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Everything posted by Consular

  1. You can find my response to your nonsense in NSGP Ikania. I don't care enough to repeat myself.
  2. I don't dislike you Cormac. I just often dislike your ideas, and your general behaviour. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Why am I not surprised you support him Ike. You, like him, came here on Milograd's heels with the same intention to impose your failed vision for Lazarus upon our community.
  4. I only bothered to properly read this thread now actually. My interest in elections and those who campaign for them is so very low... But I feel Eli captured my opinion of everything in this thread quite well.
  5. It remains my opinion that the coup started years ago, with considerably less outrage. This recent actions by the NPO have just been the realisation of what has existed for a while really. People who express outrage now but not back then are either foolish or being disingenuous. Though that said I'm glad Lazarus won't be having its culture and history forcibly assimilated into another region. Even if I do think Lazarus's current "culture" was designed by the NPO anyway.
  6. As Vlagh said, I don't think it requires a bill. Just a simple vote should be adequate. TWP is not an overly formal place and there's no need to pretend otherwise really. A con con was certainly not my intention, but possible I suppose if everyone wants one. I'd rather finish this document and see if people like the things the way they are first.
  7. Why? The law outlines the responsibilities so there isnt confusion. The name is irrelevant -- you're the one prescribing some meaning to it. PM doesnt necessarily mean anymore than Speaker in and of itself. I don't think the Speaker/whatever should have the ability to change the name unilaterally. It's already noted the Assembly can change its name by a simple vote. There doesn't need to be a bill for that.
  8. I would support a full ban. Both forum and regional.
  9. /Leaves Winnipeg some cookies so he doesn't eat Llamas
  10. If people want to offer thoughts on what they want they certainly can -- this thread is exactly for that. However, I'm not doing a broad survey, because this is not a constitutional convention. Everything I've written here isn't new at all -- it's just codifying everything that we currently already have in a way that is simple and understandable. I haven't really suggested any change in a substantive sense. As for the various other issues, this is only a small part of what will be the final document. Patience, grasshopper. I think this document already states extremely clearly that residency is the only requirement for Assembly membership. I see no reason to mention anything regarding citizenship, because the way I see it we do not have citizenship. Residents have all rights, it is the only thing that matters, and this document preserves those rights quite clearly. I see no reason to apply a superficial citizenship label on top of that. The Speaker can be head of the executive functions though! Keep in mind I'm not following the usual legis-exec divide. It simply doesn't fit the way TWP works. The Assembly is a weird merger of both. And I think Speaker works fine -- it is the nation who Speaks for the Assembly, who speaks for TWP. It's a bit different yes but who cares -- TWP is a different place. I am flexible on this if more people object, but I think the name PM is so very meh. Yes. That is the final goal. Pretty much! Your help would be welcome of course!
  11. This is the section I have so far describing what is usually called the "legislative" area of government. I hesitate to use that term since what I'm proposing doesn't fit a "traditional" model of government at all, but yeah. This essentially combines the Assembly Act, the PM Act (I've used the name Speaker largely because I find the name PM to be uninspired), and elements of the Electoral Act as well. I've left out points on ministries and other elected officials but will add them -- I just need to go to sleep right now and wanted to give people something to chew on for now. Like I attempted to say but failed because I can't spell; bare with me. I'm proposing a system where the Delegate and the Assembly can collectively hold authority and guide the course of the region, without infringing upon each other, through a delicate system of balance and convention which I feel reflects our current de facto way of doing things anyway.
  12. Now, I may have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm relatively sure this is not what Dark was hoping for.
  13. I've started writing some of it. I'll be posting bits in this thread and updating the OP as I go. It will be on a completely unpredictable timeframe though because that's just how I do things. D: I'd still love more feedback though, even before I start writing in proper.
  14. As I tried to say in the op I have no intention of altering that current balance whatsoever. Just putting it in words! Glorious, glorious words. Bare with me. Yeah that looks right.
  15. Screw politeness. I came here to laugh at democracy.
  16. I feel like there's something a bit bitter going on here. You can be rivals without being nasty, you know.
  17. Hi everyone. Now, bear with me. Beer with me? No, bear I think. Yes. What I'm about to propose might seem strange. But I think it worth at least considering. I'd like to propose a draft of a single constitution that I've had in the back of my mind for many a month now. It is essentially the result of my gathered knowledge and experience of being a member of this community for two years now. The core idea is that is would result in the abolishment of every single current law we have (which, and no offense to the authors, I think are confusing in nature) in favour of a single document that outlines the structure of the entire region, including in game. That last bit will seem controversial right now, but trust me when I say it is very carefully wording so as to maintain our careful balance -- I love the division of gameside authority we have now and would never subject the Delegate to offsite authority, and this document would need to be approved by the Delegate to advance (which shouldn't be a problem as it doesn't infringe on them at all really). I think a single eloquent document like this would be in the spirit of TWP. We aren't strong legislators and this would make everything clean, giving a nice and simple platform for governance and allowing us to focus our efforts elsewhere. I feel like legislation at the moment is consuming far too much of the amazing Elegarth's spirit. A single document might seem less organic than our mess of stuff, but it is worded around ideas that have developed organically, so I think this not something to worry about. I have the ideas but haven't yet fully written it. What I would like to know is if any TWP members are interested in this at all? Just a guage so to speak. The document would of course be fully open to adaptation by my fellow TWPers before we did any implementation.
  18. I don't think we really need a verification. It's just a field people can display a nation name.
  19. That's terrible Sealand! Best of luck getting through it.
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