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Former Delegate
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Everything posted by Elegarth

  1. That happens now and then. Is the horrible RL disease
  2. Damn it GE why are you not spamming my forums too?
  3. I don't remember it... Like Homer's Nacho Man Hat?
  4. I use to correct the teachers...
  5. Is that an ice cream taco on your signature?
  6. Anyway, Haven't seen my puppy in almost 4 months now, I really need to find time to visit my grandma
  7. Well, to be honest, since I've been using the internet for MAAAAAANY years, I haven't always used Google. I used to use Altavista, then Yahoo and THEN Google appeared.
  8. I think WW is so old, that he patented the gift of sight when light was invented
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