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Speaker of the Hall of Nations
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Everything posted by Dalimbar

  1. NationStates Nation Name: Dalimbar Discord User Name: Dali#8054 Your Local Timezone: EST Regions You Have Active Nations In: Osiris, Lazarus Any Diplomatic Experience: Yes
  2. Nation in The West Pacific: Lady Anastasia World Assembly (WA) Nation: Dalimbar Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Dali, Lady Anastasia, Chodean Kal, Mazrim Rahl Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Lazarus (Citizen), Osiris (Resident), TWP (Resident) Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: TNP, NPO, TWP, TEP, TSP, TRR, Laz, Osi, Balder, ASE, RLA, Meritocracy, Scroll Islands, AUN, Gay, etc Would you like to join (check all that you wish to join)... [ ] The West Pacific Armed Forces [x] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Corp [ ] The West Pacifican Newspaper Staff [ ] Ministry of Recruitment and Citizenry Staff [ ] Ministry of Internal Affairs Staff Please swear the following oath of citizenship: I, Dali, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, the constitution of The West Pacific, or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
  3. NationStates Nation Name: Dalimbar (TWP: Hazaran) Discord User Name: Dali Your Local Timezone: EDT/EST Regions You Have Active Nations In: Osiris, The Beech Beach House. Any Diplomatic Experience: 13 years.
  4. Nation in The West Pacific: Hazaran World Assembly (WA) Nation: Dalimbar Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Dali, Lady Anastasia, Chodean Kal Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Osiris, The Beech Beach House Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: TNP, TEP, NPO, TSP, TRR, Laz, Balder, RLA, ASE, Scroll Islands, AUN, ACCEL, etc. Would you like to join (check all that you wish to join)... [] The West Pacific Armed Forces [x] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Corp [ ] The West Pacifican Newspaper Staff [ ] Ministry of Recruitment and Citizenry Staff [ ] Ministry of Internal Affairs Staff Please swear the following oath of citizenship: I, Dali, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in The West Pacific and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to The West Pacific and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against The West Pacific or to violate The Manners of Governance, the constitution of The West Pacific, or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
  5. Also, pardon me for the double-post, but I want to say this: We as a community did the best in the GCRs when it came to the Zombie Halloween event. During the event and afterward, I experienced a bit of glee when members of TNP and some of our other sister regions said nasty comments about our supposed 'authoritarian' attitude simply because we achieved our goal of 0% zombies. We did it, together. It is through the sheer strength and determination of our community that we turned a mini-game like which, frankly, is rigged against us in the GCRs, into a success. Now, how do we improve on that, not just for mini-games, but for the region itself? EDIT: I will note right now that I am not going to be an active member here, because I frankly do not want to be a driving force in these discussions. TWP needs to act as a community, and not one person. Not simply the Delegate. Not simply the Guardians. Not one ideological member here. We do need input here to move things forward. I will go for a good week or two on end from doing anything in NS, because frankly, I've had mostly enough of it. But, I do want to help in any way that I can.
  6. Truth be told, I like the laid-back atmosphere of TWP as it is now. I personally did not come to TWP to try to force it to be something it isn't, and I have seen TWP through most of its formations, from one of the most defenderist of defender regions to complete inactivity to trying to figure out how it wants to be itself in the world. Frankly, TWP has been on this path since the ZetaOne incident back in 2005 or so. Before then, TWP was frankly the stronghold of the defendersphere of the ADN, and for a year or so it tried to maintain that position with bumps and bruises along the way. I guess, when I say incentive and activity, I'm traditionalist in wanting TWP to occupy some sort of space in that game, but even then, I'm not sure we even need to. Thing is, and some of you have said it, do we even need a formal structure? None of us were impressed with what URAP did when he became petulant and invited DEN to do his dirty-work. So, my question is, how do we, as a community, address those scenarios? Do we want to have anything lay down in a code beyond that? If so, what?
  7. I was going to apologize for not being active here, due to the fact that I generally little thought for NS anymore... but, due to the fact that it has been 11 days since the last post, and the point of this thread has been about activity in this space (be it on forum or in government, or yadda yadda), I'm not going to. Listen, clearly there is a complete disconnect right now between activity in the off-site and on-site. For myself, after 11 or so years of playing, I just want to pop on here once in a while and say two cents. Others have their own way of playing, and I really hope it's more active than mine but if not, that's cool. I honestly don't believe any constitutional change will fundamentally change that. I've done frankly all the roles in GCR governance, and frankly, all of them are hard to do if you just don't have people around who care. And right now, yes, that includes me. Personally, I am in favour of the superiority of the Delegate in the role of government, both on and off site. But the supremacy of the Delegacy will not necessarily increase activity if there's just not enough people who care. Trust me, as one who has run both 'democratic' and 'authoritarian' governments, it really doesn't matter what system you use, just so long as you have enough people who give a fuck. We all need a reason to come here. I'll be frank, and say that right now, I don't have a reason to come to this forum as it stands. I'm not that invested. And being invested is what needs to change. I'm going to look squarely at anyone who wants to hold Executive authority here and say, give an incentive to participate in TWP, be it on or off-site. The paperwork helps, but does not really make a clear difference. It's the people who do.
  8. Thanks, Elegarth et all for taking a look at my proposals. On the "Rebellion Clause", my proposal is a codified legal mechanism within the framework of the Charter of the Union of the West Pacific. Yes, I am fully aware of the in-game realities, having used them myself in other GCRs in order to advance my own particular visions/ideology upon the regions I was Delegate. My point is that the Union, in the event that a State of Rebellion is declared, should name a person who is to be the Chief Executive while they refuse to acknowledge the authority of the in-game Delegate over the governance of the Union. Think of it this way: An in-game Delegate has gone bonkers, and the Union really doesn't like it. It declares a State of Rebellion. Fine. With the proposals, the Union names a preferred Chief Executive to administer its governance while the State of Rebellion is in play. Because as of this draft, the in-game Delegate and off-site Chief Executive are tied. Which I am fine with. But if the two are separable, then they must be somehow codified to be separable.
  9. I see. As far as I understand Eli's list, your position as Deputy Advocate for Foreign Affairs will become a Minister. As such, under the draft amendments listed above, it will be covered under the new Section 4. Please note that the above amendments drafted and proposed are just that, a draft. And the proposals I made last night were made interpreting some of the wishes and desires listed here. If we are to properly move on, the more information we have, the better. Thus, do you have any proposals? Edit: Note, I should add this: All positions that hold potential Ministerial responsibilities, and in the current situation they are styled 'Deputy Advocate', would be included under Section 4. This is not to point only to you, Mal, and your position, but merely I am using your position as an illustration of what would be considered as Minister under Section 4.
  10. I'll be frank, seeing this type of empty comment annoys me. The purpose of this discussion is to try to find ways to encourage more activity, including structural activity. So... what's up, Mal, that you feel you couldn't say and thus needed to redact? If you don't like it, then cool. Let's talk about it.
  11. So, as I'm bored... I'll be happy to help turn Eli's points into amendment form. "1. The delegate is the Chief Executive" I am working under the assumption that this means "Chief Executive of the Union of The West Pacific". To me this means that the titles and powers of Delegate and Chief Executive are separate but (usually) held by the same person. The only case which the title and powers of Chief Executive would be separate from the Delegacy is in a State of Rebellion. Basically, my point is this: Delegate holds on-site powers, Chief Executive who is 99% of the time the Delegate holds some off-site powers. There are two articles in Section One which right away require a look, those being (5) and (6). I propose the following changes: 6 can be re-worded. However, if we're going to keep a roughly similar system where the Delegate is "elected" by the onsite community, and recognized as Chief Executive of the Union, there needs to be a clear State of Rebellion clause. As per "2. The guardians are appointed by the Delegate, the Voice can object to any it deems offensive" in Eli's list, I propose the addition of Article 7 to Section 1. I'm proposing that the Voice can do a vote of non-confidence in the Guardian in both nomination and conduct. I am not sure if the Voice can/should have the power to force the Delegate to get rid of a Guardian, hence why I view "non-confidence" as the best phrasing here. Also, while I have "a majority of members" here, the percentage required to pass a vote of non-confidence can be adjusted if we wish. As we are now entering the off-site territory of the Charter, and because the above amendment recognizes the Delegate to be the Chief Executive (except in State of Rebellion), I propose that in all cases of Section Two (those being Articles 7-10) where it mentions "the Delegate", it be replaced with "the Chief Executive". It will look like this: Alright, fun time: Dealing with the Advocate and the Government. First, the Advocate: I am changing Article 1 from stating that the government was administered by the Advocate to simply stating they are in charge of the Voice. The Advocate will still maintain a high profile in Government, and that'll be in the new Section 4. Also, I am eliminating the old article 4, which read: "Any resident who participated in the constitutional convention to enact this Charter will be eligible for the first election for Advocate immediately following the enactment of this Charter." As I am uncomfortable about one running their own re-election, I am further changing the old article 5 (now article 4) so that the Advocate does not run Advocate elections. Old article 9 (now 8) is changing to allow the Advocate to appoint Deputies (who are not Ministers, they will go in the new Section 4) who will assist them in the administration of the Voice (not the Government, please see Section 4 for Ministers). Old article 11 (now 10) is going to be eliminated, as the Ministers are covered under Section 4. Essentially, the Government is the executive council/cabinet. The new section will outline the Government and Ministers. Now, I'm at present adding in the Guardians as non-voting members, as frankly I see them being of service to the Government when it comes to on-site security and stability, along with providing advice to the Government in confidence. Is this something you guys wish to see? Moving on, the old "4. Justice in the Union" becomes "5. Justice in the Union". In the final section, regarding the Military, there are just a minor change to reflect that executive power is in the Government, not just the Advocate. I am unsure whether to change Article 2 from being "under the command of the Delegate" to the Government, or allow it to stand. Thoughts? So, I'm going to hold off for now from taking all the above amendments and make them into one bill. I figure (unless it looks really damn good to you guys) that there'll be plenty of discussion about the technical details.
  12. Would you call TWP your home nation region? If not, where? While my main nation is in The Beech Beach House, as I do not hold citizenship in other regions, I can consider TWP to be my new home region. Have you had previous ambassadorial or governmental experience, outside of TWP? What type and for whom? Former Delegate of TNP and Osiris; former Foreign Minister in TNP, TEP, Osiris, ASE; have held government positions in most GCRs at one time or another. Is there a specific region you wish to be sent to? Anywhere except for Osiris. Is your TWP nation your main nation? If not, what is? (Link please.) http://www.nationstates.net/nation=dalimbar .
  13. So, as far as I can tell, most old and new West Pacificans are interested in moving on from the events of this past week. But what does "moving on" exactly mean? I hold no answers to this question. This is what the Voice is for, in my opinion. I feel that TWP is an organic government, open to change when required. Having had a few days to process what has happened in terms of both the Voice and the Delegacy, do members both inside and outside the Voice feel that changes should be made, and if so, what should be reformed? Does the system of governance in TWP need reforms at all? I hope by the end of this open (and frank) discussion, West Pacificans, both new and old, can come together to find a system which works for the region at large.
  14. I apologize if I am not a member of the Voice yet (applied, but having confirmation of status helps), but frankly the board administration is the sole authority which has authority over the security of the board. URAP demonstrated quite clearly his lack of leadership, which would have been a political issue. But as a security issue, after handing over his nation to DEN in those extremely confusing hours, it falls to the admins of this forum to ensure that the board is secure and stable. Fact is, as far as I am aware, the matter has been taken care of, and it is time for TWP to move on. Discussing this further is not worthwhile, and I have full confidence in Winnipeg and the rest of the admin team to keep this board safe.
  15. If you don't mind, I'd like to join. My TWP nation (and WA) is Lady Anastasia. *Hands over the standard bribe to the relevant authorities*
  16. Don't worry, I won't steal *all* your booze and men. I'm not that cruel.
  17. Hey TWP, long time! How's things? *Drops off the obligatory chocolate and booze, those delightful little chocolates with booze in them*
  18. *Moves a portion of his stash into the Embassy, and flicks on the "Open" light* It is our firm wish in Osiris to rebuild old friendships which may have been tarnished by the past. It is also my own personal believe that each and every sinker and feeder should have an open channel of communications with one another. As such, I'm pleased that Osi-TWP relations are to be normalized and we can move forward, as two sovereign and independent regions. *Raises his glass*
  19. So, as I'm sure all of you are aware, Osiris has made our unequal agreement with our former occupiers null and void. As such, it is our intention to normalize relations with TWP. I'll throw in free booze, if that sways your decision
  20. The Kemetic Republic of Osiris (as in, the non-Gatesville backed 'Imperium') would like to re-establish our embassy with The West Pacific. We would like to express our sincere appreciation towards The West Pacific for their stance against Gatesville, which we know was a difficult decision, given the longevity of relations between TWP and GV. We would like to take this opportunity to re-start our relations with the West, even as we fight to regain the Delegacy from those controlling The Dourian Embassy. Dalimbar Vizier of Foreign Affairs of Osiris
  21. Hey all, it's been a while since I've visited the West. How are things here?
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