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Bhang Bhang Duc

Former Delegate
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Everything posted by Bhang Bhang Duc

  1. Don't think I've forgotten about this. I just haven't had time the last couple of months to do anything about it. My thinking remains the same though. Dass Nachrichten is a crap name for a TWP regional paper - sounds like someone trying to be cutesy and smart. And failing miserably. Subscription? Kiss my ....... !
  2. Will all our communications then require a subscription? You know, go to the link, enter the phrase "Stroke My Ego" and you're in?
  3. Oh gods I've just caught up with the Govindia interview. Let's just say the guy (as Ramaba) was a complete arsehole during his time in TWP. And arsehole is me being polite.
  4. General piece of advice. Go into the NS World Assembly forum and get a feel for the style of repeals and new legislation. Read the rules and get involved in some of the ongoing debates before posting your own legislation. The long-term participants of the WA are fairly cutting, but they do know their stuff and would help hone any legislation they thought had merit, even if they disagree with it.
  5. My main TWP nation is Bhang Bhang Duc again. Glenda's gone on a long cruise, lots of sailors dontcha know.
  6. Still not getting much spare tine to be involved here. Was in Kazakhstan all last week and am off on holiday to Italy this week for 10 days. September's looking better.
  7. Thank you all for your thoughts - funeral is this Friday, so still won't be around for a while. On a positive thought Dad managed to do something English batsmen rarely do - get into the 90s.
  8. Will not be around for a while. returned from my trip this morning to find that my father had passed away earlier that morning.
  9. Sorry to rain on various parades, but this is a crap idea. You've publically announced this is going to be the TWP newspaper, or at least given that impression. Yet it is closed off, unless you effing subscribe and the name has no connection with TWP. Hey, I've no problem with Dutch, except we had a saying in NZ - "grow your own dope, plant a Dutchman". Overall I'd say this a monumental cluster.
  10. What a bloody stupid idea. A TWP newspaper should be open to all. No bloody subscription. And having a name that's not in English is a fairly crap move as well. How the fuck will people know it's referring to TWP?
  11. Work related travel is going to be high for me in July, so my presence here will continue to be spotty.
  12. I would say hello, but then I received a tg to my NS account the other day stating that you are actually "A Fish in the Sea". As my source is completely trustworthy I'll withhold any welcome until you can prove differently.
  13. It's looking more and more like the region's being left in safe hands. Congratulations all.
  14. In just in time (sorry, been away visiting granddaughters). Elegarth
  15. Oh gods I read this guy's post in NS Gameplay. Reminds me why the phrase "political science" is an oxymoron. As opposed to Fish who is just a moron.
  16. Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me! Kenneth Williams, "Carry On Cleopatra", I think.
  17. Llamas has been sent al-packing (alpaca geddit?). I'll get me coat.....
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