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Sensorland last won the day on January 13

Sensorland had the most liked content!

About Sensorland

  • Birthday October 16

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    Central U.S.
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  1. Job Application Are you a TWP Citizen or have you applied for Citizenship and are waiting for a response? X Yes - Proceed to the next question. No - After submitting this job application, apply for Citizenship in this thread. You job application will not be processed until after you apply for Citizenship. What Ministries or Groups would you like to get involved in? TWP is a meritocracy and we recognize your contributions. For more information on our ministries, check out this dispatch. TWP Armed Forces - Military occupations, invasions, and defense. Also apply here! Ambassador - Representing TWP abroad. Also complete the TWP Diplomat Test. World Assembly Recruitment - Working with WA proposals World Assembly Recruitment - Working with internal citizenry and recruitment Recruiter - Sending telegrams to bring new people to TWP X Guide - Help organize the RMB and welcome new nations to TWP Cultural Trust - Planning cultural events The Western Post - Writing for the newspaper X The West on the Waves - Producing and performing radio shows Other: ______________
  2. Happy New Year, TWP!

  3. Huxley Reelected Fort Triumph — Polls closed across Sensoria Wednesday night, and now the Star can officially project that Harper Huxley has won reelection as Coordinator of the Assembly of Delegates, decisively defeating Conservative Alliance challenger Delmer Walwyn. Walwyn has congratulated Huxley on her victory and expressed a desire for ongoing cooperation with Huxley's administration. Huxley gave a speech in Fort Triumph, thanking the people for their confidence in her, and promising to "continue the great work of Joe Krantor in building a new, strong Sensoria." Huxley's Progressives have maintained a strong grip on Sensorian politics since Joe Krantor first founded the party with promises of constitutional reform. Huxley was first elected to the office 4 years ago, following Joe Krantor's announcement that he would be retiring from the position at the end of his term. Huxley, then Krantor's Secondary, was thrust into the spotlight as his successor. Huxley's first victory came at a much narrower margin than any of Krantor's, but in her time as Coordinator, Huxley has managed to build a significant rapport with Sensorian voters, undoubtedly helping to expand her margin of victory in this election. Huxley's first term accomplishments include completing multiple major infrastructure projects and the expansion of the Sensorian tourism industry. For her second term, Huxley has promised to look outward and build relations across Aura and throughout Esferos.
  4. The Elliot Star The Elliot Star is Sensoria's leading newspaper, based in Elliot City.
  5. Factbook: Sensoria Sensoria, also known as Sensorland and occasionally by the unofficial moniker "The Friendly Republic," is a semi-parliamentary republic in southern Aura. It is bordered by Haetonia to the west and the Gryphonian Alliance to the east. Sensoria's capital city is Fort Triumph, and its largest city is Elliot City. Sensoria is home to a population of over 41.9 million, and is renowned for its beautiful environment and thriving tourism industry. The Sensorian currency is the Emerald, which is not actual gemstones but regular fiat currency. [More information TBA]
  6. Resident nation: Sensorland Discord name: johnnyturnpike Map nation name: Sensoria A couple sentences about your nation: (original content, not NationStates stats) Sensoria (also referred to as Sensorland) is a coastal republic in southern Aura, on the Barry Sea and the Sea of Serenity. Sensoria is led by Harper Huxley, Coordinator of the Assembly of Delegates. The emergence of a united Sensoria is a relatively recent historical development, as the region had long been either ruled by powers like St Mark or split into smaller states. Sensoria's biggest economic strength is a thriving tourism industry, with the nation's natural beauty and historical landmarks attracting many visitors. The government has prioritized tourism-friendly infrastructure, including passenger ports and airports, in order to play to this strength. Sensoria is not a historically powerful country, but may be considered an emerging power following its unification and numerous government reforms, particularly under the ambitious former Coordinator Joe Krantor. Map request as an image or plot number: A30 3-Letter Code: SEN 2-Letter Code: SN Capital City: Fort Triumph (largest city: Elliot City) Government Type: Semi-parliamentary republic The population of my nation is: Above average The population density of my nation is: Above average The GDP per capita of my nation is: Average Government Spending - Which statement best describes your nation? My nation provides moderate social programs, or a small selection of social programs. X My nation has an extensive social safety net, or provides multiple programs like universal healthcare, welfare, and free tuition for its citizens My nation does not provide social programs beyond bare necessities and/or high school educations. My nation does not prioritize social spending, but engages in some large-scale government or public spending projects. My nation’s government spending is a vast majority of our GDP, such as having to coordinate our import-dependent economy. (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval) Military Indicator - Which statement best describes your nation? My nation has made a commitment to security, and maintains a moderately sized modern armed forces within our means. X My nation has little incentive or political drive for military spending, but maintains a small-to-moderate modern armed forces. My nation has prioritized military spending at the expense of other key areas and may have been criticized for lack of freedom or human rights issues. My nation does not prioritize military spending due to other priorities, the belief we are safe, or we don’t have enough money left over to fund it. My nation is heavily embattled and we believe we face an existential threat. (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval) Any other inspirations or concepts you want to share: Some historical inspiration from Germany, e.g. Sensorian unification would be a landmark event prior to which Sensorian-speaking peoples were divided into various smaller polities. The Sensorian language and culture would have been influenced by seafaring merchants. Much of Sensoria's population is concentrated at the coasts, but capital city Fort Triumph is not coastal.
  7. Gotta bring back the RSU

  8. smh, no activity on the RSU

  9. Spider-Man, easy.
  10. Question regarding TSP: What's up with TSP?
  11. @marver2710, you are not a citizen and thus cannot join the ministry yet.
  12. There are quite a few thanks I could give in this thread, but I'll do just one right now: Thanks to @de la Fuentana for sharing your poetry, forming an RP alliance with me, being a generally fun presence in TWP, and most importantly, for relieving me of Today in the West duty.
  13. That's impossible. I can't even read.

  14. Nomic has proven popular. We've attracted two non-TWPers now. @Reçueçn, once this game has ended, we absolutely ought to start on NSNomic.
  15. @Papercuts and Skittles, you are accepted. Welcome to the team.
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