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Darkesia last won the day on September 7 2020

Darkesia had the most liked content!


About Darkesia

  • Birthday 12/11/1964

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  • Location
    Cleveland, Ohio

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Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. Added Newspaper mask for ALON.
  2. Snow doesn't flood the basement and I can hire a neighbor kid to plow, snowblow, shovel the snow. Rain just makes stuff mold.
  3. Weird request coming from someone who joined in 2017 and only now posted for the first time. Done
  4. Of course! You should have poked me in discord. I'm sorry I missed this.
  5. Edith Wharton: "There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" My favorite
  6. INTJ-A Architect I feel so different than when I took this the first time, 20 years ago. Yet I still get the same answer. How terribly stagnant of me.
  7. Indy, it is so good to see you back with us! I hope your visit becomes permanent residence. If not, I hope we can offer some distraction from pesky RL. Welcome back!
  8. I don't think we had one because our last minister has Admin masking. Let's put it on the Cabinet agenda for tomorrow. Think about what forums you need access to etc.
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