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Intelligent Holograms

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Everything posted by Intelligent Holograms

  1. ^You should have refused. We could make 'space' an event for a week.
  2. That's a long time for any game to be played. What kept your interest?
  3. I love the USSR anthem, it is by far my favourite anthem. Great work, Tweedy!
  4. Looks good, Archsium. I'd wait a bit to see if anyone else has any comments but it looks fine to me. It's to the point and it covers all of the main points.
  5. Congratulations to your daughter! *Rolls out the TWP celebration machine*
  6. Ah, the famed Jakker. Welcome to our humble home.
  7. Not at all, Archsium, you were simply doing what I told you to do. I do agree with your motto though.
  8. *Cheers* I look forward to reading the first stories in the Western Mail.
  9. If you're looking for Chocolate, you may have to join WECA. I can offer you democracy, though. Welcome aboard. IH
  10. You can't just quit NS, it doesn't work like that.
  11. I believe that Feux is considering drawing something up.
  12. /threadjack Indeed, Vlagh, true on both accounts. I have made too much noise to join WECA now but you're right, that would have been the better policy.
  13. Nope. We oppose WECA and its wicked chocolatey machinations, both of which have a large influence on the Delegate and government. We work for TWP so why not use the TWP forums.
  14. Welcome to our humble region, Matawan. *Leaves collectable TWP stickers*
  15. I thank you all for forgiving me. *Throws the last peeled orange on the pile* I do believe that the arrangement should be made formal just so everyone knows how it happens whatnot.
  16. Indeed, keep it. You'll never know when we need to irritate people.
  17. There is no treaty, there is an informal agreement, however.
  18. I'd go for the most interesting man but you'd have to have one of the catchlines.
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