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Everything posted by Darkesia

  1. Hello! Welcome to the TWP Community!
  2. The above quote is from Mr Llamas and I need to rant a bit about it. I believe you are missing a very important point about your efforts, Llamas. You have been proposing multiple acts and the response from TWPers is "zzzzZZZZzzzzz." Of course your stuff hasn't been seconded! Seconding something in this environment is a waste of time that is frankly insurance against anything getting done. I truly, truly appreciate everyone's efforts to help wake TWP's community. But many who are putting effort are doing so with a template designed in other regions. TWP has a culture that you can't just undo with a bunch of words on the forum. We're lazy about legislation. We can each give you reasons about why that is so. Those reasons will be as varied and individualiszed as each player. But part of what brought us together is that we don't WANT complicated. We WANT simple and efficient. We're incredibly enthusiastic and active when it comes to things that are perceived to be fun. We do not see voting on legislation as fun (see above). Either make it fun or as simple and efficient as possible so we can move onto the fun part. We are shockingly practical. We realize there needs to be rules and structure, especially if we are to grow the community and participation in that community. But again... unnecessary complications under the guise of "being deomocratic" are going to hit this region like a lead balloon and people will simply ignore you. I understand your feelings may be bruised by lack of enthusiasm, but this is TWP. Make the rules. Build the departments. Run quick elections with the 7 people who care. Then get to work making the departments fun and fill them with people. As the region grows you will have need of increasingly complicated rules and you will find TWP enthusiastically supporting things that you previously couldn't get us out of a coma to attend. That is when you add things: When there is need for it, not before. We want you here. We need you here. But if you continue to wait for us to be enthused about procedure for the sake of procedure, you will wait forever. Here ends my rant/pep talk.
  3. It's all good. If you and Winni worked it out, I need to keep my nose out of it. We are just a tad over protective of our Forum Maestro. I apologize for my over reaction.
  4. This statement is ignorant, rude and really pisses me off. Your government hasn't moved at all in over a month and you have the nerve to whine about something like this? YOU won't stand for inactivity from the admin staff? Incredible.
  5. This is how we behave without the addition of hallucinogens to the water supply. Welcome to TWP!
  6. Nice to see you here! Welcome to the TWP Community!
  7. Done. I had no idea Paul was under such stresses. Seems like yesterday he was deciding between the seminary and Air Force. Give him my best, please.
  8. A mention of the Reddit influx and the efforts to educate and welcome them, along with tossing th trash into Unibot's lap, would be good. A bit of sarcasm might be good here too.
  9. If you would like to request a re-negotiation of any treaty, it would be best done in a different thread or perhaps send a request to whomever is handling foreign affairs for the community at this time. I would be happy to take a look at any treaty negotiations that the community feels should be made.
  10. This is a political game. There are always strings. Even when alliances are formed with mutual respect and trust. I would hope that TWP does not set to work turning itself into another boring cookie cutter feeder region. But it MUST turn itself into something other than completely reliant on the Guardians. This much I promise. So, if they set up a silly copy of some other region's system, at least they will have a starting place. Then let them battle as the flaws in that system are revealed. The important thing is that it will be THEIR battles. The internal community of TWP will decide. That's bound to cause some rough arguments and hurt feelings. But in the end, if the community remembers that it is TWP they are working for,things will come together. Uni... it really hurts that you equate TWP's position as the miserable twat region. And I think you are wrong on so many levels that there are no longer any pieces of common ground between TWP and your perceptions of NS. We might as well live on different planets.
  11. There was a time when TWP was staunchly defender and intel based. This was probably the most active time for the TWPAF. (It was a very active time for all militaries. We counted WAs in the 10's and 100's when planning missions.) Following that there was a time when TWP was extremely active in the political and intel sphere. While the military wasn't as active, it was more selectively applied and had a much bigger impact on inter regional affairs. More influential rather than active. NS was a very different landscape in those days. Defending & spying was where the technically proficient crowd invested their time. TWP was home to some very volatile personalities with insomnia (there was only one update, no influence and very few trackers and scripts. everything was done manually) When exactly was that...? 2008 Does anyone remember the actual year(s)?
  12. If anyone is interested in a more realistic view of TWP history without the false political embellishments, ask questions, and we will do our best to answer them.
  13. I can't talk. Too busy crying. COPD is such a biatch.
  14. Here is why the HGA stayed out of treaties : They weren't interested. It's pretty simple. There is also a very complicated problem with treaties that seems to plague TWP. If we are to be true to our governing style, there should be 2 treaties. One for the Community and one for the Game side. But no one seems to get that. It means double work to peel apart a treaty so that it recognizes both aspects as equal. There was a time when treaties were signed by both the Delegate and the Prime Minister as a means of recognizing both heads of government. But when the Community moved toward hibernation, that fell out of favor because the inactivity held up diplomacy. This remains the sole reason we are not treatied with TSP. They cannot agree on a treaty that does not recognize the forum community as superior to the Delegate. It is a problem in the diplomatic arena. However, it is a very important cultural difference in TWP so it's worth the struggle. If the HGA wants to get involved in radifying treaties, it's more than welcomed to do so. At this point the only crossover between Diplomacy (FA) and the game is with Embassies. The Delegate, as a courtesy to the Community, refuses to open an in-game embassy until and unless there is an embassy on the forum.
  15. Tried to add a couple thoughts but my phone hates this venue. Please remind me tomorrow to post.
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