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Former Delegate
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Posts posted by Neenee

  1. I've been part of a few "my way or the by-way" situations (including some in THIS region) and this doesn't feel like that to me. This feels more like an honest effort from a delegate eager to try something to encourage activity. "We need more activity" has been a point for a while here, I know I heard it while I was delegate. I just didn't have it in me to enact any sweeping changes. Part of that was likely because of the reaction I was sure that I would get, from both in and out of the region. Halo, apparently, does.

    I'm iffy on some aspects of this, there are certain things I'd have preferred to have seen done differently. I didn't participate in the conversation, and that was my choice; I'd seen the TG about it. However, I'm down to see how this goes. It could end up amazing. But if it sucks, I trust that Halo will make an effort to adjust things so they do not suck.

    When things don't change, we end up in a place with a good ol' boys club. I've seen it happen here before. 

    So, really, the way I see it, the worst thing that happens with this is people are cranky, it doesn't work, and Halo adjusts it. The best is that it's actually fun and new people get active on some level, participating.

  2. I’m going to keep my statement fairly short…


    Being Delegate of The West Pacific is an honor and a privilege. When Dave came to me to be Delegate, I was thrilled. I was looking forward to being able to do all the things and work toward keeping the region amazing.

    Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to live up to my own expectations. The region deserves someone who can be consistently active and around. Due to RL things, I have not been able to give The West Pacific the time or energy it deserves to have from its delegate. I tried and kept telling myself that as soon as this thing or the other sorted out, that it’d be fine, but that hasn’t happened, and I can’t in good faith continue. I’ll be able to be around still, I’m not retiring or anything, just taking a step back.

    Thankfully, The West Pacific is full of wonderful people. So, even though I must step away from the Delegacy, there is someone else ready, willing, and more than able to take on the role.

    It is my great pleasure to announce that @Saint Mark will be the next delegate of The West Pacific. I am confident that he will do an amazing job. His passion for The West Pacific shows in everything he does, and his natural energy will give the region the boost it has been needing.

    Please, join me in welcoming and congratulating Halo! <3

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mediobogdum said:

    As far as banjections go, I have to confess that I am probably the one who is guilty of removing unwanted most of the chaff with names like adhgffrrtr, etc as they show little or no real interest in being serious about the game. We also traditionally have banned meme nations, marsupials (not many recently), fascists, Nazis, and all Trump names.

    Those are banjections I can get behind. Certain names just point to bad times with a nation.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Davelands said:

    You are right in that the general attitude to noobs asking the basic questions is usually "Here, read it". To be honest, it is easier than saying two paragraphs of boilerplate 5 times a day. But I recognize that some people don't want to read so I made a smaller version of the RMB Rules and added it to the WFE. It should be easier to look at and read. https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1084143

    That's great, and I think something that simplified will be useful (because yes, people don't want to read), and will probably handle a lot of the questions/behavior that would otherwise come up on the RMB.

    I think my concern is the people who want the human contact, so to speak. They want to interact and ask questions. Obviously though, it is preferable that they read the things first and then ask, and we should encourage that. But, as long as the attitude is "Here, this will help" and not "Can't you read?" that should make a difference.

  5. Fujai, 

    On 8/24/2018 at 2:27 PM, Fujai said:

    Official dispatches should have a cohesive aesthetic.

    • Everything looks so much better when there's a contiguous theme between dispatches. Think of us as an RL university. You would want the websites for the colleges and departments to follow the theme of the main university page so that people know they're on a university website.
    • TWP colors would need to be solidified. I recommend #CC0000 for the red, #481C5E for the purple, and white.
    • In dispatch terms, there should be a single header style, with a graphic and title that makes it obvious it's an official TWP dispatch. One menu below that would be for the main pages that should always be a click away. A second menu could be located either below that or to the side, that lists a table of contents or quick links specific to that dispatches needs. Here is an example of what I'm thinking of.
    • A single body style would control the font and size used, as well as the way headings and subsections look and are divided.
    • The footer style would be mainly aesthetic, containing a small section of quick links that includes the umbrella dispatch.
    • @Neenee, how do you feel about these flag and theme ideas?


    I'm down with working on having a theme, something that will make whatever it is on be obviously a TWP thing that is official. Also, I agree the flag could use an update, and I think you're on the right path with the examples you have there. I do differ a bit from Dave, though, in that I don't think it has to really be the same style. I'd be interested in seeing anything that feels like TWP. I love tradition and old things, but sometimes something fresh is good too.

    I disagree greatly with the delegate being elected. 

    Dave is right, for Intel to be doing their job properly, you won't know. If you know a lot of what they are doing, it's being done wrong.

    Making the Hall matter beyond elections would be great, that is absolutely something to work on.

    On 8/24/2018 at 2:27 PM, Fujai said:

    There are too many banjections for minor infractions. It'll take more effort to explain our rules to people, but it's certainly worth a shot.

    • People don't like to read on the internet. Just tossing our rules at people and ejecting them when they don't read them isn't doing us any favors. That information should be offered in multiple places and different depths. There should be a very condensed form on the WFE, a more in depth form explained when people ignore what is on the WFE, and finally a dispatch with the whole list and explanations for after an RMB/telegram explanation.
    • Newbies might be smelly at first but they tend to get better with age if we just give them a shot in the beginning, metaphorical or otherwise.


    The number of banjections have decreased. However, I get your point. And I agree entirely, I think that new players are often reacted to poorly if they are obviously new or behave in a way that makes it clear they didn't click and read the things first. Many of them do, and that's awesome, but the ones who don't and are still well-intentioned should probably get more of a friendly nudge than a "Can't you read?" That attitude isn't happening as often, either, so I think in general we are on the right path here.

    We were all newbies once. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Bhang Bhang Duc said:

    One of the reasons the forum has worked so well up to now is the fact that this game is international in nature.  We live across different time zones - in the past we've had TWP governments made up of people living in the USA, UK, and Australia. In my not so humble opinion Discord and Skype are not really tools that can work well for long periods unless everyone using it is relatively close together time-wise.

    I'm going to respectfully disagree. IRC was essentially the same as Discord, but without the bells and whistles (Skype is terrible, though). That being said, I used IRC, AIM, and MSN for years to communicate with others, across a wide variety of time zones, including the UK and Australia, and the eastern US for that matter. Being on the West Coast doesn't always make the timing right for me to have conversations with people in this country, but I managed on IRC, and now on Discord. The point, though, the chat systems are functional, and they can work.

    I do agree that the forums have helped in the past, I always advocated for forums. But, I disagree that Discord has killed forums, or anything like that. Forum usage had been down for a while. That's part of why I never came home to stay before. There wasn't consistent activity on the forum that I could see that would be easy to start participating in, maybe just some spam games, I was still logged into IRC but it was mostly not used, Skype was sort of used, and the RMB was difficult to break into, even for me, and sometimes what I saw was not what I remembered this region to be.

    But, anyways, I do think the forum and Discord can coexist, just the same way forum and IRC did for so long.

  7. Nation in The West Pacific: Neenee
    World Assembly (WA) Nation: Neenee

    Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Minineenee, Lady Phedre

    Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Currently a citizen in Osiris, and have a nations in The East Pacific and The Beech Beach House.

    Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: The Empire, Gatesville, LWU (Retired Wolf there, so it could go here or in the current), ADN (by virtue of The West Pacific)

    Would you like to join (check all that you wish to join)...

    [ ] The West Pacific Armed Forces

    [ ] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Corp

    [X ] The West Pacifican Newspaper Staff

    [X ] Ministry of Recruitment and Citizenry Staff

    [X ] Ministry of Internal Affairs Staff                                                                                   

    Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

    I, Neenee, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, the constitution of The West Pacific, or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

  8. Darkesia sat on information vital to a takeover of the music industry. Yy4U was listening to his mom, who was calling Neenee asking for Benjamin Mark who had the secret.  "As simple as pie!"  BM said.  "Who wrote the new sign wrong?" BM questioned knowingly.  When all of a sudden, Badger kicked in the side of the wall. and BM declared, "There's you're Chocolate tribute for Darkesia! But why

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