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Posts posted by Aftokratoria

  1. Well obviously it depends how far in the past and what time period and such, put I’d rather be born in the past, without hesitation. For one thing, we don’t know what the future holds. Literally anything could happen. Secondly, I am a straight white male living in Canada so I have a pretty decent chance of doing fine lol.

  2. May 2nd, 1423 - Aftokratorian Federal Election Results Report


    Nea Dimosiografos: “Good evening Aftokratoria, I’m Nea Dimosiografos, and this is Aftokratorian News at 6:00 - 1423 election edition. Today is Tuesday, May 2nd, and the temperature is currently 12 degrees above 0. Today we will be reviewing the federal election results. So for that report, let’s go to Kalpi Eklogi”

    Kalpi Eklogi: “Thanks Nea. Well, unsurprisingly Otto Kracy, leader of the Aftokratorian Party, won with 75.9% of the votes, over Igetis Foveros, the former Prime Minister, who ended up with 16.4%. The minute midnight struck, and enough votes had been counted that it was impossible for Otto to lose, he began his celebration speech in front of a huge crowd of supporters in Omoskratia. The first thing he addressed was that since he would now be head of government, his response to Kerglom Hafth, an anti-Aftokratorian politician from Fauthur, would be the official one. Mr. Kracy then yelled “F*ck Kerglom Hafth! Let Aftokratoria rule supreme!”, which was met with an uproar of support.”

    Nea Dimosiografos: “Interesting. Have either Mr. Kracy or Mr. Foveros made any responses this morning?”

    Kalpi Eklogi: “While on one hand, Otto Kracy has made many Twittur posts, calling out his foes such as Igetis Foveros and Kerglom Hafth as well as post simply celebrating, but Igetis has not said anything since his short farewell speech last night. This would break his streak of posting every day since the beginning of his campaign in 1418. Our associates here at ANBC did reach out to both of those main candidates, but Otto understandably had many other press conferences taking up his time, and Igetis simply did not respond. In fact, Mr. Kracy went as far as to call his supporters “enlightened voters”, in his first celebratory post this morning. In the same tweet, he took a little snap at the Fauthurians, who have been one of his main enemies in his campaign since February 16th when Kerglom Hafth first displayed his hate for Aftokratoria.”

    Nea Dimosiografos: “Well that certainly is a bold statement Kalpi. So when can we expect to see the official transition into office?”

    Kalpi Eklogi: “That date has not been announced yet, but most likely before May 20th. Though, considering the personality and past actions of Otto, he will probably try his best to make it as soon as possible, maybe even by May 10th. The leader of the Aftokratorian Party has even implied in another Twittur post that he has already begun pre-packing to move into the official Prime Minister’s housing office."

    Nea Dimosiografos: “Thanks Kalpi. You can see Mr. Kracy’s tweets on our website, where was have uploaded this report as an article, with images. Thank you for listening, and we will be back with more political reports at 6:30”

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  3. *You turn on the TV to the Aftokratorian News at 6:00 intro theme playing*


    Nea Dimosiografos: Good evening Aftokratoria! My name is Nea Dimosiografos, and this is Aftokratorian News at 6:00! Today is Wednesday, April 12th, and the temperature is currently 4 degrees above 0. Later on in the evening, we’ll talk to a local baker here in Evimeronia about how he set up a new bakery with extremely cheap bread for the poor in his neighbourhood, as well as what the city of Gatankri is doing to combat litter being left on the ground. But first, let’s go to Antago Nizomai for an update on sports.

    Antago Nizomai: Thanks Nea. Well, as you all know, our national rugby team has been doing exceptionally well in Dalimbar, scoring their first win against Ryxtyltopia just a few days ago, but sadly they lost against Fujai last night. It was an intense game, with the defensive players on both sides being so skilled, in fact, with the final score being only 3-0. Tonight they will face Dilber, and lets just hope they do as well against them as they did against the Ryxtyltopians! They have fallen back into last place in their grouping because of Fujai, but they can pick themselves back up! At one point they were in 5th, only one placement away from advancing. Either way, in the end they are an amazing team! Back to you Nea.

    Nea Dimosiografos: Thanks Antago. Our national team is great! The fact that they even made the tournament is impressive. Just a few days ago we aired an interview with Rankampi Kepatanios, the captain, and it just showed what a determined player and leader he was. Now we go to Synen Tefktis and what the city of Gatankri is implementing to combat litter.


    *You switch off the TV, as all you wanted to hear about were the rugby games*


         As the sun went down over the Dalimbari horizon, it cast long shadows over a large rugby stadium, leaving the top seats still beautifully illuminated. Down near the entrance in which athletes emerged from the changing rooms, stood a young, handsome man. The man breathed in deeply, letting out a sigh of relief just a couple moments later. The next morning, this would be where the man stood again, but instead at the front of a line containing the players of Aftokratoria’s national rugby team, as the captain.

         Rankampi Kepatanios looked around. The stadium was empty aside from a janitor cleaning up seats on the far side of the field. It was silent, but if you listened closely enough, you could hear the bustling noises of locals and tourists celebrating in the distance. The crisp evening air reminded Rankampi of his home in eastern Aftokratoria. Despite feeling at peace, deep inside him there was a fear that had been there since his team had lost their first international game. Tomorrow they played Ryxtyltopia, the nation currently at the top of their group’s standings, while Aftokratoria was at the bottom of it. The rest of his teammates were confident overall, and even if they weren’t, they were positive and enthusiastic. Rankampi trusted his team to do well, but he could not explain why he still felt this constant worry.

         A few days ago, he had sent a letter to his mother back home, but she had not yet replied. He knew logically that either his letter had not gotten there yet, or hers had just not gotten to him yet, but that was another factor often on his mind. Ryxtyltopia would be a difficult challenge for his team, but he still felt they could do it, as it was himself that Rankampi wasn’t sure would be up to the task.

        Rankampi remembered a few months ago, when he and his teammates had found out they had made it into the fourth Rugby World Cup, and the pride and accomplishment that he had felt. He was so much more lively and brave then, but as of recently there had been a decline in his traits that made him deserve to be captain, or at least Rankampi thought there was. He felt that everything was so much different now, though it really wasn’t.

         The sun had almost entirely set now, so Rankampi took in one final breath of the refreshing, cool air, an extra gaze at the rugby field he would soon be returning to, and turned to walk back to his hotel room. He would certainly need the rest.

    (seperate rp post)


    Interviewer: Good morning Aftokratoria! Today I am here with the players of Aftokratoria’s national Rugby team. Actually, for the first time ever, they are an international team! These skillful players,

    Filotimos: *interjects* And proud!

    Interviewer: These skillful, and proud, players finally made it into the prestigious Esferos rugby tournament, which is being hosted in Dalimbar. I have gotten the chance to interview them for an exclusive one-time broadcast. First off, have any of you been to Dalimbar before?

    Filotimos: I have! I have travelled to many countries actually, but nothing ever beats home. I could not be more honoured that I get to be one of our great nation’s representatives here.

    Tetartos: I have as well. I like it here, it is nice. I am ever so slightly disappointed that I can’t visit more of the country on this trip, but of course playing for my country takes a huge priority.

    Interviewer: Interesting! For the rest of you who haven’t, what is it like, being in such a strange, new environment, and having cameras and rugby fans on you so often?

    Pedio: It is a bit unnerving. We had literally just walked off the plane when there were three people who had found out which flight we were on, waiting at the gate for photos! Unsurprisingly, more well known and popular teams such as United Adaikes’ and Cambria’s get a lot more paparazzi and media attention, but there are still a decent amount of our own fans. I am glad we don’t have to be the ones getting all that.

    Rankampi: I agree. Even the amount of attention we do get is a bit too much for me personally. It is weird, you don’t recognise anything, but so many people recognise you.

    Interviewer: Makes sense. A bit ironic, since this interaction we’re having right now is media attention. Anyways, let’s move on to actual sports talk. So far, you guys have lost two for two games, one against Arifiyyah, and one against Kalmach. What points do you think you did well at, and which aspects do you think you could improve on?

    Omadiki: Good question. I think our teamwork and cooperation is really good! I’ve seen some very skilled players on other teams, but they lose because their collaboration is so chaotic. That is definitely one of our strong points. Especially amongst our defensive players. Communication is something we have worked quite hard on improving the past few years, and I say it has been a success.

    Podosfairo: But just like any team, anywhere, ever, there are lots of things we can focus on fixing. While we are quite fast and strong, and being aggressive is no difficulty at the start since lots of our training is from football, though a bit later on in the game we should be more pushy. We do fail to score a lot of points throughout, because even if they aren’t pushing us back, we aren’t attacking them forcefully enough either. It’s a lot easier to prevent goals than make them, for our team specifically, so we do need to improve that.

    Interviewer: Fascinating! It is good that not only are you able to pinpoint your strengths, but also acknowledge your weaknesses. Next question, what are your thoughts on the future of this team? Short term, long term, anything.

    Nikitis: Positive thoughts! I am confident that we will play better than we ever have before in our next game against Ryxtyltopia!

    Paizo: I do think we will do well! Even if we don’t win, we made our country proud, and ourselves as well. But that’s not to say I don’t think we’ll win, because I do.

    Tinasso: We got this!

    Syllipsi: Yeah! We can do it!

    Konos: Af-to-kratoria! Af-to-kratoria!

    All: Af-to-kratoria! Af-to-kratoria!

    Interviewer: You sure are a close and uplifting team to be around. Before we end the broadcast, I do have one last question. Amyna and Adikima, are you two related?

    Amyna and Adikima: Yep!

    Adikima: That’s why we have the same last name.

    Amyna: Our entire family has always been rugby enthusiasts, so what else could we do other than both become professional rugby players?

    Interviewer: I thought so! Well, it has really been a great time talking to you all, but I’m afraid our booked airtime has come to an end. Thank you all for coming, thank you to all you viewers watching, and finally, Af-to-kratoria! Af-to-kratoria! Wooh!

  5. Aftokratorian News at 6:00   

         A recent survey in the South-Eastern town of Genikosiville has Aftokratorian rugby fans living there furious! It was revealed when the mayor was interviewed as the final contributor to the survey that he was the only person in the entire village not cheering for our national team, and was in fact supporting and cheering for the Dilberi! In the interview, Dimarko Prodotis, the mayor in question, mentioned that he had even made a $50 donation to the foreign team and had $175 on the line in a bet with a councillor in the town.

         Though it sounds like something small, 17 protests, ranging from 15 to 64 participants have sprouted in the past 3 days, with local residents calling for a re-election. No wonder Genikosiville was voted the “Most Odd Town in Aftokratoria” last year!

         “Mr. Prodotis is a traitor to our nation! Send him to Dilber, since we don’t want him or Dilberi people around here!” said local racist, Topikos Ratsistis, who attended 8 of the protests.

        On the other hand, a Dilberi-Aftokrator in a nearby village said “I can be a loyal Aftokrator and also support my home country’s team!”. She was soon punched in the face.


    And that’s Aftokratorian News at 6:00.

  6.          Rankampi Kepatanios, the 27 year old captain of Aftokratoria’s national rugby team, sat at the desk in his hotel room in Dalimbar. Earlier that day his team had lost their first international game, playing against Arifiyyah. It was 11:26 P.M, and Rankampi guessed other teams, including the Arifians, were partying, celebrating their win. That could not be more different from how he felt.
    Rankampi stared defeatedly at a piece of paper sitting on the desk, a letter. A letter he had just finished writing to his mother back home. It wrote:

              “Dear Mother,

    I am worried. I am scared. When I stepped onto the playing field at the beginning of today’s game, I was confident, for Omadiki Ergasia and Filotimos Ekprosopos were really supportive and optimistic, as they always are, and seeing so many fans who came to watch was so uplifting. I know it was just one game, but I can’t help but feel nervous.
    When Igetis Foveros got into government and started sending so much funding from taxpayer dollars to every industry, I hoped we would get some of that, but we were essentially forgotten, which is why so much of our training has been done with the football team. So much so that the majority of my skills are football skills that I had to convert to rugby skills by myself! Our defence is the best I have ever seen, and all of them are great, but I am more confident in them than myself. I am probably overthinking it, but I wanted to share my worries with you.

    In conclusion, I have more trust in our defensive players than I do in experienced teams like Dalimbar’s, and I know I love every one of my teammates and am confident in their abilities, but being in this new place and situation estranges me. I can always rely on you for support.

              -Your loving son, Rankampi Kepatanios


    With a final, long sigh, the Aftokratorian folded it up, put it in an envelope, and after stretching once more, went to the bed that in that moment, felt immensely comfortable.

               "I can only wish for the best in my next game", he thought to himself. No more than 30 seconds later, the captain was asleep.

  7. Rankampi Kepatanios  (M) 27y (Captain) -—Hooker

    Podosfairo Klepsia (F) 20y —---------------Outside center

    Tinasso Piso (M) 23y —---------------------Inside center

    Konos Sfaira (M) 22y —---------------------Open-side flanker

    Tetartos Flitzani (M) 26y —-----------------Second row

    Treximo Grigora (F) 21y —-------------------Number 8

    Amyna Paichtis (F) 25y —-------------------Right-side winger

    Adikima Paichtis (F) 25y —------------------Loosehead prop

    Omadiki Ergasia (F) 23y —------------------Scrum half

    Syllipsi Bala (F) 20y —-----------------------Full back

    Pedio Paichnidi (M) 24y —-------------------Left-side winger

    Nikitis “Niki“ Epitychia (M) 22y —------------Blind-side flanker

    Filotimos Ekprosopos (M) 21y —-------------Second row

    Einai Ischyros (F) 24y —---------------------Tighthead prop
    Paizo Kala (M) 23y —-------------------------Fly-half



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    Godmod scoring events: No

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    image.pngLogo I guess

  8. February 23rd, 1423 - Initial Response

    With elections approaching, the current most popular candidate by a landslide, Otto Kracy, has gained more support that ever before after Fauthurian politician, Kerglom Hafth, stated that “Aftokratoria will not be recognized as part of the Nuran continent, and never will''. Standing on the platform of proving to the world that Aftokratoria deserves more than any other country to be part of Nur, but that Aftokratoria could stand alone if it wanted to, Mr. Kracy has made a giant leap in the polls, from 60% to 80% popularity.


    Public support for this view has never been higher, with Aftokratorian nationalism at an all-time peak. Voters on all sides of the spectrum have agreed with the general consensus, as Otto Kracy’s relatively new party has campaigned towards the left as well as the right wing, uniting differing political views for the cause of making Aftokratoria known.


    Mr. Kracy, who at times has claimed to be of a left-wing ideology, at others a right-wing ideology, as well as on the centre of the political spectrum, has perfectly represented how the majority of citizens have reacted to Kerglom Hafth’s opinion in his speeches: Anger, frustration, and outright fury. In the cities of Oreinos and Notosia, large protests with over 100 people have sparked, making some citizens of Fauthurian descent considering moving back.


    “I fear for the safety of my family, and other Fauthurian Aftokrators.” said Notosia resident, Xeno Politis. “It has revealed the extent to which some of my neighbours are willing to go to just for a political opinion”.

    On the other hand, Ethniko Katoikos, a native Aftokratorian citizen who has been very publicly open on his view regarding this topic of debate, said

    “Mr. Hafth, and all his supporters in Fauthur have clearly shown that they hate us Aftokrators! “They despise our great nation, that is obvious. Kerglom Hafth was elected with over 75% of the vote, and has not tried to hide his anti-Aftokratorian views. Think of it this way, if someone said they would burn your house if they could, would you be angry? Yes, yes you would”.

    Public opinion is split, with nearly every person being strongly towards one side or the other. The vast majority is for fighting back against Mr. Hafth and the Fauthurians, but there are still many who are strongly against it.


    The federal response has been mostly abstaining from making an official statement, but the few comments select politicians and government workers have made imply that Igetis Foveros, the current Prime Minister of Aftokratoria, is worried about foreign relations with Fauthur crumbling.


    Resident nation: Aftokratoria

    Discord name: The Goose God🇨🇦#2530

    Map nation name: Aftokratoria

    A couple sentences about your nation: (original content, not NationStates stats)

    An environment-loving nation of patriotic people. Industry and society is very science and fact based, but the country often implements very strict laws, resulting in good control but low freedoms.

    Tech and science are its main industries, and though a small, sparsely populated country, it’s peoples largest desire is to be seen as more significant on the world stage, for all it is currently known for is being very cold, having nice people, and strict laws.

    I’m it is militarily, very cautious, and is often trying its hardest to make tourism more of an industry.

    Map request as an image: 


    3-Letter Code: AFT                  2-Letter Code:  AF

    Capital City: Evimero City

    Government Type: Democratic Socialist

    The population of my nation is: average

    The population density of my nation is:  Below average

    The GDP per capita of my nation is:  Below average


    Government Spending - Which statement best describes your nation?


    My nation provides moderate social programs, or a small selection of social programs. 

    My nation has an extensive social safety net, or provides multiple programs like universal healthcare, welfare, and free tuition for its citizens 


    My nation does not provide social programs beyond bare necessities and/or high school educations. 


    My nation does not prioritize social spending, but engages in some large-scale government or public spending projects. 


    My nation’s government spending is a vast majority of our GDP, such as having to coordinate our import-dependent economy.
    (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval)


    Military Indicator - Which statement best describes your nation?


    My nation has made a commitment to security, and maintains a moderately sized modern armed forces within our means. 


    My nation has little incentive or political drive for military spending, but maintains a small-to-moderate modern armed forces. 

    My nation has prioritized military spending at the expense of other key areas and may have been criticized for lack of freedom or human rights issues. 


    My nation does not prioritize military spending due to other priorities, the belief we are safe, or we don’t have enough money left over to fund it. 


    My nation is heavily embattled and we believe we face an existential threat. 
    (this option is subject to Cartography Board approval) 


    Any other inspirations or concepts you want to share: 

    Aftokratoria sees itself as a small factor on the world stage, as do its citizens, and is constantly eager to prove its not insignificant, in good or bad ways.



  10. I, Aftokratoria, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, or any laws made pursuant to it.

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