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NS Republic Outpost


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A good question, but you're are not in exactly the same position. TWP has a more than good chance of revival (I would save that revival is probable as opposed to possible), whilst NS Republic needs serious work or it will die soon. NSR needs to be taken seriously by all regions involved, something that I don't believe has happened yet, for it to succeed.

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The NSR had verifiable aims. I'm not sure how to find them on this forum.


ED, through consent of TWP, changed those aims. The NSR was to be the US of NS by making regions into states with TWP as the head. It was quite ambitious and we did get a great many regions on board. That ideal changed significantly once ED took control. I was content to leave it at that, but then a newbie PUT took over and, in my biased opinion, things went downhill.


I have posted a new Constitution and put it to members that we should go to regional members to have them affix their name to the document or not. If we don't get a number of people on board, no need for Tweedy and I to go back and forth and convince each other to continue.


Still, this thing lasted almost two years so I can't complain.

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I would disagree with this. NSR barely even got off the ground before it fell into inactivity, I would give it two months at most. A confused leadership and a confused direction will do that to a budding alliance.

Are you aware of how many regions comprised the NSR? I think you may be speaking outside of your experience here. That's ok, I understand you'd like to think the NSR failed and wasn't active. But the truth is, it didn't reach the goals I set forth but it certainly was active until, at worst, late fall of 2012. 1,651 posts and 50 members since June of 2012. That's not barely getting off the ground when in June of 2012 the alliance was already over a year old.


Here's the link to our current forums...those forums have probably been more active than these forums (at least the parts non-gaurdians can see).



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You may have had the regions, but did they actually do anything? Signing on the dotted line is a lot different to working together as a stable unit.


That's ok, I understand you'd like to think the NSR failed and wasn't active.

Pardon me, I forgot this got personal. I'm not just thinking it, it did fail.


The truth is NSR didn't achieve the goals you set forth because what large, powerful region would want to bow down and worship TWP when they can quite happily run things by themselves? You and I both know NSR needed big regions for it to work.


60/86 members have less than or equal to 5 posts. That's hardly an active majority.

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An interregional allince with that many posts isn't dead. We have Region Inc. & Skyrim diplomacy. We came close to getting even more and this was when TWP was the head of the Republic. I think ED and I would argue with you that it failed. A number of great relationships were built, a Warzone was taken, and regions were joining the republic as late as November.


Oh, this isn't personal. I just think you do not have sufficient data to determine the success or failure of the Republic.

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If it didn't fail, what did it achieve?


You cannot state merely having regions as a way of proving that NSR was active; NSR was supposed to be more than the loose alliance of regions that it turned out to be.


We had ... Skyrim


Oh yes, that highly populous, active and well-known region Skyrim.


I think ED and I...


You would have to find ED before he could come and argue the case of NSR.


A number of great relationships...


Who? The spiralling number of in game embassies that TWP has? The forum embassies? Or the regions that TWP does a great deal of work with?


A Warzone was taken...


Nothing says a successful pact between regions than the taking of a Warzone.


I have enough information. Although, a survey could be carried out in NSR regions...

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I would just like to interrupt this little pissing contest to remind the hologram that not everything happens on the surface.


Now back to your regularly scheduled bickering about the unintended consequences of Alliances in NS.

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We've come up with a revised Constitution. Let's discuss. We're looking for member regions who wish to continue with the alliance to affix their name to this new document.


Article 1 - Bill of Rights

A. This document guarantees above all else the right to
sovereignty over Domestic Affairs for every region whom holds membership in the
NationStates Republic.
B. All Nations of the Republic are sovereign and have
the right of self-determination in domestic policies, including Nation States
Issues and the World Assembly.

2. Freedom
The natural Rights of
free speech, free press, free expression of religion, and free association will
not be infringed as long as the expressed freedoms do not (a) violate the same
rights of others or (b ) violate the ToS of this Forum. The Forum Owner or his
designee(s) shall be the ultimate judges of propriety.

3. Voluntary
Participation in any regional or extra-regional government,
forum, and military shall be voluntary.

4. Voluntary
No nation of the Republic holding WA member status shall be
obligated to endorse any officer of the Republic—except when volunteering for a
military mission. The right to add or withdraw an endorsement will remain a
sovereign right of WA member nations.

5. Constitutional
All Nations of the Republic have the right to be protected
against the abuse of powers by any government official, including in their

6. Unjust Banjections
No Nation shall be ejected from
any region of the Republic, or banned from any Republic forum, without a public
explanation. Should the ejection or banning be a matter of immediate regional
security, the ejected or banned Nation shall have an avenue of redress in that
region's forum as a member with limited membership.

7. Fair &
Impartial Trials
When charged with criminal activity, Nations of the
Republic shall enjoy fair and impartial court trials. Such courts may occur
and/or deliberate in a locked forum.

8. Constitutionality &
Any nation of the Republic may ask the Tribunal to determine
the Constitutionality of any treaty passed by the House of Lords, and may
petition the Court for redress of grievances with other nations, any Republic
officer or the Republic itself.

9. Other Rights
The Rights
listed here are not exhaustive. Other Rights may be defined and existing Rights
may be expanded by the House of Lords through treaties and
Article 2 - Governing Bodies
1. Most legislative
authority of the Republic shall rest within The House of Lords (HoL). The House
of Lords shall be the governing body of the NSR. The House of Lords shall be
responsible to do the following:
A. pass treaties for cooperation between
allied regions,
B. define terms of Republic membership,
C. establish
Rules of Order for the HoL and Citizen Assembly,
D. declare war by the
E. elect certain officers,
F. provide oversight of officers and
G. Voting on Constitutional amendments passed by the Citizen

2. Each allied region shall have one vote in the House of
Lords, and may seat three lords in the House of Lords. Membership requirements
are the following:
A. all delegates and founders may be seated in the
House of Lords automatically,
B. an allied delegate or founder may appoint
their region's seated lords,
C. all lords of the House of Lords must declare
their WA nation, if they have one, and be a citizen of a Republic region,
all lords of the HOL may be subject to a confidence vote--if denied, the lord in
question must be replaced by their region,
E. if a region's lords disagree,
the seated founder will decide. If the founder is not a seated lord, the seated
delegate will decide. If the delegate is not a seated lord, the majority of said
region's lords will decide. If a majority is unattainable, the vote shall be
cast as "present."

3. The Citizen Assembly (CA) shall be the general
assembly of the Republic. It shall be a legislative tasked with initiating
Constitutional changes. The Citizen Assembly shall be capable of the
A. drafting all Constitutional changes;
B. elect certain
officers--including a chairman to moderate the CA,

4. Citizen
Assembly membership requirements:
A. register their WA nation or their
“main” Republic nation if they do not have a WA nation,
B. not be an allied
region's founder, delegate or seated in the HoL,
C. be a citizen of an
allied region in good standing with that region's delegate--a delegate may veto
any nation's membership.

5. The Security Council shall be the
defenders of the Republic and its Constitution. It shall be made up of five
seated lords, who must be either founders or delegates of an allied region. The
House of Lords will elect them every three months by anonymous preferential
voting. The Security Council shall act by simple majority, and shall be
responsible for the following:
A. veto actions of officers--including
military missions,
B. approve continuing military action taken by the
Republic military,
C. approve new allies that fulfill membership terms,

C. ascertain the legitimate government of an allied region.
3 - Officers of The Republic

1. The chief executive of the
NationStates Republic shall be the Alliance President. The President shall be
elected by the House of Lords for a term of four months. He/she shall be
responsible for the following:
A. oversee all Republic officers and
direct their activities,
B. oversee all Republic treaties and direct
entailing activities,
C. coordinate cooperation between allied regions,

D. represent the Republic to NationStates and prospective regions,
approve missions by the Republic military,
F. appoint secretaries to help the
G. veto legislation passed by the House of Lords.
h. select a
Vice-President in case he/she Ceases-to-Exist or resigns. The Vice-President
shall serve the rest of the outgoing President’s term.
2. The World
Assembly Minister shall be elected by the House of Lords for a term of four
months. He/She shall be responsible for the following:
A. leading
cooperation in the WA between allied delegates.
B. maintaining the WA
Affairs forum,
C. representing the Republic to the NationStates world in WA
D. The minister shall be responsible for surveying Republic regions
on each World Assembly vote.
E. The minister shall be responsible for
publishing the results of the survey to Republic regions.
3. The
Orientation Coordinator shall be elected from and by the Citizen Assembly for a
term of four months. The New Members Coordinator will be responsible for the
A. welcoming and engaging new regions to get them
B. creating a welcome and orientation brochure for new regions,
House of Lords members, and citizens.

5. The Defense Minister shall be
appointed by the President, serving at his/her pleasure, and must be a member of
the House of Lords and be approved by the Security Council. Once appointed, the
Defense Minister shall serve indefinitely unless removed from office through
judicial process or removed by the President. He/She shall be responsible for
the following:
A. establishing a Republic military and intelligence
B. granting rank to soldiers.
C. training soldiers
along with the President, shall have authority to approve
Article 4 – Tribunal & Tribune
The Tribunal of the NationStates Republic holds jurisdiction
over the NSR, and has no implications in the Domestic Affairs of member regions.
The Tribunal consists of three members of the House of Lords selected in reverse
order of length of service with the longest serving member serving as chief
justice. The Tribunal shall serve for one month or the length of time it takes
to make a determination of the case that spurred its commencement.
Tribunal will be responsible for the following:
A. Convicting member nations
of valid charges.
B. Arbitrating inter-regional disputes when asked to do so
by all parties.
C. Hearing appeals of the Tribune’s decisions.
A tribune
of the Republic shall be elected by the House of Lords serving an indefinite
term. The Tribune shall be barred from voting on legislation thereafter needing
only to maintain citizenship status in his/her home region.
The Tribune will
be responsible for the following:
A. Determining the constitutionality of any
action, statement, or enacted law.
B. Interpreting the law.

Once a case is decided, all allied regions must be told of
the result. There are to be no secret cases or verdicts, but case discussions
and deliberations of a Court Tribunal may be made in private.

Any House of Lords member may be recused according to the
A. Conflict of Interest
B. Being a litigant party
Serving as a witness in the case.

4. Constitutionality
request by a citizen nation of an allied region, the Tribune shall review any
decision, action, proposal, etc. of the Republic to determine it's
Constitutionality. The Tribune’s decision shall have a binding effect of

5. Conviction
The Tribunal shall have authority to do the
following by consensus:
A. To establish the criteria for corrective
B. For making amends or restitution.
C. To make

6. Impeachment
Any Republic officer or lord may be
impeached by the House of Lords. 10% of the HoL's membership must sign an
impeachment petition. If an impeachment petition is signed by 10% of the HoL
membership, then the full HoL shall vote on the petition. Officers can be
removed via a majority vote of the House of Lords membership.

All decisions of the Tribune may be appealed and heard by the
Tribunal. Decisions made by the Tribunal are considered final in all

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I would just like to interrupt this little pissing contest to remind the hologram that not everything happens on the surface.


Now back to your regularly scheduled bickering about the unintended consequences of Alliances in NS.

I don't think there is much wrong with attacking and defending a position - you learn a lot from both angles; in fact in this case, both sides have valid concerns and answers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I look-in on a regular basis, and there are more regions leaving than joining...in the old days I would have tried to lure people with a free wavy flag, but those days are long-gone. Anyway, I'm only root admin now as I resigned my position some time ago....that way I do what is required by the President/HOL without having any axe to grind; that is, when we had a President and an active HOL!  :lol:  I did try to give root admin to PD, but he wasn't too keen.

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Who is the current president, PD or PUT?


I wasn't aware any regions were joining, only leaving. Perhaps the focus of NSR needs to be changed, instead of looking to bring regions together, how about bringing nations together free from the restrictions of regions? An organisation that transcends regions by going straight to nations themselves.

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