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Nation Name: Nagaraningrad

Discord Info: Nagara#8664

A few sentences about your nation:

Nagaraningrad, officially Maharadeningrad of Nagaraningrad was an 8 nations across grasslands and plateau of Andolia united under one banner to make a Federal Republic government until it's government grew more centralized which led Nagaranites to re-instituted Monarchy rule under Maharaden Kartarajasa. Therefore and forevermore, it became Maharadeningrad (Archduchy). among the people of Nagaraningrad consist of selected citizen called Ningrad, a higher class that recognize by Radeningrad (Dukes).

Map Claim:


Just now, Rojo Nico (SMMR) said:

Hi, I haven't been active for sometime. I need to "correct my status" right? 

That just means you need to reapply for HoN citizenship since you lost it.


Nation Name: Arifiyyah 

Discord Info: Arif Nazhim#6764

A few sentences about your nation:

Arifiyyah is a Country that loves peace. The system of government used in this country is an absolutely monarchy system and ruled by Sultan Arif Nazhim 1 also known as Sultan Arif of Arifiyyah. Orangutans are our national animal and we use the Ringgit Arif currency. Most people and the government really like football. The country also has a car brand which is AA (Arifiyyah Automobile)

Map Claim: *mark as X* 20210217-105109.png


Nation name: Sortireterre

Discord Info: Kingbuster9903#5013

A few sentences about your nation: Sortireterre is a dynastic monarchy since 1306. King Korl has passed away in 1416 at the age of 74, and his 21 year old son, Prince Charls II, succeeded him. Charls is a careless ruler. Hosting too many parties and buying unnecessary stuff. His people are angered by his posturing. The top parties are Démokratie, a social-democratic party with dreams of a socialistic economy, and République, a democratic capitalist party aiming for the welfare of the country and citizens. (The civil conflict is to happen in June 20th 1420).

Map claim as an image: (shaded with diagonal stripes)




  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Nation Name: Inner Ryxtylopia

Discord Info: Inner Ryxtylopia#1269

A few Sentences about your Nation:

Inner Ryxtylopia is a flawed democracy. It has suffered economic depressions, and political instability not to mention many cases of corruption, however it has a beutiful enviroment and a very incusive population, Inner Ryxtylopia has 4 political parties, and a thriving tourism industry, its economy is recovering from a depression, but the people of Inner Ryxtylopia are willing to do anything to help their nation recover from theese hard times. 

Map Claim (outlined in red):

Map Request.png

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


May I have this empty part next to Giovanniland please?

Nation name: Blue Bubble

Discord name: Blue Bubble (Emma)

A couple sentences about your nation: A friendly nation which loved for its warm waters and soft beaches covering most of its boarder on the north of the currently 2 nation Island. The nation operates under elected officials, although there was a crown ruler until civil uprisings at the start of their industrial revolution. Overthrown, the ex-royal family now live as normal citizens, and Leaders are elected every 6 years. The currency is called Blues, after the country itself, which was named for the natural hot springs of the northern Kopai Scarp Volcano


Edited by embubbleblue
Correcting statement according 25th march 2021 map
  • 4 weeks later...

Nation name: Greenman Occupied Territory

Discord name: MiKasa69#3851

A couple sentences about your nation: The Greenman Occupied Territory is a nation controlled by its military. Citizens, both male and female, are required to serve the army for at least three years. The military group is known by the name "Greenman Mercenaries", a mercenary company since 800 run by Head Commander Deficit. The Greenman Mercenaries is primarly and infantry based military as tanks according to Deficit's own words "are rendered useless with how many infantrymen we have!"

Map claim as an image:

Map Claim.png



Name: Tupmonia 

Discord: JosephN#5115

Description: Tupmonia is a rich land that's built on agriculture. It has a bloody history, but now it flourishes in many departments. Along with the rich agriculture, Tupmonia has a strong military and a solid a solid GDP despite its relatively small population.   




Name: Tupmonia 

Discord: JosephN#5115

Description: Tupmonia is a rich land that's built on agriculture. It has a bloody history, but now it flourishes in many departments. Along with the rich agriculture, Tupmonia has a strong military and a solid a solid GDP despite its relatively small population.

On 1/16/2018 at 11:53 AM, Bran Astor said:

Welcome to the West Pacific

Here you will find the official map for TWP's roleplay canon. New versions and additional themes will be added often.

v2.11 (Jan. 10, 2018)https://imgur.com/T5j5RAI (extremely large file)

v3.21 (Feb. 15, 2019) - https://imgur.com/yIIVyzX

v4.1 (May 22, 2019) - https://i.imgur.com/3O2oMP7

v5.22 (Dec. 12, 2019) - https://imgur.com/E8HVBTD

v6.01 (Jan. 4, 2020) - https://i.imgur.com/fApLqw5.png

v7.24 (Feb. 21, 2020) - https://imgur.com/4R2cSQt

v8.0 (Mar. 28, 2020) - https://imgur.com/GAjCAj1

v9.13 (Apr. 30, 2020) - https://imgur.com/syNMtSn

v10.2 (May 31, 2020) - https://imgur.com/VrjnKeR

v11.0 (July 7, 2020) - https://imgur.com/xAOwXoq

v12.0 (Aug. 3, 2020) - https://imgur.com/mdrUKNj

v13.0 (Oct. 9, 2020) - https://i.imgur.com/QSTHDL3.png

Placement on the map requires residency within the in-game region, one rp post per month, and maintaining enrollment in the Hall of Nations.


Do not debate the merits of claims here. Major cities, capitals, and certain geographic features are welcome, so long as the following guidelines are adhered to:

  • Map requests must include an image showing the requested territory.
  • Images of the request should be embedded in the forum map.
  • Include the name you want to be used on the map, as well as your discord handle if you have one.
  • Don't post an image of the whole map. Crop it to the relevant portion.
  • Requests must be made to The West Pacific Map in this thread to allow quicker verification of HON status.
  • Join the Regional RP Discord server for additional help.


Japonic Islands

Ronald, death of humanity#3516

The Blue Ocean Commonwealth of Japonic Islands is a stunning, island based nation off the coast of Doll Guldur, near the straights of Medio. Following a massive conflict involving a predecessor state, the victims of the oppressive regime formed the government of the now prospering island nation, electing prime minister and war hero Ritsu Shimazu as the first leader. The nation has massive social welfare programs and cares for all citizens equally, believing no man is greater than another.



  • 3 weeks later...


The United Republic of Qostaoyae  it is none other like a living heaven from the glorious mountains and the wetlands and rivers and all others it is beautiful

Continent: Polaris

Capital City: Quan Daosovious

Largest City: United Terra

Discord Name: SquirrelFan#0738



  • 1 month later...

Nation name: Usan


Discord name: Dongyae#3351


A couple sentences about your nation: (original content, not NationStates stats)

Empire of Usan, also known as Usanguk, is an absolute monarchy, consisting of elites from its three different states in its mainland as well as Jukdo. It has a total area of 72.86 kilometers squared. It consists of three states on its mainland, Usando, Buk-Gun, Seo-Gun, Dong-Gun, and Jukdo, a set of two remote islands southeast of Usando.

Map request as an image: (forum embed)




  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/16/2018 at 6:53 PM, Bran Astor said:

Welcome to the West Pacific

Here you will find the official map for TWP's roleplay canon. New versions and additional themes will be added often.

v2.11 (Jan. 10, 2018)https://imgur.com/T5j5RAI (extremely large file)

v3.21 (Feb. 15, 2019) - https://imgur.com/yIIVyzX

v4.1 (May 22, 2019) - https://i.imgur.com/3O2oMP7

v5.22 (Dec. 12, 2019) - https://imgur.com/E8HVBTD

v6.01 (Jan. 4, 2020) - https://i.imgur.com/fApLqw5.png

v7.24 (Feb. 21, 2020) - https://imgur.com/4R2cSQt

v8.0 (Mar. 28, 2020) - https://imgur.com/GAjCAj1

v9.13 (Apr. 30, 2020) - https://imgur.com/syNMtSn

v10.2 (May 31, 2020) - https://imgur.com/VrjnKeR

v11.0 (July 7, 2020) - https://imgur.com/xAOwXoq

v12.0 (Aug. 3, 2020) - https://imgur.com/mdrUKNj

v13.0 (Oct. 9, 2020) - https://i.imgur.com/QSTHDL3.png

Placement on the map requires residency within the in-game region, one rp post per month, and maintaining enrollment in the Hall of Nations.


Do not debate the merits of claims here. Major cities, capitals, and certain geographic features are welcome, so long as the following guidelines are adhered to:

  • Map requests must include an image showing the requested territory.
  • Images of the request should be embedded in the forum map.
  • Include the name you want to be used on the map, as well as your discord handle if you have one.
  • Don't post an image of the whole map. Crop it to the relevant portion.
  • Requests must be made to The West Pacific Map in this thread to allow quicker verification of HON status.
  • Join the Regional RP Discord server for additional help.


Can't wait to join the map! 


Posted (edited)

How about This?

Nation name: Fatimya 

Discord user: J S Loma#9016 

About the nation: Fatimya is a nation lead by tribesmen founded by a man named Marks plier, Marks plier Encouraged an uprising against the tribe leader, and due to how the tribe was far back in technology and economy and diplomacy, the man was smarter than the rest of the population, therefore he was able to trick them into making an uprising, he introduced the tribe to the rest of the world, and became the leader of that tribe, afterwards he tried his best to make this nation advanced and to educate all Fatimyon in order to make the nation slowly progress, The nation was isolated on a tiny island, but Marks plier decided to expand into more undiscovered lands. 

Edited by Fatimya
Incorrect link

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