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Everything posted by URAP

  1. I request masking changes for all the HGA members.
  2. I just suggested that.Things are going well, I think.
  3. Whatever happens, vlaugh made the right move. We were indeed getting no where, and we need this. Besides, I wanted to rename the HGA anyway *vlagh I'm so sorry for butchering the name. Also, I request we move the thread "Dramatic legal reform" into the constitutional convention forum.
  4. Irrelevant hardly. What he did is still here. People still remember him.
  5. Nope.Makes me want to harm small mammals, but there is.
  6. *can't like post because of like quota for today already having been reached*
  7. I was mislead by something I misread.And you might not get my next vote. I hesitate to vote for either candidate.
  8. I'm not even that pissed. I am aggravated that it is deterring other nations. Hariko. Lemon. These people deserve to have a say and they don't feel comfortable doing it because they are afraid of the politics they don't fully understand going on in the thread. I understand it won't taint me. But they don't. I'm fighting more for them than myself.
  9. The challenge isn't mine.I'm not a Llamas supporter. I'm trying to actually discuss what the threads were intended to discuss. But I can't, because you guys are ruining the threads.
  10. I'm ok with the hijacking, I'm not ok with having to deal with anti-Llamas shit everywhere I go.If you're going to hijack a thread, hijack ONE to a topic and then keep it there.
  11. I support that project, but I attempt to help out in the whole government, not just that part. Unfortunately, I can't escape the hate long enough.
  12. Let me clear this up. I don't necessarily support Llamas. However, it is currently IMPOSSIBLE to hold a conversation about ANYTHING ELSE because you people come in here and start attacking him. Not ok! You are locking up the government with this crap. I go and read a thread eagerly, and then I read the last part with Eli throwing out some crappy comment about Llamas and any desire I had to help, vote, etc. goes away. I'm not the only one who has this problem. Hariko refuses to participate because of this. Lemonpledge is having the same problems I am. You guys are killing the enthusiasm in young new players who wish to participate. I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem so smart to me. I'm not saying you can't attack Llamas or defending his actions. What I am saying is that you need to keep it in a thread devoted to that topic so I and others like me can ignore it and attempt to participate.
  13. Does everyone see the above? Just checking. I'm afraid you don't understand. Go read the "Withdraw embassies with the pacific" thread. I don't support Llamas any more, but it seems with each post you make, I support you even less. You're not the only one you're hurting, either. My respect for the guardian system is being fundamentally damaged, here.
  14. You don't have to have use for them. We aren't here for you to use.Let's just get that straight real quick. And for the last time, this thread has nothing to do with llamas and therefore you should not attack him here. Thank you.
  15. Stop it! Stop!This thread isn't even ABOUT Llamas OR Ike. This comment is ENTIRELY a nasty and opportunistic political attack that has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. STOP. If you're going to attack people, do it in the proper freaking thread. Is Llamas perfect? No. Is he even ok? I don't know. What I do know is you should NOT be attacking him at every corner as you are currently. I am HIGHLY disappointed with the performance of you and some of the other guardians. This is downright immature. Please, stop.
  16. No idea who you are, really, but I've heard bad things. That earns you respect in my book.
  17. I come here and find this sh*t. Disappointed.
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