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That Called the Vlagh

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That Called the Vlagh last won the day on May 13 2016

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  1. It would appear that it was a mistake for me to come back. I will return to the shadows.
  2. Thanks everyone. It's good to be back.
  3. I'm good, thanks. Just trying to get back involved.
  4. Nation in The West Pacific: The Treehugger Imprisoning State of That Called the Vlagh World Assembly (WA) Nation: Currently Pierconium of the Pacific Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Ivan Moldavi, Gracius Maximus, Darkseid, Borogravia Moldavi, a few others that are dead Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Regions: The Pacific, The North Pacific, New Sparrow, I am resident in a number of regions. Organizations: The New Pacific Order, the North Pacific Regional Assembly, The GCR Sovereignty Accords. Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Note: I am only including regions in which I held leadership roles of some capacity. Just listing regions that I have had a nation in over the years would be ridiculously long. Regions: The Pacific, The East Pacific, The South Pacific, Sparrow, New Sparrow, Gatesville, The New Meritocracy, Atlantic, Marsburg, Europe, NationStates, Lemuria, and others I have forgotten. Organizations: The New Pacific Order, the People's Republic of the Pacific, the North Pacific Directorate, the Triumvirate, the Empire, Atlantic Alliance, Alliance Defense Network, Sardauakar Confederacy Defense Trust, Sparrowivan Elite Covert Ops, the Union of Sovereigns, the Meritocratic Senate, Okhrana, Fist of Firth, a couple of short-lived coups that had names I don't remember, and some other stuff. Would you like to join (check all that you wish to join)... [ ] The West Pacific Armed Forces [ ] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Corp [ ] The West Pacifican Newspaper Staff [ ] Ministry of Recruitment and Citizenry Staff [ ] Ministry of Internal Affairs Staff Please swear the following oath of citizenship: I, the Unholy Tumbleweed of That Called the Vlagh, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, the constitution of The West Pacific, or any laws made pursuant to that constitution. Like this
  5. That is because she was relaying everything to Gracius Maximus, who was prompting her responses and then they were put into her odd communication style. Nothing that was done in TNP in the final days of the ADN's influence was handled directly by the Delegate because she couldn't handle the pressure. Reminds me a bit of when the Meritocracy selected a certain Senator to be a part of their delegation to the ADN negotiations. I miss the old days.
  6. Global NS domination is overrated. Trust me.
  7. I remember that. I believe their new Minister of Justice, Gracius Maximus, drafted the statement. Was shortly before he took over the region I believe. I remember most of the rest as well, as someone formerly associated with the upper echelons of the ADN. I also remember when I first joined the Equilism forum and got into arguments with the nations there because I insisted on calling them Equilismites instead of Equilismers.
  8. From what I can find the Pavilion only has one model with 16GB of RAM (which is equivalent to the MBP 15") - most are 4 or 8.
  9. I've used a MacBook Pro for years but am now looking to buy a new laptop. The prices here in the UK for Apple seem unreasonably high compared to the US and I don't want to wait until my next trip back there. Who makes a good comparable model?
  10. Lol I find it more intuitive. Of course, I only use it for the Internet and writing. So not very intensive.
  11. Apple...
  12. This would likely get more traction in the RP forums.
  13. Yeah, was my first warning in over a decade.
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