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Libetarian Republics

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Everything posted by Libetarian Republics

  1. subforums on the RMB unlocks so many potentials though..
  2. In terms of activity and influence, TNP is a great region at the moment.
  3. Yeah TNP is too chaotic at the moment. TWP will be too but you get to say that you were here first Welcome to NS!
  4. I think it would be awkward to have an official that is not a citizen of a member region. Frankly he could stay so long as he simply applies to another member region under the NSR.
  5. Hail TWP! I'll be interesting to see how that will turn out
  6. Initially, democracy. Democracy can only work if it is done properly. The only purpose of a democracy in gameplay is to get more users involved with the politics of a feeder/sinker. What makes democracy INTERESTING and WORKABLE in the LONG-term future is pretty much corrupt politics
  7. personally i think we should have a constant revolution state. screw stable democracies. maybe every once in a while have a totalitarian government with a democratic revolution following a totalitarian coup and etc etc. have competition to see which govt last the longest. of course theses forums will be the focal point of all govts regardless (just to keep things simple and from people trying to spoil the game) the R/D game is getting boring. GCRs are suppose to be the pinnacle of unstable, corrupt politics! if anyone reads The Necessity of Chaos by Todd McCloud, we should embrace chaos! not the other way around! why have a coup/purge every 2 years when you have it ever 5 months?? of course i could be a radical with the continuing usage of the game mechanics for controlling the delegacy, one must relied on our heavily populated region to restored order or to assume power the guardians, already accumulating enough influence, can seize the delegacy should things go wrong
  8. Oh yeah. We'll do anything to exploit anything they throw at us.
  9. I believe some people don't trust those apps, don't they? It's nice to see some progress in our game though.
  10. Haha yeah. I saw a mass influx of nations from GBE when I got on my TRR's nation. Sad to see a coup that was unnecessary. Hope you guys can rebuild!
  11. The world's about to end. Jk. Merry Christmas to you too
  12. I don't know where to put this so I'll put it here. Hi. A little bit about me. The name is Libetarian Republics (not Libertarian). You can call me Libs or LR. I made this nation when I was young, naive, and very ignorant. To demonstrate how young, I'm not even in college yet and I've been around NS for 4 years. Uuh, for the most part, I haven't done much in NS. I've pretty much idle in regions, like the West Pacific, and just simply gain endos for the hell of it. I was too lazy to even bother registering the off-site forums (and when I did, I don't bother to come back). Later on, I made numerous of puppets that are now defunct but easily revivable and (finally) join governments in region called Grand Central (during Aegera's delegacy). By that time, I finally understand that the military aspect of the GamePlay (invading and defending) but simply had no interests in it. I later left and got bored of NationStates simply cause I was too busy and had other priorities. Also, I did a terrible job at my position in GC. I return to NationStates and entered the RP Community, thinking that I would create stories about my massive NS statistics that has been building up. I was active prior to Gholgoth's revival and Jenrak's revolutionizing methods to revived the RP aspects. Since then I have been inactive. I'm hoping that my return to the region that created me would spark new interests. Plus, wonder how it goes in the GCRs. In real life, I'm a high school student. I'm on the swim team and an officer of National Honor Society. AP classes are my number one enemy. I plan to major in biomedical engineering and (maybe) go to Med School one day. I sound like I'm a nerd but in reality, I'm the class clown. So, what's up?
  13. I'm interested! But uuh do I have to be a citizen or something? Sorry, newbie here.
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