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Everything posted by Mediobogdum

  1. I just listened to the audio version - very interesting, yet slightly weird.
  2. Having a different IP wasn't good enough, would have made a more meaningful statement.
  3. I had sent region-wide tgs for ambassador and TWPAF recruitment during my short time in the chair and there was a reasonable return rate so, let's do it again, ...... and again, ...... and again ......
  4. *hops by with roo poo collecting equipment, thus preventing need for above political party*
  5. Well done, Westwind! A humorous yet erudite handling of a topic that is at the heart of TWP's future. TWP Street Talk would make an excellent adjunct for or regional newspaper, Dass Nachrichten. I aligned myself with a couple of the responses but which ones will remain TOP SECRET!
  6. Please don't be too hard on yourself Russo. You know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, even if at times it appeared not to be so.
  7. Welcome to TWP, Bird of Doom! The 'lingo' is English and you will need to be self-censored in any use of bad words or language Please take some time to read the regional World Factbook Entries and you should be' good to go'; have fun
  8. Sincere welcome, KK, I hope that any marsupial tendencies you may exhibit will not become an issue in the region
  9. Welcome back, Westwind! I sincerely hope that you feel that you are in a position to be at peace with your recent trials and tribulations. *pauses for a moment of thought*
  10. I'm really sorry to see you go Recuecn and you must not undervalue the contribution you have made to TWP. I agree with you that it was preemptive to disband the Voice but in this time of turmoil in the region, your wise head will be missed. If a return to the fold may be possible for you in the future, rest assured that I will be one of the first to welcome you back
  11. So, who is going to make the call to ask the person who can make the call to make the call?
  12. As for the TWP's Newspaper's title, I too would have preferred something more 'native' than 'foreign'
  13. Why do we need to be "in line with the other feeders"? Same is boring
  14. Think not - he's just waffling
  15. There is the need to edit the treaty entry as linked in WFE - Allies & Treaties of the West Pacific as it reflects the old treaty. You will need to talk to Westwind as it was his Factbook dispatch at: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=158320
  16. Hey there Tali, nice to see you. Trust you will enjoy your stay here in TWP. You say you have considerable experience in NS so perhaps you might like to share with us exactly what your skills are and maybe there will be a place for you in our military or ambassadorial offices? We are a conservative bunch here in TWP by and large, and like to save on our 'paper' so maybe you could not leave so many spaces in your messages As a caek expert, maybe you have connections with TEP?
  17. I know that this will be a cross-thread PD, but have you and Westie managed to come to an agreement on using TWPAF personnel in his 'special events unit'? Like Russo, I feel we need to get the military recruits which we've worked hard to get, up and running somewhere to keep their interest.
  18. Words are never enough BBD at these times but my thoughts are with you.
  19. My experience has taught me that it is almost invariably better to put one's own ideas, however whacky they might be, out into the open and then let others add to, or destroy, them People are usually very reluctant to offer their own thoughts first for fear of being shot down or ridiculed.
  20. I think to start things off, it might work rather better the other way round
  21. Are you happy with the fixes to Issue 1 of DN yet? If so, let me have the link again and will place in WFE.
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