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Everything posted by Darkesia

  1. Changed JayDee's mask to Hall of Nations. Gave WaRlorder a secondary mask as Hall of Nations. If you want his military mask removed, just let me know.
  2. KaS, I know the thread-jack is a time honored tradition in TWP, but if you wish, I will split the bickering out of the thread that should be to welcome you back. Say the word, my friend.
  3. omgomgomg! KaS! OOK! It's great to see you. And that little KaS looks to be 50% beauty and 51% trouble. Congratulations!
  4. So, I've started the process of studying to become an Enrolled Agent. https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents Why? My Job is dull? My neurosis about always being in school? My compulsive need to collect certifications? Tired of not getting my tax questions answered coherently? I'm insane? Yes.
  5. What kind of Minister? Foreign Affairs? Methodist? (Never mind, I found it.) Edit: For future reference, please specify the masking you are requesting. I don't want to have to dig through all the threads to figure it out.
  6. Darkesia

    I'm not dead

    *walks by with a cart*
  7. See what happens when you hurt your back over the weekend? Other people do the stuff you said you would do! If it wasn't so damned painful, I would do it more often. Thanks to both of you gentlemen for doing the work on it.
  8. If you can wait until tonight, I will have time to grab the list and go through the masking the old fashioned way to fix it.
  9. No Questions? Rants? Either I did a pretty good job explaining my point of view, or it's complete gibberish and people are off finding me a nice padded room in which to recover my wits.
  10. I have stuffs to say. But it is staff meeting day IRL, so I'm going to give it the short version and hope it's not terribly misread. Any clarification that might be needed, please please ask me anything and I will do my best to speak coherently about it. I am speaking as a former Guardian and a Former Delegate (x2). If you have read Ivan's post in the forum, my yammering is the result of my thinking about his post. First: Ivan, you did not fail. Stop saying that. I get that you are tired. But that's probably because you drove this game and a few others for several years. That is not failure, it is success. But you are correct in observing that some of the old paradigms have returned. And... That is precisely what we have all been whining and pining about for years. Those of us that remember the battle (and the dozens of proxy wars) between the ADN and the NPO, have been longing for the days of politicized use of a region's military. Ivan and the NPO, won that war. Partially because of attrition, but mostly because they adapted to the changing world of NS. But once the war was won, the age of bored military action came. I have long missed the times when intrigue and intelligence (in both senses of the word) were part of the game. Things seem to be heading back in that direction. And frankly, I'm happy about it. Yes, there are alignments happening in TWP, and in many other GCRs. They may, or may not be alignments with which we are all happy. But isn't that just the sort of conflict that existed ten years ago? Rather than longing for the old days, we can pick a side (or make our own) and join in the new conflicts. Everything old is new again. Finally, to our beloved TWP and her current leaders: I do not care what alignment the regional leadership chooses, provided the strength, sovereignty and vitality of this region comes first. ALWAYS. Time to grab coffee before the meeting. I will check back later to see if I made any sense at all. lol
  11. It appears you are already masked as an Ambassador. Are you having trouble accessing the necessary forums? I see your badge is broken as well. That is not something I can fix in a short amount of time. It must be the hosting problem we have seen lately. It's on my list, just not at the top of that list right now.
  12. Vacation is addicting.  I need another one.

    1. Big Bad Badger

      Big Bad Badger

      You are absolutely correct!  I could get use to a full time vacation and occasional work instead of the opposite.


  13. Done... I think. Hopefully I didn't cause the collapse of civilization or something.
  14. Hey, Ivan! How the heck have you been? *steals a carrot and dips it in chocolate*
  15. The Cathedral has been silent with minor exceptions for a long time. I believe that is indicative of a basic breakdown in the trust between the Guardians. The home meant for frank and honest discussion has gone unused. Hopefully in time it will repair itself. But that said, many regions function perfectly well without such a culture. It may just be time to change that dynamic. Either way, it is just a change that I noticed.
  16. Now forced into the role of collaborator... I do not envy you. I do hope some of the discussion comes to the forum though. I absolutely refuse to put that horrid app back on my phone. I don't know how people can use Discord. I suppose I'm old. lol
  17. and I am very disappointed. Perhaps the discussion is on Discord? That's possible. Like the old days... All the politics happens in the chat feature? I'm creeped out by the silence. Say something! lol
  18. Oh dear... That's outside my area of expertise. Once I open the page, I get stuck in an indefinite waiting to load loop. Do you have the graphics saved? It might be easier to delete the page and start over.
  19. Very little is secret here. This was a public convo when it happened and remains public. Though, it's pretty darned old at this point. So archiving might be appropriate. ... Now, if only I can manage it without exploding something.
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