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Citizenship in the West

Citizenship is open to all resident WA nations of TWP and non-resident WA nations who contribute to the region's governance. Citizenship here is an expression of commitment to the West—it shows that you have chosen TWP as your community, and that TWP has chosen you.

Learn more about what Citizenship means in the Bond of Citizenship below:


Bond of Citizenship

The West Pacific welcomes to our shores all who wish to work for the betterment of our region. We are an ever-developing community and collaborative effort constantly striving for improvement. We work to make our home the best it can be. Nations who wish to be part of The West Pacific as Citizens must understand and respect the Bond of Citizenship:

We will protect you — We are all Westerners. We will not allow anyone to harass you and we will defend you and retaliate against those who wish you harm. We protect our own.

We will grant you access and meaning — The more you want to do, the more you can do with us. Prove your merit through your productive labour and you shall reap the fruits of your labour. Work hard and you will progress.

We will honour your experience and intellect — We all come from different ways of life. To function as a community we come together, share our ideas, and hash out differences on how to improve our region. Your perspective can make a difference.

You will be loyal — Those who seek personal power above all else will not survive here. You work for our collective community, you work for meritocracy, delegate supremacy, and that the West is Best. We’re all in this together.

You will engage — There is no merit in being silent. Put in as much effort as you can give, everyone has their own abilities and skills. Know however that those who do not put in the work cannot claim to be a Westerner.

You will not be a dick — We’re a family and a community in the West. Be neighbourly and kind to your regionmates. Failure to behave will result in removal from the community.

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship:

  • Static Citizenship requires simply maintaining a WA nation in TWP that is endorsing the Delegate. There is no forum activity requirement.
  • Dynamic Citizenship requires keeping engaged in a TWP Ministry, but does not require keeping a WA nation in TWP (you must, however, still keep a resident nation). If you become unengaged in your chosen Ministry, you may lose your Citizenship.

To move from Static to Dynamic Citizenship, join a Ministry by submitting a TWP General Government Job Application.

An up-to-date list of TWP Citizens can be found here.

Maintaining Citizenship

Citizenship is audited every 3 months in January, April, July, and October. In order to maintain your citizenship over each 3-month period, you must meet the requirements for your type of citizenship as outlined below. If you have lost Citizenship previously, you must re-claim it by following the same steps in this thread.

Static Citizenship


  • Keep a WA nation in The West Pacific.
  • That nation is endorsing the Delegate.


  • To change your primary resident or WA nation, let us know in this thread.
  • There is NO forum activity requirement.
  • Citizens mobilized as Powder Monkeys in TWPAF are exempted from the WA requirement for the duration of their mobilization. Contact the Sergeant-at-Arms for any questions.

Dynamic Citizenship

Each service area has different requirements for maintaining Dynamic Citizenship. Those requirements are listed here in the spoiler, all based on the 3-month citizenship period:




  • Officers:
    • Organize at least 3 operations.
  • Updaters:
    • Participate in at least 3 operations.
  • Reavers:
    • Participation in all piling operations.

Foreign Affairs:

  • Ambassador:
    • Maintain your assigned offsite embassy.
    • Consistently engage in your assigned region.

World Assembly Recruitment

  • WARrior (general staffer):
    • Contribute to 2 or more dispatch updates, Information for Voter documents (IFVs), or measurable progress toward any proposal drafts (including substantial comments on non-owned drafts).
  • Guide:
    • Organize at least 2 TWITWs.
  • Recruiter:
    • Perform at least one recruitment session each month.

Cultural Trust:

Central Staffing:

  • Cultural Trustee:
    • Lead organizing the major TWP festival and celebrations.
    • Consistently guide and maintain connections among the Cultural Communities.
  • Cultural Staffer:
    • Participate in the planning of at least 1 major festival or celebration.

The Western Post

  • Editor:
    • Serve as primary editor for at least 1 issue.
  • Correspondent:
    • Contribute to at least 1 issue.

TWP Card Club

  • Card Czar:
    • Participate in organization of monthly card contests.

Fine Arts Society

  • Arts Coordinator:
    • Vacant, requirements can be defined by the next Coordinator.

West Pacific Gaming

  • Gaming Coordinator:
    • Organize at least 3 game nights.

The West on the Waves (radio)

  • Showrunner:
    • Plan or perform at least 1 radio show.

Roleplay Community

  • Lorekeeper/Loremaster:
    • Consistently engage and moderate the Roleplay Community.
  • Veteran Storyteller:
    • Consistently participate in the Roleplay Community.



  • Extended Service:
    • This status is awarded to community members who have performed exceptional service over a long period and are no longer an active member of the Government. This usually includes people like former Delegates and longtime Guardians or Administrators.


  • Real life comes first. If you cannot fulfill the requirements for your service area due to your real life responsibilities, please simply let folks know and it will be totally fine.

Claiming your Citizenship

To claim your Citizenship, post a reply to this thread using the following template (See below for an example Claim of Citizenship reply):


Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


That wasn't so hard, was it? Welcome to full membership in The Best Pacific!

Your application will be processed by the Office of the Delegate and you will be notified of the result or any updates in this thread. If you have any issues (that are not a result of not reading the instructions), please DM Overthinkers on Discord (@weirdoXVII)

  • Fujai featured and pinned this topic

Example Claim of Citizenship

Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are formerly a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.

Hun-Hoen (TSR)

Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.

n/a, already masked for Newspaper work, both in forums and on the Discord.

Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are formerly a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.

NationStates | The Empire of Kozlova

Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.

NationStates | The Empire of Kozlova

List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


Claim of Citizenship


There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?




Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate



Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements


If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:

Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.



Link your TWP nation:


This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.



Link your World Assembly nation:


Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.



List any current NS affiliations:


Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.



List any former NS affiliations:


Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.



List any NS aliases you use or have used:


This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.



Discord Username


A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.



By posting this application, I verify the following statement:


The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have re

ad and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.




Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.

The West Pacific

List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.

Ex The West Pacific Armed Forces (TWPAF) member

List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


Claim of Citizenship

On 1/8/2025 at 1:27 AM, Fujai said:



Citizenship in the West

Citizenship is open to all resident WA nations of TWP and non-resident WA nations who contribute to the region's governance. Citizenship here is an expression of commitment to the West—it shows that you have chosen TWP as your community, and that TWP has chosen you.

Learn more about what Citizenship means in the Bond of Citizenship below:

  Reveal hidden contents

Bond of Citizenship

The West Pacific welcomes to our shores all who wish to work for the betterment of our region. We are an ever-developing community and collaborative effort constantly striving for improvement. We work to make our home the best it can be. Nations who wish to be part of The West Pacific as Citizens must understand and respect the Bond of Citizenship:

We will protect you — We are all Westerners. We will not allow anyone to harass you and we will defend you and retaliate against those who wish you harm. We protect our own.

We will grant you access and meaning — The more you want to do, the more you can do with us. Prove your merit through your productive labour and you shall reap the fruits of your labour. Work hard and you will progress.

We will honour your experience and intellect — We all come from different ways of life. To function as a community we come together, share our ideas, and hash out differences on how to improve our region. Your perspective can make a difference.

You will be loyal — Those who seek personal power above all else will not survive here. You work for our collective community, you work for meritocracy, delegate supremacy, and that the West is Best. We’re all in this together.

You will engage — There is no merit in being silent. Put in as much effort as you can give, everyone has their own abilities and skills. Know however that those who do not put in the work cannot claim to be a Westerner.

You will not be a dick — We’re a family and a community in the West. Be neighbourly and kind to your regionmates. Failure to behave will result in removal from the community.

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship:

  • Static Citizenship requires simply maintaining a WA nation in TWP that is endorsing the Delegate. There is no forum activity requirement.
  • Dynamic Citizenship requires keeping engaged in a TWP Ministry, but does not require keeping a WA nation in TWP (you must, however, still keep a resident nation). If you become unengaged in your chosen Ministry, you may lose your Citizenship.

To move from Static to Dynamic Citizenship, join a Ministry by submitting a TWP General Government Job Application.

An up-to-date list of TWP Citizens can be found here.

Maintaining Citizenship

Citizenship is audited every 3 months in January, April, July, and October. In order to maintain your citizenship over each 3-month period, you must meet the requirements for your type of citizenship as outlined below. If you have lost Citizenship previously, you must re-claim it by following the same steps in this thread.

Static Citizenship


  • Keep a WA nation in The West Pacific.
  • That nation is endorsing the Delegate.


  • To change your primary resident or WA nation, let us know in this thread.
  • There is NO forum activity requirement.
  • Citizens mobilized as Powder Monkeys in TWPAF are exempted from the WA requirement for the duration of their mobilization. Contact the Sergeant-at-Arms for any questions.

Dynamic Citizenship

Each service area has different requirements for maintaining Dynamic Citizenship. Those requirements are listed here in the spoiler, all based on the 3-month citizenship period:

  Reveal hidden contents



  • Officers:
    • Organize at least 3 operations.
  • Updaters:
    • Participate in at least 3 operations.
  • Reavers:
    • Participation in all piling operations.

Foreign Affairs:

  • Ambassador:
    • Maintain your assigned offsite embassy.
    • Consistently engage in your assigned region.

World Assembly Recruitment

  • WARrior (general staffer):
    • Contribute to 2 or more dispatch updates, Information for Voter documents (IFVs), or measurable progress toward any proposal drafts (including substantial comments on non-owned drafts).
  • Guide:
    • Organize at least 2 TWITWs.
  • Recruiter:
    • Perform at least one recruitment session each month.

Cultural Trust:

Central Staffing:

  • Cultural Trustee:
    • Lead organizing the major TWP festival and celebrations.
    • Consistently guide and maintain connections among the Cultural Communities.
  • Cultural Staffer:
    • Participate in the planning of at least 1 major festival or celebration.

The Western Post

  • Editor:
    • Serve as primary editor for at least 1 issue.
  • Correspondent:
    • Contribute to at least 1 issue.

TWP Card Club

  • Card Czar:
    • Participate in organization of monthly card contests.

Fine Arts Society

  • Arts Coordinator:
    • Vacant, requirements can be defined by the next Coordinator.

West Pacific Gaming

  • Gaming Coordinator:
    • Organize at least 3 game nights.

The West on the Waves (radio)

  • Showrunner:
    • Plan or perform at least 1 radio show.

Roleplay Community

  • Lorekeeper/Loremaster:
    • Consistently engage and moderate the Roleplay Community.
  • Veteran Storyteller:
    • Consistently participate in the Roleplay Community.



  • Extended Service:
    • This status is awarded to community members who have performed exceptional service over a long period and are no longer an active member of the Government. This usually includes people like former Delegates and longtime Guardians or Administrators.


  • Real life comes first. If you cannot fulfill the requirements for your service area due to your real life responsibilities, please simply let folks know and it will be totally fine.

Claiming your Citizenship

To claim your Citizenship, post a reply to this thread using the following template (See below for an example Claim of Citizenship reply):


Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.

NationStates | The Empire of Rolling Sheep Hills

Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.

NationStates | The Empire of Rolling Sheep Hills

List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


That wasn't so hard, was it? Welcome to full membership in The Best Pacific!

Your application will be processed by the Office of the Delegate and you will be notified of the result or any updates in this thread. If you have any issues (that are not a result of not reading the instructions), please DM Overthinkers on Discord (@weirdoXVII)



Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.

Resident nation in TWP - not yet citizen

List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.

Former affiliate to TWP as Ambassador to Anteria 

List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.

Fauthur / Flauschi / Flauschi 918

Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.



Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.

United Lands of Turin


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.



Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.


Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.


List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.


Claim of Citizenship

There are two forms of TWP Citizenship, which are you claiming?


Static Citizenship: Requires keeping a WA nation in TWP endorsing the Delegate


Dynamic Citizenship: Requires becoming a TWP Ministerial staffer, without WA requirements

If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship, please link your TWP General Government Job Application:
Participation in a Ministry is required to maintain Dynamic Citizenship.


Link your TWP nation:

This nation will be associated with your Citizenship and must stay in TWP to maintain citizenship. If you want to use a different nation in the future, let us know in the "Citizen Nation & WA Changes" thread.

NationStates | The Empire of Austranasia

Link your World Assembly nation:

Your TWP nation must be in the World Assembly to claim Static Citizenship. To claim Dynamic Citizenship, your WA nation may be elsewhere, but you must link your WA nation regardless. If you are claiming Dynamic Citizenship and do not have a WA nation, we recommend you apply here.

NationStates | The Empire of Austranasia

List any current NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any former NS affiliations:

Including regions or organizations with which you are currently a resident, citizen, or member.


List any NS aliases you use or have used:

This primarily includes nations, names, or identities used in other regions.


Discord Username

A Discord account is not required for citizenship. However, much of TWP's social life and ministry coordination takes place on the TWP server. If you have an account, please post your handle here (e.g. "@username", rather than your display name or nickname) so that you can be given the proper roles.


By posting this application, I verify the following statement:

The information I have provided on the Citizenship Form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I affirm that I have read and understand the TWP Bond of Citizenship.

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