions, won the game against fellow Auran nation Saint Mark, although both Varanius and Saint Mark are still in a good spot given their Matchday I wins. The situation is tougher for Apexiala and Rivalfiume, at the bottom with no points.

Elsewhere in the world cup, so far Teralyon and Overthinkers lead in total score, having won both their matches, although it is important to note that the four highest ranked nations—Zoran, Dalimbar, United Adaikes and Cambria—have only played once, and their next games are definitely worth watching (especially Zoran's against our team next!). We will continue covering all the highlights from the 4th Rugby World Cup, with live coverage of games in all four host cities of Saint Andreisberg (the capital), Nadu, Donlas and Kaisah. The Dalimbari capital is hosting part of Group A, who it shares with Nadu, and all of Group C. Donlas is hosting Group D, and of course, the Group B host city is Kaisah where I'm in right now.

In order to bring this first report to a perfect end, we have also prepared a special interview for you! I, Magdalena Vindamir, will be interviewing Marko Teles, captain of our national team!

Marko: Salve, Magdalena! 
(Hello, Magdalena!)

Magdalena: Salve! Ese mirabile te tenere con nos, Marko. Primi, quomo te senti en la Dalímbara?
(Greetings! It is wonderful to have you with us, Marko. Firstly, how do you feel in Dalimbar?)

Marko: La Dalímbara ese kerti uno natio multi disimilo de la Giovanniterra, ese frigioro, les urbes esen grandiores, e defato nos dikeran las normas kirka las kartas kaerulas e las aras d'ovalsfera. Estre ise, eu ambulo ponderando kirka le talente presinte ed avenite de nosa squadra. 
(Dalimbar is certainly a much different country than Giovanniland, it's a lot colder, cities are bigger, and of course we were told the rules about the blue cards and rugby zones. Besides that, I have been mainly thinking about our team's current and future performance.)

Magdalena: Defato ese frigioro. Brr! Magne que tu nomini las ludetias entanto, que ponderi kirka elas? 
(It's indeed a lot colder. Brr! Great that you mention the matches though, what do you think about them?)

Marko: La prima ludetia contra lo Saranzio esó beni, nos vikemo due magnos puntos benque finó en une empate. Les Saranzianes esen nuntes en le mundiale sed esen respekibilies, nos diskemo con la ludetia per meliorare ed entan vikere lo sekundo ludo, contra la Apeksiala. Nosa squadra taló multi meliore, sed ese nulle equito kon lo desfido quo nos enfaxemo en la propa ludetia. 
(The first match against Saranzio went well, we gained two important points even though it ended a draw. The Saranzians are new to the tournament but they are respectable, we learned from the match to improve and then win the second game, against Apexiala. Our team performed a lot better, but it's nothing compared to the challenge we face in the next match.)

Magdalena: Si, nosos propes opponentes esen la Zorania, la viketora presinta. Qualas esen tuas sentitias kirka ista e las alias ludetias avenitas?
(Yes, our next opponents are the current champions Zoran. 
What are your feelings about this and the other upcoming matches?)

Marko: Les Zoranianes esen una squadra notabila, eles vikeron dues vexes sequites! Iste ese le prime vexe nos os enfaxemo en une Mundiale de Ovalsfera, sed nos sperati diskeremo loso modo de ludare ed esire minimi uno desfido per eles. Ayanda se perdesemo, los alios ludos avenitos contra Santo Marko, le Varania, e le Rivalfiume oportan esire fakilioros de ludare, ed eu prevido la Giovanniterra denunte patsando la prima eta, quomo en le Prime Mundiale de Ovalsfera. 
(The Zoranians are an impressive team, they have won twice in a row! This is the first time we face them in a Rugby World Cup, but we will hopefully learn their playstyle and be at least a challenge for them. Even if we lose, the other upcoming games against Saint Mark, Varanius, and Rivalfiume should be easier to play, and I foresee Giovanniland once more passing the group stage, like in the 1st Rugby World Cup.)

Magdalena: Ista ese una previdetia adequata. Ultima rogatia, quomo una parte de la Squadra Nationala Giovanniterrana de Ovalsfera per tempo multo, quala ese la optima memitia de ovalsfera qua tu teni de ulle Mundiale de Ovalsfera wo Esferiade vadite?
(That is a fair prediction. Last question, as a part of the Giovannilandian National Rugby Team for a long time, what is the best rugby memory you have from any of the previous Rugby World Cups and Esferiads?)

Marko: Eu vadivo isara en las tres viketias de tertio loquo de la nosa squadra, en le Prime Mundiale de Ovalsfera e les Prime e Sekunde Esferiades de Soliva! Eu teno que dikere que le Sekunde Esferiade en zulo domo esó le agidentisime. Nos perdemo las dues primas ludetias, ante de revivere e mali patsare la prima eta. La ludetia per le aurorbe rubrive esó viginte-une per ni kontra novedixe per la Nova Basrya, eu punté la ultima tentatia e a konverté per vikere lo ludo.
(I was there for our team's three 3rd place conquests, in the 1st Rugby World Cup and in the I & II Summer Esferiads! I've got to say that the II Summer Esferiad in home soil was the most thrilling. We lost our first two matches, before recovering and barely passing the group stage. The bronze medal match was 21 for us against 19 for Nieubasria, I scored the final try and converted it to win the game.)

And that wraps up our interview with the national team's captain! Thank you for your time in this short interview, Marko, and to all viewers, see you for the next report! We will return in two days with news from our match against Zoran and all about the latest happenings in the 4th Rugby World Cup.

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Ryxtylopia jumps from 5th to 1rst in group D after victory against Dilber.

Tacho Viltapa'an


Earlier today on this March 30th 1423, Ryxtylopia got their first victory at the Rugby world cup against Dilber 21-3, the previous leaders of group D, allowing them to jump from 5th to 1rst place in the group, the victory came as a joyful surprise to many Ryxtylopian fans, and the team's position in the group is now more secure, with more chances of being able to pass to the next stage in the tournament.

The match was entretaining despite being slightly one sided, many fans were surprised, and according to members from the team, they are very happy with the results they got.

Celebrations errupted in many ryxtylopian cities, despite the recent political turmoil, since sports seem to be a uniting factor for many not only in Ryxtylopia but in other nations as well. Group D, has seen a flip in the scores, with Ryxtylopia and the UNK (Kalmach) now in the lead, while Dilber has fallen to 6th place, with Aftokaria in last.

Also in the group a pretty intense match took place between Fujai and the UA, with the UA pulling ahead by 1, Fujai now finds themselves 3rd in the group, while UA is 4th, Ryxtylopia's next match is against Arifiyyah, who suffered a defeat against Kalmach 11-21, and seem to be in a tough spot, being at risk of not making the group.

Fujai and the United Adaikes, while not in the most secure positions are ahead of Arifiyyah in 5th place and will probably make it through the stage, while Aftokaria, like said previously hasn't gotten any points yet in last, apart from them all teams in group D find themselves tied in points, with the Point Difference being heavily in favor of Ryxtylopia at the moment, despite this things may change soon, since like said previously, most teams are tied in points.

We attempted to interview members of the team, and while we were refused for an interview, the coach of the Ryxtylopian team Andreís Tivarra has left a comment;


"We are extatic at the victory, but its not time to get too comfy, only for our expectations to be shattered, we'll use the experience gathered so far and keep practicing for the matches we have ahead, i do plan to make changes to our starting 15 and the reserves tomorrow."


In the other groups; Teralyon still leading group A, with surprisingly; Ostronia in the second place spot in that group, the hosts of Dalimbar in 3rd. Teralyon so far is tied for 1rst in the tournament with Overthinkers from group C, with both teams having 8 points.

In group B, Giovanniland recovered from their draw with the debutants of Saranzio, getting the better of Apexiala 7-13, despite this, Saranzio is leading the group after beating varanius by 6 (30-24), with Zoran, the highest ranked nation when it comes to rugby terms, sitting comfortably in the 3rd place of their group, while the bottom of the group is still anyone's game, with Varanius and Saint Mark in a tie for 4th.

Group C, like said previously has Overthinkers comfortably in 1rst place with the debutants of Perouin in 2nd, and Cambria in 3rd after their victories against Einherfell and Libterraria respectiveley, while Cyrylic is at 4th, ahead of Nieubasria.

This world cup has only gotten started but so far there have already been surprises, and most debutants are performing pretty well, things may change soon, but only time can tell who makes it on to the next stage. As for Ryxtylopia, the team is looking forward to the game against Arifiyyah, with enthusiasm at an all time high ¿Will the team make it? Well that's a question for you, the reader to answer, we will patiently wait for the next results to come, and will be reporting to you in two days.


Adilíenti Ryxtylopia! A Vyncer!

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Zoran v. Saint Mark - Fourth Rugby World Cup


“...and coming in on the left is Marcarius Hightower attempting to go for a try in the last minute of the game and oooh!”

"That is a brutal tackle from newbie Degataga Dvagahi there, and it is not looking good for Marcarius.”

“Looks like he is having a lot of difficulty getting up.”

“I don’t think he will get up from it, he is just grabbing onto his leg.”

“And here comes the stretcher, I am getting word that the injury is bad enough to have it checked out at the local Dalimbari hospital.”

“Oh boy, that will definitely cause some headache for both teams, you know that Marcarius’s family are going to make a fuss out of this.”

“And that’s why I always say, if you are a noble who is in the line of succession, don’t play a sport like rugby because you are going to get roughed up.”

“I would have to agree with you there, even with the protective equipment there is still a high risk of injury in rugby and so putting your heir on the field is a questionable decision.”

"Indeed, whatever the reaction from the family will be I doubt it will be a pleasant one."


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