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  1. Results of Match Day 7 of the Group Stage of RWC 5 Group A Varanius 12–14 Hertfordshire and Jammbo Larxia 6–13 Cambria Avadonialis 15–39 Overthinkers Group A Pld W D L PF PA PD BP Pts 1 Overthinkers 6 5 0 1 134 67 +67 4 24 2 Cambria 6 5 0 1 104 42 +62 2 22 3 Larxia 6 3 0 3 61 64 −3 1 13^ 4 Hertfordshire and Jammbo 6 3 0 3 56 70 −14 1 13^ 5 Avadonialis 6 2 0 4 81 89 −8 4 12 6 Rivalfiume 6 2 0 4 43 74 −31 2 10 7 Varanius 6 1 0 5 37 110 −73 2 6 ^tie broken by virtue of (a) Head-to-head record: Larxia 1-0 Hertfordshire and Jammbo Group B Sekiya 17–6 Nieubasria New Velka (NPC) 0–7 Teralyon Zhiznovsk 7–22 United Adaikes Group B Pld W D L PF PA PD BP Pts 1 Teralyon 6 6 0 0 89 34 +55 2 26 2 United Adaikes 6 5 0 1 98 34 +64 4 24 3 Fujai 6 4 0 2 81 41 +40 4 20 4 Sekiya 6 3 0 3 97 112 −15 2 14 5 Zhiznovsk 6 2 0 4 82 110 −28 1 9 6 Nieubasria 6 1 0 5 52 99 −47 2 6 7 New Velka (NPC) 6 0 0 6 34 103 −69 1 1 Group C Arifiyyah 19–10 Saint Mark Einherfell (NPC) 7–31 Zoran Nouveauterra 10–7 Ryxtylopia Group C Pld W D L PF PA PD BP Pts 1 Ryxtylopia 6 5 0 1 87 65 +22 2 22 2 Zoran 6 4 0 2 105 65 +40 3 19 3 Nouveauterra 6 3 1 2 53 42 +11 2 16 4 Saint Mark 6 3 0 3 67 63 +4 2 14^ 5 Peourouin 6 3 0 3 90 81 +9 2 14^ 6 Arifiyyah 6 2 1 3 69 66 +3 2 12 7 Einherfell (NPC) 6 0 0 6 32 121 −89 1 1 ^tie broken by virtue of (a) Head-to-head record: Saint Mark 1-0 Peourouin Group D Denieria (NPC) 0–15 Min-Su Mygrdiyah 13–25 Giovanniland Nalibia 0–0 Dalimbar Group D Pld W D L PF PA PD BP Pts 1 Dalimbar 6 4 1 1 109 76 +33 3 21 2 Giovanniland 6 4 0 2 78 70 +8 3 19 3 Ostronia 6 4 0 2 106 55 +51 2 18 4 Mygrdiyah 6 4 0 2 98 56 +42 1 17 5 Nalibia 6 3 1 2 44 71 −27 0 14 6 Min-Su 6 1 0 5 38 77 −39 3 7 7 Denieria (NPC) 6 0 0 6 39 107 −68 2 2 Bracketing for the Knockouts Round of RWC 5 Round of 16 Overthinkers v Myrgdiyah Grand Merchen Stadium, Cangham United Adaikes v Nouveauterra Valley Dome Arena, Cargan Ryxtylopia v Sekiya Glace Field, Occida Giovanniland v Larxia Welker Stadium, Anders Teralyon v Saint Mark Roller Field, Hestmere Cambria v Ostronia Len Condor Stadium, Cangham Dalimbar v Hertfordshire and Jammbo Liegen Star Stadium, Anders Zoran v Fujai Garner Swoop Stadium, Aurum
    8 points
  2. [Having gone through Aurum and recently entered Anders, the trio are in the middle of sending a support message to The Youkai and the fans.] Jeremy Clarkson: Hello, it's Jeremy. Here's Richard. Richard Hammond: Hello. Jeremy Clarkson: And here's James. James May: Hello there. Jeremy Clarkson: Now you might be wondering why we've suddenly put the camera on now. Richard Hammond: I don't think anyone's wondering that. Jeremy Clarkson: Oh. James May: Yeah, the Hertfordians. Richard Hammond: And the Jammbonians. Jeremy Clarkson: And Hertmerians. James May: Everyone who watches us sees what we do on these trips all the time. Like when Jeremy ran over Quiyakaso in that car. Jeremy Clarkson: That you and Richard sabotaged. Richard Hammond: It's strange though, it feels like we'd be using a script for all of these and yet we don't. Jeremy Clarkson: No, that is true. James May: It surprises me sometimes. Jeremy Clarkson: So anyway, shall we get back on topic? James May: Ooo yes. Jeremy Clarkson: Well then, to continue on what I asked before, we're showing this on camera now not only to you at home and whoever's watching us in this country, but also to the Hertfordshire-Jammbo rugby team. Richard Hammond: We thought it would be a good idea to send a video of support to The Youkai heading into the match with Varanius. Jeremy Clarkson: We also thought at the same time to ask all you fans at home and here in Overthinkers to offer your support too. We aren't heartless. James May: As you may know, the Hertfordshire-Jammbo rugby team is a slightly confusing and incomprehensible thing. Much like Hertfordshire-Jammbo itself and pretty much every national sporting team we have. Jeremy Clarkson: No, he's right. I mean there are both teenagers and middle-aged people in the team. Take myself for instance, I'm 54. James is 50 despite seeming 500 at times. Richard here is in his early 40s. James May: He'll probably remain 40 eternally. Richard Hammond: That doesn't sound too bad. Jeremy Clarkson: The point is, Star Breaker have a very large age range. It seems archaic, and it shouldn't by any logical measure be able to compete at the level it does. Yet somehow, a bleak yet at the same time scenic land of ice and dandelions with less than 4,000,000 people has not only cemented itself as one of Esferos' top sporting nations, but has also won multiple titles over the years. Richard Hammond: There was the T20 World Cup, and we can't forget the original Rugby World Cup. Jeremy Clarkson: Even in the Esferiad, Hertfordshire-Jammbo is consistently one of the best nations present. If there was ever a Winter Olympics, we'd probably be right at home. James May: Before recently when the Tsar and previous Prime Minister finally succeeded in putting through that law that prevented anyone too young from entering office, said previous Prime Minister - Furu, who was forced to sit in office from 10-14 years old due to political issues I won't cover here. Jeremy Clarkson: The candidate who won the election in 1419 was found guilty of a lot of corruption and as it turned out the deputy, Arthur Perebiynis, pretty much tried forcing Furu to break themselves in office and in their hobby as an artist so he could secretly rule. When Furu accepted themselves and left office when the absolute monarchy was formed, Arthur's plan failed and he tried to assassinate the Tsar directly. That failed and he's now on death row. Richard Hammond: Ouch! James May: ...Thank you Jeremy. Anyway, said previous Prime Minister somehow won gold and silver in Javelin. Richard Hammond: Makes you wonder how we can keep up with nigh-on everyone else really. Jeremy Clarkson: Let's be honest, growing up in Hertfordshire-Jammbo would make anyone at least a little resilient. War notwithstanding. James May: I knew you'd mention the war! Richard Hammond: That was terrible. We should know, we all lived through it. James May: For those from other nations who don't know, the Anglian War was a decade long civil war that started over a succession crisis, economic depression and ethnic conflict between the Hertfordians, Jammbonians and Hertmerians that sort of mirrored what happened when the Jammbonians first migrated to this area from northern Andolia in the 400s. Though that migration and conflict lasted over 100 years. Richard Hammond: Even though it pales in comparison to a century, a decade of war that destroyed the former continental powerhouse of Anglia-Jammbo originally known as Greater Anglia is still really tragic. Jeremy Clarkson: I know. The Hertmerians arguably had it worst. They were almost driven to extinction! Some say there were Hertmerians who fled for Hestmere here in Overthinkers. Some suggest Hestmere was founded by Hertmerians. Richard Hammond: To think that we're the last members of an extinct Hertmerian tribe that have been around where we live for over 2,600 years. James May: Well, technically the Merthyrni tribe still exists today if we're around. Richard Hammond: True, but you get my point. Jeremy Clarkson: We all went through that prolonged atrocity, and less than 20 years later had not only fully rebuilt an all but decimated country, but also exceeded every hope and expectation we had as a people. So if we can recover from something like that... James May: Then we can recover from something like this. This, of course, refers to the group stage. Richard Hammond: Our start to Rugby World Cup 5 was nothing short of terrible. We were smashed twice in a row by Larxia and Avadonialis. Two teams who we ought to be winning against. Admittedly, we were too busy racing to prove the usefulness of the Motorway of Death... and kind of dragged Galatea and Clarkov along for the ride. James May: Beyond that, though, I think The Youkai's turn-around has been one of the stories of the tournament. We went from being routed to beating the hosts against all odds, restricted Cambria to a 7-3 win which is really impressive if you look at their record, and swatted Rivalfiume without so much as a reply. Jeremy Clarkson: Not an attempt at a reply. Which brings us to tonight. Hertfordshire-Jammbo is facing off with Varanius. Larxia is up against Cambria. Avadonialis plays Overthinkers. To qualify, we have to win and then hope one or both of Cambria and Overthinkers does us a favour. James May: It may seem daunting, but considering the match-ups, it's not an impossibility. Richard Hammond: The greatest strength of The Youkai is their variety. They're an all-round powerhouse in general. Jeremy Clarkson: There's attack-type members such as Shizune, Reimu, myself, Karaina and Ozen. James May: We have defence-type members including Julian, Naho, Faust, me, Kirumi and Gwyn. Richard Hammond: There's also stamina-type members like Free, Lichova, Promestein, me, Tess, Brooklyn, Hanako and Tala. Jeremy Clarkson: We are slightly geared towards stamina, but the balance-types make up the majority. We have Mizore, Tarrick, Nagisa, Rin, Clarkov, Pax, Nia, Pri and Shu. James May: On the topic of stamina, the resilience of this team is its other greatest strength. It has to be, considering where we come from. Richard Hammond: Take for instance Mizore, Tarrick, Damian, Clarkov, Pax, Hanako and even the manager Hisao. They've all been through more than a fair bit, which we won't describe for privacy reasons, and they're still here. Jeremy Clarkson: As are the rest of us. The entire nation even. Then there's legends. James May: Each nation has their own legends and rising stars. Larxia, one of the teams we're battling for a place in the knockout rounds, has a young phenomenon called Eli Thorne. Now we may be biased, but no one has more sheer determination in this tournament than Tarrick. Richard Hammond: He may be on the older side, early to mid 30s I believe, but he spent the best part of 17 years looking for a cure for his comatose wife after a war-related incident in 1407, and then trying to help her amnesia when she went on a roaring rampage of revenge over her thought-to-be-deceased child, while having to handle the believed loss of said child all that time. That can not have been easy mentally. It all ended happily for him and his family, even his daughter turned out to have survived that incident. I don't see how anyone could be more determined. That's why he's become a legend in Hertfordshire-Jammbo. James May: Just like said legend and everyone else in the team, we'd like to give everything and then some into this next match, and all matches. Jeremy Clarkson: So, Night Paraders. James May: That's the nickname for the rugby fans of Hertfordshire-Jammbo in case you were confused. Richard Hammond: if you're watching this, whether you're at home or here with us, do everything you can to support The Youkai. Jeremy Clarkson: As for you guys back in Cangham, we'll try to make it for our game. We'll leave Anders for Cangham as soon as we turn off the camera. Richard Hammond: Win. Tear the Eye Cult asunder. James May: We'll see you then. Jeremy Clarkson: Take care, goodnight! [The trio turned off the camera and began the final leg of their trip through the host settlements, back to Cangham.]
    6 points
  3. July 5, 1424 2:16 PM Polaris Eastern Time (IAT-2) At the entrance of the Millenium Hall Red Palace, Adaikes Central, Adaikes Luke Salazar just finished accepting the credentials of the honorable ambassadors from Greiya, Candelu, and Nalibia in the Reception Hall of the Red Palace. When one of the agents of the Presidential Security Service opened the door for the Millenium Hall, he was not surprised by the presence of Foreign Affairs Secretary Anne Duncan, who reached for his hand upon entering and shaking her hand, and the Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretaries for Aura, Andolia, Doll Guldur and Nur. While Salazar was less surprised by the presence of Justice Secretary Jeffrey Searle, the President needed clarification as to why Education Secretary Zeeshan Cannon was present at the event. "Why are you here?" Salazar pointed to Cannon before taking his hand and shaking it, smiling. "We have a meeting with Anne and Jeffrey after this, Mr. President. They just invited me to join them here," Cannon scratched his head. "Is it about that International Education Summit you proposed?" Salazar asked. Cannon nodded. Salazar tapped Cannon's arm and replied, "Hey, no problem, glad you could join us." Duncan then ushered the President and the Secretaries to their seats, shaking hands with everyone they passed in the Hall. The Secretaries found their way to their seats, still standing, but when the President saw the ambassadors he just received a while ago on the opposite side of the room, Salazar went to them and shook their hands. It was only when Salazar returned to where the Secretaries were and sat down in his assigned seat that everyone in the room followed to take their seats. An officer of the Presidential Management Staff (PMS) went to Duncan and asked if the Foreign Affairs Secretary could introduce the guest of honor and speaker of the event. Duncan nodded and stood up, with the PMS officer ushering her to the unmarked podium on the right side of the rostrum in front of them. Duncan briefly read the clean paper on the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce you to the President of the Federal Republic of the United Adaikes, President Luke Wilfrid Salazar." Everyone stood up and clapped. Salazar rolled his eyes at the Secretaries in jest before standing up and proceeding to the left side of the rostrum where his Podium was, the podium with the Seal of the Office of the President. "You may sit down," Salazar asked the guests of the event, "well, not really 'may', but I implore you to see reason to sit down, when I see everyone standing up and I look at my right, we have Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary for Auran Affairs Ariel Gladwin still standing." Everyone chuckled. "He's already a dual citizen, at that," Salazar continued, shaking his head while smiling. Everyone knew the President would like to start talking casually at events. "He's an Adaikesian citizen, and he just became a senior citizen last week, reached the age of 60, so he's a dual citizen now!" Everyone chortled again. "But on a serious note, I'd like to thank everyone for your presence this afternoon. A while ago, I just received the credentials of Ambassador Mitake Ryoma of Greiya, Ambassador Lucchetto Parin of Candelu, and Lord Dimnah Nkechi of the Chinelo Family from Nalibia. While we wait for their own embassies to be put up, they will be holding office at our International Assembly Office we have always provided to all our ambassadors in the absence of their embassies in the country and world leaders when they are in our country for official matters. I may have to invite everyone here again next week, after I received confirmation from [House] Speaker [Kramnit-Ram] Patneg this morning that our ambassadors to be assigned to Larxia and Min-Su have been confirmed by the Commission of Appointments. "But for now, may I ask Ambassador Socorro Rowland, to be assigned in Greiya, Ambassador Thomas Sutton, to be assigned in Candelu, and Ambassador Rosalie Beck, to be assigned in Nalibia, to join me here so that I can administer your oath of office," asked Salazar, as he asked the ambassadors to stand rank in file while facing the crowd. Secretary Duncan also stood up and took the microphone another PMS officer gave her. She stood next to the President, holding the microphone near Salazar's mouth, with Salazar holding a copy of the Oath of Office. "Please repeat after me," Salazar started. "I, state your name," the President waited until the ambassadors finished speaking. "Of the Department of Foreign Affairs," "Having been appointed to the position of Ambassador of, state the country where you will be stationed," "Hereby solemnly swear," "That I will faithfully discharge to the best of my ability," "The duties of my present position and of all others," "That I may hereafter hold under the Federal Republic of the United Adaikes," "That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same," "That I will obey the laws, legal orders, and degrees promulgated," "By the duly constituted authorities of the Federal Republic of the United Adaikes," "And that I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily," "Without mental reservation or purpose of evasion," "So help me God," Salazar ended, congratulating the ambassadors. Everyone is then asked to proceed to the adjoining Banquet Hall for refreshments.
    5 points
  4. < Previous: The Unification of Lavender Island Beyond Lavender Island The southern Darkesian Sea in the year of 720 AF. Expansion during the Early Giovannian Empire After the unification of Lavender Island in 689 AF, there were three peaceful decades during which the empire made important progress in trade and military affairs. Expansion then happened once more due to economic interests, this time outside of the island. When the Ardala Khanate in northern Andolia fell into a succession war in 721, Giovanni II authorized an imperial fleet to sail off Porto Violeto and Abrentopole soon after. The fleet reached the Isule Annovi in the first day of 724, where the important fortress of Isula Magna was founded, and afterwards it landed in the Ardalan mainland. The city of Andoliavilla was the first major settlement founded by the Giovannians there, and the coast was named Lido Flavi, in honor of Admiral Flavio that led this fleet. The imperial armies took advantage of the fighting between the khans Naran, Elbeg and Tsaghan, who fought for control of the Ardala Khanate. Naran Khan was the most powerful of them, at the time controlling the Ardalan capital of Altan-qota and also the fertile valleys of the Irto River. From the newly founded base of Andoliavilla in 724, General Ottavio gradually came to conquer the Irto River valleys and surrounding lands over the next few years, allying with some local rulers unhappy with the Ardalan rule. Concurrently, General Galzeno fought against the troops of Tsaghan Khan in eastern Ardala, capturing their chief settlement of Tengis and killing the khan in 729. Two generals joined their forces for the siege of Altan-qota, which lasted until 734. Ottavio then invaded the royal palace to murder Naran Khan and his family, ordering the destruction of the city, and founded the colonies of Lido Flavi and Doruna. The final expansion of Giovanni's reign saw General Lukiano advance southwards into the lands controlled by Tamir Khan, Naran's younger brother, where he founded the Colony of Kordelleria. Last but not least, the emperor signed of the Treaty of Syntilla with Saint Mark in 744, starting a centuries-long collaboration between the two Auran powers that continues to this day. Giovanni's successor was his granddaughter Emilia, and during her reign there was an attempt to conquer the last independent Ardalan lands, however it had mixed results and only managed to annex a few cities. Emilia had more success with conquering the realms in modern-day Fhaengshia, ordering a large military expedition to be raised in the Colony of Doruna and then march east. It entered the Kingdom of Ahfeginsi in the 751, soon capturing the capital Finsi and annexing the entire realm in 752, and the same happened to the Kingdom of Shihganfe in 754 after the successful siege of the capital Ganfa. Unfortunately, the Giovannian advance was stopped after a failed siege in 755 to the city of Ruike, held by the powerful Kingdom of Fhaengshia. Emilia died later that year, leaving the throne to her younger sister Anna I, who ordered the conquest to halt for the time being. She agreed to send reinforcements from Lavender Island a year and a half later, and once they arrived, General Numerio commanded a successful siege of Ruike. Meanwhile, Admiral Nero won naval battles near the cities of Pirhaen and the capital Fhaendhaw by 760, leading King Soetihn of Fhaengshia to escape to the southern Gheffian region in advance. The imperial forces then pursued him over the two next years until he agreed to surrender in 762, and the Colony of Fhaengshia was then established. Anna's later years saw further colonial expansion, for example fighting the last Ardalan resistance, led by Elbeg's third son Daichin Khan who commanded a fierce last stand against the Giovannian Empire. He was killed after the siege of Gal-gazar in 770, and his lands were annexed to the Colony of Kordelleria. The empress also sought to expand the Colony of Doruna eastwards to better connect it with the new Colony of Fhaengshia, adding in 781 the mountainous lands of modern-day central Fhaengshia to it, and then consolidating control of the new colonies until her death in 792. Her nephew Paldeno then ruled until 805 and sent expeditions towards islands in the central Darkesian Sea as well as the Outer Sirenas to the southeast, in order to increase the Empire's trading influence. Middle Giovannian Empire (Pax Giovanniana) A detailed map of the Giovannian Empire's conquests, including major happenings such as agreements, battles and the founding of new settlements. The reign of Paldeno's son Iulio II started a period of peace and prosperity for the Giovannian Empire, featuring magnificent economic growth and development of a national identity. During Iulio's reign, many composers, writers and artists had their works financed by notable merchants, and farther expeditions began to establish trading posts in other continents. Iulio's younger sister Abrelia reigned from 824 to 853, and she oversaw the annexation of the Emüne Kingdom in 830 to expand the Kordelleria colony southwards, and an expansion of the Fhaengshian colony into the southern forests. The two next rulers Tenzina and Kesare made preparation for further expeditions by enhancing the military with new technology, and also oversaw the transfer of the capital from Porto Violeto to the newly founded Giovannia, a city built in order to celebrate the prosperity of the empire. This ushered in the reign of Kesare's daughter Zodena I from 888 to 916. The Varanian War happened in the middle of her reign, in which the northern tribes of Varanius were annexed to the Lido Flavi colony in 904, cementing the Giovannian Empire's influence in the Darkesian Sea. However, defeats against the southern tribes and their geographical remoteness led Zodena to table her plans for annexing the rest. Her younger brother Vittore ruled from 916 to 937, and his reign saw the start of a new age of exploration in the Viatic Ocean, starting famous trade routes with the western Nuran civilizations. In modern-day Sekiya for example, Porto Nurano (Tianshi) was founded in an island off the Sekiyan coast in 920, and later in the decade, the trading posts of Divalle (Qiuxia), Bopeng, Tommasopole (Touma), and Trilaquo (Sanbo) were added to the Empire. The coastal states of Fugo and Fuzhou also fell under Giovannian influence as puppets, but not directly controlled, a model that was also widely repeated in other areas. Vittore's successors reaped the benefits from the Giovannian fleets' voyages around Esferos, marking the 10th century as a time of economic, cultural and military prosperity. His son Giovanni III and daughter Trinella channeled this wealth into development of the mainland, and cities such as Porto Violeto, Abrentopole, and Urido thrived as major commercial hubs. Further overseas voyages took place during the rule of Trinella's son Dolkare, reaching the peak territorial extent and military strength of the Empire. Dolkare's son Tommaso II then ruled from 999 to 1039, celebrated for a long and peaceful reign that consolidated a new cultural era. However, his rule is also seen in an ambiguous light since economical and military advances fell behind during this time, causing problems later. Overall during the Middle Giovannian Empire period, unparalleled economic growth happened due to strategic control over lucrative trade routes and abundant resources. The many voyages and expeditions facilitated trade with all continents and brought in diverse goods, while farming and resource extraction in the colonies provided an important backbone to the imperial economy. These riches fueled urban growth as well as the construction of marketplaces, universities, palaces, Iantenist temples, and other public works showcasing Giovannese affluence. The merchant class gained prestige and led commercial innovations—the grand expeditions during the time of Vittore were supported by organizations of merchants and moneylenders, such as the Trading Institute of Lavandula established at Urido in 923, which evolved a century later into the Emeria Lavanda as a pioneer in the history of modern banking. Social aspects such as culture and religion were also strongly affected by the economic prosperity. This period was a time of artistic and intellectual brilliance, featuring famous works such as the Epic of Giovanniland about the national history of several millennia, the majestic frescoes of the Imperial Palace, and the Giovannese style of classical music with world-renowned operas. Meanwhile, Iantenism reached new lands and left a lasting legacy, with positive aspects such as the prominence of events like the Lavender Festival, and the educational role of founding many academies and universities promoting literacy, philosophy, and the sciences. However, negative aspects were also present, since most religious heads did not object to the abuses carried out by colonial administrators against indigenous peoples, and instead benefitted from the spread of Iantenism. In regards to the ethnic groups, the Giovannese enjoyed the most privilege in the empire. Besides the important economic and cultural roles, the imperial government also encouraged them to settle in the colonies, in areas such as fertile valleys and mining areas, where they came to control vast agriculture and extraction operations. The other peoples of Lavender Island, namely the Glenpavian and Minsunese, were also important for the Empire's development, with many of them adhering to Giovannese culture and reaching positions of power. However, movements of expression advocating for valorization of their native cultures surged by the end of the period, eventually developing into the independence of Blue Bubble and Minsu decades later. On the other hand, the indigenous inhabitants of the colonies suffered greatly at the hands of the Empire. Many perished in the wars of conquest and resistance, while harsh working conditions and forced labor in mines, plantations, and construction projects claimed more lives under colonial rule. Giovannese settlers soon outnumbered natives in strategic regions like the Irto River Valley, leading to traditional ways of life being disrupted while a new society shaped by colonial culture emerged, and any rebellion opposing it was thwarted with force.
    5 points
  5. ¡Strategy! ¿What's it good for? A lot of things apparently. Enjoying the top of the group is something not a lot of teams get to experience, and being qualified as the top team in the group with matches still left to play is also something only a few teams get to enjoy. But in this edition of the Rugby World Cup, Ryxtylopia had qualified as the group leader for the Round of 16 in the 6th matchday, for the 7th no matter the result they would keep first place in the group. But now the question was: ¿Who would be our rival in the next rounds? Looking ahead to plan out is a good thing to do, and that is what Tivarra had in mind when making one of his many lists: First off the rival for the round of 16, it would be the 4th placed team in group B and it could be one of three teams so far: SEKIYA: Probably one of the harder rivals the ARR could face in the round of 16, currently sitting in 4th. If they win their game, they're most likley through, characterized for being a VERY agressive team that is always on the attack - that could cost them when it comes to the retention of possetion but can also be a downside, placing more pressure on the defense. In case Ryxtylopia faces Sekiya the strategy would most likley be to lure them into making mistakes and keeping possetion away from them, to be able to push and force them on the defensive, something their playstyle isn't really about, in that case a victory while not easy, is very much possible. ZHIZNOVSK: An interesting rival due to their more or less balanced playstyle, similar to the ARR. They can get to 4th even if Sekiya wins, by gaining a bonus point in their game, but they depend more on Sekiya losing their game to be able to advance, they are probably the most balanced team in the competition, and could prove a hard-ish rival to face depending on how they go about with their game. In case Ryxtylopia faces Zhiznovsk the strategy would be to keep possetion and pressure, acting more agressivley than usual to hopefully keep Zhiznovsk on the backfoot, and prevent any of their attacks from even happening, as they'll probably rely on counter-attacking Ryxtylopia after failed attempts to score. NIEUBASRIA: Nearly eliminated but still in the competition. Nieubasria need things to go their way to salvage their campaign in this edition of the RWC, they face off against Sekiya, so they need to win or win, and get a bonus point, if they don't get the bonus point its over, they also need Zhiznovsk to loose, to make sure they don't surpass Sekiya in points, to make sure they can still have enough to squeeze through with a bonus point. They seem to lean on the agressive side, but their campaign in this RWC has left much to be desired, however they can still prove a strong team if they pass through the groups as shown in RWC4 when they beat Giovanniland in the round of 16 as "underdogs", the strategy here would be not necessarily play for possetion, as they can probably just take it back, but to make them waste as many chances to score as possible, and build up a strong attack. So far Ryxtylopia has had a relativley "easy" time in the groups, the games have been intense but the team is currently on a 5-game winning streak and is seeking out to keep it that way when they face Nouveauterra in the last day of the groups, however moving on from the groups the difficulty will only increase, but Tivarra knows it, ever since that elimination at the hands of the "Sharks" of United Adaikes that despite feeling terrible still gave the team the chance to compete and eventually win the bronze medal against Cambria. It wont be an easy task to manage the team and analyze all the potential rivals, but if they pulled through one time, they can sureley do it again.
    4 points
  6. NEWS: Day 6 Post-Match Interview - Mygrdiyah’s Yagyu Speaks After Loss Against Dalimbar By Naoya Nordheim | MNN Sports Correspondent | 5 July 1424 (26 minutes ago) In a much-anticipated moment from this year's World Cup in Overthinkers, the upstart Mygrdiyan national team was scheduled to face the reigning champions from Dalimbar earlier today. After four days of grueling competition and only one day of rest, many fans wondered how things would shake out as rugby giants clashed with a very young and motivated side from Mygrdiyah. While things didn't quite go the way that Coach Taue and his players had hoped, the team's captain says that a defeat at this point in the tournament is part of the process. Moments ago, our crew had the privilege of speaking to Haruo Yagyu in the dressing room after Mygrdiyah suffered a 21-12 defeat at the hands of Dalimbar. Here's what he had to say: Transcript: Yagyu: "Make no mistake. The tournament isn't over for us." "A loss is a loss. There are no excuses for our lackluster performance, but we still have a good chance to qualify past the group stage and we're not going to let that chance get away from us so easily. Honestly, I feel like we control our own destiny now, you know? I feel like it's up to us as a team to not panic and move past this." "We knew we'd have to play them at some point. Dalimbar, that is. Credit to them. They're a great squad full of talented players." Beads of sweat continue to drip down from the captain's hair and face as he speaks. Nordheim: "I'm sure it hasn't been easy for you guys. Do you think that the day of rest that you received played a part in your defeat tonight?" Yagyu: "No. I wouldn't say that." "We just had an off night and underperformed because of it. That much can happen to any team on any day, so our only choice is to move past it and look forward to our next match." Nordheim: "Would you say that there's anything to be learned from this outing, or do you intend to disregard it entirely as your team looks to move forward?" Yagyu: "Subconsciously, for sure. But it's not like it's the elephant in the room or anything. We were all out there. Each of us knows what happened, and now it's up to us to take what we can from that experience and use it as another reason for us to play better against Giovanniland." "Part of representing our country on a stage like this is taking responsibility, for both the good and the bad. I know that I'll be pushing harder at practice tomorrow and I'm sure that my teammates will hold themselves accountable for tonight's loss too." "We're a team. We win together and we lose together. But we won't quit after we've worked so hard to get here. I hope that even our biggest critics can respect that about us." The final match of the group stage for this year's rugby World Cup will be broadcast live on 7 July. Tune in on the MNN Sports channel. For the latest news and more information, please visit www.mygrugby.mg. Thank you!
    3 points
  7. Nouveauterra vs Ryxtylopia - Match Highlights For this match, Ryxtylopia would play with the green and blue kit, and inmediatley some major names were absent from the fifteen players on the pitch, as since the game with Arifiyyah, Tivarra had switched to give the bench and reserve players more chances to play. The same players as in the Arifiyyah and Einherfell games would be present but with some other changes done as well that included: Rinaco Patochá (Outside centre, No. 13) for Davina Fliores (No. 25) Marco Xilta (Openside flanker, No. 7) for Riberto Ca'aña (No. 22) Rinaco Zicha (Fly half, No. 10) for Zincho Ampardia (No. 17) Julio Disquerravía (Scrum half, No. 32) for Cheviz Quistra (No. 31) With both teams now lining up, Pablo Virriscayda would be comentating for TVNC, this was the last group stage match, and having already qualified as top of the group, there was a sense of relaxation amongst the ryxtylopian side, but soon both sides got ready for the coinflip. "It will be the coinflip, and... RYXTYLOPIA WINS IT! The Pirates have- yes they've elected to start by kicking off. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! NOUVEAUTERRA VS RYXTYLOPIA! Now live from Overthinkers on TVNC. The last match of the group stage! Nevermind the result Ryxtylopia will qualify as C1 to the next round!" KICK OFF: With the Pirates kicking off, the match commenced, Ryxtylopia inmediatley going on the offense while the nouveauterrans played their usual defensive playstyle that lead them to victory in against stronger opponents in the previous matches. "Kick off! Lets go Ryxtylopia! Its Nouveauterra vs Ryxtylopia from Ovethinkers in this 5th edition of the Rugby World Cup!" 4 Minutes in... (0-0) Playing agressivley it was the Pirate that threatened to open the scoreboard first with a good attempt by Andreís Guilbirto, the team's hooker to get past the Nouvaterran defense after a pass from loosehead prop: Xavio Hui'itá however after successfully avoiding nouvaterran halfback: Tedus Pisca and their inside centre: Raulf Zouteland, Guilbirto got tackled by their outside centre: Guillaume Amonines who was able to predict a turn made by Guilbirto to try avoiding him, as the Pirates loss possetion. "Its Guilbirtooooooooooo, Guilbirto with possetion, turn he passes Pisca on the left, attention, now its Zouteland for Nou- And Guilbirto passes him on the right! Its close Now to face Amonies, attention! Guilbir- AMONIES! AMONIES! AMONIES! TACKLE! TACKLE! Guilbirto fails to pass Amonies and gets tackled! The ball is now for Nouveauterra!" 17 Minutes in... (0-0) Following a ruck in the nouveauterran side possetion would be soon in the hands of Nº4 lock and team captain: Riberto Huichilca who continued the push until running into being cornered by Fly half: Quintin Koenderink and Raulf Zouteland, forcing him to kick the ball for a drop goal, which he missed, the ball going a few meters right of the post. "Ruck, pass, Huilchica! Huilchica, he's in a tough spot, but he's through, cornered, he might get tackled or try for a drop goal, attention, Huilchica- drop, kick! Annnnd, miss! The team's captain has missed the drop goal after being cornered, its still 0-0!" 37 Minutes in... (0-0) The game's pattern quickly set in with a big gap between any major chances: Ryxtylopia would successfully carry the ball forwards, only to be stopped by the Nouveauterran defense, which would then result in a short Nouveauterran pushback usually stopped near the midfield. This continued up to the 37th, when openside flanker: Riberto Ca'aña concreted a successful push through the right-wing, next to the line, passing to Guivina Divarra the team's Nº5 lock, who then passed to Guilbirto, who was waiting behind her, however nearing the end of the pitch Guilbirto failed the try getting tackled by one of Nouveauterra's fly-halfs: Lodewijk Berkenbos, with Divarra threatening to take the ball back, starting a ruck, between the ryxtylopians pushing and the nouveauterrans defending, which favored nouveauterra, as they managed to get the ball clear off their side. "Ca'aña is through on the lines, the ball in the Pirate's possetion... Now to Divarra, Divarra! Divarra... to Guilbirto! Attention its Guilbirto, he's running he's booked a ticket to the nouveauterran side and he does not want to be delayed! Guilbirto, Guilbirto, Guilbirto, Guilbirto TACKLE! TACKLE! BY LODEWIJK, the ball is still in play! Attention its- RUCK! RUCKRUCKRUCKRUCKRUCKRUCK! ANNND CLEAR! A huge chance for the Pirates was shut to them by Nouveauterra's defense! The score remains 0-0!" HALF-TIME (0-0) Half time arrived after many many tackles, rucks and mauls, it seemed for Tivarra his team wasn't working, or maybe Nouveauterra's defense knew how to handle bigger teams, even in their debut they had been able to lure out zoran's attack, and his agressive tactics weren't paying off. "And HALF TIME! Ladies and Gentlemen, Nouveauterra currently holding off Ryxtylopia here in Overthinkers in a match filled with blunted attacks and few chances! Do not worry as we'll be back for the second half here on TVNC in a short moment!" 58 Minutes in... (0-0) Nouveauterra had been playing defesiveley for over half the game, but in the second half, as Ryxtylopia started to pull back from attacking, preferring to attempt to build up their chances, the nouveauterrans had their first chance to score. With their first lock: Jules Tonguey attempting to open to scoreboard by skillfully avoiding Cheviz Quistra and reaching deep into the Ryxtylopian defense with a clear path to score the try, however Tivarra's team reacted at the last second with Avilita Mataña moving forward from her position and tackling Tonguey, allowing Davina Fliores to get the ball away. "Its Tonguey! Nouveauterra now on the attack! Quistra fails the tackle! Tonguey is through, causing danger, its Tongueyyyyyyyyy- MATAÑA- TACKLE! TACKLE TACKLE TACKLE TACKLE! RYXTYLOPIA SAVES ITSELF!" 65 Minutes in... (7-0) With the game now turning into a back and forth near and around the midfield, it seemed like it would end in a draw, but it would be Nouveauterra to open the scoreboard, after a scrum, that ended in their favor lead to possetion being handed to their tighthead prop: Sebastian De Wacht, who avoided the first ryxtylopian defensive line going aroung Guilbirto Tivaña and causing Davina Fliores to slip while trying to tackle him, with this the path for a pass cleared up for a pass to hooker: Emeric Voutezac and then another pass to the team's loosehead prop: Theo Buezeville, with ryxtylopian fullback: Ernysto Rivas being caught off his position, leading to Buezeville scoring the try. Jules Tonguey would take care of the conversion kick, scoring and giving Nouveauterra the edge on the match, and for now bringing them in to the round of 16, potentially leaving Peourouin or Saint Mark out. "De Wacht! Now going past Tivaña, Attention tackle by Davina annnd- SLIP! She failed the tackle, De Wacht is now in position, Its not for Emeric Voutezac, Voutezac, Buezeville, attention Rivas is off his post and SCORE! Nouveauterra has scored thanks to Theo Buezeville!" "It will be Tonguey to convert, attention its Tongueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, SCORE! Tonguey has scored the conversion, Ryxtylopia is now loosing to Nouveauterra the game is 7-0!" 71 Minutes in... (7-7) However despite now leading, this try gave the ryxtylopians a wake up call, resulting in a revived offensive from Xavio Hui'itá and Rinacó Dipartí, after a maul, the ryxtylopian attack revived with the Nº8: Quista Farris turning on her heels around halfback: Pius Horatius, and starting the attack, passing to Huilchica, who nearly got tackled by Zouteland, nevertheless he got through concreting one last pass to Hui'itá, who taking advantage of the disposition of the nouveauterran defense slipped through and scored the try. Huilchica soon did his part by scoring the conversion, tying the match for the time being. "Attention its now Hui'itá! Maul- nevermind its Quista Farris! Now avoiding Horatius, Farris to Huilchica, Zoutel- HUILCHICA IS IN! Huilchica to Hui'itá, there's no defender Hui'itáaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! SCOREEEEEEEE!! Hui'itá has scored for Ryxtylopia!" "Huilchica must score the conversion! Attention! Attention it will be HUILCHICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! SCORE!! Ryxtylopia ties the match!" 74 Minutes in... (7-7) The intensity of the game was only picking up by the 74th, with a good attempt to pierce Nouveauterra's defense by Farris, ending in a tackle and ruck, where Rinaco Dipartí re-took possetion, before getting cornered by Pisca, Quintin Koenderink and Zouteland, which forced him to attempt a drop goal, which came inches close to the post, with the point of the ball bouncing off, and spinning off to the side. "Farris Farris, TACKLE! DIPARTÍ its Dipartí Dipartí with possetion! He's off he's in the sides, cornered! Zouteland might go for the tackl- DROP DIPARTÍIIIIIIIIIIII! MISS! IT BOUNCED OFF! THE BALL BOUNCED TO THE SIDE! ITS 74 MINUTES THIS WILL SOON END!" 78 Minutes in... (10-7) However after a ruck, Quistra Pivala got tackled by lock: Joep Bloem and possetion went for De Wacht, which caused a panic in the ryxtylopian defense leading to Guilbirto Tivaña committing a foul, when he failed to get a grip on De Wacht, quickly reacting Tivaña grabbed him below the knees, causing De Wacht to fall down, luckily being able to land on his right arm, injuring it the process, it wasn't serious but the game got paused for a minute as the medical team checked De Wacht's arm, the infraction nearly got Tivaña sent off, and the referee called a penalty in Nouveauterra's favor. Jules Tonguey would be the one to kick the penalty, scoring it as the game reached its end. "Pivala... MISTAKE! PIVALA IS TACKLED, BALL FOR DE WACHT! De Wacht will have to face Tivaña, SLIP! TIVAÑAAAAA, Foul! Tivaña commits a clear Foul, De Wacht is on the floor! We got the medical team on pitch now, the game is halted..." "Annnd PENALTY! Penalty for Nouveauterra due to Tivaña's tackle!" "It will be Tonguey to kick, attention, Tonguey... SCORE! Nouveauterra score the penalty in the dying minutes of the match, its now 10-7!" FULL TIME (10-7) Soon after the penalty, the referee ended the game as the ARR got their first defeat of the tournament in the last day of the group stages, however they would still hold C1, to face Sekiya in the round of 16. For Nouveauterra, this victory catapulted them to 3rd in group C, meaning qualification to the round of 16, bumping Saint Mark to 4th and meaning the end of the road for Peourouin, as they would end up 5th. "Annnd, whistle! Ryxtylopia has lost! Nouveauterra are into the round of 16! Even with this result, Ryxtylopia will remain 1st in the group, and will face Sekiya in the Round of 16!" "Ryxtylopia must learn from this defeat and get ready for the next round, we can expect major changes and we'll probably go back to the main team for the next game, as our next rival will be Sekiya! In the round of 16." "This marks the end for our Group Stage transmissions! TVNC Sports will now move on to the next stages, we hope you enjoyed the transmissions, and once again we thank Overthinkers the organizers of the tournament. Im Pablo Virriscayda and i will hopefully see you all ladies and gentlemen in the next match: RYXTYLOPIA VS SEKIYA! Have a good day." The Transmission Ends.
    2 points
  8. Echoes in the Hall of Unrequited Love By Ivar Taul In halls of twilight, where shadows reside, A specter I wander, by love denied. My form, a wisp in this manor of gloom, Yet once I dreamt of a brighter room. She walks these halls, a vision divine, Her eyes like sapphires, a beauty that's mine To gaze upon, a goddess reborn, Fairest of Bathsheba, surpassing Helen's morn. Her laughter rings, a melody so sweet, Her every virtue, a perfect feat. A flawless wife, a bride beyond compare, A crown of roses in her golden hair. With whispered sonnets, and gifts I beseech, My spectral presence, a love out of reach. My words they fade, unheard in the air, My phantom touch met with an empty chair. She turns away, a stranger's cold disdain, No recognition, no whisper of my pain. Is this my fate, to haunt this earthly hold, A lovelorn ghost, forever left untold? Ah, if this heart, though silent, still could beat, If mortal breath allowed these lips to speak, Perhaps then, love, your judgement might relent, And grant this ghost a moment, heaven-sent. But death's cold hand holds tight, a cruel decree, This spectral form, all that's left of me. A choice remains, beneath the moonlit sky, To seek the solace where the spirits lie. The beckoning light, a pathway to peace, But oh, the thought of love's sweet, sweet release! One final look upon your face so fair, A phantom's love, a burden I must bear. Farewell, dear heart, though hope has flown away, Better a ghost in love, than dust in endless day. In spectral halls, I'll linger, ever near, A constant echo, a love that's ever clear.
    2 points
  9. Teralyon Continues Undefeated Streak In a stunning display of skill and determination, the Teralyon team continued their undefeated streak in the Fifth Annual Rugby World Cup by overpowering Sekiya with a decisive 36-10 win. From the opening whistle, Teralyon took control of the game. Their offense was relentless, with fly-half Visnja Dvorkin again leading the charge, scoring two tries and successfully converting three penalties. The team’s cohesive play and strategic execution left Sekiya struggling to keep up. Sekiya managed to score a try and convert a penalty, but it wasn’t enough to challenge Teralyon’s overwhelming performance. The final score of 36-10 reflected Teralyon’s superior gameplay and tactical advantage. Captain Zivko Koci praised his team’s efforts, saying, “We played with great intensity and focus today. Every player gave their best, and it showed in our performance but we must remain vigilant and not let this victory lead to complacency.” Facing New Velka As Teralyon prepares for their next match, they will be up against New Velka, a team that has struggled throughout the tournament, losing all five matches they’ve played. Despite New Velka’s poor record, the Teralyon team remains cautious and focused. New Velka has had a challenging run in the Rugby World Cup, failing to secure a win in their matches. Their defense has been porous, and their offense has lacked the sharpness needed to compete this cup. However, they are known for their unpredictable play and resilience, qualities that can sometimes surprise even the most prepared opponents. Importance of Vigilance Despite their dominant performance and New Velka’s underwhelming record, the Teralyon team is wary of the dangers of assumptions and complacency. Coach Maldoc Wenavic emphasized this in his pre-match briefing, “We cannot afford to underestimate any opponent. New Velka may have had a tough tournament, but that makes them unpredictable and dangerous. We need to stay sharp and focused.” Analyst Vedran Nolovic echoed these sentiments, “Teralyon’s biggest challenge now is maintaining their mental edge. It’s easy to fall into the trap of overconfidence, especially against a team with a poor record. The key will be to approach the game with the same intensity and discipline they’ve shown so far.” Keys to Victory For Teralyon, the strategy remains clear: maintain their robust defense, capitalize on scoring opportunities, and avoid unnecessary risks. New Velka, on the other hand, will need to find a way to break through Teralyon’s defense and minimize their own mistakes. Their best chance lies in playing an unpredictable and aggressive game, hoping to catch Teralyon off guard. As Teralyon gears up for their next match, fans and analysts alike are eagerly watching to see if they can continue their unbeaten run. The team’s awareness of the potential pitfalls of complacency suggests they are mentally prepared for the challenge ahead. Stay tuned for more updates as the Rugby World Cup progresses and Teralyon strives to maintain their perfect record against New Velka. Watch the game Live right Here with your Tarajevo+ for free with your account! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windsurfing sees a reemergence in the South In a delightful turn of events, windsurfing has experienced a significant resurgence in popularity along the southern coastline of Teralyon. Once a niche sport, it has now become a favorite pastime for both locals and tourists, transforming the picturesque beaches into vibrant hubs of activity and excitement. The Perfect Conditions The southern coastline offers ideal conditions for windsurfing, with its consistent winds and clear, warm waters. These natural advantages have always been present, but recent efforts to promote the sport have brought them into the spotlight. Local windsurfing schools have reported a sharp increase in enrollments, and rental shops are thriving as more people take to the waves. Beachgoer Cara Jenis shared her excitement, "I tried windsurfing for the first time last summer, and I was hooked immediately. The feeling of gliding over the water is incredible. It's great to see so many people enjoying it now." Community Efforts and Events The revival of windsurfing can be attributed to a concerted effort by the local community and tourism board. Regular events and competitions are now held, drawing participants from across the region. These gatherings not only showcase the talent of seasoned windsurfers but also provide an opportunity for beginners to learn and enjoy the sport. Local windsurfing champion and instructor, Davor Tevinic, commented, "It's fantastic to see windsurfing making a comeback. We've been working hard to make it accessible to everyone, and the response has been amazing. The community here is very supportive, and we’re seeing a lot of new faces on the water." Economic and Environmental Impact The resurgence of windsurfing has also brought economic benefits to the Teralyon's southern region, most notably in Sarja. Increased tourism has led to a boom in local businesses, from surf shops to beachfront cafes and hotels. The sport's popularity is contributing to a more vibrant local economy, creating jobs and opportunities for residents. The focus on windsurfing aligns with Teralyon’s commitment to promoting eco-friendly activities. Unlike motorized water sports, windsurfing has minimal environmental impact, making it a sustainable option for adventure enthusiasts. A Bright Future for Windsurfing With its newfound popularity, the future of windsurfing on the southern Teralyon coastline looks promising. Plans are already underway to expand facilities and host international competitions, further cementing the region’s reputation as a premier water sports destination. Local officials are optimistic about the continued growth. Tourism Director Lilljana Mooric stated, "We’re thrilled with the revival of windsurfing. It’s a beautiful sport that brings people closer to nature and offers a fantastic way to enjoy our stunning coastline. We look forward to welcoming more windsurfing enthusiasts to Teralyon." As windsurfing rides the wave of resurgence, the southern coast of Teralyon is set to become a beacon for those seeking adventure, community, and a deeper connection with the sea.
    2 points
  10. Adrina Gale Adrina Gale Official character art from the Mandrake Press website. Creator Celine Ivers First appearance Adrina Gale, Captain of the Namora (1365) Most recent appearance Left in Dead Horse Pass (Adrina Gale: Uncharted #3, 1424) Rights owned by Mandrake Press For the LBC television special, see Adrina Gale (TV special). Adrina Gale is a fictional character created by author Celine Ivers who appears in a number of adventure-mystery young adult novels. The series follows the eponymous Gale, a teenage girl from Aurum, who inherited a large sailing vessel from her late father and encounters various criminal conspriacies while trying to maintain the family tradition. Gale first appeared in Adrina Gale, Captain of the Namora, published in 1365. Ivers followed it with Adrina Gale in: The Ghost Freighter in 1368. She wrote a total of 22 Adrina books before her death in 1383. The company Nuteself bought the rights to the property and produced a second series, Adrina Gale: Eastern Star, which included 12 books by various authors from 1401–14. Mandrake Press, after acquiring the property in 2015, has released 3 books to date of the newest series, Adrina Gale: Uncharted, written by Lorelei Ivers. Readers are divided on whether to recognize either spinoff as part of the greater series, particularly Eastern Star. Premise With the exception of Adrina Gale in: The Shortest Voyage (#19), each story in the series involve Adrina and the crew of her ship unintentionally becoming involved in a mystery—almost exclusively set in the Viatic Ocean off the coast of Overthinkers or throughout the Darkesian Sea, and in surrounding ports—and providing some kind of material help that cracks the case for authorities. This has taken the form of discovering clues, stealing critical information, going undercover, and even subduing and capturing criminals. The Shortest Voyage sharply departed from the prior formula with a survival adventure, as Adrina becomes stranded in the Darkesian alone in a lifeboat. In it, Adrina is forced to confront many of her personal anxieties and motivations. Celine Ivers’ version of the character is described as “clever” and “not fearless, but brave”. Adrina’s Antali heritage is important to her, and is said to give her a “solemn reverence for the sea”. Occasionally, she is said to sense the presence of her late father, or of further removed ancestors, in times of inner turmoil. History Original Release Adrina Gale, Captain of the Namora was Celine Ivers’ fourth published novel, and her second with publisher Cooleg Books. It was her first to appear on the National Inquisition bestseller list, reaching #5. Ivers once stated that it was intended to be a standalone book, but its success—as well as her affinity for the character—persuaded her to “continue the story.” The series was well received upon release throughout Overthinkers, records from the Overthinkers Department of Libraries indicate. However, the only recognition it received in Ivers’ lifetime was as a Dourman Award Finalist for The Shortest Voyage in 1381. Ivers was posthumously inducted into the National Literary Hall of Fame in 1385. In 1386, Samwright-Carter (who had bought out Cooleg) republished all 22 books as a “Premium Collection”. All 200,000 units were sold within the year. Acquisition by Nuteself and Eastern Star In 1399, Nuteself, an Overthinkers-based company that primarily published translated Zoranian manga, bought the rights to the IP. In 1401, they released the first in a reboot series, Adrina Gale: Eastern Star. The twelfth and final Eastern Star story was published in 1414. Eastern Star proved controversial for a number of reasons. Fans of the original series found Adrina’s new characterization to be comparatively weak and shallow. While the original focused on adventure and intrigue, the reboot stories mixed it with teen drama and angst. Critics observed that Nuteself’s depiction of Adrina—written exclusively by male authors, three over the course of the series—was vaguely sexist and all but overtly sensual. One particular critic noted, with great disdain, that “the author of this book has never seen a boat save for his daddy’s yacht.” Despite the controversy, Nuteself succeeded in selling the new series to a different audience. That is, until legal trouble derived from both business matters (unrelated to Adrina Gale) and non-business matters (majority owner Cale Ligna’s involvement in a high-level financial conspiracy) forced the company to file for bankruptcy in late 2015. Post-Nuteself In 2014, the Leander Broadcasting Company produced a four-part television special, which aired on LBC One in October of that year. While sharing the same name and protagonist, the TV special was largely disconnected from any existing lore and involved no other recurring characters. Thematically, the “vague mysticism” of Ivers’ books was exaggerated into “something fully supernatural”, according to one thread on an official fan forum. Following Nuteself’s bankruptcy, the rights to Adrina Gale were bought by Mandrake Press, a respected name in YA fiction. Mandrake promised to return creative control of the property to the Ivers estate. In 2019, the first volume of Adrina Gale: Uncharted was released, written by Celine’s great-niece, Lorelei Ivers. In an interview, Lorelei confirmed that Eastern Star is not considered canon to Uncharted. Rather, it is set a few years after the events of the original series, with Adrina as an adult and pursing more extreme natural phenomena
    2 points
  11. 3:00 PM Over Time 8 July 1424 New Zoradia, Zoran Atsila leaned back in her chair as the phone call with the Minister of Treasury came to an end and checked her schedule to see what she had to attend next. When she read over the appointment she groaned as she saw the names “Junaluska” and “Sasa” on the page. She massaged her temples in preparation for whatever ludicrous idea the two would present to her. I just passed their joint bill on the Childlessness tax, what more could they possibly want? That is when a fervent knocking came from the door and with a sigh she asked, “Who is it?” “It is I, Junaluska Wesa, commander of the Red Guard of the revolution…” said Junaluska from behind the door. Atsila rolled her eyes as she listened to him drone on about the accomplishments he achieved during the revolution that she was already aware of considering she was the commander of the entire Monarchist Army, “Yes, Junaluska, I get it. Please come in.” she interrupted after a minute or two. Junaluska opened the door and marched on in with open arms, “Thank you for allowing me this meeting, comrade Atsila!” Atsila suppressed her desire to cringe as he called her “comrade”, “Uhuh, now where is Sasa? She is supposed to be in this meeting too.” she asked with a disinterested look, “What? Sasa? Oh! Yes, Sasa. She is supposed to be here but I think we can continue witho-” he was then interrupted by aggressive knocking from the door, “JUNALUSKA, YOU COMMIE BASTARD” exclaims Sasa from behind the door before slamming it open, “YOUR CRONIES KEPT BLOCKING ME FROM ENTERING THE BUILDING!!!” Atsila glared at Junaluska who simply avoided her gaze and gave a faux yawn before he said, “I have no clue what you are talking about.” “Why you li-” “ENOUGH!” yelled Atsila as she rose from her desk, startling the two leaders of the political parties. Atsila sat back down and looked at the two of them before gesturing that they close the door and take a seat. “Now tell me, what did both of you want to see me about?” asked Atsila sternly, “Well, Comrade,” began Junaluska, “the party and I have discussed a proposal on what to do with the tax revenue generated by the Childlessness tax. We have a program that will put the money to good use!” “Uh-huh,” Atsila muttered, unimpressed by the pitch so far, “what about you, Sasa?” “Well my party and I have a similar proposal for what can be done with the tax revenue. One that will genuinely benefit the Zoranian people.” said Sasa excitedly, “Right…well you both realize that the only reason why I agreed to the tax was the assumed use of the revenue would be to further fund social security and healthcare, correct?” “Yes,” responded Junaluska, to the annoyance of Sasa, “but my party’s proposal will be a benefit to us as it can foster allies abroad.” “...I know I am not going to like this…but go ahead. Give me your pitch.” “Thank you, comrade! My party proposes that the revenue go towards the creation of a new office in the SIC called the Office of Workers Liberation.” “...I hate this already.” said Atsila with a frown, “Don’t be so hasty, comrade! This would be a great boon for the nation and the world! The office’s duties will be educating the ideas and principles of Junaluskanism abroad along with promoting and funding worker revolutions to achieve the goal of eradicating the bourgeoisie and capitalism! This could net us allies and supporters from the future socialist republics all around the world!” “...That is a terrible idea! Do you understand what ramifications that would have if it were revealed that our government was promoting unrest and funding terrorist groups in the world!?” exclaimed Atsila, “Ohohoho! They would not be terrorists, comrade, they would be revolutionaries like you and me!” said Junaluska pompously, “No! They would only be considered revolutionaries if they ended up winning and gaining international recognition! Otherwise, they would be classified as terrorist groups! To support and fund them or even get them started would make Zoran a state sponsor of terrorism!” exclaims Atsila, “Sasa, what does your party propose to do with the tax revenue.” “I am so glad you asked, Your Majesty!” said Sasa in a sing songy manner, putting emphasis on the “correct” way to address Atsila, “The Brave Talons and I believe that the tax revenue should be put forward towards a program that would establish Zoranian Culture Centers abroad in foreign countries.” “...Why would you ever suggest that? This sounds like too much of an innocent thing to be good.” asked Atsila in a confused tone, “Well that’s simple, Your Majesty, the goal of these centers would be to promote Zoranian culture abroad in order to show the xenos of foreign lands the superiority of Zoranian culture in order to make our inevitable domination of the world easier.” said Sasa proudly, “Aaaaand there it is, I knew it was too innocent to be anything good.” sighed Atsila, “But no! That is another terrible idea! I will not have taxpayer money be sent abroad to promote a message of racial superiority! That is just ludicrous!” “My proposal doesn’t look so bad now, huh comrade?” asked Junaluska smugly, “No! Your proposal is equally terrible! Both of you have just wasted my time with these horrendous ideas!” raged Atsila. But Junaluska’s and Sasa’s expressions soured at her words and Junaluska slammed his fist on her desk, “Now you listen here you bourgeois traitor!” exclaimed Junaluska, “The people of Esferos will not be safe from corporations and other bourgeois monsters if we do not support the fight against them! We will do this with or without your help, Atsila!” “And so will we!” interjected Sasa, “It is the destiny of the Zoranian people to once again assert their superiority over the other haplogroups and dominate the world! We will fund these centers ourselves if necessary and show the inferiors the inherent superiority of Zoranian culture!” Atsila’s jaw clenched, her nostrils flared, and she shot daggers at the two political party leaders. She slowly rose from her desk and rested her hands on the desk, “None of you will do either of those things, do you understand?” she began menacingly, “I have been tolerant of your parties’ existence since the Revolution but you have been pushing the limits of my tolerance. There is a line that you cannot cross and should you go ahead and attempt to go forward with these plans on your own then you will cross that line.” she started walking around her desk and got very close to the two political party leaders who seemed to have lost some of their boldness. “And when that line is crossed,” she whispers, “you will finally understand the fear that the Corporate officials and generals held in their throats when they learned they faced me in battle and the hopelessness they experienced in the courtroom as I delivered their sentences.” Atsila proceeded to back away slowly and returned to her seat at her desk. When she looked at the faces of the two politicians, the courage they once had to defy her was broken. Their skin was pale, their eyes widened with shock at the threat they had received. “C-com-” started Junaluska but Atsila cut him off with a raised hand, “No, enough. You are both dismissed. Please leave my office before I have the Royal Guard throw you out.” They both nodded quickly before they scurried out of her office. However, despite having successfully cowed their ambitions she knew that this would only temporarily deter them from pursuing their plans. But she did not wish to dwell on that thought and so she decided to take a few minutes for herself and play some swing jazz vinyls she has in her office to relax.
    1 point
  12. The Turning Point: Larxia's Rugby World Cup Journey Hinges on Crucial Clash with Cambria As the Rugby World Cup progresses, the stakes for Larxia have never been higher. The team finds itself in a precarious position, sitting third in their group with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. With only one game left in the group stages, Larxia's hopes of advancing to the Round of 16 hinge on a must-win match against the formidable Cambrian team from Polaris. The Build-Up The journey so far has been a rollercoaster of emotions for the players, coaches, and fans alike. From the exhilaration of their early victories to the sobering reality of their losses, the team has faced a mix of triumph and adversity. The narrow point differential-only +4 -underscores just how close their matches have been, a testament to their resilience and determination. Inside the Locker Room Behind the scenes, the atmosphere in the Larxian camp is a blend of anticipation and steely resolve. Head coach Marcus Fellini, known for his tactical acumen and motivational prowess, has been working tirelessly to prepare his squad for the crucial encounter. "We've come this far together, and it's all about belief now," Fellini told us in an exclusive interview. "The boys know what's at stake, and they're ready to give it everything they've got." The Players' Perspective For the players, the journey to this point has been deeply personal. Team captain and star flanker, Jasper Hawke, spoke candidly about the emotional toll of the campaign. "Every game feels like a battle, not just on the field but mentally as well," Hawke said. "We've faced our fair share of challenges, but each one has made us stronger. This upcoming match is no different—it's do or die." Hawke's words resonate with the team, especially for young winger Eli Thorne, who has emerged as one of the breakout stars of the tournament. His electrifying pace and fearless play have been a revelation, earning him admiration from fans and pundits alike. "For me, it's a dream come true to be here, representing Larxia on the world stage," Thorne shared. "But dreams require hard work, and we're ready to put in that work against Cambria." The Opponents Cambria, hailing from Polaris, is a rugby powerhouse known for their physicality and strategic prowess. Their position in the group standings is a testament to their dominance. However, Larxia has faced tough opponents before and emerged victorious, drawing on their tenacity and teamwork. "We respect Cambria, but we don't fear them," Hawke asserted. "We've analyzed their strengths and weaknesses, and we have a game plan to exploit them." The Fans' Faith As the nation holds its breath, the support from Larxian fans has been unwavering. From the bustling streets of Larxopolis to the quiet villages in the countryside, a palpable sense of pride and hope unites everyone. "Seeing the boys fight on the field, it makes us all proud to be Larxian," said Sofia Renzi, a lifelong fan who traveled to watch the games in person. "No matter what happens, we stand with them." The Final Countdown As the match against Cambria looms, the pressure is immense, but so is the opportunity. For Larxia, this game is more than just a chance to advance—it's a moment to define their legacy in the Rugby World Cup. In the end, whether they emerge victorious or fall short, the journey of the Larxian team will be remembered not just for the results, but for the heart, spirit, and unity they displayed. As they prepare to face Cambria, one thing is certain: they will leave everything on the field, fighting for their dreams and the pride of their nation.
    1 point
  13. - an excerpt from the chapter "The Upheaval" from the memoir "My Personal Account of the War," by Maximus Ter Servilius, 1260, Witt & Ecklund
    1 point
  14. [Having reached Hestmere, the trio were having issues with the technology in cars...] Jeremy Clarkson: Now, we've got some important consumer news for everybody. Um, when you go to a car showroom now, the salesman will try and sell you lots of electronic bits and bobs for your car. Here's our top tip: don't bother with any of them! 'Cause they don't work, any of them. James May: Minttooth. Jeremy Clarkson: Minttooth. James May: Minttooth never works. Jeremy Clarkson: Hammond uses it and it's like he's sitting at the bottom of a river that's frozen over. [Clarkson covers his mouth and makes a muffled sound to demonstrate what he means.] Richard Hammond: Well, to be fair, sometimes I am. Jeremy Clarkson: Shall I tell you the thing that doesn't work most of all? Voice activation. James May: Oh...! Richard Hammond: Oh that's just a shouting match with the- Jeremy Clarkson: No, 'cause you're driving along, you don't have to take your hands off the wheel, you go 'Call Richard Hammond.'. Richard Hammond: 'Collapsing suspension.'. Jeremy Clarkson: It does! ...What are you doing? It's misunderstood me. 'Call. Richard. Hammond.'. Richard Hammond: 'Deflating tyres.'. Jeremy Clarkson: That's-! It's...! [May can't help but laugh.] Richard Hammond: I didn't say that. Jeremy Clarkson: 'Reinflate tyres!'. James May: 'Calling Richard Hammond.'. [Clarkson laughs too.] Jeremy Clarkson: It's just, the problem is, is that in the olden days when I first came out, voice activation was just for the radio or for the satellite navigation, something simple. Now it's for every single feature on the car and in your life, and it has to understand every accent in all of Hertfordshire-Jammbo, so it's 'Good evening each', or 'Och Aye The New' or it's 'Hullo chaps', and it's- it just- it- it just can't cope! So if you're driving along and go 'Atrium Radio.'. Richard Hammond: 'Accessing bank account.'. [May and Clarkson break into hysterics.] Richard Hammond: No-ooo! 'Transferring funds.'. God no DON'T! James May: It's just... can you imagine the Tsar trying to use voice activation? Jeremy Clarkson: That'll end well. James May: 'Send this Miko/shrine maiden's support message via email to The Youkai.'. Jeremy Clarkson: 'Sending assassins and Clarkson after Prince Marcarius.'. [May once more bursts into hysterics.] Richard Hammond: Or better still, if Mecislavs tries to send a voicemail. Jeremy Clarkson: I'll pretend to be the Tsar for a moment - 'Send this message to the Verkhovna Anglia: I have ratified your proposal for an illegal immigrant deportation bill and will pass it into law'. Richard Hammond: 'Sending this message to the Stavka: You're all idiots and your stupid Path is ruining my day.'. [Clarkson this time laughs his metaphorical socks off.] James May: Oh, don't send that! Richard Hammond: 'Declaring war on Dalimbar.'. [All three this time laugh the hardest they ever have.] Jeremy Clarkson: I don't think voice activation is going to work any time soon.
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  15. As of last night on July 6, 1424, Queen Atsila has given partial consent to the latest tax bill passed by the iyundai. The "Childlessness Tax," as it has been called, came as a surprise for many as it was proposed by the Junaluskanist Party and the Brave Talon Party, the radical ends of both side of the political spectrum in Zoran. I read through the bill, as amended after the Queen's vetos and here is what I found. The tax is a progressive tax on wages and dividends for most childless men from the ages of twenty-five to fifty years of age and most childless women from twenty to forty-five years of age. The amount paid by an individual depends on several factors such as annual income, assets, property, etc. said individual has. While many are concerned about the tax it must be said that there are certain exceptions. Students can apply for an exemption on the tax as well as anyone who makes less than a certain amount of adelv a month. The tax even takes into account medical conditions as those who are infertile are also exempt from this tax if they can provide proper medical documentation. Those who have also taken a religious vow of celibacy can apply for an exemption from the tax as well. It is well known that this tax was created to ensure that Zoran maintains its high fertility and birth rate but many are skeptical about how effective it would be. Critics argue that the tax puts unnecessary financial pressure on the youth and would result in a decrease in population growth. Supporters of the tax argue that the tax revenue can be used to provide even more services in social security and healthcare which can improve the quality of life in the country. However, the reasons given by the political parties on this topic are more ideological rather than practical. Junaluska of the Junaluskanist Party stated that the tax would "provide more fighters for the revolution" and that the tax would be progressive rather than regressive. His reason for this is that the "bourgeoisie have the money to have the choice of not having children to support themselves, such is the way of the ruling class and not the proletariate of Zoran." The Brave Talons, on the other hand, have argued that this tax will support "traditional family values" which have been "corrupted by the foreign influences that exerted control through the Zoranian corporates." It must also be noted that many of the vetoed articles of the tax were articles written by the Brave Talons Party that would bar LGBTQ+ people from adopting or having access to methods that would allow them to have children. Whether or not this will be a benefit or detriment on Zoranian society is to be seen and will be investigated in the coming years.
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