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Intelligent Holograms

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Everything posted by Intelligent Holograms

  1. You know you've been playing too much NS when something like that happens^
  2. Does the Department of Interior cover parties (as long as they are inside)?
  3. He should bring the party here, we don't mind. *Puts on party hat* (Love the sig, Milo)
  4. Youtube is always interesting.
  5. *Leads unicorn outside* That is why things like a unicorn getting stuck in the wall happen.
  6. It shows you've worked hard recruiting. You deserve the activity!
  7. The true face of Eli is being revealed. TWP take note of whom you have elected.
  8. How rude. What a pleasant being you are. If that's what I am, so be it.
  9. They also endorsed Yy, in fact they endorsed him more so.
  10. That doesn't mean the region or Delegate shouldn't when creating his governmental structure, in which case the people of the region have to be consulted - they will be the ones that have to cope with it.
  11. Even with a Guardian in power, things are unpredictable.
  12. I do not recognise influence as an accurate representation of what people want. Nobody does. The region was taken with help from the outside, I hardly call that the most votes of a region. @Eli: I respectfully decline your invitation, it would act against all that I have previously said and done.
  13. Yeah, it's not as if the people know what they want.
  14. How is it possible for there to be 22 votes when the poll says that only 19 members have cast votes? I sense something is wrong.
  15. I find it sad to think that you all believe TWP's increasing activity is being inflicted on you, or that activity could ever be an affliction. Let me ask you all, what do you get out of this if you win? A few more months or years as head of a decaying region? But what are mere months or years to you, you've all been here since the beginning of NS time and you're unlikely to ever leave, so years are irrelevant. You've all held all the positions of power in every region of importance, so you get nothing out of it there. Apart from the ability to say "we got rid of Yy", I don't see what benefits this brings to you or the region. Isn't it better to stand aside and allow new talent to grow instead of clinging on to the old?
  16. They're probably lying to throw us off the scent. It might be that they are getting rid of influence, regions would definitely fall then.
  17. I dont think they care whether or not the folks like it. The Guardians like it and thats all that matters. (Imagine the flag guy with a sad face)
  18. I have finally found out how to use the IRC!
  19. This blind fool can see well enough to know that there is no fun in TWP, at the moment. There's nothing to do (this is changing) and, as a result, there's nothing to have fun doing. TWP needs something to do, if that happens to be the construction of procedure, so be it. There's been no growth (until now, thanks to the efforts of those creating things to do) and there's been no fun (until recently), what have we got to lose? @Tweedy: I was thinking the same thing.
  20. Congratulations indeed. Thanks for the update.
  21. If anybody elects me to a post, it will be down to my own merits and achievements. Nothing lasts forever Eli, TWP's subservience to the your clique is coming to an end. The TWP that is built in the coming months will outlive any of the achievements you claim to have made. *Looks under the rock Eli crawled out from* Where are those North Pacific insurgents Eli? The only people I see here are those that want to create a democratic TWP ruled by the people and those that want to consign TWP to another few years of tyranny and dictatorship (that's you). It's nice to see Eli talking about freedom when he's proposing the complete opposite.
  22. What exactly are "old-fashioned TWP values"? It's mind-boggling to think that the "old-fashioned TWP values" are, in essence, the dictatorial hold of the region - that's the only value I see being upheld here. You all had the opportunity to do something to bring back "old-fashioned TWP values" in TWP's inactive spell (you know, the one that lasted for months), but you kept quite and did nothing. Unless, forgive me, inactivity is an "old-fashioned TWP value"?
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