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The West Pacifican: Writers' Corner Submissions


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Do you like creative writing? Would you like your writing to be considered for publication in The West Pacifican?

Consider submitting to the Writers' Corner. 


The Writers' Corner is a feature I started in the May issue to showcase the creative writing of our region and to further build our culture of participation and creativity. We will happily consider any form of creative writing: short essays, short stories, poems, RP-based writing. 

Please use this Google form to submit writings: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeVyKlr-RPmepyu3Nlkh5la-pxZod_MW5yGWoAhxGOFT91JA/viewform


1. For short stories or essays, 400 - 900 words.

2. For poetry, maximum of two (2) poems for most styles and maximum of four (4) haiku will be considered per issue, not to exceed 500 words.

3. Please re-use this form for every submission. Note that while there is no limit to submissions, our goal is to publish as many authors in TWP as possible.

4. Depending on volume of submissions, we will aim to notify you of selection for publication two weeks before The West Pacifican goes to print. The West Pacifican is published on the first Friday of each month. We the staff will also consider publishing accepted submissions on our offsite forum: https://www.westpacific.org/forums/index.php?/forum/60-the-west-pacifican/

5. No NSFW language or concepts. Writing should be thoughtful and tasteful out of respect to our diverse range of players and perspectives. We endorse and adhere to the Protecting our Players Accord.

It is recommended that you complete your writing in Microsoft Word, then copy/paste into the form to avoid losing your work.

For any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me on Discord at Fuentana#3423.

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Here's a prompt if it helps:

Where or how are you finding meaning during this crisis? Writings may deploy poetry or prose in response. As you ponder the question consider some of the following:

  • Persons: what have friends, family members, strangers said or done to render care and support? Have you read about or learned about any heroic figures in your local community or beyond? 
  • Places: is there a special space in your home or neighborhood (if safe) that you've turned to?
  • Practices: are there any daily rituals or regular practices that have helped you? This can range from cooking to watching The Office to prayer or meditation to art.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Grievances of the Unheard

Once upon a time there was a dream to make a land for the free,
A dream and that is all it was as people of color were bound
In the chains forced upon them by their fellow men; as their lives
and cries were lost as the bells of freedom rang and drowned their loud sounds;
While their fellow men would whip and beat these poor black men to the hard ground, 
And yet for those that ran/to be free, they would be fed to the hounds,


But the Fathers that found this ravaged land had the chance to end it all
And yet they kept the system out of fear; to unite the states and doomed
Their posterity to centuries of hate and pain and spilt blood,
And now I watch the news of the people who are consumed by the gloom,
Unable to do my part at seventeen as men are inhumed
As they seek to be heard after being ignored as anger ballooned,


While those before who rebelled in Shay’s and Whiskey were pardoned
Along with those who left to keep the blood rusted chains in the fields
By Washington and Lincoln, who many admire and praise as heroes,
And yet the men and women who peacefully protest for ideals
Of justice after being ignored for far too long yell out pleads;
Only to be met with force and are sent to jail by some fiends,


After years of fighting for rights of colored people years ago
Were all those sacrifices of those who died for change made in vain?
Liberty may stand on broken chains but she cries in chains herself
As she watches as her people are shot and gassed, writhing in pain,
Meanwhile the orange man hides away tweeting away; guilty as Cain
As he guns down his own citizens, showing how he is insane,


But here I sit holding back tears writing these words to express how trapped
I feel; unable to do my part at seventeen when men before
Conquered nations at my age, and yet I am unable to help
Those who are on the ground taking a stand for true justice and more,
All I can do is sit and watch the world burn as more blood is poured,
Is this the land of the free or of the damned, I ask as I offer another prayer,

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  • 2 months later...

Call for Submissions

Theme: Road Trip playlist

First, come up with a 5-8  track playlist f or your ideal, idyllic road trip.

Second, give some commentary. Questions you can consider include: where would you be going? With whom? What time of the year? What does each song mean to you? Are there any musical factors you think of when constructing your playlist like tempo, key, good drums/percussion, good harmonies? What does a good playlist do to a listener? How do you feel when you are listening to this playlist?

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