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Everything posted by Darkesia

  1. I'm in a parkinglot on my phone too. I think I'm just going to leave it all till tomorrow, when I will have the time to invest here.
  2. I have a few tweaks to your edits, Vlagh. I would indeed like to see statements like "The Delegte has no authority off-site except that of any other resident of TWP, unless granted by off-site consensus/authority." The idea is to compel the Delegate to cooperate as strongly as the off site is compelled to cooperate. So, while the Delegate may have no authority over the off site, it is in everyone's best interested to follow the same foreign policy guidelines when it comes to embassies and treaties. Therefore, I don't think one body should be charged with radifying the other's treaties. In fact, in-game treaties are more like backroom political deals than treaties. Just try to keep in mind that if you codify that the off site gets to radify the Delegate's treaties and vice versa, you are asking for trouble. TSP is a good example. (I have an embassy with them which mostly represents that we thing TSPers are cool and fun, but they refuse to recognize the in-game supremacy of in-game activity, so no treaty or even embassy on the forums.) We want the forum community strong enough that if we were to put in place a crazy marsupialist as a Delegate, the community could organize and carry out a rebellion of their own. With respect to Militaries, the fourm community has a clear mission to organize and house a military for the protection of the region as a whole, both off site and in-game. When things are going well, this means the Delegate and MoFA or PM( or whomever) will likely take the lead in selecting targets via in-game diplomacy and forum Foreign Affairs. When things are not going well, this will result in an adversarial relationship which will be very threatening to the Delegate. Personally, I like that. It's one of the few ways to ensure cooperation is the goal. But if the community wishes to change that relationship, they may do so. Because in the end, the Delegate need only be active and have attentive Guardians in order to maintain conrol in-game. I hope that clarifies a little bit. I am heading out the door and won't be back for a few hours. In a bit of a hurry and couldn't get to the actual editing of the text. But I think we are all smart enough to figure it out
  3. If thi was the NS forum you would have been warned so many times for baiting you might be DEATed by now. This had better be the last I see of it. And if you are too bleeding stupid to understand why this is the last nerve I have left for you, then you deserve every bit of bad mouthing you are getting. STOP BAITING NOW!!!
  4. Have not had time to read, but noticed that your real name (first name and initial) is visible in this document. If you don't care, it's no biggie. Just thought I would mention it. Might work better if you put it in a post here, so people don't have to go to another format to read. Then have to copy and paste to post suggestions here.
  5. This is a formal request to whomever has mod powers here (Vlagh?) to pull out chatter about Laz and TSP and TNP where possible in all these threads, wherever practical. Just dump them all into a separate thread someplace. Moving forward, can we please keep that stuff in the General Discussion area?
  6. ... Trying not to faint... I like this one the best, thus far. I've not had a chance to read it until now. It's a good starting place. If Archi's proposal and this one can get smushed together in some acceptable way, I will be a happy TWP citizen.
  7. I believe there is a misunderstanding of terms. The forum Community should absolutely influence the Delegate and Guardians. They should not control them via legislation. The forum government is the means by which the community organizes and allows it's voice to be carried loudly to The Delegate and Guardians. Simple Examples: If the forum community actually cared about how I voted on WA resolutions, they could hold a vote on the forum and present that desire to me. I'm not insane, therefore I would realize that in order to keep the regional community happy, I would be wise to comply with their wishes. However, I am not bound by any law other than common sense to do so. Because, if there was a law on the forums, that I must comply, and then the in-game community desired something else, or I felt strongly about it, or was bound by treaty or political favor to vote a certain way, I would then break the community law. Which would be an absolutly silly reason to rebel and would end up getting ignored. So why make the law? Instead, make the ability to vote in the community and then use the structure to ask the Delegate for help. Personally, I don't think I would have the time. I haven't been able to comply with a simple request to post this convention in the WFE yet. I fully intend to do so. And I'm not avoiding it, I just have not logged into the game with anything but my phone in days. Adding official elections to my plate would not be practical. Again, this has nothing to do with my desire to be difficult. I just don't have time. Heck, my own contest ended Friday and I have yet to complie the results and post them. Anyone who has not been a Delegate in an active GCR doesn't realize how time consuming it is. That's not to say that the next Delegate won't have the time to do it. So perhaps if there was some sort of means to request the polls be posted and administered, but don't make the system reliant on that part...
  8. Please. For the love of Max. Stop with the eye-rolling teenage behavior. It's driving me nuts.
  9. I have to wonder what planet you are going to recruit a Delegate with the time and inclination to do all that work? The attitude that you can easily do that is a little mysterious to me.
  10. Hmmm. Good question. I will look when I get a minute from work.
  11. Are you a resident of TWP? If so, sure!
  12. SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't get to see it until May 5th. It's what my son-in-law wants for his birthday. The waiting is killing me!
  13. ... And that is the same as saying you wish to create a forum law which dictates the Delegate's behavior. >.<
  14. At this time I have yet to receive more than 150 total votes on any poll and I did not restrict them at all.
  15. This also assumes your Delegate desires to participate in such a manner. I"m not saying that they won't want to help. But keep in mind that not all will want or have time for such things. If we choose to do this, it must be done as a sort of opinion poll only. If it's written into law, the thing collapses if the Delegate decides not to do it.
  16. Hurray! Welcome back to the chaos!
  17. I know it stretches things out, but for the sake of RL, I will suggest including a weekend in each area or especially section 1 and 2
  18. That's a lot of work for no payoff and it will have to be changed again later. We could put everyone back in one of the member groups,maybe, when we get around to it.
  19. I wish to participate as well, if that is ok. I wasn't in the HGA so if anyone has a problem with me participating, I will sit this one out and get popcorn.
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