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Speaker of the Hall of Nations
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Posts posted by Dalimbar

  1. image.thumb.png.350403a25c225f3743203af443b132d6.png

    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: 
    Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain

    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!

    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.

    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.

    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.

    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.

    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.

    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.

    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!

    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!


    Today we begin the integration of the FECZ into the Free State. From Stavka on to company, all have received their orders. The following measures are to take place:

    1. Designated units will ensure compliance of relocation of hostile-class residents to reserved lands. Non-compliant hostile-class residents, if classified as a threat, shall be immediately terminated. Other non-compliant hostile-class residents shall be handed to Gulag Processing Units in their sectors.
    2. Border units shall be at fortress state along the frontier and reinforced.
    3. Supporting internal units to enforce lockdown procedures in their sectors.
    4. Port Ain and other urban sectors in FECZ with Dalimbari and other FS citizens shall be lightly swept for subversive activity and secured from outside conditions. 
    5. Project Sitka shall be engaged in reserved lands for continued project testing, particular lands to be noted in future comms.

    Glory to the Free State! Glory to the Marshal! Glory to our Ancestors and the Path!

    -Gen. Iosip Frank

  3. "so... we actually won? Against the host? Who is currently setting fire to their own stadium?" asked Gen. Iosip Frank, almost stunned at television.

    Marshal Briand and General Frank were watching the Ryxtylopia vs Dalimbar match on FSTV-1.

    "It... appears so. Remind me to have Stavka approve something for Sasha. Lunging at that one Ryx player in the first half was entertaining. I think she may have drew blood." responded Mar. Marcus Briand.

    The two senior officers of the Free State historically often watched Dalimbari sports together, having been friends for what seemed like ages. Although born in separate cities, their families had close ties with one another and got to know each other in their time in the 16th Tank. Briand took a more direct route to Stavka compared to Frank, who preferred the field lifestyle. This week was the first in quite a while where the two were in the same room, now that Briand convinced Frank, and Stavka, to appoint his friend as Vice Chair.

    "Absolutely, Marcus. Poor barbarians, they're going to lose their small minds at this. Which of the players scored? I couldn't tell." Gen. Frank said while sipping his beverage.

    "Does it really matter? They're all one in the same. But I think it was either five or seven. Or maybe eight. I really do appreciate the program from Research Branch that made... whatever this all is, happen. I really can't tell the difference between them." the Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar sipped his beverage, and the two watched a commercial on the latest in tractor technology in a contented silence.

  4. image.png.7223218d0e4de8a66d15d896e6acf1ea.png


    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар


    О продолжении интеграции Дальнеговостока

    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар:

    1. Во всех административных районах, находящихся в ведении Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны (исх. УКАЗ 210425-02), Полевой Командир должен иметь опеку над всеми жителями враждебного класса (исх. УКАЗ 181117-06),
    которые еще не достигли совершеннолетия в Фреистат, считаются подопечными стат; 
    ...A. В качестве Хранителя Полевой Командующий и назначенные им агенты должны предоставлять возможности для образования, здравоохранения и интеграции в общество Фреистат;

    ...Б. Все подопечные обязаны посещать школы с интернатами до тех пор, пока они не достигнут совершеннолетия или не будут исключены;
    ...В. Для необходимого образования подопечного его учеба должна быть освобождена от перерывов, а лица, стремящиеся прервать обучение подопечного, признаются совершившими преступление "вредительства воспитанию" и приговариваются к 10 годам каторжных работ без права переписки (исх. УКАЗ 050215-03).

    ...2. Во всех административных районах, находящихся в ведении Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны, Полевой Командующий требует, чтобы жители враждебного класса были идентифицированы Фреистат по следующим параметрам:
    ...A. Все жители враждебного класса должны зарегистрироваться для получения номера «Диска», который будет официальным документом, удостоверяющим личность;
    ...Б. При регистрации своего номера «Диска» они получают от Фреистат личное имя из утвержденного списка чодеанских/хазарейских/дриннонских названий (исх. УКАЗ 890716-02);
    ...В. Номер «Диска» состоит из следующих элементов:
    ...В1. Первый элемент должен быть отмечен либо «С», либо «Ю», с учетом того, что житель проживает либо к северу («С»), либо к югу («Ю») от Порт-Айна;
    ...В2. Вторым элементом должны быть последние две цифры года, в котором резидент зарегистрировал свой номер «Диска»;
    ...В3. Третьим элементом является пятизначный номер, присвоенный резиденту;
    ...В4. Примером этого может быть: С23-00001, Ю24-12345, и т. д.
    ...Г. Звонок или обращение к жителю враждебного класса, будь то он сам или другой, с использованием любого другого идентификатора , кроме полученного им личного имени и номера «Диска», должен классифицироваться как «вялотекущая шизофрения» и ограничиваться психологическим учреждение до момента признания его годным к возвращению в общество (исх. УКАЗ 930522-01).

    ...3. Во всех административных районах, находящихся в ведении Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны, Полевой Командующий требует, чтобы жители враждебного класса проживали только на заповедных землях и вели свою социальную и экономическую жизнь строго в пределах заповедной земли, к которой они относятся. назначены;
    ...A. Эти земли будут выделены в районах, которые не препятствуют и не препятствуют развитию Дальневосточной в Фреистат;
    Б. Местоположение, размер и принадлежность этих зарезервированных земель определяются Полевым Командиром и назначенными им агентами;
    ...B. Жители враждебного класса обязаны переехать на зарезервированные земли в течение 30 дней с момента уведомления о выделенной им резервной земле. Невыселение в установленный срок на отведенную резервную землю признается совершением «социального тунеядства» и наказывается лишением свободы на 10 лет без права переписки (исх. УКАЗ 050215-04);
    ...Г. Жители враждебного класса имеют право передвижения в пределах отведенной им резервной земли. Жители враждебного класса не имеют права передвижения за пределы отведенной им резервной земли;
    ...Г1. Жителю враждебного класса может быть предоставлено право на передвижение за пределы закрепленных за ним резервных земель и получение пропуска, подтверждающего такое право, если он является подопечным, как указано в статье 1, или по другим утвержденным причинам, определенным
    Полевым Командиром;
    ...Г2. Недоказание того, что они получили право на передвижение за пределы закрепленных за ними резервных земель, считается совершением «посягательства первой степени» и наказывается к 5 годам каторжных работ за первое правонарушение, к 10 годам каторжных работ за первое нарушение. за второе правонарушение, а по третьему правонарушению - 10 лет каторжных работ без права переписки (исх. УКАЗ 050216-01).


    От имени Ставка,

    Маршал Маркус Брианд
    Председатель Ставка
    Маршал Фреистат Далимбар

    Генерал Иосип Франк
    Заместителем Председателя Ставка
    Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны


    On the Continued Integration of the Far-East

    Stavka of the Free State of Dalimbar:

    1. In all administrative areas covered under the authority of the Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone (ref. UKAZ 210425-02), the Field Commander shall have Guardianship over all hostile-class residents (ref. UKAZ 181117-06), who are not yet age of majority in the Free State, deemed Ward of the States;
    ...A. As Guardian, the Field Commander and his designated agents shall make available facilities for education, health, and integration into Free State society;
    ...B. All Wards are required to attend schools with residential facilities until they either reach the age of majority or are expelled;
    ...C. For the required education of the Ward, their studies shall be freed of interruptions, with those seeking to interrupt the education of the Ward to be deemed to have committed the crime of "education wrecking" and sentenced to 10 years of hard labour without the right of correspondence (ref. UKAZ 050215-03).

    2. In all administrative areas covered under the authority of the Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone, the Field Commander requires hostile-class residents to be identified by the Free State under the following parameters:
    ...A. All hostile-class residents are to register for a "Disc" number which shall be the official record of identification;
    ...B. Upon registration of their "Disc" number, they shall receive from the Free State a personal name from the approved list of Chodeani/Hazari/Drinnonese names (ref. UKAZ 890716-02);
    ...C. The "Disc" number shall be comprised of the following elements:
    ...C1. The first element shall be marked with either a "N" or a "S", noting that the resident lives either north ("N") or south ("S") of Port Ain;
    ...C2. The second element shall be the last two digits of the year in which the resident registered for their "Disc" number;
    ...C3. The third element shall be a five digit number assigned to the resident;
    ...C4. An example of this can be: N23-00001, S24-12345, etc;
    ...D. The act of calling or referring to a hostile-class resident, be it themself or another, by any other identifier than their received personal name and their Disc number shall be classified as having "sluggish schizophrenia" and shall be confined in a psychological institution until deemed fit to return to society (ref. UKAZ 930522-01).

    3. In all administrative areas covered under the authority of the Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone, the Field Commander requires hostile-class residents to only reside in reserved lands and shall live their social and economic lives strictly within the reserved land to which they are assigned;
    ...A. These lands shall be set aside in areas which do not hinder nor impede the development of the Far-East by the Free State;
    ...B. The location, size, and membership of these reserved lands shall be determined by the Field Commander and his designated agents;
    ...C. Hostile-class residents are required to move to the reserved lands within 30 days of notice of their assigned reserve land. Failure to move to the assigned reserve land within the timeframe shall be deemed to have committed "social parasitism" and sentenced to 10 years of hard labour without the right of correspondence (ref. UKAZ 050215-04);

    ...D. Hostile-class residents shall have the right of movement within their assigned reserve land. Hostile-class residents shall not have the right of movement outside of their assigned reserve land;
    ...D1. A hostile-class resident may be provided the right to movement outside of their assigned reserve lands and receive a pass proving such right if they are a Ward as noted in Article 1, or for other approved reasons as determined by the Field Commander;

    ...D2. Failure to prove that they have received the right to movement outside of their assigned reserve lands shall be considered to have committed "trespass of the first degree" and be sentenced to 5 years of hard labour on the first offense, 10 years of hard labour on the second offense, and 10 years of hard labour without the right of correspondence on the third offense (ref. UKAZ 050216-01).

    On behalf of Stavka,

    Mar. Markus Briand,
    Chairman of Stavka
    Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar

    Gen. Iosip Frank,
    Vice Chairman of Stavka
    Field Commander of the Far-East Control Zone

  5. image.thumb.png.ec23ef5a843a01eda516afc153a91603.png

    FSTV 2 - Military Morning


    Cpt. Natali Alexandrov, Host: Welcome back to Military Morning, here on FSTV 2. As announced yesterday afternoon by Stavka through Ukaz 231125-01, the Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone, General Iosip Frank, has been named as Vice Chairman of Stavka. He is to hold both roles as Vice Chair and Field Commander, the latter role he attained back in the springtime during the Rugby World Cup here in Dalimbar. We would like to welcome General Frank to the show to get his take on his new position and the overall situation.

    Gen. Iosip Frank: It is a pleasure to be here. May the Path and our ancestors bless our frontline troops.

    Cpt. Alexandrov: Indeed, sir. First off, on behalf of all of us Dalimbari, especially active-duty, a heartfelt congratulations on your new role. This has been a busy year for you, right?

    Gen. Frank: Thank you, Captain. I would like to thank the Marshal and all my colleagues in Stavka for the confidence that they have seen in me to permit me to serve in both Vice Chair and Field Command roles. It is an honour to serve our Free State in both functions. I would also like to take this time to thank my good friend Admiral Kresco for his services as Vice Chair these past several years, he was a strong force within Stavka and I hope that he enjoys the gosdacha in 8. Along with the Marshal, Mihovil was a mentor to me and he will be missed in command.

    Cpt. Alexandrov: I'm sure many active-duty Dalimbari have heard your story now, but would you mind telling us a bit about your younger years?

    Gen. Frank: Oh absolutely! As I'm sure many of the lads know, I'm not a Starija-born lad, my family was based in Selia when I was born. Dad was a Colonel in the army but often served frontline in the Far-East and Yugodalia. As with many Dalimbari, we kids followed the paths of our forefathers, playing rugby in school and academy, going through training, and starting to make our way through service. For me, while Saint Andreisburg is our founding place and capital, Selia is... home. Even if I don't get to see it often, as I have been fortunate to tour around our great and splendid country throughout my career.

    Cpt. Alexandrov: The 16th Tank Division in particular must be proud of your accomplishments. 

    Gen. Frank: I have fond memories of my time with the 16th Tank. Our work in the Far-East was and continues to be essential to ensure the survival of the Free State and to consolidate and integrate the Far-East onto the Path. I'm always happy to start blasting at barbaric terrorists and their ilk if they dare threaten our Free State. We show no mercy.

    Our glorious Marshal Briand and the rest of my colleagues on Stavka want to ensure that the Far-East is a peaceful as the Starija, and as Vice Chair and Field Commander, that is my mission. 

    Cpt. Alexandrov: And we thank you for your service, sir. We're going to take a quick commercial break, and after we'll continue to talk to Gen. Frank. Stay tuned!

  6. image.png.8e4c2e8cadb6e98de86c573b2f059b5f.png


    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар


    О заместителе председателя Ставка

    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар:

    1. Принимает отставку адмирала Миховил Крешко с поста заместителя председателя Ставка и членство в Ставка;
    ...A. Награждение Героем Фреистат (первой степени) за образцовые героические заслуги перед Фреистат.
    ...Б. Начисление выходного пособия и пенсионного обеспечения в соответствии с УКАЗ-091026-02
    ...В. Далее присуждает госдачу в Районе 8 для его исключительного и частного использования

    2. Назначает генерала армии ФС Иосип Франк заместителем председателя Ставка;
    ...A. Продолжает исполнять обязанности полевого командира Дальневосточной зоны

    От имени Ставка,

    Маршал Маркус Брианд
    Председатель Ставка
    Маршал Фреистат Далимбар

    On the Vice Chairmanship of Stavka

    Stavka of the Free State of Dalimbar:

    1. Accepts the resignation of Adm. Mihovil Kresco as Vice Chairman of Stavka and membership in Stavka;
    ...A. Awards the "Hero of the Free State (First Class)" for exemplary heroic services to the Free State 
    ...B. Awards severance and retirement package in accordance with UKAZ-091026-02
    ...C. Further awards a gosdacha in District 8 for his exclusive and private use

    2. Appoints Gen. Iosip Franc of FS Army as Vice Chairman of Stavka;
    ...A. Continues his duties as Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone


    On behalf of Stavka,

    Mar. Markus Briand,
    Chairman of Stavka
    Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar


    NOTE - Comms w/ HQ soon off in RYX; STN dmg by rads due to host gov pol. ID secure atm. Pub space non-secure.

    REC - 1. Lock of IB STN, 2. Req int. 



    RESP - 1. K. 2. No, but "Redwood" asst in min 24 hrs. 



    NOTE - Sit in RYX worsening. Assets in host in cross btwn host and rads. REQ "Redwood" asap. 



    RESP - K.



    RESP - ExAf will hate this. K.

  8. image.thumb.png.143a7807a81ce6fa4125247a2bffca6d.png

    FSTV 3 - The Way to Health

    [Opening scene: A well-lit studio with the host sitting at a desk adorned with various health-related props. The camera zooms in as the host begins speaking.]

    Dr. Gerasim Orlov, Host: Welcome, dear viewers, to another episode of "The Way of Health". I'm Dr. Orlov. Later on in the show we'll be discussing the negative mental and physical effects of consuming foreign media, especially "anime" from places like Zoran, but first...

    [An ominous looking fungus appears in the corner of the screen.]

    Dr. Orlov: ...we're going to address a growing concern in our community - a dangerous street drug known as "fun-gi", "devil spore", or "brain rock". This substance has been making its way through our streets, and it is crucial that we shed light on its potential risks. What makes this substance particularly alarming is its origin, as it is believed to have originated in the backwards society of Varanius, and both its original form and a synthetic form has been used by young people going to parties and clubs, particularly in Saint Andreisburg.

    [Cut to video of a party club scene while Dr. Orlov continues to speak.]

    Dr. Orlov: The Office of the Surgeon General notes that after its introduction via smuggling into the Free State during the Rugby World Cup, a synthetic form has been developed in clandestine laboratories in hostile-class regions of Yugodalia and then bought by innocent Dalimbari youth, thinking it is just a harmless party substance. They take it before and while in a club, but its effects can be both unpredictable and perilous. Users seem to experience hallucinations, altered perceptions of reality, and intense mood swings.

    [Cut back to the studio.]

    Dr. Orlov: The concerning part about "fun-gi" or "devil spore" is that its production methods are entirely unregulated, leading to variations in its chemical composition. This makes it extremely difficult to predict how an individual may react to the drug. Reports of adverse reactions, including seizures, anxiety attacks, "skin crawl", and even cases of overdose, have been on the rise.

    [Transition to a pre-recorded interview with a recovering addict.]

    Former User: I started using "fun-gi" at parties, thinking it was just a bit of fun. It made me feel really good for a while, like I was on my own Path! But soon, I found myself unable to control the impact it had on my life. I was spending more and more on this junk, just to try to feel the same way I did the first time I tried it. It took a toll on my physical and mental health, and I knew I needed to seek help. I really had strayed from the Path.

    [Cut back to the host.]

    Dr. Orlov: It's stories like these that emphasize the importance of being informed and vigilant. If you suspect someone you know might be using "fun-gi" or any other unknown substances, encourage them to seek help. We can not lose any Dalimbari from the Path. Addiction is a serious issue, and professional support can make all the difference. 

    [Contact information for local treatment centres appears on the screen.]

    Dr. Orlov: Remember, your health is your most valuable asset. Don't waste the life your ancestors gave you. Stay vigilant and stay on the Path. Up next, our panel will be discussing the dangers of foreign media. You won't want to miss it.

    [The screen changes to a commercial on the latest tractor.]

  9. FSTV.thumb.png.66d3d7f9ec6c0822920b7fe882d4dc9d.png

    FSTV 1 - Saint Andreisburg Morning

    Natasha, Anchor: "... and turning to the world of sports, while it isn't rugby, the Footblues have landed in Ryxtylopia to compete in the third World Cup of Football. Reporting from the games is our very own Dmitry. Dmitry, can you tell us how the flight was for the team?"

    Dmitry, Sports Reporter: "Good afternoon, Natasha! It was a long journey for the Dalimbari squad to get here... wherever here is. Oh yes, Ryxenia. As airspace was not granted by the barbaric dwarves to the east of the Free State for a more direct flight to Ryxtylopia, we had to do the long "High Thulian to Tethys" route. No matter, our squad got here in the end.

    All Ivans and Sasha are getting prepared for their first match against... um... Pedandria? Genuinely don't know where that is, but apparently it is a country! These barbarians are cute, making up new places for us to play against."

    Natasha: "And how is Sasha in particular doing after such a long flight?"

    Dmitry: "She may have tried to make a swing at local security shortly after we landed but in the end she calmed down after being presented a tray of salmon and berries. Along with the Ivans she is in good spirits and seems eager to maul the competition."

    Natasha: "She's becoming a hero of mine. One might say she's becoming my... spirit animal, hah!"

    Dmitry: "Oh, I think the feed cut out there for a sec, Natasha. What was that?"

    Natasha: "Nevermind. How are the Ryxtylopians doing with preparing for the games?"

    Dmitry: "There is certainly a buzz in the air, with stadiums undergoing final preparations and locals getting into arguments over who will win. At least, that is what I assume happened in some of the... what's more barbaric than barbarian living, a slum? Yes, slums. Though, compared to our comrades in the Militsiya, I found that the security forces here were lax when it came to breaking things up. Perhaps they can learn from our great nation once we win a second world cup this year?" 

    Natasha: "Exciting stuff, Dmitry. Keep us up to date. And now, the weather..."

  10. image.thumb.png.03edb17a1639807a1812566b01faa586.png

    Федерация футбола Далимбар

    Dalimbar Football Federation

    RP permissions:
    Injure my players: yes
    Assign my players yellow cards: yes
    Assign my players red cards: yes
    Godmod injuries: yes
    Godmod scoring: yes
    Godmod other events: yes

    Style Mod: +2.7


    Name Position Number
    Ivan Pervyy (Иван Первый) Centre Forward 1
    Ivan Vtoroy (Иван Второй) Left Forward 2
    Ivan Tretiy (Иван Третий) Right Forward 3
    Ivan Chetvertyy (Иван Четвертый) Centre Midfield 4
    Ivan Pyatyy (Иван Пятый) Left Midfield 5
    Ivan Shestoy (Иван Шестой) Right Midfield 6
    Ivan Sed'moy (Иван Седьмой) Centre Back 7
    Ivan Vos'moy (Иван Восьмой) Centre Back 8
    Ivan Devyatyy (Иван Девятый) Left Back 9
    Ivan Desyatyy (Иван Десятый) Right Back 10
    Sasha (Саша) Goalkeeper 11

    Note regarding spares: In the event that a player requires replacement, a new individual will take their name and position.
    Note regarding the goalkeeper: Sasha may or may not be a bear. 

  11. Ignore the last part about the Cinderella story being quashed, the victory of Ryxtylopia over Cambria is a fairytale run for the small nation. 

    On behalf of the entire Department of Sports, we are so thankful for a Dalimbari victory. The two senior leagues of their divisions faced off but in front of home fans in Garrison Stadium, the Dalimbari were finally able to get the gold and... Bring It Home!

    Thank you for being part of Rugby Rankings, and we will be back for the next Rugby World Cup! If not sooner...?

    A     B
    Cambria (56.46) 24 27 Ryxtylopia (53.44+3)
    Dalimbar (62.05) 19 06 United Adaikes (59.48+3)

    Day 11 (Final) Rankings:

    1. Dalimbar - 64.14
    2. United Adaikes - 57.40
    3. Ryxtylopia - 55.45
    4. Cambria - 54.46
    5. Zoran - 54.33
    6. Overthinkers - 53.61
    7. Giovanniland - 51.46
    8. Teralyon - 51.36
    9. Blue Bubble - 50.93
    10. Nieubasria - 49.54
    11. Santos-Dominius - 49.51
    12. Min-Su - 48.87
    13. Saint Mark - 48.60
    14. Hertfordshire and Jammbo - 48.25
    15. Ostronia - 47.74
    16. Fujai - 47.65
    17. Rivalfiume - 46.57
    18. Peourouin - 46.56
    19. Kalmach - 46.41
    20. Aftokratoria - 46.36
    21. Sekiya - 46.11
    22. Nagaraningrad - 45.77
    23. Saranzio - 45.49
    24. Libterraria - 45.23
    25. Ionia - 44.82
    26. Varanius - 43.82
    27. Denieria - 42.95
    28. Arifiyyah - 42.62
    29. Apexiala - 42.41
    30. Qostaoyae - 42.11
    31. Cyrylic - 42.05
    32. Hanita Gracse - 41.76
    33. Dilber - 40.97
    34. Larxia - 40.27
    35. Einherfell - 39.98

    Won the Gold medal game, won the Silver medal, won the Bronze medal game. 

  12. Result from the Semi-Final Match at Posadka Stadium: Dalimbar 13 - Cambria 03

    In Dalimbari rugby, there is a tradition amongst rival teams where after the match, the captains share a drink. The match could have been a brutal grind or a complete roll-over, but both sides would send their captains after the match to shake hands and toast to their sides. 

    Rugby has a following in Cambria, but for the Dalimbari squad, they did not know if that tradition was common with the Cambrians. Everything seemed... odd with that place. They can be so familiar yet so foreign at the same time. Although the Free State has often had difficult relations with their neighbour, as part of the various memoranda floating between the two around the hosting of the games and to prevent a boycott, Lev Toksin, the Chair of the Department of Sports made a note to Stavka that an... enhanced version of the tradition could take place.

    The match between Dalimbar and Cambria as a textbook example of high quality rugby. The Cambrians were able to score an impressive 40m drop goal while the Dalimbari side made a penalty kick and two tries, both scored by Captain Luka Ivica. Noted as "the fastest legs in rugby", Captain Ivika directed his team to maximize flanking maneuvers along with speedy passing and reflexes. Yet, the Cambrians were a strong-and-stubborn wall. 

    Post-match, while the Dalimbari squad were celebrating in their changing rooms, Captain Ivika received a buzz on his phone. It was his signal to start head upstairs to meet with the uppity-ups of the Free State, but first he had to go down to the basement for a quick minute.

    The captain, still in his kit, managed to grab a case of premium Dalimbari Jewel vodka where wearing... a kilt and cleats, and seemingly nothing else. Square jaw. Some strange tattoo on the left side of his chest. This must be the Cambrian captain, Hadleigh Neal.

    "Good match, Cambrian!" Ivika said first in Dalimbari, and then realizing that he was not understood, said again in a very accented Common.

    "Good match. Congratulations." replied Neal. 

    "Thank you! I bring you a gift, a bit of Dalimbari tradition I hope you enjoy!" Ivika said, grinning as he presented the crate of vodka to the Cambrian captain.

    The Cambrian must have said something in his native tongue but presented a similar sized case of Old Toby beer. He motioned to open the crate and grabbed a bottle of beer. 

    "Oh, good idea, Cambrian! We in Dalimbar usually finish a match with a drink, I'm glad to see you do as well!" 

    The captains took several swigs of each others choice liquor, finally relaxing after a long game. Although, it was not over for both of them, for they both had their final matches coming up. However for both squads, this perhaps was the biggest match they've had in a while.


    Press Statement by the Chiefdoms of External Affairs and Public Affairs

    On behalf of Stavka we would like to report the following:

    • Field Command of the Administrative Districts "Yugodalia" reports that the incident involving the Gabsikovo Power Plant is under control and that residents are free to leave their places of residence. 25 hostile-class members has been detained and the power plant is at 75% output at this time.
    • We look forward to the match between the Free State against United Adaikes. Our Marshal and the President of United Adaikes will be watching the match together from the Marshal's box at Garrison.
    • We are pleased with the success of the state dinner between the Free State, the Kingdom of Giovanniland, and the Holy Principality of Saint Mark. The leaders had a pleasant discussion on the state of affairs of their countries, cultural similarities and differences, and discussed trade relations. We look forward to strengthening trade relations between these strong economies through export of raw materials (including rare earth minerals) from the Free State in exchange for consumer goods and other resources. Embassies between the Free State and the two monarchies are to be established to increase dialogue.
    • We remain concerned about the state of affairs in the Nur continent and will be monitoring the situation. 
  13. CAO_1.png

    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: 
    Югодалия / Broadcast Range: Yugodalia

    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!

    Управление единицей 5-12 находится под блокировкой / Management Unit 5-12 is under Lockdown.

    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.

    Управление единицей 5-12 находится под блокировкой / Management Unit 5-12 is under Lockdown.

    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.

    Взрыв произошел на электростанции Габсиково в 23:09. / An explosion occurred at the Gabsikovo Power Plant at 23:09. 

    Неизвестно, каков источник взрыва. Анти-далимбарские боевики подозреваются в участии. / It is not known what is the source of the explosion. Anti-Dalimbari militants are suspected of involvement.

    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!

    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!

  14. The semi-finals saw the end of the Cinderella stories at play in this RWC. Dalimbar overcame a grudge match with their foes, the Cambrians. United Adaikes were the team to halt the Ryxtylopian dream in their tracks. Fear not, we are in the Finals, and while Dalimbar will face United Adaikes in home of Dalimbari rugby for the ultimate prize, the Cambrians and Ryxtylopians will clash to claim Bronze in Nadu.

    A     B
    Dalimbar (59.58) 13 03 Cambria (58.93+3)
    Ryxtylopia (53.76) 03 05 United Adaikes (59.16+3)

    Day 10 (Semi-Final) Rankings:

    1. Dalimbar - 62.05
    2. United Adaikes - 59.48
    3. Cambria - 56.46
    4. Zoran - 54.33
    5. Overthinkers - 53.61
    6. Ryxtylopia - 53.44
    7. Giovanniland - 51.46
    8. Teralyon - 51.36
    9. Blue Bubble - 50.93
    10. Nieubasria - 49.54
    11. Santos-Dominius - 49.51
    12. Min-Su - 48.87
    13. Saint Mark - 48.60
    14. Hertfordshire and Jammbo - 48.25
    15. Ostronia - 47.74
    16. Fujai - 47.65
    17. Rivalfiume - 46.57
    18. Peourouin - 46.56
    19. Kalmach - 46.41
    20. Aftokratoria - 46.36
    21. Sekiya - 46.11
    22. Nagaraningrad - 45.77
    23. Saranzio - 45.49
    24. Libterraria - 45.23
    25. Ionia - 44.82
    26. Varanius - 43.82
    27. Denieria - 42.95
    28. Arifiyyah - 42.62
    29. Apexiala - 42.41
    30. Qostaoyae - 42.11
    31. Cyrylic - 42.05
    32. Hanita Gracse - 41.76
    33. Dilber - 40.97
    34. Larxia - 40.27
    35. Einherfell - 39.98

    Nations in the Gold medal game, nations in the Bronze medal game. 

  15. Office of the Field Commander of Administrative Districts “Yugodalia”

    Notice to FS Servicemen in “Yugodalia”:

    We have received reports of a terrorist threat against Free State citizens residing in Management Unit 5-12. We suspect that the “Mountain Men” group, a rabidly anti-Dalimbari group, have been operating in that MU and potentially neighbouring MUs. 

    On April 13 at 14:32 two individuals of hostile-class status were detained by FS Militsiya for failing to stop at a checkpoint. Through interrogation it was determined that they are members of this extremist group. It was further discovered that they had intended to commit arson attacks against Dalimbari-owned businesses. 

    While information is light on this particular group, servicemen in the area may be required to provide assistance to the intelligence community or emergency response if and when needed. Be vigilant! Support your kin against this threat to the prosperity of all Yugodalia. 

    Glory to Dalimbar!

  16. Announcement from the Department of Agriculture

    As the wine sector experienced undue hardship in the 1422 harvest season due to environmental effects, the FS Chiefdom of State Development's Department of Agriculture is pleased to announce the creation of the Wine Sector Support Program.

    This program will provide up to ƒ166.2 million over 2 years (1423-24 to 1424-25) in short-term financial support to licenced Dalimbari wineries as they transition and adapt to ongoing and emerging challenges impacting the financial resilience and competitiveness of the wine industry.

    The Wine Sector Support Program will provide non-repayable grant payments to licenced Dalimbari wineries based on their production of bulk wine fermented in Dalimbar from domestic primary agricultural products. Under the program:

    Bulk wine may include:

    • grape wine
    • other fruit wine
    • other primary agriculture product-based wines

    Primary agricultural products are raw materials, such as:

    • grapes
    • berries
    • other fruit
    • dandelions
    • sap

    The payment rate will be calculated by determining the total litres of eligible wine produced in the relevant production year from information provided in applications, once the application intake period for the fiscal year has closed. The grant funding allocation for the fiscal year will then be divided by the total litres of eligible wine determined. The maximum amount an eligible recipient can receive is ƒ25 million in total per fiscal year.

    Grant funding awarded to successful applicants is expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

    • licenced wineries in Dalimbar have access to financial support to adapt to economic impacts on their operations
    • net operating income remains stable for licenced wineries in Dalimbar
    • smaller licenced wineries in Dalimbar maintain their viability
    • the Dalimbari wine industry maintains its current contribution to Dalimbar's economy

    For more information, please contact the Department of Agriculture Wine Sector Support Program office in Kaisah, District 7.

  17. The Quarter-Finals produced perhaps one of the biggest upsets in RWC history: a debutante, Ryxtylopia, knocking out 2 time RWC winner, Zoran. For many outside of Zoran, this was a beautiful moment. Overthinkers was soooooooo close to overtaking United Adaikes, and should still be proud of their preformance. Nieubasria and Teralyon, teams which have had mixed luck in RWCs past, also exceeded expectations in RWC4, however the two main Polarii squads in Dalimbar and Cambria have booked a Semi-Final match being called the "Battle for Polaris".

    A     B
    Dalimbar (57.37) 31 10 Nieubasria (51.75+3)
    Cambria (57.13) 15 07 Teralyon (53.16+3)
    Zoran (56.85) 25 31 Ryxtylopia (51.24+3)
    United Adaikes (56.68) 22 21 Overthinkers (56.09+3)

    Day 9 (Quarter-Final) Rankings:

    1. Dalimbar - 59.58
    2. United Adaikes - 59.16
    3. Cambria - 58.93
    4. Zoran - 54.33
    5. Ryxtylopia - 53.76
    6. Overthinkers - 53.61
    7. Giovanniland - 51.46
    8. Teralyon - 51.36
    9. Blue Bubble - 50.93
    10. Nieubasria - 49.54
    11. Santos-Dominius - 49.51
    12. Min-Su - 48.87
    13. Saint Mark - 48.60
    14. Hertfordshire and Jammbo - 48.25
    15. Ostronia - 47.74
    16. Fujai - 47.65
    17. Rivalfiume - 46.57
    18. Peourouin - 46.56
    19. Kalmach - 46.41
    20. Aftokratoria - 46.36
    21. Sekiya - 46.11
    22. Nagaraningrad - 45.77
    23. Saranzio - 45.49
    24. Libterraria - 45.23
    25. Ionia - 44.82
    26. Varanius - 43.82
    27. Denieria - 42.95
    28. Arifiyyah - 42.62
    29. Apexiala - 42.41
    30. Qostaoyae - 42.11
    31. Cyrylic - 42.05
    32. Hanita Gracse - 41.76
    33. Dilber - 40.97
    34. Larxia - 40.27
    35. Einherfell - 39.98

    Nations in Bold have ensured qualification to the Semi-Finals. 

  18. State Dinner

    Between: The Free State of Dalimbar, the Kingdom of Giovanniland, and the Holy Principality of Saint Mark


    Markus Briand, the Marshal of Dalimbar, walks into his office at the Oborin Palace accompanied by his trusted assistant, Colonel Natalia Kuznetsova. They have just returned from a tour of the palace, checking the final preparations for the State Dinner, which will be attended by Prince Marcarius of Saint Mark and King Giovanni VI of Giovanniland, along with their entourages.

    While no longer the residence of the Marshal, he maintains an office in one of the many ornate rooms of Oborin Palace. The walls are adorned with intricate gold leaf designs and priceless paintings, while the ceiling features a breathtaking fresco of a hunting scene. The room is illuminated by dozens of crystal chandeliers, which cast a warm glow over the elegant furnishings.

    The Marshal takes a moment to gaze around the room, admiring the opulence of the palace. "Oborin Palace truly is a sight to behold" he remarks to Kuznetsova. "We are lucky that my predecessors built and maintained this. Col. Kuznetsova, how are the preparations for the State Dinner coming along?" Briand asks, taking a seat behind his desk.

    Kuznetsova nods in agreement. "Sir, everything is going according to plan and we have spared no expense in preparing for this event. The kitchen staff is putting the finishing touches on the menu, which includes dishes from several districts of the Free State, and the floral arrangements have arrived and are being set up as we speak."

    The Marshal smiles, knowing that Col. Kuznetsova's attention to detail is second to none. "Excellent work, Colonel. We have an opportunity here to showcase our hospitality to the world", the Marshal begins. "As a state often away from the rest, we must make the most of this occasion to strengthen our ties with these foreign powers, Saint Mark and Giovanniland."

    Colonel Kuznetsova nods in agreement. "It is an exciting time for Dalimbar, sir," she says. "Hosting the Rugby World Cup, now a state dinner with two foreign powers. It has been a lot of work but our guests will be impressed and comfortable here in Oborin Palace."

    Briand smiles. "Good work, Colonel. I know I can count on your attention to detail."

    "Thank you, sir," Kuznetsova replies with a smile.

    Markus walks over to the window, overlooking the grand gardens of the palace. "This event is crucial to our foreign relations. It is an opportunity for us to strengthen the ties between our countries and build new partnerships. Perhaps with things less tense with the Astorian Union bloc, we need to explore the rest of the world for opportunity and trade."

    Colonel Kuznetsova chimes in, "Absolutely, sir. And we must ensure that our guests from Saint Mark and Giovanniland leave with nothing but positive impressions of our country."

    Markus nods in agreement. "Precisely. We must show them the best of our traditions, culture, and cuisine."

    As Colonel Kuznetsova leaves the room, Markus takes one last look out the window, taking a deep breath before turning back to his desk. With the preparations in the capable hands of his trusted assistant, he can rest easy knowing that the State Dinner will be a success and that the guests from Saint Mark and Giovanniland will be impressed with the hospitality of Dalimbar. Markus Briand remembers another crucial detail. "Oh, one more thing, Colonel. Don't forget to have the highlights of the Rugby World Cup playing on the televisions throughout the palace. We are hosting the tournament, after all."

    "Of course, sir," Kuznetsova replies with a nod. "And congratulations on Dalimbar's victory yesterday. We have advanced to the Quarter Finals."

    Markus grins with pride. "Yes, it was a great victory against Kalmach. But let's not forget that Saint Mark and Giovanniland lost their matches in the Round of 16. We must be gracious hosts and ensure that they enjoy their time here despite the results on the rugby field."

    "Absolutely, sir," Kuznetsova agrees, and with a final nod, she exits the room.

    Markus takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as he prepares to host this important State Dinner. But with the preparations well underway and the hospitality of Dalimbar in full display, he is confident that the evening will be a success.

  19. Welcome to the knock-outs! As anticipated the issue of "negative points" have gone away as we are left with the strongest sides in Esferos.

    Nieubasria and Overthinkers produced surprises, beating more established foes to move on. Ryxtylopia seems to have benefitted from warmer weather and having a "home" benefit when facing Ostronia. 

    The "Big 4" teams currently jostling for top spot will need to keep an eye out for the side from Overthinkers. We might have a "Big 5" on our hands.

    A     B
    Dalimbar (55.83) 37 11 Kalmach (47.95+3)
    Giovanniland (53.69) 06 13 Nieubasria (49.52+3)
    Cambria (56.67) 20 06 Saranzio (45.95+3)
    Fujai (48.14) 03 07 Teralyon (52.67+3)
    Zoran (54.82) 30 05 Peourouin (48.59+3)
    Ostronia (50.37) 10 29 Ryxtylopia (48.62+3)
    United Adaikes (55.15) 12 08 Hertfordshire and Jammbo (49.77+3)
    Overthinkers (51.96) 24 03 Saint Mark (52.73+3)

    Day 8 (Round of 16) Rankings:

    1. Dalimbar - 57.37
    2. Cambria - 57.13
    3. Zoran - 56.85
    4. United Adaikes - 56.68
    5. Overthinkers - 56.09
    6. Teralyon - 53.16
    7. Nieubasria - 51.75
    8. Giovanniland - 51.46
    9. Ryxtylopia - 51.24
    10. Blue Bubble - 50.93
    11. Santos-Dominius - 49.51
    12. Min-Su - 48.87
    13. Saint Mark - 48.60
    14. Hertfordshire and Jammbo - 48.25
    15. Ostronia - 47.74
    16. Fujai - 47.65
    17. Rivalfiume - 46.57
    18. Peourouin - 46.56
    19. Kalmach - 46.41
    20. Aftokratoria - 46.36
    21. Sekiya - 46.11
    22. Nagaraningrad - 45.77
    23. Saranzio - 45.49
    24. Libterraria - 45.23
    25. Ionia - 44.82
    26. Varanius - 43.82
    27. Denieria - 42.95
    28. Arifiyyah - 42.62
    29. Apexiala - 42.41
    30. Qostaoyae - 42.11
    31. Cyrylic - 42.05
    32. Hanita Gracse - 41.76
    33. Dilber - 40.97
    34. Larxia - 40.27
    35. Einherfell - 39.98

    Nations in Bold have ensured qualification to the Quarter-Finals. 

  20. image.png.cec5ff0a61a41d0af1ae253dbaa2b3d9.png


    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар


    О полевом командовании Дальневосточной контрольной зоны

    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар:

    1. Принимает отставку генерала Валериан Викторов от командования Дальневосточной контрольной зоной и членство в Ставка;
    ...A. Награждение Героем Фреистат (первой степени) за образцовые героические заслуги перед Фреистат.
    ...Б. Начисление выходного пособия и пенсионного обеспечения в соответствии с УКАЗ-091026-02
    ...В. Далее присуждает госдачу в Районе 8 для его исключительного и частного использования

    2. Назначает генерал-лейтенанта армии ФС Иосипа Франка полевым командующим Дальневосточной контрольной зоны;
    ...A. Повышается до полного генеральского ранга
    …Б. Вводится в
    Ставка на время своего срока

    От имени Ставка,

    Маршал Маркус Брианд
    Председатель Ставка
    Фреистат Далимбар

    On the Field Command of the Far-Eastern Control Zone 

    Stavka of the Free State of Dalimbar:

    1. Accepts the resignation of Gen. Valerian Viktorov from command of the Far-Eastern Control Zone and membership in Stavka;
    ...A. Awards the "Hero of the Free State (First Class)" for exemplary heroic services to the Free State 
    ...B. Awards severance and retirement package in accordance with UKAZ-091026-02
    ...C. Further awards a gosdacha in District 8 for his exclusive and private use

    2. Appoints Lt. Gen. Iosip Franc of FS Army as Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone;
    ...A. Promotes to full General rank
    ...B. Inducts into Stavka for the duration of his term

    On behalf of Stavka,

    Mar. Markus Briand,
    Chairman of Stavka
    Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar

  21. Match Day 7

    So... you're on top of the world. You win a game by 26 and blank the other side. You're the premiere team of the past two world cups... but the craziest thing out of Rugby Rankings happens:

    Zoran was rewarded with -4.05 ranking points.

    What happened?! It appears our faithful rugby ranking system is possibly more tolerant than the Free State. In that, it does not ever want to see big beefy teams beat up on the weak. It will take points away from your side and give them to the nerd team you beat up because they lived to tell the tale. It aims for a fair competition between relatively evenly-matched squads. 

    When the opposition is literally the worst side to have ever been forced to participate in RWC, with poor Apexiala being reduced to 38.36 points from this season, and facing up to a team ranked with 58.87 (also being penalized several times for beating up on smaller teams and not someone their own size??), only a lunatic would bet on an Apexiala win. But for the system, that does not matter. Squads may need more experience before attempting to enter the RWC.

    So, we have an extreme example of negative points in Rankings. We however do enter a new era in the tournament, knock-outs. This is where things will get interesting for the surviving teams.

    A     B
    Sekiya (47.22) 07 17 Hertfordshire and Jammbo (48.66+3)
    Ionia (42.00) 14 12 Larxia (43.09+3)
    Ostronia (50.88) 08 20 Dalimbar (55.32+3)
    Rivalfiume (46.53) 00 15 Giovanniland (53.73+3)
    Saranzio (46.02) 00 12 Saint Mark (52.66+3)
    Apexiala (38.36) 00 26 Zoran (58.87+3)
    Cyryilic (41.70) 13 23 Nieubasria (49.87+3)
    Peourouin (45.38) 15 06 Libterraria (48.44+3)
    Overthinkers (52.72) 07 11 Cambria (55.91+3)
    Aftokratoria (43.83) 13 00 Dilber (43.50+3)
    Kalmach (43.55) 26 18 Fujai (52.54+3)
    Ryxtylopia (48.77) 03 13 United Adaikes (55.00+3)

    Day 7 Rankings:

    1. Cambria - 56.67
    2. Dalimbar - 55.83
    3. United Adaikes - 55.15
    4. Zoran - 54.82
    5. Giovanniland - 53.69
    6. Saint Mark - 52.73
    7. Teralyon - 52.67
    8. Overthinkers - 51.96
    9. Blue Bubble - 50.93
    10. Ostronia - 50.37
    11. Hertfordshire and Jammbo - 49.77
    12. Nieubasria - 49.52
    13. Santos-Dominius - 49.51
    14. Min-Su - 48.87
    15. Ryxtylopia - 48.62
    16. Peourouin - 48.59
    17. Fujai - 48.14
    18. Kalmach - 47.95
    19. Rivalfiume - 46.57
    20. Aftokratoria - 46.36
    21. Sekiya - 46.11
    22. Saranzio - 45.95
    23. Nagaraningrad - 45.77
    24. Libterraria - 45.23
    25. Ionia - 44.82
    26. Varanius - 43.82
    27. Denieria - 42.95
    28. Arifiyyah - 42.62
    29. Apexiala - 42.41
    30. Qostaoyae - 42.11
    31. Cyrylic - 42.05
    32. Hanita Gracse - 41.76
    33. Dilber - 40.97
    34. Larxia - 40.27
    35. Einherfell - 39.98

    Nations in Bold have ensured qualification to the Round of 16. 




    “Welcome back to Live from Garrison! I’m your host, Katina Lubov. On today’s segment, we’d like to go over what even is the “Rugby Rankings”. This product of the Department of Sports of our Free State has been so prevalent in not just this Rugby World Cup, but previous editions too! But how does it work, and who developed it?”


    “For an analysis on the system that is Rugby Rankings, please welcome Dr. Maj. Victor Gorkin, Sports Statistician with the Department of Sports and Professor of Statistics at the University of Saint Andreisburg!”

    [Audience applauds]

    “Thank you for joining us here in Garrison Stadium, Dr. Maj. Gorkin.” says Katina.

    “Please, call me Viktor!” the doctor-major playfully said.

    “Now tell me, Viktor, how did the Rankings even start? It feels like we’ve had them forever in Dalimbari rugby at least!”

    “Certainly, but before rugby became more professionalized in the mid-1340s, we never had the Rankings. At that time there were local leagues, particularly in the Starija, which incited passions. This is how many of our greatest teams, from Nadu Naval to Posadka to Fort Kaisah, came into being. The sailors of Nadu formed their team and competed locally, for example. Posadka was just a neighbourhood team for a while. Local champions of their leagues would come together and try to sort out who was the best in the Free State.

    It wasn’t until the Union da Rugby formed which led to professionalization and the club scene of Dalimbari rugby. Teams which could afford talent and prospects would get it while those who couldn’t simply failed. That’s the way the Path lays for us.

    However, as I’m sure you all know…” he winks at the audience. “... it’s popular to back winners! People bet on the sport! I know most of you might have put in a few Credits, especially if your home team was really onto something, am I right?” the audience laughs and it appears quite a few of them make gestures that they have indeed bet on the sport.

    “My husband is in too deep! He keeps betting on Belosel and that hasn’t been a winning bet lately!” Katina says almost exasperatedly. 

    “Oh, poor guy. And this is why the Department of Sport started to design Rugby Rankings for the Marshal’s Cup. It shows you how well teams are doing relative to one another in a way that may be hidden from just the score lines. 

    For a hyper-competitive league like ours with 40 teams almost constantly going head to head, it’s easy to see that, say, Marinsky being at 79.48, has a better chance of winning versus your husband’s poor Belosel at 68.45 in a head to head. Doesn’t mean it’s impossible for Belosel to win! Remember that stomper they did against Nadu Naval last year?” some in the crowd groan while a few become a tad too enthusiastic in their clapping. 

    “When it was announced that there would be a Rugby World Cup, we took it upon ourselves in DoS to try the same kind of Rankings but at the international level. Show how foreign teams are doing relative to one another. 

    What the system wants to see is a fair fight between two teams. If you have say… our Boys in Blue face off against those weird Zoranians, who have regrettably won the last two Cups, the winner should get a big boost. What it doesn’t seem to like is when a super strong team goes up against a team which… how do I put this… could have used a few qualifier matches before joining the big leagues. These weaker teams certainly get experience just surviving say a “Big 4” team while the Rankings system is wondering how on Esferos they even left the pitch alive. So, if you’re following the Rankings, this is why despite a win on the pitch, the losing team may gain points.”

    “Interesting point, Viktor! We don’t see this in the Marshal’s Cup, do we?”

    “There was one match several years ago where Port Ain benefited from this because of just how down in the dumps they were at that point, facing off an almost impossibly hot Posadka, but nothing like what we’ve been seeing on the international stage. Perhaps if the foreign squads had more opportunity to play one another, and build each other up, we wouldn’t see as much impact.”

    “Thank you so much for your insight, Viktor. We’re going to take a quick break before we preview the Round of 16 matches coming up. Will the Boys in Blue have any trouble with Kalmach? Stay tuned!”

  23. Match Day 6

    A     B
    Dalimbar (55.43) 20 12 Ionia (41.89+3)
    Larxia (44.05) 03 11 Sekiya (46.26+3)
    Hertfordshire and Jammbo (49.66) 14 19 Teralyon (51.67+3)
    Zoran (58.82) 20 07 Saranzio (46.07+3)
    Saint Mark (50.37) 05 00 Rivalfiume (48.82+3)
    Giovanniland (51.41) 17 00 Varanius (46.14+3)
    Cambria (54.05) 34 13 Peourouin (47.24+3)
    Libterraria (46.35) 14 03 Cyrylic (43.79+3)
    Nieubasria (48.83) 08 00 Einherfell (41.02+3)
    United Adaikes (53.84) 18 00 Kalmach (44.71+3)
    Fujai (51.11) 03 00 Aftokratoria (45.26+3)
    Dilber (42.79) 13 13 Ryxtylopia (46.56+3)

    Day 6 Rankings:

    1. Zoran - 58.87
    2. Cambria - 55.91
    3. Dalimbar - 55.32
    4. United Adaikes - 55.00
    5. Giovanniland - 53.73
    6. Overthinkers - 52.72
    7. Teralyon - 52.67
    8. Saint Mark - 52.66
    9. Fujai - 52.54
    10. Blue Bubble - 50.93
    11. Ostronia - 50.88
    12. Nieubasria - 49.87
    13. Santos-Dominius - 49.51
    14. Min-Su - 48.87
    15. Ryxtylopia - 48.77
    16. Hertfordshire and Jammbo - 48.66
    17. Libterraria - 48.44
    18. Sekiya - 47.22
    19. Rivalfiume - 46.53
    20. Saranzio - 46.02
    21. Nagaraningrad - 45.77
    22. Peourouin - 45.38
    23. Aftokratoria - 43.83
    24. Varanius - 43.82
    25. Kalmach - 43.55
    26. Dilber - 43.50
    27. Larxia - 43.09
    28. Denieria - 42.95
    29. Arifiyyah - 42.62
    30. Qostaoyae - 42.11
    31. Ionia - 42.00
    32. Hanita Gracse - 41.76
    33. Cyrylic - 41.70
    34. Einherfell - 39.98
    35. Apexiala - 38.36

    Nations in Bold have ensured qualification to the Round of 16. 

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