I invite anyone to have a conversation with me, I would ask that they PM or TG me however. The thread was locked and continuing it would be inappropriate.
I would ask BBD specifically to TG me as he may see me as less of a brick wall there than here.
I started my aggression when he started his.
Am I sorry about his mother? Absolutely.
However, when someone says, "My mother just died so I won't be around. Oh by the way I'm over the cap and I think you suck and I'm staying over the cap so screw you and screw the region", I can't just ignore the threats because his mother died.
You apparently lack an understanding of the way things work as well as respect for the members of this region like the one who posted above you.
Topic locked on request. TG me if you feel lucky.
I fucked up the Pacific embassy too, huh? I guess it doesn't matter that Ivan ordered the closure.
I wanted a functioning government. It happened. I don't care what form it's in, as long as it's there.
Threats? That's a laugh, BDD. I make no threat here. I'm making a promise.
You're a complete waste of my time.
I am discussing with some guardians about this very issue, in fact. We will come to the right answer.
inb4 Eli calls BS because he checked the chamber and there's no such discussion there.
I'm specifically having it in-game so you, Eli, among other people, can't see it.