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Everything posted by Drachmaland

  1. I wholeheartedly wish you to have opportunities to travel around the world!
  2. By the way, have you ever tasted seafood in the Mediterranean?
  3. Thank you, Hariko, for letting us know of this quiz! That was a tricky part for me as well, but I always remember that Colombia has unequal stripes (bigger yellow), so that's how I got it. Geography and vexillology — two of my biggest loves.
  4. Wishing you the best outcome, for your health and your RL issues!
  5. You got 30 out of 30 right! Great work! You obviously really know your geography. Your prize is a smug feeling of superiority.
  6. As far as I am concerned, it took me excessively long to realize that there is an on/off switch for recruitment TGs. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is the case with numerous other folks, too.
  7. You are welcome, Darkesia! The nations in question, Obolos and Akanes, were created on June 5th, 2015. They were moved in TWP from LoSN on June 25th, 2015. The recruitment telegrams were sent on July 5th, 2015. Their content actually reveals that it is connected to the receiving nation being one-month old.
  8. So, what is the preferred method of letting our leadership know — by forwarding the TG itself, by PMing it here in offsite, or by posting its content in this thread?
  9. Yes, I have kept the TGs in question. I haven't forwarded them to anyone yet, because I wasn't instructed to.
  10. Excuse my necroposting, but has anyone else received a recruitment TG from Europeia? It didn't happen to my main nation, but to both my puppets, Obolos and Akanes, which are not exactly brand new nations (they are one-month old).
  11. I believe the possibility of an issue reappearing (at any time interval) is totally random and, in my ~7 months of existence with an issue frequency set at 2 per day, the most times a have had the same issue was thrice. I haven't counted how many of the current 437 issues relate to police spending, but you can check it out at the NS forum thread that Mediobogdum kindly provided at #9. Mediobogdum, that idea of yours that the Weather metric may relate to how people feel is splendid! Thus I'll be trying to see if there can be a correlation with the Happiness metric.
  12. Thank you once more, Mediobogdum! I am on NS++, but this extension won't work (at least it won't work fully / as expected) on my Chrome 45 — an issue I posted here about. [i seriously need to find a Windows box with a (non-beta) Chrome 43 and enable NPAPI there, to see if that resolves it.] However, the same way (i.e., via the Analysis icon in a nation's main page) work for quickly reaching one's statistics even when NS++ is not present. My Weather is negative (-18), while the supposedly related metrics of Eco-Friendliness and Environmental Beauty are both positive and expectedly/predictably correlated (67 and 198.05, respectively). I am also a Civil Rights Lovefest, but I haven't formulated or tested any hypothesis on the potential effect of this kind of a characteristic. The thing is, the less authoritarianistic my nation becomes, the more negative my weather gets — maybe the guys making the stats formulae have noticed that RL nations with strong civil rights and potilical freedoms tend to be located away from the hot and sunny places of Earth. Last but not least, you say the NS stats count is currently at 74, but I could not find anything after the 72nd one (namely Inclusiveness).
  13. So, taking care of the environment does actually positively affect the sunshine quantity? That I hadn't thought of — and it is both interesting and useful. Thank you, Hariko!
  14. Other question: #2. For nations having a very high (positive) or very low (negative) Weather metric: Can you relate your Weather rating to any issue-handling behavior of your nation? P.S. You can review your weather rating at nationstates.net/page=compare/nations=%NATION%?censusid=41 (at %NATION% put your nation's name) — the World average (median) for this metric = +2.
  15. Thank you, Mediobogdum, for your response! And it's nice to see a fellow willing to examine NS stats correlations in such a deep way — please include me as a volunteer in any similar future endeavor of yours! By comparing statistics with older nations I noticed that when they have a stable stance in an issue (and typically this is representative of their NS characterization, as well) the corresponding stat metric becomes exaggerated as this nation gets older (i.e., it goes further and further away from that metric's mean). But, as far as Economy is concerned, an older nation shows a much higher probability of having a 100/100 rating — and, here's what intrigues me, irrespective of that nation's category or form of government. I believe it is 1 billion per 6 months, like I said in the OP — your population is actually aligned with what I said myself.
  16. As a numerophile I closely monitor my NS statistics and constantly try to evaluate how my issue-handling affects them. After all, the NS-issue effects mechanism/algorithms may be imperfect, but still they have some educational value. Moreover, I believe that if I wish to reach certain stat-mixtures for my nation, I have something to learn from older nations and their history. So, I decided to start this thread in order for me to be able to learn from the knowledge and experiences of you more senior nations and seasoned NS players — especially if you share the same inquiring-mindness and statisticsphilia as I do. Please excuse this strange topic, but I hope to poke someone's interest; so here goes my first question: #1. For nations having a 100/100 Economy rating: If you remember, after how long from your nation's establishment did you hit a relatively unshakable 100/100 Economy? (Reason for asking: Nations with a 5-to-25+ million population, i.e. being 2-to-10+ years older than my nation, tend to have a solid 100/100 rating for their Economy regardless of their type of government — and this is the most consistent characteristic I've noticed, apart obviously from Population, that gets typically favored from a nation's age.) P.S. In case any of you guys wish to pose your own statistics-related question, it is more than welcome! You can see your trends for the main-three stats (Civil Rights, Economy, Political Freedom) at nationstates.net/nation=%NATION%/detail=trend and your full statistics at nationstates.net/page=compare/nations=%NATION%?censusid=N (with N being a number from 0 to 71; where it says %NATION% put your nation's name).
  17. Welcome from a fellow newcomer, Jacobania!
  18. Subscription mailed with an IOU inside the envelope.
  19. Thank you for the newer welcome greetings, as well!
  20. Good day to all of TWP! I would like to respectfully apply for the position of Ambassador. Would you call TWP your home nation? YES Have you had previous ambassadorial or governmental experience, outside of TWP? What type and for whom? NO (only RL) Is there a specific region you wish to be sent to? NO Is your TWP nation your main nation? YES
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