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Regional Issue

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I want us to write an issue collectively for the game. Here are some ideas that we could work on together. When it is finished, I will submit it myself.


  • Overfishing
  • Compulsory retirement/retirement ages
  • Sales tax/VAT
  • National census
  • National debt (defaulting?)
  • Appointing a deputy leader
  • Unemployment
  • Complete Employment
  • Immigration (results of restrictions)
  • Recycling
  • Consequences of a ban on marriage
  • Advertising standards
  • GM crops
  • Abolishing feudalism (response to option 1 of Issues #61)
  • Dealing with aspects of a socialist/communist system - centralised vs. decentralised economic planning, electing/appointing managers/officers, autarky.
  • Product placement
  • Drug tourism
  • Reversing the abolition of courts
  • "Affluenza"
  • Copyright trolling
  • Trial by media
  • Hiking the price of generic or life saving drugs
  • Other religions besides @@FAITH@@ being taught in schools
  • "Wasteful government spending" and how to fix it
  • @@LEADER@@ spoiling a popular movie
  • A "Pledge of Allegiance" reversal
  • A reversal of a ban on video games
  • A reversal of a ban on marriage
  • A follow up to allowing vigilante superheroes (a response to #271 option 4)
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let's do GM crops, it fits in with the zaniness of NS issues.



After all if you're going to ban GM crops we have to quit eating everything.



All plants consumed have been genetically modified by humans, it's what we do. It started in Mesopotamia and China 6-7000 years ago, maybe longer, and has never stopped. The planet certainly couldn't sustain 7.4 billion people without GM crops.

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"You're endorsing what now!?" Exclaims traditional farmer [whatever they do for names.] "Sure, today it's adaptations to survive in hostile climates, but tomorrow! Tomorrow it's sedecopus tomatoes with claws and fangs! Ban Genetically modified foods entirely!"

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GM crops sounds solid. Though i admit the ban on marriage one sounds tempting too.


There are some option which deal with either banning marriage or seriously restricting it.


I think the GMO idea offers some solid ground for our creativity to sprout and bear fruit.

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After an increase in the number of children born with blue or green tainted skin, a group of concerned parents styling themselves as natural eaters have demanded that the government put restrictions of Genetically Modified Organism for human consumption.


1) Parent's Restriction Request, perhaos gov. control (more taxes?)

2) Coorporate Endorsement of the GMO as financially superior

3) "You're endorsing what now!?" Exclaims traditional farmer [whatever they do for names.] "Sure, today it's adaptations to survive in hostile climates, but tomorrow! Tomorrow it's sedecopus tomatoes with claws and fangs! Ban Genetically modified foods entirely!"

4) Scientific demanding more funding to remove dangers?

5) Some crazy option

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A bespectacled poindexter weasels his way to the front of the crowd. "Of course the fruits of our labour are imperfect, we're operating on mere pennies a day." He pats his pocket protector reassuringly. "If our laboratories had more funding we could produce super-foods! Just think of the opportunities, not only would our populace never go hungry again, we could create an army of sapient cabbages to rule the world!" He is escorted away by security, laughing maniacally.

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Submitting a regional Daily Issue is a great idea but we need to ensure that it is ORIGINAL but, with over 480 already 'out there', this may be a difficult task :(  The other aspect is that it needs to be capable of having a high humour content.  For my money, would go for the 'Product Placement' one :)

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"I have a dream that our children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the amount of money they spend on our products!" says well-groomed George Wallstreetson, CEO of Hard Cash Inc "So what if the food is making them blue or green? Hell, we can probably make them florescent pink and employ them in some of the clubs we own. And wait until you see the new product we have in the works: singing potatos! Who wouldn't want one, or seven hundred? And i'm sure that a little government support would let us put these out on the market faster, if you know what i mean. "

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"I have a dream that our children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the amount of money they spend on our products!" says well-groomed George Wallstreetson, CEO of Hard Cash Inc "So what if the food is making them blue or green? Hell, we can probably make them florescent pink and employ them in some of the clubs we own. And wait until you see the new product we have in the works: singing potatos! Who wouldn't want one, or seven hundred? And i'm sure that a little government support would let us put these out on the market faster, if you know what i mean. "


crowds of candy-colored people are now attending potato operas across the country

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I need effects as well. These should be one sentence that requires no punctuation, and does not begin with a capital letter. It should be one space away from.

Do you mean effects as in the numerical consequences for the 3 main areas of Political, Personal and Economic freedoms, or just the effect as in words?  Maybe both?

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Some crazy option:


"You're not seeing the real benefits here." says a mysterious man in a black trench coat approaching your seat "We could edit the structure of these vegetables and fruits, then export them to other nations. But what did we do the exported greens? Well, let's just say the nations we are exporting them to will be much easier to conquer."




"They're poisoning our children!" screams spokesman of Pink Parents Petition, Natalie Westson "My little Timmy hasn't left the house for two straight months because he's afraid of the way people are going to treat him. These money-hungry business owners need to get cracked down on so that our children don't have to suffer the shame of having different colored skin! Obviously we should be given a taxt-cut as a form of an apology for the horrific treatment we've been given, and have the corporate fatcats arrested!"

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