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    Dalimbar got a reaction from Fujai in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар
    О продолжении интеграции Дальнеговостока
    Ставка Фреистат Далимбар:
    1. Во всех административных районах, находящихся в ведении Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны (исх. УКАЗ 210425-02), Полевой Командир должен иметь опеку над всеми жителями враждебного класса (исх. УКАЗ 181117-06),
    которые еще не достигли совершеннолетия в Фреистат, считаются подопечными стат; 
    ...A. В качестве Хранителя Полевой Командующий и назначенные им агенты должны предоставлять возможности для образования, здравоохранения и интеграции в общество Фреистат;
    ...Б. Все подопечные обязаны посещать школы с интернатами до тех пор, пока они не достигнут совершеннолетия или не будут исключены;
    ...В. Для необходимого образования подопечного его учеба должна быть освобождена от перерывов, а лица, стремящиеся прервать обучение подопечного, признаются совершившими преступление "вредительства воспитанию" и приговариваются к 10 годам каторжных работ без права переписки (исх. УКАЗ 050215-03).
    ...2. Во всех административных районах, находящихся в ведении Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны, Полевой Командующий требует, чтобы жители враждебного класса были идентифицированы Фреистат по следующим параметрам:
    ...A. Все жители враждебного класса должны зарегистрироваться для получения номера «Диска», который будет официальным документом, удостоверяющим личность;
    ...Б. При регистрации своего номера «Диска» они получают от Фреистат личное имя из утвержденного списка чодеанских/хазарейских/дриннонских названий (исх. УКАЗ 890716-02);
    ...В. Номер «Диска» состоит из следующих элементов:
    ...В1. Первый элемент должен быть отмечен либо «С», либо «Ю», с учетом того, что житель проживает либо к северу («С»), либо к югу («Ю») от Порт-Айна;
    ...В2. Вторым элементом должны быть последние две цифры года, в котором резидент зарегистрировал свой номер «Диска»;
    ...В3. Третьим элементом является пятизначный номер, присвоенный резиденту;
    ...В4. Примером этого может быть: С23-00001, Ю24-12345, и т. д.
    ...Г. Звонок или обращение к жителю враждебного класса, будь то он сам или другой, с использованием любого другого идентификатора , кроме полученного им личного имени и номера «Диска», должен классифицироваться как «вялотекущая шизофрения» и ограничиваться психологическим учреждение до момента признания его годным к возвращению в общество (исх. УКАЗ 930522-01).
    ...3. Во всех административных районах, находящихся в ведении Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны, Полевой Командующий требует, чтобы жители враждебного класса проживали только на заповедных землях и вели свою социальную и экономическую жизнь строго в пределах заповедной земли, к которой они относятся. назначены;
    ...A. Эти земли будут выделены в районах, которые не препятствуют и не препятствуют развитию Дальневосточной в Фреистат;
    ...Б. Местоположение, размер и принадлежность этих зарезервированных земель определяются Полевым Командиром и назначенными им агентами;
    ...B. Жители враждебного класса обязаны переехать на зарезервированные земли в течение 30 дней с момента уведомления о выделенной им резервной земле. Невыселение в установленный срок на отведенную резервную землю признается совершением «социального тунеядства» и наказывается лишением свободы на 10 лет без права переписки (исх. УКАЗ 050215-04);
    ...Г. Жители враждебного класса имеют право передвижения в пределах отведенной им резервной земли. Жители враждебного класса не имеют права передвижения за пределы отведенной им резервной земли;
    ...Г1. Жителю враждебного класса может быть предоставлено право на передвижение за пределы закрепленных за ним резервных земель и получение пропуска, подтверждающего такое право, если он является подопечным, как указано в статье 1, или по другим утвержденным причинам, определенным Полевым Командиром;
    ...Г2. Недоказание того, что они получили право на передвижение за пределы закрепленных за ними резервных земель, считается совершением «посягательства первой степени» и наказывается к 5 годам каторжных работ за первое правонарушение, к 10 годам каторжных работ за первое нарушение. за второе правонарушение, а по третьему правонарушению - 10 лет каторжных работ без права переписки (исх. УКАЗ 050216-01).
    От имени Ставка,
    Маршал Маркус Брианд
    Председатель Ставка
    Маршал Фреистат Далимбар
    Генерал Иосип Франк
    Заместителем Председателя Ставка
    Полевого Командующего Дальневосточной Контрольной Зоны
    On the Continued Integration of the Far-East
    Stavka of the Free State of Dalimbar:
    1. In all administrative areas covered under the authority of the Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone (ref. UKAZ 210425-02), the Field Commander shall have Guardianship over all hostile-class residents (ref. UKAZ 181117-06), who are not yet age of majority in the Free State, deemed Ward of the States;
    ...A. As Guardian, the Field Commander and his designated agents shall make available facilities for education, health, and integration into Free State society;
    ...B. All Wards are required to attend schools with residential facilities until they either reach the age of majority or are expelled;
    ...C. For the required education of the Ward, their studies shall be freed of interruptions, with those seeking to interrupt the education of the Ward to be deemed to have committed the crime of "education wrecking" and sentenced to 10 years of hard labour without the right of correspondence (ref. UKAZ 050215-03).
    2. In all administrative areas covered under the authority of the Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone, the Field Commander requires hostile-class residents to be identified by the Free State under the following parameters:
    ...A. All hostile-class residents are to register for a "Disc" number which shall be the official record of identification;
    ...B. Upon registration of their "Disc" number, they shall receive from the Free State a personal name from the approved list of Chodeani/Hazari/Drinnonese names (ref. UKAZ 890716-02);
    ...C. The "Disc" number shall be comprised of the following elements:
    ...C1. The first element shall be marked with either a "N" or a "S", noting that the resident lives either north ("N") or south ("S") of Port Ain;
    ...C2. The second element shall be the last two digits of the year in which the resident registered for their "Disc" number;
    ...C3. The third element shall be a five digit number assigned to the resident;
    ...C4. An example of this can be: N23-00001, S24-12345, etc;
    ...D. The act of calling or referring to a hostile-class resident, be it themself or another, by any other identifier than their received personal name and their Disc number shall be classified as having "sluggish schizophrenia" and shall be confined in a psychological institution until deemed fit to return to society (ref. UKAZ 930522-01).
    3. In all administrative areas covered under the authority of the Field Commander of the Far-Eastern Control Zone, the Field Commander requires hostile-class residents to only reside in reserved lands and shall live their social and economic lives strictly within the reserved land to which they are assigned;
    ...A. These lands shall be set aside in areas which do not hinder nor impede the development of the Far-East by the Free State;
    ...B. The location, size, and membership of these reserved lands shall be determined by the Field Commander and his designated agents;
    ...C. Hostile-class residents are required to move to the reserved lands within 30 days of notice of their assigned reserve land. Failure to move to the assigned reserve land within the timeframe shall be deemed to have committed "social parasitism" and sentenced to 10 years of hard labour without the right of correspondence (ref. UKAZ 050215-04);
    ...D. Hostile-class residents shall have the right of movement within their assigned reserve land. Hostile-class residents shall not have the right of movement outside of their assigned reserve land;
    ...D1. A hostile-class resident may be provided the right to movement outside of their assigned reserve lands and receive a pass proving such right if they are a Ward as noted in Article 1, or for other approved reasons as determined by the Field Commander;
    ...D2. Failure to prove that they have received the right to movement outside of their assigned reserve lands shall be considered to have committed "trespass of the first degree" and be sentenced to 5 years of hard labour on the first offense, 10 years of hard labour on the second offense, and 10 years of hard labour without the right of correspondence on the third offense (ref. UKAZ 050216-01).

    On behalf of Stavka,
    Mar. Markus Briand,
    Chairman of Stavka
    Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar
    Gen. Iosip Frank,
    Vice Chairman of Stavka
    Field Commander of the Far-East Control Zone
  2. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from United Adaikes in 1423 United Adaikes Open (darts) Signups & OOC   
    Nation name: Dalimbar
    Nation trigram: DAL
    1. Grigroii Utkin
    2. Kuzma Vinogradov
    3. Kyusha Vasilyev
    4. Syuzanna Makarov
    5. Halina Frank
    6. Avenir Krupin
  3. Thanks
    Dalimbar reacted to Fujai in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Results of the Final Matches
    Bronze Medal Match

    Gold Medal Match

    Congratulations to our Medalists!
    Gold: Cambria
    Silver: Nieubasria
    Bronze: Dalimbar
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    Dalimbar got a reaction from Fujai in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!
    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!
  5. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Aelitia in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!
    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!
  6. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Giovanniland in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!
    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!
  7. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Federation of Inner Ryxtylopia in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!
    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!
  8. Like
    Dalimbar reacted to Bran Astor in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Warning - body horror
  9. Like
    Dalimbar reacted to Aelitia in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Tales of Monarchy's Enduring Appeal (Part 12)
    COLUMN - DECEMBER 5, 1423
    In a world that often seems to embrace change at breakneck speed, some traditions stand as timeless pillars, capturing the hearts and imaginations of the people. Among these enduring traditions is the institution of monarchy, where tales of regal splendor, unwavering duty, and the charm of royal personalities continue to weave a narrative that crosses generations.
    In this column, we embark on a journey through the lens of ardent admirers and staunch monarchists who find solace, inspiration, and connection in the stories of royal families. Each week, we delve into the personal narratives of those who have dedicated themselves to preserving and cherishing the age-old traditions of monarchy.
    From grandiose ceremonies to the subtle nuances of royal interactions, we'll explore the multifaceted appeal of the royal house of the current Prince. Whether it's the captivating allure of a coronation, the timeless elegance of a tiara, or the profound sense of duty exemplified by monarchs, these stories will illuminate the reasons behind the unwavering passion of those who continue to champion the cause of monarchy.
    Join us as we navigate history, peeking into the lives of individuals who proudly wear their admiration for royalty as a badge of honor. This is not just a collection of stories; it's a celebration of the enduring charm and significance of monarchy in the hearts of its devotees. So, sit back, pour yourself a cup of tea, and reminisce with our featured submitter. 
    Elaine Qu, 56, Fort Ingor

  10. Like
    Dalimbar reacted to Giovanniland in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Hello everyone! I am Numerio Dellio-Oliverde, host of the special Football Report that is taking place during the 3rd World Cup of Football. Today we'll talk about the round of 16 game against Nieubasria, which sadly resulted in elimination for the Giovannilandian team, as well as expectations for the next world cup. 
    Round of 16: Giovanniland 1-3 Nieubasria (Halftime: 1-1)
    Goals: Vittoria Oriastella (28')
    The players of Team Giovanniland started the game with confidence against Nieubasria, knowing the challenge ahead of playing against the defending champions. The team played more defensively than before, with the striker Klementina de Abreo-Florino giving the way to another defender, the experienced Gioseppe Offerio-Apustio. Through most of the first half this strategy worked, although it was also nailbiting to watch for any Giovannilandian: the ball spent more time in our defensive half than the attacking one, with the team getting its scoring attempts mostly from counterattacks.
    In one of these attempts, Vittoria Oriastella successfully found her way to a good angle to shoot the ball, receiving the ball from former captain Lorentio Santo-Ferrari, and scored, to the surprise of the Basric team. Giovanniland would then hold the advantage for most of the remaining time in the first half, however Nieubasria's striker Camdyn Cartwrighte dealt a blow to Giovannilandian morale when the carefully set up defense was bypassed by him just before the first half ended, on minute three of stoppage time.
    In the second half, Team Giovanniland continued with a similar formation to the first half, hoping that they would be able to mount a similar counterattack to the previous one that led to the goal. In fact the team did, with good attempts from Gabriella Orfeo and Giustiniano Nottua-Glabrio, the latter of which required a stellar defense from Nieubasria's goalkeeper Dalton Fairburne to stop, but overall the success was not to be repeated since the Basric defense improved after the first and ultimately only goal from Giovanniland.
    As time progressed, the goal to break the even score was eventually scored by the striker Zedh Coreia from Nieubasria at the 65th minute, and the defending champions further added to their score near the end of the match through a 83th minute goal by Landan Aylmere, unfortunately denying the Giovannilandians any chance at a comeback.
    Our team was then eliminated from the competition, curiously the third time this happens just at the round of 16 and with a score of 3-1 for the opposing team, dubbed 'The 3-1 Curse' by fans. The coach Hettor Ottavio-Linare expressed their commiserations at the result and the fact the goal of surpassing this stage did not come to fruition, but also lauded the team for playing to the best of its ability against the top team in the world. Gustavo Zapata, the new captain, also commented that due to the big changes taken in the team since the last world cup this new roster is very much still adapting itself, and over time he expects that it will be stronger.
    With these results, we at the Football Report have updated the scoring leaderboard one last time for the foreseeable future! The newcomer to the Esquadra Nationale, Vittoria Oriastella, has proven her place as one of the rising stars of the national football, scoring two goals in this World Cup, while at the top we have famous strikers like the captain Gustavo Zapata and the young star Matteo Ventomar.
    Name Goals Scored Rank Gustavo Zapata 9 #1 Matteo Ventomar 8 #2 Pietro Takeda 5 #3 Lorentio Santo-Ferrari 4 #4 Regina Horatiano-Viselli 3 #5 Arabella Viator-Nyima 2 #6 Giustiniano Nottua-Glabrio Klementina de Abreo-Florino Vittoria Oriastella Sergio Feragi Faustiano 1 #10 Giovanni Oliverde-Lastrilla Kassio Fidustio-Severi Herbina Gavio Horati Ottavio Laquo-Tertulli Hortensia Purparbone That is all from us today! Although our team has been eliminated, continue watching this channel because we will continue displaying further matches from the 3rd World Cup of Football. I hope to see you there, and I also make an invite to all viewers to stay tuned for our upcoming Chess Report that will cover all happenings from the 1423 Giovanniland Chess Championship, starting today in the city of Sonserina!
  11. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Zoran in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!
    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!
  12. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Zoran in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Today we begin the integration of the FECZ into the Free State. From Stavka on to company, all have received their orders. The following measures are to take place:
    1. Designated units will ensure compliance of relocation of hostile-class residents to reserved lands. Non-compliant hostile-class residents, if classified as a threat, shall be immediately terminated. Other non-compliant hostile-class residents shall be handed to Gulag Processing Units in their sectors.
    2. Border units shall be at fortress state along the frontier and reinforced.
    3. Supporting internal units to enforce lockdown procedures in their sectors.
    4. Port Ain and other urban sectors in FECZ with Dalimbari and other FS citizens shall be lightly swept for subversive activity and secured from outside conditions. 
    5. Project Sitka shall be engaged in reserved lands for continued project testing, particular lands to be noted in future comms.
    Glory to the Free State! Glory to the Marshal! Glory to our Ancestors and the Path!
    -Gen. Iosip Frank
  13. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Sekiya in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!
    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!
  14. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from United Adaikes in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Система аварийного оповещения / Emergency Alert System
    Вещательный диапазон: Порт-Айна / Broadcast Range: Port Ain
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Внимание! / Attention!
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Порт Айна заблокирован до дальнейшего уведомления. / Port Ain is under lockdown until further notice.
    Пожалуйста, оставайтесь в своих домах. Не выходите на улицу. / Please remain in your homes. Do not go outside.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Вооруженные группы атакуют следующие объекты: Атомная электростанция Порт-Айна; Командный центр Порт-Айна; Таганский Торговый Центр; ФСТВ Порт-Айна. / Armed groups are attacking the following locations: Port Ain Nuclear Power Station; Port Ain Command Centre; Tagansky Shopping Centre; FSTV Port Ain.
    Не покидайте свой дом, пока не даст разрешение! / Do not leave your house until given clearance!
    Слава Далимбар! / Glory to Dalimbar!
  15. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from United Adaikes in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Today we begin the integration of the FECZ into the Free State. From Stavka on to company, all have received their orders. The following measures are to take place:
    1. Designated units will ensure compliance of relocation of hostile-class residents to reserved lands. Non-compliant hostile-class residents, if classified as a threat, shall be immediately terminated. Other non-compliant hostile-class residents shall be handed to Gulag Processing Units in their sectors.
    2. Border units shall be at fortress state along the frontier and reinforced.
    3. Supporting internal units to enforce lockdown procedures in their sectors.
    4. Port Ain and other urban sectors in FECZ with Dalimbari and other FS citizens shall be lightly swept for subversive activity and secured from outside conditions. 
    5. Project Sitka shall be engaged in reserved lands for continued project testing, particular lands to be noted in future comms.
    Glory to the Free State! Glory to the Marshal! Glory to our Ancestors and the Path!
    -Gen. Iosip Frank
  16. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Federation of Inner Ryxtylopia in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Today we begin the integration of the FECZ into the Free State. From Stavka on to company, all have received their orders. The following measures are to take place:
    1. Designated units will ensure compliance of relocation of hostile-class residents to reserved lands. Non-compliant hostile-class residents, if classified as a threat, shall be immediately terminated. Other non-compliant hostile-class residents shall be handed to Gulag Processing Units in their sectors.
    2. Border units shall be at fortress state along the frontier and reinforced.
    3. Supporting internal units to enforce lockdown procedures in their sectors.
    4. Port Ain and other urban sectors in FECZ with Dalimbari and other FS citizens shall be lightly swept for subversive activity and secured from outside conditions. 
    5. Project Sitka shall be engaged in reserved lands for continued project testing, particular lands to be noted in future comms.
    Glory to the Free State! Glory to the Marshal! Glory to our Ancestors and the Path!
    -Gen. Iosip Frank
  17. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Giovanniland in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Today we begin the integration of the FECZ into the Free State. From Stavka on to company, all have received their orders. The following measures are to take place:
    1. Designated units will ensure compliance of relocation of hostile-class residents to reserved lands. Non-compliant hostile-class residents, if classified as a threat, shall be immediately terminated. Other non-compliant hostile-class residents shall be handed to Gulag Processing Units in their sectors.
    2. Border units shall be at fortress state along the frontier and reinforced.
    3. Supporting internal units to enforce lockdown procedures in their sectors.
    4. Port Ain and other urban sectors in FECZ with Dalimbari and other FS citizens shall be lightly swept for subversive activity and secured from outside conditions. 
    5. Project Sitka shall be engaged in reserved lands for continued project testing, particular lands to be noted in future comms.
    Glory to the Free State! Glory to the Marshal! Glory to our Ancestors and the Path!
    -Gen. Iosip Frank
  18. Like
    Dalimbar reacted to United Adaikes in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    Results of the Quarterfinals

  19. Like
    Dalimbar reacted to Bran Astor in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    The icy dark of the winter night swallowed Eino Veskima as he ventured into the malevolent embrace of Salumetsa. A frigid wind sighed through the towering pines while the grasping branches overhead tangled with shadows that whispered his sins. Eino, driven by the weight of guilt and an insatiable curiosity, navigated the labyrinthine maze of twisted trunks and thorny underbrush, descending deeper into the heart of darkness.
    The oppressive shadows grew denser, the moonlight casting eerie silhouettes that danced across the twisted foliage as Eino devled deeper into Salumetsa. Spectral, unseen eyes peered through the darkness, scrutinizing his every move. The half-forgotten tales of the Eyesnatcher, hung heavy in the air like a vengeful fog, painting the landscape with ancient dread.
    The whispering wind seemed to carry an unsettling choir of voices, recounting Eino's transgressions with a chilling clarity. The tangled branches above him clawed at the inky sky, casting elongated shadows that mimicked the ethereal fingers of the forest witch herself. An unsettling unease gripped him as the very essence of Salumetsa seemed to seep into his bones, mirroring the rot that festered within.
    Helve Sightbane, draped in ragged robes that seemed to absorb the shadows around her, observed Eino from the shadows. Her presence exuded an otherworldly malevolence, and her eyes, two voids that absorbed all light, seemed to pierce through the layers of deception that shielded his soul. Her incantations resonated with the rustle of leaves, creating an orchestral backdrop to the unfolding nightmare.
    Memories of Eino's transgressions played out in a ghastly panorama—the broken promises, the shattered bonds, the callous disregard for those who loved him. The forest, an ancient witness to countless tales of betrayal, seemed to mourn the decay of kinship that festered within Eino's heart.
    Salumetsa itself became an entity, alive with a malevolent consciousness that pulsated with every beat of Eino's tormented heart. Whispering spirits tugged at him, urging him further into the tangled web of the cursed woods. The ground beneath him seemed to shift, the very earth alive with a sinister intent that propelled him toward his impending reckoning.
    Eino stumbled upon a clearing, its sickly glow revealing the silhouette of Helve. Her skeletal fingers, like talons dipped in shadows, reached out toward him. Her voice, a dissonant melody that echoed through the clearing, recounted his sins in excruciating detail, each word etching deeper into the fabric of his tormented soul.
    "Your eyes betray you, Eino Veskima," she crooned, the very air pregnant with the weight of his sins. "They reveal the darkness within, the rot that festers in the hearts of those who forsake kinship."
    In the deafening silence that followed, the Eyesnatcher seized him with a ferocity born of ancient vengeance. Her fingers, gnarled and ice-cold, plunged into his eyes, and the world erupted into a symphony of agony. Blood and magic mingled in the air as Eino's anguished screams echoed through Salumetsa, his blindness both physical and metaphysical.
    As the last vestiges of his sight were ripped away, the forest itself seemed to shudder, the very roots of Salumetsa quivering with satisfaction. Helve's haunting laughter, a cacophony of torment, intertwined with the mournful howls of the wind, marking the gruesome climax of Eino Veskima's descent into darkness.
    The legend of Eino Veskima became a whispered warning in the our community, a tale of the Eyesnatcher who dwelled within Salumetsa, a force that emerged to claim the souls of those who dared to take kinship for granted. The cursed forest stood as a monument to the consequences of betrayal, its haunted trees etching the tale of Eino's demise into the very fabric of Salumetsa's twisted history. And in the moonlit shadows of those ancient woods, Helve waited, her eyes devoid of color, ever watchful for the next impure soul to succumb to the abyss.
  20. Like
  21. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Giovanniland in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    "so... we actually won? Against the host? Who is currently setting fire to their own stadium?" asked Gen. Iosip Frank, almost stunned at television.
    Marshal Briand and General Frank were watching the Ryxtylopia vs Dalimbar match on FSTV-1.
    "It... appears so. Remind me to have Stavka approve something for Sasha. Lunging at that one Ryx player in the first half was entertaining. I think she may have drew blood." responded Mar. Marcus Briand.
    The two senior officers of the Free State historically often watched Dalimbari sports together, having been friends for what seemed like ages. Although born in separate cities, their families had close ties with one another and got to know each other in their time in the 16th Tank. Briand took a more direct route to Stavka compared to Frank, who preferred the field lifestyle. This week was the first in quite a while where the two were in the same room, now that Briand convinced Frank, and Stavka, to appoint his friend as Vice Chair.
    "Absolutely, Marcus. Poor barbarians, they're going to lose their small minds at this. Which of the players scored? I couldn't tell." Gen. Frank said while sipping his beverage.
    "Does it really matter? They're all one in the same. But I think it was either five or seven. Or maybe eight. I really do appreciate the program from Research Branch that made... whatever this all is, happen. I really can't tell the difference between them." the Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar sipped his beverage, and the two watched a commercial on the latest in tractor technology in a contented silence.
  22. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Larxia in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    "so... we actually won? Against the host? Who is currently setting fire to their own stadium?" asked Gen. Iosip Frank, almost stunned at television.
    Marshal Briand and General Frank were watching the Ryxtylopia vs Dalimbar match on FSTV-1.
    "It... appears so. Remind me to have Stavka approve something for Sasha. Lunging at that one Ryx player in the first half was entertaining. I think she may have drew blood." responded Mar. Marcus Briand.
    The two senior officers of the Free State historically often watched Dalimbari sports together, having been friends for what seemed like ages. Although born in separate cities, their families had close ties with one another and got to know each other in their time in the 16th Tank. Briand took a more direct route to Stavka compared to Frank, who preferred the field lifestyle. This week was the first in quite a while where the two were in the same room, now that Briand convinced Frank, and Stavka, to appoint his friend as Vice Chair.
    "Absolutely, Marcus. Poor barbarians, they're going to lose their small minds at this. Which of the players scored? I couldn't tell." Gen. Frank said while sipping his beverage.
    "Does it really matter? They're all one in the same. But I think it was either five or seven. Or maybe eight. I really do appreciate the program from Research Branch that made... whatever this all is, happen. I really can't tell the difference between them." the Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar sipped his beverage, and the two watched a commercial on the latest in tractor technology in a contented silence.
  23. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Overthinkers in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    "so... we actually won? Against the host? Who is currently setting fire to their own stadium?" asked Gen. Iosip Frank, almost stunned at television.
    Marshal Briand and General Frank were watching the Ryxtylopia vs Dalimbar match on FSTV-1.
    "It... appears so. Remind me to have Stavka approve something for Sasha. Lunging at that one Ryx player in the first half was entertaining. I think she may have drew blood." responded Mar. Marcus Briand.
    The two senior officers of the Free State historically often watched Dalimbari sports together, having been friends for what seemed like ages. Although born in separate cities, their families had close ties with one another and got to know each other in their time in the 16th Tank. Briand took a more direct route to Stavka compared to Frank, who preferred the field lifestyle. This week was the first in quite a while where the two were in the same room, now that Briand convinced Frank, and Stavka, to appoint his friend as Vice Chair.
    "Absolutely, Marcus. Poor barbarians, they're going to lose their small minds at this. Which of the players scored? I couldn't tell." Gen. Frank said while sipping his beverage.
    "Does it really matter? They're all one in the same. But I think it was either five or seven. Or maybe eight. I really do appreciate the program from Research Branch that made... whatever this all is, happen. I really can't tell the difference between them." the Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar sipped his beverage, and the two watched a commercial on the latest in tractor technology in a contented silence.
  24. Sad
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Federation of Inner Ryxtylopia in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    "so... we actually won? Against the host? Who is currently setting fire to their own stadium?" asked Gen. Iosip Frank, almost stunned at television.
    Marshal Briand and General Frank were watching the Ryxtylopia vs Dalimbar match on FSTV-1.
    "It... appears so. Remind me to have Stavka approve something for Sasha. Lunging at that one Ryx player in the first half was entertaining. I think she may have drew blood." responded Mar. Marcus Briand.
    The two senior officers of the Free State historically often watched Dalimbari sports together, having been friends for what seemed like ages. Although born in separate cities, their families had close ties with one another and got to know each other in their time in the 16th Tank. Briand took a more direct route to Stavka compared to Frank, who preferred the field lifestyle. This week was the first in quite a while where the two were in the same room, now that Briand convinced Frank, and Stavka, to appoint his friend as Vice Chair.
    "Absolutely, Marcus. Poor barbarians, they're going to lose their small minds at this. Which of the players scored? I couldn't tell." Gen. Frank said while sipping his beverage.
    "Does it really matter? They're all one in the same. But I think it was either five or seven. Or maybe eight. I really do appreciate the program from Research Branch that made... whatever this all is, happen. I really can't tell the difference between them." the Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar sipped his beverage, and the two watched a commercial on the latest in tractor technology in a contented silence.
  25. Like
    Dalimbar got a reaction from Saint Mark in World Cup of Football III [rosters, roleplays, results]   
    "so... we actually won? Against the host? Who is currently setting fire to their own stadium?" asked Gen. Iosip Frank, almost stunned at television.
    Marshal Briand and General Frank were watching the Ryxtylopia vs Dalimbar match on FSTV-1.
    "It... appears so. Remind me to have Stavka approve something for Sasha. Lunging at that one Ryx player in the first half was entertaining. I think she may have drew blood." responded Mar. Marcus Briand.
    The two senior officers of the Free State historically often watched Dalimbari sports together, having been friends for what seemed like ages. Although born in separate cities, their families had close ties with one another and got to know each other in their time in the 16th Tank. Briand took a more direct route to Stavka compared to Frank, who preferred the field lifestyle. This week was the first in quite a while where the two were in the same room, now that Briand convinced Frank, and Stavka, to appoint his friend as Vice Chair.
    "Absolutely, Marcus. Poor barbarians, they're going to lose their small minds at this. Which of the players scored? I couldn't tell." Gen. Frank said while sipping his beverage.
    "Does it really matter? They're all one in the same. But I think it was either five or seven. Or maybe eight. I really do appreciate the program from Research Branch that made... whatever this all is, happen. I really can't tell the difference between them." the Marshal of the Free State of Dalimbar sipped his beverage, and the two watched a commercial on the latest in tractor technology in a contented silence.
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