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Posts posted by Westwind

  1. This creativity reminds me of a story from long ago in NS.

    In 2005, then Equilism President and Admin Nooterland issued a decree to ensure all forum members maintained a proper avatar, rather than leaving the default icon on their account.  All who failed to comply were enriched with a new avatar created by Noot's 2 year old daughter.

    It was an effective decree.

  2. crimsoneye_sm.gif From the Office of The Crimson King
    March 12, 2020






    Special Statement of The Crimson Order

    Members and Friends of The Crimson Order, and Citizens of the World:

    Back in that other world known as Real LifeTM, uncommon events are unfolding as we gather here in the NS Universe. I am reminded of a passage from the Sacred Texts of The Crimson Order, from the Tleilaxu Godbuk:

    "No matter how exotic human civilization becomes, no matter the developments of life and society nor the complexity of the machine/human interface, there come interludes of lonely power when the course of humankind depends upon the relatively simple actions of single individuals."

    Today, each and every one of us has the lonely power that a single individual that can take action to steer the course of humankind.

    1. Please. Wash your hands.
    2. Don't Panic.

    Thank you, and May the Blessings of Max be upon You!
    Westwind, The Crimson King


    PS - Rumours that the Earth will be destroyed to make way for an intergalactic highway construction project for a hyperspace express route are purely fake news. Nonetheless, always remember your towel.


    crimsoneye_sm.gif From the Office of The Crimson King
    March 6, 2020






    To The College of Cardinals

    I, Westwind, The Crimson King, hereby formally appoint to the office of The Regent of The College of Cardinals:

    The Cardinal Dragon of Pacifican Menace, @Elegarth

    And I request The Consent of The College for this appointment in accordance with The Codex of The Crimson Order.



    The Regent

    5. The Regent of The College of Cardinals shall serve as the Presiding Officer of The College.

    a. The Regent shall be appointed by The King with the Consent of The College.

    b. The Regent shall serve as Representative of The College of Cardinals to The Court of The Crimson King.


    Thank you for you kind consideration.

  4. How to become a Member of The Crimson Order?

    Membership is available to both Individuals and Regions, and shall be granted to those that give Assent to The Seven Concepts:

    The Guidance of Max and Admin
    The Primacy of Game Mechanics
    The Authorities of Delegates and Founders
    The Sovereignty of Regions and Nations
    The Rights and Obligations of Rebellion
    The Necessity of Activity in it's Many Forms
    The Harmonies and Diversities of Communities

    Membership is voluntary and may be withdrawn by the Individual or Region at any time.

    Membership may be declined by for any reason, and can be revoked by The Crimson King or a Council of Inquisition.

  5. The Crimson Order Directory

    All Members of The Crimson Order give their assent to The Seven Concepts

    - The Guidance of Max and Admin
    - The Primacy of Game Mechanics
    - The Authorities of Delegates and Founders
    - The Sovereignty of Regions and Nations
    - The Rights and Obligations of Rebellion
    - The Necessity of Activity in it's Many Forms
    - The Harmonies and Diversities of Communities


    The Crimson King

    - Westwind

    The Court of The Crimson King

    - Regent of The College of Cardinals, Elegarth
    - Governor General of The Congregation - vacant


    The College of Cardinals

    - The Cardinal of the Eternal Dungeons, Yy4u
    - The Cardinal of Chocolate Righteousness, Darkesia
    - The Cardinal Protector of the West, Wickedly Evil People
    - The Cardinal of the Most Evil, Bhang Bhang Duc
    - The Cardinal of Imperial Dragons, Elegarth
    - The Cardinal Mediator of All Things, Mediobogdum
    - The Cardinal Confessor of Moral Obligations, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark


    Knights of The Order

    - Westwind
    - Bhang Bhang Duc
    - Darkesia
    - Wickedly Evil People
    - Mediobogdum
    - The Holy Principality of Saint Mark


    Heroes of The Order

    - Grand Hero of the Order, Prefect of Rebellion, and Headmaster of the Mystery of the Marsupial Conspiracy, TAO the Watcher
    - Lord Ambassador General and Hero of the Anti-Glitter Squad, Dalimbar
    - Champion Commander of the Order, Archsium
    - The Bishop of The Forbidden, Holy Keeper of the Pantheon of Flags, Tweedy
    - Holy Minister of Silly Walks, Tunapocalypse


    The Mystery Schools

    - Sacred Chocolatology, lead by Lady Darkesia
    - The Marsupial Conspiracy, lead by Headmaster TAO The Watcher
    - Sacred Numerology, by The Ancient Sacred Texts of The Crimson Order
    - The Warrior's Path, lead by Nagual Westwind


    The Crimson Congregation
    All Individual Members

    The Crimson Regions

    - The Crimson Order
    - The Watchtower
    - Equilism
    - Wind of Spirits

  6. 2 hours ago, Darkesia said:

    I made a home for this Holy Order in the RP area.  And now I would love some help figuring out how to move this thread over to that area. 

    There are a couple ways, but I find moving multiple threads is easier in the topic list. Just click the check-box next to the threads you want to move. Otherwise you can click the 'Moderator Actions' drop-down to the left of the 'Start new topic/Reply to this topic' buttons above the OP in the thread. (Hope I made sense.)

    However, while I'm here, I'll take care of it.

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