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It should be noted that you don't have to limit yourself to the borders of previous nations (the tan bits) when requesting a place on the map.

1 minute ago, HankTheTank87 said:

Yay! A neighbor!

Ah, didn't realise that was you until I checked the map!
Yay to you too!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Please, I would like to place Tannhauser Gate in the right side of Kawaii Schoolgirl,  where is a blank area in Polaris, face to Crisom Sea. don need to me attached to the Kawaii schoolgirl, but it's up to you.


If possible, I would like to acquire a portion of land in South East Andolia. If not possible, then just plonk me anywhere.



  • 3 weeks later...

While I've been a long-term resident of TWP when active and have a large nation, given that I've only just recently become active again, I'm not sure how much territory is reasonable to ask for. That said, this piece of territory on Aura was too nice to pass up, so, I would like to request it.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Could I take this territory? (I took a wide margin on my screenshot because a smaller snippet rendered it unreadable, and this makes the location clearer) 1152937713_ScreenShot2019-10-28at9_54_08AM.png.5d6e1acced88307c40f6334ef58db23f.png

22 hours ago, Giovanniland said:

I haven't seen my addition yet. -snip- Please reply soon!

Updates to the map aren't instant. Remember, real people, who can be busy, are volunteering their time to work on this, so changes won't be immediate. If you're patient, it will come in time.

  • 4 weeks later...

Could the Unified Missourtama States claim some territory somewhere on the south west Andolian coast, under overthinkers, thanks.



  • Fujai changed the title to The Legendary Map Thread - Submit your claim!
  • Fujai featured this topic

Okay! Christmas is coming early because the long-awaited map update is here! [Insert advent joke.]

You can now find the updated map in the OP of this thread, or in dispatches here and here. There have been a lot of changes, including borders being redrawn, nations being added or removed, and some resizing.

The following nations have been added to the map:

@GustavovWhately, @CringeyDolphin, @Sensorland, @Clarkov, @genocidalAnthropologist, @Varanius, @Giovanniland, @de la Fuentana, @Kurabis, @TUMS, and @Libterraria. Welcome!

The following nations have been removed (or your claim was not accepted) because they have cte'd, left the region, or lost Hall of Nations membership. Being added back on is as easy as rejoining the Hall of Nations and dropping a line here saying you'd like your spot back!

@Vamperiall @Matthew_Collins @Allen @Halvard @Daguiso FFR [Pombo] @Craiolia @HankTheTank87 @Dewilands @Federation @GreGreGre @Shaustria @Liberillia @Lady Madeline @Neenee @Nobovian [ALRJ] @North Roledol @Pandaland II @Rizorien @Sibariland @LazyVillain @Telta @guillernasa @KhanterWinters @Seven Deaths @K9 Sonny @Gliah Eransha, Drahaiqistan, and Premoria


The idea is that map updates will resume as a regular thing (once a month). Those on the map are expected to maintain HoN status and post an rp post once a month.

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