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A fish in the sea

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Posts posted by A fish in the sea

  1. So guys, since no one wanted to post their plate features map, I posted mine up on the front. Here is the next contest:


    Today's contest:

    Download AHH_Map2.sumo here.

    Go into Sumo Paint.

    Open up AHH_Map2.sumo.

    Add a new layer.

    Put the deserts, plains, forests, jungles, etc. on the map on the new layer.

    Save it as AHH_Map_YourName.sumo.

    Go to MegaFileUpload.

    Upload AHH_Map_YourName.sumo.

    Post the link it gives you in the thread.

  2. Be careful with Yy. Sometimes his contacts aren't on correctly, and he sees normal people as prey, and I have to take out the paralytic tranquilizer gun, which paralyzes whoever it hits but doesn't put them to sleep or block pain; effectively making its victims trapped within their own bodies.

  3. Nice plates map, but it's impossible to tell what the arrows mean.

    There are what directions they are moving in:

    SW Plate: N Part: 23° (NNE) and SE Part: 45° (NE)

    S Plate: 0° (N)

    NE Plate: 45° (NE)

    NW Plate: -45° (NW)

    N Plate: 90° (E)

    NN Plate: -90° (W)

    M Plate: -135° (SW)

    NM Plate: 45° (NE)

    NME Plate: -135° (SW)

  4. So guys, since no one wanted to post their tectonic plate map, I posted mine up on the front. Here is the next contest:


    Today's contest:

    Download AHH_Map.sumo here.

    Go into Sumo Paint.

    Open up the map.

    Make a new layer.

    Put the mountains, rift valleys, trenches, etc. on the new layer.

    Delete the layer which has the plate boundaries.

    Save the image as AHH_Map_YourName.sumo.

    Go to MegaFileUpload.

    Upload AHH_Map_YourName.sumo.

    Post the URL it gives you here.

  5. The Initohsine peninsula, where Hariko is located, hrm...Yeah, it could fit on that peninsula on the coast near the internal sea on the east.



    Once either the Fan Countries 4, or if there are enough map submissions, the Fan Maps video comes out, we'll use it as the TWP map.

  6. I find this incredibly interesting. I actually was thinking we could instead use this as a map of TWP and develop a history and stuff for it over time... DUN DUN DUN! The problem is then it couldn't be in the contest.

    Once either the Fan Countries 4, or if there are enough map submissions, the Fan Maps video comes out, we'll use it as the TWP map.

  7. Hello guys,


    As you may or may not know, Cody from the AlternateHistoryHub gave us a challenge:


    He gave us an empty continent: (This isn't the full version: I had to reduce it from 4.4 MB to 592 KB.)


    You may see that this isn't the original map. If you want the history of the map, look here. The current layout was made by A fish in the sea.


    And he gave us a message:

    See this continent? It's blank. It's up to you to fill in the rest. Create nations, people, a backstory, everything you desire (as long as you don't change the continent's shape). Submissions will be accepted up until May 1st. 

    My top 3 favorites will be featured at the end of Alternate Countries 4. If I get enough submissions, there will be a whole video featuring your entires. Have fun!


    As Team TWP, we will collectively make the map and at the end of the month, I will send it in to Cody for the contest. But I want to make this special: I want to make contests within this contest. Here's the plan: Every day at 5:30 PM, there will be a new contest. At 5:30 PM the following day, I will decide the winner of the contest and make it official. The next contest will be off of that.


    Today's contest:

    Download AHH_Map2.sumo here.

    Go into Sumo Paint.

    Open up AHH_Map2.sumo.

    Add a new layer.

    Put the deserts, plains, forests, jungles, etc. on the map on the new layer.

    Save it as AHH_Map_YourName.sumo.

    Go to MegaFileUpload.

    Upload AHH_Map_YourName.sumo.

    Post the link it gives you in the thread.

  8. Hey guys,


    I'm pretty sure that all of us in TWP love chocolate. If you didn't know that, then you probably don't look at the RMB that often. Anyways, I would like you guys to find a picture of the best chocolate thing EVAR! I'll start with the Eiffel Tower in chocolate..



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