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Hall of Nations
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Everything posted by Nox

  1. I'm very prone to messing up my head, it's been a pretty common thing since I was six. I've been to the hospital so often that I'm on a first name basis with some of the doctors. It's nothing too serious, so I'm not particularly worried, I'll hopefully be back soon.
  2. More head injuries, more hospital for me. Won't have access to my computer or any of my files, but I can still be around on my phone.
  3. It's fine, I got one. It really captures my inner maturity and classiness.
  4. I look infinitely snazzy. I need to actually make a proper signature to go along with my new fancy title. On a serious note, I look forward to working with all of you!
  5. I think middle fits the best. TWP, The Weird Pacific.
  6. Yep, it works. Thanks! As a last request, could I get a subforum in WA affairs for resolution drafts? I'm going to try to organize everything.
  7. Seems like a busy day for requests, could I get power over the WA subforums to make my job easier?
  8. So where do we go from here?
  9. I am the satire man. That means, by default, that I am the funniest person here. You may all stop laughing at any and all of my jokes when you hear this buzzer.
  10. I've actually got an idea that could work with the weekly telegrams, if you want, I could message it to you or post it here or something.
  11. How exactly would you plan on getting newer nations both aware of and involved in TWP?
  12. Ele Vs. Benjamin vs. Punk Dizzle. This will be fun.
  13. I think he needs to accept the nomination, first. Having said that, I nominate Fish! No, not really, could you imagine, though?
  14. I prefer the laid-back style here. It appeals to my inherent lack of seriousness in most situations.
  15. I always expected Ele to be the next Emperor, it would've been fun.
  16. That'd imply my translation from stuffy to regular speak isn't flawless.
  17. I can be a stuffy translator.
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