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About embubbleblue

  • Birthday 12/21/2000

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    Planes, swords, vintage fashion, and books

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  1. 2+0+2=4 satisfaction duhh plus a lot is happening this year like im now a home owner etc ~
  2. Yo why wouldn't you want to a ethereal elf? Cool af, could live all my dnd dreams
  3. I need the narrator so I'd laugh at any blunt statement said
  4. forget, I hate being sung to for my birthday
  5. 10 minutes gives you the option to make quick decisions without knowing too much about what the future holds
  6. Traffic feels more annoying than lack of parking I'm picky with my spaces already so
  7. Space for sure! The stars are so pretty I feel like the pressure of the sea makes it difficult to learn about the ocean, however so does the vastness of space
  8. Id love to hear what is said about me, it would be the easiest way of knowing who actually likes me and not, and who currently has an issue with me and why.
  9. You gotta think of the balance - the sweet, the salty, the savoury... so uhh yes?? It does belong on pizza thank you v much
  10. II Summer Esferiad Closing Ceremony It was starting to get dark, and everyone was seated around Violet Lake. In the centre of the lake was a platform. It edged to 8pm, and everyone had started to get quiet. King Giovanni VI and Kassakira Petrovikan were sat on the bottom row, near a podium with a microphone. Lights shone onto a lonesome bed with a small child and their mother on the platform. The audience quietened immediately. “Eny, can you tell me a story?” the child looks up at their mum. “I can tell you something better, let me tell you a legend.” she replies softly, as the lights slowly dim again, and the drumming starts. [ https://open.spotify.com/track/4yhvv7KxIxiyDdCo8U3nX1?si=f741371e3cec4ea5 ] Boats are gently lit up with red lights, each paddle causing ripples of colour as they start to move in sync around the platform. On each boat, people stand on the flat roof, performing a traditional dance of the Glendora People, stomping and shouting an ancient cry of warning. The boats start to move between each other, with dancers hopping from one boat to another. They approach the platform, and the drums start to finish. The platform lights up, showing Lavandulan style dancers. The music changes and they begin to dance, with the boats’ lights turning off. The Glendora Dancers merge and they begin to dance together. You notice that each dance has a different feel - the first was of strength and curiosity, the next of culture and understanding, and the final of acceptance and belonging. The moves become more like ballroom as the first boats quietly move away for another set of boats to arrive. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jECu9zNdVwI&list=RDQMVOaDjAEH98w&index=14 ] The following set of moves depict the north and south divide, and the triumph of Giovanniland. Done gracefully, it showed Glendora dancers willfully following the Giovanni style performers, before a change happened. The boats coming into the platform were of Glenpavia resistance dancers, swapping with the Glendora performers in the style. They show the uprising, and the forming of the nation in interpretive dance. The platform was shown on screens above behind the audience, showing the platform depicting images and motifs of the era’s history. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRrP3ESM6sQ ] Eventually, the song changes to a more modern one as they go though recent Blue Bubble events, like the military coup, the push for democracy, and opening of the borders. This final event started the athletes' entry, each country on as many open top boats as required, as the dancers left the platform. [ https://open.spotify.com/track/2IIhKqYJtVIH79183A9WCK?si=adace501514c4d6c ] Each boat had the countries’ flag on the front, with some athletes choosing to sit during the ride. They were announced in Common only as followed, In Common alphabetical order, with the hosts at the end as per the opening ceremony: Arifiyyah Dalimbar Dilber Fhaengshia Fuentana Fujai Hertfordshire and Jammbo Larxia Nagaraningrad Nieubasria Orandia Saint Mark Santos-Dominius Tara and Cambray Teralyon Tupmonia United Adaikes Glenpavia Giovanniland Once everyone had arrived at the centre, they walked onto the platform. The final medals were awarded, and Gabriello Hiberno-Elisano, President of the Quoriv & Kharventhin Organising Committee of the Esferic Games, and Chi Ijendu, Chair of the International Esferiad Commission, each gave a speech on the games. A moment of silence was held for the deaths of athletes that had happened during the games, with small lights placed on the water by volunteers as a small act of remembrance. The screens cut to the flame in Giovanniland, as commentary states that water from Violet Lake is being used to put out the flame. Kassakira Petrovikan and King Giovanni VI then both announced the closure of the games, finishing with a firework display which glittered in the reflection of the water. The air was buzzing with delight, amazement, joy, and cheer, and that feeling kept long after the ceremony was over.
  11. [OOC: Post jointly written with @Giovanniland] Governor's Lavender Palace, Quoriv—11:00 AM International Atomic Time, 29th October 1421 “We are now departing the Palace and traveling to the Duchy Estate at Kharventhin for a meeting with other esteemed world leaders,” King Giovanni VI told the other people present at the room. He added, “Teodoro Anario-Lauro, the Governor of Lavanda Prima, will be there together with me and a few security guards. Are we all ready?” “Yes, your Majesty,” replied Theodoro. “Are we traveling by land?” “No, we shall use a private helicopter with enough space for myself, the Governor, and the four guards. One of the guards is also a trusted pilot and will be commanding the flight,” explained the King. They left the palace and entered the helicopter. The trip lasted around half an hour, and soon they arrived at a heliport in Kharventhin near the Duchy Estate. Duchy Estate, Kharventhin—12:00 PM International Atomic Time, 29th October 1421 “Your Majesty!” Kassakira walks over to the pair, heels clicking across the polished floor, “And you must be the Governor, yes?” “Yes, I am in fact the Governor of the province whose capital is co-hosting the games together with this city,” replied Teodoro. Meanwhile, the King greeted the Mpitarika. “Of course, I have read your reports on the city and the plans… How are the games going over there? I understand there was a lot of investment made to allow the capability of the province to be upped, so we could handle the games. Thank you for that, by the way.” “The games are going nicely, and they have also generated a lot of income from tourists coming to visit not only the games, but also the beautiful Lavandulan historical district and the Violetist churches and royal houses from the Duchy, just like this one. And you’re welcome, of course,” said the Governor. Kassakira smiles, “Sounds like it was worth the cost, then.” She glances at the King, “How are you feeling about the games currently? I understand that you are 3rd in the rankings currently?” “The games have been wonderful so far, I’ve watched certain events from the Governor’s Palace after opening the games together with you in the Opening Ceremony. We are in fact 3rd by gold medals at the moment, although there are some strong athletes competing today so I hope we can rise to 2nd,” noted the King. He added, “We’re already 2nd if we count by total medals, after all.” “I wish them plenty of luck today. I was surprised of how quickly Blue Bubble has risen to the top of the leaderboard, in fact that we have managed to stay number 1 for almost a 3rd of the games in total. They have really made quite the impression, I believe.” She glances at Meklit for a second, looking nervous. He was speaking to the waiter, distracted by the canapés. “I was also impressed by your nation’s performance, it’s a really good representation of Lavender Island. While Giovanniland had a less than average start, I think we can safely say that both our nations’ performances, together with other Auran teams such as Saint Mark, Santos-Dominius and Orandia, have shown the world a strong showing by our continent.” She nods slowly, taking in his compliment, “I understand that our relations have been positive for the last 100-ish years, and that Giovanniland understands Blue Bubble almost as well as Blue Bubble understands itself. Although Blue Bubble hasn’t always been the most open country to the rest of the world, I am grateful for all that you think of us. You understand that I’d happily listen to any collaboration or ideas you may have for our nations, yes?” she speaks softly, almost shyly. “Of course,” the King agreed. “One of the main focuses of our prime minister Amore Gile Abrente is to keep Giovanniland at the same speed as Esferos is advancing in technology, and we’d of course be happy with any collaboration on this matter or any other that you may have.” “Well, you have kept us up to speed on any latest technology for a long time. Now I want to open Blue Bubble to the world, I think our joint support on Larxia’s ambition for an international committee for science, with our own Lavender Island push in technology between ourselves could be something for the future?” Kassakira relaxes, Meklit winking at her as he walks behind the King to speak to another Leader. “I must say Giovanniland does not exactly trust Larxia due to their historical opposition to us, but if other, more trusted Auran nations are also willing to join this international committee, then I’ll see what Amore and the Senate of Giovanniland think,” the King said. Kass takes a drink from a passing waiter as he catches her eye, “I understand your concerns, I believe in this idea. It will benefit you as much as it will benefit Larxia. Either way, I am looking to push technology advancement, and I would like to do such with my closest ally.” she smirks, taking a sip. “That’s fair, as I said before I’ll talk with the government and hopefully they are open to the idea. But when the topic is technology advancement between our two nations, I can say for sure that it’s certainly an idea that Giovanniland would support, even if I’m not the one making the decisions.” “We are of the same ground, Your Majesty, please remember that when I am conducting new business with other nations, including those nations you are perhaps not on the best of terms with.” she winks, and looks over, “It appears the Larxian King and Foreign Affairs Minister is here. I must go and say hello, please enjoy the rest of your afternoon.” “Of course, our conversation has taken a lot of time already, and it’s almost 13:00, so I understand that you should also talk with other leaders,” the King remarked. “If you don’t mind, myself and the other Giovannilandians here will taste some of the canapés served here, and later, perhaps talk with some other world leaders as well. See you soon, and thank you for organizing this.” “It is my pleasure, may we speak soon.” She nods, just as Meklit appears to whisk her away. They speak in hushed tones as they walk away, in Glenpavian: “Kass, my Fitiavana, are you taking a note out of-” “Yes. I think it is required, though.” He nods, “Of course.”
  12. Hi Guys!! I am from Blue Bubble (We call it Glenpavia!) and my name is Ana. I just want to tell you guys a little bit about my country's history around Independence Day as IDK if anyone else understands it?? IDK if anyone is taught this, but its like really important to me so here we go: On the 15th August 1091, Glenpavia was finally liberated from Giovannilandian rule. This was done over the previous 3 years after the eastern side of the island revolted and separated from the empire. To understand how this happened, You need to know a little bit of the history of Glenpavia. At the same time as the height of the Lavandulan’s empire, there was a minor invasion to the south west of the island. These people were travellers by nature, crossing land and ocean to see what is out there. Over the following centuries, the Glendora people who stayed on the island lived and interacted with Lavandulans, becoming a small but growing clan of Glendulans. The clan took land that the empire did not want to the south-west and soon grew into a nation which did not fight with the empire but had friendly relations. The modern day Glenpavia language is a mix of the native language of the clan and of Lavandulan. Following the breakdown of the empire, the people of Glendula divided into the north and the south with a civil war which was still being fought through a Cold War at the time of Giovanniland's conquest. The northern clan allowed conquest quickly in the belief the empire would help the side win, but the south resisted for 4 more years before admitting defeat in 731. During the time in the empire, Glendula culture was suppressed, and many families were forced to take on Giovannese names to protect themselves from prosecution. From 911, those of Glendula heritage began protesting the oppression, and began a movement of expression. Although minor efforts of Empress Teresa I allowed restrictions to easen, the Glendulan people were angry. It was during the rule of her son, Bruto, where the ambition to become one nation became ahead again. Records document a record movement of Glendulans to what is now the nation of Glenpavia during this time, as historical documents show a large underground rebellion network. The Glenpavian Group (AKA the rebelion name of the Glendulans) first rebelled in 1090, but did not succeed. In 1091, the rebellion resurfaced and kept up the revolt until Emperor Pietro I signed over the land of Glenpavia to Tsiory Amin, one of the main leaders of the rebellion and chosen first Mpitarika of Glenpavia. This moment in history is often documented with a lot of celebration, but also terror for those of Giovannese nationality in the new nation. After the declaration of freedom, there was a month of mass movement of those who had been in the region but was not of Glendula heritage, as those who stayed faced discrimination. Since these turbulent times, the mark of independence has become a majority positive thing for Glenpavia, with communities coming together to mourn the lives lost and celebrate their continued freedom. We have adopted the Glenpavia name to describe our people and our culture as a result of our relations, and we are very passionate about our history. Independence Day starts 2 days before, with a day of mourning. There is often a minute of silence, and memorials across the nation are decorated. The schools and workplaces are often not in for the day of mourning, and do not go back until the day after Independence Day. Adults have Independence Day as a day of national rest as well. The middle day is the day of change, where we take time to change something in our lives, normally a redecoration of our homes. Some opt for a change of looks, some may go for a change in social life. There are often posts on social media of major changes people may make on this day. The actual day of Independence is a day of celebration, with major parties in town centres. There is free food, dancing, drinking, and everyone gets dressed up. Towards the nighttime, some places have fireworks too. The Mpitarika has a big speech which everyone watches. This year, Kassakira Petrovikan spoke about the topic of showing off our national pride and culture, and it spoke a lot to me. That’s why I am writing this blog. And totally not because this was also a history assignment. If you have any questions, I will try and answer them <3 I hope my common is okay!! Posted by Ankizivavy at 00:13 UTC, 28/10/1421
  13. Blue Bubble and Kharventhin The Coat of Arms of Kharventhin and Flag of Blue Bubble respectively. A map of Blue Bubble showing Kharventhin in the north along the coast- the closest city in Blue Bubble is Avaratra. Basic Information Blue Bubble is located on the west side of Lavender Island, and has a rich history which is entwined with Giovanniland. As the current Mpitarika attempts to come out of the isolation culture the previous leaders have adopted, working with Giovanniland offers the perfect stage for new relations that Blue Bubble is wanting to begin. Kharventhin is perhaps the most ancient city in Blue Bubble, with its origins in the Lavandulan civilization. It was founded during Lavandula’s westward expansion in the 16th century BF and served as an important outpost. During the fall of the Lavandulan Empire, it became abandoned for a while, but was reconquered by the Duchy of Quoriv after the Battle of Kharventhin in 187 BF, becoming the main access to the western north of Lavender Island. It remained a major northern city during the Giovannian Empire, and later became the main northern centre for Blue Bubble’s struggle for independence. Its importance of culture is still well noted now, with plenty of monuments and history buildings across the central city landscape. During the time of Blue Bubble, it has been identified as a quietly expanding city, with many close villages becoming suburbs for the city, and is the 3rd largest city in Blue Bubble. It is noted as one of the upcoming cities of Blue Bubble for 1421, and a well-loved holiday for many Glenpavians. For the games, the airport has received an update, along with the train station, which is located near the athletes village. These and the network of main 61’ Roads are the easiest way of leaving and entering the city. Also highlighted on the map are venues, and places of culture within the city- often around these places you will see places to stay and to eat. Due to The previous stance on immigration and foreign travel, you will see a lot more Blue Bubble based eateries which host a range of native cultural dishes. These dishes include stews with seafood, grains and vegetables, Salted Beef in red wine, and fish in a tender tomato, garlic, ginger and herb sauce. Map of Kharventhin with major Places of Culture and Esferiad Venues. Venues Rano Aquatics Centre - Aquatics Built for the Esferiad games, this new venue for Aquatics is part of the Enrichment program for young Glenpavians, and will be used for training and education purposes after the games. Kharventhin Boxing Stadium - Boxing, Wrestling Boxing is a popular event to watch at bars across the country, with major matches being filmed at Kharventhin Boxing Stadium often. Kharventhin National Park, City, and Violet Lake - Canoeing, Rowing, Triathlon The National Park is a focal point for Glenpavians to visit Kharventhin due to the range of camping grounds, hiking routes, as well as parts of the Reni river dedicated to canoeing and other outdoor water activities like fishing, and Violet Lake, where many fish and row. The city will be used with the river to host the Triathlon. The National GKA Budo Dojo - Fencing, Judo, Karate, Taekwondo The Glenpavia Karate Association set up this dojo for all Budo to perform seminars and competitions. As a dedicated space for these arts with large seating areas, Kharventhin decided the Dojo will be perfect. They have recently increased the seating as a gift for hosting the most events in Kharventhin during the games, as there is expectation of increased interest of what the dojo has to offer in the near future. Masina Marina - Sailing Near the mouth of the Reni River, this Marina is popular with new international visitors and those who can afford a space on the spacious dock Moka Centre of Shooting - Shooting Just like the Aquatics centre, this centre is built for the games, and will be used as practice afterwards. Masina Beach - Surfing The popular place to chill and surf, this beach is perfect for the games. Patin Skate Park - Skateboarding This Park is newly built as part of the Enrichment program, but has been given additional grants for seating for the games. Skateboarding is a popular pastime for youths, and this park will be free to use after the games. Sarana Stadium - Beach Volleyball Built for the games, this Stadium sits on Masina Beach, further up from where the surfing will take place. Siraka Stadium - Indoor Volleyball Situated in the city, this Stadium is actually multi-purpose, and many regional school tournaments are hosted here. Places of Culture Lavandulan Ruins and Museum These ruins are well-preserved evidence of Lavandulan culture. The Museum includes further artefacts and information about the ruins outside. The Duchy Estate This Medieval Castle was built for the Duchy of Quoriv, and is open to visitors to look inside and learn more about Kharventhin’s role in the Duchy. You can also eat on the promenade in front of the small man-made lake which covers a part of the grounds. Glendora Sailing Boats These boats are built in the style of the Glendora Nomads who decided to settle on Lavender Island. This kind of attraction is common across many seaside cities in Blue Bubble, but is still a fun trip on the waters. Uprising Memorial and Museum This Statue marks the memorial of the 1091 uprisings of the Giovannian Empire, and allows those to mourn those who lost their lives across both nations. It is a solemn place, and is marked with Lavender flowers every August during the Independence period of mourning and celebrations.
  14. I, Blue Bubble, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, or any laws made pursuant to it.
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