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Posts posted by Escade

  1. This sounds intriguing, fascinating, and possibly disturbing. Are there examples of NS related fanfiction, or would this be a way of creating the genre?


    Eluvatar, I think other then via IRC and a two or so TSP attempts at it, it's a newish genre?


    Also are we fans of something specific?

    I would probably want to participate if I had more time! :(


    No, anything in the NS wide world is fine. For TSP, one person write about the scandalous lives of the cabinet a while back and some silly stuff like that. Another wrote a more scathing critique of the Assembly as thinly disguised fiction.  It was fun though. I also think from the World's Fair we had things like best couple (VeniKoth) etc so its really as you wish :P



    How long were you thinking of having the stories be?


    An idea is already starting to coalesce in my head right now...   :D


    Maybe I could set the plot in Sanjeida, because I already have a lot of detail on Hariko I could use.



    I'd probably announce all the details in May. The entries that are submitted before hand could be lengthier since participants would have the summer to work on stuff.  The prompt entries during the festival itself (or requests or even fan fic "gifts") would be shorter mostly because of the timing.


    I think the biggest question for me is where to host. I would love love if there was a way to host on the NS forums themselves so that people didn't have to register anywhere.


    TSP forums is the other place I think of that is neutral-ish in GP and most people wouldn't have a problem visiting\being on?  Or is there a really neutral UCR that might work as well? I think of Spiritus, maybe? 

  2. Hi, 


    I spoke to Darkesia briefly about this a while back but I'd like to organize and run a fan fiction festival for NSers.


    Basically, things I'm thinking about are:

    Venue - should it be held on a specific region's forum or should it be held on a neutral forum (a newly created one for the purpose)?


    Dates - I assume sometime in August would be nice, maybe right before everything gets busy again.  However, I also hear of the summer lulls so a date that would work best for people across regions.


    Themes - It would include both non NS related fan fiction categories and NS ones.  Prizes would be nice as well.  We could have entries for a competition where people showcase their best work and another for quick writes where people respond to a prompt in a certain amount of time.


    These are my thoughts, as they coalesce further I will add more and anyone is welcome to suggest ideas and how to make this be an awesome festival\event. 



  3. The forum is very pretty, Eli and easy to find things on :)


    Llamas (eats cookies). I assume marsupials is an Australian thing or one of those things I don't get :P


    URAP, that's a perfect mascot and eternal. 


    Nox, Yy is so adorable and needs a hat :)

  4. Hello :)


    I am Escade, a humble citizen of a few regions.  Mostly known for a hyperactivity. 


    I was invited to check out TWP by Llamas.


    My first question is what forum software does TWP use (is it Zeta or ?).


    My second question is what is the national mascot and\or theme of TWP?


    Hi  :D

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