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Mia last won the day on June 4 2020

Mia had the most liked content!

About Mia

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    Somewhere mysteriously blue

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  1. This is like the gratitude thread, but this is just a free for all. Say something kind about someone in TWP.
  2. Please mask @The Royal Urchin for newspaper. Thank you!
  3. Can @HyFy be masked for newspaper, please?
  4. Mia

    Gratitude thread

    Bumping this because I am grateful that despite the fact that my body hates me that I am still alive today, I am thankful I have friends that support me even when my brain is going wonky and I am just grateful to be alive.
  5. Hope is the bastion upon humanity rests but without it, we are all fools.

  6. I can't believe I am saying this but don't slime him too much.
  7. Isn't it two days early?
  8. I officially charge @Zoran and @Varanius with sliming Dilber. *hands over the sliming baton*
  9. "Insanity is the doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." - Alibert Einstein
  10. TYPE: Turbulent Campaigner CODE: ENFP-T ROLE: Diplomat STRATEGY: Social Engagement Probably not surprising that I am a diplomat type.
  11. Take the test and post below. I am curious. https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
  12. Welcome! We're glad to have you here! We hope to see you active. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We're an amazing community.
  13. Welcome, we're excited to have you here! We hope you become more active here. TWP is an amazing community. If you have any questions, just ask.
  14. Welcome! TWP is a great place to be!
  15. This is very informative to read and I am so glad people shared this.
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