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After a long, grueling, process, I have done it: I have managed to draft a treaty which both I and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of TSP agreed on. The treaty has not been finalized, and there are still some details to hammer out. Still, however, I managed to negotiate a document that promises cooperation, non-aggression, and friendship between our two regions. I look forward to being able to do the same with other regions. And YES, URA, THAT DOES INCLUDE EUROPEIA. :P Along with TNP, TEP, and TRR, among a handful of others.


And I must say: This is why we need ambassadors so much. Our Diplomatic Corps is more important than many here realize, and the reason for that is simple: If we don't even reach out to other regions, how are we supposed to build ties with them? The outright attacks by Milograd against our Diplomatic Corps (Despite his support for literally every other branch of civil service) worry me, as does Elegarth's complete lack of mention given to them in his campaign thread, implying that he does not care about them enough to even talk about it. And for that reason, I'd like to ask for your support in the future: I have already begun negotiations with other regions about similar documents, and this can certainly continue successfully into the future, but only if I receive a mandate to continue from TWP's people in these elections. So now, it's pretty much TWP's choice: Do you want me to continue building relations, or not? The answer will be reflected in your voting this week.



And I must say: This is why we need ambassadors so much. Our Diplomatic Corps is more important than many here realize, and the reason for that is simple: If we don't even reach out to other regions, how are we supposed to build ties with them? The outright attacks by Milograd against our Diplomatic Corps (Despite his support for literally every other branch of civil service) worry me, as does Elegarth's complete lack of mention given to them in his campaign thread, implying that he does not care about them enough to even talk about it. And for that reason, I'd like to ask for your support in the future: I have already begun negotiations with other regions about similar documents, and this can certainly continue successfully into the future, but only if I receive a mandate to continue from TWP's people in these elections. So now, it's pretty much TWP's choice: Do you want me to continue building relations, or not? The answer will be reflected in your voting this week.

Your comments are reckless and kind of sad. I have campaigned with the ideas, not attacking you, but hey, who am I to do fair campaign then?

Your text is certainly illegal as it is, right now, since there is an Executive Act that established this under the competence of a Foreign Affairs officer which you ARE NOT... Did you stopped to realize that? I guess not. Still, nice work.

You want to continue building relations? You will do, as my officer of FA :D If you really care for TWP, you won't say no to the offering if I get elected ;)


Your comments are reckless and kind of sad. I have campaigned with the ideas, not attacking you, but hey, who am I to do fair campaign then?

Elegarth, I barely touched on you in my message. I didn't attack your personality, or attempt to smear you. I simply mentioned that it seems to me that your failure to mention the Ambassador Corps, despite the fact that it was incredibly prominent in campaigns between Milograd and myself, was a mistake and possibly indicated that you did not care about the subject enough to personally try to reform it while in office.


Your text is certainly illegal as it is, right now, since there is an Executive Act that established this under the competence of a Foreign Affairs officer which you ARE NOT... Did you stopped to realize that? I guess not.

I was appointed Ambassador to the South Pacific by Darkesia before the passage of the Executive Council Act. The Executive Council Act did not explicitly render the office of Ambassador void; as such, my appointment stands.


Still, nice work.

Indeed. Thanks for that, it feels pretty nice to be doing something to fix a rift that's lasted years here in NS GP despite both sides' desires to fix it. :)


You want to continue building relations? You will do, as my officer of FA :D If you really care for TWP, you won't say no to the offering if I get elected ;)

Maybe. There's a lot of other offices I'd like to go for. Most importantly, I'm currently trying to land a spot as Prime Minister. :P


As the default officer of F All in-game, I would like to request the text of the treaty-in-progress.  :)


When someone gets the keys to the Foreign Affairs area, we actually have a thread with restricted access where we can be rude to one another and argue about stuff like the text of treaties.  It's secret, so everyone thinks we are all best buds.


This needs to become a running joke in TWP.


Hello, yes. I would like to run for a position as an officer of FA.

"But Nox! You have almost no foreign relations experience!"

No, no, the other one.


I'll admit I'm intrigued. And also deeply suspicious that the treaty will have the exact same faults as every other attempt made. TSP is seemingly incapable of understanding the way TWP works.


I hope to be MoFA, but If that happens, I will allocate the TSP negotiations to someone more experienced, as this is a nest of bees I've as of yet not observed.

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