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Punk Daddy for Advocate

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Greetings all.


I hope this message finds you well. 


I am posting this to give you an opportunity to ask me any questions you would like.


I have a very simple goal as Advocate and that is to get our off-site righted and aligned with our delegate.


This has been a trying month but I think it proves our system works and works well. Without the Guardians if URAP had gone rogue we'd still be under his thumb. 


What hasn't worked out well is our off-site and I'll say that the offsite has lagged the onsite for at least a half-decade. Yes, that long imo which is inclusive of my time as delegate back in the day.


Having said that I believe that there are ways to gain more activity here and we've done that since the end of August. I've appointed DA's who are now starting to get work done, we're holding the Advocate election now, and we're debating the finer points of our Charter.


All of this requires people to feel that the environment is such that they can and want to participate. I have done my best to foster such an environment. I have appointed relatively new TWPers to positions of rank purposely to give newer players a chance. Has this caused some missteps, sure but I have always been a firm believer in giving the zealous and opportunity to show more than zeal.


So the future?


Foreign Affairs - This is a big item and a high priority for me. I will work with our delegate to forge a foreign policy agenda and we'll begin implementing such a strategy. If the delegate does not wish for the Advocate's service, that's totally fine but I do believe we can work and work well together.


Internal Affairs - we need to get the people who come to the site to stay. We've got a lot of different areas that are fun, but I want to try some new items. Sure we have the legislative areas, but I'd like us to have more fun topics and allow current members to talk about items that interest them in hopes that other members will want to talk too. I love politics so a political area would be great to me. 


The Voice - I want us to continue to work through some of the clunkiness of the charter. I believe we've made some headway but if re-elected I will set forth a policy on how bills get approved and we'll start plowing through some of the ideas that have recently come to the fore.


That's about it. I encourage you to ask any questions you have. Also, you might notice I voted for Big Bad Badger...I have voted for my opponents since 2005-ish but when there are more than one opponent i usually abstain. In this instance, I really do have a zeal to see newer players in office and thus decided to select the newer of my opponents. It's pure hubris why I vote for my opponents so it's nothing moral or ethical. :)

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As it would appear I will not be your Advocate much longer, I'd like to say thank you to all you TWPers who navigated through the difficulty of the last couple of months. 


If my prelim view of the votes are right, BBB will be our next Advocate and I'm excited about that and excited about new blood taking leadership in this community. 


There were days when I was a young upstart looking for power, both those days are long gone and so I don't leave this position sad. I leave it envigorated and anxious to see what the "New Class" can do. 


Thank you all, and Godspeed to TWP!!

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