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TWP Mayor
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Everything posted by Tweedy

  1. We all make mistakes; however, in TWP we do frown on cold-callers.
  2. Perhaps The West Pacifican Sub Forums wording could be adjusted as well..... The Printing PressBack Office type setting room for Dass Nachrichten, where we read it before you read it.
  3. .....my three friends, but nothing to boast about, sadly.
  4. I would have thought that was plain common sense; if not, what is the point off an off-site forum?
  5. Hello Kaboom, welcome to TWP! ....time will tell!
  6. The Weird Pacific The Western World
  7. I'm extremely impressed, Drachmaland. All this professional looking presentation must be very time consuming.
  8. Ah yes, the Zombies....we could have had a disaster were it not for the thin green line of the 1st and 2nd battalions of the Knotted Handkerchiefs Brigade! Heroes they were. After the great Battle of Snotty-Nose Wipe, the Zombies realized they had met their match and retreated in disarray. The Zombie commander, shocked by their defeat, stated "We may be icky and horrible, but at least we don't sneeze straight into people's faces".
  9. Tweedy


    Good show, Drachmaland!
  10. Please accept my sympathies at the loss of your mum.
  11. Winni, could you please change my name from Tweedy to Mayor Tweedy? I have a nation in NS with that title.
  12. Thank you, TAO. I feel suitably chuffed! I might even un-retire... If only we had that reasoning in RL!
  13. I presume all is well, now. Hail the new Delegate!
  14. It's good that members clear the air. Although I have no problem with duality in itself, my personal experiences when atempting it were always severely flawed by each character I played having the ability to make animated flags. Having the same IP wasn't good enough!
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