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Hey, so i joined the forums about a month ago, but I never really introduced myself properly. To be honest, I'm pretty much just doing this for the contest Darkesia's running. But to be a tad bit more useful and IC than just saying "Hey, I'm in a contest!" I guess I'll mention a few policies of my country. 

1. We stand for a somewhat adulterated version of National Sovereignty. We don't vote for all repeals and against all WA resolutions, but we do feel that the WA should hold itself to basic human and national rights.

2. Stemming from our support of national sovereignty and democracy, we are IC against endocaps. (OOC also, just a tiny bit. I recognize that it is important for stability and defense.)

3. I don't know much about military game-play, and IC, although Recuecn has a decently large military, we prefer to seek the diplomatic rout. (See how we handled Brasilistan. Pretty happy about that, actually.) This also applies to inter-regional politics--we think Foreign Affairs are more important than the military. (I admit, taking stuff over is awesome, but again, this is IC.)


I guess this is probably a really weird introduction. Not really sure what to say though. Looking forward to hanging out with you guys, though. Sent me a TG some time--my nation name is the same as my in-forum name.

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