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Former Delegate
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Everything posted by Elegarth

  1. Pending Edits: Prime Minister: Intelligent Holograms Benjamin Mark (Simple Country) Regional Assembly: The Holy Grand Assembly of the West The Bishop of the Grand Assembly, Tuki (Elegarth) The Bishop of Sensibility, Elegarth (this was a silly joke from Dark, so I'm silly joking you here too, but I do hold that hahahahaha)
  2. Sort of, my friend. I was more or less trying to be epic or poetic, if you may, just out of random feelings about being it.
  3. Yes, I just noticed it yesterday. I can be distracted easily
  4. How long does it takes for a tear to crystallize the emotions it carries and become a diamond-shard of a soul? How long does it takes to forgive those whose offenses have offended us so deeply that they scarred our spirit? How long does it takes for a lifetime to be fulfilled? How long is a moment when you are feeling true joy and happyness? How long is a second when you are feeling your most sacred beliefs torn to pieces? Well... That long.
  5. Talking about animals... I just noticed your dolphins signature, LS That. Is. Awesome.
  6. I'm sorry bro. Good luck! Y Buena Suerte!
  7. You really don't know what Johnnie Walker is? https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ie=UTF-8&q=johnnie%20walker
  8. Hahaha, Spanish isn't that hard, I meant you could asked during this past few weeks for doubts or the like. I'm a native spanish speaker, I could have helped
  9. Pero yo hablo español, podrias haberme preguntado.
  10. In 2015, the Geminids will peak between December 13 and 14. A waxing crescent Moon (Moon's phase after a New Moon) will create good conditions for viewing the shower. http://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/meteor-shower/geminids.html
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