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  1. The Federation of Ryxtylopia La Fidiraxión di Ryxtylopia Flag War Flag Presidential Standard Naval Jack Coat of Arms Overview Official Long Name: The Federation of Ryxtylopia Unofficial Long: The Ryxtylopian Federation Official Short: Ryxtylopia Goverment Type: Federal Constitutional Republic (De-Facto an Oligarchy) Motto: “Lybirtad, Uinyión, Fortaleza!” “Liberty, Union, Strength!” Location: Northern Part of Aura Capital (and Largest City): Ryxenia, population; 3,156,756 people. Official Languages: Ryxtylopian Tsalaaní Pestalpani Yilaaní Palmañí Pistalchaco Xalatvacho +Several Other Native Languages. Denonyms: Ryxtylopian(s) Ethnic Groups: Ryxtylopian Tsaalaní Pestalpan Yilaani Palmancas Pistalchacá Xaltavachan Etc. National Animal: Yixivian Lark Time Zone: IAT-1 Drives on the: Right Calling Code: +118 TLD: .ry Goverment: President: Edyuardó Etsañó VP: Erniisto Ma'cha Tórryes Chief of National Security: Painchó Nico Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ricairdo Tyxas Area: 298,987 km² (115,439 sq mi) Population: 22,671,810 GDP (PPP): $258,708,019,287 GDP per capita: $11,411 Currency: Ryxtylopian Ryx [RRY] Conversion Rate: 1$ = 11 RRY Ryxtylopia (Officially the Federation of Ryxtylopia) is a country located on the northern-most part of the Auran continent, as well as holding some islands further north and off the coast, it has 2 land borders with Bilyad and Dilber in the South-West and South Respectivley, as well as sharing a maritime border with Ageros to the north, west of Ryxtylopia you have the Mille Mer and eventually Polaris, while to the east you find the Timeworn Sea and eventually Doll Guldur. Geography Ryxtylopia is divided into several regions, but its main geographic features are the divide between the semi arid and arid regions from the more temperate regions by the Ryxavinas mountains that go through the centre of the country, and of course, the channel between the mainland and the islands of Pinichaca and Tirilpa. The Western portion of the country is mostly semi-arid forests, woodlands and scrub, with the most southern points of the country being mostly semi-arid desert and shrub. The Eastern portion of the country is more temperate, with temperate forests and some grasslands in the south-east, this climate also applies to the two main islands north of the mainland: Pinichaca and Tirilpa respectively. In terms of international borders Ryxtylopia counts with 2 land borders and 1 sea border, in the south, Ryxtylopia borders Dilber and Bilyad, the latter probably being Ryxtylopia’s most guarded border, due to Bilyad being an unstable nation Ryxtylopia faces a lot of refugees crossing the border. While north of Tirilpa (island) Ryxtylopia has a maritime border with Ageros, along the small islands in the middle of the channel. Topographic Map Biomes Map Administration and Internal Divisions Ryxtylopia is composed of 3* Types of Subdivision: States, Districts and Municipalities each administering a piece of land at smaller levels. Ryxtylopia has: 10 States 72* Districts 454 Municipalities 1 Administrative District. STATES Each state has their own legislative and judicial systems (despite this in legislative terms, most of the time, laws made at the national level are considered before state laws) as well as this, states have representation proportional to their population at the national level. States also elect their own governors who serve for 4 years, and after this state elections happen where the seats at the state legislature will be spread proportionally-ish depending on the % of the vote each party gets. DISTRICTS* Districts don’t have legislatures, rather they are formed from councils composed from people of the different municipalities of each District, which can then make petitions or suggestions to their state governments. Each District council will elect one of their members as their representative at the state level, since while the State legislature is composed from people who live in all the state, District councils are only composed of locals, therefore, the idea behind electing someone to represent them is to make sure their voice is heard at the state level, but this system has been proven to be flawed at best. MUNICIPALITIES Municipalities don’t have legislatures, they’re very similar to districts, only that it's more of at a local level, not regional, and they have more influence over their District council, than the Districts have over the state legislature. Also unlike districts, municipalities do elect a head, that is similar to the governor of a state but at a local level, with this governor having a say in the District council, as the elected governor, as well as advisors are part of the District council. The D.A.F The D.A.F isn’t a state, being the seat government at the national level it has its own special status, it's still divided into municipalities, and pretty much acts like a state, since it holds Ryxenia, the largest city and capital of Ryxtylopia makes it giving it representation at the national level a MUST. The only differences between the D.A.F and other states are that the D.A.F doesn’t have its own state legislature, only local legislature, but recently, calls for the D.A.F to be stripped of its special status and be made into a new state have arisen in the past decade or so. THE STATES OF RYXTYLOPIA As said previously, Ryxtylopia has 10 States, in this section of the factbook, we’ll review each state, along with their population, demographic makeup, economy and some miscellaneous facts about each one. *GDP per Capita(s) rounded to 0 Saxatí Location Flag Population: 1,792,100 GDP: $36,141,280,700 GDP per Capita: $20,167 Yilanit Location Flag Population: 2,907,909 GDP: $36,311,059,683 GDP per Capita: $12,487 Elaaní Location Flag Population: 1,029,445 GDP: $9,021,026,535 GDP per Capita: $8,763 Carraizal Location Flag Population: 726,243 GDP: $4,499,075,385 GDP per Capita: $6,195 Talaxachá Location Flag Population: 1,130,448 GDP: $9,542,111,568 GDP per Capita: $8,441 Pestalpa Location Flag Population: 5,274,558 GDP: $55,335,387,978 GDP per Capita: $10,491 7-Cantríxa Location Flag Population: 4,097,330 GDP: $34,503,615,930 GDP per Capita: $8,421 Pinichaca Location Flag Population: 582,319 GDP: $4,136,794,176 GDP per Capita: $7,104 Tirilpa Yste Location Flag Population: 894,174 GDP: $7,499,437,338 GDP per Capita: $8,387 Tirilpa Nyste Location Flag Population: 1,056,724 GDP: $10,307,285,896 GDP per Capita: $9,754 The D.A.F (Dystrito di Administraxion Fidieral) The Federal District of Administration Location Flag Population: 3,180,560 GDP: $37,843,872,978 GDP per Capita: $16,164 Branches of Goverment EXECUTIVE BRANCH The man (or woman) responsible for leading Ryxtylopia is none other than whoever’s in charge of the office of the presidency, who must use his powers to enforce the laws of the Ryxtylopian Constitution through the country. The president of the Ryxtylopian Federation is elected by popular vote every 5 years, without the possibility of re-election, campaigning for the presidency of Ryxtylopia take place between January all the way to the election, which takes place between April and May, the winner would then be sworn in on the last day of May of the said year, a tradition born after the fall of the Ryxtylopian dictatorship in the 1390’s when it became tradition for the New President to be Sworn in the last day of May, May for most Ryxtylopians being a “Patriotic Month” as Ryxtylopia’s National day is May 15th, and several other national holidays are in May (such as “Flag day”; May 17th, and “Army day”; May 19th). Historically, the president's power in Ryxtylopia has always been either questionable or absolute, despite this in the modern day, the president has a substantial amount of power. The president of the Ryxtylopian Federation is the “Supreme Commander'' of the Ryxtylopian Armed Forces, and the president can also enact several powers to exert influence over the country. A lot of these measures bypass the lower house of congress, which HAS caused trouble in recent years, many feeling that the president’s power is excessive, and Ryxtylopia is entering another “Authoritarian” period in its history. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH The Ryxtylopian legislative system (congress) or known as the National Assembly has 2 chambers, the lower house has 620 Seats while the upper house has 220 Seats. The lower house, called the Chamber of Representatives (Camirá di Repristantes.) as said previously has 620 seats, and all are elected by popular vote during national elections, with each political party getting a number of seats proportional(ish) to the percentage of votes they got in the election. The upper house, called the Federal Chamber (Camirá Fiederai) has 220 seats, these represent the states, with each state having seats proportional to their population, this also counts the F.A.D, and these seats are determined by state elections. For the passing of laws, bills, provisions, etc. Each house has its own requirement to pass, the Chamber of Representatives only needs a simple majority (51%) to pass, while the National Assembly needs a Supermajority of 60% for proposals to pass. This is how normal legislative sessions work in Ryxtylopia, however during a state of emergency, or any exception to constitutional order, the president has the power to lower the amount required to pass a change to a minority in both houses. (30% in the Chamber of Representatives and 35% in the National Assembly). JUDICIAL BRANCH Ryxtylopia’s Judicial system is conformed by several levels with the Supreme Court at the top, and rural courts at the bottom. Most disputes and affairs would be handled by metropolitan or urban courts, which are right above the so-called rural courts in Ryxtylopian, rural courts being based in sparsely populated segments of the country, while urban and metropolitan courts are located in cities. After the urban and metropolitan courts come the district courts, which can oversee or take on cases which the courts below it cannot. If cases rise in importance most will end up at the district courts, rarely any cases are brung to the “Regional courts” the next level on this scale. Finally we have state courts and (The) Supreme Court of Justice, the highest court of Ryxtylopia, which is only composed of 14 magistrates, picked by a committee appointed by congress.
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