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Everything posted by Darkesia

  1. I strongly suggest your own welcome thread. No one will realize you are here if you just come talk to Elegarth. Afterall, we all come chat with our Bishop of Sensibility. It's the sensible thing to do.
  2. Thank you for the update. And congrats to Klaus on his new job!
  3. Haven Status means there were no infected in the region and the infection rate. Was zero. Once those regions got that status (Lemuria for example)you could ignore them and they remained infection free.
  4. The problem with that (otherwise wonderful) idea, is that it requires opening and closing the borders here in order to let each wave of cured nations back in. In a region this large, I can promise you that there will be someone waiting to pounce on any keycode put on TWP or for a brief border crossing. Border openings need to be kept to a minimum. I was thinking of one or at most two toward the end of the event, with enough time afterward to clean up any horde or TZE nations that make their way in with the others.
  5. Is everything well, with you, Shadoke?
  6. I love that logo. Very pretty! I also find the RMB trivia search game an excellent idea. I may try something like that here.
  7. My persective of Z3: What went well; We got quite a few large population nations to research a cure as soon as the event timer began. I figured out how to close the borders shortly after they fixed the bug, so we were protected. Autonomica's tools were a huge help in location large zombie populations for cure missile targets People were vocal and prompt about reporting horde nations and rogue TZES. We stayed organized until the very end (an amazing feat for our laidback, huge region) The Guardian System made me comfortable enough that I ejected the nations that needed it, including Vlagh, without worry for the security of the region post-Z3. What could have gone better; I did not communicate the idea that TZES do not aid the region's survivor rates at all. I received 80 telegrams from nations frustrated that I would not allow them to go around killing all the zombies in the region, afterall that how they do it in the TV Shows and Movies. If we choose the same strategy next time, we will need to improve our communication in this area. We did not notice (until too late) the damage done to our survival rates by nations (large or small) who were permitted to get nearly 100% infected and their population began dying without the interferance of TZES. An additional tool to track the infection rates in all nations would help tremendously. While we were impressivly organized, the addition of "large nation" cure missle teams and "small nation" cure missile teams would improve efficiency so that large nations can move on to the next target while the small nations clean up and bring infection rates to zero. The problems with leaving some zombies in the nations are: it effects the regional infection rate and rogue TZES can't kill healthy citizens, only zombies. We need a faster means of identifying horde nations. I could easly clear the lists generated but between refreshes we had to rely on reports of nations actually attacking. I wonder if we could run more than one tool at different intervals. A question for the code monkeys for next Z-day. Many of us, myself included had large population nations in protected regions which reached Haven status. I had intended to coordinate some immigration of those nations before the end of the event, but I could not manage to get that organized and rolling. I think we need to plan something like that before hand next time. I think that last push could have got us into the top 5. That's my 2 cents.
  8. Darkesia

    WECA Roster

    *considers cutting your chocolate rations after the Z-Day event*
  9. Darkesia

    WECA Roster

    You must be a marsupialist.
  10. Welcome to The inner sanctum of TWP! Do you have any chocolate?
  11. Not sure what happened here. But I am inexplicably disapproving.
  12. Working from home (unless you have a separate space) makes home less relaxing, IMO.
  13. That's the thing. We don't have a "structure around here" because we have never done this before. I honestly have no idea what to write. I keep waiting for something to grab my attention so I can run with it. Also... Did I misunderstand that there is no gravity in this place? And it's pretty cold and sterile for an environment? I'm not familiar with that environment, so it's not so easy for me to write about it. Never worn a space suit. Never peed in space (how do they do that? lol). Never tried to control a bunch of luggage in zero g. You see where I am going with this? Maybe it's just me, but how can PBR lie on a bench, if he's floating? Wouldn't he have to strap himself in? Couldn't he just fall asleep and float around the room making perfectly round blobs of drool that the rest of us would have to avoid? lol
  14. Cuz... what to write? You said we can't go anywhere. So the doors are locked. And we are just floating around in some airlock, right? Also, I am out of town and on my phone.
  15. Name: Moira Cairn Occupation(Use some sense with this.): Botanist Age: 29 Description(if you'd like. A pic works too.) Physically fit, lean. Hard, grey eyes. Unruly, flaming red hair that is perpetually kept restrained and slicked due to the environment. Pale skin that used to be tanned. Freckles across nose and cheeks. Biography(optional): Moira became a botanist to explore her home planet and to help feed & preserve her home. She is in HC because the scientists slated to be here became ill just before the corporation sent them up. She resents being in space doing the job of three people, even though she has a managing position of some importance. She is biding her time until a suitable replacement can be found. Only truly happy when her hands are in dirt and the sun is on her face, she can be surly and difficult to deal with here in HennCity. Any other details: ok?
  16. http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2014-october-8 Lunar eclipse coming soon! The nice link above will tell you if and when you can see it in your area. For me: Event UTC Time Time in Cleveland* Visible in Cleveland Penumbral Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 8:17 AM Oct 8 at 4:17 AM Yes Partial Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 9:18 AM Oct 8 at 5:18 AM Yes Full Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 10:27 AM Oct 8 at 6:27 AM Yes Maximum Eclipse Oct 8 at 10:55 AM Oct 8 at 6:55 AM Yes Full Eclipse ends Oct 8 at 11:22 AM Oct 8 at 7:22 AM Yes Partial Eclipse ends Oct 8 at 12:32 PM Oct 8 at 8:32 AM No, below horizon Penumbral Eclipse ends Oct 8 at 1:32 PM Oct 8 at 9:32 AM No, below horizon Why this simply refuses to remain in the table as soon as I try to post it, is beyond me. Suffice to say, it's a nice table if you look at the link.
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