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URA and Hari are really weird! But not RPing. Out they go!


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Resealable packages that are printed wrong, so when you cut on the line you cut the zipper off.



I have a mug with beagles on it at home, and it says “Beagle” on it. Only problem is that the letters are embossed on the cup, but the printed word is about a centimeter too far to the left, so the embossed letters and the printed letters don't match up.

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I have a mug with beagles on it at home, and it says “Beagle” on it. Only problem is that the letters are embossed on the cup, but the printed word is about a centimeter too far to the left, so the embossed letters and the printed letters don't match up.

That would make me twitch every time I saw it,
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Looking at that cup just makes me annoyed and kind of sad.

I'm a twitchy person...

Members of my sailing team can tell what I'm thinking through my body language most of the time, and twitching is a part of that.

I twitch when I'm annoyed, and sometimes when I'm a touch angry.

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I'm told that people can't tell what's on my mind because I don't give many clues and I don't smile that much. I do smile at things though, but to be smiling all the time like everyone else? Weird.


People use me as a metric for how funny something is. They usually consider a joke hilarious if they can get me to laugh at it.

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I'm told that people can't tell what's on my mind because I don't give many clues and I don't smile that much. I do smile at things though, but to be smiling all the time like everyone else? Weird.


People use me as a metric for how funny something is. They usually consider a joke hilarious if they can get me to laugh at it.


>_> The water supply, it must be contaminated!

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I had idea. Maybe we should continue this and see how similar we actually are.


Hariko                                                                                                                                  United RussoAsia


Android over Apple                                                                                        prefer jailbroken apple stuff, but pretty close

Linux over Apple                                                                                           MUCH YES(Ubuntu for casual use, Kali for if I want to do some... legally discouraged activities
Windows over Apple (noticing a trend?)                                                          yeah, I like windows for gaming
Mangos are my favorite fruit                                                                          close second is pears
caldo verde is my comfort food                                                                       I make awesome scrambled eggs-sounds simple but really nice
two brothers and a dog                                                                                  two brothers, turtle, cat
learning korean, dutch, and spanish                                                                not enough time to learn much, but know some Spanish, korean, and Russian 
I subscribe on YT to: Alternate History Hub, BuzzFeed Video, CGP Grey,            scary.

   Clean Bandit, CrashCourse, Eat Your Kimchi, Eddsworld, Minute Earth,

   Monstercat, SciShow, simonandmartinabonus, TestTube, and Vsauce

My podcasts are: TEDTalks Radio Hour by NPR,                                               NPR rocks

   Shane and Friends by Shane Dawson and Jessie Buttafuoco,

   Stuff You Should Know by How Stuff Works
50% Vietnamese, 25% Irish, 25% Norwegian                                                  mostly korean and Norwegian, with welsh, Scottish, and Irish plus other stuff
Agnostic-leaning Catholic                                                                               yeah.
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide                                                                             Totally
Hetalia                                                                                                         yes.
Bakuman                                                                                                     never heard of
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld                                                                        yes
xkcd                                                                                                            much yes
Minecraft                                                                                                      in moderation
computers are interesting                                                                              are my life
want to visit abroad                                                                                      same, although out of school so much moneys needed
I has beagle dog                                                                                           I had Newfoundland, the only REAL dog out there
Green Party                                                                                                 yeah, ish
Spain is my favorite Hetalia character                                                            you creepy person...
Moto X 2013 (waiting for 5.1)                                                                       uhuh.
Would kill for goat cheese and fig preserves grilled cheese sandwich                maybe not kill, but yeah.

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Here is a list of questions that we can answer to get to know more about the basic things about us.

We've already covered some of it, so we can skip stuff like appearance.

Left or right handed?

Favourite subject back when you were in school?

Subject you were best at, if it wasn't your favourite?

Favourite colour?

Birth date?

Birth order?

Anything about your parents that influenced you later on?

Things you did as a child?

Shoe size?

Which side of the family do you take after?

What thing about your siblings pisses you off the most?

Are you a picky eater?

What's the hanja for your name? (JK, PM me it later)

Favourite ice cream flavour?

Opinions on personal space?

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1. Right handed, not picky with hands though; if it's not chopsticks or pencils it isn't a big deal.

2. My favourite subject was/is chemistry.

3. The subjects I am best at are English and Spanish. For some reason, math is difficult for me, and I don't know why. Numbers and the like, they just don't make sense. Numbers in the abstract do not work well with my mind.

4. My favourite colour is lime green, but cyan is a close second.

5. I was born on 19 November 1998, so my peers are more like a year younger than me, because most of them were born in the summer of '99. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm a young'un to you.

6. I'm the first born, so I end up being the standard bearer, and quite often the third parent, too. I end up receiving a lot of the criticism that my parents direct at my siblings as a whole. They also push me to grow up faster than the other two. I don't talk to them that much about myself, so they think they know me when they really only know the ten year old Hariko.

7. My father listens to a lot of '80s music, so that's something I've learned to live with even if it isn't my personal preference. He also used to sail a lot on his sailboat, and would take me with him when I was younger. I didn't learn how to sail, but I spent a lot of time fishing or swimming by the boat. I remember most clearly when I caught a five foot long shark, which was bigger than I was at the time. My father sold his boat for financial reasons when I was eight or nine. But it's also the reason my family moved here. The boat was in New Bedford. >_> My mother likes to cook, so I've been growing up eating homemade meals, and a fair share of Vietnamese and French food. As a result, I have higher standards for food than most people, (it annoys some people) and find the food around here generally tasteless and gross. Friendly's, anyone? My grandfather is a motorhead, and I got that from him. I have a good knowledge of how cars work (for someone with no experience as a mechanic), and I enjoy driving fast go-karts every once in a while. Obviously, one cannot street race, so until I have the money to indulge in a nice race car (if ever), go-karts will have to do.

8. As a child, I mostly liked to read books, but especially children's encyclopaedias, which has translated over into my Wikipedia addiction. My parents wanted me to find a sport or bobby to get interested in, so it was one thing after another. Mom's Club, karate, Cub Scouts, soccer, Boy Scouts, guitar, yearbook club. All awful. However, as of recently, I've started to develop a love for tennis, much to my parents' relief. Webkinz was also a thing in elementary school.

9. My shoe size is an 11.5 men's. My feet are huge. Ya know what they say about big feet, lol!

10. If you looked at me, it would be obvious that I take after my mother's side. Personality-wise, more like my father.

11. The thing that pisses me off the most about my siblings is the fact that they are condescending to me, even if I've done nothing to irritate them.

12. I used to be a picky eater, but not over vegetables. I'm fine with vegetables and fruit. When I was little, I didn't like red meat or fish, and to this day, I still prefer fish or poultry to red meat.

13. You already know the chữ Nôm for my name.

14. Mint chocolate chip at the Barn, cookie dough elsewhere.

15. I'm very protective of my personal space around strangers and peers, and prefer to stand in a corner of the room instead of in the middle. Close friends and family don't have this restriction, and they can come as close to me as they want. Physical contact is okay, too. However, if you are a stranger and touch me, I will try to break your fingers.

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1. Well I'm not too picky unless it's chopsticks or pencils(right hand) or shooting. I shoot leftie, IDK why. Just do.

2. Tough, chem or physics. I think it was physics because I had a horrid teacher that year and still loved the class.

3. Same, my friend.

4. Green, with red as a close second.

5. 6/6/91, no matter what date system you're using. I like it that way.

6. Last born, with the nearest brother 3 years off. This eschewed me from the rest of my family and I don't really talk to any of them much.

7. Both parents were excellent sailors, something I took in. My father was a crack shot too, and I get that from him.

8. Well, I would do anything to be able to use computers. I was a swimmer, a runner, a sailor, and a biker. I did tae-kwon-do which I've mostly forgotten, and I went shooting with my dad too.

9. 13 men's. waaaay too large.

10. Same.

11. They seemed to go out of their way to make my life hell. That was enough.

12. Nope, I'll eat most things, seafood especially.

13. Ok, will do.

14. Same!

15. I need way too much of it. Get too close and I get really jittery and my left hand starts subconsciously resting near my holster. Family isn't much better, unless you're sailing team which is pretty much family, and I'll even go so far as to hug them etc.

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You know, I was expecting more differences between us than I got. I don't know how to feel about that.

Also, my condolences about your feet. Mine get comments, considering my height, so going to the shoe store with those things must be torture for you.


This world was not made for my size. The chair backs are too tall, the legroom too small, the hats too big, and the jackets too wide.

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They don't make my size anything.

My brother has a friend called Hye, who is a North Korean defector, and she asked my brother how people in America can live after her family ate McDonald's in Japan and her father had to go to the hospital because of the fat content. Just wanted to share that, lol.

And yes, I feel sorry for you.

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