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Former Delegate
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Everything posted by punkdaddy

  1. Spamming threads is what we do here in TNP. ...On Topic, I hate alternative voting. I'm perfectly happy with a true pluralistic vote where someone can receive less than 50% of the vote and win and we not have to figure out who's the 2nd 3rd or 100th option. I also like real run-offs if we as a group don't want certain elected offices elected with less than 50% of the vote.
  2. Yeah, man this is just plain stupid.
  3. I think in order to have the most survive and least dead, early on we have to cure the large nations. No offense to the 300mill or less pop nations but to truly impact our end of Z-day numbers we have to keep the Southern Eureka's and Eli's of the world with the least amount of zombies. I also think it's important to ensure that 5billion + nations focus on the cure, that gives us the biggest bang for the buck. With those generalities out the way, it's important to know who can be online and at what times during the day and prepare the missile squads. Coordination among 5 people can cure out zombies in even the largest of nations pretty quickly. But there were times when each of us was trying to do solo cleans which take a while once you get under a billion. All in all, I think we did very well and were very coordinated during the day. I think we'll need to do some more prep work in the future if we want to get to the top of the list.
  4. Welcome to the freak show friend! Hope your stay is a good one!
  5. I must be old, I don't even recall that BBD. Darkesia - nice words fearless leader!!
  6. Good to see you as well. I'm doing pretty good. Hopefully in two years I'll run again. RL politics is definitely my passion. Right now, focused on finishing my master's and saving for a house. Lots going on.
  7. Busy, but good busy. Working in a new area that's a challenge, but I wanted a challenge. Kids getting big. How about yours?
  8. Haha, I am chocolate so yes, I've always got some chocolate!! Sending a shipment from PD over to Darkesia. Good to be back home.
  9. I would like to apply to be a Guardian again.
  10. whoa...is that really New People, like the real deal New People??? Yeah, i've been kicking about in TNP. Was being very successful at retired from the game by just being the forum admin over there. I was doing a da-- good job except some people didn't like me being retired from the game and an admin. My hand was forced to reenter the game on the TNP side. I then just reduced my activity to citizen, but reversed to a higher level (regional assembly member) but I miss this place...well, I miss the people. I miss being a guardian as well, didn't realize how much I'd miss that and commiserating with the other guardians. I've got to close down my region LRI, but I think I will make a return. Thank you all for the welcomes.
  11. I miss you guys. That's really all I wanted to say.
  12. I tried to cancel karaoke friday's once....I learned from that mistake...haha. Well, getting Dark back in the big chair should be nice.
  13. You know TRR should change the format. There is actually a lot of interesting information but the
  14. You may be surprised Vlagh... Finally! the BBD will sit in the delegate chair. A BBD delegacy should be quite interesting and I wish you good luck. Westwind has and continues to serve this region well. We've had a good run of stable delegacies for some time.
  15. At present I am a citizen of TSP. But everywhere else I'm retired. Why a citizen of TSP you ask? My aim is to become the elected delegate before the year is out.
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