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Ark last won the day on August 27 2019

Ark had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Ark

  • Birthday 06/11/1999

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  1. Ark

    Random Poll #2

    I’ll admit I’m not particularly well-versed in the science behind this question, but endless expansion seems to make more sense to me.
  2. Great, accepted! I will give you the proper discord masking and orientation as soon as I have time.
  3. This shall be the forum embassy for the Black Hawks. Welcome to TWP!
  4. It is a requirement these days, I’m afraid.
  5. Accepted! I will begin your discord orientation shortly.
  6. Please mask @Sensorland as an ambassador. Thank you!
  7. Please mask @GustavovWhately as an Ambassador. Thank you!
  8. Accepted. Discord and forum masking will be applied as soon as we can get to it.
  9. Please mask @Vamperiall as an Ambassador. Thank you!
  10. This was a great read. Thanks, Osi!
  11. Please mask @North Roledol as an Ambassador. Thank you!
  12. Accepted. Discord and forum masking pending.
  13. Please mask @Allen as a member of the Diplomat Corps. Thank you!
  14. Accepted! Discord masking pending.
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